A good script is a good script. 'Driving Miss Daisy' stands as it is. The author's intentions are clear and the story pretty much tells itself.

Gregory Magyar

To me, that just speaks volumes. That tells you what they're trying to do and trying to achieve, and that they have goals and expectations they're trying to meet.

Roland Thornqvist

Something tells me every win is going to be like this.

Bill Gallacher

She tells us to order from Taco Bell and she sits there and likes to smell and see the food.

Jenn Davis

That tells me that they feel strongly that they were in the right and that they believe this is an issue that's worth fighting for.

Sam Miller

Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen a angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100 mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they had.

Linus Torvalds

He's doing good. He's up to par with his subjects. He tells me he likes it. The only thing is that they're in an area way out from the city (of Charlotte). But that's better for him, he can concentrate.

Ferdinand Bailey

Atlantic City was a really great experience. I played some of the best poker I have ever played, made moves and got tells off people. But I can't stop thinking what I could have done differently heads-up, so that I would have been the winner. I'm really looking forward to going to Las Vegas.

Brian Jensen

If you tell the locomotive to do 15 miles an hour and you're shoving some cars and some of them go on the ground, that locomotive is going to shove those cars sideways at 15 miles an hour until the guy operating the locomotive tells them not to.

Richard Samuels

I already know we do meet the basic criteria to be accredited. We just have to wait until the NAIT consultant tells that to the school. I don't feel like we're gambling.

Michael Flowers

Thank goodness, experience tells you to take pictures before, during and after.

Russell Kassman

When people come in and take a breath, it is so captivating. It basically tells people to stop and smell the roses.

Andrea Walker

What it tells me is that it's amazing what these guys have accomplished in all the other games. But it brings everyone down to earth. It's reality. If you don't shoot at least somewhat better, you don't have a chance.

Bo Ryan

Because we have an agreement, that tells us how we have to manage the area for wildlife. If we didn't manage it in that manner, they (U.S. Fish and Wildlife) could take the area away from us.

Bill Ohde

A rich man told me recently that a liberal is a man who tells other people what to do with their money.

Imamu Amiri Baraka

Our regional breakdown of institution investor confidence tells us that North American institutional investors are taking risk off the table.

Paul O'connell

This tells me that my girls can play. Anderson is a 5A powerhouse and we hung with them and outplayed them. We are a great team.

Adrian Benziger

Nothing ever guarantees you anything-that's my rule. My other rule is never believe anything that anyone tells you, and then you'll never be fooled. It's not as cynical as it sounds; it's just that people always say something for a reason-maybe a nice reason, maybe a devious reason-so on that level, you can't take things at face value.

David Hyde Pierce

I am their commander and if the commander tells them to stay in their barracks, they should listen.

General Sonthi Boonyaratglin

This unveiling tells us that we'll have the innovation of modern ballpark design for the fans and an anchor building in a reclaimed part of town that updates the city's monumental architecture for the 21st century.

Bob Peck

You get used to the intensity of the vibration. That tells how close you are. If there's no buzz, there's nothing in front of you.

Leroy Wolf

We're in a much more favorable demographic in this slowdown. We now have 21 percent of the population in its peak earning and spending years as opposed to 15 percent the last time. It tells me that we have a more established, wealthier, happier, more complacent consumer than we had at the last downturn.

Aram Rubinson

My gut tells me this will have a good outcome.

Sarah Kendall

My mom has been through so much. But she has always been there for me and stood behind me. She always tells me, 'You are my kids and I will never turn my back on you,'.

Angela Hunt

Have you ever heard players saying I prefer 4-4-2 or 3-5-2? The decision is always made by the coach, so the players can't decide. Of course the players have to play how the coach tells them to. If you can't play that way then go back home.

Hidetoshi Nakata

It tells us that Pluto, which should properly also be counted to the Kuiper Belt, is not such an unusual object. Maybe we can find even other small planets out there, which could teach us more about how the solar system formed and evolved.

Wilhelm Altenhoff

What does that tell you as an investor? It tells you that you've got to do everything you can to prevent the negative years, because they will knock the socks off of you.

Bud Kasper

We solved the riddle by finding this really ancient element conserved throughout evolution that acts as a sensing mechanism and tells these fungi when they've changed their environment.

Bruce Klein

When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?'

Don Marquis

He tells me to make sure my legs are ready and to always do more than one event. I don't do well in the cold weather; hot days are real good for me.

Kayla Blake

I think that tells a whole lot about the Orange County marketplace and how the concert presenters feel about this marketplace.

Mike O'donnell

While there certainly does need to be an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding Dr. Kelly's death, there are very large numbers of questions which all center on the issue of whether the public can trust what the government tells it and which relate to the information given to parliament and the public during the lead-up to war in Iraq.

Oliver Letwin

I think that comedy really tells you how it is. The other thing about comedy is that - you don't even know if you're failing in drama, but you do know when you're failing in comedy. When you go to a comedy and you don't hear anybody laughing, you know that you've failed.

Carl Reiner

Sometimes my conscience tells me to vote against a certain policy or program, and I do, and everyone else votes for it and it passes. I'm going to work just as hard to make sure it's successful as I would had I approved it.

George Hughes

M&A in the UK is not just focussed on a couple of sectors, it is across the board -- that tells you valuations are on the low side.

Robert Parkes

Less energy in a given volume tells you that the universe should be expanding slower, but because it is not, what that means is that energy is somehow increasing.

Hitoshi Murayama

Keeping that fire going is like chemistry. As the year goes on and you see your team start to gel, there?s like an air or halo that tells you this team is special. Each year, that feeling keeps you going.

John Mcdonnell

It's depressing. Tomorrow we meet as a family. We do this twice a year. Billy comes and talks to us and tells us what's going on, and I don't think there's a single person in the family that isn't 100 percent behind him.

Anne Ford

When a doctor tells me the only 4 bacteria I have in my body are from human feces, that's not just a bunch of rumors. That's a direct connection in my opinion.

Lisa Kennedy

Tells us that we ought to be importing beef from (a country) where the beef is safe regardless of what that country does.

Keith Collins

The fact that they have beaten the reigning All Ireland champions tells you just how big a task we face. We certainly need to get into our stride from the outset - we can't afford to be in a position where we would be playing catch-up.

Martin Coyle

To be a good penalty killer, you've got to have some heart, too, and he's got that. He's a foot soldier. He takes a lot of pride in not giving up goals. He loves penalty killing. That just tells you what kind of player he is and what kind of kid he is.

Tom Serratore

It tells you who the big players are. It doesn't reflect (releases) that are a public health concern.

Howard Roitman

We knew they weren't going to shoot 100 percent. Coach always tells us about surviving their first blow and we did that.

Jordan Roth

It tells you 60 seconds before impact how close you are.

John Hotard

The way a person moves tells you a lot about them. Look at the way I'm holding this coffee mug. If I were to thump it down on the table, I wouldn't be respecting your tape recorder. If I move it gently, it means I am showing some respect. These are the things I bring to my performances.

Robert Carlyle

Everyone here has a very open mind. There were three people who put down a swimming pool, but it got no votes. That tells me we're willing to concede to better ideas.

Jeff Knight

An hour out of L.A., he tells us we're getting taped on the plane.

John Brockington

He was always kind of the nice guy in the good cop-bad cop thing. But it's not like he tells us to do something now and we're like, 'OK, whatever, J.J.' Everybody respects him.

Brayden Ashdown

I feel very, very proud to hold this (Oscar) because it tells me, and all of us at home, that we can do it.

Gavin Hood

We had 150 people attend an information session in Rice Lake. That tells you how confusing it is. Organizations, such as the Wisconsin Retired Teachers Association, are holding their own meetings and making recommendations to their members.

Mary Simpson

There have been skirmishes. The military tells us of 33 different incidents, although most of these incidents were very small, brief firefights between rebels and Indonesian troops.

Atika Shubert

It hasn't changed that much. You can look county by county and see the statistical variation, one has a downward trend and one has an upward trend, that tells me it's random.

Steve Carrellas

They started using it in draft form for months. That tells me there is an extremely high demand.

David Bergman

It is even more surprising when the Ukrainian foreign minister gathers Western European ambassadors and tells them that the result of the talks was a fiasco for Russia.

Konstantin Kosachev

The Orlando Police Department tells us that this pair had no plans to surrender. In fact, two attempts to pull them over went unnoticed.

Samantha Knapp

It consumes me. I shouldn't be looking at it on weekends, but I do. My wife tells me to put it down all the time.

Ryan Mcdonald

She is Venus personified. Her hair is naturally beautiful without artificial enhancement, and her sophisticated air tells us she has the queen gene. Gentlemen, start your engines; she's high-maintenance. She puts in the time to be gorgeous every day and is accustomed to lots of adoration.

Colleen Abrie

Eddie Kirkland played with John Lee Hooker for a number of years on all his major recordings, so he has connections to Clarksdale, where John Lee Hooker is from and he also tells a story about a Crossroads experience.

Mark Camarigg

Luke is good around the net. He has good hands and a quick release. He's surpassed the 100-point mark, and he's only a junior. That tells you what kind of a player he is.

Tom Serratore

He teaches me to become mentally prepared and tells me to work hard.

Rachel Hall

Getting European Commission approval is a key step ... but the fact that there has been such a disconnect between the takeout price of $76 (per Guidant share) and the current share price tells you there's more uncertainty and nervousness out there than normal.

Benjamin Andrew

The need is $325 million of cash. That is what our investment bankers tell us. That's what our creditor committee tells us. ALPA is fervently urging the court to say it isn't so. We're telling them it is so. We wish we didn't need $325 million of cash. But the need is real.

Jack Gallagher

It's word of mouth. Someone tells someone who tells someone else, and its reputation builds from year to year.

Donna Ruokonen

The fact there is excess capacity tells you there is going to be a consistent weight on the price of manufactured goods. There is a continuous need to discount because of this supply glut. There's no great acceleration in the wings.

Huw Mckay

Most of them don't have insurance, ... They've managed to pay all their bills for the month and have struggled from one paycheck to the next. They're doing things that society tells them to do, but it's not working out.

Lisa Roberts

Every fifth clock cycle you have a deterministic message that is sent to the losing port. You monitor the software and it tells you where the issue happened. Then you go directly to that spot and fix it. Previously this was only available in asynchronous memories. When you have a lot of clock skews and rates it becomes a bit more challenging to find collisions.

Sohin Chinoy

The Antarctic Mosaic shows a lot of very subtle changes in the slope of the terrain that you cannot see from the ground. These subtle variations are important because they tell us the direction the ice is flowing now and they indicate where it has gone in the past. The surface roughness also tells us about the bed underneath the ice and whether the ice is sliding over the bed or frozen to it.

Robert Bindschadler

I don't see him that much because he's traveling all the time. The little time that we get to spend together, he usually tells me stories, or he teaches me a little bit about golf and we hang out.

Manuel Villegas

We usually end up crying. He tells us not to be scared.

Melinda Shiraki

To be honest, David, I'm struggling, ... I have not been to bed yet. Behind these glasses tells a thousand stories.

David Gower

The point is that profound but contradictory ideas may exist side by side, if they are constructed from different materials and methods. and have different purposes. Each tells us something important about where we stand in the universe, and it is foolish to insist that they must despise each other.

Neil Postman

He tells us, no matter what happens after, it gets wiped off.

Brandon Stockton

What I say goes in one ear and out the other, ... That pretty much tells me to go to hell.

Keith Traylor

We played one our better games of the year against a very tall and good shooting team. It really was closer than the score tells. They made some free throws at the end to build the lead.

Deke Routheaux

This vision matches what the science tells us and our sense of what families are interested in and our sense of what will make a difference in closing the achievement gap.

Jerry Stermer

Relaxed Empiricism -- I only believe something to be true if someone I know quite well tells me if happened.

Bill Bailey

It tells you a lot about what we're paying for our auto-insurance bills. It tells you about what we're paying for our tax bills. It tells you how drunk driving stacks against other social problems.

Ted Miller

That tells you North Carolina was indistinguishable from states without laws.

Keith Ernst

[Recipients of grants must periodically give updates on their progress, often at scientific conferences, in order to justify continued funding. But conferences are more scientific show-and-tells than mandated roll calls, according to Head.] You really want to go to show all your neat stuff, ... It's not like I get on a plane to go to Houston because I have to, it's because I'm excited.

James Head

Ever since then, I tried to do everything I can and coach G has been working with me and teaching me a lot of new things. I've just been listening to everything he has been telling me and taking it all in and just keep trying to repeat everything he tells me and try to put it in my game to take it to the next level every day.

Joseph Jones

I'm not prepared to talk about the evidence yet ... but common sense tells you there is a clear indication these fires are going to be linked.

Chip Burrus

Nobody tells you about what happens after a stroke.

Audrey Bierhans

Being a wrestling coach is the hardest job I've ever done. It's harder than teaching, harder than going to Stanford, it's mentally and physically draining and after five years I was worn out. That tells a big tale about how much energy and passion a coach like Bert has. He did it for 25 years.

Ron Perry

Every time we call that play, even in practice, (Snyder) always tells us patience, patience, patience.

Bernard Morris

He tells me there'll be no sex in it, and I expect there won't. It's a very moral novel about life today.

Brian Mcmaster

That right there tells you all you need to know about who he is. Any team with Ron is getting a lot of positive things. People only talk about the negative. A lot of guys on our team can relate to that.

Bonzi Wells

Common sense tells you that it should deter drug use.

Linda Abbott

People have seen weakening in goods prices and have been pointing to deflation. This tells us we're not going there.

Jim O'sullivan

It happens, and then coach tells everyone to jog it off. We are back at it two minutes later. I just can't let him take me down. And he feels the same way.

Gabe Mcdaniels

In light of accusations that the Bush administration was not as sensitive to victims of Hurricane Katrina because many of them were black, one Republican official tells ABC News that Bennett's comments were 'probably as poorly timed as they were politically incorrect.' Diane.

Jake Tapper

The movie was going to be a big hit. Of course, that was a perfect illustration of what market research does. It tells you what you don't need to know and is often very misleading.

Mark Urman

So I think that this is wrong, and common sense tells us it?s wrong. And I?m worried that the president is going to bully this through and the impact that has.

Claire Mccaskill

What all this tells us and is certainly telling the Fed is that maybe we need to examine what the sustainable growth rate really is. The risk is that we have an economy that is growing at a pace that historically suggests we should see inflation pressures, but we're not seeing that yet.

Jeff Cheah

We've had Mario come to our place for years. He's very caring about what he does. If there's a problem with the car he tells you. He takes care of it as if it's his own.

Michael Jacobs

What that tells us is that pigeons can be susceptible. But they're not uniformly susceptible. Not like chickens or ducks - they all become infected.

David Swayne

How he looks at Laura Bush at the end of the speech tells us a lot about how he thinks he did.

Karen Bradley

We've got to stand up and put it (a bond issue) on the ballot... I've got to pay taxes like everybody else, but it will benefit us all, not just kids, the whole community. A school tells me what the community is like.

Jeff Phillips

When you have a game that doesn't have but a couple of hits, that tells our defense didn't do its job. There was no way they should have scored three runs. I think we handed the game to them, but we have a chance to meet them again.

Jennifer Reyes

I just do what he (May) tells me to do. I always go hard.

Marc Williams

You can look at who owns the building. The zoning of the property. The shape of the property. How far you are from various attractions. It's being able to check the legitimacy of what someone tells you.

Jonas Rudofsky

This is an active, not a passive, RFID system. It tells workers what to do with the vehicles and when.

Gary Latham

What it tells us about the desert is that this is a great place to go and look for really interesting new organisms.

Brian Lanoil

In my opinion, the religious visions of Bush's circle are anachronistic. I can't believe that John Ashcroft has personal conversations with God every day, who tells him what to do. But if God told him that he should destroy Saddam, then this was the right advice, because a world without Saddam Hussein is better than a world with Saddam Hussein.

Adam Michnik

It's hard to shoot 67 percent when you're in the gym by yourself. So that tells me we didn't play well on defense. We didn't show any defensive intensity.

Cliff Reed

He tells me about players and he gave me her name. Then I saw her play in a tournament.

Ryan Phillips

Appraisals are coming in high and that tells us the market is dropping. Prices may not be below where they were last year, but in some cases they might be below where they were three, four or five months ago.

Roy Wright

With breast cancer and hormone replacement therapy, we have the opposite, ... We have lack of agreement, lack of uniformity, lack of consistency. That tells me that if hormone therapy has an effect on breast cancer, it has to be a small (one). If it were a major effect, a large effect, we would have agreement.

Leon Speroff

Success here at E3 is essential to start the momentum for a game's sales, ... It tells retailers what to stock their shelves with for the next six to eight months, especially for the holiday season. And with revenues that now rival Hollywood, it's really do or die.

Marc Saltzman

There is new research showing that our creative potential increases with age. Our creativity is a product of our inner and outer experience, and as we get older, we have all kinds of experience to draw on. Also, research tells us that creativity brings energy, vitality and good health.

Sandra Cusack

So the player tells the stewardess he didn't get enough to eat, either, and where was his $20.

Mark Franke

It's more of an encouragement thing. There's no money, but it tells you you're on your way to do great things.

Ashley Hubbard

Everyone tells you those things are going to go both ways and come around your way, ... But sometimes you do wonder what you have to do to get that call to go your way.

Norv Turner

Our fund-raiser tells us that it can take three, four or five meetings before you get companies to commit (to a project like this), which could take four to eight months. But he was really encouraged by their response. He had people calling him the day after the show.

Julia Mccray

The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization.

Robert Anton Wilson

The market's got a great tone. Liquidity has taken off. We're seeing a rotation into some of the second-tier stocks. That tells you there's a rally on.

Tom Delzoppo

He says he's taking care of them the best he can, ... We've never charged him because he's always cooperated with us. He tells us every time we come out here that he's not going to do this again. We thought he had learned his lesson, but evidently he hasn't.

Brian Walker

Investors right now are more willing to sell the rally than buy the pullback, which tells you a lot about the sentiment.

Bryan Piskorowski

In effect, this fine tells the world that there is a very cheap price to be paid for rape of South African boys.

Mike Waters

Seven to one. That blows me away. Today is a great day for our community, our state and our nation . . . it tells the Department of Defense a big story. They were wrong.

Paul O'connor

The information that they seek tells them nothing about any issue in the case.

Albert Gidari

A lot of us weren't ready for it. I'm thankful that we have a guy like Joe that will come out and push us to do it, not just someone who tells us to do it and walks away. He pushes you to work, and that's what everybody needs.

Stephen Roe

I think these things are hard to implement so that it's clear who reports to whom. From my experience, those problems can be significant. If someone tells you to do something, should you do it? Does it matter? In these matrix models, people interface with each other rather than reporting to someone, so it's not clear who can tell you what to do.

Rachel Barnard

Coach prepares us. He tells us what we have to hit. He knows what he's doing, and we all trust him. That's the biggest thing right there.

Peter Larson

Having him out there is wonderful. He just tells us to come out there, do our best and don't worry about where you finish. It's just about being happy about how you do.

Andrew Shepard

He tells guys, 'Go out there and play hard, but have fun,' .

Kenny Lofton

He tells us great stories every time.

Tony Forney

The transition to go to school is easier for younger children, ... Once you start puberty, the transition gets tough, since now the brain tells you to stay up later, but parents and school tell you to get up earlier.

Richard Millman

We're a small organization with meager resources. They feel threatened by us? That tells us something.

Bruce Gagnon

Once we were doing a scene, and suddenly, right in the middle of the take, he stops and looks at me and says 'I don't believe you,'. That'll stop you in your tracks. When Al Pacino tells you that he doesn't believe you, you believe it.

Matthew Mcconaughey

My gut tells me that these guys will renegotiate the price and there will be a significant haircut. Assuming they're reasonable and want to get the deal done, there's got to be some middle ground they can find.

Frank Aquila

These people were laughing at the system, were terrorizing law abiding citizens, were forcing communities to live in fear, ... This legislation tells the prosecutors you can help stop that.

Alan Friedman

If I'm living in New Orleans, ... and somebody tells me to go to the Superdome, I'd be damned reluctant to go there.

Russell Dynes

There's an e-meter that tells how much energy is left in the battery. It's kind of like a gas gauge.

Andrew Bennett

What it does is it takes a picture of your spine, and it tells you how your balance is. Do you lean forwards, backwards, sideways? Do you have any spinal curvature that needs to be fixed? This allows you to get into the strongest position from which to play golf from.

Rick Martino

Coach always tells us it's not necessarily the team with the best players but the best team that wins. I think tonight you saw that. We don't have McDonald's All-Americans. We don't have All-Americans.

Sarah Lowe

I wonder how many calves or lambs it would take to feed a family of lions for a month? We sort of know what it takes for wolves, but something tells me we would be in a whole new ballgame.

Steve Pilcher

If you look at all the evidence and what's reasonable, it tells you that Charles Lynch committed this crime, ... We can't bring her (the victim) back, but we can send Charles Bernard Lynch a message that he's not going to get away with this.

Paul Matthews

My wife kids me all the time, ... She tells me, 'You're complaining about the hours, but you absolutely love this.' And I do. I do love it.

Patrick Quinn

I am very glad Ang Lee is so successful that I can use him as an excuse whenever my mom tells me to find a real job.

Robin Lee

He comes up with his own drills. He sets up the shooters where he wants them, and tells them where to shoot so he can get that extra practice.

Adam Hall

We're certainly fearful with anybody tampering with our revenue stream. When a politician tells you to trust him, it puts a little fear in you.

Melvin Crum

Read between the lines and what this open letter tells you is that Tom DeLay is losing support among his base. They are starting to see Tom DeLay for what he is ? a politician they cannot trust.

Nick Lampson

Since we made this agreement, the price has gone to $13.78 and everyone tells us it will continue to rise.

Denise Jones

If he told me to put on the pads and go behind the plate, I'd never say no. I might get killed. But I'm the type of guy, this is my priority. This is my life. If the manager comes up to me and tells me to do something, I'm not going to say no.

Wes Helms

What this administration has done ... is to say that until someone tells us that 19 men are going to hijack four airplanes and fly them into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon at 9 a.m. on September 11, we are not accountable, ... In the Money.

Gary Hart

You're your own boss. No one tells you anything.

Alex Perez

I have it framed on a wall in my den. On the inscription she tells me what I meant to her. It's the most precious thing I have from that season. Even now, when I think about it, I get emotional.

Gregg Hostetler

The form provides easy and clear guidelines. It is a one-page form that tells you step-by-step how to do it.

Brandon Roberts

We expected to organize our people as a group and march together, but by the time I got there ... it was already impossible to find everybody and pull our people together. It was just spontaneous. It was wonderful. This tells you how much support we have.

Nativo Lopez

We did business with an authority in Iraq. The same authority tells our agent that you have to pay a fee to do any business at all.

Leif Johansson

The tender offer tells me a lot of ups employees are incredibly loyal, that they believe in the company long-term. But I think there could be some selling of shares and until that overhang is taken up through higher demand, it will put pressure on the stock.

Doug Rockel

He sees what we need to be doing and he tells you. He's never afraid to speak up.

Osi Umenyiora

It's something he has to do he's the point guard and the team has to listen to the point guard he tells them what to do.

Adam Howard

[Days after the storm, the kitchen somehow managed to keep serving hot food. Guests have taken to calling the place the Hotel Rwanda.] It's a jungle, and it's dog-eat-dog, ... When you see the police doing the same thing the looters are doing, it tells me you're going to have to fend for yourself.

Glenn King

It tells us the enthusiasm of investors will eventually turn this around.

Robert Stovall

I am a friend of life, at 80 life tells me to behave like a woman and not like an old woman.

Chavela Vargas

They've got quality kids. It helps having seen them. It tells us some things we have to do to beat them.

Tim Mccartney

Out of the 11 runs, we probably had five or six unearned, so that tells you right there what was going on. The first half of the game I thought we played well, 5-3 is a good score. We get a few guys on and move them around, and we're right back in it.

Paul Gillikin

He's telling you the Fed's probably got more room to continue to hike, but inflation is not going to be a problem. That tells me that the 10-year doesn't need to move that much, but the two-year note probably is going to track toward a 5 percent fed funds rate.

James Caron

After about a mile I feel pretty tired, but I'm able to recover after that. I don't really know how I get through that - something inside me just tells me that I can.

Shannon Stacey

It's definitely important to win early. Especially, Coach James tells us, we need to win at home. If you win at home, it really helps you to take care of your business down the stretch.

Wilky Bazile

When somebody sits and tells you that you can't do this and that, or that you cost the team because of this and that, he hasn't let it get to him. Which, I think, is what people are trying to do.

Ted Sundquist

You can't take away experience. Experience tells it all. We just have to bear with the young guys. They're talented, but experience is experience, and I feel like they're now getting to know what college football is all about.

Jonathan Bailes

Society tells us that we all need to win. That's how we make ourselves better. But when you get right down to it, making everyone feel good about themselves should be much more important than wins and losses.

David Boudolf

My father has actually been very strict about it. He tells people, 'My child is not an interpreter.' I haven't done an insane amount of it, but I've definitely been put in situations where you really have to think about the consequences, like with my mom's surgery.

Lauren Boardman

It's just one other bid of evidence from a national health standpoint that tells us we ought to be educating day care centers and grandparents, as well as parents.

John Kattwinkel

I get to come into a classroom, teach kids the fun stuff they want to know - and leave. My wife is a teacher, and she tells me I've got the best of both worlds.

Scott Moeller

Recipes are like a wizard that provides quick buttons for certain complex Photoshop actions. It tells you the step-by-step commands in Photoshop and gives you a one-click button to perform the action.

Mark Dahm

It tells you what people have in their heads. As such, it is a clear window into what they're thinking.

Justine Cassell

It tells me that we're going to fight till the end.

Tim Sunday

Common sense tells you that with inexperienced drivers on the road, anything we can do to keep their attention on the roadway is beneficial for all of us.

David Law

It tells you how low diversity is at other institutions.

Rhonda Brown

He tells it like it is. That's why the Foster staff nominated him. A good reporter knows he might offend people at time, but you know what? You just tell the truth. And that's what Gary does.

Mark Wiatrek

We're required to continue collecting that tax from our customers until the IRS tells us to stop doing that.

Laura Merritt

What that tells me is there are some folks out there who are interested in politics, probably politically savvy and connected, who are thinking this is going to be a tight race.

Donald Norris

My better sense tells me (that many) stoplight tickets issued to metro Des Moines residents and unsuspecting visitors will generate some discontent, if not serious outrage.

Jeff Gross

It tells a wonderful story about Ogden.

Sandra Crosland

It definitely tells me where I am. I can compete at a higher level. My game is pretty strong. I definitely won't have the fear when it comes to playing top players now when coming into the net.

Mashona Washington

He's always positive. He's always pumping us up after we come off the field. He tells us stores about all different players. He tells us that hard work is how Jeremy Thornburg got to where he is.

Martel Strange

That tells me we need enforceable rules to protect consumers.

Dian Grueneich

Oh my gosh. I had to work out six days a week, two and a half hours a day. I was on a South Beach diet. I cut sugar out. Trust me, when someone tells you you have to be in a red bikini on a big screen, every single girl in my place would go to the gym (laughing).

Jessica Simpson

That was the most pressure I have ever felt during my racing career. I was definitely nervous. We made some changes to the car, when the car tells you what it needs, you have to respond to it.

Mike Castellana

What that tells me is they know it is potentially going to be a bloodbath and they don't want to get in the middle of it.

Scott Buchanan

What this tells us is that we seem to be catching this at an early stage.

Dave Ealey

I object to being told that I am saving daylight when my reason tells me that I am doing nothing of the kind... At the back of the Daylight Saving scheme, I detect the bony, blue-fingered hand of Puritanism, eager to push people into bed earlier, and get them up earlier, to make them healthy, wealthy, and wise in spite of themselves.

Robertson Davies

So he comes in one day and tells us they went and got her new shoes and when Ella was measured, she was like three sizes bigger than the shoes they had been squeezing her feet into, ... She was walking like a day later. He was so embarrassed.

Tony Delk

When the market is uncertain, it either drifts or goes down. Looking at the economic figures that we're seeing, it tells you that inflation is coming. I suspect the Federal Reserve will keep beating on it gradually.

Cummins Catherwood

I did not agree with the direction in which the club was going in terms of management. That tells you I am passionate. I'm not in football to sit behind my desk.

Arsene Wenger

Victory Stadium, I'm surprised it's not No. 1. It tells me that the people who are in position to effect a huge paradigm shift are the same people - the same type of people - in position 50 or 60 years ago.

Aaron Lee

Experience tells us that creating new musicals for Broadway is not an easy thing to do, ... and it requires a serious focus and a substantial commitment of time and resources. We've created Elephant Eye to provide creative leadership and financial support throughout the entire process.

Stuart Oken

Where else can they make such a big deal about Kenny Rogers? It just tells you what an unreal life we're living. Kenny Rogers! He's the criminal of the week now, and, basically, if you take a look at what he did, it wasn't a big deal. That's the beauty of it: We can take any molehill and turn it into a mountain, and it's great fodder for at least a few days.

Dave Cokin

Market research tells us... that this can be the most important service that a corporate bank can provide to its customers.

Russell Graham

Our tagline is 'Every hotel tells a story,' and your room at home should, too.

Andrew Alford

I don't care how you vote. Just make sure that when you make that vote, you're doing so from an informed position, not just an emotional gut reaction or what your spouse tells you.

Paula Krane

For me, living out my faith is to exemplify Christ's example. When I read my Bible, it tells me to care for the hungry and do it in a way that maintains their dignity. It says to me, 'By this they will know that you are my disciples ...' (John 13:35). Christ treated people with dignity, and that's why I do what I do and why I respond to America's hunger.

Robert Bush

There's a lot of ways to be sexual, and pornography only tells one of them. We can be much more creative in the ways that we express ourselves sexually and there's a lot of hope to expand our ability to be intimate with one another.

Matt Ezzell

Coach (Ken) O'Donnell always tells us stories of the old teams. It's inspiration for us that we can be the stories for the next kids coming up. We want to win the game so we can show those guys that we're still here. The game is dedicated to them.

Gary Foster

This is really big because I know that we haven't been able to get this far ever. Our coach tells us we're making history.

Lindsay Thompson

The seaman tells stories of winds, the ploughman of bulls; the soldier details his wounds, the shepherd his sheep. (Elegies).

Sextus Propertius