What we haven't seen is any evidence where the data would have been helpful, where the problem was not caused by law enforcement taking too long when they knew a problem existed.

Dave Mcclure

Nine is absolutely exceptional. What we gave up on the glass, we did a better job of taking care of the ball.

Al Walker

I'm not a big fan of taking on surplus space. . . . I'd rather see tenants increasing the efficiency of space use.

John O'toole

At least 11 more persons died overnight, taking the toll to 675.

Anoop Singh

Right now we're taking it day by day. Are we going to be smaller? The same size? What are we going to look like? We don't know.

Lynne Weber

Instead of taking programming and putting it on TV, now we have seven or eight different opportunities and all have revenue attached…for this town there are great opportunities if we don't make mistake of thinking of all the ways it can't be successful or legal reasons we can't succeed.

Ross Levinsohn

It has an immediate impact on traffic because you're taking them from the stream farther up the road.

Linda Thielke

We can all see the ethnic and sectarian identities taking root and growing, with the real potential for dismemberment that this direction implies.

Phebe Marr

But you have to begin taking it with 48 hours of the onset of symptoms. That's usually about when people begin to feel really lousy.

Dr. Matthew Cartter

There was endless action - not just football, but sailboats, tennis and other things: movement. There was endless talk - the ambassador at the head of the table laying out the prevailing wisdom, but everyone else weighing in with their opinions and taking part.

Charles Spalding

A violation in your presence is not a personal affront, ... It's called taking police action.

Brian Jordan

It was not relevant what happened that day. They're taking a law and applying it to a situation that was not applicable.

Linda Mcglade

There's only so much you can do. She's taking some supplements to try to gain some weight, but I think her body type is what it is.

Kelly Curry

I've gained confidence. A lot of shots I would have passed up last year, I'm taking this year.

Anthony Morrow

Little girls buying baby T-shirts and wearing them, buying things extra small or taking them in, it really started here and now you see Ralph Lauren doing a shrunken polo shirt.

Darren Greenblatt

We are relieved by the route Beta is taking, although its outer bands will continue to affect our country with rain, ... We can't be complacent, we have to stay alert and prepared for whatever situation.

Ricardo Maduro

We've bred Storm Cat to as many mares as we could breed him to, taking into account his age. It's awfully difficult to turn down someone who is willing to pay $500,000. But we've done as much to accommodate as many breeders as we can without jeopardizing the health of the stallion.

Ric Waldman

About 1 in 20 transactions that are flagged up as unusual turn out to be fraudulent. It can take a lot of effort and time for staff to contact customers to check if fraud is taking place.

Phil Wilson

Even though most retirement plans are protected from seizure before retirement, the proceeds of these plans become fair game once the account owner begins taking distributions.

Ron Z. Mendelson

You think there are players taking advantage of our other players and you can't do anything. You want to jump out of the press box at that point.

Jimmy Roy

Originally we started with only meeting once a month but we realized that it was taking too long, so we went to meeting twice a month. Once we get the new members on the committee, we should be able to get moving on it.

Curtis Crews

The Web-presence frenzy that drove many of the global 2000 projects during the past year has subsided, ... Venture capital firms have become much more selective in their funding practices. Large companies are now taking a more deliberate approach to implementing Web strategies.

Stephen Mcclellan

I just think it's a natural phenomenon taking Jerry's career to its natural end. He did it gracefully and honestly and ended on his own terms. I just think he handled his career beautifully.

Bill Walsh

Our forwards can't hold up their forwards as they come over the blue line. So you know you're going to get hit. And some teams' third and fourth lines are just relentless about taking the body.

Dan Hamhuis

I think one of the reasons I thought about quitting so much was because of so many losses, taking so many beatings. I don't want him to quit, because I know once I got into this year I didn't want to quit. You make it to that second season, you're hooked.

John Reubens

We are taking significant steps to reduce our cost structure and sharpen our focus on the products and services that hold the best potential for growth and return on investment.

William Esrey

These tech companies have done so well, so it was a headline shock. Then we saw the news out of Japan. Anyone who was on the fence with regards to taking profits, that tipped them over the edge.

Bart Barnett

The dealer is still bending over backwards to sell the car and could even be taking a loss on the deal. It is a tremendous buying opportunity if you are in the market for two cars.

Tim Jackson

Taking in and blowing out smoke? And now you see girls smoking cigars. It got to be such a fad. Girls on the covers of magazines, smoking cigars. Give me a break. I didn't want to be a part of that. I don't like "popular."

James Coburn

We have to win as we need to win in order to achieve our aim of taking the title this season.

Wayne Fairclough

Right now, the tides are taking it out. Should the wind change, it could come right back into shore.

Kurt Tsue

The bond market is debating with itself what the intent of the Fed is. I don't think the Fed has a multi-step process. They are taking it step by step.

Paul Mcculley

That's where we feel we do our clients a very good service. We integrate our teams. They carry projects from conception to completion. We pride ourselves in taking the client through the whole experience.

Mark Hansen

We are taking baby steps. . . . It has been hard to get their confidence back. We were a damaged team after last Friday night and we needed to get our feet back under us. It wasn't pretty tonight, but Southeast Polk will make you play a game that is slow and rugged, and I thought we responded pretty well in the second half.

Joe Katich

There's not just one person we have to go to. We're very balanced. The girls set the bar high and are taking it one game at a time.

Tessa Effland

The market had been hoping for a strong majority for Merkel and a mandate for reforming German's economy, but her chances seem to be slipping. That's taking its toll on the euro.

Monica Fan

They switched everything and denied passes and did a good job of taking away what we wanted to do. We just played a lot harder when we were playing well.

James Augustine

We were out of sync on offense. We didn't do a real good job of taking care of the basketball.

Wendee Warg

Over the last two days, it's been geopolitical happenings that have supported gold prices. That China and Russia are supporting Iran's referral means the international community is taking it seriously.

Michael Widmer

At least we got some physical penalties, ... We've been taking a lot of penalties, but at least there were some aggressive ones. Special teams have been winning us games, but their penalty kill did a very good job against our power play.

Craig James

For him, it was a combination of structure and self-discipline. He did better taking 18 hours and working part time than taking 12 hours and sleeping in.

Paul Petty

I know we an't keep taking these losses like this. We've got to do something right now and get back on track.

Bobby Hamilton

It would become an issue if the numbers of elderly taking out loans increased.

Bill English

It's all in the affordable sectors. We don't see any major gains taking place in that area because the barriers to entry are so great throughout the state.

Alan Nevin

It creates an opportunity to simulate a real-life situation in a safe environment, without a catastrophic result. By taking the test and studying, it's just a good refresher for them on the laws and the safe practices that you should exercise each day when you're working with electricity.

Ray Mckinney

It was the same in the regular season. When you win 64 games, that means you're taking care of business.

Joe Dumars

The problem for the next seven weeks will be this tug-of-war. Until we start seeing earnings taking off, I don't think we're going to go anywhere but that says there's interest in buying.

Alan Hoffman

We've been playing a lot more disciplined lately, not taking as many penalties. When you do that, it gives everybody a chance to play and gives them opportunities out on the ice. That's been the biggest part … since we've been on our little winning stretch here.

David Hukalo

They've got three or four pace bowlers taking wickets in a stable team.

Trevor Bayliss

We are taking risks every day on twisty and slippery final sections.

Mario Cipollini

I want to commend our ground staff for taking care of our facility. They did an awesome job. We have green grass, where a lot of people have brown dirt.

Randy Holden

I am taking the goodies home. We're trying to hit the high points - you know, a little lobster, a candy apple, some local food and drinks.

Jill Anderson

We're just waiting for nighttime. It's the terrorists' fault that they are doing this, but now they are taking it out on everyone.

Juan Lopez

This is taking the Remembrance service into the future. There is something for those who want the traditional aspect but there is something for all faiths.

Bill Clark

I'm really looking forward to taking a more active role in guiding the company's strategic direction.

Rob Katz

The girls will then be flying to London on Mar 20 where they will have two days to prepare, train, get a tour of Twickenham [the home of English rugby], before taking part in the Wooden Spoon National School Sevens.

Camilla Zalka

I still think we're in a consolidation mode. I think you'll see some profit taking still for the next couple of weeks, but then we're in line for a summer rally.

Chris Grisanti

When I hit it, some guy standing behind me was like, 'Oh, go in, go in,' and it was just taking off. It was exciting.

Morgan Pressel

Most of them knew that they probably didn't have a house to go home to. And they were taking care of us. They were staying there with us, but they didn't know whether their homes was existing or not.

Barbara Folk

It's our hope that coming out of the summit, the leaders will have some concrete steps that all the countries of the region can be taking.

Thomas Shannon

Taking a look at shopping patterns, we see that consumers are either taking advantage of bargains to purchase items for themselves, or perhaps they are subconsciously buying items for others that they would like to receive themselves.

Phil Rist

We are taking particular interest in the relays this time around and not just running with if we have somebody that can run a 100.

David Leslie

The market has had an extremely good run since October and it was due a pause and a bit of profit-taking. I would not be surprised if we get a little bit more.

Roger Cursley

[The difference was] just the pace of the game. Florida did a good job of taking us out of our offense.

Demarre Carroll

They had some nice strategies, and they were obviously concentrating on taking Greg completely away. But in order to do that they were going to have to leave Alex open and he cashed in big.

Joe Rux

At this point, women should not be taking high-dose soy supplements, especially those who are breast cancer survivors and women at increased risk for the disease. We don't have long-term data on the effects of these supplements, and there is some evidence that they could be harmful.

Bruce Trock

Ruby on Rails is quick and clean and that's the reason it's taking off. That's a gaping hole in Java right now.

Bruce Tate

The information in this report is an indispensable resource for juvenile justice practitioners and others in the criminal justice profession. Communities will find this information extremely helpful as they identify specific risk and prevention factors while taking advantage of the community assessment tool available through the First Lady's Helping America's Youth Initiative.

Regina B. Schofield

The fear of relegation means that teams will look to achieve a balance between getting results and taking risks. I will always encourage players to try something if they feel it is on - we are in the entertainment business.

Daryl Powell

The workers are going to be more concerned than anyone else if there is informal activity taking place.

Joel Mills

It's somewhat unfair to accuse a president who generally works very hard ... for taking five weeks off. It's not as if Bush is sitting on a recliner.

Barbara Kellerman

RISS' search feature just didn't have the granularity we needed. Searches like that were taking around two weeks, between searching for the e-mails, extracting the data, and then organizing it into an intelligible format for the auditor.

John Petruzzi

ISRO has made all security arrangements and put on red alert. We are taking all possible steps.

Madhavan Nair

The online and network services units work well together, so online customers taking away from corporate customers isn't an issue. We continually watch our network to ensure there is enough (capacity).

Teresa Owens

Common ground is not inside, we have individuals that have volunteered with us that are taking a part of that, but they're doing that as individuals.

Malik Rahim

The lower oil price is taking away some of the tension. There has been a great deal of volatility over the last month and now people are trying to pick up the pieces and are looking for a few bargains.

Mark Bon

There hasn't been an awful lot of reaction to Iraq. Most of it, I think, occurred late in New York yesterday. So I guess there was a little pullback today, maybe some profit-taking in Europe.

James Blumenthal

We seem to have hit a core with our audience, the baby boomer generation that is basically taking over the United States and the world. I knew there was an audience out there for it.

Jeanie Linders

We had to start taking it to the rim because our threes were rimming out.

Rashad Mitchell

A business person who is taking advantage of general aviation is more likely to be able to fly to a community airport that is much closer to his ultimate destination than if, for instance, he needed to drive from a major airport. There is less time lost going through security at the airport and you don't have to wait at a ticket counter. It's a significant advantage.

Chris Dancy

We are taking preventative measures with our baby formula inventory. There may come a point where we will have to keep them under lock and key. We appreciate how local authorities have apprehended these individuals and we are always happy to help local authorities.

Tracy Pawelski

It's honoring a man who started his career by enslaving Africans and taking them to Portugal.

Glenn Morris

Unfortunately, there are always people trying to hack into computer systems, but New Hampshire is always making sure it's taking action to keep the system secure.

Pam Walsh

There's no quit in Lowry. They're just go, go, go. They started playing really aggressively offensively. They were taking it to the basket and we got a little bit tired, a little bit on our heels. And they started taking it to us.

Andy Morris

Its a 45 million dollars market in homeland security federal government has 29 billion dollars in product and services that they are spending on products and services but we need to make sure that Illinois companies are taking advantage of this - and they way they need to take advantage is they need to have knowledge of what is happening in this area.

Jack Lavin

(In Europe) they believe that when you're on the mountain, part of the experience is taking care of yourself, and they've focused their experience on, once you're in the resort, they'll take care of you.

Ludwig Kurz

I suggest taking pictures here with an unfolded national flag.

Hong Feng

Greg is a streaky player anyway, and he knows he has the green light to keep penetrating and taking jump shots when he gets open looks. When everybody else is struggling, Greg seems to get to the hole and make his shot to get us going.

Kelly Everhart

We needed one win down there and, fortunately, we got it. Now it's just a matter of being consistent and taking care of business. We're in the driver's seat [schedule-wise]. We can't take any team lightly. And we're going to need solid goaltending.

Guy Perron

All my shots were within probably five feet of the basket, so I really didn't have to do anything. I hadn't really played much basketball since the school year started, so it was nice to go out and just play for fun with no one taking the games too seriously.

Dan Friend

Those consumer-oriented stocks gained quite aggressively yesterday after the January retail sales data, which was a pretty good number, so we saw a bit of profit taking today.

Warren Hammond

To be frank, most that we get involved in end up taking longer than that.

Ken Davis

On Monday there will be no American inside Iraq (taking part) in inspections.

Taha Yassin Ramadan

Images captured on camera phones are not simply stored on the phone. The majority of Sprint Picture Mail subscribers are active users of the service because they enjoy the ease and convenience of instantly taking, sharing, preserving, managing, editing, and printing digital images that are accessible from their phone and personal computer.

Jeff Hallock

The economics here are such that Bolivia can improve its revenue stream by increasing its taxes, royalties and by taking over ownership. But for these companies, it's barely going to make a difference in their economics.

Pavel Molchanov

Although strong revenue growth is expected, some industrial manufacturers are taking a more cautious approach concerning investments of capital and human resources, likely due to the lack of stability in energy costs.

Jorge Milo

He loves to go North and South and lay the wood on you. It's very rare that you see him taking a hit. When he is hit, someone really brought the noise.

Mark Fischer

I applaud Elk Grove for the stance they are taking.

Jerry Adams

Investors are sitting on profits in Mexico and are taking them now, given the nervousness in Argentina. I do not think this signals a fundamental change in the long-term trend in Mexico.

Damian Fraser

I'm taking Stanley shopping one day. I'm going to teach him how to go to the grocery store and shop because he doesn't understand. And I told him that: Look at the back of cans. Look at fat grams.

Brad Lawing

Everybody's taking it personal and we're going to come back with a vengeance.

Jamaal Magloire

I was just getting some open shots. I was just taking the jump shot when I had it.

Matt Harpring

Dollar bulls have full control and are taking the data in stride.

Kathy Lien

We are taking it to the next step. It's nice to do proof of concept; now we need to remove the obstacles that will stop it from being part of [the] mainstream enterprise.

Roland Acra

There is absolutely no substitute -- no substitute -- for a decisive fight against terror and violence. And on the Israeli side, it also means taking practical steps to ease the suffering of Palestinians living under occupation, to stop settlement activity and to renew a sense of dignity and hope.

William Burns

We did a better job of taking care of the ball and slowing things down. I think our defense picked up, too.

Ashlee Stephens

I was very comfortable taking a second role to him. There is no doubt about his ability to step up in big games.

Keelan Amelianovich

It's taking ideas and applying them in a new area, mostly.

Bruce Hartsough

The cooperation will enable Chinese enterprises to explore their business by taking advantage of B2B, C2C models and advanced search technology.

Ma Yun

The current results suggest that such a chemical imbalance in patients taking selective cox-2 inhibitor painkillers may present a cardiovascular hazard--particularly for people already predisposed to high blood pressure.

Thomas Coffman

We need to pay more attention to the courses students are taking and make sure they are taking the courses that will get them prepared for AP classes.

Judy Jeffrey

We want to layer on the cool factor. We are taking Speedo out of the water and onto land.

Sheree Waterson

We are about reuniting children with their fathers, not taking them away.

Matt O'connor

We are taking our time in trying to find the right person who can work best with Andy. We are in no hurry and it is more important that we are patient. I don't think that's a problem.

Patricio Apey

This has been going on for 13 days now, and we feel there is a vast improvement in what's been taking place here.

David D. French

We are not taking sides. If anything, we are on the side of the students.

Blake Turner

Users will get the benefit of stronger security while taking advantage of the devices they already have. And consumer-facing account providers and enterprises will have a flexible mechanism to arm their customers with stronger authentication without having to procure and deliver standalone tokens.

Art Coviello

Does taking an ironing board from a hotel count? I walked straight out with it, and pillows too. I had my reasons.

Andrew Didonato

Hawaii is taking the absolutely correct approach to the gasoline industry, ... The more states that follow Hawaii's lead, the sooner we'll be able to force this industry to get back to normal market behavior that benefits the consumer but also allows them a reasonable profit.

Joe Dunn

Emerging market stocks were hit hard today, along with their bonds. Lingering fears over higher U.S. interest rates triggered profit-taking again, one day after we saw some good rallies.

Carlos Hokama

We've had the luxury of having more than a week to take some time off and regroup. We have a much more detailed game plan in terms of something the kids can buy into. It's taking a little more thinking out of their hands, in terms of analyzing the game and making decisions.

Jill Malko

Making empowered decisions means taking risks. Many employees fear being reprimanded, or even fired, for making what management might view as a bad decision.

John Tschohl

We had a pretty decent pull-back in spot gold, so I think there is some profit-taking here.

Fergal Smith

For the most part, Christmas is here and everyone is taking a well-deserved break, including Wall Street. Unless there's a significant deviation from expectations on the economic data, I'd be surprised if the market closed more than 30 points either way.

Andre Bakhos

Mother Nature could not have picked a better sore spot for the energy industry. It's already taken a big blow on the right cheek, and now it's taking a blow on the left cheek.

Michael Schlacter

The longer you're away, the harder it is to go home. The biggest thing is taking that first step and driving out the front gate.

Jan Compton

European markets are set to follow the outlook for the dollar. The dollar is getting stronger and European currencies are weakening and that is probably taking European markets higher again.

Ian Harnett

[BU] did a great job defensively on him. That certainly wasn't one of his best efforts. I give them a lot of credit for taking our guards out [of the game] like that.

Tom Woodward

What we know about Re-Mission is that for those kids who played the game they did a much better job at adhering to their treatments. Taking their chemotherapy as prescribed. Taking their antibiotics more regularly.

Pat Christen

We made some big 3-pointers and we win games when we shoot the ball well on the perimeter. We did a much better job boxing out in the second half and we were able to limit Plymouth's second shots. It's time to start taking care of business and we needed a win like this to build some confidence and get us ready to play well down the stretch.

Brian Baptiste

What it will be like when we have the full pack of 18 of us out there, well that's a different matter. There'll be all the air disturbance, there'll be rookies who might be hesitating, there'll be drivers taking different lines dictated by their set-ups, and so on. It will be a different ball game.

Dan Clarke

It's a cause for concern in terms of indifference or risk-taking.

Fred Trueman

It is difficult to know what is happening -- it may be profit-taking, but it is certainly not a trend reversal.

Robin Bhar

When you lose a couple and you didn't play your best baseball and the runs aren't coming, sometimes you might be pressing a little bit. But I thought our guys were comfortable. They were taking their hacks up there, being aggressive.

Troy Schaefer

We are taking steps to ensure that healthcare providers and patients are aware of the possible long-term risks of these products so that they will be used appropriately.

Dr. Steven Galson

The government's speech on spending has been good, signaling it is mindful of the fiscal performance, but the market will watch for the figures coming out today and tomorrow to confirm that's really taking place.

Jorge Knauer

They're just taking advantage of a situation.

Garry Smith

By taking a course like this, medical students may or may not learn how to better cure medical problems like this. But they should be better able to explain the deep origins of disease to their patients and become better doctors in the end.

Christopher Beard

I think they're relatively cheap. What we saw was a big run-up toward April, and now we're seeing a little more profit-taking.

Jon Lecroy

KT&G is already trading at a strong premium. We are taking profits out today. We think 60,000 won would be a little bit too rich to own.

Thomas Choi

We don't accept just taking the series. We want to come out tomorrow and get the sweep.

Bryan Augenstein

We're looking forward to that. Hopefully after last weekend, the kids will understand the importance of team play as opposed to individual play–playing your position and taking your runs.

Keith Miller

My sister, they have a large family, and they are taking us in. I don't want to be too much of a burden on them. We're just figuring out how we will make our way at the moment.

Debbie Owens

In the 1950s we use to feel that television was taking away our comic readership; with today's exciting, powerfully visual movies I have to wonder about their effect on the kids' loyalty to the comic book medium all over again.

Joe Simon

What was compelling for the jury was that we put a lot of evidence before them of memos by Wal-Mart from seven years ago that concluded they had been breaking the law. Instead of taking steps to solve the problem, Wal-Mart concealed it.

Jessica Grant

Right now, we don't even know who's taking what car home.

Steve Layson

Boeing is taking this whole corporate governance thing very seriously, ... They're proving to their prime customer -- the government -- that they have really taken this [scandal] in the most serious way possible by firing the CFO and the CEO resigning.

Nick Fothergill

She was taking her picture, her senior pictures at the animal sanctuary and the tiger, for whatever reason, lunged at her and that resulted in her death.

Dennis Wilson

To put an end to firms taking advantage of the lower tax rate in South Africa and to further improve [Lesotho's] competitiveness, Lesotho is cutting the general company tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent effective from April 1.

Timothy Thahane

We are feeling pretty good. I think we have done a good job of taking the teams we have needed to beat in five innings thus far.

Nikki Fennern

In essence what we're doing is taking the folks who would have formerly been called sporadic (environmental), and testing how important genetic influences are...and we're finding genetic influences are tremendously important.

Margaret Gatz

The taking of a human life is the ultimate crime. Irreversible. It does not matter to the victim of a murder whether the person holding a gun is 16 or 60.

Bob Grant

I don't think I'm egotistical as much as I'm taking responsibility for what I'm putting out there.

Jon Favreau

It was a great performance. People need to understand that he's only 21 years old. The criticism he's taking is unfair.

Donyell Marshall

It sounds like the university is taking the steps to be proactive in assisting the students. But they [those affected] are going to need to monitor their credit reports for at least the next year.

Sheila Gordon

Silicon Valley has done a great job of taking the best minds from Stanford and Berkeley and turning them into companies. Other geographies have these great minds but not the local machinery that turns them into companies.

Prabhakar Raghavan

You don't know what the future holds. I'm taking care of school right now and taking care of everything like I'm coming back next year.

Bernard Robert

A lot of this comes on the back of year-end profit taking on what has been a successful position for the market.

Todd Elmer

Dell is taking market share in a more challenging environment. There a lot of question marks on how strong the recovery is but Dell continues to execute.

Brent Bracelin

These guys have a unique way of taking that quirky humor that they have and gathering a large following. Bud Light fits nicely into that.

Rick Leininger

The Visalia Police Department is aware of these incidents and is taking steps to preclude anything further. We can't be everywhere all the time, but we are doing our best to take care of these children.

Sgt. Shawn Delaney

I just feel like we're taking it on the chin again.

Robert Ellis

[2. Buy local, local, local. Purchasing food and other items made locally means buying products that have used less gas to be taken to stores.] The major sources of emissions in this country are transportation and electricity production, ... If you're eating locally grown food, there's less transportation involved in taking that food to you.

Brendan Bell

There are a number of retailers that are pushing their suppliers to expand the use of RFID. Additionally, the military's use of active RFID tags on containers continues to expand. There are hundreds of other pilot projects taking place, too.

Jeff Woods

Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from one kind of labor by taking up another.

Anatole France

Hunting as a heritage is in a decline right now. I think it's important that kids not only learn to hunt, but how to hunt ethically. It's not about taking a bird. It's about what you learn out there and taking that and applying it to everyday life.

Doug Stetzer

I have a feeling that he's taking the race very seriously. He's in the public eye, I'm sure he's going to put in a hell of a race.

Michael Moskowitz

Share prices here rebounded ... after the market succumbed to profit-taking for a second straight day (on Wednesday).

Masayoshi Yano

I'm an emotional coach. I put my heart into it. I think it shows. And I know that our kids recognize that. We're not going into this game (against West Haven) taking them the least bit lightly. Look at their schedule and how they play. They'll be ready for us. We need to be ready for them.

Brian Courtmanche

I kept trying to run because people were screaming that the car would explode, but my head was spinning and I kept falling down. People kept yelling 'Where is Tim?' Kevin was gone, they said they were taking him to the hospital. I did not see Tim after the accident.

Melvin Goodrum

We're not taking the Legislature on.

Ron Book

What we are doing now with our trucks and our food is bypassing the cities and taking them straight to nongovernmental organizations, who will distribute the food to people in the rural areas.

Heather Hill

Our marketing expenses will go down too. We are taking a stand where we would be guided by what opportunities it brings, whether it preserves our margins or whether it ensures higher growth. There is a range of things that we can do to structure these deals.

Ramalinga Raju

The hospital is taking an important step in support of stronger and healthier families in our community.

Kathy Moore

The biggest expense was the travel funding. That was by far the biggest concern. It was pretty close to doubling the cost of taking a bus to Waynesburg College, maybe from $400 to $800.

Kevin Fenstermacher

Until mankind is peaceful enough not to have violence on the news, there's no point in taking it out of shows that need it for entertainment value.


The increased use of our SAFEride program since the new OU alcohol policies were put into effect is an encouraging sign that students are taking alcohol safety more seriously.

David Boren

The central bank is taking a pre-emptive action. Confidence is rising, sales are picking up and the central bank is looking at higher growth next year.

Im No Jung

I call it a barnstorming tour. Taking it to communities all over the country, introducing many folks to Negro Leagues baseball for the first time.

Bob Kendrick

If she had not run with that offer, in all likelihood she'd still be sitting there with that property. For the first time in five years, people are actually taking a breath, instead of just buying.

Brad Westover

There's profit-taking, and investors are concerned about interest rates. At this level, investors are cautious.

Tony Tong

It would be a horribly inefficient system if they flew all around the place visiting flowers they had already emptied. As a matter of fact, they would be using more energy than they would be taking in. That's why we expected them to be able to do this, and we were, of course, delighted to find that they could indeed solve this type of problem.

Andrew Hurly

You could say I was taking an opposite approach. I am usually trying to buy those commodities at the lowest price possible through the soybean meal and corn contracts.

Seth Taylor

We had hoped to provide more advance notice of season dates to help them select their vacation days. That is what license buyers had asked for, however, since the deer data will not be available until mid-March and bear and wild turkey results were just made available, the board and staff concluded more time was needed before taking final action on the 2006-07 seasons and bag limits.

Carl Roe

Try to get some glory by taking it to the end zone.

Anthony Spencer

If our Israeli friends have this information, if they have these facts, we would be the first interested to find out about it, ... We are taking this very seriously and would be the last one to be lenient about violations of the nonproliferation regime.

Sergey Lavrov

You're pretty close to the station. So, you are taking a lot of valuable land for parking.

Joe Alexander

Do not help the quick moneymakers who have delusions about taking possession of classics by smearing them with paint.

Frank Capra

It's a case of traders taking their bids off the board until the situation becomes clearer. Investors would rather buy stocks a bit later when there's a touch more certainty about the seriousness of the threat.

Paul Xiradis

We all get loose, relax a bit more, since we're around friends. Taking the team down to state, even though not everybody's going to swim, just having our friends there is going to help.

Daniel Glover

They're in convoys, taking the same risks as the male solders and Marines.

Jane Arraf

I could sense it on the sidelines. After the game, I just kind of stood there and soaked it all in instead of taking part in it because that's what Iowa football felt like. That's what we've been missing the past five games.

Kyle Schlicher

It's a great way for people, especially kids, who don't have access to this type of information to get it for free. I'm taking cutting edge technology to promote the past. It's a historian's dream.

Don Rittner

The spurts that we show are great, but we keep taking a few steps back. But when we're playing good we should be unbeatable. We have the best goaltender in the league and when everyone's going, it's going to show up in the win column.

Ryan Gibbons

I think that as I've asked the stock exchange several months ago, they're taking a good, hard look at the way their board is organized, I hope the way the compensation structure is organized, ... We'll see what they come up with.

William Donaldson

Our story is not just about what we did, but about education and taking advantage of opportunities that exist.

Charles Mcgee

I wouldn't mind taking that on my shoulders. I'm willing to be that person.

Derric Rossy

It is a tremendous honor and a great responsibility to follow in Tim Taylor's footsteps as head hockey coach at Yale. His impact on Yale, Yale Hockey, and me personally has been profound. I enthusiastically embrace the challenge of building upon his legacy while taking the Yale Hockey program to the next level.

Keith Allain

It's a matter of taking the side of the weak against the strong, something the best people have always done.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Currently the court uses city council chambers to do court hearings and trials. We're just taking ourselves outside the past and into a modern facility.

John Starkey