"David D. "Dave" Cortese" (born 1956) is an elected official who is a lifelong resident of San Jose, California USA. He is currently serving on the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, representing District 3, which includes San Jose, California/San Jose, Milpitas, California/Milpitas and Sunnyvale, California/Sunnyvale. Before being elected to the Board of Supervisors, he served as a City Councilman#United States and Canada/Councilman and Vice Mayor for the City of San Jose#Law and government/City of San Jose. Cortese served for eight years as a trustee for the East Side Union High School District in San Jose. Cortese ran for mayor of San Jose, California/San Jose and won the primary, losing the general election to District 3 councilmember Sam Liccardo.

Dave Cortese won a seat on the Santa Clara County Supervisors in 2008 with 56,845 votes, or 54.87%. He was reelected to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors in 2012 with 40,360 votes, or 100%.

More Dave Cortese on Wikipedia.

It's not fair to lure people in here to work and then after they get here to send them to jail. That's just flat out wrong.

There's a good program out there that just needs to be nurtured and expanded. Let's grow it. It helps people in a very direct way.

It can only be good to have more council members getting on board with this notion for sunshine laws. It's going to make it easier to get some of these things passed that some of us have been calling for all along.

I just don't get a feeling of credibility anymore.

It's a report that both sides can claim victory about. I don't think it will settle the issue.