It's a great way to give back. Without volunteers, trails would cease to exist.

Jeffrey Hunter

We're very much in our infancy. We're still putting things together, looking for volunteers to work in the garden.

Doug Conley

Without the volunteers, World Care doesn't exist.

Lisa Hopper

If they want to get coordinated, they need to go to Lamar-Dixon and get in contact with the Humane Society, they'll check them (volunteers) over and give them IDs.

Larry Hawkins

We need new donors and always more volunteers. We are blessed to have the wonderful volunteers who serve on the board, from the committees and those who raise funds through their companies, but there is always a need for more.

Randi Battaglia

The program is tailored to the volunteer and what they want to do. They pick and choose what they want to do. We get the volunteers out to learn their lake and share their data with others.

Laura Herman

A lot of parents would like to be able to spend time with their kids in the classroom or on field trips, but they can't because they have to work. It's very discouraging for us people who are trying to recruit volunteers.

Maria Reyna

The decision to leave the longtime home in Atlantic City was made after extremely careful deliberation and with the highest level of respect for the countless friends, volunteers and fans of the pageant.

Art Mcmaster

We will also be planting native grasses and shrubs in the landscaping beds at Fortress Rosecrans. We are asking for volunteers to come out and help us with the project.

Angela Jackson

It came down to all the help we got. All of this was donated time, just volunteers coming together with a great idea.

Marc Collins

Volunteers are such an important part of what we do and fulfilling our mission. We wanted to adequately reward them.

Jacek Pruski

I am a threat, ... A threat against what they want to do. They want to eliminate the volunteers.

Henry Price

In my classroom, my volunteers give so much more to my students than I could ever imagine.

Melissa Patterson

Basically, I realized that there were a lot of things that I would have liked to have done but I never really had the time. Working with volunteers, working on the grant processes. Now I have that time.

Ollie Nutt

Many will be cooperating in mobilizing a citizens' army of volunteers to do two things. To warn merchants of what the law requires them to do, and to report violations to a new toll-free hotline.

John Banzhaf

We save the city a lot of money. Once they get going, they are going to find out that they need volunteers.

Rose Tarver

We use more than 1,000 volunteers just on this event. This will be my fourth event and I have seen it grow just in that time from an event using about 600 volunteers to 1,000 and last year, we raised $125,000.

Karen Mitchell

I've seen what the first-aid volunteers do, and they need to be more appreciated.

Mary O'brien

Without the volunteers, adoptive families, donators, none of this would be possible.

Diana Sarkosi

I think it's an area parents cannot afford to be in denial about. The profile of a sexual predator doesn't meet any criteria as far as race, religion or socioeconomic background, and we're negligent if we don't screen volunteers or anybody who is involved in parks and recreation.

Stephanie Samuels

Our volunteers need to have some maturity, and we feel 14 is the youngest age at which a person would qualify.

Louise Shivers

Daffodil Days is a great way for the volunteers of Greene County to share the hope that cancer can be beaten. It's an amazing effort that they put out each year for the fight against cancer.

Nancy Verderber

Our volunteers are well trained in all the new tax laws to make sure and advise our customers on what they can and cannot claim on their tax forms. Our job is to help Sailors out any way possible. It is a free service and everyone should take advantage of it.

Rachel Christofferson

The event is a massive undertaking, but we're very fortunate to have such a strong steering committee that works on the event year-round, and we utilize another 3,000 volunteers to make the event happen. Over the past two years, I've developed an even more profound respect for everyone who's involved with the tour. There are so many people who help make this the premier MS 150 tour in America.

Doug Suggitt

Every day, our staff and volunteers provide a comforting presence to individuals and families facing life-threatening illnesses, grief and loss. Fox Valley Hospice remains committed to providing care that treats the person, not the disease, and emphasizes the quality of life, not the duration.

Nancy Vance

We're definitely getting more calls, and the preponderance of questions are from people who want to know the best route to bike to work. We have volunteers we call route-gurus who know Boston and bicycling so they can devise commuting routes that are efficient and safe.

Dorie Clark

The Red Cross needs a lot of volunteers whenever there's a disaster, and it has a partnership with mental health professionals.

Beth Payne

It's so hard that it takes hundreds of volunteers and a few dozen staff to host 10,000 or 15,000 men, ... Putting on the arena events costs in the hundreds of thousands. It's the constant effort to cut costs and not let it show.

Promise Keepers

It's run mostly by volunteers but we have some paid personnel. We turn the funds back to the community.

Penny Hall

Master Gardeners graduates become part of Texas Cooperative Extension as volunteers, and even after they complete their classroom instruction and 50 hours of volunteer work, they must do 12 hours of volunteer work every year to maintain their certified Master Gardener status.

Dr. Enrique Perez

We've had a lot of blood and sweat put into the school by parents and volunteers.

Jackie Collins

Committee assignments have been made. We welcome more volunteers to join us and, of course, we are beginning to solicit donations of money, prizes, gifts, gift certificates and the others things we will need to make this event a success.

Sue Maus

We really need grassroots support to make this happen. The YMCA belongs to the community and is run by the community with a board of volunteers from the community.

Trudy Pieper

What you had was a lot of young volunteers who, frankly, objected to this election being decided behind closed doors, without the media having a full view and without our observers having a full view. We executed our First Amendment rights in a peaceful manner, with full decorum.

Jim Wilkinson

(Mary Greeley) is recruiting volunteers through its employee base to provide first aid. The hospital tries to do all the first aid.

Beth Swenson

We've got a got bunch of trained volunteers who are ready and willing to respond to these incidents. They are thrilled by the opportunity.

Donna Perry

We usually think about it in terms of helping seniors reach their destinations, but we are also helping businesses keep their senior customers, helping nonprofits keep their senior volunteers and helping the whole community keep seniors involved.

Colleen Konstanzer

By and large, most all of our volunteers understand that this is to help ensure the safety of the program.

Michael Kaufman

We will organize the establishment of call centers and begin making assessments as to the needs of their areas as well as to begin coordination for the sending and receiving of volunteers and distribution of relief supplies.

Jeff Parker

Our thanks go to all the volunteers and their organizations for joining us on September 17 to make a difference on our beaches and waterways.

Barbara Cohen

On average, we'd see three to five patients a night. It was not enough to keep it viable, to keep the volunteers and to keep going.

Mike Gallagher

A lot of parents and other volunteers have stepped up bringing in supplies and running concessions.

Brint Russell

Nurses, physicians, counselors but there are probably needs for others. And at the moment the work that's going on is work identifying potential volunteers who would be available to go at very short notice potentially as early as this weekend.

John Manning

The problem is it's not just well-intentioned volunteers we need.

Susan Michaels

You rely on volunteers hugely. Certainly I can't run the Oyster Festival all by myself. … The same was true of Godwit Days. … But every time I put a call to the board for their participation … it was difficult to get them enlisted. … It may be my own management style. … When you're at the helm of running something … you still have to ultimately be responsible for the success of the event.

Michael Behney

Our need is lots and lots of volunteers. We need tons and tons of volunteers to come in and package food. That and fundraising. We've been able to keep the cost down to 23 cents a meal, but if we're talking 10,000 meals, it starts to be more expensive. The hard thing is raising the money to feed all the people who need help.

Tim Stromer

When volunteers get there, they want to be busy immediately.

Melanie Mcdonough

Decisions made years earlier made going to war in any significant way impossible without Guard and Reserve participation. But I can't imagine anyone postulated the situation we face today: We don't seem very anxious to bring back the draft and we can't get enough volunteers for a war that is not universally popular.

Charles Krohn

We need to hear from coaches and other volunteers as soon as possible, so we can start assigning them to teams.

Dave Cassels

If the running conditions on the roadways were hazardous to our runners, that would be sufficient to cancel or delay the event. I'm mostly concerned that our volunteers will opt to stay home because of the frigid conditions. The runners, for the most part, won't be deterred.

John Conley

It was amazing what their volunteers were able to do to make it painless. They have the best volunteer base and the number of staff that can make an event like this go extremely well.

Sharon Mayer

I really feel bad for all of the volunteers who have worked for the past year to get all phases of the festival organized.

Charles Colgan

We didn't instruct our volunteers; we would never encourage our volunteers to mislead a member of the press. We didn't know what they were saying.

Stu Loeser

We'd hope some of our musician partner families could do some of their sweat equity by doing performances or concerts for some of our volunteers who are coming from all over the world.

Jim Pate

We provide the training for all the teams around the country. We have 26 of them, and are always looking for more volunteers to help form new ones in states where we don't yet provide retreats.

Seline Skoug

I think that the play is doing good work. And the volunteers, not only the audience, have grown from it. Given a chance to give back, after taking for so long, it's just a wonderful healing thing.

Bob L.

Every rural ambulance service in the state of Iowa is struggling. We are so lucky in Algona with our volunteers and our fire department.

Tammy Snow

Many groups and individuals from the Greater Media area are involved in the center as board members, coaches and volunteers.

Larry Goldfarb

With the bacteria levels of the water, we're really concerned for the safety of our volunteers. Right now, we will not go onto the beach and pick up any debris.

Clint Jamile

The MI Volunteer Registry is another proactive step in preparing for accidental, natural, or intentional public health emergencies. It will form a critical network to facilitate the deployment of willing, needed, and qualified volunteers for any emergency.

Janet Olszewski

This individual sold his blood and the Red Cross doesn't pay for blood, ... That's the first line of our safety program, to only take blood from volunteers.

Shawn Richardson

This is considered a hardship assignment. Volunteers will be staying in shelters. They will be facing the same challenges the hurricane victims will. Not everybody, because of health issues, can withstand circumstances such as that.

Bill Harrison

When you combine these generous individuals and businesses and the hundreds of dedicated volunteers, you have an incredible recipe for success.

Jim Duncan

She volunteers all the time. Even sports her daughters are not involved in, she's the first to help.

Ben Steele

I'm sure they'll be ecstatic. There are so many volunteers that need equipment and to keep abreast of things. This will help them to do that.

Mary O'brien

The network of trained Master Well Owner volunteers represents a unique opportunity to gather important data about private water systems throughout the state and effectively disseminate research findings to homeowners that utilize these water supplies.

Bryan Swistock

MADD is not the white-hot issue it was in the 1980s, ... But we need to rebuild our organization with even more volunteers and a stronger structure than we had in the past.

Chuck Hurley

It's a really great thing for volunteers to have. It makes them more useful during a disaster. When I went to Mississippi for Katrina, there were times down there when they didn't have enough drivers.

Michael Hepp

We're looking at the possibility of maybe some of the schools that maybe we can swap out gutting and clean up in exchange for housing volunteers.

Jim Pate

There are probably 35 to 40 volunteers who are on standby now.

David Pollock

It takes a lot of people to put on something like this, but we have 70 to 80 dedicated volunteers who are doing everything from assisting with parking to setting up and cleaning up. We are happy to do it because this is our gift to the community.

Larry Roth

It is quite exciting to see the inspirational spark that is produced in students when they talk to explorers living and working in space. The ARISS team of volunteers looks forward to working with Dr. Olsen and preparing the schools for this once in a lifetime event.

Frank Bauer

To help our members stay active, we try to have them become community volunteers among the YMCA. It is bigger than just the do it yourself. We help them set attainable goals and we help them reach those goals by keeping them connected in different ways through personal trainers, clubs and classes that we offer, or through volunteer opportunities.

Brian Eck

Our employees and volunteers really helped us get back on our feet.

Bruce Frallic

The volunteers don't need to know anything about golf. We have training for them.

Cheryle Simon

Talking directly to the voters - and providing links to various information sources - is important. As is using the Internet as a mobilizing tool in terms of e-mail to get the word out about the election that's coming up and also to help organize volunteers and to help publicize campaign events. The Internet really is becoming an indispensable part of campaigning.

Dave Norris

Private aid…can be more effective because it goes directly to people in need, costs less through the use of volunteers, and creates jobs and lasting institutions in poor countries.

Carol Adelman

I am particularly thrilled that so many members of my family could make it. I think that the Durham and Middlefield communities are exceptional, and there are many volunteers willing to do many things.

Marge Stahl

The type of debris in different areas that we would clean is large construction debris and is just not safe for volunteers.

Amy King

In the run up to the national launch, we are particularly in need of volunteers with computer skills. In addition there are many other opportunities for those who would like to get involved.

Bob Wilson

The Loyal Refugee Volunteers were not members of the regular British Army. Their job was to cut wood for the British, who would pay them for it. To supplement that wood income, they raided into the Bergen County countryside to take horses and cattle, which they then would sell.

Todd W. Braisted

You really feel for them. The volunteers talk about their own personal experiences of being oppressed in Iraq, ... Their accounts range from being brutalized to being shot, and in some cases, the exiles say their family members have been murdered.

Bob Stern

Even though there were hundreds of volunteers who took time off from their jobs and dropped everything in their life to help in the relief effort, there was absolutely no sign of the federal government except in the area with a fence around it.

Colleen Cooke

There are many trained people, both as staff and volunteers, who are willing and able to step forward to meet some of the needs of each parish.

Kevin Anderson

We try to put them at ease and build their confidence. Shoppers spend up to an hour for each client and they feel pretty good about themselves when the volunteers leave them.

Katy Zane

At the conclusion of the drill, all aspects of the drill were reviewed and a plan was developed to correct any deficiencies that we might have at this time. The chapter will be looking at recruiting additional disaster volunteers and acquiring some material resources.

Patty Gorman

We need additional help. (Volunteers) can give us as much time or as little time as they like. Any time they give us is appreciated.

Marcia Stewart

The time volunteers contribute to the program is minimal when compared to the satisfaction they receive. Teaching others to read is a gift that not only increases learning, but also enriches lives.

Jackie Willis

We've managed volunteers for events like Special Olympics Iowa and the Iowa Games for 15 years.

Andrew Zalasky

Things have slowed down this winter, we're trying to schedule volunteers for the spring and summer now.

Mary Woodward

It was an opportunity to allow the Red Cross to train their employees, their new volunteers, as well as benefit city workers who would have to take off and could have slowed down city operations. It's a win-win for everyone.

Phil Ramon

We will probably not get appropriate numbers of volunteers just looking in largely underserved communities. We have to be creative. ... We have to go to suburban units to assist us.

Joe Arnold

It's obviously not just me and Paul. There's lots of volunteers. I want to stress that even though we are the driving force, there are a lot of people who work very hard to make it happen.

Susanna Gilk

The percentage is reduced each year, until after five years the fire department is able to continue on with paid staffing with it's own funding. At a time when volunteer fire departments across the nation are struggling to obtain new volunteers, this cut really hurts. It means fire departments will have to look to the public for even more support.

Jackie Vaughn

I was blown away by the commitment and accuracy of data collected by volunteers.

Melissa Studer

These highly trained and talented volunteers have become the ?first responders' for horticultural education across the state, including here in the Valley.

Dr. Enrique Perez

We have had a great response to our request for volunteers. About 25 volunteers will man the water stations, work at the registration table, do the timing, and tabulate the results.

Tommi Reynolds

It's an enjoyable experience to make a difference, ... They [volunteers] are actually getting dirty. They're using their hearts, their hands and their heads to make a difference.

Chris Allen

We have volunteers providing meals, but if any one or any church wants to contribute something, it would be greatly appreciated.

Alexine Jordan

The true people who should get credit are the volunteers and the businesses who dedicated time or money throughout the years to bring it where it is today.

Diane Vannoort

What we desperately need is someone outside of the city limits willing to donate land, so we can build a new home. But it isn't just about money or writing a check. The most important thing we can have is volunteers who donate their time.

Lori Shackleton

You don't have to ask for volunteers, ... We have them coming up here, asking, 'Where do you need me?'

Robert Myers

We are feeling like the size of the group of volunteers is about right now.

Tim Rosenvall

The event is awesome. It is the culmination of a year's worth of very hard work. It brings together the Peninsula's best volunteers, restaurants and wineries. Their generosity is greatly appreciated.

Patrick Perry

We know that Rotary and the city are big parts of the celebration, along with citizens and volunteers. To make it work, the parties need to work together.

Tim Cox

This show couldn't be done without all the volunteers.

Marie Huenefeld

Hopefully volunteers will not be upset. We'll still be relying on them.

Darrell Vires

I think it's a nice gesture on the part of Bishop Lori to recognize volunteers in the church. They've always had programs to recognize high profile people and this is a nice way to recognize the people in the trenches.

Michael Mclachlan

There are health issues, even though volunteers who clean up some of these items wear gloves.

Bill Polick

Everyone was saying they can't get volunteers for anything and someone said they had a day to show what the town does.

Toni Fletcher

Go into harm's way, and they do this as volunteers. ... The safety of our employees is paramount, and we make sure our personnel are provided with the latest intelligence and kept abreast of geopolitical situations.

Jeff Adams

We need volunteers who love other people.

Annise Johnson

Every time, she would list the volunteers' names to me. This showed she was happy to stay with them.

Zhang Danuo

There will be a lot of hands and a lot of volunteers.

Bob Bathalon

We are just now kicking back into gear with all the volunteers starting to come back. It's been a little slow over the summer. It's still moving and it should really kick into gear in the next month. We have $1.3 million raised in pledges at this point. We're hoping to close the campaign by about April of next year.

Cindy Love

It is a challenge to place a dollar value on the important work volunteers do for millions of charitable organizations and communities across the country. But this number can help put into perspective the enormous contributions provided by our nation's volunteers.

Diana Aviv

We anticipate three or four more of our regular volunteers will go and I'm asking for public volunteers.

Susan King

Volunteers and I have been knocking on doors five to seven hours a day every weekend since January. I like being out in the neighborhoods, hearing what people have to say about Chandler.

Trinity Donovan

They really have been the core group. These fellows in their late 70s and early 80s - I just admire these volunteers so much. They put so much time and energy into helping people. Churches were instrumental in starting Food Share nearly a quarter of a century ago, and the partnership with the faith community remains a vital one.

Nancy Smith

We will be celebrating the achievements of our volunteers. We have had a lot of great help, and it's time to recognize those participating.

Jane Jones

We can't ask (our custodian) to come in every Saturday and Sunday to clean up. My thought is if PTO wants to do it, they have to find volunteers to do it.

David Boyce

There is major interest in the fish here from all over the Bay Area. But even with all our volunteers, we're still just trying to keep up.

Todd Steiner

Iraqi forces will be defensive in nature, composed of volunteers only. The military will serve their people without religious or sectarian or tribal or political discrimination.

Ali Allawi

Our volunteers really work hard while they are here. But, some of the most important work will be done when they go home and tell their stories, share their pictures of what they have seen and done here, and relay just how devastated our community is and how much more work is needed.

Denise Chetta

Patient and family volunteers must complete the full training course. No previous experience is necessary. The free training program is comprehensive.

Bill Krueger

Everyone is so giving. No one makes excuses. The volunteers are all givers, not takers.

Miriam Skaar

It really is a team project. The volunteers give so much love and attention to each animal.

Mimi Beadles

Please say something about how much we appreciate the cooperation of the sheriff's office, the search and rescue teams and all the volunteers. I'd come home at night, but I spent two weeks up there. It's a rugged area.

George Young

We cannot send volunteers in to get shot. That is not what they volunteered to do.

Travis Strack

People came in here without anything. They were tired and hungry and angry, convinced they had been abandoned by America, ... But this city and its people stood up to help. I've had literally thousands of volunteers show up, ready to help, ready to work.

David J. Moore

At 1:30 in the morning, here come these crazy volunteers from Virginia, pounding on the doors.

Bart Tucker

It's tough getting volunteers when it's not as well-publicized as it is. People like to take part in an event.

Jason Klein

I am amazed by the response. There are more volunteers than there are people actually displaced. People stood in lines in the parking lot hoping to get in to have the chance to volunteer.

Scott Erwin

We are also looking for a person who can train and director our volunteers in this fundraising effort, particularly in identifying larger donors.

Glenn Reyer

In two of the coaches there will be 10 teams of volunteers, who will fan out on bicycles to nearby villages to create awareness through one-to-one interactions, street theater and other interpersonal communication methods.

S.y. Quraishi

We need 100 volunteers a week. We're six months into this and it's amazing the interest has lingered this long. We're got to keep it in front of people in order the sustain the volunteer growth.

Randy Foster

[But that's not how things are done in Chico. An organization made up mainly of volunteers puts on two or three exhibits a year at Chico Museum.] There have been more than 90 exhibits since we opened in 1986, ... In all that time, we've had only one or two paid staff members.

Paul Russell

We have to worry about the weather. Most of our volunteers are senior citizens and they walk very gingerly.

Alberta Stima

Dr. King dedicated his life to helping others, and we felt it would be right to honor him by having volunteers from the university go out into the Valparaiso community to help those in need.

Bill Marion

We have a factory running here. We have tons of volunteers. People pull up and volunteer and stay for a few hours to help with the stuff that's coming in.

Frank Harris

We didn't want to see the event end. The Holiday Bowl put a lot of love and sweat into building the Speed Festival. We offered the team all the staff knowledge and help we could give them. We'll have volunteers out there this weekend to help. We hope it works out.

Bruce Binkowski

In mid-America, the mid-sized and small communities where fire protection is (done by) volunteers, there are no investigation capabilities. You have to call in agency or county fire marshals, ATF.

Doug Williams

I took over as president in October. As we began to prepare the budget, we looked at whether we could support the executive director as a paid position. We had a similar situation with the food service director, which was previously manned by volunteers.

Sue Coffman

The volunteers, the members, the Honda people, the NBC people, the champion (Luke Donald). It's the last time a lot these people will be together. That's when it will probably get emotional.

Cliff Danley

As far as I know, she's a straight-A student, and she's well behaved. She is always attentive, volunteers answers in class and prepares for tests.

Christina Culberson

It's the most powerful for kids 4 and 5 years old. We offer their first experience of an animal outside their knowledge at home. With their parents and the contact area volunteers as guides, they go ahead and reach out and explore and when they're positively reinforced, they can move forward with confidence and then the learning really starts.

Bret Sellers

It was a difficult campaign, with several major disasters happening all over the world, but, at the end, we were able to meet and exceed our campaign goal once again this year. This is our opportunity to thank our many volunteers, donors and others who helped us raise the money needed to help so many in our area.

Carolyn Jackson

This tournament would never take place and be as popular as it is without the hard work and dedication of the thousands of volunteers who give of their time and energy. This is our way of saying thank you to them for all that they do.

Kevin Costner

Committed volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Lives are changed in this community because of their work ? what an amazing mark to leave on the place you live.

Kari Ridder

People were being held more accountable, which is great. But we'd rather have the SHARP volunteers be well-liked and be a positive influence in the community.

Rex Osborn

Our volunteers are the most incredible people in the world. They give freely of their time and energy. But we don't have enough volunteers to keep up with it.

Cynde Frankel

Some terrific ideas came out of a focus group of more than 30 Sedona area community and business leaders, ... Pulling off this celebration in high style will require a tremendous amount of planning and coordination. We are fortunate to have enthusiastic, capable and creative volunteers who are dedicated to making our 25th Anniversary a real success.

Nancy Wilson

Crime victimization can dramatically change a person's life. Crime Victims' Rights Week gives Missouri an opportunity to educate our communities about the devastating impacts of violent crimes and also recognize the efforts of professionals and volunteers who dedicate their lives to helping victims of crime.

Katharine Barondeau

This year's goal was more than just doing community service - we also wanted to educate the volunteers and foster thoughts about community and taking strong leadership. Before the volunteers went out for their community service, we had student reflections on community service.

Princy Thottathil

The Red Cross is made up of volunteers. We have a meager staff, but the volunteers who pitch in whenever and wherever they're needed who make up the Red Cross.

Madeleine Gasdik

Several volunteers have been preparing for the evacuees since Thursday. The industrial-sized kitchen is stocked and (the evacuees) got a big meal last night upon arriving.

Brad Moore

We're very excited about playing an even stronger role in serving Houston County. Tom and Jean have done a marvelous job of serving the communities as journalists, business leaders and volunteers, and we're planning to build on that tradition of service.

Rusty Cunningham

Our volunteers have already picked up several wounded people, and there are reports of many more wounded waiting for rescue.

Kunjan Aryal

We'll need no less than 10 volunteers a day and no more than 25 a day, and they must be prepared to be self-sufficient for one to two weeks.

Jim Pate

In any time of disaster the people of this region have been willing to step forward and assist so far as volunteers. I think we'll be able to deal with anything efficiently and effectively.

Dan Weakley

I think it's nice for the volunteers of this area, that recognition means something to all the people who give, and there's a ton of them. It's just a little something that says they recognize this little, out-of-the-way community in the state of Pennsylvania. We're keeping the agriculture alive.

Bob Garrison

They are trying to use humor to get them into the movie theater. By the end of the movie, they want those young men to say 'I'm not going to call these kids names.' We want young people to spread the word about the movie. They are our next generation of volunteers and supporters.

Laura Gremelsbacker

We are already tapped out in terms of volunteers and staff.

Joe Mathis

The volunteers in this state do a tremendous job. But you can't have someone walking away from the job two or three times a day.

Tom Hanify

The levy is for ambulances, not for personnel. Our emergency medical services are dependent upon volunteers.

Bill Rogers

It takes a lot of labor and a lot of good volunteers. But we enjoy putting it on.

Matt Broch

It would be an excellent starting point. We've got volunteers who would be glad to help you out.

Bill Minish

I think people think it has been four months since the storm and they don't think there are any volunteers left.

Roy Duncan

We will select volunteers from those two branches.

Bryan Sykes

Turn-outs run $2,500 to $3,000 each. If a fire department has 10 volunteers, every five years they must budget for a $30,000 expenditure, just to keep up with this code alone.

Jackie Vaughn

Our primary need is for people to realize that this disaster is not going to last just a couple of weeks. The effects will last months, therefore we will need volunteers and contributions for months.

Steve Wilson

There are many of us (volunteers) that put our heart and soul in this organization. These volunteers are precious, and they need to be treated that way.

Ron Matthews

Over this next month, clergy from the pulpits, teachers in the classrooms, volunteers throughout our churches, mosques, temples and synagogues will be engaged in this effort.

David Saperstein

With the dedication, determination and relentless efforts of an ever increasing number of devotees and volunteers of all ages, this temple will become will soon become a focal point for Hindus in North Texas to congregate and practice their faith.

Giridhara Gopal

The shop was going from summer clothes to fall/winter, so other Junior League volunteers helped me sort and go through clothing items that would work for South Africa.

Karen Clark

Everybody was pumped up the first week. We had lots of volunteers in the beginning. Now the sense of dropping everything to come help is not as great as at the beginning. Volunteers are driving great distances and having to pay their own gas and tolls. I don't think it's our responsibility to give, give, give and not see motivation on the evacuees' level.

Haan Phelps

Founding Mother, Linda Axley, and executive directors like Pam Moore and Deana Franke (current director), have kept the vision alive, and have transferred their vision to staff, board members, volunteers and to the entire community.

Sandy Johnson

What we have accomplished, we have with volunteers. This is going to take time, but we have moved ahead impressively, now owning our own building. We have touched thousands so far and it can only grow and get better.

David Butcher

We were watching the news and saw that they needed volunteers. It was a good opportunity for me to give something back.

Danny Leblanc

We're amazed every single day by how this community comes together to support CCAC. We have so many wonderful volunteers and this is something we can visualize.

Jane Donovan

With this being the 800th anniversary, we saw this as a great opportunity. This is just a great way of jazzing it up, and I think the rest of the skiers get a kick out of seeing them out on the course, and so do the volunteers, and they deserve it because we couldn't do this without them. I know Jimmy and Tom will be great ambassadors.

Ned Zuelsdorff

(The volunteers) don't want the lack of tools or lack of transportation to hold them back -- or we hear (about) it.

Kevin King

We get volunteers throughout our organization, whether it's manufacturers and supplies, the contractors donate equipment and supplies labor and we do it all for free. The crane companies, everyone is doing it for free.

Louis Hobaica

You can fill them out interactively or print them out and mail them. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for volunteers to log their data.

Georgia Zern

It's hard to find volunteers who'll give five or six hours a week. Their commitment level is unbelievable.

Debra Conner

It was a great day — turnout, attitude, volunteers, everything. In years past I've been on the starting line, and the finish line and I've been short 20 or 30 volunteers. I didn't know where to put people this year I had so many volunteers. That's awesome and that makes it great.

Mike Rush

The festival is a non-profit organization. We are not funded by the county. It takes approximately 200 to 250 volunteers to put on the festival.

Betty Morrison

We're all volunteers who work on this. We all lead busy lives and own businesses to run and we needed some professional help. We are really hoping that the public will get behind this and show support for the community college. It's really needed in the region.

Sally Poole

We take our responsibility to protect children in our care very seriously. Throughout Children's, our hiring standards require extensive criminal background checks on all new employees and volunteers.

Blair Sadler

We have a lot of connections with community agencies. We place volunteers in about 140 different agencies.

Casey Lacore

If we have enough volunteers, we will re-do part of the north end also.

Carl Russell

It has been wonderful having so many volunteers. Dana (Berger) has been just amazing at organizing the students.

Chris Laramore

We're down to a skeleton crew with the substitutes. We need volunteers to keep the program running smoothly.

Alberta Stima

Is there a way we can have people go through more quickly. Is there more paperwork needed? Can we speed up the process. That's what I want to know. And I want to know how the volunteers are working with us.

Craig Beintema

[Church leaders who have asked volunteers to allow evacuees to move in with them] have their heart in the right place, ... But there are incredible challenges with asking people to open their homes to strangers. Most of us within a week are pulling our hair out when family comes to visit, let alone strangers. When you take that tack, you end up creating more problems than solutions.

Barry Stein

We need volunteers for everyday walking-through-the-door-stuff, cleaning, feeding, watering ? taking a baby like this and getting it bundled and warmed up.

Marcia Stewart

On behalf of the board of trustees, staff and volunteers, it is my great pleasure to announce the award of accreditation.

Kathy Roberts

So she's given marginal resources, and she multiplies it, ... She begs and borrows and depends on a lot of volunteers. I think sometimes she feels like the Lone Ranger out there, and in a sense, maybe that's justified, but that doesn't mean she isn't appreciated.

Lois Frankel

The volunteers need to be put on a schedule otherwise everything else, work, home, the kids, gets in the way. I think these volunteers are excited to be here seeing the value of working with a trainer. No-one's quit yet which I think is very encouraging.

Jim Johnstone

Bill is one of those dream volunteers that all organizations would like to clone. The symphony has gained mightily by Bill's leadership by example and the positive energy he brings to the group.

Nancy Wright