We think this is going to help all the students, not just the ones that are having trouble. Kids won't be able to hide their report cards anymore.

Saul Hinojosa

We were here to discuss hate crimes legislation, and what the federal government can do to assist state and local law enforcement in not only enforcing hate crimes laws, but to help us identify and encourage the reporting and appropriate prosecution of hate crimes across the United States.

Robert Olson

I think what the report shows is that for 20 or 25 million people who are a part of these mainline denominations this is their primary engagement with LGBT issues. It's important for people in the rest of the LGBT movement to realize that this is a way to tap into the concerns of a goodly part of the population.

Richard Lindsay

I counsel my clients to pull one [report] each quarter.

Valerie Sherwood

If she had not done so, then someone might have been charged with obstruction of justice for filing a false police report.

Tom Hildebrand

She is a professional journalist whose only goal has been to report truthfully about Iraq and to promote understanding.

Richard Bergenheim

We depend on correspondents in China or Hong Kong to report on this case, but the Chinese press has to be careful in avoiding conflict with government officials.

Joseph Leung

The report of my death was an exaggeration.

Mark Twain

We in Lebanon ... the Hariri family accept the results of the report and the conclusions that the commission sets forth.

Saad Hariri

So even if tomorrow's ISM report does not show anywhere near the weakness the Chicago report does, we could still see some follow through in the next month's numbers.

Mark Vitner

I think if you look in the investigation report, it indicates, at least in that that, that they were in compliance with the leak performance detection standard.

Bill Hutmacher

The report was a very mean act, unworthy of a reputable media organization like the BBC.

Kyaw Hsan

Things like that are a big concern for us. When these bats get into someone's home, we are available 24 hours a day. We have to protect our citizens. They can report it to animal control; we don't want it escaping.

Cheryl Brom

The press I think went out of the way . . . to justify the killing of my sister by her autopsy report.

Bobby Schindler

We are pleased to report another increase in our stock price. This is great news for our associates.

Shannon Patten

He fired a shot in the direction of the mother, striking the floor, the report indicates. The father came into the kitchen area, and then [Thomas Reimann] fired in the direction of the father or at the father.

Sgt. Shawn Urbas

Without any evidence, the report just asserts that increased access to contraception reduces the numbers of unintended pregnancies and therefore abortions. But that assumption is unwarranted.

Deirdre Mcquade

An International Joint Commission report recommended the federal government become more involved with cross-border air-pollution initiatives.

Bob Mills

Going into Intel's third-quarter earnings report, we are becoming more cautious about how Intel is going to address some lingering issues.

Charlie Glavin

Seventy percent of birth defects could be prevented, treated or ameliorated if the recommendations in this report are adopted.

Christopher P. Howson

I think that speaks to the validity of the Vanity Fair report.

Brad Hahn

We had a good scouting report. But we really didn't know that Gerty was that good. Then they were going down low to Terry. We had a tough time with that.

Bryan Harris

Three years felt like six around here. I've set up a blueprint, and gotten Freddie Mac back to regular quarterly reporting. Now it's up to other people to carry it out.

Martin Baumann

At some point, you have to actually print the newspaper and have it on people's doorsteps when they wake up. What was the alternative? Not to report that? I think that's a bit unrealistic.

Martin Baron

Creditors normally report updates to their accounts only once a month, so a consumer can't pay down the balance and expect it to be reflected on the report the next day.

Maxine Sweet

People responsible are out of town and the company will report the outcome of its own investigation as soon as possible.

Takafumi Horie

We want to know what they have done with the report.

Dipankar Mukherjee

He was asking all these questions, wanting to know what the deformity was. I asked him why he needed to know that and he told me that any time there was a birth defect or a deformity they had to know all about it because it had to be reported. But they did not report it.

Sue Bailey

I'm appalled. We as taxpayers and parents need to know what's going on. We should be able to see that video - I told Mr. Holland it could exonerate the district from bad reporting.

Pete Goeddertz

The Goldman report really surprised people and added fuel to the fire.

James Hong

I don't think they were well-prepared. Maybe somebody looked at the wrong weather report.

Skee Stanley

If you look at those people who have had same-sex sexual experiences, the numbers just expand, and you get up to 40 percent of people, in some studies, reporting that they have had same-sex experiences.

Patrick Mulick

The financial highlights offered at the beginning of the report tend to focus on what they (the company) want you to see -- but that's just an appetizer, ... The second course -- the big plate of meat and potatoes -- is the financial statement.

Richard Loth

The call came in as a man reporting an accidental shooting and apparently when deputies went on scene there must have been something suspicious about it because they determined it was not an accident and they called homicide and now the guy is in custody.

Cindy Beavers

I am delighted that Randy has chosen to join the Spirit team. He brings extensive experience with financial systems, controls and reporting. This appointment will further strengthen the financial capabilities of our Company.

Rick Schmidt

While there was an automatic report by the hospital to the Department of Children and Family Services... they determined that the parents were not involved in any injury and that nothing improper was done within the home.

Marty Singer

He repeatedly asked to go to jail. He appeared intoxicated, according to the report. He said he was going to have a million-dollar NFL contract and that his lawyers would take care of it.

Keith Kameg

This is a new report that just came out.

Geoff Regan

A lot of the companies like to advertise moves like this because it's good for stock prices, ... but a lot of other companies like to keep it quiet. We can find it in an annual report -- but they don't have to put it there.

Stephanie Luce

We're going to get some weak numbers. The ISM report is going to be weak and that we're in store for a labor report that's weaker than what we've seen over the past four or five months.

Chris Wiegand

Wellness programs have been part of the governor's health care agenda since he was elected. Hospital report cards have been high on the governor's agenda, and the idea of recruiting health care professionals is something he supports.

Jason Gibbs

They virtually all do that because they want people to know what they support. You don't have to hold a gun to their head. You give them an easy way to (report information) and they do.

R. Roth Rudd

Our intent with this report is to provide policymakers and program managers a ready reference of programs worthy of emulation, These programs provide models of how best to structure and provide programs that can help keep energy costs affordable for low-income households.

Dan York

We're always going to have some companies in the morass of reporting companies that aren't up to speed. Generally, the earnings for the quarter are good.

Stuart Freeman

It overtaxed the county health departments, and led to a backlog in the reporting of cases.

Michael Montgomery

We have no progress to report, and that is not good.

Roger Toussaint

So I rang up British Telecom, I said 'I want to report a nuisance caller', he said 'Not you again'.

Frank Carson

You write a letter of dispute to the credit reporting agency, they have 30 days to investigate the dispute and get back to you. If they cannot prove it's your debt, they have to take it off.

Joyce Gibson

This report will not change the Fed's view on the inflation outlook -- they will keep rates low for still some months to come.

Sherry Cooper

In the morning, many people thought the Clinton report would hurt the stock market - but it happened yesterday and Wednesday.

Anthony Crescenzi

Furthermore, the Army regrets that the initial casualty report from the field was in error as well as the time that it has taken to correct the report and to inform his family.

Joseph Curtin

Most people are still expecting another couple of rate hikes by the Fed. We'd need something like a really bad jobs report on Friday to change those expectations and drive the dollar down much further.

Nobuaki Kubo

We're proud to report that we have a 96 percent success rate for those placed into housing.

Karen Messina

We have the U.S. reporting season coming up. The key thing here is that there have not been any significant negative pre-announcements, which tells us that expectations have been lowered enough.

Susan O'brien

The budget the report suggests seems to be grossly inflated.

Gordon Johndroe

There is material in the report that the public should know.

Pat Robertson

Some have claimed it has a good relationship with the payroll (report), but we do not see its relationship as very impressive.

David Sloan

There is relatively little damage to the propellers, ... And this of course would imply and back up the pilots' report of losing power on both engines.

George Black

We would rather have the full report rather than get data we know is not complete.

Pamala Vazquez

That's a role player. That's a guy at the bottom of the scouting report making the play of the game.

Nathan Livesay

This report is the first to demonstrate evidence of enhancements in memory reconsolidation in the brain. Understanding these molecular mechanisms may provide critical insights into psychiatric disorders.

Jane Taylor

There's some concerns we're going to get a pretty good employment report tomorrow.

William Hornbarger

It's a fairly weak report.

Howard Roth

[The bond market] had its eye on stocks all day. There was not much of a reaction to the employment report.

Michael Cloherty

In this case it seems very obvious that an airport has an economic impact and you would not need a report. It's hard to see what a report like this establishes that isn't already obvious.

Jeffrey Frankel

If Cisco can start to bring their business around and have a good report after not doing very much of anything for the last year and a half or so, I think that just brings a better feeling to a bit of an oversold market. The Pepsi report helped a little bit and McDonald's sales performance.

Robert Pavlik

I resent his comments and don't agree with him being here. I was told from the beginning that if I had anything important to report, I should present it to the entire board. And this was of public record and very important.

Diane Benczkowski

Winter pastures are almost nonexistent. If I had to fade my placement estimate, the USDA might even report a number higher than mine.

Bob Price

If all newspapers are losing circulation, maybe it's just worth trying to go back to some reporting, to see if that might be the reason - even if only one newspaper tried it, to see what happened.

Andrew Marr

Rather than trying to discredit a valid report, we should perhaps look at the need for cost reforms here in La Crosse, and get the business sector and consumers involved.

Tom Kennedy

This is a global resolution of all pending matters with the CPSC. We now have a much clearer understanding of reporting obligations and we will improve on how we report information to the Commission.

Martin Schwartz

The survey certainly shows that the emphasis (by voters) is on quality, not quantity. That, of course, is a major shift from what we normally focus and report on in the country.

Donna Klein

Once again, our report shows little change in the demographics and characteristics among those who are using this law. And again, these deaths reflect a very small portion of the average 31,000 annual deaths in Oregon.

Dr. Mel Kohn

The employment report will make or break the bond market this week. Until you start to see moderation on the employment front, you're not going to see much of a slowdown in the economy.

Mike Ryan

We're going to get out there and do the same thing we've always done: observe, spot and report. And we're not going to let up, no matter what anybody says.

Al Garza

Essentially the report made things crystal clear. [The Diversity Commission] knew things were going on. This sharpens the focus.

Candice Wiggum

We hope this report will clear the fog, create a better understanding of the true challenges we face and the progress we've made.

Lawrence Mishel

You see better conditions in refugee camps. It really shocked me how inefficient our country was. You find yourself stunned on the air, reporting what you're seeing.

Steve Harrigan

The urgency to appoint a true deflation fighter at the Bank of Japan is not going to disappear with this report.

Jesper Koll

This was the most positive net view of the current job market since September 2001 and bodes well for the upcoming employment report.

Ted Wieseman

About 50 to 60 percent of our clients report that they were either drunk or high on some type of drug when they contracted HIV. Some of it is due to survival sex, just so they can get a fix.

Victor Mckamie

The message of this report is urgency.

Michael Leavitt

If a team requests an inquiry, we follow up on it. In the case of the Colts, there's nothing to report. To say that there has been an investigation regarding this topic for a Colts game is not correct.

Steve Alic

We estimate in the report that if the recommendations that we give were implemented, up to 70 percent of mortality and disability from birth defects could be prevented, treated, or ameliorated.

Christopher P. Howson

You will lose money; you will have problems. The reputation risk can literally put you out of business. Twenty percent to 45% of customers will leave you if you report a security breach.

Dave Cullinane

We've been rallying most of this last quarter on the basis of a little more hope that we have bottomed and that the consumer economy would not suffer the weakness of the manufacturing economy. Today's job report gives us some hope that that is happening.

Henry Cavanna

Jill's interest in reporting has never been just about the news, but bringing truth to the world. As a father, I appeal to you to release my daughter as a betterment to your cause.

Jim Carroll

Next week is relatively light, but the following week has a lot of names reporting and nobody wants to buy in front of the numbers. It's going to be less about what the individual companies report, but rather the overall tone that will move the market.

Troy Nickerson

Bottom line was that their report was that they found all 12, just one was alive. That's what they said. By the time it got to the group back here at the fresh air base, what they said they heard was that all 12 were found alive.

Dennis O'dell

We've had such robust economic indicators over the past few months that today's report was really regarded as a sign of relief.

Brian Jones

We see some early signs of improvement in manufacturing, but the contraction continues. Today's report should simply remind investors the economy is not out of danger yet.

Paul Christopher

While you never like to see your company mentioned in a controversy like this, as we have publicly stated, we are committed to investigating the facts and being transparent in the reporting of the results.

Chip Goodyear

The current report only raises a hypothesis that the bats might be the source of the virus.

Liu Qi

To report $44 million of EBITDA and $27 million of net income, with only one minor theatrical release during the quarter, says a lot about the new MGM.

Alex Yemenidjian

Employers may not want to know the gory details of your illness. What we do want to know is if you'll be reporting for work tomorrow. You need to give an expectation of when you'll be back at work so your supervisor can arrange for someone to temporarily cover for you.

Rae Pearson

I am pleased to report that Texas is known for having one of the strongest set of open government laws in our Nation. And ever since that experience, I have long believed that our federal government could use 'a little Texas sunshine.'

John Cornyn

I think this is a dollar-supportive (report) ... regardless of the headline (non-farm payrolls) number.

Naomi Fink

My hope is that this material would somehow make its way into the pages of the paper. That's one of the benefits of doing this kind of reporting.

Lewis Friedland

This is a new report but you should know that over the past year and a half disciplinary action has been taken and there have been cases where people have been fired for inappropriate expenses.

Geoff Regan

This is an important step toward moving the company back into a normal cycle of reporting and payment with CMS.

Jack Bovender

Many consumers are confused or surprised by the report. ISU has an extensive soy research program so we want to set the record straight.

Ruth Litchfield

When that report comes out, we'll have a better idea. We're going to have to wait for that report to come back May 1, and then we'll study it and we'll sit down with the president and university officials and decide what we're going to do.

Joe Alleva

The report represents a pragmatic and meaningful action plan to reduce emissions.

Vicki Arroyo

The market needs to walk a line between too little growth and too much growth, between profits and interest rates. The jobs report tilted the market toward too little growth.

James Awad

We've had a lot of good news in the last couple of months. Most recently, we had the Fed hold the line, we had another employment report that was reasonable and now we've had gold plunge -- all of which have been encouraging to the bond market. Stocks have come along with the bond market.

Charles Crane

We are pleased to report that we have received feedback from the jet fuel consortium to the effect that supply will be back to normal by this weekend.

Solomon Makgale

We felt it was time we received a report card from the public about how they feel about their court system so we can be guided about what to focus on in the future.

William Vickrey

We still question how the SEC can allow such non-GAAP reporting practices to continue given that the entire purpose of GAAP reporting is to increase corporate transparency.

Rich Bernstein

Our collection department is very careful to track each individual artifact, even from the smallest piece of coal, very carefully and to report on the condition of these on a daily basis.

John Zaller

Beyond the flexible workflow design, I think that new components such as automatic registration, report integration and current to prior case comparison will really resonate with physicians and clinicians.

Greg Girard

That kind of news will spook the market and we will hear more of it because we're at the peak earnings reporting season.

Jeff Cheah

The reason why we're reporting this to the Security Council is to move diplomacy to a new phase so we can see if we can achieve a political settlement.

Greg Schulte

Should we be doing better? Yes. But a 91 percent response rate might very well be a step in progress. One wouldn't get that from reading the report.

Patrick Libbey

We are proud to be recognized in the magic quadrant report. We believe our listing in the Challenger quadrant confirms our ability to sustain our position in the marketplace. Looking forward, we will continue to position ourselves in the forefront of the industry by delivering superior help desk services.

Ken Hayes

Last Friday's unexpectedly weak employment report caused interest rates on long-term Treasury bonds and, by extension mortgage rates, to fall as investors worried about the health of the U.S. economy.

Amy Crews Cutts

Users report that not only are they more aware of the need to stretch, but they also are motivated to maintain proper workstation setup.

Arthur Salzman

There's nothing to report at this point. When we have something to announce, we certainly will.

Charles Morris

This GAO report . . . confirms my long-held suspicions: More can be done and more should be done to protect American investors. We need to ensure that the SEC's oversight of the mutual fund industry is adequate to protect consumers' investments and prevent abusive practices from developing again in the future.

Paul Kanjorski

[The report indicates] consumer spending is gearing back, ... It is very much in line with sagging in consumer confidence in recent months. Although it does not suggest that consumer spending is falling apart, it is losing a lot of steam.

Douglas Porter

The jobs report only goes part of the way toward confirming slower U.S. growth, ... It is not enough to push the euro up to 97 cents anytime soon.

Bob Lynch

He has better credentials than I do, but I know more about the industry. Put the two together, and we've got a credible report to give to community leaders.

Jim Watt

Until we get into the reporting season next month we're probably likely to see more of this thin trade.

Grant Williamson

Where they're getting those details, we don't know. We did have three employees killed ... not four that they're reporting.

Cathy Mann

We are all satisfied at the progress that has been made, and our report will be before the (U.N.) Security Council very shortly.

Jayantha Dhanapala

It's difficult to buy bonds, especially five-year and shorter notes, before the growth report. The economic recovery is well under way and the market is pricing in chances for a rate increase later this year.

Hiroaki Takai

No matter what has happened, it is important to get support. If you don't report to law enforcement, then talk to Advocates or parents. If you don't tell anyone, it won't go away.

Diane Moore

The details are slightly less robust than the headline, but this is nonetheless a dollar-positive report.

Peter Frank

In an annual report, you'll have a great deal of information that is of value, some that has some sort of value, and some that is worthless.

Richard Loth

That tends to cause accounts receivables that they report to us every quarter to be understated.

Sanjiv Hingorani

There is no evidence other than the word of this one complaining person that any rape or sexual assault took place in that house on that evening. No rape or sexual assault happened in that house and this DNA report shows it loud and clear.

Joseph Cheshire

Having had many years of support from BBC Midlands Today, I'm looking forward to presenting and reporting the stories that matter from my home patch.

Denise Lewis

It took the frenzy out of the T&E reporting and reimbursement process.

Baron Davis

Cahill said officials ought to take heed of the report and examine the real issues that may have contributed to the devastation.

Kevin Cahill

With the strong labor report, strong retail sales, and the strong inflation report, market expectations of a sustainable U.S. recovery have increased.

Stephen Jen

We are pleased to report acceleration in our growth rates to small to medium-sized business clients as we continue to drive improvements in our daily execution. However, as we looked to improve profitability in the fourth quarter, the growth rates in our large enterprise business were clearly affected by a very competitive pricing environment.

Rich Fennessy

We had assumed that the report that Iraq has presented would be intensively checked by Hans Blix and his inspectors and it was assumed that there would be the opportunity for it first to be revisited or rather improved by Saddam Hussein.

Peter Struck

This was a strong report. Product demand is strong, the management is good. I'm very pleased with this report.

Lou Mazzucchelli

[Koechley isn't in Boston so much to report with daily dispatches than to gather material for future Onion stories.] There's no direct reporting happening, ... Our concept of what's topical is a little more glacial.

Peter Koechley

Our scouting report definitely was focused on other guys. I didn't get how he kept getting open.

Kael Kristof

We're trying to demonstrate that they're not going to be hurt as much as their initial report said they would.

Michael Chapman

I have to report to those of you who think diamonds make a difference that I cannot tell what it is. Seriously, as you all know, they make no difference at all. They just make the flute look a little more special.

James Galway

I think the Department of Transport should change some of the regulations and I think CATSA should report to the Department of Public Safety not the minister of transport.

Colin Kenny

I'd like an hourly progress report on the FEMA teams on the ground.

Steven Bochco

We have the minutes, then the financial report on stocks we currently own. We discuss the sale and purchase of stocks or any other action we want to take.

Marjorie Severson

The father who sent every report card to Grandma so she could also rejoice in what the children accomplished is no longer there -- and neither is the grandmother, who made each of her 20 grandchildren and great-grandchildren believe that that grandchild was her special favorite.

Joan Lefkow

We have appointed a global company to work out the branding and positioning strategy for TCS in the global market. Their report is expected in a matter of weeks and the roll out of the strategy would begin next fiscal.

Phiroz Vandrevala

The factory orders report was very slightly better than expected, although after revisions it was pretty much spot on what the market was expecting.

Tim Mazanec

As we head into 2006 we continue to face low cost carrier competition in our domestic markets, a weak domestic fare environment, high fuel costs, and we expect to report a significant loss in the first quarter of 2006.

Larry Kellner

On the other hand, clearly, our report played a role -- and for that we feel terrible.

Mark Whitaker

This report confirms that economic growth is solid but not overheating. Employment continues to grow at a moderate pace and business continues to do a very effective job of maintaining company productivity and growth.

Stuart Schweitzer

In 2004 there was a report filed against this teacher involving another student. We interviewed the kid and we referred it over to the DA's office.

Denise Monteiro

Mandatory reporting is something we need to get started on as soon as possible. You can't make targets if you don't have anything to measure.

Terry Tamminen

What bothers me the most is [the report] of these two letters of reprimand.

Terry Porter

Overall, I thought the report was positive. I did think there were some misconceptions. Hispanics do pay taxes. If they are paying rent, they are paying property taxes indirectly.

Danny Dotson

I think the bond market has a problem. In one respect, you have flight to quality, in another, the jobs report was very, very strong, and clearly inflationary pressures are there.

Leo Melamed

It was a run-of -the-mill business decision by the equipment people at TCI. The market has taken that to believe that there is a capital problem. At TCI, cash flows are growing. They will report third-quarter earnings soon, with cash flows up.

Larry Petrella

[The] report, with its detailed description of acts of torture, makes for difficult reading, but it is extremely important that it is now part of the record of this inquiry.

Paul Cavalluzzo

I am very impressed with the application. I believe the power of the program is the report generator. This is much less labor intensive than the tools I have used in the past.

Rick Cook

The report is moderate -- it is not terrible. There is nothing wrong with the economy. What it confirms is that the economy is not out of control.

James Glassman

Although we had anticipated Creative to report a poor set of third-quarter results, the guided numbers were worse than our projection of a $1 million operating profit.

Jonathan Ng

High-priced lobbyists won't be able to eat their eggs Benedict when they see this report [tax gap].

Chuck Grassley

One of the problems is that the reporting of data on wildlife crime is extremely haphazard. We don't have any feel for what is taking place compared to trafficking in firearms, humans or narcotics.

John Sellar

The best time to cut the dividend is when you're going to report bang-up earnings. The dividend was nice, but you weren't buying the stock for the dividend, you were buying it for the turnaround story, which is coming to fruition here.

Jason Seidl

If indeed this is a positive report ... I'm shocked because I'm trying to figure out how it could have occurred. And that alarms me.

John Rowland

It's report card time. We want to look back at what we're doing before we get too far into it.

John Page

There are a lot of dots to connect. This is a first report.

Jeffrey Gruen

In the past few hours, I'm happy to report there's been some improvements.

Dr. Larry Roberts

That's the whole idea of our report card so we can let our members know how they will be energized and mobilized into volunteering and working to promote their issues.

Jim Mcgarvey

As they could simply revert to bad habits. All bowlers are subject to further reporting if the match officials are of the view that they have concerns about whether a delivery or deliveries conform to the Laws of Cricket when observed with the naked eye.

David Richardson

I was so happy to hear that. Premier Wen also said in his report that medical staff in the cities will go to the countryside to provide medical services on a regular basis in the future. This is really good news. We need good doctors and we want them to stay too.

Ma Wenfang

This report undermines every reason The Herald used for firing me. Now we know the truth.

Jim Defede

The report does not contain anything with sense. It was filled with nonsense.

Roel Pulido

We don't have any indication that there is not a good reporting system.

Hans Troedsson

Then they had a report from the Home Depot parking lot, and you could see these sheds floating away.

Scott Ward

What it comes down to is the reporter has to say it was a false report or there has to be evidence that it was a false report.

Coral Conner

It won't be made public until a final report is used by the Transportation Board of Canada.

John Cottreau

The governor has already begun to address many of the critical issues raised in the report.

Brendan Gilfillan

They just figured she was probably absent voluntarily because she had done that in the past, been absent for a period of time. The family didn't sense anything unusual, so no missing person report was made.

Detective Bryan Jamison

They have a really good scouting report on me - I either run the sneak or throw it deep.

Jared Lorenzen

All that was contained in the report is based on presumptions and allegations. There's no proof.

Riyad Dawoodi

The validity and credibility of the report is going down by the day.

Natwar Singh

If we had a conference report, we would have filed it. Until everything is agreed upon, nothing is agreed upon.

Jeff Lungren

I think, ultimately, this committee can report out a bill.

Cecilia Munoz

The Canada we see in this report does not reflect the one we hold in our hearts, ... Canadians expect more and they expect better. We should be outraged that we are among the worst in the industrialized world.

David Suzuki

It's a little premature for a downgrade like this when the industry is about to report earnings that are better than anyone expected. We're pretty neutral on the industry but selectively bullish on certain stocks. If anything, the sell-off has created even more opportunities.

Ruchi Madan

The television industry doesn't like to see the compexity of the world. It prefers simple reporting, with simple ideas: this is white, that's black; this is good, that's bad.

Krzysztof Kieslowski

With this size accident you would expect a factual report in about three months ... and an analysis in nine to 12 months - it depends what they find.

Peter Gibson

Following last week's fully anticipated decision to keep rates on hold, the February inflation report meeting might prove more contentious, depending on how the next two weeks of data turn out.

George Buckley

There's really nothing new to report on that. We've dealt with the issue, and now it's up to David Stern.

Donnie Walsh

No-one reading this report can fail to be shocked by the enormity of the crimes committed by Shipman.

Janet Smith

Don't bother checking your credit report. Your lender will do that for you. Yeah, there might be a couple of problems and you might end up paying a higher interest rate on that mortgage. And don't get pre-approved or pre-qualified. All that does is alert you to possible problems in your credit report, and you don't need to worry about that while you're shopping for a home.

Dayana Yochim

He was getting to the front of the rim all night on us. We saw that on the scouting report, but he's a little more athletic than what I thought.

Jeff Houston

The more kids report bullying, the more that is a deterrent. The more young people feel safe, that promotes better learning. It's hard to learn if you don't feel safe.

Stephanie Davis

The options are to go home and weep or to have someone review (the report).

David Scott

In FY05, statewide average total and operating margins reached their highest levels since FY94, when PHC4 began publicly reporting these measures for all hospitals. The growth in FY05 financial margins was driven by a 90 percent increase in operating income.

Marc P. Volavka

I did not see that in the report.

Robert Kimmitt

On balance, the PPI report was positive, ... It doesn't show a further rise in inflation.

Jay Feldman

We found that privacy is a much less mature area in government, and there is less progress to report. Fewer agencies have addressed [privacy programs] as a priority ... the security programs [are] a bit more mature [and have been] addressed over a long period of time.

Paul Wohlleben

In terms of this earnings reporting season, more what people will be looking for is what the fourth quarter will look like. Nine out of the last 10 times, the fourth quarter has been higher, so we'll be playing close attention to any kind of guidance we get.

Arthur Hogan

The report will probably prompt investors to imagine the era of low rates is going change soon.

Makoto Yamashita