We needed to know before this was a done deal, given the state of where we are concerning security.

This does not mean the Preakness is gone. This does not mean horse racing is gone.

Shares my commitment to improving every Marylander's access to a college education.

REALLY, IF I HAD AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOOT Britney Spears, I think I would.

You will see tangible byproducts of this report.

We believe that this market holds significant new potential for MDT.

It was a very long night last night, I have to tell you.

Satisfied fully with respect to the answers about price.

Our response to this natural disaster has been swift and generous, ... We have cared for more than 2,400 evacuees in Maryland and sent sorely needed staff and supplies to Gulf Coast states. I am grateful that the Bush Administration will help shoulder the costs associated with our efforts.