We give Harriet Miers the benefit of the doubt because thus far, President Bush has selected nominees to the federal courts who are committed to the written Constitution. Whether we can support her will depend on what we learn from her record and the hearing process.

He should not become the new high bar.

I am not ready to bring out the pom-poms and start the cheering. I was hoping I could. I think a lot of great résumés were set aside here, and I am not sure for the right reason.

The benefit of the doubt because, thus far, President Bush has selected nominees to the federal courts who are committed to the written Constitution.

The president should name the best-qualified and proven constitutionalist to replace O'Connor as soon as Judge Roberts is confirmed, regardless of sex, race or ethnicity. The American people will decide the consequences of partisan politicians trying to intimidate the president into surrendering his constitutional duty.

Disappointed it isn't someone who I can come right out of the box saying, 'Great, let's go.'

Judge Roberts deserves overwhelming bi-partisan confirmation by the Senate. Only those willing to jump off a political cliff by joining hands with the die-hard abortion, gay rights and environmental groups can be expected to oppose this supremely qualified nominee.