It's pretty clear they would not have done this had it not been for the proposed landfill.

Mike Savage

That's the way things come clear. All of a sudden. And then you realize how obvious they've been all along.

Madeleine L'Engle

It's clear that this is not a case of foul play.

James Tate

The findings are very clear.

Scott Hoffman

I think we got quite clear advice from them.

Robert Temple

It was made very clear who would do what.

Paco Felici

We have a real clear division ... and it has been a wonderful relationship.

Sue Ernest

It meant everything to me. He was so cognizant and clear on that day, it really was a gift from God.

Susan Moroso Strecker

We have had a series of discussions about where we are. It is clear to me that the April 30 deadline will come and go without significant agreement.

Jerry Moran

We are looking into the matter but what is clear is that a crime was committed.

Badru Kiggundu

People need to be convinced that it's a must have, and it's not clear that it is.

George Shiffler

Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone.

Redd Foxx

Where the boundaries aren't clear, we're delineating those. It's a clean-up and a house keeping exercise.

Susie Wiles

So far we have been able to clear every condition that's required.

Aguri Suzuki

To us, it was a clear example to cut off criticism of the government.

Alan Schlosser

The more detailed and specialized and clear they can be, the better their response will be.

Don Long

The evidence is clear that there was repeated bombardment by meteorites.

Anglican Bishop Robert Duncan

It is increasingly clear that there is very little else to recover from the scene.

Andy Trotter

It was clear to them by the end of our visit that we had some legitimate concerns.

Tom Collins

We are not going to be doing this on the cheap. We want them to be very clear on what choices they're going to make.

Rob Gould

It's clear that the media is not impartial as it is being dominated.

Tawatchai Tositrakul

They will never again be in cahoots with the government in the way they were before, but they can become a real party now with a clear ideology.

Sergio Sarmiento

It's a really clear, simple solution.

Mark Mathias

I shall prove it - as clear as a whistle.

John Byrom

I've not had the all-clear yet, but I'm winning the main battle.

Paul Hunter

When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised.

Bo Oshoniyi

I can see the advantage because this gives you a clear direction of where to go.

Bob Myers

I think our voice got heard loud and clear.

Homa Arjomand

It's clear that Cisco is going to be a long-term customer.

Francis Gaskins

Most have been released, but it is not clear how many.

Noureddine Mezni

Mr. and Mrs. Stallone have filed this lawsuit to clear their name.

Martin Singer

For me it is completely clear that our air bases in Germany would be available to the Americans.

Helmut Kohl

More things (like these) will be available after clearing up the spectrum.

Rebecca Fisher

Most restaurants have clear lines of separation for smoking and non-smoking.

Jonathan Massell

[He went on to say that there was a] clear consensus ... at all times objective.

Courtney Pratt

The scientific evidence is absolutely clear.

Linda Rosenstock

The consumer is the only clear winner.

Derrick Berry

It is clear the consequences of the hurricane have become more widespread.

Stephen Johnson

His conscience is clear. This is the price of fame.

Carlos Queiroz

It is clear this individual has withheld information.

Robert Chapman

It's not clear how cable operators could insert a label.

Cliff Stearns

He believes Californians have made it clear that's a tax they would not be willing to support.

Nick Velasquez

It's clear that the virus is well-established in the region.

Dr. Guenael Rodier

We didn't come away with a clear commitment.

Michael Green

What is really clear is that this is a dead-end policy and they are close to the dead end.

Tom Malinowski

What is becoming clear now is that the trees will not grow to the sky.

Konrad Becker

Clear all around. Three cars single file and then they're three by three behind that.

Danny Culler

It could be replaced but only with another structure that is clear to all parties.

Viktor Khristenko

My feeling is very clear.

Jarno Trulli

It's premature to say everything is clear.

Seth Kleinman

I think it's a clear invitation to come back and resubmit.

William Fitzpatrick

It will send a very clear message to the U.S. that this is the way to go.

Peter Marcus

Because it was a night landing, we didn't have clear vision of it.

Prasun Desai

It was as clear as it gets. It was not a judgment call whatsoever.

Pete Lembo

We are not under the delusion this will clear up every single question.

Towson Fraser

Because his wishes were clear, I think this is a very strong case.

George Annas

A clear conscience is a good pillow.

African American Proverb

That we have such problems is clear. The way to better results is less clear.

Kati Haycock

It's obfuscation. There is no attempt to be clear and concise and to describe the product for what it is.

Don Catlin

What's clear right now is that the market won't reward that.

Larry Haverty

I think he made it clear those indictments won't stand.

Terry Scarborough

They were able to clear a lot of their assortments out without having to resort to big sales.

Mark Rein

I've already gotten a bunch, so I'm hoping it will clear up a bit.

Tim Duncan

The TWU is the clear winner here. There really is no other way to spin it.

Nicole Gelinas

The rules are clear. We will be asking for the money back.

Nick Davies

It is abundantly clear that the answer we give you will be manifestly disastrous, no matter what we give you.

Richard Bloch

It's clear to me that this has been sickeningly difficult and profoundly tragic circumstance.

Michael Leavitt

There really is not clear guidance to what the outlook is going forward.

Nick Angiletta

It's conceivable that we can be out there clearing trees by the end of this year or the beginning of next.

James Bennett

It's going to take some time for the impact to become clear.

Allan Ramsay

When one is a social failure, the reasons are as clear as day.

Arnold Lobel

We've been there before and you just need clear heads and remain calm.

Shaun Pollock

She's got a lot she can bring to this team. But at the same time, it's very clear that this team is on a mission and a lot of kids can do it.

Mark Guilbeau

As long as we get a clear explanation of the allegations [from the authorities], that will be enough for us to make a move.

Taizo Nishimuro

There was a clear obligation to take the run.

Russell Lewis

This was a clear case of tampering. It was a clear case of cheating.

Pat Grant

It is abundantly clear that UCI breached its ethical obligations to their patients.

Larry Eisenberg

Clear and unambiguous language of (the law) encompasses undocumented aliens.

Robert Bell

I think it's clear we're in damage control now.

Norman Ornstein

We think it's perfectly clear that this is a tax.

David E. Johnson

It's clear that state laws improve things substantially.

Keith Ernst

Since 1995, it's been mostly active, and this year is a clear example of that.

Phil Klotzbach

It's very clear to us that this incident is mean-spirited and homophobic.

Mark Hooker

It's funny how clear it is in there.

Dan Weber

His shoulder was looked at and he was given the all clear.

Alan Phillips

At the moment there is no clear definition about which services they are funding.

Clyde Thompson

It's not yet clear if the exhibition will be repeated any time soon.

Hasan Nofarasti

They made it clear that they liked what they saw and that our arena was appropriate for NBA games.

Mick Cornett

What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience?

Adam M. Smith

There needs to be a clear national standard.

Jeff Chester

As it turned out, they [the SLM rebels] had made a clear decision not to go [to Abuja].

Roger Winter

We have the momentum. This is a two-man race, that's clear, and now we have to build on that momentum.

Arturo Sarukhan

It's not clear whether we have a president or not.

Alexander Lebed

While the state can provide the base, it's clear that there are limits.

Mark Rosenberg

The law and the case law on this is clear as a bell.

Barry Watson

It's imminently clear to me that she is marketing a substance here to be very much like pot.

Scott Rowland

She had no clear recollection exactly why she woke up.

Glenn White

We think the evidence is crystal clear.

Brian Sansoni

It's clear that the relationship is bi-directional. It's an upward spiral.

Sonja Lyubomirsky

Clearing the drains will help but not solve the problem.

Tom Meeks

We want to make it very clear, Camp Flying Eagle is not for sale.

Kevin Hennessy

If you love your children, if you love your country, if you love the God of love, clear your hands from slaves, burden not your children or country with them.

Richard Allen

It was as clear as a bell. We think there's a problem there with Little Storm Lake.

Gary Lalone

His value is clear. People know what he can do for the team.

Mark Gandler

Mama was always very clear with us, she never tried to hide the truth of things.

Melanie Delloye

Those make it pretty clear that it's from the raw sewage.

Rick Fried

He made it clear the attitude at Ford is change or die.

Dave Cole

We don't think it's necessary. We're pretty clear on that.

Marianne Bichsel

It's not clear yet exactly what the timetable is. We're not ruling out talks today.

Michael Jennings

It is very clear language.

Michael Blouin

We need to make (the rules) clear.

Hassan Wirayuda

He said, 'I was shot.' It was clear we had to go into the operating room.

Dr. Leon Pachter

Spoke of hope but offered no clear plan.

Avraham Burg

It is clear we are not where we want to be.

John Stemberger

Man is ready to die for an idea, provided that idea is not quite clear to him.

Paul Eldridge

There are some casualties. The position is not clear because there is a lot of crowd there. Security has been increased in the city.

Yashpal Singh

I wanted to make it clear what the law would be.

Sen. Jean Schodorf

On Iran, let's be clear. There has been absolutely no discussion in NATO of military action.

James Appathurai

The choice was clear -- Erskine Bowles is the right person for this job.

Bradley Wilson

We cleared our audits. We are clear and accounted for.

Gary Vest

This is a chance to prove him innocent and clear his name.

Jerry Ray

It's clear to me that the Bush administration is trying to manufacture a political crisis.

Sean Cosgrove

There is one place in the park where you can see both, one on either side of the Clear Fork.

Steve Mckee

It's clear that they (the authorities) are not going to allow any shows of solidarity tomorrow around the trial.

Gerardo Sanchez

It's still not clear exactly what medical care is most needed.

Michael Leavitt

What children need from their parents is to get a very clear message that no is no.

Michael Eisen

He grew up there; he had some friends there. He just had to clear his head.

David Crowley

There's clear and present danger.

Michael Defensor

It's a clear defeat for the bill's supporters in the Assembly.

Tim Rosales

It certainly seems to me that the warnings are not sufficiently clear to the general public.

Laura Liddicoat

Let that be absolutely clear, that if it's war the LTTE wants ... then it is war that it will get.

Lakshman Kadirgamar

What's clear is that the annual numbers are fine for the Xbox.

Charles Di Bona

There doesn't seem to be any clear data that anything would be better off separate than together.

Jeff Bewkes

We would not be doing our job of enforcing the capital markets if we only brought cases that were clear winners.

Michael Watson

It's not clear to us why we're seeing such a large case number.

Bob Dietz

The intent is for this to be a clear and concise message.

Bill Powell

I went up there with a clear head. Just see the ball and hit it. And it's working.

Jacob Hilgendorf

It is pretty clear that we can break $70 without too much problem.

Deborah White

The director made it really clear that I don't sell any of these photographs.

Robert Mccune

It's one thing to put the bar up there. It's another thing to clear it. It was very impressive.

Vin Lananna

If you're out in the sun, it's a beautiful day. It's clear as clear can be. But you do have to tolerate the cold.

Rich Hohne

The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.

George Orwell

It's pretty clear that the amount of liability is going to be in the billions.

John Radcliffe

From that point on, his plan was very clear how the city should progress.

Alexander Garvin

It's a clear signal that Pennsylvanians have awoke from their long slumber.

Russ Diamond

It's pretty clear to me it comes down to money.

David Pillsbury

We got the message loud and clear, and did what we were supposed to do.

David Morehouse

Webby knows what to do out there and Adam is solid in there with clearing the front.

Mike Barone

It's clear to anyone with common sense this is an attempt to get votes.

John Jones

Art is science made clear.

Jean Cocteau

The way a candidate chooses to run his or her campaign is pretty much a clear indication of the way they will govern.

Shaye Rabold

It's very clear to us this happened suddenly, with massive force.

Chip Patterson

If we clear that hurdle we can make some noise.

John Pont

This is as clear as the nose on your face, but yet the Administration won't acknowledge it.

David Hartquist

Ultimately, it was put on hold when it was clear the direction of the commission was changing.

Bill Meyer

He's got every reason to come to court, every reason to clear his name.

Kevin Luibrand

It's clear and present and right in front of us.

Jill Mackie

We hope the situation will become clear in the near future.

Sun Huaibin

We'd like to have clear guidelines, and we'd be happy to follow them.

Sam Rovit

This is the tragedy of the commons because there is no clear winner.

Dan Kammen

It is crystal-clear to me that NuCO2 was well aware of the danger.

Mark Nation

But it is clear that they have been murdered.

Malin Sahlström

One thing is clear: These weapons must be must be dislodged from Saddam, or Saddam must be dislodged from power.

Joe Biden

I do not support abortion rights. Although what I would support in this vexed area is not clear to me.

Stanley Fish

We don't want to negotiate. The president had the chance to give a clear answer, which he didn't do.

Bruno Julliard

He said that there is no clear-cut answer. It's opinion based on opinions.

Tom Eithun

The conundrum we are in is there are no clear answers as to a cause and effect.

Meg Graham

Don't despair of a student if he has one clear idea.

Nathaniel Emmons

They had a clear message and used creativity to bring that out.

June Wozny

I want to make it clear I'm not a chauvinist, but I believe a woman's place is in the house, ... The White House, that is.

Michael Mckinney

The security level at every airport is non-negotiable because once you clear one airport, you have access to all of them.

Kip Hawley

You may not know it, but at the far end of despair, there is a white clearing where one is almost happy.

Joan Baez

This is a clear message that we intend to do something about it.

Lynn Dziad

There's very little you can do about it except keep your mind clear.

Gord Irwin

If you expect to win, you need a candidate with clear command of the issues.

Greg Mueller

We're clear on one thing, ... I support Freddy Ferrer.

David N. Dinkins

The arrests are bearing fruit. It's clear there has been a significant drop, but we must persevere.

Franck Louvrier

It's a little bit more than I thought, but it's also not clear if they will get to that number.

Stephan Droxner

He made it clear from the get-go that he didn't want to hurt anybody.

Jeff Berman

At this point it isn't clear that there's any action we can take.

John Burness

Oh that was awesome. I'm still clear up on cloud nine.

Charlie Fehrenbach

People think I came in here with a clear-cut agenda; that is not the case at all.

Alexi Lalas

I think that the so-called Clear Skies approach would dirty our skies, not clean them up.

Debbie Sease

I made it clear when I got here that I was going to be loud about my politics.

Ashley Goforth

Let me be clear: There is no stronger advocate for civil liberties in the Senate than myself.

Saxby Chambliss

No one's really clear how that happened.

Rebecca Goldburg

It's a clear decision and it's a complete decision.

Dennis Husch

It appears that Clear Channel has created value with the spin-off.

Laura Martin

She got clear maybe 10 or 15 seconds before the train hit her car. Those civilians are heroes.

Pete Gray

There is a high hurdle for Macy's to clear.

Burt Flickinger Iii

Apple should be clear about its information gathering practices.

Marc Garrett

It's clear that Than Shwe did not come out looking very good.

Debbie Stothard

Kirchner and his group want to do their own thing and they're clearing the road for that.

Alberto Bernal

The expectations are fluctuating day by day, so there's no clear direction at the moment.

Masafumi Yamamoto

We want them to have clear information about this subject, and resources to call on.

Fred Engh

My mind is clear. I'm focused.

Dennys Reyes

I guess I should try to clear 11 first. But I'm aiming for 11-6 at the states.

Ali Lacey

I've made it clear that I love Kansas City.

Matt Stairs

It's all too clear we're on our own.

Bob Weir

In campaigns, the goal is to be a stable leader, clear on your record, accomplishments and base.

Cathy Allen