The president wanted to see as much as he could without impeding the relief efforts.

When Mr. Rove purchased the home in January 2001, he qualified for the exemption. He was not made aware of the changes in D.C. law. Now that it has been brought to his attention, he is making restitution.

[Myers was on her honeymoon and was not available to comment yesterday. Erin Healy, a White House spokeswoman, cited Myers's work with customs agents on money-laundering and drug-smuggling cases.] She's well-known and respected throughout the law enforcement community, ... She has a proven track record as an effective manager.

Julie Myers is well-respected within the law enforcement community and highly qualified to lead the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We will work with the Senate to ensure her confirmation.

It is a dialogue to discuss realistic, comprehensive immigration reform. We are in the consultation phase.

[Myers was on her honeymoon and was not available to comment Monday. Erin Healy, a White House spokeswoman, cited Myers' work with customs agents on money-laundering and drug-smuggling cases.] She's well-known and respected throughout the law enforcement community, ... She has a proven track record as an effective manager.

Is pleased to hear that Mr. Hamill escaped and is safely in the hands of the U.S. military.

We also express our solidarity with the government of Indonesia and convey our readiness to assist in any way.