We anticipate plenty of groceries on the shelf for Y2K and hereafter.

For most Americans, spring is a great time to clean and freshen up their home. They are getting rid of a winter's worth of dust, dirt and grime. Of course, people also appreciate that there are significant physical and emotional benefits to keeping a clean house all year long.

We think the evidence is crystal clear.

Today's range of cleaning product choices really allows people to use products that fit their personal cleaning routines and styles. Innovations in cleaning products are advancing constantly. It's a hallmark of our industry.

The overall tone (of the consumer report) raises all these unwarranted fears and anxieties about pesticides. Raising fears poses a much greater risk of harming health than do residues on foods measured by government surveys.

There's something about a clean house, a clean room. It does wonders for the psyche.