I don't think the jobs report will change the Fed's plan, which had been set forth rather clearly following its June [policy] meeting.

Andrew Brimmer

We did not wish to produce a report that contained a number of serious allegations unless they had an opportunity to comment.

David Lowe

It's too early to judge the truth of the report. But this time it looks like it's not based on an anonymous source but on a military report that, though secret, actually exists.

Max Stadler

Pew seems to be giving us the data that people come when there are jobs, when the economy is strong, ... It (the report) gives breathing room for policymakers struggling to come up with a solution.

Angela Kelley

There hasn't been any report of criminal activity. Right now, we're just aware that this organization owns property.

Robert Perry

The Internet has emerged as a mass medium. The Ken Starr report was a big event. It points to the Internet as a mass medium more than ever before.

Mark Cavallone

His attack focused on companies formed 20 years ago that either did no business or had no tax due. If a company does not file a report at the end of the year indicating it is no longer in business or has no tax due, then it shows up as not in good standing.

Dan Patrick

There's a lot that won't, ... But this report is full of hearsay. This report hasn't been tested by the adversarial process, and it will later on. There's some things that may not have the same flavor once you get into it.

Lindsey Graham

This report is particularly timely now in light of the recent news of Asarco, once the nation's largest mining company, going bankrupt, leaving U.S. taxpayers with more than $1 billion in unfunded environmental liabilities.

David Chambers

The cop who was on the passenger side said -- he was talking crazy to me. He said, 'You can call the media, you can call the police, you can call a lawyer, you can file [a report with] internal affairs. You know what? I'm a cop. They ain't going to do nothing to me. Can't nothing happen to me.

Angela Lewis

I have had a conversation with the referee by telephone; he is going to go home and submit a report to me overnight. At this stage I can't say any more until we get further information from the referee and look at the video.

Graham Annesley

With lower oil prices and the services report coming in better than expected, optimism about exporters is spreading and helping to boost their shares.

Koji Uchida

The report shows the problem is even worse than we had thought. This isn't e-waste recycling, this is e-waste dumping.

Ted Smith

The company delivered a profit report that surpassed even the most optimistic expectations.

Frederic Ruffy

They report that sometimes providers are uncomfortable discussing their sexual behaviors.

Diana Jordan

St. Peter's students will report to Resurrection Elementary [in Pascagoula] with their teachers. We will have class from there until our school can be rebuilt.

Sarah Miller

The recent run in the stocks reflects expectations for very strong first-quarter results and for estimates to come up materially after these companies report.

Steve Weinstein

She came to the Adelanto Sheriff's station. She went to another adult to help her report it.

Staci Johnson

Understand and report back on what happened and why.

Donna Brazile

A strong non-farm payroll report today would give the dollar a significant boost.

Naeem Wahid

Is she qualified? If the leading professional association is either divided or comes in with a negative report, that could be fatal. Strongly positive, that would be helpful.

Sheldon Goldman

I think the report was a bit overly optimistic. I find it strange that although they admit there's no good data, they come out as very optimistic that this isn't that big a deal.

Ron Hira

We already deal with highly personal, perishable content. It's relatively simple to deliver an annual report electronically.

Jim Moran

This partisan 'report' is as devoid of context as it is new information, as it focuses on old issues that have already been resolved -- in some cases more than a year ago.

Melissa Norcross

They're only monitoring one report and you need to see the reports for all three to know exactly what's going on.

Jay Foley

He felt like he couldn't take a deep breath and that comes with a deep bruise. We're hoping that's all. He went to get checked at the hospital and they'll do the X-rays and everything they have to do, but I don't have any other report.

Bryan Murray

(The Daily News report is) just someone trying to stir something up and cause a problem who was flat-out lying in the paper.

Chris Widger

The report will be positive for the dollar. Along with a good prospect for the GDP report due Oct. 28, we will see the dollar remain strong this week.

Robert Rennie

I saw it as a very upbeat report. There is no fundamental reason for investors to be selling.

Peter Jankovskis

During our investigations, we identified material weaknesses in our system of internal control over financial reporting and we have taken, and will continue to take, appropriate actions to remediate these weaknesses.

Michael Burns

The drop in mortality is a tribute to Pennsylvania's top-notch surgeons and hospitals, as well as further evidence that public reporting works. The next frontier should be to reduce readmissions associated with infections, particularly hospital-acquired infections.

Marc P. Volavka

I think futures are up because people are looking ahead to today's numbers and seeing that this economy continues to move ahead very nicely, no matter what problems a specific company may be reporting.

John Silvia

Following the incident, the Police Commissioner will be required to report to the Attorney-General on the reason for invoking the authorisation, the extraordinary powers used, how they were used and the result of the use of the powers, ... The Attorney-General will then be required to report to the Parliament.

Mike Rann

Journalists should not have to face the prospect of imprisonment for doing nothing more than aggressively seeking to report on the government's actions.

Arthur Sulzberger Jr

The reporting earnings season is bringing increasingly more positive than negative surprises.

Charles Dautresme

If there are ways in which we can make Qaddafi nervous, why shouldn't we? That is not deceiving you, but just using your predictable tendencies to report things that we try to keep secret.

George P. Shultz

Sage Business Intelligence and advanced reporting products will offer our customers more timely, accurate and business focused information and can help improve ROI by monitoring all financial and non financial aspects of our customers' businesses.

Ron Verni

This report confirms that Al Gore has the right priorities to help improve our public schools.

Douglas Hattaway

I think it went down because their initial earnings report just looked kind of depressing.

Harry Schuhmacher

And what we've been able to ascertain is that the bishop thought that he had hit a dog or a cat. That was his statement. However, we have additional information that shows that he didn't immediately report it to the police.

Rick Romley

We dissect nature along lines laid down by our native language. Language is not simply a reporting device for experience but a defining framework for it.

Benjamin Lee Whorf

The BBC is conducting a review of BBC Worldwide that we said would report at the end of the year.

Donald Steel

This report confirms what we have suspected. Physicians are beginning to understand that abdominal obesity is an important part of risk for heart disease, but many in the lay public are not aware of that.

Stephen Daniels

It is very gratifying to see that the same people who report the most dynamic and significant news of the day recognize dropout prevention as an important issue. We are thrilled to have these great journalists supporting our Lunch With A Leader(TM) online celebrity auction.

Bill Milliken

This is a pretty good report, I thought, in terms of the economy getting better.

Bill Dudley

Believe nothing against another but on good authority; and never report what may hurt another, unless it be a greater hurt to some other to conceal it.

William Penn

We would have had to report that.

David Rosen

There is enough bad news in that report to give us tremendous pause, ... The clock is nearly up.

Kevin Ryan

The market will therefore be eyeing today's ISM report and Friday's University of Michigan survey with this in mind.

Simon Derrick

This report could not have been any better if it had been drafted by the opposition.

Kemal Bedri

We have sent a letter to the UN secretary general requesting him to make available the documents and other related papers based on which the Volcker Committee named Congress in its report.

Ambika Soni

We are continuing to track down the information. We will be filing amendments to our report as soon as we conclusively determine the accurate occupation information.

Terri Hickey

We have a new policy. We're going to report a weekly number instead of a daily number. There are other tour events that don't report attendance figures, such as the Buick Open.

Jonathan Gruber

Supplies are pretty lush. Once this report is digested we should see a big decline in prices. The geopolitical concern and economic growth are still there in the background supporting prices.

Jason Schenker

Gender implications should be considered in news reporting. The media has a great responsibility to challenge sexual discrimination, but not to reinforce, ignore or sidetrack it.

William Bird

The city's delighted with what the report says.

Tom Scarritt

The details of the report suggest many of these drags on growth were one-off factors and that the underlying trend in 2006 remains strong.

Charmaine Buskas

We've really just started to coordinate our movements with them, ... There's also a communications problem of how they are reporting the numbers. That's not a hit on Mills, though. We just need to sit down and get all the language together.

Michael Blackwell

We're going to get the CRE report finalized. Then Bob and I are going to get into a room and duke it out. I can't tell you where it's going to go, exactly.

Alana Brenner

The issue of persecution is a serious one affecting many religions, ... The issue has not previously received much attention with respect to Christians, and the focal point of this report, at the request of Congress, is that subject.

John Shattuck

Pyramid of piffle [no, not his views on Liverpool but a report Petronella Wyatt was his mistress].

Boris Johnson

This report backs the Reserve Bank remaining on hold ahead. Weakness in retail and transport is being mitigated by a pickup in mining and construction.

Michael Every

She had been at this off campus party, met this guy there, they both came back here and the report was that she was raped.

David Tillinghast

There is probably a little bit of reluctance to make big commitments going into the employment report.

Paul Cherney

The report gave a reason to buy back the yen. An end of the easing monetary policy is just a matter of timing.

Nobuo Kihara

You will see tangible byproducts of this report.

Robert Ehrlich

Too often, economic development is thought of simply as recruiting big business away from other states. This report is a reminder that states must also focus investments on workers, education and business.

David Buchholz

It's a report that both sides can claim victory about. I don't think it will settle the issue.

Dave Cortese

I'd like CBS, at this point, to say where they got those documents from. I think they should say where they got these documents because I thought it was a very poor job of reporting by CBS.

Bob Novak

Many companies are reporting annual turnover percentages in the high teens to the low 20s. You might expect that in the fast-food business, but not for people making salaries north of $60,000.

Harris Miller

[With the report now out, rates could come up even more.] Most lenders will increase rates by a quarter to three-eighths of a percent today, ... Remember, rates move up of a lot faster than they come down.

Anthony Hsieh

The freedom of the media to report on current affairs in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong is protected by the Basic Law.

Stephen Lam

Reform is necessary and preferably something that gets us more money. Until there are some changes, we aren't in a position to do anything immediate with the Morrison report.

Mark Winkleman

We met outside the MCI Center and did our scouting report and our walkthrough on the sidewalk.

Chris Dodson

It looks like a perfect jobs report: not too much strength this month, reassuring strength from last month, smoothing it out over a few months' moving average. It looks very comfortable. It's hard not to feel good about stock investments here.

Barbara Marcin

We don't have an answer or conclusion about that right now, but that's certainly going to be a subject of our study. We will have something to report on that.

Paul Mlakar

If Thomas Edison invented electric light today, Dan Rather would report it on CBS News as "candle making industry threatened".

Newt Gingrich

The benefit would be access to public capital markets so it can take on new products and markets. The disadvantage is an additional layer of responsibility and reporting.

Robert Merton

The president is being very aggressive in talking about the economy. He talks about it a lot more than the media report.

Claire Buchan

Please keep in mind that commuters can report matters fundamental to the transit system direct to Metro Police Dispatch by calling 713-224-COPS (2677).

Bob Parker

The (2005) report comes out on September 7 and yes, Norway is ranked as number 1 on the human development index.

Kemal Dervis

Our report objectively and reasonably comments on the conditions.

Xu Zhiyong

As the Capacity Needs Forum report indicated, there are some issues that need to be addressed to facilitate that plant.

Dan Bishop

We need more time. We have a report, and we're waiting for some answers back on some issues.

Frank Moro

We submitted the report to the prosecutor to have him look at it. We know she has the desk and it is a matter now to determine whether it is hers.

Sheriff Scott Fewins

We need the students to help. Don't open doors for people who don't look like they belong here. Just tell them to report to the desk.

Tim Fox

Funds have been reporting big losses, so most investors won't have to worry about paying taxes on capital gains.

Sheldon Jacobs

This is hugely positive for the market tomorrow -- two bellwether companies reporting big upside surprises in a market where people are heavily short and pessimistic.

Steve Neimeth

Momentum for the yen is good. Fukui's comments and this newspaper report fed speculation about a March policy move, increasing the chances of a rate hike by the end of the year.

Takehiko Jimbo

I suspect that this report shows more determination to take action than we have seen in the past.

Michael Cleary

We filed a report that had a mistake and we corrected a mistake.

Tom Russell

The content of the post-mortem report will not be made known until the inquest hearing, as this will be presented in court as evidence.

Schalk Bornman

In terms of the big picture, it was a fairly positive report.

Richard Stice

We've said all along that the farm system and the players who come through it are Dan's report card. Based on last year, that's a good report card. We also feel Clint has done a good job of bringing things together at the big- league level, and the players are confident in him.

Charlie Monfort

His mental state is very good. In fact, this morning he asked his wife Tabitha to read him the report of the Red Sox game.

Chuck Gill

I think it's beginning to sink in. More and more faculty are reporting plagiarism.

Fran Cohen

The market trend is bad and there is unlikely to be any large-scale buying until after investors see the Bank of Japan's economic outlook report at the end of April.

Osamu Tamada

We've seen a 31 percent increase in the press mentions from a year ago. And that doesn't even include the auto buff magazines. When the final report is done, I think it's going to be truly incredible.

Richard Genthe

Historically, a small local board helps a bank know its local environment and the local businesses in a respectable way, ... But the 27 banks in the report were large multi-state or international banks.

Mark Watson

Right now, we're being told we'll leave Saturday and report to Lafayette, but that could all change if we are needed elsewhere.

Jason Hayes

It's not about Jenkins or Appleby or even Notre Dame. It's about church leaders who choose to make it even harder for victims to report criminals.

David Clohessy

We will continue to report on the disaster and its aftermath in order to explain how the actual situation varied from the accounts made by these sources.

Toby Usnik

(Today) will be a big day because we'll get the results, get the report, one of our shoulder guys is coming in from Chicago. We'll be able to put all the pieces of the puzzle that we got together.

Herm Schneider

We were going to attempt to pin the vehicle in a particular parking lot. As officers were reporting to the scene as backup, the vehicle fled.

Capt. Dwayne Ready

What makes this very unique among all of the reports available, is that this is the only report trying to figure out how to minimize the impact dam removal might have on communities.

Justin Hayes

The Internet Security Threat Report. Attackers are launching increasingly sophisticated attacks in an effort to compromise the integrity of corporate and personal information.

Arthur Wong

Some people look at those higher numbers and say that 'it's not good'. But it is good because that means people are getting the help they need and feeling safer about the reporting process. People want to feel safe, and that's why we have victim advocates on base.

Deborah Drucker

If it's just a matter of reporting, the cost is minimal. If they require special forms and a committee of five, there's a lot of time involved in that.

Kerry Smith

This report does not give the Fed clear guidance that core inflation's rise in the PPI is topping out, ... It does, however, hint in that direction.

Sherry Cooper

We are yet to establish this, the police are investigating, a report is expected in the next few days.

Kwesi Ofori

What companies report now is less influential than what they say about future quarters.

Douglas Altabef

This report adds to the compelling evidence that the chemicals we're exposed to in our daily lives are making us sick.

Lisa Wanzor

The odds of an October rate hike have been greatly diminished by this employment report.

Doug Myers

We were disappointed that nothing really new came out of their presentation or their report.

Doug Mitchelson

If anything, that idea has gained momentum in this reporting season because a few investors were looking for earnings to slightly disappoint, especially in the U.S., and that clearly hasn't happened.

Rolf Elgeti

The consumer confidence report will be closely watched to see if higher energy prices are hurting household budgets.

Martin Yokosawa

Your reporting, and you, are missed.

Judy Miller

We found we had good coverage that way. We have lots of eyes and ears out that could quickly report back on conflicts, trail conditions and trail issues.

Tim Rosenvall

The report was a pretty significant upside surprise, both in the overall read and prices paid component. That certainly confirms that the Fed is likely to raise rates by another quarter-percentage point in November, for anyone who was not sure about that.

Jim Dunigan

We will need to submit another report to the NCAA and keep them informed on what we're doing so they can advise us.

Bubba Cunningham

It is our policy that all detainees are treated humanely and to report any suspected detainee mistreatment and investigate that thoroughly.

Cynthia Smith

Estate agents are reporting increasing buyer interest and that buyers and sellers are reaching agreement on price more readily.

Fionnuala Earley

We were aware that this report was due to come out and it would be both topical and controversial.

John Drummond

They called because they want to report his death in Japan.

Susan Turner

We've never done this. It's not our place to give out report cards on the states.

Paul Bresson

For the end user the sum of the two is greater than the individuals [with the Power of Two]. It's the contact management-not just the relationship management. It's full, complete, end-to-end management of that customer relationship from the beginning contact all the way through to the management and reporting of the activities and interaction with your customers.

Jim Puchbauer

I am deeply concerned by this report and I have instructed the VFACOM (Visiting Forces Agreement Committee) to fully assist the victim of this crime and to support all efforts by our authorities to investigate, prosecute and try this case.

Alberto Romulo

Every two years, we help market the report. With the co-authors, we help come up with the methodology. We provide content for it, but we don't make a nickel off it.

Bob Witeck

It's not hard to understand why business confidence surveys report significant pessimism.

Darren Gibbs

Despite what you may hear from the administration and from Congress, this CBO report does not provide evidence that the tax cuts are working and that they can be extended without worrying about large deficits.

Jim Horney

Out of caution and concern for the well-being of young people, we report all of these cases.

Andrew Walton

We have had only one report from the field on this attack.

Dan Hubbard

In a challenging retail environment, I am pleased to report our first year with net earnings in excess of $6 billion and our first-ever quarter with earnings over $2 billion.

Lee Scott

Half the people investigated [in the report] were convicted felons. The problem is not loopholes. The only loophole is the loophole of lack of enforcement. If there are unlawful dealers, traffickers and prospective purchasers, the laws are there, go prosecute them.

Bill Powers

We have absolutely not seen the report, or a summary, or a draft, or been briefed.

Melanie Gruer

They're in the Job Corps learning real-life experiences and real life jobs, and we took that to the standard that we would give them the opportunity to be able to fly, experience first hand flying, getting through airport securities and then they'd come back and report.

Craig Baldwin

Our scouting report told us what they were going to do. They average something like 43 passes per game, so the job was pretty clear.

Chris Clemons

It's inevitable that the surge in oil prices we're seeing now will eventually affect growth. The production report does raise concern that a recovery will be delayed a bit.

Hideaki Kurimoto

The landlord told me that I had too many people after me. Then he showed me an 18-page credit report.

Lisa Morris

It would indicate that it (IT) was an exemplary department. If you look at all of the cost figures, the (Gartner) report shows that we did better than the average, that our costs were lower, that we produced more per person, that it was an operation to emulate, not destroy.

John Loyd

We did see a boost from gas prices, we're also coming off a big surge in building materials. So there were some big swings in some components of the report. But broadly, even excluding the volatile cars component, the gain was 0.7 percent, which is still quite healthy.

Michael Niemira

It is not something that is just limited to the upper echelons, ... It's difficult (at any level) to have those discussions in a classroom setting or a direct report situation. But you have that direct, meaningful input through coaching.

Amy King

Our intention is to formally accept this specific proposal later this week by including it as one of several realignment actions to be jointly recommended in our bilateral report.

Richard Lawless

The question is whether someone can recognize it and report it.

Phillip Johnson

We would advocate making a report to the authorities and then dropping into the background.

Frank Putnam

It just seems like there always needs to be a few more details fleshed out. If we can (see the report), we will, but I don't want to make any guarantees.

Nancy Carroll

If the proper adjustments had been made in the GAO report, the La Crosse area wouldn't have been high at all, ... There were problems with the methodology, and the report painted an inaccurate picture that the La Crosse area and Wisconsin had high prices.

Ron Kind

There's a solid majority in favor of reporting.

Gregory Schulte

Tomorrow's employment report is critical for the market.

Ralph Acampora

We're still going to be a politically independent paper. We're still going to be the paper for Boulder's young adults and serve that readership with our reporting and advertising.

Randy Miller

Undoubtedly it's a dollar-negative report. This pace of job creation shows there is still slack in the labor markets.

Alex Beuzelin

If this report says anything other than that, they'll have a fight on their hands.

Bill Rosendahl

The fact that this happened to a newspaper that is not doing any investigative reporting into organized crime and drug trafficking ... shows how critical the situation has become.

Carlos Lauria

The main event today is the October PPI report.

Melanie Hardy

There are certainly issues that keep people from pursuing hate-crime charges. It's a system that's fraught with challenges because of the under-reporting.

Nadine Smith

I regret to have to report there has been a good deal of crime amongst the troops since they settled down to routine garrison duty here.

William Holmes

We have another report, so let's just add it to the pile. Every time there's an unusual case, there's a panel that comes up with the same recommendations.

Jetta Bernier

AP employees must avoid any behavior or activities that create a conflict of interest or compromise our ability to report the news fairly and accurately.

Mike Silverman

The system that Northwest has in place can't last forever. They're falling down. No matter what they report they are falling down on the repair of the aircraft and, at some point, it's going to have to come to an end and we're going to have to go back into work.

Ted Ludwig

I didn't understand how that worked before, but I do now. I now know who to report to and how to get my stuff done.

James Purnell

We are planning to buy Treasuries and the consumer price report reinforced our views that U.S. notes will rally. With the Fed likely to raise rates again, that will keep inflation well contained.

Satoshi Asai

If you only take one side and report their deaths, it seems like genocide. But of course it wasn't that.

Justin Mccarthy

I am not aware of any medical foundation to the report that one of the patients may be in a coma for up to 12 months.

Dr Ganesh Suntharalingam

The commission did not and does not plan to submit its report to the prime minister.

John Gomery

He was always calm, clear and concise. If you told him the world was coming to an end, he would still report it factually.

Connie Chung

I was supposed to report on our results on Sept. 12, 2001. I had packed my bags, and it was the morning of the 11th. I was dragging my bags down the hallway and saw on my TV that I wasn't going to get on an airplane.

Tom Prettyman

Some want the media to choose their camp, but our position is to remain rigorous and to report the news fairly.

Pattara Khumphitak

I am pleased to report another record quarter of sales and earnings.

David Glass

There was a thin robin's-egg-blue dawn coming up over Tel Aviv when the intelligence analyst finished typing his report.

Frederick Forsyth

The report simply shows that business leaders don't like to practice what they preach.

Bill Shorten

The report has a conclusion that this operation, the assassination of late Prime Minister Hariri, cannot be done without a means, a very sophisticated means which belongs to a highly-equipped security organ. And you just look around you, who is very very well equipped?

Riyad Dawoodi

We certainly stand by our reporters and the reporting they did for us. Nothing that's happened will change that.

Phil Bronstein

We cannot move forward without this and the question is how fast could we do these reforms. By next month we would like to submit a report recommending university reforms.

Sam Pitroda

Our job as journalists is to ask tough questions of people in power and to be fair in those questions and fair in our reporting. We will continue to do that.

David Fanning

By being aware and reporting counterfeit software, consumers can help protect themselves and other consumers, which is good for them, good for software resellers and good for the software industry.

Cori Hartje

The costs and consequences of poorly planned development are becoming clear and common. This report proves that we can manage suburban sprawl by adopting and implementing smart growth solutions.

Carl Pope

We anticipate the Fed will continue to raise rates at least at the next two meetings. The report doesn't necessarily show signs at this stage of the kinds of declines in housing that a lot of pessimistic people have been discussing.

David Glocke

Our drivers tried to report for work, but found the roadblock in place. All of Lee County was affected.

Joann Haley

They've been spending more than they get for the last couple of years. Maybe this report will be a wakeup call for them to do better with what they have in case we lose the mill.

Malcolm Jones

Reporting positive history opens up customers to competitors -- that's good for consumers. They sell everything else about you but they don't give this up. I think that frustrates a lot of people.

Frank Torres

The report provides overwhelming evidence that the Byrd amendment has turned into a giant corporate and welfare program where a few large companies are reaping millions of dollars in subsidies based on overstated and unaudited qualifying expenditures.

Steve Alexander

I talked to her and asked if this was an appropriate relationship to have with someone you cover. To me, it's a conflict of interest. I don't think you can have a relationship with someone you're paid to report on. She said she had no problem with it.

Derek Lowe

All week, we got a good scouting report. We knew their plays, but Lincoln good at executing their plays. They knew they had a game on their hands at the beginning of the second quarter. That's how I feel.

Charles Warren

Patients still know that we have very good emergency rooms and very good physicians and nurses. This report card does not speak to the quality of care patients receive once they are in the ER. This speaks to all of the challenges that all of the emergency rooms in New Mexico have.

Todd Sandman

We are in the same range we've been in since the beginning of December, ... Halftime Report.

David Swanson

This report is good, but it does not say the economy is booming.

David Kelly

There is an extraordinarily high number of reporting requirements.

Russ Knocke

I have no sense of how large or small he is. I don't read his annual report or anything before I decide to order from him, and I've never been out to his place.

Gale Gand

We pull up in our trucks, set up lawn chairs and pull out the binoculars, ... If we observe anything, we report it to the Border Patrol and local law enforcement. No contact, no taking the law into our own hands.

Chris Simcox

We can't do much about the weather. All we can do is ask the people to be vigilant and to keep an eye out for suspicious behavior and to report fires early so we can actually get to them early.

Cameron Wade

The police have summoned Anwar for a statement following a police report believed to be related to a election rally speech last year.

Sankara Nair

I think this is not a report that focuses on China anymore than it focuses on any other one country, ... But those who are seeking to exercise basic rights of freedom of religion in China (are being persecuted.)

John Shattuck

Investors are definitely showing a positive reaction to the report about Sony.

Tatsuyuki Kawasaki

This is a very favorable report. In the context of what we've seen in the recent past, the Fed is right to say that inflation has been quiescent. It gives them more latitude to forestall an inevitable rate hike.

Richard Dekaser

I proposed the moratorium in order to allow us to look at the MORPC report to decide whether or not to update our comprehensive plan as it speaks to development.

Milt Lewis

We investigated a report from the victim as late as yesterday afternoon.

Andy Wells

[Moreover,] the ability of ColdFusion MX 7 to easily generate business reports and print to the Web has cut our report development time in half, ... Our ColdFusion MX 7 Web-based project management application helps our 12 district offices, and more than 23,000 employees working on thousands of projects, provide fast and accurate project information and reduce the time needed to manage projects.

Robert Burnett

It is the intelligence and the reporting of asset data that makes a difference. We have the ability to collect a huge amount of information from the largest IT backbone in the world.

Chris Sharp

It would be a misrepresentation of facts to report that KBR is responsible for the implementation of the contingency plan in its entirety.

Wendy Hall

There were no ticking time bombs in the inflation report. Although there was a substantial rise in energy prices, otherwise inflation remains very contained.

Stuart Schweitzer