Since I started, I had this vision of creating a safe, comfortable place to seriously explore the thousands of possibilities of mosaic making.

Laurel True

Every single night, seven nights a week, thousands of people are out spending money at live music venues. You get eight Bears games a year drawing 60,000 people, but many, many more come to our venues over the course of a year. Every night of the week in Chicago is a music festival on par with anything in New York, L.A. or Nashville.

Tim Tuten

It is important to start building new hospitals and schools as soon as possible but it's most urgent to save the lives of thousands of children who could then make use of these schools.

Jan Vandemoortele

We need to get through one more hurricane season and winter of Nor' Easters. A lot of our beaches are in poor shape. A series of powerful storms in the 1990s have eroded large sections of sand and dunes. One more major hit and we could be in big trouble. There are thousands of lives, homes, businesses and public property at stake here. They are at clear risk.

Jim Saxton

This is a very important protest, with thousands and thousands of citizens defending their freedom ... they are not going to give in to the persecution to which they are subjected.

Angel Acebes

We didn't even think of letting it go. People spend thousands of dollars in fuel and bait to catch a fish like that.

Neil Robertson

We're sitting in a shooting gallery, with hundreds of thousands of these things whizzing around in the inner solar system. So it's just a matter of time.

Rusty Schweickart

On Jan. 15, we had thousands and thousands of applications from students who in prior years would have been admissible, but we had to wait-list them.

James Steen

There are tens of thousands of apartments in the U.S. that are owned by Islamic investors and it's become an issue because you can't lawfully know what your tenant is doing.

Abdulkader Thomas

If a Category 4 hurricane ever hits New Orleans directly, the dikes will be breached and destroyed, and thousands will perish, ... Geological Hazards.

Timothy Kusky

We don't expect tens of thousands of people, but we do hope for that one couple that wants to experience the best that New York has to offer on this romantic day.

Stephen Shapiro

Our intent is to demonstrate the tremendous efficiency and economy of using earth observation technology to assess water quality in historically impaired or threatened water bodies. Normally, this has been accomplished by taking thousands of water samples.

Tim Conley

Pheasants Forever members across the state of Iowa are excited to showcase our habitat accomplishments through Pheasant Fest. This will be a well-deserved celebration for thousands of members, landowners, pheasant hunters, and natural resource professionals that have made a real impact for wildlife in Iowa. We hope to make this the best Pheasant Fest to date.

Mike Schmitz

Accommodations are more like those of a dormitory than a hotel. These hotels are operating with few staff members, as a majority of hotel workers were among the thousands of people ordered to evacuate. Those hotels providing temporary shelter today will require significant refurbishing in the future before resuming normal operations and welcoming the traveling public.

Patrick Ford

I did 'State Trooper' as a solo with all of my effects, and Bruce himself showed up and came onstage and shook my hand twice in front of thousands of people and said how great it was.

Gary Lucas

We found him obviously tired and haggard, unrepentant, even defiant, justifying crimes saying he was a just but firm ruler, our answer was that he was unjust ruler responsible for death of thousands of people.

Adnan Pachachi

Every year, people pack thousands of disposable pens, razors, batteries, tissues and nappies - all things designed to be thrown away when they are finished with.

Julie Brown

(We're) hoping to raise thousands of dollars for the center. But we are here to have fun and make it fun for (everyone).

Debra Fabiszak

But thousands of people march to my songs, some just ignore me and shuffle along, some other tip me, hah, and sometimes they sing right along.

Jon English

Toyota is the Tiger Woods of flexibility and efficiency; they've got everybody a few strokes behind. Often, it's nothing that makes you sit back and go 'wow.' They're little things, thousands of little things that add up to a huge advantage.

Ron Harbour

Stanford has been fortunate to partner with Apple in a project that allows us to share the intellectual and cultural life of the university with our alumni. We are especially pleased that the project's focus is to deliver substantive content that so clearly supports the university's mission of teaching, learning and research both in the classroom and to our thousands of alumni around the world.

Howard Wolf

Tens of thousands of these predators are never reported or arrested or convicted.

Cory Davies

The trucks will transport food and non-food items urgently needed by the hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom have been without food and shelter since the quake struck.

Vincent Charles

It was a dream come true, but I was very nervous. I've been doing this for 20 years; I don't normally get nervous any more, but I walked out and saw all those thousands of people in the bleachers watching me and then I hit one really bad note.

Susanne Truitt

It's probably the worst coastal flooding since 1992. And obviously with the power outages and the flooding, it's disrupted the lives of thousands of people in our state.

Paul Cellucci

It gets real costly if all of a sudden we have to buy toilet paper. Stuff like milk and meat can run thousands of dollars a year.

Chris Megison

There will be an increase [in price for the diesel] but it won't be significant. It will be hundreds [of dollars] rather than thousands.

Neville Crichton

When you leave college, there are thousands of people out there with the same degree you have; when you get a job, there will be thousands of people doing what you want to do for a living. But you are the only person alive who has sole custody of your life.

Anna Quindlen

Predatory lending is a cancer that should be wiped out. We've reached a new stage in the debate over predatory lending laws. It's clear that state laws improve substantially on federal law and protect people who would otherwise be in danger of losing thousands of dollars - or even their homes.

Keith Ernst

It's become a primary target. It's a softer target, as you know, but it is a primary target to attack these forces. There have been hundreds and hundreds - thousands, probably - of Iraqi security forces killed. Sometimes they're attacked by suicide bombers, but they have become a primary target. It is very dangerous business training these troops, for that reason alone.

Martha Raddatz

At the same time the government has failed to meet that promise, we know that there will be thousands of nurses who are due to retire in 2008.

Shelley Martel

It's the sort of performance you can get out of a sport bike at under $10,000. You would have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a car to get that sort of quickness, that sort of top speed.

Alex Hyatt

We monitor all of our burns in the park and have been working with Los Alamos National Lab to develop some projects cross-boundary, ... Fire has been here for thousands of years and there are many species ecologically dependent on fire. They have adapted to it and are dependent on it.

Gary Kemp

That's just the straw that broke the camel's back. It would have to be more than that. There are thousands or millions of people in debt who don't kill themselves.

Lanny Berman

We are thankful to hear the intent of the Administration of President Bush to extend the humanitarian program TPS soon to expire for thousands of Central Americans.

Jose Lagos

There were thousands of posters all over the academy, urging the cadets to go see the movie.

Mikey Weinstein

It's possible to take the city, of course. Even Berlin was taken. But we spent tens of thousands of people's lives, tens of thousands of citizens and soldiers. Do we need that?

Alexander Lebed

People came in here without anything. They were tired and hungry and angry, convinced they had been abandoned by America, ... But this city and its people stood up to help. I've had literally thousands of volunteers show up, ready to help, ready to work.

David J. Moore

I used to think as I looked out on the Hollywood night, 'There must be thousands of girls sitting alone like me, dreaming of becoming a movie star. But I'm not going to worry about them. I'm dreaming the hardest.'

Marilyn Monroe

Hours count. If you don't act within 48 hours, the virus can spread and the costs multiply by thousands.

Bernard Vallat

We hope that tens of thousands of people will take a look. It's also timed with the Video Music Awards, Jennifer Lopez is up for an award. It will help drive traffic, having auctions coordinated with these events.

Holly Macdonald korth

Although we have thousands of events planned, we excited to also offer people a unique way to pray with us right from their own homes.

Robert Stearns

I sincerely hope that Congress will do what judges and local legislators so far have refused to do for me and for thousands of people like me across the nation: protect our homes.

Susette Kelo

I'm just grateful for the opportunity to say thanks to Pat for the thousands of persons whose lives she has touched.

Robert Maguire

It's so much bigger than me. I'm the figurehead for thousands of people that have contributed. As much as anything, it's been the players, the assistant coaches and those people that work very closely with our team.

Gene Bess

What they are doing to dogs is such a betrayal. This is an animal we have bred and selected for, for thousands of years, to become our pal, our companion.

Larry Hansen

Ultimately, this proposal will impact thousands of rural communities and working families across America and deny access to our national forests.

Mike Draper

This has been my fourth flight and by far it's been the busiest flight I've ever been on. There are thousands of people on the ground who made this mission successful. The real tribute goes to those folks on the ground who've helped us to be really successful on orbit.

Wendy Lawrence

I always thought after 2002 that I'd hang up my skates and turn professional and just go on tour and do shows. But I don't know when it is enough. I mean, I still enjoy it. I'm the luckiest girl alive that I get to perform in front of thousands of people, do what I love doing.

Michelle Kwan

We've got thousands and thousands of people out here who need help.

Dave Martinez

The people responsible for this incident have caused thousands of pounds worth of damage and left a bridge dangerous and in need of rebuilding.

Keith James

The comments and actions of the Congressional Black Caucus were morally opprobrious and divisive. It is beneath the level of sane discourse for the Congressional Black Caucus to suggest that blacks are suffering more than the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been displaced.

Mychal Massie

The growth of China's civil aviation has provided hundreds of thousands job opportunities to the U.S. aviation industry, which proves that the two nations have win-win economic and trade relations.

Li Jiaxiang

We've put thousands of people on the 800 line to make sure people don't have to wait.

Mike Fierberg

We had kind of a dual life. We'd be studying for a chemistry test on Friday, then get on a plane to Vegas and play for hundreds of thousands of dollars on the weekend.

Mike Aponte

Not including the restoration work, the upkeep of such a building can cost hundreds of thousands of francs a year.

André Locher

Companies already think that switching to a Mac OS from Microsoft wouldn't be worth the hassle. A large company with thousands of PCs has a huge number of applications that require Windows, so they wouldn't even think of migrating. That puts them in a very non-Apple frame of mind.

Michael Silver

There are thousands of Devin Browns on the streets of Los Angeles ... losing their lives every day.

Blair Taylor

The social safety net is in place and intact. That's not the problem. The problem is a hurricane just pushed out hundreds of thousands of people, ... You're seeing people trying to pile unrelated agendas on top of this tragedy, which I think is unfortunate.

Paul Ryan

Every year, we have to outdo ourselves, bring thousands of builders through our house, and devote 50 pages of our magazine to it.

Boyce Thompson

The damage is likely to be in the region of hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is a total security disaster.

James Rego

The collapse of Enron was devastating to tens of thousands of people and shook the public's confidence in corporate America.

Robert Mueller

As you probably know, our annual eBay Live! event has come to signify the fun and camaraderie of the eBay Community. Since our first eBay Live! in 2001, thousands of eBay members like you have gathered once a year for learning, networking and entertainment. This year's eBay Live could be the most fun-packed yet ... because we'll be gathering in Las Vegas!.

Bill Cobb

It's a very, very potent form of communication. In a matter of minutes, literally, they can get a crowd to assemble some place within half an hour, of tens of thousands of people, simply by everybody text messaging five people.

Garth Jowett

Thousands of victims haven't reported and dozens of bishops aren't telling all they know. They have no incentive to.

David Clohessy

I unequivocally think there is no place for steroids in the sport. There are tens of thousands of young people that look up to these athletes.

Robert Gerard

It's not an open-ended edict to go out and kill people. There are hundreds of thousands of verses that talk about peace.

Ahmed Bedier

This tournament would never take place and be as popular as it is without the hard work and dedication of the thousands of volunteers who give of their time and energy. This is our way of saying thank you to them for all that they do.

Kevin Costner

[Moreover,] the ability of ColdFusion MX 7 to easily generate business reports and print to the Web has cut our report development time in half, ... Our ColdFusion MX 7 Web-based project management application helps our 12 district offices, and more than 23,000 employees working on thousands of projects, provide fast and accurate project information and reduce the time needed to manage projects.

Robert Burnett

Theft is theft. When you log onto an illegal service and download music for free without compensation to the artists, the songwriters, the publishers, the musicians -- all those thousands of individuals whose hard work and great talent has gone into making that music possible -- there is no difference between that and walking into a Wal-Mart and shoplifting a CD.

Jenni Engebretsen

Thousands across America are glued to their web cast to hear this. And actually, I've never met one human being who said that they had seen one of those.

Spencer Abraham

[Klien commended IBM for sponsoring the program and urged other corporations to follow. ] IBM employees are smart, highly motivated and thousands of them already volunteer and tutor in America's public schools, ... Now, many of them will become terrific full-time teachers with the company's strong support. I hope more companies and organizations will follow IBM's great example.

James Hunt

Mr. President, thousands of people are stranded in New Orleans, still waiting for help. Some are wondering if America will help them or if they need to turn to Mexico. Many are saying that the government has let them down, that they're being treated like animals, not human beings. What do you say to them?

Terry Moran

He will be remembered as a villain politician responsible for the suffering of thousands of people. He was the first head of state to be charged with genocide.

Sulejman Tihic

The magazine and Internet program that Harmon Media Group has put together for us has allowed our company to command the attention of thousands of homebuyers with an innovative publication that unites a sophisticated print and Web marketing initiative. Our agents have a distinct marketing advantage on every listing call that our competition simply cannot match.

Greg Koch

If we look at the importance of poultry as a percentage of GDP, it tends to be pretty small. But in terms of development and poverty, it's extremely important. Thousands and thousands of families depend on the chickens they raise in their backyards for food and income.

Juergen Voegele

There are thousands of those letters that athletes have, and I'm sure they chuckle every time they get them, ... 20/20.

Victor Conte

Do kids ever tire of Christmas? The excitement of this job is never dull because in all the years and thousands of games I've called, I've never done the same one twice.

Dick Enberg

They're very concerned that the freeway is backed up from Harris County [Houston] to Dallas County. There are literally thousands of people who are trying to escape what could be hurricane-force winds.

Don Peritz

This could be the proudest moment for the stadium. There have been tens of thousands of people in here who could be on the street.

Robert Eckels

Judging from the description of the amount of oil that's been seen in this event, we could be looking at the deaths of thousands of sea birds.

Adrian Jones

It could be literally thousands. It could be a number I don't want to know. It could be scary.

Skip Snow

Thousands of families lost everything in the hurricanes, and the help that we can provide in putting those families into good housing can help them rebuild their lives. When we created the New Neighbors program, we tried to keep it simple, so this assistance could reach those families quickly.

David Hehman

Savvy eBay users know that research is a crucial component of being a successful buyer or seller, and in just the first 45 days, Researcher has become a must-have tool for the eBay community, with many thousands becoming regular users.

Dave Cotter

We fight our way through the massed and leveled collective safe taste of the Top 40, just looking for a little something we can call our own. But when we find it and jam the radio to hear it again it isn't just ours -- it is a link to thousands of others who are sharing it with us. As a matter of a single song this might mean very little; as culture, as a way of life, you can't beat it.

Greil Marcus

Next year's concerts around the UK and Ireland will be the first arena tour I've done for years and it's fantastic to think I'll be playing in all to hundreds of thousands of people.

Sir Cliff Richard

We want to mobilize immediately and provide as much assistance as possible to the tens of thousands of people who find themselves in life threatening situations as a result of this disaster. Our goal is to collectively raise and contribute at least $1 million in aid to the victims.

Bill Hunter

It really speaks to the bounty that's available in the outback that most people overlook. Living in the outback, the Aborigines have thousands of years of expertise in what's available, what's edible, what's not edible.

Jeff Stewart

When people are spending thousands of dollars on test preparation, something is wrong with the system.

Paul Steenis

We also met casting directors and others in the field and got to find out what they did and they were really nice to me. At the end of the day, I'm proud of myself because a lot of people can't go up on a stage and talk in front of thousands of people.

Amber Allison

Above all, I would teach him to tell the truth. Truth-telling, I have found, is the key to responsible citizenship. The thousands of criminals I have seen in 40 years of law enforcement have had one thing in common: every single one was a liar.

J. Edgar Hoover

It's satisfying to put this (together) for eight to ten thousands of people.

Dan Crews

You're looking at potentially disrupting train travel for thousands of people.

Malcolm Smith

This is the most important advance in public health since Sir Richard Doll identified that smoking causes lung cancer 50 years ago. Today's vote will protect thousands of workers and save many lives.

Alex Markham

While I play against some of the strongest athletes in the NFL, I know that off the field, the toughest players are the thousands of hospitalized children who are fighting for their lives each day. That's why I've made this commitment and why I'm asking everyone to join me in making a difference for these kids.

Mark Tauscher

We keep track of the number of hits. Starting three weeks ago, we started to get hundreds of thousands of hits. We've been wondering why, but I guess we know now.

Richard Barrett

Rust spores can be carried by wind currents hundreds or even thousands of miles, even across oceans. They are eventually brought down to earth by rain, and a leaf that's been wet for several hours is needed in order for a spore to germinate and infect a plant.

Tom Isakeit

You've been in a state of hypnosis thousands of times.

Rhoda Kopy

It is really, really difficult to stop it because requests come from thousands of IP addresses, so many that the server is flooded and [you end up] being forced to bring the server down.

John Safa

...the situation is past critical... hotels are kicking people out, thousands gathering in the streets with no food or water... estimates are many will die within hours.

Marty Bahamonde

There were never more than a few hundred extras on set at a time during the shoot, yet the climactic tournament near the end of the film required a sea of onlookers and a grand and epic feel. Visual effects allowed us to bring thousands of virtual spectators into the scenes, and to do so in an exciting and realistic way.

Dennis Berardi

There are a few marquee names that everyone will recognize. Some worked with a wink and a nod with their governments. But the corruption was so widespread that literally thousands of companies were caught up in it. To play, you needed to pay.

Mike Holtzman

And there, there overhead, there hung over Those thousands of white faces, those dazed eyes, There in the starless dark the poise, the hover, There with vast wings across the cancelled skies, There in the sudden blackness the black pall, Of nothing.

Archibald Macleish

Potentially many thousands of animals.

Ian Wilmut

..nor did he pause to reflect that hereditary aristocracies have always been short lived where as adoptive organizations such as the Catholic Church sometimes lasted for hundreds or thousands of years.

George Orwell

There are problems all over. There are thousands of calls coming in. You can't run out and deal with every one of them.

Barry Belcourt

We ask for no statistics of the killed, For nothing political impinges on This single casualty, or all those gone, Missing or healing, sinking or dispersed, Hundreds of thousands counted, millions lost.

Karl Shapiro

There were thousands of people riding bikes.

Cheryl Baker

It is way too early to make such bold assertions when so many questions remain unanswered and many thousands more may die in decades to come.

William Peden

We're supposed to be the greatest country in the world, but these terrorist groups still do this. Why did thousands of people have to die?

Frank Evans

Our hearts go out to all of those people who have been affected by the storm. It seems that with every news report that comes in there is another heartbreaking story. We want to do our part to assist in the relief efforts, and we hope that we are just one of thousands of organizations that will help in the relief effort.

Chris Powell

We've seen that in this fire in the Topanga-Chatsworth area. We lost one structure, but we saved thousands of homes because we had that defensible space. We're able to do our job much more efficiently because of that.

Andrew Olvera

That's not going to happen this time. We've got hundreds of thousands of people who had jobs who had to flee who don't have a job now or a place to live. There are wide areas where nobody is going to be able to live or work.

Lee Price

If you think of herds of elephants today, you think of Africa. Well imagine Central New York covered with thousands of elephants.

Warren Allmon

What we have accomplished, we have with volunteers. This is going to take time, but we have moved ahead impressively, now owning our own building. We have touched thousands so far and it can only grow and get better.

David Butcher

We were walking along with all these thousands of people and we just crossed the Memorial Bridge.

Jennifer Hanson

I am very pleased that Governor Perry and his Commissioner of Education firmly believe that more education dollars should be spent in the classroom, ... It is a travesty that hundreds of thousands of dollars were previously spent on nonacademic expenses such as lobbyists and seminars, rather than in our children's classrooms.

Cathie Adams

Over the years, we have helped thousands of people enjoy better tomorrows.

John Burgess

The Nile has held mysteries for thousands of years.

Neil Mcgrigor

We sustained hurricane winds of about 100 to 120 mph for about a nine-hour period, so we have thousands of trees down within our city.

Todd Hunter

CEOs normally don't take a month off at a time, but Scott doesn't really run Wal-Mart. Thousands of people run Wal-Mart. The captain of a naval carrier can sleep a bit while the crew works.

Charles Fishman

A physical office does not correlate to programs and services. We have many regions in our community where we provide thousands of dollars of services without an office.

Stephen Browning

It's a lot cheaper to pay $75 for an educator visit than it is to pay thousands of dollars for a major surgery because of a diabetes complication. How (insurance companies) are looking at this is very backwards.

Beth Dziengelewski

[All these improvements cost money, however. White says GM was able to offset some of the added cost of upgrades in fuel economy and handling with efficiencies in purchasing and assembly. But that doesn't cover the whole tab.] The trucks have more content, but we offset the cost with some savings elsewhere, ... It's not thousands of dollars more.

Gary White

This disaster especially hits home to us, since those affected include thousands of Tyson Team Members who live in Mississippi.

John Tyson

We have some magazines that have added thousands of international subscribers with nearly no marketing effort from us.

Gloria Adams

When the big-screen TV hit the thousands last year, everybody was paying attention. I don?t think ?intense? is the right word, but it had everyone?s attention. The auction benefits the YMCA, and people can get a top-quality item. It?s a win-win situation for everyone.

Lori Miller

We've seen thousands of people walk down the aisle.

Tony Ruiz

It emboldens them to take more chances musically with stuff, because they don't have to lay out hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote a product in the marketplace. You can find someone like Jihad Jerry, who really is unconventional. To me, this could save the music industry.

Ron Stone

It's just overwhelming, ... There are countless thousands of abandoned pets in the city. And hundreds and hundreds are stuck inside their homes.

Laura Maloney

Today's vote to raise the cigarette tax was a clear sign of support for our state's children, both for their health and their education. It's also a victory for tens of thousands of Texans of all ages who will quit smoking – or never start – because of the higher cigarette tax.

Kirsten Voinis

We noticed there was an increase in deaths among our visitors to the island and police were wondering how to take care of this widow who was now thousands of miles from home and here all alone. So out of this need.

Liana Soong

We've made some investments in the area, so we believe it's a very strategic property and want to see it developed properly. It will be something thousands of people drive by every day.

Darick Clark

On a daily basis we're blocking thousands of attacks that would otherwise result in data compromise. All of our clients are under attack 24 hours a day.

Phillip Zakas

We sincerely apologize to those guests whose vacations have been impacted by these voyage cancellations, ... This inconvenience ... will provide desperately needed housing for thousands of individuals affected by this tragedy.

Bob Dickinson

If you think about all of the components of a shuttle, all of the thousands of little things, combined with the weather, the probability of everything working is pretty much zero.

Steve Hawley

You should've heard the roar of these thousands of black people in the room. They were fired up and angry and ready to go to the movies.

Tyler Perry

For every dispute I have to resolve, there are hundreds or thousands of communities that are thriving and enjoying condominium living.

Dan Zimberoff

Just edit, improve it and through that process, thousands of people reading these pages and editing each page, the pages get better and better over time.

Jack Herrick

The new guidance will benefit many thousands of patients, especially those with life-threatening conditions and will provide greater certainty about the provision of important new treatments.

Jane Kennedy

It's safe to say they're going to be investing hundreds of thousands of dollars on their own.

Stephen Costello

It defies logic that a clergyman could so casually dismiss thousands of years of Judeo-Christian law, including the commandment that we are not to kill.

Bob Edgar

He wouldn't have been pleased to see us surveying his working drawings. Michelangelo just wanted you to look at his finished work and be overwhelmed by it and not realize that it's the result of thousands of decisions.

Hugo Chapman

If you saw a Category 4 hurricane come in here, you could see hundreds of thousands of structures damaged or destroyed. It would be devastating. It reiterates the need for us to be prepared.

Carl Fowler

Whoever is doing this has taken a no-holds-barred approach. It looks like it could be 100,000 computers, but it's difficult to tell. It's definitely in the 10s of thousands.

Russell Weiss

It's not like this will happen overnight, and suddenly we'll have thousands in the park 18 hours a day. (Security) will have to happen with the Downtown Community Alliance, but they play less and less of a role as there is greater development.

Davis Sanders

Every day at ARC we provide relief to thousands of displaced people around the world. I hope that my experience in dealing with international refugee crises will be helpful in bringing relief to my fellow Americans in the wake of this terrible disaster.

Hugh Parmer

The thousands of Americans, including Greens, who protested in the streets in early 2003 were right. We need to hold public officials who got us into the Iraq war accountable. Being right doesn't make us proud, it makes us angry and sorrowful for the needless deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians, the more than 2,300 U.S. service members, and the hundreds of civilian contractors.

Michael Berg

We didn't want their rally to go unanswered. We've been getting interest from thousands and thousands of people. . . . We look forward to standing with other patriotic families, a majority that has been silent in the past.

William Greene

The Serbian authorities have flagrantly and provocatively chosen to heighten tensions by bringing thousands of people into Belgrade to confront the peaceful demonstrations by the opposition.

Strobe Talbott

There are over 60,000 Hindus in Russia. In Moscow alone, there are thousands of Hindus of Indian and Russian origin (well over 10,000). However, this peaceful community is being denied a simple right to have a place of worship where they can pray, counsel and celebrate their faith.

Ramesh Kallidai

Tens of thousands lost their mothers and fathers. Thousands were victims of horrific brutality and rape. Many were forced to commit atrocities. The impact of the tragedy simply cannot be overstated.

Carol Bellamy

They were so exhausted and seasick and all they could do was crawl up those beaches. And thousands of them lay dead in no time at all. It's unthinkable.

Barry Pepper

All the things I hated about my first experience, the heat and humidity and the crowds, would become all the things I would embrace about the country, and love those differences and love being stuck in those traffic jams with thousands of bicycles and people driving by with 30 ducks on their motorbikes and the dirt roads and all that stuff.

Tony Bui

I think it's a war for imperialist conquest. I think it's morally wrong to be going in there and be killing hundreds of thousands under false pretenses.

Joe Hawkins

They spend their time locked in on these machines and spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars monthly on the machines themselves.

Brent Davis

Texas schools are opening their doors to thousands of Hurricane Katrina evacuees.

Annette Griffin

When doing this field work, we put in thousands of hours. We needed to boil it down in a practical way, so all the data cannot be included. The point of category B is that we will add the necessary information from our data.

Joseph Bridges

Ultimately this bill would mean new roads, new schools and new mass transit along with thousands of new jobs throughout the state.

Becky Carroll

Tyco is not Enron, ... Tyco is a real company with a real business plan that still employs thousands of people. There are no retirees eating cat food because of Dennis Kozlowski.

Thomas Curran

I wouldn't want to see people giving one company hundreds of thousands of books and thinking it doesn't matter, when in fact it does.

Adrian Laing

Our fear also is for the tens of thousands of other people across the Coast that has the exact same camper. And the long term implications are, you survive Katrina only for ten years down the road only to have throat cancer, nose cancer or some other kind of aliment.

Paul Stewart

We expect over 9 million consumers to view the Heineken ads while visiting our locations and browsing for music on our jukeboxes, with hundreds of thousands of these consumers actively engaging in a Heineken and Grammy sponsored interactive activity. Heineken is definitely ahead of the curve when it comes to on-premise, new media applications.

Chris Scott

Thousands of civilians who had laid down their arms were systematically murdered by the Bosnian Serb army and the accused, ... The crimes that were committed were of a type and scale not seen since World War II.

Mark Harmon

We serve thousands of stations all across the United States, ... We are managing to get gas out right now, but we don't have any guarantees. We don't know when we will get reallocations, and it is hard to get fuel.

Jonathan Harris

It's going to result in thousands of jobs lost and its going to result in millions of dollars lost to the economy and I don't think they fully appreciate this.

Garth Whyte

So many people ask us, 'What do we need to do to get this in our school? How much do I need? Thousands of dollars?' And we're like, not at all. We could probably get a starting setup for 400 bucks or less. They're so amazed. Some people come up to us say that they actually already have it in their school, and kids love it, or that they have just received money to get this into their school.

Jason Enos

I've gone into hundreds of [fortune-teller's parlors], and have been told thousands of things, but nobody ever told me I was a policewoman getting ready to arrest her.

New York City detective

We are potentially looking at tens of thousands of pounds. The Hirst and the McCartney are star lots.

Bernard Williams

By and large, eight years after the war, the U.S. government has done a rather poor job in responding to the needs of tens of thousands of veterans.

Bernard Sanders

Most housing has been destroyed in the hardest-hit areas, so the survival of thousands of young children is now at stake.

Ann Veneman

To not be a partner in this would be like saying the American flag is bad and apple pie is terrible. We are talking thousands of jobs.

Todd Vonderheid

It's complete freedom of expression, almost instant gratification, ... No two-month delay until your magazine article appears or nine-month delay until the book comes out - and almost instant feedback. I have thousands of terrific readers, and I learn at least as much from them as they do from me.

Andrew Tobias

Hundreds of thousands of people have turned out to support their local hunts today and it is clear that support for hunting has never been higher.

Simon Hart

Banks are increasingly monitoring profitability. If you have borrowed a lot of money or have tens of thousands of dollars in a money market account, they won't want to lose you.

Stephen Brobeck

Tens of thousands of documents have already been released ? more than any Supreme Court nominee in history, ... And with each new release of information, it's growing increasingly difficult for the president's opponents to complain with a straight face about the need for more information.

John Cornyn

We've got tens of thousands of homes that still need repair.

Chester Jourdan

Polaris provides a high-profile address and access to thousands of people who live, work and play in the area. The shops are convenience-based retail and service, which are great for those on their way to and from work at Polaris.

Franz Geiger

We're going to intensify our agitation until the government relents. It is the question of the lives of thousands of airport employees and their families.

Nitin Jadhav

To really hit the mass the hundreds of thousands and the millions of customers, we have to improve.

Mika Krammer

Taking into account the thousands of data to be presented.

Naji Sabri

How can one review thousands and thousands of pages in just a matter of a few days? This court has been deliberating with the evidence for the past year, but it has been keeping it away from the defense, which is not fair.

Abdel Haq Alani

Tens of thousands of Californians are contributing to his campaign, and the treasurer and his family are committed to winning.

Dan Newman

Large enterprise networks are typically exposed to hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities and other security risks. The problem for IT teams is identifying the most critical high-priority risks and taking the necessary steps for remediation, ... Integrated vulnerability management and topology analysis should help organizations identify and appropriately prioritize remediation efforts.

Paul Proctor

[Israelis have decided that] 9,000 people cannot set the political agenda, ... They cannot have thousands of soldiers jeopardizing their (own) lives in order to protect them.

Reuven Hazan

You have thousands of people who are in their vehicles trying to escape.

Don Peritz

There has been way too much bloodshed in Iraq and now the blood of our colleague Tom Fox is added to that river. We know what it is like to lose a loved one to the insanity of war, just like the tens of thousands of Iraqi families.

Doug Pritchard

That is a shared responsibility. I've heard more than one Canadian official say it's mostly Canadians bringing the guns across. Not hundreds of thousands at a time, but three or four at a time.

David Wilkins

This is a resounding victory for thousands of small-business owners across the country who for decades have fought to liberate themselves from an unfair and punitive tax on their life's work.

Dan Danner

Forklift accidents are preventable; each year, however, powered industrial trucks are involved in thousands of accidents that injure or kill American workers.

Luis Santiago

Thousands of lights were burning on the green branches, and gaily-colored pictures, such as she had seen in the shop-windows, looked down upon her. The little maiden stretched out her hands towards them when--the match went out. The lights of the Christmas tree rose higher and higher, she saw them now as stars in heaven . . .

Hans Christian Andersen

To get help in coercing thousands of workers into union ranks and to obtain at least $1 million in annual dues revenues, UAW officials sold out the very workers they sought to represent.

Stefan Gleason

We estimate that tens of thousands more children will die worldwide and some 10 million people are likely to be living below the poverty line of $1 a day because of the terrorist attacks.

James Wolfensohn

This is wonderful news for the many thousands of suffering patients who can benefit from umbilical cord blood stem cell treatments.

Richard Doerflinger

The damage to the city from Hurricane Katrina is irreplaceable. Thousands of people are homeless. We all know someone who needs help.

Baron Davis

I am so bummed out. I had gotten all excited about Catholicism again. I just loved all the people and ceremony of the last few weeks, all the hundreds of thousands in the square. I was out to lunch when I heard, 'It's the German.' You could just feel everyone groan.

Dominick Dunne

When we arrived at the airport on Sunday, I thought a couple hundred people might meet us. We had thousands. I can't get over that response.

Jim Schaus

Their plan was to have that tunnel turn into a gold mine and push in thousands of pounds of marijuana ( up ) into the country.

Rodney Benson

This service will bring immense relief to the thousands of people who have their relatives across the Line of Control and are desperate to know about their welfare.

Mehbooba Mufti

The reason why I choose stones as the raw material for my art is the unique texture of the earthly creations burnished after tens of thousands of years. They are nature's most refined works. And my job is to feel and bring out the life of this natural work of art.

Henry Lee