I am deeply humbled and honored for the opportunity to serve you and this great country. Should I receive the consent of the Senate, I will devote every power I possess toward fulfilling the vital mission you have set before me and the Department of Homeland Security.

Bernard Kerik

The bill ended up stalling on the Senate desk after senators closed their session early last week.

Richard Stapler

We have good reason to believe the Senate will (pass the bill). This is a bipartisan bill.

Debra Marcus

Back in the '40's, Lyndon Johnson could still steal a Senate election in South Texas with the help of the big patrons.

Calvin Jillson

We believe that the boycott and the strike is a legitimate tool that we need to utilize and we support it, but not right now because we believe right now the ball is in the hands of the Senate.

Gustavo Torres

I do not anticipate, in the foreseeable future, any involvement in the political process including the U.S. Senate race, ... My total focus will be on being the best governor I can be for the next 14 months.

Paul Patton

We're hoping to get a guest-worker program through the U.S. Senate in 2006. That would be a good start toward addressing the problem.

Luawanna Hallstrom

The needs in this county, in this region, are so high, the Senate plan is close to addressing the needs of this region.

Dana Fenton

Bush won and got re-elected, and the Senate got more Republicans. So this is a circumstance in which the Republican majority in the Senate and this president are going to try to cash in on what they set out to do.

Michael Gerhardt

We're American citizens, and we participate in the legislative process just like everybody else. All 100 senators are our senators. We rely on the entire Senate as our super Legislature.

Kevin Callwood

The Senate hearing turned the tide.

Barbara Matthews

I have limited expectations for both the House and Senate ethics committees.

Craig Holman

Senator Santorum's remarks are divisive, hurtful and reckless and are completely out of bounds for someone who is supposed to be a leader in the United States Senate.

Brad Woodhouse

Anytime a pro-abortion, big-government, elitist liberal is considering a run for the United States Senate, my advice to that person is to try the Democrat Party.

Christian Winthrop

We're going to send to the Senate not only the first lady of the land, but she will be the first lady of New York.

Patrick Moynihan

I see Democrats picking up a couple of states. I think there is a slim chance they can pick up the Senate.

Jennifer Duffy

Right now in the Senate, it's very difficult to move any kind of climate initiative forward. The bottom line for the senator is that she wants some kind of action to be taken, and she believes it's possible to find a middle ground that a critical mass can agree on.

Scott Gerber

I am disappointed that the Senate would increase the number of foreign high-tech workers without including any safeguards for American workers.

Lamar Smith

The next signal has to come from the Senate president. We'll see if the Senate caucus wants to get Taft out of this predicament; whether they will remove that part (of the legislation).

Frank Deaner

My concern is the integrity of the process, respect for the Senate and the subcommittee. So it's really important to clear the air, to find out what folks knew and when they knew it.

Norm Coleman

It's a long and tedious process but it's good that the senate is taking the time to deliberate on the matters of money.

Dan Calandriello

The Senate is a remarkable institution. It is unique. There is no other body, no other political body, no other democratic legislature in the world quite like the U.S. Senate.

Max Baucus

This confirmation is also a victory for the nominee, President Bush, and, most of all, the U.S. Senate. Finally, it is a victory for the U.S. Supreme Court which will be led into the 21st century by a brilliant, principled Chief Justice.

Spencer Abraham

We're seeing the legislative process go down in this Senate.

Robert C. Byrd

The Senate Appropriations Committee wants to hear from the Mine Safety and Health Administration in order to determine whether current regulations are adequate and if proper measures are being taken to enforce these regulations. It is important for the committee to know the federal government is doing all it can to ensure that another Sago mine disaster does not happen again.

Jenny Manley

There are a variety of actions that are being proposed by House and Senate bills that would in essence destroy the protections represented under the Endangered Species Act and make it virtually impossible to recover species.

Betsy Loyless

We're glad that the funds are in there and based on discussions with Senate leaders, I think they will remain.

Rep. Stacey Reece

The president and the Congress will be diverted from the urgent national business, while prolonged proceedings take place in the Senate.

Rick Boucher

From my point of view, it's appalling. Unfortunately, I think it's probably having an effect on people in the Senate, although it's disquieting with all the Mexican flags. It's too bad people on my side can't come out in numbers like that.

Steve Mason

The only reason the other candidates for the Senate are not here is because there are no corporations here writing checks.

Robert Bell

We had an historic opportunity to pass a bipartisan bill that offered Americans tough but fair immigration reform, and I am disappointed that the Republican-controlled Senate missed two chances to make that progress this week.

Pat Leahy

The problem that all of us are trying to figure out is: When did out-of-state casinos become more important than in-state small businesses? We tried to persuade the Senate, and we tried to persuade the House. . . . We are now going to try to persuade the governor.

Mike Triplett

It's great the House kind of took the leadership on this issue and got something going on the forefront and that the Senate recognized that it was a good thing and increased the amount.

Kip Bowmar

We believe that the Senate should carefully review this appointment to ensure that this nominee will be the kind of watchdog on behalf of American coal miners that they need.

Phil Smith

This year in the United States Senate I have faced many legislative challenges, but nothing could be more daunting than the challenges faced by Boston going head-to-head with the likes of this year's St. Louis Cardinals.

Christopher Bond

Sen. Durbin works seven days a week, 24 hours a day. The Senate is really his life.

Peter Fitzgerald

Everybody gets religion after a scandal, at least for a while. There are a lot of ethics rules in the House and Senate. The problem is that there either aren't enough rules or the enforcement has been insufficient.

Jan Baran

This may sound bizarre to some of you, but in Canada, one of the two legislative branches never go to the electorate. This is the Senate, which, like the Supreme Court, is appointed by the Government..and is therefore Liberal-dominated.

Stockwell Day

I think it will receive an even more overwhelming reception in the Senate.

Sen. Richard Nass

The PFL has hardened its stance and people are scared it will delay passage of the CPMF through the Senate.

Luiz Marcos Prudencio

This bill is far from complete, but it is an important first step in gaining control of our border and our future. We hope the Senate will act responsibly and pass this important reform.

Diana Hull

It's naive all of a sudden to say that the White House just realized that there's going to be a tough confirmation fight in the Senate. Of course there's pressure from both sides, but he's not going to cave to pressure from the left or the right.

Charlie Black

We commend Senators [Michael] Enzi and [Edward] Kennedy and their colleagues for their leadership in the Senate and ensuring that this much-needed relief (ensuring the equitable and religiously sensitive treatment of parochial schools) was contained in the appropriations package.

Nathan Diament

The nature of the Senate for most of its history has been an organization of white men. That's just a fact. No question about it.

Richard Baker

What it does is it means in the Senate the argument of 'let that one go through for the sake of being a team player' now has very little weight.

Senator Barnaby Joyce

You have a White House and committee chairmen in the House and Senate who think they are running out of time to get these coastal areas opened to drilling.

Richard Charter

It's a fabulous idea because right now the House is not on an equal playing field with the Senate, as almost all the senators are former House members. There is a lack of experience in the House.

Barney Bishop

The likelihood is that the Democrats will pick up a few seats in the Senate, but not enough to wrest control from the Republicans.

Stephen Wayne

Republicans are in charge of the House, Senate and the White House, ... so why hasn't more been done to control spending?

Scott Walker

The stronger Hillary is, the weaker she is. The more she seems like a likely presidential winner, the more difficult the senate race becomes in New York. It's perfect.

Dick Morris

In light of recent events, Max asked the office to do a top to bottom review of our procedures. Out of an abundance of caution, he's made two immediate changes. The first one is that all of his offices and staff will immediately abide by lobbying reform legislation proposed by Max and (Senate Minority Leader) Harry Reid and ban all gifts, meals and travel by lobbyists.

Barrett Kaiser

We're very happy the Senate chose to keep the full text of the amendment as the ballot question. It's really important that voters know what their vote will mean when they cast it in November. We look forward to having that discussion with the voters.

Dyana Mason

There's about six bills being looked at in the Senate that would change and put a deposit fee on the products. The question is will any of them get through and signed by the governor. You never know.

Bill Worrel

The Farm Bill should be written by the United States Congress and an extension is not required for the purposes of the WTO. I think it's very important that the House and Senate committees proceed with that plan to produce a 2007 Farm Bill.

Jerry Moran

His immigration record is the worst in the U.S. Senate. It is horrendous to us.

Paul Streitz

We briefed him on the transaction, and we asked him what he thought was likely to happen at the Senate .

Daniel Spiegel

The Republicans have control of the Senate, but the economy is still struggling. Maybe [Republican control] will lead to some tax cuts, but that's not going to happen in the near term. The U.S. economy needs all the help it can get, and soon.

Rory Robertson

We now have the Senate of the largest state in the nation endorsing marriage equality. This undermines President Bush's claim that this effort is being undertaken by a few activist judges.

Geoffrey Kors

Different majorities in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, as now looks possible, would be the worst possible scenario for markets.

Luigi Speranza

I am very pleased with the Senate vote. I've said consistently that the legislative intent was not to add additional judges. Unintentional consequences caused this.

Terry Link

The debate will no doubt be heated and at times contentious. The debate in the Senate is only one part of the lengthy process.

Tony Garza

I don't know what will happen in the Senate. It hasn't been a real hot topic over here. I thought 10 would have been a good age, but I'm OK with 8.

Sen Russ Decker

Faculty senate will host a luncheon to recognize the winner. The winner also receives an all expense paid trip to a professional development conference as well as a plaque.

Laura York

It's a matter of prioritizing resources. We just believe that those resources this year and next year are better directed toward re-electing our House and Senate majorities and re-electing our congressmen.

Jennifer Hallowell

If it had one more vote it would have passed the Senate.

Sen Karin Brownlee

I think it will pass next week. It fell apart when the Lt. Governor adjourned the senate because they did not have a quorum.

Happy Fulford

We contest that the Centre-Left has won politically, because the House of Freedoms has won the Senate with more than 50 per cent of the votes.

Paolo Bonauiti

I don't anticipate the Senate will leave it intact.

Dan Cooper

The Senate right now has zero dollars in its budget, which could seem suspect, but I've spoken with leadership in both chambers and have been assured that it's a priority issue.

Rep. Anitere Flores

I was stricken. I think that was his honest response, unfiltered by the conventions of Washington and the corridors of the Senate.

Andrea Mitchell

This coming from the same person who boasted, under oath, in Senate testimony about working around the department and the secretary.

William Knocke

It's certainly alright to introduce what you think is appropriate, but it's not mutually exclusive, ... What the House and Senate passes is ultimately what matters most.

Richard Baker

This man is proven to be an ineffective extremist. We're no longer talking about one out of 435. We're talking about a very powerful position, as one of 100 in the United States Senate.

Jim Barnett

The Senate caved in to oil and gas companies that are rolling in record profits.

Karen Wayland

We just want to send a clear message to our Congress and Senate that they really have to rework the immigration system because it's broken.

Angel Fuentes

Katherine has wanted to run for Senate for quite some time. Bill Nelson is vulnerable in our polling, and she seems passionate about this and wants to do it.

Al Cárdenas

There aren't many more elections to win in New York City and we'll take over the Senate by making the inroads that Senator Clinton and Chuck Schumer made in upstate New York.

Neil Breslin

There has been virtually no motivation on the part of state government to address these changes. Whether it's the governor, the Senate or the Assembly, it seems like the people in power are insensitive to it. We've never held them accountable as a business community or as voters.

Brian Hickey

I need more time than that to research my options. I'd like to serve in the Senate. I'll probably make a decision in May or June.

Don Samuelson

I think we're knocking on the door of a veto-proof margin in the Senate.

Sean Tipton

The Senate seat in Illinois could very well become the Democrats to lose.

Brad Woodhouse

And quite frankly, if we look at the makeup of the House and the Senate and the White House, if we don't have bipartisan help, it's almost impossible to see any program that benefits workers.

Cecil Roberts

I must say I am not pleased to have to arrange the Senate schedule around the availability of Senators who are running for President.

Arlen Specter

If we continue thinking about them (anti-Senate faction) we would be wasting our time. Let us finish them between now and February and forget about them. We need to focus on getting into power in the next five years.

Welshman Ncube

At the end of the day, the Senate voted to stay the course and deliver consumers significantly cleaner air without raiding their pocketbooks.

Dan Riedinger

You had leaders in Congress -- Bob Packwood, a Republican chair of the Senate Finance Committee, and Dan Rostenkowski, the Democratic chairman of House Ways and Means. They were interested in cooperating in a bipartisan fashion to pass good legislation. Obviously, there was something in it for them politically.

Joseph Thorndike

For the moment, you have won nowhere: neither in the House, nor in the Senate.

Sandro Bondi

Making a difference is essentially the most interesting aspect of my job. I would like to apply my background to the Senate.

Paul Casey

Frankly, we are quite surprised that the Senate may make time to even consider this petition, ... We can hardly think of a worse time to be doing so.

Scott Segal

People had some preconceived notions about what my purpose was. Over time, being there and working with my colleagues in the Senate and the House . . . that falls away as the defining characteristic.

Sen. Scott Mccoy

Alex is a good guy and it's obviously unfortunate what happened. It's none of my business. It's an internal Senate matter.

Rep. Marco Rubio

The two things she's been doing since she got to the Senate is work hard and work with Republicans. She has always said she'll work with anyone to accomplish what needs to get done for the people of New York.

Philippe Reines

Exactly how it's going to get done yet, there's still some discussion in the House and Senate. But there is movement on the thing; it seems to be going forward.

Dave Mica

In terms of our goal, as a member of UGBC for the past four years I definitely don't think I've seen a Senate so powerful. They've definitely come into their roles very effectively.

Luke Howe

I am proud to represent the people of my senate district and I want them to be proud of me. I ask for your support and prayers as I battle this disease.

Sen. Mario Gallegos

Paterson can act as a representative for the Senate and a candidate for lieutenant governor.

Neil Breslin

There is no excuse for Wyoming to be so far behind, 20 years behind, in the energy race when your senator sits on the Senate energy committee.

Dale Groutage

Roberts, who was confirmed unanimously by the Senate just two years ago, is highly respected by Democrats and Republicans alike, ... Opposition to this nomination will be based on nothing but partisan politics.

Brian Mccabe

Even a small city like ours will feel a major impact if this (bill) is passed in the Senate.

Robert Garcia

Paul Hackett is running for U.S. Senate.

David Woodruff

We don't make those decisions, but we feel the (House) speaker and the (Senate) president are going in the right direction.

Robert Sherman

I'm sure when Chuck Schumer needs information from the Congressional Budget Office, he doesn't have to check with Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate leader. I expect to be calling Mr. Naughton directly as I always have in the past. If she wants to know what I'm doing, she can always call me. I'll be happy to respond.

Lisanne Altmann

This is about the closest I've seen the House and Senate. It really bodes well for our local projects.

Rep. Gene Pelowski

Pro-family and pro-life Americans must continue to speak up and have their voices heard in this process as the Senate debates and votes on the new Supreme Court justice nominee.

Roberta Combs

He could debate an issue more articulately than anyone I've seen in my 22 years in the Senate.

Marc Basnight

I can't say if it's 75 percent Senate, 12 percent House and 12 percent governor's office. We're giving you a gross amount. It's all state government. I'm not sure if real people really care what percentage is Senate versus House.

Drew Crompton

Nan will bring a no-nonsense, take no prisoners approach to the Senate. She can be a strong coalition builder or fiery opponent. I have no doubt that she will join our progressive friends in the Senate with a newfound passion for equality.

Chuck Bowen

He is working to find a comprehensive solution to immigration reform that a majority of the Senate can support. One other important thing that he is trying to do is make certain that we have a polite debate and that things don't become too heated.

Kerry Feehery

If you're hanging around with nothing to do and the zoo is closed, come over to the Senate. You'll get the same kind of feeling and you won't have to pay.

Bob Dole

You can't say that the leftist Union has a majority to govern. We are neck and neck in the Senate, and it's a great result.

Andrea Ronchi

This is one of the few ways even a weak president can make his mark — especially when his party controls the Senate.

David Yalof

I hope that the Senate passes the extension. In any small town, it's a huge difference to keep people in town. No matter who had the machines, no one was going to change the price. It was a level playing field for any and all businesses that had them.

Charlie Good

For many, it has to be somewhere around that level of funding that the House passed. Personally, I don't have any problems with the Senate bill.

Rep. Ward Loyd

She (Senate) tried to imitate another style that just didn't work for her.

Christy Byers

I don't feel any need for redemption. I'm satisfied with what I did in the Senate. I don't look back. I look forward.

Alan Cranston

The Senate president supports the bill. I think it's going to go.

Cindy Davidsmeyer

Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate; now what's going to happen to us with both a Senate and a House?

Will Rogers

The Senate compromise may have fallen apart, but not everything is lost. The only way we're going to get ahead is to send a stronger message.

Jose Lagos

I am a citizen fed up with the way the country is headed, ... While they may be well intentioned, I have lost my confidence that the professional politicians can turn things around. The U.S. Senate needs to be shaken up, and I am not afraid to do it.

Greta Van Susteren

It's not like the governor or a Senate candidate is sucking all the money up.

Chris Heagarty

This resolution is a statement urging the administration to change their views. We're doing everything in our power as a Senate to support the GLC.

Nyck Bernier

I have enormous friendship and respect with Tom Daschle. Always have had and always will have. And I have nothing but admiration and respect for what he is trying to do with this in the Senate. As he said yesterday, it doesn't matter where you start, what matters is where you wind up. We have different bodies and we have different ways of dealing with it.

Richard Gephardt

You'd have somebody kicked out of office by the state Senate and a replacement selected by a group of people who for the most part do not represent the people who voted for Ford to begin with.

Christian Grose

An eighth-grader in civics class knows that a bill cannot become law unless the identical bill passes the House and Senate and is signed by the president.

Jim Zeigler

"From the beginning, we promised folks that they'll see whatever event we cover in its entirety, from gavel to gavel - whether it's the House of Representatives or the Senate. That's the whole reason for being.

Brian Lamb

The best way to solve the problems of the Senate is to encourage people to assert their rights and make a move when they see something unethical. Thailand has had enough lessons in this.

Gothom Arya

Let me be clear: There is no stronger advocate for civil liberties in the Senate than myself.

Saxby Chambliss

We have a crackerjack bill here, ... It will stop millionaires from buying Senate seats and the presidency. It brings this television monster under control.

Morris K. Udall

I'm here to observe and support the senate.

Cade Bernsen

The only reason the House hasn't done even more damage is that the Senate often sands down the most noxious ideas, making the bills merely bad, not disastrous.

Jonathan Alter

Unless things get way out of hand with all the negative junk and he gets accused of being a terrorist or something, Bill will run a campaign that says here's what I've done and here's what my opponent has done. I couldn't tell you one thing Katherine Harris has done in office or stands for or would do in the Senate.

Dan Mclaughlin

We found her to be a very personable and impressive young woman, and we found that she might be a very helpful witness to the Senate if she's called.

Bill Mccollum

Hopefully there's enough support in the Senate for this that we can get this through while they're arguing about the other issues.

Victor Johnson

Not one--not one Republican Senator--voted for Senate Bill 27.

Sen. Wendell Jones

Judge Roberts deserves overwhelming bi-partisan confirmation by the Senate. Only those willing to jump off a political cliff by joining hands with the die-hard abortion, gay rights and environmental groups can be expected to oppose this supremely qualified nominee.

Jan Larue

We believe the only way he can rectify this is by simply allowing the marriage amendment to come out of the Senate Judiciary Committee and come to the Senate floor for a fair and open and honest debate. That's all we're asking for.

Chuck Darrell

Let's clean up the Senate and return to politics of common ground.

Mark Pryor

The only person who's let me down is Paul Martin, ... I hope I can see some changes. Visible minorities are terribly un-represented and concerns about the Senate are controlled 100 per cent by the Prime Minister. Someone needs to account for it--accounting starts with the Prime Minister.

Donald Oliver

This could open a huge can of worms. Our biggest concern is if it goes through the Senate Education Committee and it becomes state law. It's very difficult to change that.

Pete Saco

I was not going to miss this trip. We did it based on the belief the Democratic-controlled House and Senate would have things wrapped up.

Jim Durkin

There are provisions in the Senate bill that create opportunities we have not created for a long time.

Chris Daley

Once the next nominee is announced Lambda Legal will take the same approach we did with John Roberts. We will carefully review any material relevant to our community's core issues of concern and work to insure that during the Senate hearing the nominee is asked about, and addresses those issues.

Kevin Cathcart

It's very small, the Alaskans want it and we need it, ... But we couldn't get that through the Senate because a lot of people don't understand how important it is to get that done.

Jim Ryun

We've always been urging the Senate to join the Assembly in passing it.

Saleem Cheeks

Whatever action the Senate takes on ESA reform should reflect the national, bipartisan outcry for strong property rights protections. Quite simply, when the government takes your property, the least it can do is pay for it.

David Ridenour

Some of the numbers being discussed don?t sound sufficient. The Senate is talking in the neighborhood of $100 million for all of the states. That gets divided up really fast.

Jim Burns

The Republicans are abandoning Romney. The Senate Republicans are not going to flip-flop because he did.

Gary Piontkowski

We partnered with the Senate, with Sens. (Sam) Brownback and (Pat) Roberts, ... and we came out well.

Jim Ryun

This is one of the worst things the Senate has ever done. On the back of a cocktail napkin they have tossed aside protections of individual liberty that have been in existence for centuries.

Gita Gutierrez

The House bill basically punted most responsibilities to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Senate bill takes a more aggressive stance in protecting investors, in our opinion.

Tyson Slocum

The Keep it REAL campaign is about increasing necessary Senate support for the REAL Act.

Caeden Dempsey

He differs from the two Pauls in the sense that he is a nuts-and-bolts Senate insider ... in a way that Paul Douglas or Paul Simon never was.

John Jackson

The Bush administration simply cannot change the law to allow foreign companies to control U.S. airlines without working with Congress. Both the House and Senate must approve any such change in law. The security of the flying public is too important.

Alex Formuzis

It could come up if we have a special session in October. I think that's a little bit too late. The senate isn’t back until October 17th. I think that's too late that's a month from now.

Charles Miller

[But critics say the Senate bill goes overboard in its attempt to block frivolous suits.] It completely eliminates the right to sue in the vast majority of cases, ... It goes right to the heart of our civil liability system.

Dennis Henigan

After a careful review of the facts, I believe there is enough evidence to send this matter on to the Senate for a formal trial and their final consideration. I will vote for impeachment.

Fred Upton

Once again, the Republicans in the Senate have rejected an increase in the minimum wage. They support tax breaks for multi-millionaires, but they oppose helping the working poor to earn a decent income.

Mark Dayton

The House looks like more fun. It's like the Donahue show. The Senate is like one of those Sunday morning public service programs.

Phil Donahue

As long as outside groups, including labor unions, refrain from airing any TV or radio ads dealing with the U.S. Senate race in New York, the Republican Party pledges to do the same.

Bill Powers

The White House, House and Senate Republicans are ready to negotiate on bipartisan economic growth that creates jobs and helps bring the economy out of a recession. Unfortunately, we've seen several partisan barriers that preclude us from succeeding.

Ron Bonjean

We applaud the Senate Armed Services Committee's action. We are hopeful that the U.S. military will now take actions to increase checkpoint safety as well as deal with the prolonged, open-ended detention of journalists in Iraq.

Paul Steiger

[Delta wants a payment schedule] that's manageable and affordable, ... We respectfully disagree with Rep. Boehner's statement. Delta would pay a substantial amount into its pension plan under the Senate bill.

Benet Wilson

When a member of the House moves over to the Senate, he raises the IQ of both bodies.

Senator Everett Dirksen

I think it's wonderful. The Senate showed their concerns for people.

Essie Debonet

Better things are yet to come from Senate.

Eric Norris

It's hard to rely on promises when it comes to wage increase because we don't know what would happen to [the proposal] at the Senate.

Ernesto Herrera

We've been working on this day in and day out. We're optimistic that we can still pull it off, but the action of the Senate doesn't help.

Eric Matthews

Sen. Gregg, like Sen. Byrd, has been working with his colleagues on the Senate Appropriations Committee to ensure that the funds secured for the prison remain in place. The schedule for the prison continues to move forward, as demonstrated by the public meeting held by the Bureau of Prisons this week.

Erin Rath

Julie Myers is well-respected within the law enforcement community and highly qualified to lead the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We will work with the Senate to ensure her confirmation.

Erin Healy

I commend the Senate for its work passing an excellent tidelands bill, ... This bill brings a level playing field to all casinos, whether they are over the water or on dry land, and ensures that the tidelands program will continue to improve the quality of life on the Coast.

Eric Clark

As far as further steps toward solvency, the question is, how much further action are we going to see in the Senate?

Eric Cantor

Somebody needs to be ultimately responsible for the hiring and firing of the staff. It would not be appropriate, in my view anyway, to have an employee, a Senate employee, who's not ultimately held accountable by an elected official.

Erik Arneson

[The six-month extension] is the best outcome we could possibly imagine. The Senate stood firm, and they refused to be bullied into accepting a law that was not good for America.

Emily Sheketoff

Too often in the past, members of Congress have won re-election with a two-part strategy: Talk like Scrooge on the campaign trail. Vote like Santa Claus on the Senate floor.

Edmund S. Muskie

They understood, too, that it would be wrong to sacrifice the impartiality of the judge and make a comment to anyone in the United States Senate that you'd rule one way or another if you're confirmed.

Reed Gillespie

The Governor is the leader of the Republican Party. Out of respect for his position and his decision, I have decided to stop my campaign for the United State Senate.

Ted Cox

You know there's a little moral victory there, a little victory that if we can get over 50 on at least one of these charges we've at least shown the nation that a majority of the Senate are concerned about this issue of obstruction of justice.

Ed Bryant

His first priority is to get the base behind him, even if that produces a nominee that is really fought over in the Senate and possibly defeated.

Earl Black