One of the real weaknesses in e-learning is individuals feel isolated. Courses are self-guided, but there is an opportunity to interact with peer groups. Feedback from six to 12 people gives it a sense of community.

Michael Sexton

Dance music had become very self- important and deserved a good kicking.

Jonathan More

The secret of concentration is the secret of self-discovery. You reach inside yourself to discover your personal resources, and what it takes to match them to the challenge.

Arnold Palmer

Our self-pay as a percentage of our overall business isn't that high, from a relative standpoint, ... But it's still 5 or 6 percent of our business. And if you're one of those 5 or 6 percent, it's still a big issue to you paying for your health care cost.

Mike Green

Those are life-and-death situations. What we're also concerned about is helping people who do not face that sort of thing. We need to help them become self-sufficient and produce food to feed themselves.

Trevor Rowe

I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.

Billie Jean King

It's almost like this men's self-help movement.

Neil Strauss

On the basis of biological, sociological, and historical knowledge, we should recognize that the individual self is subject to death or decay, but the sum total of individual achievement, for better or worse, lives on in the immortality of The Larger.

Hu Shih

Self-esteem isn't everything; it's just that there's nothing without it.

Gloria Steinem

GRAMMAR, n. A system of pitfalls thoughtfully prepared for the feet for the self-made man, along the path by which he advances to distinction.

Ambrose Bierce

Like the furtive collectors of stolen art, we [cell biologists] are forced to be lonely admirers of spectacular architecture, exquisite symmetry, dramas of violence and death, mobility, self-sacrifice and, yes, rococo sex.

Lorraine Lee Cudmore

The war is illegal under international law. We want the immediate withdrawal of the Self Defense Forces and from Iraq along with all foreign troops.

Takeshiko Tsukushi

They're selling hormones over the counter now, self-prescribed, self-dosed, no medical monitoring.

William Jarvis

With the exception of the instinct of self-preservation, the propensity for emulation is probably the strongest and most alert and persistent of the economic motives proper.

Thorstein Veblen

Self employment may also be an option. We do a needs analysis, focus on transferable skills, then look at three or four options and the additional training and development that may be required.

Paul Stevenson

Even wisdom has to yield to self-interest.


Where are these people going to be putting their human waste? Are these people self-sufficient?

Allan Wolf

Those who improve with age embrace the power of personal growth and personal achievement and begin to replace youth with wisdom, innocence with understanding, and lack of purpose with self-actualization.

Bo Bennett

If indeed this is the work of God... then it's a crisis that calls for the church to be its very best self, and not worry about risking itself for the right thing.

Gene Robinson

All pressure is self-inflicted. It's what you make of it or how you let it rub off on you.

Sebastian Coe

Students are also wearing less clothing. They're more self-conscious about the way their body looks.

Jane Jakubczak

We don't have weapons, we don't have training in self defense, we didn't go through a police academy, and we're dealing with the same people they are.

Holly Jones

Number one, long term, they will be a no-load buyer and a more cost-conscious investor and not lean so heavily on the advice of financial professionals. And two, it will force them to do a little self-educating, which is always a good thing. At the very least, if they are going to rely on someone else, they can ask intelligent questions.

Don Cassidy

I'm glad I was in business. I enjoyed the customers that came in. And I enjoyed the money I made. I was self-employed and I liked it.

Harold Rosenblatt

The Cuban regime does not represent the people, nor does it have any interest in bettering their lives. Rather, the regime is obsessed with self-preservation.

Michael Parmly

We're working on our defense. We've got rebounds, toughness and self-respect are the four things we have to work on down the stretch.

Jason Winfrey

The Rotary motto has been, for years, 'Service above self,' and from what I've learned about the Sheriff's Office, that's what they're all about.

Jim Green

The problem with self-improvement is knowing when to quit.

David Lee Roth

The biggest thing she has learned is self confidence. She has developed such poise.

Anne Morgan

If you are going to self-publish you have to make sure that your product is at least as good as the one next to it on the bookshelf.

Rita Mills

What other dungeon is so dark as one's own heart! What jailer so inexorable as one's self!

Nathaniel Hawthorne

I am neither male nor female, nor am I sexless. I am the Peaceful One, whose form is self-effulgent, powerful radiance.

Guru Nanak

Japan's economic revival is finally becoming self-sustaining. That has been the key to investor optimism on Japanese stocks, and I don't expect a let-up any time soon.

Soichiro Monji

By these things examine thyself. By whose rules am I acting; in whose name; in whose strength; in whose glory? What faith, humility, self-denial, and love of God and to man have there been in all my actions?

Jackie Mason

They fear discovery of their 'fraudulence' and undertake too much work to compensate for their lack of self-esteem and identity.

Manfred Kets De Vries

Perhaps the surest test of an individual's integrity is his refusal to do or say anything that would damage his self-respect.

Thomas S. Monson

At a scale as small as the nanometer-when you can't touch or see anything-it's important to learn how to control the system in order to get the polymers to self-assemble the way we want it to.

Rachel Segalman

These concerts are self-supporting; their continuation depends heavily on the level of donations received.

John Mccullers

Where there is a sufficient social movement of self-reliant communities, there can be political change. There must be political change.

Jerry Brown

[Industry wisdom has long decreed that the two weeks before Labor Day are a studio dumping ground.] It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, ... You create your own dynamic. A bad film makes a bad play time.

Jack Foley

Life change is the bread and butter of the self-storage industry.

Tim Dietz

We have some very good streaks. But we don't have the self-confidence to get ourselves past when things start to go bad. When they start to go bad, they seem to go worse. Right now, that's a big hurdle for us, to stop flows from occurring.

Tom Young

Fear is a question: What are you afraid of, and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness, because illness contains information, your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them.

Marilyn Ferguson

Not only does the Internet provide agency and direct writers the opportunity to attract new customers, but also the opportunity to build loyalty by providing Internet-enabled self-service.

Jeremy Bowler

Happiness is largely a matter of self-hypnotism. You can think yourself happy or you can think yourself miserable.

Dorothy Dix

Coach Self has been good to me, ... When he got there, we talked about the position (of assistant coach). I love that place. It's where I met my wife and got my diploma. That's what's really important. I've got KU all over my office walls. I love the place.

Rex Walters

She's made drastic improvements with her own self-being. She's talking to a lot more people now.

Jeff Chandler

The big drug companies are under duress on almost every front. There are challenges everywhere from generics, from the FDA, from managed care and from self-appointed public watchdogs criticizing the industry, and with attacks on direct-to-consumer advertising.

Robert Hazlett

Love is when each person is more concerned for the other than for one's self.

David Frost

If these had been in place, at least some of the energy in the storm surge would have been dissipated. This is a self-inflicted wound.

Jeffrey Mount

We look forward to a spirited Democratic primary between two self-funding, wealthy liberals.

Richard Wadhams

There are many reasons for keeping a diary: to make a note of facts that one considers important; to open one's heart, to give vent to one's feelings, to make confessions; from the instinct of economy which sometimes encourages a writer to make good use of even the smallest crumbs of his life, so that he may have one more book to publish; or again from vanity and self-satisfaction.

Alberto Moravia

When you self-insure you control your own destiny. But your destiny is not unlike everybody else.

Joe Zimmerman

I wish I could say that when I didn't agree with a director I defer to him, but I think sometimes I'm a little self-righteous.

Billy Crudup

It built my self-confidence so much.

Rachel Lydon

Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscribed In one self place, for where we are is hell, And where hell is there must we ever be.

Christopher Marlowe

After about two weeks of healthy eating, it became a habit for us. Now, I have so much more energy and self-confidence. I have a much more positive outlook on life.

Lael Dandan

We have believed for a long, long time that the preparation for science engineering, math technology education is something that every student needs to be really deeply immersed in. We can no longer depend in our society on the self-selected people to do this. There are just not enough people that are self-selecting to do this out of the meager exposures we've given them.

Albert Mchenry

We think it is market driven. It gives landowners their right to self-rule.

Butch Seidle

For the consumer, I think self-service is good.

Billy Sanez

It's tough, ... Listening to what the doctors say, they want you to kind of do everything real strict. It's tough not being able to lift your son, and not being able to do the things that you know you should be able to do. So, it really makes you be patient, and you kind of have to have some self-control.

Jerome Mcdougle

The ultimate mystery is one's own self.

Sammy Davis, Jr.

We use snowboarding as a vehicle for building self confidence, not an end; so you can feel that, if you can do this, you can do anything.

Jason Hirsch

I saw what it did to my father. Being self-employed is sometimes like walking on a treadmill.

Andy Winn

We have two issues we care about deeply, property rights and self-protection rights. It's kind of like when you have two really big dogs you love and they want to fight; sometimes, you have to throw a bone each way.

Rep. Dennis Baxley

Ever since his loss to (Bound Brook's Nick) Murray he has had a new focus. He's his usual nasty self now, just going after people.

Scot Weaver

Whoever undertakes to create soon finds himself engaged in creating himself. Self-transformation and the transformation of others have constituted the radical interest of our century, whether in painting, psychiatry, or political action.

Harold Rosenberg

No self-respecting cow would graze here and I wouldn't blame her.

Jim Hayes

The cool kids were once thrill-seeking kids like jocks or the well-dressed kids, and the self-expressed kids of today were once the band geeks, theater types, or crunchy-granola types.

Chip Walker

Not only is his attitude just fantastic every day but he's so self-motivating. He sees things that need to be done and he does them.

Mike Pegg

You have to be self-reliant and strong to survive in this town. Otherwise you will be destroyed.

Joan Crawford

Dajka confirmed to Craig Phillips that he had been untruthful to both inquiries. He admitted to self injecting in French's room.

John Coates

I feel like Cal Ripken or something, ... This insanity is all self-imposed.

Andy Borowitz

It has always appeared to me, that there is so much to be done in this world, that all self-inflicted suffering which cannot be turned to good account for others, is a loss -- a loss, if you may so express it, to the spiritual world.

Sir Arthur Helps

Every theory is a self-fulfilling prophecy that orders experience into the framework it provides.

Ruth Hubbard

Discrimination is not an attractive thing. People don't like to be accused of it. Staff and employers tend to get real angry, real fast, and some of them react in self-destructive ways.

John Hendrickson

Tonight we talked about playing for our self-respect as a team. The kids responded well.

Cheryl Rice

I think he's very self-aggrandizing in a very great way. In a way that I like. . . He is someone who lives their art, especially when he puts his own image into his creations.

John Galliano

My darling,it is late and I am very tired of youth,love,and self-sacrafice.

Bette Davis

I felt great for the kids in getting the win at Ronan. They had been working so hard and were coming up short this season. That can be frustrating but they have kept working and improving. If we keep improving the little things we can play with anybody. We'll have to eliminate the self-imposed mistakes and focus on our job against Columbia Falls.

Aaron Stiegeler

They're somewhat easier, because they're self-contained. They don't have the same maze of menus and screens you have to navigate with software.

James Billington

The city will need to make sure that they are there to help those businesses relocate. It's in their economic self-interest to keep those businesses located within the city.

Byron Koste

Our girls showed some self belief today and were strong for the entire match. I was rapt.

Albie Hawea

(A lot of self-employed people) don't make the effort to set up the right plan and to fully fund it.

Bill Kring

It wasn't that expectations changed. But [teens] went from general expectations of success to having no idea of the right thing to do. In the '60s there was a strong prejudice against careerism. We were self-indulgent and self-destructive.

Michael Medved

The worst thing about that kind of prejudice... is that while you feel hurt and angry and all the rest of it, it feeds you self-doubt. You start thinking, perhaps I am not good enough.

Nina Simone

One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain, and in honor and dishonor; and is ever steadfast with the Supreme Self.

Bhagavad Gita

You have to be self-motivating. You can't depend on just having everything go well. Don't dwell on it and go over and over in your mind that you weren't accepted. Move onto the next thing.

Susan Klein

Every enterprise fund ought to be self-sustained. The electric fund is in good condition, but the water and sewer is not.

Kevin O'donnell

I do feel like what I did was a move of self defense. I was sad and surprised that I actually did it. I didn't plan it out very well or I might have gotten away with it.

Michael Jennings

People are self-centeredto a nauseous degree.They will keep on about themselveswhile I'm explaining me.

Piet Hein

Great acting can be almost a psychotic mix of self-consciousness and unself-consciousness. And that's the terrible conflict. You have to be free to jump off into that volcano and you have to be pathologically self-conscious.

Alec Baldwin

[The self-proclaimed] King of Pop ... proves Bashir grossly misled his audience.

Martin Bashir

I'm not going to lie, I felt a lot of pressure. Some of it was self-induced.

Tyra Grant

Getting a dog is like getting married. It teaches you to be less self-centered, to accept sudden, surprising outbursts of affection, and not to be upset by a few scratches on your car.

Will Stanton

In order to succeed, people need a sense of self-efficacy, struggle together with resilience to meet the inevitable obstacles and inequities of life.

Albert Bandura

Even the self-assured will raise their perceived self-efficacy if models teach them better ways of doing things.

Albert Bandura

Those of us who worked with her thought that she was very gracious with her physical self, very gracious with the public. That included in airports, on sidewalks and in restaurants.

Jane Smith

Sever the ignorant doubt in your heart with the sword of self-knowledge. Observe your discipline. Arise.

Bhagavad Gita

O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!

Katharine Lee Bates

To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth which constitutes self-respect is potentially to have everything: the ability to discriminate, to love and to remain indifferent. To lack it is to be locked within oneself, paradoxically incapable of either love or indifference.

Joan Didion

We always lived on John's salary, and whatever I earned was put aside for remodeling or for traveling. That's how we can afford to do this. We've been very conservative, lived very frugally. We were almost self-contained, raising our own fruits and vegetables and rabbits. About the only thing we bought was milk.

Theresa Mellott

Today, each artist must undertake to invent himself, a lifelong act of creation that constitutes the essential content of the artist's work. The meaning of art in our time flows from this function of self-creation.

Harold Rosenberg

The healthy P-53 gene can then begin to trigger the self-destruction program for the cancer cell.

Jack Roth

To know one's self is wisdom, but not to know one's neighbors is genius.

Minna Antrim

I've come to believe that coercion in matters of religion are self-defeating. If you leave people alone, the great majority will find their way to the center of one of the 15 or 16 great religious traditions.

J. Gordon Melton

Football linemen are motivated by a more complicated, self- determining series of factors than the simple fear of humiliation in the public gaze, which is the emotion that galvanizes the backs and receivers.

Merlin Olsen

Of all the self-fulfilling prophecies in our culture, the assumption that aging means decline and poor health is probably the deadliest.

Marilyn Ferguson

Assume that all estimates are self-interested and all estimates are too low, ... The government is like a contractor — whatever it says, triple.

Robert Lichter

It's a lot of hard work. You've got to invest yourself, physically and mentally and financially. You have to be a self-starter.

Jim Garrison

We are one of the very few who have recognized that and are trying to go back to the old days where being Greek was special - it was unique. We're trying to instill self-respect and responsibility - leadership ideals that carry on and transcend through life.

Rob Binford

There are 193 species of monkeys and apes, 192 of them are covered with hair. The exception is a naked ape self-named Homo sapiens.

Desmond Morris

Being forced to work, and forced to do your best, will breed in you temperance and self-control, diligence and strength of will, cheerfulness and content, and a hundred virtues which the idle will never know.

Charles Kingsley

Enjoy things which are pleasant; that is not the evil: it is the reducing of our moral self to slavery by them that is.

Thomas Carlyle

He just started making shots; it's pretty self-explanatory.

Brandon Wallace

That's a very alarming number. The situation is very comparable to Colombia in terms of self-censorship and the level of violence.

Joel Simon

[Obey is unbowed.] I think if you asked God, he'd say the Ten Commandments were a road map for living, ... Instead, you have these self-appointed pharisees who think the Ten Commandments can be turned into a stiletto to use against their political opponents.

David Obey

To read your own mind is to look at your self and read your soul. Hatred becomes love and that is the path I am working on.

Richard Gere

Where there are no tigers, a wildcat is very self-important.

Korean Proverb

It is a very effective stress-reducer, which is a way into the practice for many people. If someone is struggling with feelings of anxiety, he or she may benefit from its calming aspects. And it's absolutely facilitative of mental health because it brings about a higher level of self-acceptance and insight about oneself.

Roger Thomson

The only thing where I can see the Patriots self-destructing is injuries holding them back, like to (running back Corey) Dillon or Brady. If they keep it together, they have a great chance to do it again.

Roger Craig

No one will just not respond to a crime, especially with the rise in crime this school year. But [the labor complaint] is self-serving -- New Haven officers don't want to lose job security.

Chris Morganti

The more a person analyzes his inner self, the more insignificant he seems to himself. This is the first lesson of wisdom. Let us be humble, and we will become wise. Let us know our weakness, and it will give us power.

William Ellery Channing

Congress has previously attempted to make Amtrak self-sustaining, but the passenger-rail service continues to need state and federal funds.

Jerry Weller

One secret act of self-denial, one sacrifice of inclination to do is worth all of the good thought, warm feelings, and passionate prayers in which idle men indulge themselves.

David O. Mckay

The day's blow rang out, metallic -- or it was I, a bell awakened, and what I heard was my whole self saying and singing what it knew: I can.

Denise Levertov

We only wanted to give them a shove. It's the members of the co-op that allow it to be self-sustaining.

Karen Jones

Our life's journey of self-discovery is not a straight-line rise from one level of consciousness to another. Instead, it is a series of steep climbs and flat plateaus, then further climbs. Even though we all approach the journey from different directions, certain of the journey's characteristics are common to all of us.

Stuart Wilde

Self-love depressed becomes self-loathing.

Sally Kempton

It's a huge boost to someone trying to overcome patterns of self-destructive behavior.

Bruce Bennett

At 16 I was stupid, confused, . . . and indecisive. At 21 I was wise, self-confident, . . . and assertive. At 45 I'm stupid, confused, . . . and indecisive. [Is] maturity only a short break in adolescence?

Jules Feiffer

We let them self-destruct. They had a lot of passed balls, a lot of walks. They kind of folded on us.

Steve Rodriguez

Our precious Danielle was taken by a monster thinking only of self-gratification.

Brenda Van Dam

Beauty Brands believes in making people feel good about themselves and increasing self-esteem. That's one of the reasons we love to welcome professionals like Michael O'Rourke to work with our customers and offer them a great new look.

Robert Bernstein

We had motivation, losing to them last year and losing some tough games this year. So I said, Okay, let's see what you've got.' I'm so proud of these guys, the way they answered the call. Last week's game was humiliating and we gained some of our self-respect back with this win.

Frank Gay

The positive sign is there's more of a concern for others, as well as self, than people think.

Dr. Joseph Smith

There is a huge potential for people to make the shift from health care to self care.

Walter Robb

It takes a real mental toughness and self-awareness to succeed.

John Titus

Guilt is really the reverse side of the coin of pride. Guilt aims at self-destruction, and pride aims at the destruction of others.

Bill Wilson

As for myself, I always willingly acknowledge my own self as the principal cause of every good and of every evil which may befall me; therefore I have always found myself capable of being my own pupil, and ready to love my teacher.

Giacomo Casanova

This is not a self-correcting problem. PERA needs to be put on a long-term program toward solvency.

Dick Lamm

They may not have been profitable for a big record company, but they were getting air time and music sales, ... You'll see some very known bands going to self-release of albums, many more independent companies having shelf-space at retail.

Michael Nathanson

Some people stay in the academic world just to avoid becoming self-aware. You can quote me on that.

Michael Mckean

Before a community can prosper, the people must believe in their leaders. They must know that at the core of every decision is careful planning, hard work, and unbending integrity rather than partisanship or self-gain. They must trust that the awesome power of government is not being abused.

Linda Lingle

I was told to get my self-esteem back, get my self-confidence back. (He) helped me get some clothes, get a pager, you know, get out of there.

Doug Ferrari

We look forward to planting the seeds necessary for us to grow and build not only a self-sustaining economy, but also our most valuable resource: the members of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa.

Ken Davis

They thought we were a bunch of self-satisfying, materialistic, selfish people who would crumble. We knew that's not who we were.

Cokie Roberts

As individuals, they can make the decision to self-insure, but as an advisor, it is unthinkable. They should purchase health insurance before they do anything else.

Steve Carter

So if you can automate this, the end-user can have a self-service environment. They're going to get their password reset, so they're happy. And your help desk people will be more productive.

Brent Hanbury

The key to a happy and fulfilling future is knowing yourself. This self-knowledge is the most important component of finding the right career.

Richard Nelson Bolles

[Miller, whose profile eerily matches early portraits of Byron, skillfully blends his restless passion and moments of sour self-awareness. Byron is caustic about his future wife from the first, noting that he would] like her more if she were less perfect. ... Could she not find one in Jane Austen?

Vanessa Redgrave

Was that I was a person with dignity and self-respect, and I should not set my sights lower than anybody else just because I was black.

Rosa Parks

The fact that the press is self-censored over this is disgusting and I didn't want to be any part of it as a journalist.

Tim Marchman

It's just kind of a self-esteem thing.

Cheryl Love

It's imperative to a child's success that they have strong self-esteem. A parent plays a key role in its development and must be conscious of choices s/he makes daily to influence a child's self-esteem.

Toni Schutta

There's really nobody (in North America) making movies like he is. Cronenberg deals with self- esteem, self-image and individual perception. He's always talking about the transformation of the body from man to machine.

Walter Chaw

The facts are it was self-defense. It's more than a reasonable doubt.

Ralph Cingcon

That's the mark of a good team. When you have a player you rely on so much and when she's not up to her average self, you rely on other girls and they stepped up tonight and did what it took to win.

Kemp Ewing

Whereas wine disorders the mental faculties, opium introduces amongst them the most exquisite order, legislation and harmony. Wine robs a man of self-possession; opium greatly invigorates it.

Thomas De Quincey

Every citizen of the state of California should be prepared for 72 hours to be self-sufficient.

Kevin Green

I think it's important to convey to the women some of the variety of choices available to them as they try to put forth their best self, to present themselves to their best advantage.

Alexandra Turallo

Began to transform her public persona from the warm, fun-loving 'Queen of nice' to a self-proclaimed '(expletive)'.

Paula Zahn

Envy is impotent, numbed with fear, never ceasing in its appetite, and it knows no gratification, but endless self-torment. It has the ugliness of a trapped rat, which gnaws its own foot in an effort to escape.

Angus Wilson

Bit by bit . . . she had claimed herself. Freeing yourself was one thing; claiming ownership of that freed self was another.

Toni Morrison

It's self-dealing; it's insider trading.

Michael Herring

It's introspection. It's often a season of self-denial when someone gives up something. I like to think about giving something up and taking something on.

Rev. Charles Tobias

In our society, we're used to thinking of obesity as an issue of self-control. We think people aren't disciplined enough to exercise and control the food they eat. But there could be other factors that aren't in their control.

Leah Whigham

Luke looked like his old self today. He was consistently ahead in the count against most hitters and was throwing all of his pitches for strikes.

Jim Brownlee

The fashion business has always had this problem trying to deal with self-destruction.

Stephen Fried

Do not begin by selecting a camp. That's putting the cart before the horse. Instead, begin with a self-evaluation. Your family should sit down and consider a lot of other things before you even start thinking about which camp to choose.

Jeff Solomon

Only a fearless person can work towards self development and can also help in social and political development. Therefore one should fearlessly perform all his duties.

Yajur Veda

She not only taught dance but self-discipline, self-respect, responsibility and determination, the values that people keep with them forever.

Richard Feldman

Getting in touch with your true self must be your first priority.

Tom Hopkins

Consumer spending, together with domestic investment spending, are leaving the Japanese economy a little less dependent on exports. Over the past decade, Japan has been notoriously unable to develop a self-sustaining recovery. We're gradually getting out of that rut.

David Cohen

This is very important because you are dealing with a population that had a low self-esteem after being on diets before and having failed. Here, we are teaching them a lifestyle change where they can return to life and become productive in the community.

Robert Coleman

These transformative issues are self-inflicted pain of a much greater magnitude than they anticipated. That's a knock against management. They just took on so very, very much.

David Brodie

I firmly believe if a person is just bound and determined to self-destruct, what can you or anybody else do? What we can do is to make sure that child doesn't just sit there and watch it.

Tom Owens

Being attorneys and coming from a professional lifestyle, we understand how important it is to pay attention to your self. A day spa should be a place where clients come to look good and feel confident. It should be an experience, not just a service.

Bree Kurihari

Customers will see the same familiar faces here, and we want to continue to provide a smooth-running self-service boatyard.

Robert Sternhagen

He basically carried the ball on that whole study. I provided a little guidance, ... He's a total self-starter. He's gotten very enthusiastic about the project.

Tom Lynch

The goal for this is to be self-sustaining.

Brent Johnson

To sit back and push this away and deal with it sometime down the road is dishonest and self-destructive.

Russell Train

The sovereignty of one's self over one's self is called Liberty.

Albert Pike

The basic items included are wages and salaries, but we also count Social Security benefits and dividends and interest income. We also include earnings from the self-employed, health care benefits and contributions to retirement accounts.

David Lenze

Self-denial is painful for a moment, but very agreeable in the end.

Jane Taylor

We are self-run and have our own manufacturing facilities, so we are much more flexible than other companies. We can change our packaging or produce new products easily.

Mendy Farro

Jerome is the total package. He has great character and he's a wonderful human being who is a self-motivated leader with an infectious, positive outlook on life.

Bob Dozier

He has a built-in self-starter. He's never satisfied where he's at. He's always pushing himself.

Brendan Morrison

Lung cancer continues to be portrayed as a self-induced cancer that does not deserve public research funding.

Laurie Fenton

In each human being there is an emergency exit: that is, the cult of self under a multitude of manifestations, which means that when an obsession becomes too violent, you can escape, vanish with a snicker.

Violet Trefusis

It must weaken ETA's self-confidence.

Jonathan Power

This will allow us to help our tenants become self-sufficient.

Janean Hall

The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity, integrity, and self- esteem.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Most other schools don't even have this. A greater number of them deal with issues surrounding low self-esteem and poor academic achievement.

Angie Wellman

Cost of repair was approximately $300 million, with the $250 million self-insured retention, which is like an insurance deduction. The $25 million was our insurance deductible.

Meg Scheu

This is an important window into his views of women's rights to equality and self-determination, their rights to determine the course of their lives.

Kate Michelman

I guess you have to have John Pilger. With his tan, his Byronic haircut, his trudging priestly delivery and his evident self-love, your main instinct is to flip right over to BBC1...

Charles Jennings

Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self.

May Sarton

We are moving toward greater self-sufficiency in Wisconsin. As we move toward the end of the decade we will be substantially more competitive.

Gale Klappa

[The cancer treatment, combined with a bout of flu last year, left Farrakhan feeling] weak and drained, ... He was not his usual, energetic self.

Abdul Alim