It's an exciting place. That's what exploration is all about. You go out there. It isn't A. It isn't B. It isn't C. It's D, none of the above.

James Head

If you go in half an hour later the place isn't nearly as bad.

John Root

Isn't the absence of DNA evidence, given the way the victim has described the crime, in and of itself almost enough to raise a reasonable doubt?

Robert Archer

Yeah, isn't that ironic?

Ann Brown

Having those fumbles in the last game was shocking, ... This isn't something the coaches are ignoring. Coach Mac was really going at it.

So Coleman

This isn't about the Vikings. It's about developing a good facility and a plan that will work for the community for other events, too.

Kelby Krabbenhoft

But by and large, this certainly isn't a national movement in the restaurant industry.

Hudson Riehle

It's not like they have an option any longer. This isn't a game about crisp pictures any longer.

Jimmy Schaeffler

It wasn't true then and it isn't true now.

David Eastman

It's getting pathetic that my 8-year-old son isn't safe in his house.

Kevin Nichols

It isn't easy to find folks who can give up an hour in the morning and an hour in the middle of the day.

Richard Kaplan

The company's helicopter business isn't very big and so there should be little financial impact on the company.

Tsuyoshi Mochimaru

This isn't just some flippant idea or fool's errand. We're hoping to get the country to realize that you don't have to be affluent or powerful to make an impact.

Dave Klink

We make a little money, enough to keep it going, but I'm glad it isn't my only income.

Bobby Russell

Not having one voice isn't a weakness; rather we have a lot to pull from.

Jerry Gonzalez

There isn't a contract as I understand it in place. What there is is an application.

Melody Ryland

I'm in Montreal so I'm part of the enemy, ... Edmonton isn't the only place I've played. I've done this before and it's not a big deal to me really.

Terry Vaughn

Those guys don't put their money where their mouth isn't.

Melinda Chavez

Politics isn't about left versus right; it's about top versus bottom.

Jim Hightower

This isn't campaign money — it's government access money, and that's what we should call it. If you have strong convictions, you're not going to give to both sides.

Bob Stern

At the end of the day, I think the economy really isn't fragile at all.

Gary Stern

He must be independent and brave, and sure of himself and of the importance of his work, because if he isn't he will never survive the scorching blasts of derision that will probably greet his first efforts.

Robert E Sherwood

Becoming a father isn't difficult,But it's very difficult to be a father.

Wilhelm Busch

Seventh isn't so bad for the first time being here. We left it all out there and did the best we could.

Brock Carrier

We weren't running an offense, not moving enough and that isn't going to win games.

Dynelle Tadlock

Paul Rice is something special, isn't he?

Jim Stephens

The stars emerge as asset classes do well. A star isn't a star just because he's a genius. It's the style he's investing in.

Bill Dougherty

We know where it isn't, not where it is.

Maureen Johnson

Hines is a blue-collar kind of guy. He sticks his nose in there and isn't afraid.

Verron Haynes

He did the right thing. It isn't anybody's fault.

Bryan Feigenbaum

This affects German football overall, but it isn't specifically a theme for the World Cup.

Horst Schmidt

Clearly, from the central caribou herd experience at Prudhoe, oil infrastructure does not chase away the herd and does not decimate it as the greens claim. This isn't an either-or situation. You can have development and preserve the environment at the same time.

Adrian Herrera

I think the players play extremely hard for Jay and that isn't always easy when you are struggling.

Dave Heeke

Having been on the board before, I said, 'This isn't acceptable,' ... 'We can't have a district that can't keep a set of books.'

Charles E. Wood

In January, there often isn't a soul on Main Street.

Diana Buehler

This isn't to be dramatic, this is just cold, hard facts.

Mike Collins

If a politician isn't doing it to his wife , then he's doing it to his country.

Amy Grant

This isn't just some nine to five job. This is a way of life.

Terry Tucker

If the commission isn't popping the champagne in response, I would be very surprised.

Jonathan Zuck

The technology the exchange is giving us isn't sufficient to let us do what we normally do.

Warren Meyers

If you can ride the subway for $2 and go everywhere, then I guess 25 cents to go to the bathroom isn't too bad.

Scott Reeves

As for the future of student government we can only hope that the new president isn't polishing the brass on the Titanic.

Andy Bates

Our goal with the Oracle relationship isn't to replace partners. Our goal is to increase our capabilities and attractiveness to our customers.

Terri Schoenrock

Well, he's undefeated. He has got a great curveball, great change-up. There isn't much else he needs.

Tim Banner

They (the students) now have to deal with knowing where the camera angles are going to be on them and understanding that there isn't going to be as much applause and as much reaction.

Lisa Roth

This isn't the same festival of 15 years ago.

Debi Lehr

If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative.

David M. Ogilvy

I heard one FBI agent at a conference say baseball isn't the national pastime anymore; gambling is.

Michael Franzese

What a shot. If that isn't top corner, I don't know what is.

Daniel Sedin

Silent gratitude isn't very much use to anyone.

Gertrude Stein

There isn't any place to work to pay the bills, everything will have to be liquidated.

Marsha Hulsey

There isn't a big difference between the talent of those on the PGA Tour and those on the mini tours.

Dan Stone

Not make a lot of money or isn't a good job.

John Wise

I guess that there isn't a better time for it. I was getting good screens and our guys were getting me the ball when I was open. So you can't ask for anything more than that.

David Alston

This isn't necessarily a windfall.

Gail Reese

The key to our future is that we need deals where it isn't only good for the city but also is good for the county.

Jim Hicks

If the budget isn't approved, we will not stay on our posts.

Yevgeny Primakov

He gets to talking to the driver and the guy just isn't saying the right things.

James Strickland

His coming up here really isn't a big deal. We want to see him play in the NHL, and now he will get a chance to do that.

Tom Lynn

Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.

Steve Martin

This isn't going to be the end of it.

Stephany Seay

When things mean a very great deal to you, exciting anticipation just isn't safe.

Dodie Smith

If you think there isn't enough hate and polarization in America, you're going to love this bill.

Patricia Schroeder

We have many important things to talk about and this isn't one of them.

Sue Gamble

T his isn't something rampant in the agency. We need some changes, but don't forget there's a lot of good people, too.

Kelly Taylor

I wanna be regular again - to be in a house or apartment or something. Just to get out of a hotel because this isn't really my life anymore.

Brianna Dedeaux

This isn't just a matter of changing the settings on a cash register - that can be done fairly quickly.

Garth Whyte

Yes, we knew that they would be a little more down than usual this year, but down for them isn't that far down. If anybody was going to get them, this was the year. From now on it's going to be really, really tough to beat them.

Dennis Kitko

There isn't a whole lot you can't do from here.

Billy Harrison

It's kept us pretty busy. The Internet can be a wonderful thing, if the information you come across is accurate. In this case, it just isn't.

Karen Cobb

I have about 50 animals near Zapata. There isn't a lot of hay available right now.

Saul Hinojosa

Isn't going into any fund that helps anybody relating to tobacco. They're using that money to pay for education.

Mike Hatch

The Single Business Tax isn't tax on business, it's a tax on people working everyday.

Dick Devos

This isn't just about Theresa and our family.

Greg Mcdermott

The good thing is that this isn't our playoff team. That's no excuse. We're good enough to win these games, we just aren't doing it right now.

Steve Martinson

Your shot isn't always on, but you can always play good defense.

Amy Mahlum

You know, being a test pilot isn't always the healthiest business in the world.

Alan B. Shepard, Jr.

The good news in electronics is that the prices are always getting lower, and that isn't true of much else.

Jim Barry

The DVD sector isn't going away, shrinking, or about to collapse.

Scott Hettrick

Homosexuality in politics isn't going to fly, ... That's not what America needs at this time.

Louis Sheldon

A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on. [Attributed].

Louis B. Mayer

At the end of the day people realized this crisis isn't over and that the Fed has to ease.

David Horner

The company did its homework, did what was possible. This isn't the end. This just the beginning.

Victor Martins

Quite a zoo, isn't it?

George Phillips

Not signing Kyoto doesn't mean that this government isn't doing anything.

James Mahoney

Actors make bold choices. Choose what isn't natural to you.

Theresa Carson

My job isn't to strike guys out, its to get them out, sometimes by striking them out.

Tom Seaver

Telling it like it is means telling it like it was and how it is now that it isn't what it was to the is now people.

Jill Johnston

There probably isn't a player in the conference who can say they have defeated Rapids until today. Teams are going to be hungry to beat us.

Bill Fehrenbach

It's clearly a distraction even though the renewal of the draft isn't likely to happen.

Rick Hardy

Golf isn't a game, it's a choice that one makes with one's life.

Charles Rosin

This isn't about me. I'm not one to blow my own horn. But recognition is important for those coming up through the school, to show kids it can be done.

Sean Wilson

Real golf isn't what you see on TV. This is golf.

Tom Silva

There's always room for work, no matter what. Going into Columbus isn't going to be an easy trip.

Clinton Solomon

This process isn't something we're trying to hide. We've had this authority since before the Department of Homeland Security was created.

John Mohan

She hasn't done anything to qualify for affordable housing. It's our belief that while this is going through, someone who does qualify isn't getting in.

Tom Mccabe

We still think in a way the console isn't the way to make money.

Robbie Bach

Reality isn't the way you wish things to be, nor the way they appear to be, but the way they actually are.

Robert J. Ringer

Williams isn't being unfair. State law is unfair.

Laura Stromberg

It's funny, isn't it? How your best friend can just blow up like that?

Monty Python

Sometimes what's right isn't as important as what's profitable.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone

There isn't a lot of cost to this project. It just takes some volunteers.

Robert Rose

He's already their best player, isn't he.

Jerry Coleman

Friendship is the gift that goes on giving and is a gift to both the person given to and to the giver as well. But to really make it work it isn't enough to give to another person, you have also to let them give to you.

Merle Shain

Chris Martin is a very kind guy who says a lot of things, but he isn't a Merlin an alchemist.

Richard Ashcroft

Most of my advances were by mistake. You uncover what is when you get rid of what isn't.

Richard Buckminster Fuller

Pop punk today isn't going anywhere.

Will Pugh

Clothing really isn't at the top of the list this year.

Frank Badillo

I don't know of a single case of a ballpark that is integrated into a neighborhood that isn't doing well. Anyplace that's been done it's been a success.

Philip Bess

Craven has good soils and the climate isn't severe.

Mike Carroll

Isn't diverted to non-public health areas.

Bill Novelli

It may be that crosswalk is no longer necessary or desirable and that's why it isn't being maintained. Each entity knows which crosswalks are active and which are inactive.

Jorge Cervantes

Have fun with it. It isn't often a team gets a No. 1 pick.

Trudi Lacey

He's having a great tournament. But the great thing about our team is he isn't the only one contributing.

Dave Sheffield

This isn't an option for people on a limited budget but it is another option.

Jemma Smith

This isn't about DWI. It's about whether he murdered someone.... There is not any evidence of malice in this case. If you find him at fault, you certainly can't convict him of anything more than manslaughter.

David Freedman

Isn't the steeplechase enough? I haven't even gotten him a card.

Sharon Blanchard

It isn't the first-hand information that makes the best speech, but second-hand timing.

Hal Chadwick

I mean, it's the fall, guys. Grass isn't going to grow much longer.

Paul Blount

The trouble with Oakland is that when you get there, there isn't any there there.

Gertrude Stein

We know that football isn't always life. We've learned that lesson.

Mike Degory

Rain isn't our deal, but we came out and it didn't bother us. We moved the ball around pretty well in the first half.

Shawn Stenger

From the time we're born until we die, we're kept busy with artificial stuff that isn't important.

Tom Ford

There's still things that are not known and things he isn't willing to talk about.

Linda Divis

My main concern is when it's 2-0, I've got to keep it at 2-0. It gives us a little more of a chance. To give up four more runs, that isn't going to get it done. I don't care who you're facing or who you're playing, it's not going to get it done.

Roger Clemens

God isn't dead-he's just missing in action.

Phil Ochs

I think it's very difficult to be a successful Internet company that isn't based in Silicon Valley.

Joe Kraus

This isn't raffle prizes. This is aid to the needy.

Pamela White

Everyone is involved but doing their own thing. Some are very much on board, others aren't. This isn't something you can force, but everyone seems excited.

Tom Crawford

We wanted to know why the heck this guy isn't in jail.

Teresa Hostetler

The question isn't at what age I want to retire, it's at what income.

George Foreman

Violence isn't always evil. What's evil is the infatuation with violence.

Jim Morrison

This isn't a quick fad like Beanie Babies -- Pokémon has legs.

Scott Kelly

It's cool that as a sportswriter they came back and asked me. It's isn't generally in the career path of a sportswriter to do this. So you've got to take it.

Tony Kornheiser

This isn't an easy game. We can't leave anything for granted and we can't allow periods of craziness like what happened two weeks ago.

Pavel Nedved

Food simply isn't important to me.

Alice Paul

A mistake in judgment isn't fatal, but too much anxiety about judgment is.

Pauline Kael

It seems a little ridiculous if there isn't any funds. It's very unfortunate the way this is all unfolding at this point.

Dick Messerly

A 4-gigabyte flash drive isn't stylish and trendy, and you can't use it to play music.

Joe Unsworth

Getting faster and faster and faster isn't necessarily meeting the experience. You can go too fast, and then it's just messy.

Mike Watson

Starting your own business isn't for everyone, but for the right people it's much better than climbing the corporate ladder.

Brian O'reilly

The bottleneck now isn't the technology, ... it's getting enough people in industry who care about data.

Robert Grossman

There isn't much you can do as a parent in two hours though. Maybe go do grocery shopping, but that's about it.

Melissa Kenzari

If Yahoo isn't doing business in China, someone else will. It's putting American businesses at a disadvantage in the world marketplace.

Sonia Arrison

All of these losses hurt the same. There isn't one that hurts more than the other.

Charlie Whitehurst

There is about to be a big calamity if something isn't done soon. Without the regional centers, we are dead in the water.

John Pinkerton

Isn't this best left to the [state] Legislature?

Milton Williams

Generally speaking, lead isn't immediately mobile. It more or less stays put.

Phil Schrantz

I missed a couple of gallops with her so she isn't right at her top. But she is going well.

Danny O'brien

It isn't like it's a huge, awful crisis staring us in the face, but it's something we want to get a handle on right now.

John Vincent

This is the first prescription i've picked up and they said it was forty three dollars. I questioned it, and it ended up being five dollars, which isn't bad.

Robert Grindle

I've never heard of state colleges doing this to fill seats, especially when the participation of their own population isn't very good.

Joni Finney

Any political party that includes the word 'democratic' in its name, isn't.

Patrick Murray

That kind of cooperation between the two sides isn't normal. This is groundbreaking stuff.

Larry Kallem

Our goal isn't to dumb down the rules. It's to use some common sense in what we regulate.

Michelle Thomas

He's right, there really isn't a home field advantage. Unless in your head there is home field advantage and you change the way you play. I don't think we're going to do that.

Travis Jensen

I think until there's a visual connection the impact isn't really the same. Once you have that visual impact you'll never forget.

Robert Siegel

I tend to think that cricket is the greatest thing that God ever created on earth - certainly greater than sex, although sex isn't too bad either.

Harold Pinter

This isn't what codes are set up for in government.

Judy Nadler

Our team isn't about one single player.

Chez Sievers

It was a good experience for me. Weed isn't a good thing to start off with when you are young. Eighty percent of [8th graders] don't drink. I will be one of the eighty percent.

Martina Martin

The new fiscal year has started, but ... the buying demand isn't as large as we expected.

Tadahiko Nashimoto

The trouble with life isn't that there is no answer, it's that there are so many answers.

Ruth Benedict

The outlook isn't good even if we get adequate irrigation. The plants are already injured.

Jerry Zink

This was happening at the same time the Indians were losing six of the last seven games, and my dad said, 'Your job isn't so different from being an Indians fan,' .

Hal Lebovitz

It is very scary, and it isn't just our county.

Commissioner Darryl Steele

They know the stuff that's hurting them isn't always natural, that sometimes it's introduced by us.

Paul Martinez

Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

Arnold Glasow

[If you are a lover of the carefully crafted sentence, if] more isn't enough ... the worst writer of his generation.

Patrick Moody

The government can't assure the public that the over-the-counter market isn't being manipulated.

Randall Dodd

You can have it all, but it isn't easy.

Helen Fisher

Since (then), that $5.15 an hour has lost a lot of purchasing power. It isn't sufficient income for families.

John Freeman

I hope and pray that it isn't because of her celebrity that this case isn't being resolved, ... I hope it's not because she's a rapper.

Joseph Tacopina

The way things are going now, this isn't good for high school and it isn't good for the clubs. And without a doubt, it isn't good for the kids.

Dave Sica

The idea is to set up several programs and let the consumer choose, ... But the problem is that a competitive model isn't good for everyone.

Sharon Treat

It isn't anything like having your own, ... That could be any of our grandmothers, our mothers.

Stephanie Green

DVD is not good. It isn't secure, the capacity is too low, the bit rate is too low.

Frank Simonis

I don't find this good. As a football pro, you have to know who your employer is and who pays you -- unfortunately this isn't an exception anymore.

Gerd Niebaum

I hope that isn't the best I pitch.

C.c. Sabathia

I had to put a face to the person, so it isn't just a car burning. It's a human being.

Phyllis Wolfe's

There is a registration fee of $125 and each ancillary (chicken, seafood or beef) category costs $30. There isn't a children's contest, but there will be entertainment for the whole family.

Lisa Harris

There isn't no money in it.

Mike Ellis

We're probably going to get two members who go for a cut. The data isn't pointing in one direction enough for the rest of the committee to go with them just yet.

James Knightley

I think some of the execution isn't there. We're looking for too much and making things more difficult.

Brian Rafalski

What is genius, anyway, if it isn't the ability to give an adequate response to a great challenge?

Bette Greene

When he has time off, he isn't really sure what to do with it. He's a little lost.

Larry Bloom

All of these deals can be different. There isn't one formula.

Gitesh Pandya

It isn't the people you fire who make your life miserable, it's the people you don't.

Harvey Mackay

Isn't that the most perverse thing you've ever heard?

John Waters

In Europe an actor is an artist. In Hollywood, if he isn't working, he's a bum.

Anthony Quinn

In a way SOA isn't new. It's what we were pursuing with CORBA, for example.

Jake Freivald

If somebody here isn't tolerant and accepting, we haven't met them yet.

David Eggers

The debate isn't finished. The conditions that (the PM) wants to create - so the soldiers are supported - comes as a result of a debate and information.

Bloc Mp Francine Lalonde

I find it very difficult to draw a line between what's sex and what isn't. It can be very, very sexy to drive a car, and completely unsexy to flirt with someone at a bar.

Angie Bjorklund

There's a lot of new terminology, a lot of new things going on with the defense. The hardest thing isn't executing, it's communication.

Tristan Davis

Amazon (is) selling everything from garden appliances and apparel to electronics and used books. But bigger isn't always better from a customer's viewpoint.

Larry Freed

The server closet down the hall isn't adequate any more.

Russell Senesac

Do you really have to be the ice queen intellectual or the slut whore? Isn't there some way to be both?

Susan Sarandon

Now my husband jokes that if his dentist isn't within walking distance, he isn't going to the dentist.

Susan Hicks

If this guy isn't your buddy and you don't keep him in good health, you're not going to have something to carry your gear.

Mike Dufresne