We want to remove barriers for people to save for retirement, and automatic enrollment really addresses one of the problems that people face: They may be overwhelmed with the responsibility of saving for retirement.

Ann Combs

Any time you do any increase whatever you get will help in a positive way and it keeps you from placing a burden on one party. We will eventually look at other methods of doing cost saving measures as well as revenue sources.

Howard Shell

It's clear that people currently working should factor into their retirement planning the long-term trend away from traditional defined benefit pensions. That means people need to be saving more than they are.

Jack Vanderhei

We ended up saving people about $3600 on this one particular moving company.

Steve Meissner

He hasn't pulled the Stubblefield clip out yet. Maybe he's saving that for a little later on in the week. Maybe the night before the game, or something like that.

Trev Faulk

Before you can get into things like investing and saving for the future, you've got to figure out how you are spending it.

Dee Lee

California is really a model of excellence in safety belt use. It has the highest belt use rate in this country. In fact, they are the first state to have an international level belt use at 88.9 percent. They are really saving some of the high-risk drivers, such as teen-agers.

Chuck Hurley

There is, in my view, nothing more important than saving a child's life, and we need to strengthen our advocacy to ensure that the funds are available to meet those goals.

Dr Peter Salama

Our great achievements indicate that we are capable of helping China out of the annoying power shortage in a reliable and energy-saving way.

Peter Leupp

Let's say you buy a home for $185,000 and it takes $8,000 to fix it up, and so it cost you $193,000 for a home that is now worth $200,000. You're saving a little bit of money, but it took a lot of work. And there are so many homes out there to choose from, you have to decide if it is worth it.

Wayne Dellinger

We are not simply saving a historic building, we are creating programming there for the next 100 years.

Kevin Causey

It's almost the same way you would run your home budget. We don't have that ability right now. We have to spend everything down to zero at the end of every year rather than saving up for some of these larger things.

Mark Chidister

This is an excellent opportunity for residents to learn critical, life-saving skills for free and to learn more about their local Red Cross.

Susan Simmons

I don't think they want to be perceived as doing a lay-down in some kind of face-saving settlement, especially where that won't end the case, with the states going forward.

Spencer Waller

Competition lowers costs and increases choices for consumers. It's especially important that consumers have choices when it comes to life-saving medical treatments (such as those) involved in transactions such as this one.

Jeffrey Schmidt

I don't see this legislation as saving a drop of water.

Dave Greenberg

By bringing the Onalaska campus on board, we should be able to recycle an additional 20 tons of paper and net a rebate of $1,500 a year. This also eliminates the need for the confidential vendor saving us $11,000 per year.

Bryan Rayner

There's nothing more important than fixing our storm drains. That is not the issue -- and, in fact, saving me $100 a year is not the issue. The issue philosophically is that there's a better way of doing this and we feel the entire voting population should have a chance to look at this.

Don Reeves

Our goal was to provide the most effective, reliable, easy to use, life-saving device possible for those who are using or visiting these facilities.

Stephen Walker

The euro has clearly accelerated some people's focus on cost-saving synergies.

Ian Harnett

It's truly time for Canadians to stop living beyond their means and make saving and investing mean something in their lives.

Rhonda Katz

Quite frankly, we're keeping patients out of the emergency room. Providers donate services and equipment, but we're saving them oodles of money.

William Spolyar

Saving love doesn't bring any interest.

Mae West

These trucks are saving lives. There's no doubt about it.

Andy Hansen

When a guy goes on injured reserve, he does not count against the cap. So if a guy is making $700 a week and he's out for two weeks, and then you bring in a guy to replace him for $400 a week, you're actually saving $300 a week on the cap. You still pay (the first guy) his full salary; it just doesn't affect the cap.

Michael Franke

This is the patent age of new inventions/ For killing bodies, and saving souls,/ All propagated with the best of intentions.

George Gordon Byron

This anticipated package of spending should go a long way to saving lives and helping make the back-bone of our economy still more efficient.

Wayne Patterson

I've been saving money to buy one for school next year, but I guess I'll save $1,000.

Brian Zimmerman

We're very committed to saving the climate and recognize that it's a huge threat.

Brian Campbell

Global Crossing has always been a great business partner to us. They've helped us understand how converging voice and data would help meet our company's growth objectives while saving us money -- and indeed, our response times have improved, reliability has beaten expectations and costs have come down. We look forward to continuing a rewarding relationship with Global Crossing.

John Daniel

If we look back a generation ago, we were running 250, 280 alcohol-related fatalities a year. So, we made enormous progress and we're saving lives and reducing serious injuries because of it.

Bob Thompson

I don't quite understand how someone would want to close down an airport for purposes of saving jobs.

Jeb Hensarling

Weekly earnings growth has been steadily declining. ... It's not dire yet, but clearly it's not helpful, and it's caused us (Americans) to have negative saving rates. People have poured all of their money from the stock market into housing. ... If the housing (market) busts it will get ugly fast.

Ted Leh

It's not us saving people. It's us getting the technology to the people who will use it to save people. I always hate it when I hear people saying that we think we're rescuers. We're not. We're scientists. That's our role.

Robin Murphy

Nothing increases the number of jobs so rapidly as labor-saving machinery, because it releases wants theretofore unknown, by permitting leisure.

Isabel Paterson

Perhaps in this case the site isn't as important as saving the building.

Jennifer Emerson

Were art to redeem man, it could do so only by saving him from the seriousness of life and restoring him to an unexpected boyishness.

Northrop Frye

The one thing that's been saving us is the Dow. The Nasdaq will affect us for a few days here, but it's the Dow we have to watch.

Lewis Borsellino

It (the restaurant) was my saving grace. This became my life; all aspects of it. It is my baby .... Your whole life pretty much revolves around this place because you are here almost 24/7.

Joni Pugh

The introduction of several programs designed to review systems and program performance has resulted in efficiencies and cost-saving efforts.

James Krouse

This is the underlying thing that's saving us- people still like to travel.

Don Holecek

God put me and these boys together, and by me doing what I did for them, I ended up saving my own life. When you've got enough in you to put your own feelings aside and focus on the needs of others, it gives you a purpose. These are my sons, and I will not hesitate saying so.

Barry Hunter

Most of the time, if there was an error in (St. Joseph's) passing, we were chasing down those balls. I told the girls if we keep saving balls and chasing them down, we will beat them.

Steve Lapham

While the Endangered Species Act has failed miserably at saving rare plants and animals, it has excelled in making life miserable for many in the human population.

Peyton Knight

Saving and investing and being prudent about your portfolio is going to get you to the point where your money works for you.

Pat Jennerjohn

The provision of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 establishing equal financial aid treatment for all 529 plans is good news for Ohio families with money invested in the Guaranteed Savings Fund. This eliminates a major source of confusion for families saving for college and for financial aid administrators as well.

Jackie Williams

Camden Friday night, let's be 12-0 if it's possible. That's all they want, and they were saving their celebration until Friday night.

Bud Hendrix

They are saving their ammunition, saving their energy, saving their resources for what could be the next Armageddon. They can't go all-out over and over.

David Yalof

Is that building worth saving?

George Hicks

It is important to be progressive, and this technology helps us stay current with the latest innovations for saving lives. It's exciting to work with emergency room physicians to make it possible for patients to receive earlier intervention which can result in healthier lives for our residents.

Gary Graves

She plopped it into my office and said she'd been saving for a cruise but there is no way she could go after all this.

Lee Nelson

When we can produce a thousand pounds of steam for about four dollars, it's saving us a tremendous amount of money.

Stephen Lawrence

We believe that advertising is beneficial to our customers as it raises awareness of product availability and draws attention to money saving opportunities, providing a true win-win situation for dentists and companies serving the dental industry.

Pat Cassidy

The fact that households are saving so little, even with strong growth in personal income, is a potentially troubling development.

Joseph Abate

Can't Regret has been very much of a saving grace for me. It [helped me get] through rehab, even. But also, when I had moments of clarity about [drug and personal problems] and could actually, in a constructive and eloquent way, articulate what I was feeling at the time, as opposed to just ranting with rage and hatred.

Ben Moody

That's Bill Nelson's saving grace, because the focus is on Katherine Harris.

David E. Johnson

Saving 50 cents on a gallon of gas was a big deal to Canadians when the price was at $1.50 a gallon, but not nearly as big a deal when it's at $3 a gallon.

Hart Hodges

The fact you don't pay tax on the interest is important, but there is still a great deal of choice. What kind of Isa you go for will depend how lazy you are about saving, whether you want to leave you money in long term or whether you want instant access to it.

Justin Modray

Firefighters are about saving lives. When you have a disaster or collapse you have to be prepared. That's what we're all about.

David Pegg

But that transformation is not about improving health care. It is about saving money on the wages and benefits of workers and on lower quality care.

Sharleen Stewart

We have committed to the endowments, which is saving, we've committed to capital, which is investment, we've committed to inflation-proofing the Heritage Fund . . . and there is the very real possibility that we could add more dollars in that area, ... So we're talking about a small amount of this surplus, really.

Shirley Mcclellan

Any education that matters is liberal. All the saving truths, all the healing graces that distinguish a good education from a bad one or a full education from a half empty one are contained in that word.

Alan K. Simpson

The seconds you're saving by speeding or going round someone aren't worth a human life.

Bill Hill

Right now, we're transitioning from immediate issues of saving lives to long-term issues of rebuilding, including rebuilding the job base.

David Vitter

With a Roth IRA, no taxes are due when money is withdrawn. A kid who started saving at age 15 (with a Roth IRA) could grow a $1 million tax-free income.

Nancy Granovsky

We found we were saving so much on groceries by doing this. And we're no longer going out to eat every other night or bringing home fast food.

Lori Zimmerman

Democracy may not prove in the long run to be as efficient as other forms of government, but it has one saving grace: it allows us to know and say that it isn't.

Bill Moyers

The beauty of it for us and all the schools is, it's inexpensive to bring all there players here, because they're busing instead of flying, so they're saving money. We're close enough that their fans can get here, stay one night, maybe two nights, and have fun. That's a great appeal to all these schools.

Will Webb

Keep the calls coming, ... You might be saving your own home, your own car, your own property tomorrow if you do it for your neighbor today.

Ivan Johnson

Besides the companionship of the animal, people who have animals have lower blood pressure, less depression and less stress. With a rescue dog you also get a good feeling because you are saving the dog and I think they are appreciative.

Lorayn Wasler

Their homes are damaged and have not seen their loved ones in days, yet they are so dedicated to saving lives.

Ron Seal

When you are studying to be a priest, saving souls is supposed to be what you're all about. You can see how that gets translated to saving kids.

Carl Cohn

The customer is rewarding themselves because they're saving.

Diane Wagner

I'm a storyteller. My responsibility is trying to get into the skin of someone who has that drive. I have a drive, but my drive is as a storyteller. I'm not saving lives.

Rachel Weisz

They get the same charge out of saving as spenders get out of spending.

Chris Cordaro

The minimal cost to cell phone users is worth the saving of a life.

Tim Wheeler

New Orleans is body and soul. The soul is the people and the body is the architecture, and you can't save the one without saving the other. We need to have individual assessment of houses before they are bulldozed willy-nilly.

Camille Strachan

The only saving grace to the market has been sporadic spurts of short covering. You still have lots of short interest out there and you're going to see periodic short-covering rallies.

Bruno Stanziale

It's saving a life. In fact, it's saving two lives in the name of love.

Paulette Chandler

That's not saving money, that's kind of doing the little shell game.

John Class

We'd talk about saving a little bit, ... But Andy would say, 'I'm still young and playing well, so we should enjoy ourselves.' We didn't think we needed to be concerned about money.

Marcia Williams

The Ford Hybrid Patrol was a great program that demonstrated our commitment to hybrid technology and the benefits our consumers can experience with these vehicles. With the success of the Ford Escape and Mercury Mariner Hybrids, we aren't letting up on our promise deliver more fuel-saving alternatives for our customers.

Nancy Gioia

Making a marriage work and having that many kids is a real adventure. It's more challenging than saving the world, I think.

Alonzo Washington

Moving forward with this complex means planting a stake in the ground, from which we will advance this potentially life-saving science.

Douglas Melton

I've been working and saving for almost two years trying to put money away, and that doesn't leave a whole lot of room for college.

Will Morgan

We've done a hell of a job saving what is left, but the human impact is surrounding these areas.

Steve Morrison

Not only do customers feel good about saving money, but they are so glad not to be throwing something away.

Bill Adkins

If this does proceed, this is a validation of a lot of people's hard work who were involved in the creation of the Port Authority and saving the Air Force base. It would essentially bring jobs to the old airport authority.

Rick Platt

It is unfortunate that Martin Selig came into the picture. He has no intention of saving the building. That was clear when we met with him.

Jennifer Emerson

This was almost life saving to us.

Sharon Luzier

The Lexmark C522n was designed to offer big-business performance and a space-saving design at an affordable price. We are pleased to receive this important recognition.

Paul Rooke

Know that we have two small kids here and what a big deal it is that they were able to save John. What they did meant so much more than just saving his life. It wasn't just one life affected by what they did. It was all of us. Everyone's life could have been changed that day. I could be sitting here all alone right now.

Robert Roach

Thanks for saving me from the drive Shaft!

Isaac Hayes

If you can reuse it, you're avoiding having to dispose it in the body of water. And you're saving drinking water, so there are added benefits.

Michael Molligan

The combination of those factors is really going to affect the fact that people already are not saving and are piling on debt. The situation could get worse.

Patricia Hasson

Saving early and the whole concept of compounding -- that's amazing. If you start anyone saving early, you've got it made.

Janette Henry

To better prepare inmates for release, they have to maintain community contacts. This will result, in my opinion, in saving Florida money because it will hopefully cut recidivism.

Randall Berg

That is the saving grace of humor, if you fail no one is laughing at you.

A. Whitney Brown

Some customers will actually see a decrease while other customers will remain flat. Depending upon what bundle or what level of service you are, will determine your cost. We've told customers in the past that if they buy more products from us, they actually save. Their discounts are deeper. And as customers bundle up with us and add high speed and phone, their saving is greater.

Brian Wirth

You end up saving by buying higher quality. The higher quality hats are more durable.

Diane Bishop

The federal government is acting more and more like a private sector business. They are cutting costs, reviewing opportunities closely, and conducting cost-benefit analyses for their IT investments. This is a new era in government spending practices and these cost-saving measures will affect federal IT budgets and, therefore, vendor opportunities.

James Krouse

The court decision is another important victory for medical innovators who invest in high-risk research to develop life saving medicines, as well as for the patients who benefit from those medicines.

Jeffrey Kindler

That's what makes saving the caribou even more important. They are--what's the English word?--the anchor.

Randall Tetlichi

Not having to face the electorate again he has made saving the planet from climate change one of his legacy projects for his third term.

John Rentoul

The most popular labor-saving device is still money.

Phyllis George

This would be saving city funds because it would be run by a non-profit. And they would be providing services we can't afford to provide on a city budget. We'd love to see that.

Richard James

We ended up saving about 15 percent of those gap fillers that were installed with the old process, while all others in our first priority region were replaced.

Dan Bellack

I was more nervous to meet them than I was for my Olympic race. I mean, how do you thank somebody for saving your life at the same time they just endured a horrible family tragedy?

Chris Klug

I'm glad my customers are saving money. It's what my store is all about.

Linda Peeters

They're a few of my favorite words: reduce, save, eliminate. We care about the environment, and we care about -- quite honestly -- saving money.

Thomas Day

I'm scarred for my mom. I can't really explain how I felt, but it was okay, just as long as it was saving my grandpa.

Kristin Baker

It's redwood forest in the Santa Cruz Mountains — saving this land has been our charter for over 100 years.

Brian Steen

With a weakening hedging profile, fuel costs will continue rising, and a slowing pace of saving on other costs will likely keep a lid on expectations for profitability.

Morgan Stanley

The beauty of daylight-saving time is that it just makes everyone feel sunnier.

Edward Markey

Out of our deep respect for our deceased co-worker, friend and family member, the flight crews at EAGLE III have pledged to continue our important life-saving missions throughout these difficult times.

Tom Madigan

Take a look at what you spent this season, divide by 12, and start saving month-by-month now.

Mary Peters

Not only am I not spending money on fuel, I'm saving not having to have it picked up.

John Stokes

From Los Angeles to Singapore, passengers are saving two and a half hours. And to New York passengers are saving up to four hours in flying time.

James Boyd

I had a couple of saving chips that gave myself a better chance at saving par, but other than that it was just kind of a so-so round. I played every day and sometimes 27 holes.

Michael Dahlen

This is another chance of giving back. This is another chance for saving lives.

Tom Flores

The market potential for such construction projects is huge. It can boost domestic consumption and achieve the aim of saving energy.

Qiu Baoxing

The greenbelt system is an entirely forward-thinking idea. It is saving this community significant amounts of dollars.

Jack Messer

Once you realize how wonderful the saving graces of Jesus are, you just want to share it in any way you can. You get excited and want everybody to have salvation and realize how wonderful it is.

Joe Kieras

Doing what this department does best, and that is saving lives.

Nicholas Scoppetta

ICE First was developed with the help of first responders. They know the importance of having emergency medical and contact information readily available. Now that ICE First is commercially available, we've decided to offer it free to first responders so they can help spread the word and encourage others to carry this potentially life-saving information on mobile phones.

Keith Buckley

Ultimately, retaining and attracting businesses means saving and creating jobs. That's good for our customers and the Southern California economy.

Bill Bryan

Saving Fish From Drowning.

Amy Tan

We're hoping that many men decide that this is the way to go. Not only is it faster and easier for them but it's obviously time-saving and less costly to us.

Lew Brodsky

My sense would be that they're really saving their ammunition for somebody they think is beyond the pale, and they see a possibility of that happening.

Ross Baker

Most of central and eastern England and eastern Scotland are below freezing. Even in central London the highest temperature was 0.4C (32F). The only saving grace has been the lack of wind. But that will change (on Friday) when it will feel pretty raw.

Paul Knightley

Paying down debt or increasing savings is probably the more prudent action at this point. We're talking about saving for that potential rainy day.

Timothy Wyman

Our energy-saving technologies in designing CPUs will have great potential in keeping up with a few IT giants in multi-core platforms.

Li Guojie

Political Correctness is about turning a blind eye to painful reality because your comfortable feelings are more important to you than saving lives and providing quality of life to people who work their ass off to be productive and are a benefit to this great American Dream.

Ted Nugent

They are saving $7 billion on an annualized cost basis.

Marc Richards

Ohh and the harsh realityIs they've made grace for you and meInstead of saving you and me,They're just enslaving you and me.These Social Drugs... Messing with my mind,Telling me I'm fine,Wanting me dead.

Lauryn Hill

We're still saving money. The price of oil going up definitely has affected the amount we are saving.

Sue Christiansen

The cost saving was questionable because you still have labor costs and there are state offices in the courthouse that would remain open.

John Whipple

If the president forces us to choose between his raising taxes or raiding Social Security to fund his expansion of government, his budget is dead on arrival, ... A lame duck president should not be able to derail us on the way toward retiring the national debt, tax relief and saving Social Security.

John Kasich

Regular skin checkups to reduce the incidence of this deadly skin cancer must focus on those at high risk. Diagnosing melanoma early is critical to saving lives.

Carol A. Rosenberg

Seniors are the only ones who are good at saving food.

Liu Dafeng

The more I live, the more I think that humor is the saving sense.

Jacob Riis

Yeah. I'm saving the world from vampire bats, ... It's very serious business.

Lucy Lawless

We wanted to honor grassroots movements by individuals. We were seeking ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Most of them are modest folks who believe in saving the environment for the future. They really do want to make the world a better place.

Richard Goldman

The President spent surprisingly little time talking about health care in his address, an issue of primary concern to everyone. But the ideas he did espouse are more about saving money than getting people health care.

Judith Stein

We will be able to transfer data between our event management system and our accounting system, saving hundreds of hours of data entry.

John Merritt

Within two minutes of his heart stopping he was administered the life-saving care that he desperately needed. The quick actions of Mike Meyer, the emergency responders and the Vanderbilt health care providers saved this young man's life.

Andrew Gregory

We once again showed our ability to come back with four runs in the sixth inning. Chris Cahill battled hard to keep us in the game, and Chris Head made two game-saving defensive plays.

Ryan Snair

Danielle was pretty much saving our butts all night.

Jim Cabaj

Since she got a cause and stopped being funny. I think she's real funny, but lately it's all been hearts and flowers and tears and saving teenagers and creating a role model. And that ain't funny. No giggles there.

Andy Richter

There are instances when we are called out as far as Benoni, but that doesn't happen very often because then no-one will be available to cover our area. We have to assist wherever we can because our job is about saving lives. We can't say no to somebody [just] because they are not in our area.

Oupa Matjie

If we have another [terrorist] attack or hurricane and need life-saving information, I think her image is that of more fluff than fact, and that's going to have an impact.

Jeff Alan

So if you replaced 10 of these per household, you'd be saving $540, which is quite a savings.

Karen Henderson

My entire political career, I voted pro-life, and that is exactly why I favor the stem cell initiative. I believe in saving human life. I want cures to be found.

John C. Danforth

This is the low-hanging fruit when it comes to saving money.

Lisa Snell

We lost in our battle to save Terri, but we believe it is incumbent on us to redirect our efforts to saving the lives of the innocent, who every day are being targeted by the euthanasia cult.

Mary Schindler

Considering that she started saving three years ago, she has done well, ... I applaud her choice to put more emphasis on quality of life and her lack of debt.

Ron Pearson

We're going to be saving hundreds of thousands of lives with this product.

Sidney Taurel

They're being honored for their mutual acts of bravery, in essence, for saving each other's lives, ... They certainly deserve it. If one had been there without the other, the results would have been more tragic.

Vincent Alfano

We do care about the environment. And we care, quite honestly, about saving money.

Thomas Day

There is significant saving on interest payments because of lower interest rates.

Euben Paracuelles

They are saving on average seven hours a month from beating traffic.

Eric Meyer

In the worst quarter, we believe local companies will be able to make money on strong cost-saving capabilities.

Eric Lin

By automating controls for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, enterprises like Cummins realize cost and time-saving benefits. Longer term, Movaris Certainty will create an environment of tighter overall financial control management for Cummins and its many business units.

Eric Keller

It was a rocking show, the bands were awesome. We were expecting a good show and Saving Jane didn't prove us wrong.

Emily Cole

So many people don't participate and that's really where the saving of democracy will be. We need to mobilize all the people who aren't involved, our unused power, rather than bickering about who's in power.

Ellen Taylor

Pennsylvania companies are not only reducing workplace injuries, they are saving hundreds of millions of dollars by focusing on safety, ... As a result, fewer accidents translate directly into improvements in productivity and further reductions in workers' compensation costs.

Edward Rendell

As soon as we change the first light bulb, they'll start saving money.

Alfred Anderson

And excuse me for not being able to deal with your problems, but I was busy saving someone's life ...

Earle Caldwell

We have been advocating energy saving for years but it has remained only a slogan because of a lack of a supervising system.

Zhang Mao