You recognize but one rule of commerce; that is (to avail myself of your own terms) to allow free passage and freedom of action to all buyers and sellers whoever they may be.

Francois Quesnay

It's the rule rather than the exception.

Robin Davis

We expected the judge to rule this way. This is exactly what we were looking for.

Gerald Word

Romania does not want to rule the Black Sea region […] the only thing we want is to warn the democratic states that we have a major security problem here. If Romania has got a security problem, it automatically affects all NATO members.

Traian Basescu

It has been well received. With the new rule, we are anticipating a period of education to get the word out that people really only need to water their lawns twice a week.

Malissa Dillon

The 30th anniversary of the Games will be hosted in a state known as a breeding ground for not only the greatest players to rule the game but also, and more importantly, for fans who make the game great. The regional passion for basketball along with Louisville's obvious charm and southern hospitality were key elements in this landmark basketball decision.

Michon Ellis

There is literally a 75 page rule book that covers just 'basic' game play.

Daniel Howell

We can't rule out double-digit retail sales growth in the final quarter.

Daniel Chan

He said he believed in the golden rule.

John Riggins

The happiness of too many days is often destroyed by trying to accomplish too much in one day. We would do well to follow a common rule for our daily lives - DO LESS, AND DO IT BETTER.

Dale E. Turner

The Rule of Law is being trampled by a heart-felt but misguided power play for revenge.

Catherine Crier

When David says that 12-foot blood-drinking child-sacrificing pedophile lizards secretly rule the world, he really is referring to lizards.

Jon Ronson

I should rather labor as another's serf, in the home of a man without fortune, one whose livelihood was meager, than rule over all the departed dead.


If the rule met its objective, then we wouldn't have to worry about lawsuits, there wouldn't be any.

Sean Kane

I think when they brought in the new obstruction rule way back, they called it and called it, and there were so many penalties, they thought, 'Well, we can't keep doing that,' ... They backed off, and then there was a big gray area and it got worse. I think they have to stick with it; they have to call it.

Dean Mcammond

The key is knowing how far you can go. Bad language is as short a way to go as you can go. If you can chew them without cussing them that's a different situation. That is their rule, unwritten rule. Bad language will cost you a T.

Sonny Smith

You look at anybody. You don't rule anybody out.

Michael Gartner

Z104 got back to us and told us they decided to change the rule and make it open to all couples.

Franny Marion

How do you know there?s no touching unless you?re one of the participants? It?s dark in there. You don?t know whether they?re half-an-inch away or not. With the 4-foot rule, it?s a lot less subjective. Our vice people can enforce it without buying a dance.

Mel Mcdonald

Quality control is very difficult. We are organized like an army. We have the manager, the engineers and group leaders - each group has 20 farmers growing 10 hectares of grapes. We have a rule that each stem can have only one bunch of grapes. But the local farmers don't understand this. It is very hard for them.

Ren Jing

We believe the market should rule what wages are paid to workers.

John Dougherty

You reign, I rule. That is the Japanese way.

Atsuko Abe

The message should be that this is about national security. Stop the criminals, stop the terrorists, protect us from gangs ? uphold the rule of law and ensure that immigrants come legally.

Alex Segura

[So is Murder at Oil Drum Lane now the end for Albert and Harold?] It's a new chapter and I suppose it's the final one, ... I can't see anything else that could be done with Steptoe and Son except another play. I don't envisage that but I would never rule it out.

Ray Galton

The normal rule of thumb is that you don't allow any political activity (by an asylum-seeker).

John Stremlau

I wouldn't want to rule out the possibility of a return. It is something that has to be thought about very seriously.

Lawrence Dallaglio

One of the toughest things parents do is make a rule their kid doesn't like. You'll inevitably feel a lot of pressure because your teen will make you feel like you're singling them out as a little baby loser.

Anthony Wolf

I understand the intent of the rule, but the kids that played didn't have a choice of when and where they could play. They had to play for our district.

Becky Shafer

At the present time, I still don't think I will be a candidate, but I am not willing to rule it out.

Gary Hanson

We will proceed with the release of the information minus those two companies' records until a judge can rule on their request and determine the status of the legal action.

Mary Neubauer

My rule was you're 14, you don't date someone who drives, ... He was 18, a senior and drove a car.

Vicki Crompton

This rule is a transparent attempt to accommodate the industry.

Arjun Makhijani

We can't rule it out, but it's not what we're forecasting at this time.

Colin Mcadie

It was about the king's 60-year rule. It was the world's biggest mass free fall.

Kevin Gibson

Seeing it in person helped. It's very rule-oriented, the refs are right there to step in, they don't want to see anyone get hurt.

Christy Graham

The rule of law has become victim, and the people who are experiencing it the most are those communities along the border, ... It is a very, very big problem for us.

Janet Napolitano

If you are Alan Greenspan, it's hard to make a rule that would do any better. On the other hand, we have had 12 chairmen at the Federal Reserve since 1913, and some of them have made massive blunders.

Allen Meltzer

The way it was explained to me was, by rule, if players throw punches, the official is obligated to eject the player.

Jeffrey Lurie

His comment was: If Willie and the Mets have rules, he will follow the team rule, ... He's not going to put himself before the team. So he's going to have his own political views, which he's going to keep to himself.

Jeff Wilpon

[Jones] should have separated the issues and disagreed with the school board decision, but not rule on ID itself. Intelligent design still needs to be debated and discussed.

David Napierskie

Nothing ever guarantees you anything-that's my rule. My other rule is never believe anything that anyone tells you, and then you'll never be fooled. It's not as cynical as it sounds; it's just that people always say something for a reason-maybe a nice reason, maybe a devious reason-so on that level, you can't take things at face value.

David Hyde Pierce

It's probably something that just lives in the environment. We forget that microorganisms rule the world. Now we're looking and finding things we didn't know were there.

Tara O'toole

He thinks academic economists are much more concerned with rules and models, while he's more concerned with making judgments. He has gone to some effort to establish that he is not following a rule.

Allan H. Meltzer

By attacking the Honor All Cards rule, Wal-Mart and the other merchants are attempting to use the antitrust laws to take the choice of how to pay away from the consumer, and claim it for themselves.

Noah Hanft

We have some real problems with it, how it came about and how it reports to measure outstanding teachers. The state decided to make the rule effective immediately and didn't bother to ask [teachers] for input.

Mark Pudlow

If you want a rule of thumb, 40 percent of the cost of putting in a new application is integrating it with the other applications.

Stephen Kamman

Rule #37: There is no 'overkill'. There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload'.

Howard Tayler

We refuse to wait any longer for the government to rule on our challenge -- we are stepping up the fight against these regulations that put Teamster drivers at greater risk.

Jim Hoffa

Bulgaria is not a free country. Bulgaria is still under Turkish rule.

Volen Siderov

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.


As a rule, we do not confirm or deny our participation in any bidding process.

Bill Rams

As she said, under Republican rule the House leadership has stifled real and substantive debate, preventing Democrats from offering amendments and engaging in real discussion.

Philippe Reines

The governor has been consistent in saying he's fine with same-sex marriage if the courts and the people rule, he will support it. The legislature is the people's body, and so hopefully he will sign it.

Geoffrey Kors

It's a highly personalized rule, much more personalized than even Mao's time here.

Chu Shulong

We're not going to put asterisks on any of our records. There have been so many rule changes, and so many changes in the style of play, and so many other things to consider over the years that we're not going to go there.

Brian Morrison

As a rule of thumb, never answer an e-mail asking for personal financial information. But if you realize that you made the mistake, don't wait ? call your bank immediately.

Joyce Banish

Beyond the notion of returning the rule of law to the border, the single most important aspect of this bill is that it does not reward those who have broken the law and does not constitute amnesty.

Jon Kyl

The rule has been in there. I took Tennessee a few years ago to the Dominican Republic. They have tried to do away with it, but it didn't go through.

Buzz Peterson

To be a saint is the exception; to be upright is the rule. Err, falter, sin, but be upright. To commit the least possible sin is the law for man. Sin is a gravitation.

Victor Hugo

One rule for the ferryman is to always give other boats the right of way. Never take any chances.

Walter Pyster

Today, students returning to the classroom are the rule -- not the exception.

Jan Jacobson

I think with the year off and the rule changes, everyone, with maybe a few exceptions, had to play his way on (the team).

Derian Hatcher

In home rule counties, the commissioners can enact taxes without putting it before the voters.

Bill Waddle

Our rule of thumb is, if it's a foul, call it. If it's a violation, call it. We want to keep it that simple.

Ronnie Carter

If you study that case, what you find is a judge doing his level best to discern the rule of law.

Charles J. Cooper

If you just allow passions of the day to rule in the decision-making process, I?m under the opinion you?re almost sure to make a bad decision.

Jeff Collins

Some people refer to it as the Purdue rule, which is a block by a guy, to an adjacent lineman, below the knees, ... I've seen teams continue to do that this year and so far I've yet to see a call made reflecting that particular block.

Joe Tiller

I wouldn't rule out further investments within those categories.

Hannes Smarason

He shall rule them with a rod of iron.


The old-school rule was, go to work and let them send you home. I disagree. If you have an infectious disease, don't come to work and make everyone else sick. Call in sick, but do it courteously. No matter what.

Rae Pearson

We've evaluated a bunch of these now, ... We've determined you can't possibly predict how they're going to rule on a certain set of facts in a given case.

Bruce Josten

Secretary Rumsfeld ... stressed that the president-elect's commitment to continued democratic rule was even more important than the war against drugs.

Jeff Davis

Teens will always have excuses as to why [breaking a rule] wasn't their fault. Some are so skilled they'll make you feel defensive for even questioning them.

Anthony Wolf

When the $500,000 exclusion rule came into the law, a lot of people figured they'd never have that much gain, so they stopped keeping records of the improvements they made to the house. That could mean they'll wind up paying more tax than they should have.

Tom Ochsenschlager

We had both the community and local political support, and we cleared the zoning well in advance. But this one individual is holding up the completion of our project, and we can't start building until the courts rule on this case.

Don Briggs

A dangerous thing because every sect will seek orders from its religious leadership and this means that there will be no rule by law or constitution.

Mullah Bakhtiyar

For the moment we do not have a reason for optimism, because we have yet to see what the court will rule on Sunday.

Dimitar Tsanchev

There's a strong possibly of a guy like this being able to stay (with the Nuggets) with the early Bird rule.

Steve Kauffman

Increases the complexity of their threat to the rule of law.

Richard Kerr

I don't rule anything out. I started looking at all options.

Buz Plyler

We think it's accidental, but we're not going to rule that yet.

Wayne Lewis

When it turned into a quad, I wanted to do something different. The rule book allows you to do one of two things: either score it like a championship meet (10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1) or this alternate method, this (wasn't) a championship meet.

Russ Jewett

We'd like to think we have a rule of law and not a rule of special interests in this country.

Leroy Mcknight

Unfortunately, the true force which propels our endless political disputes, our constant struggles for political advantage, is often not our burning concern for democracy, it is often of our dedication to the principle of the rule of law.

Olusegun Obasanjo

Chairman Martin is concerned about any violations of the payola rules, and has directed the FCC's enforcement bureau to thoroughly investigate any evidence of payola rule violations brought before it.

David Fiske

There's obviously going to be attention since I'm the youngest guy in the league and the first guy allowed in under the exceptional player rule, ... I don't go into games thinking about the pressure, that everyone is watching.

John Tavares

The golden rule of gardening is to pay attention to local conditions of weather and soil.

Carol Williams

Rule number one: The customer is always right. Rule number two: If the customer is wrong, see rule number one!

Steve Leonard

The general rule is to use up your outside assets first and let assets continue to grow in this wonderful, tax-deferred environment for a long, long time.

Barbara Raasch

There's no hard and fast rule in these cases. People do rush into litigation too quickly, generally speaking, but in this case, it was right that it went to the courts, and the court made the right decision.

Christopher Wolf

He was a teammate. It would be like the catcher on the baseball team talking about what a jerk the pitcher was. It's just an unwritten rule that you don't do that.

John Tesh

He was always a good listener, even though we always had the ground rule that we agree to disagree.

Maria Neira

That's always a big debate. Not every district uses shootouts. It's not a UIL rule that a district has to use shootouts. I'd like everything to be done statewide, so everyone does the same thing.

Jennifer Grubb

The state Supreme Court has ruled that vouchers don't fly. This federal rule is just a way around state law, and we would definitely be opposed to it.

Mark Pudlow

There is no room for legal hair-splitting when it comes to the humane treatment of detainees - not in a nation founded on the rule of law and respect for human rights.

Dick Durbin

New York was a relief - not all hierarchical and rule-bound.

Ayumi Hamasaki

The modern rule is that every woman should be her own chaperon.

Amy Vanderbilt

We have a problem in the previous games and the new rule will give coaches and players no chance to bribe umpires and referees.

Liu Peng

The judge is supposed to be impartial and rule on each case individually.

Frank Mccartney

We've always done majority rule. You can't give veto power to one board member. That's a terrible choice. I think it's a real mistake and will create a lot more problems than it will solve.

Curt Johnston

The 6.0-dollar rise in prices over the past three weeks seems to have been enough to rule out the possibility of an output cut this week.

Kevin Norrish

We're going to stay with the old rule.

Peter Kalikow

The rule of law has yet to be reinstated in the U.S. battle on terror. The problem started when the (Bush) administration rejected the Geneva Conventions, which are intended to apply to every armed conflict in the world.

Barbara Olshansky

Uganda's Constitutional Court will decide whether the military court can proceed with this trial. A nation cannot claim to be operating under the rule of law if its military tribunals ignore the orders of civilian courts.

Paul Simo

This is only a piece of the solution, and represents a transparent attempt by both cable operators and TV manufacturers to avoid an FCC rule desperately needed by consumers.

Dennis Wharton

Bill and I have a rule. If a guy needs the sizzle, he's not for us.

Scott Pioli

What happened was you had a lot of girls that were just getting discouraged about playing, ... To encourage enough girls to participate, they came up with the 80 percent rule.

William Byrd

This whole religious rule book just needs to be burned, and we need to reinvent the rules. Otherwise, Christianity is going to fade away.

Craig Gross

A little flesh, a little breath, and a Reason to rule all - that is myself.

Marcus Aurelius

We set a $50 rule. If one of us wanted to spend more than $50, we had to check with the other person.

Lori Gorney

All anger is not sinful, because some degree of it, and on some occasions, is inevitable. But it becomes sinful and contradicts the rule of Scripture when it is conceived upon slight and inadequate provocation, and when it continues long.

Babe Paley

The question is whether the protesters have not overstepped the boundary from a legitimate democratic culture to mob rule.

Michael Nelson

The rule of thumb is that aircraft are built for a 20-year economic life. That doesn't mean they fall out of the sky after 20 years. But it does mean they need tender loving care.

Mary Schiavo

[James] has taken his game to a level that separates the good from the elite. Right now, he has to be one of those guys that makes the NBA wish it didn't pass the age-limit rule.

Justin Young

We need to assert our civil liberties and rights not only our rights as representatives of progressive parties but also as members of the legislative. Let us not allow the military rule to prevail over civilian supremacy.

Rafael Mariano

Give everyone a sense of equilibrium and ... of where the rule is going to wind up.

Jim Gallagher

This is the joy of a lifetime, ... I am speaking on behalf of all the people that suffered under his rule.

Ali Al

A lawn is nature under totalitarian rule.

Michael Pollan

I've never seen that called. I'm sure it's in the rule book, but I've never seen it. It didn't have any effect on the play.

Daniel Polmounter

Every piece has its own identity which we develop by the rule 'We know no limits.' We follow the inspiration of the moment and don't worry if what we're playing is alternative, progressive or fusion rock.

Page Mcconnell

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

J. R. R. Tolkien

Vance's Rule of 2 1/2: Any military project will take twice as long as planned, cost twice as much, and produce only half of what is wanted.

Cyrus Vance

We support every rule being followed to the letter, and hope this won't affect the rest of the industry when it shouldn't.

Gary Weber

I hope we are the exception to the rule. I would encourage those that are planning on running for an office to be sensible.

Mary Bailey

There is underlying caution, even on the part of Saudi Arabia, about the second quarter. I wouldn't rule out the potential for bullish language about a possible cut in March or April.

Michael Wittner

It is not a sign of arrogance for the king to rule. That is what he is there for.

William F. Buckley, Jr.

Me personally, I've not even been for necessarily changing the recruiting rule. My whole thing is what we did was not in violation of the rule. The rule, in my opinion, was misused.

Carlton Flatt

This was a big win for us to remain one game in front (in the district). It's probably good that we're having games like this because it helps us out. Games which you win by run rule are probably easier but they really don't help you prepare for the playoffs.

Wes Overton

We're very much hoping the commission doesn't reopen the noise rule, and would be surprised in many ways if they do.

Dan Randolph

She just broke a minor rule in our team policy; it was nothing serious.

Scott Collie

The essence of romantic love is that wonderful beginning, after which sadness and impossibility may become the rule.

Anita Brookner

The Constitutional Council rules on the conformity of the law with the constitution. It has no vocation to rule on its social legitimacy and its political content.

Maryse Dumas

It's an unwritten rule that the middle passenger should get two armrests.

Mimi Rodriguez

The radar system itself is energy efficient and that was a good place to start our energy calculations. As a general rule, it's more effective to add a solar-electric system after you have reduced your energy consumption as much as possible.

John Thornton

The basic rule of human nature is that powerful people speak slowly and subservient people quickly -because if they don't speak fast nobody will listen to them.

Michael Caine

I don't think it's made a massive difference, I think there's been a lot of conjecture about this new rule (faster kick-ins) and what a massive difference it's going to make ... but I think it's a little bit of jumping at shadows.

Paul Hamilton

Primarily, every rule change over the past ten years has been against the pitchers - lowering the mound and the designated hitter.

Gaylord Perry

The rule was the certain deadline that had been set, ... You're asking for special permission, and I don't think that's fair.

Linda Benson

The general rule of thumb is to have seven to 10 days worth of water and food.

David Stegner

I'm definitely not going to rule anything out, ... The three possibilities are the Breeders' Futurity, the Champagne, or training up to the Breeders' Cup.

Steve Asmussen

The Romans perfected the acquisition of power. But they fought for survival. ... It was never written that they would rule the roost. They had to fight to get there.

Jonathan Stamp

I'm not a believer in the five-second rule. I never know what was on the floor before me.

Chuck Gerba

[Selig] has got to stand up for the rule.

Dave Bristol

My mobile rang around lunchtime one day, and it was George Michael. He wanted to come in on Friday. We were like, 'okay, if that's what you want'. And he was a very good guest. That's a real exception to the rule.

Graham Norton

We accept that a rule is a rule but in this case we would have appreciated a bit more understanding.

Michel Vion

The lion's mane is used by the male lion to make him look bigger when he wants to rule the pride.

Laura Warner

The individual will be fined, which is our new rule.

Joe Royle

This research is really addressing a problem. It's more the rule than the exception that proteins are made in relatively low copy numbers.

Jeremy Berg

As a general rule, techs got ahead of themselves last year. There's a 'priced to perfection' mentality with tech now.

Michael Cuggino

We feel the Board should have acted against Chappell as per the rule book. And they should not have limited themselves to giving a mere piece of advice to him.

Jagmohan Dalmiya

In open source, the rule is release early, release often. But that's often at odds with what enterprises want. If I have $10 million to invest in product, we do 10 $1 million projects and put it out there to see what works.

Marc Fleury

They are not selfish people, they are not using any excuse to call 'strike' and have a day off -- they are asking simply for what they have paid for and what they deserve. This immoral behavior from employers is the very reason our members are angry and frustrated. They are not militant as a rule but they have no choice other than to strike.

Dave Prentis

We need to rule out any possibility of foul play.

Detective Virginia Lopez

As a general rule, as income rises, so debt increases, but in the very low income groups we find an extraordinarily high ratio of debt.

Goolam Ballim

It was a clear penalty ... it's just unacceptable. It was a turning point in the match. It's the same rule for everybody whether it's at home or away.

Diomansy Kamara

PWC will be unregulated for two years in truly pristine natural environments, places that are the epitome of a national park, like Cumberland National Seashore in Georgia. This rule doesn't help in any way.

Kevin Collins

Dell is more the exception to the rule than the rule for what we're gonna see from other technology companies. This is Dell picking up market share in a no-growth market.

Walter Winnitzki

The beginning of a change to democracy and the rule of law in Turkey.

Guenter Verheugen

Our movement (against the King's rule) will continue but it will remain peaceful and non-violent.

Ramchandra Poudel

You should have to pass an IQ test before you breed. You have to take a driving test to operate vehicles and an SAT test to get into college. So why don't you have to take some sort of test before you give birth to children? When I am President, thats the first rule I will institute.

Marilyn Manson

I don't think we should rule out a change in the CPI if, based on technical analysis, there's a broad-based agreement that the CPI can be changed in such a way as to better and more accurately reflect inflation, ... Meet the Press.

Robert Rubin

The people who are most enthusiastic about this are Hewlett-Packard and IBM. They just love this. I would argue that for 99 percent of business reasons there are very few cases where you really need it. There are instances where it is needed, but they are the exception, not the rule.

Andy Hayler

In this business, it's the rule, not the exception, that you'll probably get fired once in your career.

Sheila Hyland

We are on the cusp of reversing 12 years of Liberal rule.

Tony Clement

Saddam [Hussein] was a dictator, it was one-party rule, but now we have 60 parties running the country.

Falah Hassan

This Belgian sports minister has broken every ethical rule in the book by naming a player without any proof of wrongdoing, without any basic evidence.

Shamil Tarpishchev

We pay close attention to what things are selling for new in the big box stores. Rule of thumb, things are going to be priced at about 60 percent of what they are selling for now.

Merle Clark

I'm not going to name names. I also wouldn't rule out our current coach.

Alexi Lalas

It's real fun. The only rule in the whole thing is just 'keep it clean.' It's just supposed to be a good time that everyone can enjoy.

Nick Gaffney

The people have triumphed, the victims have triumphed, and the rule of law has triumphed.

Carlos Slepoy

Pennsylvania's state-specific rule removes unfair economic barriers to preserve the marketplace for Pennsylvania's coal industry. It puts in place standards that are more protective of public health and the environment than the federal (mercury) rule.

Kathleen Mcginty

A lot of older people learned to put a wet cloth over their mouth. But now the recommendation is to get out! That's the first and foremost rule.

Michelle Bengivengo

As it stands in Maine now, a property owner can do whatever they want - the common enemy rule - and ruin their neighbors.

Audrey Miller

The rule in carving holds good as to criticism; never cut with a knife what you can cut with a spoon.

Charles Buxton

The only rule I got is if you slide, get up.

Bill Lee

We ought to be very concerned about this, that Beijing's adherence to the rule of law should apply to the 2008 Olympics, ... I think that the Olympic committee ought to monitor Beijing very closely on the issue.

John Tkacik

It's been a life-long dream for me. But I wouldn't rule hockey out.

Arne Krogh

The general rule is that law firms are dropping names and shortening them to become like corporate brand names, like Coca-Cola.

Stephen Barrett

Pathos would make you cry. It would enlist your sentiments. Pathos has those things as its end. They want you to feel emotions. The emotions rule. Tragedy doesn't think of those as its end. It's a big difference.

John Iorio

After 300 years of colonial rule, India will not follow the beat of a distant drummer, nor accept a junior partnership to Washington.

Michael Krepon

We have taken this initiative to guarantee our country from the risk of the spread of the H5N1 virus, because we cannot rule out that this might happen.

Francesco Storace

Hey, the first thing you see when you go into pro ball is Rule 21.

Dave Bristol

She's a beautiful girl inside and out and such a great friend. I have no doubts that she's going to rule this world one day.

Veronica Brooks

The first (deal) rule for us is to protect and strengthen the brands we have built for the future.

Michael Dolan

We're concerned about these statements. But the proof will come when it's time for him to rule on these cases as a justice.

Troy Newman

We felt the rule should be abolished.

Joseph Moore

A simple rule of thumb is that the more geometric something is, ... the easier it is to reproduce on a computer. The more organic something is, the more difficult it is to reproduce on computer. And so, hence, 'Toy Story' was the perfect story for our first film -- man-made world, man-made environment, flat floors. 'A Bug's Life,' there is nothing geometric about this movie.

John Lasseter

We cannot rule out that it was someone trying to scare us away. We are not pulling out -- it would send a strong message that if anyone threw a firecracker in our direction we would leave.

Helen Olafsdottir

There really is not a set rule besides each law enforcement agency's established procedures. It depends on each case.

Lisa Block

Investigators systematically rule out all possible causes until they are left with only one. They've not been able to come to a single cause determination.

Jennifer Mieth

One thing, however, is certain. Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year's presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is the nation's confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of law.

John Paul Stevens

When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack the government of my own country. I make up for lost time when I come home.

Sir Winston Churchill

The judge definitely does not want to be in the position of forcing different contractual terms on the parties if at all possible, although he is certainly prepared to rule and do so if need be.

George Singer

The city is moving forward as if the judges will rule in their favor, and that's a gamble.

Jeff Riese

Don't rule anybody out.

Milan Mandaric

The only reason why they're dockside in the first place is typical political thinking. It's just a stupid rule.

Marvin Roffman

This is what the court has to rule on, ... If they find all these things are administrative, therell be no convictions in this case.

John Carter

The rule has been on the books a number of years and only been enforced sporadically at best, to our knowledge. We think this exceeds what is reasonable in governing the conduct of players on the court.

Dan Wasserman

In the old culture, the old way of thinking, a rule broken in certain situations was not called. The difference is our guys see it and they call it, regardless of the situation. Do that, you have consistency; if you don't, you fall back the other way and it's clutch and grab again.

Stephen Walkom

Rule 600 says that you have 365 days to bring someone to trial and if you don't, the charges should be dismissed.

Karl Rominger