Parking itself is a very speculative revenue source. We have been hesitant to count on that as too much of a funding source.

They've done different work each year on different problems. We think total replacement of the seat pan is the better long-term solution.

Mr. Ingle also indicated that the fair is concerned that it will not be able to meet its financial obligations beyond the end of this month.

It might. But that is an optimistic point of view. Optimism is not a good thing to base your financing on.

It's not a rosy picture at all.

We probably have two, three years (before the stadium bond fund runs) a deficit.

Our discussions (with ODOT) have been very positive. This would be larger than the typical loan from ODOT, but everyone knows that going in.

We've got stagnant general funds and obligations. We've got looming deficits on the riverfront but there are no clear answers there.

India and China are coming into their own. As a business person, I know that I will be working with India and China in the future, and this is a great chance to get a first exposure.