I remember being a kid and reading all the dog books I could come across, both fiction and nonfiction.

Gail Toracinta

You as an audience can look at these things as films, but I remember them as social experiences.

Walter Hill

With the videotape, we believe it would be impossible for her to deny she doesn't remember what was going on.

Patrick Campanelli

I'd like to think when my political career is over, people will remember me for something other than immigration.

Chip Rogers

Not everyone thinks the way you think, knows the things you know, believesthe things you believe, nor acts the way you would act. Remember this and you will go a long way in getting along with people.

Arthur Forman

I'm very pleased. I don't remember when we have come out the first week and looked as sharp as we did today.

Bart Tooley

We should always remember that sensitiveness and emotion constitute the real content of a work of art.

Maurice Ravel

Pay no attention to what the critics say... Remember, a statue has never been set up in honor of a critic!

Jean Sibelius

Investors should remember that if we do see companies start hitting estimates and not beating them, that wouldn't be such a bad thing. It would mean there's less earnings management going on.

Joseph Abbott

I thought he threw the ball great. He made one mistake. I told him I remember my first walk-off home run, Kansas City, Johnny Damon. It was his first and hopefully it won't be his last, because if you play this game long enough, it's going to happen, especially in the job we perform.

Latroy Hawkins

Remember, Voyager was just a flyby, Cassini is in orbit. We have the opportunity for monitoring them and their behavior, their comings and goings, how they evolve, when they appear and disappear.

Carolyn Porco

In this game of baseball, you live by the sword and die by it. You hit and get hit. Remember that.

Alvin Dark

I cannot remember a time when two teams in the same program were ranked in the Valley. I've never heard of that. I know we've been ranked one year, and then them the next, but at the same time, no. This has to be a first.

Joe Filoteo

I remember he wore us out. He made some great, great catches on us. We're going to miss him. His family, we really feel bad for them -- and the game. When he left, everybody was sad. He brought so much to the table for us and the fans. Just watching him play from the other side was great.

Cito Gaston

I just want people to remember me like I remember Buster Keaton. When they talk about Buster Keaton or Gene Kelly, people say, "Ah yes, they good." Maybe one day, they remember Jackie Chan that way.

Jackie Chan

I don't remember touching anyone. I don't remember doing anything other than running my normal stride. They call the game, we play the game. All I can do is try my best.

Jermaine Wiggins

I knew I was going to not remember it because there was too much going on, ... So, when I ran down the street and got the plate number, I yelled to the girls: 'Remember this!'

Patricia Clark

You have to remember that when you are a performer you become a celebrity, but you are not saving lives. It's not that important.

Victoria Beckham

One thing that's important to remember is that these are individual patients -- your son or daughter who went to an emergency with a broken arm or your grandma who ended up there with a heart condition.

Jennifer Zelmer

It was such a great moment. I remember John was in shock.

Therese Boyle Niego

If I remember correctly, it was a day in late August and it was about 85 - 85 and sunny.

Mike Zimmerman

Traditional television broadcast advertising strives to raise consumer awareness of a product or service, in the hope that a consumer will remember that product or brand when making a purchasing decision.

David Mandelbrot

There are two things I remember about (Graham).

Bob Ward

I must've got knocked out because I really don't remember much about it.

Greg Darnell

I remember the guys, how we lived at the station.

Mykola Ryabushkin

Martin Luther King Day is unique because a lot of it (service project) is family friendly. It's a day of services and remembering what King worked for and to remember the community and how to give back.

Christine Bartlett

It's probably one of the most unbelievable things to ever happen on Monday night, and it's one that most people remember. I've never seen the shot. I've chosen not to look at them, and I haven't changed my mind.

Joe Theismann

I do remember some pleasant times I had with my little friend. That sounds like an Irishman's toast, doesn't it.

Frank Richard Stockton

This is my job ... I want to play, have fun, just go out and do what I have to do. I'm a durable guy, I can't remember the last game I missed due to injury. I love all the minutes.

Anthony Grundy

All I remember - I don't actually remember or know what night it was I talked to him but I assume it was that night because he did mention that the rumor was out that we were getting ready to file a charge of Oswald being part of an international conspiracy, and I told him that that was not going to be done.

Henry Wade

I don't know why it was not open to everyone, but the point that you have to remember is that every single member of the Falcon Landing Community is a registered voter in the district. They are the public. Mark Herring said he would not agree to go to that debate so we have ended up having nothing.

Mick Staton

It's a very nostalgic place. I've had a love affair with Wimbledon ever since I can remember. It stays with you.

Fred Perry

She was excited. We all were. It was an incredible experience, one that I'll always remember.

Sarah Mendoza

I Just remember Art before he had all the mental problems and remember the good dad he was.

Natalie Henderson

I don't remember the last time in Pirate hockey history that we had back-to-back 10-goal games.

Jeff Perreault

You can remember the second and the third and the fourth time, but there's no time like the first. It's always there.

Shelagh Delaney

I don't remember ours at all because at the time it was nothing special, ... It's what you were expected to do and what we expected of ourselves.

Tom Seaver

She is an example to dyslexic people and what you can do in the world, ... I can remember going through middle school struggling. I was on my own.

Christopher King

I'm sure it will have a lot of interest, but that's a far cry from saying they will be sold. Remember they were on the market once before.

Stan Kasten

I don't remember. Probably had something to do with girls.

Clint Johnson

It often happens that I wake up at night and begin to think about a serious problem and decide I must tell the Pope about it. Then I wake up completely and remember that I am the Pope.

Pope John Xxiii

It really is something special that you can always remember. We knew we had to be perfect in the first 20 minutes or they would run over us.

Martin Gerber

I was in the ambulance when he went to the hospital. What I remember is the firemen - and one fireman in particular - trying to save him. I've never seen an effort like that in any athletic event.

Bill Ball

I've been coaching for 31 years, and I've had some great pitchers, and I've had a lot of no-hitters. But in my career I've never ever had a pitcher pitch a perfect game. ... That's something I will cherish and remember as long as I can stand on my two feet.

Phil Forbes

Being in the food business, you have to remember to do each and every thing right, every time.

Truett Cathy

If you think your boss is stupid, remember: you wouldn't have a job if he was any smarter.

John Gotti

It's really hard. [But] I'm going to use this as motivation. I'm going to remember this feeling, and I'm going to make sure my teammates remember the same feeling.

Martin Samarco

Don't assume that federal employees will do this job perfectly. Remember how frustrated we have been with the FBI over the last few years in several instances. We are dealing with humans, and humans make mistakes.

Vernon Ehlers

You always have to remember your place. You can be close to the person, but you must know who you are and who he is. It's a fine balance. A delicate balance. It depends on your upbringing.

Viktor Sukhodrev

I would like the self-centered, soul-less, ignorant, moronic drug dealers to remember that day.

Patricia Arnold

Despite not winning, a game like this will only make us better. As long as I can remember, Averill Park hasn't won a girls' basketball championship. We're looking to change that. Our motto is, 'One practice, one game at a time.' And that's not going to change.

Sean Organ

It is important to remember that much of the land under indigenous title is marginal, arid and inaccessible.

Tom Calma

Remember when atmospheric contaminants were romantically called stardust?

Lane Olinghouse

I can't exactly remember when I might have done it ? maybe on that play against Minnesota.

Ronnie Belliard

Of course we'd like to have a real holiday, but this is the first step. But remember how long it took to get a holiday for Martin Luther King?

Susan Lee

The biggest mistake regarding record-keeping is not writing things down or not remembering where you wrote it down.

David Mellem

It has been a special year for a lot of reasons. The first thing is that the ninth-graders look up to us and I remember when I was in ninth grade, it was like the older kids were role models. I'm happy now that I can be a role model to those guys.

Robert Doiley

I thought of Doc [Gooden], ... He loved Friday nights at home. Remember how that was? Man.

Howard Johnson

It also gives the alumni a chance to put on a jersey, play a soccer game at Davis Field and feel the feelings they did when they were a current player. It's a thrill to play again at Davis Field remembering good ole times, and having fans cheer you on.

Brooke Pollard

The thing that I'll remember is that our five sons went with us. We don't see them much because they all live in the east. Them being there and doing this for us made it all so great.

Stan Schmidt

This is an achievement we will remember forever. The kids, the parents and the community are set for life.

Bob Vaughn

Joe Butler was the father of fire inspecting in Westchester County. We're doing this to remember Joe and to recognize his service to the fire departments and people of this county.

Dan Berry

I remember sitting with John.

Tony Meola

This is definitely a special feeling, having all your friends and family there, it's a lot of fun. It's something I'll remember and something I'm glad to be a part of.

Spencer Stewart

I don?t remember the last time I played in a game, so I?m excited to see what (Thursday) brings. I?m not going to say there?s absolutely no pain, but I can play. Let?s just say, I feel pretty darn good.

Charde Houston

It is dangerous for a national candidate to say things that people might remember.

Eugene J. Mccarthy

I remember her calling me and just crying, almost uncontrollably. It was very sad.

Mark Laturner

I HAVE grown up but that should be a positive thing. When you look at a photo album it's lovely to remember being so young but it's also good to know you grew up!

Jenny Agutter

When a man comes to die, no matter what his talents and influence, and genius, if he dies unloved his life must be a failure to him and dying a cold horror. It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure to the world.

John Steinbeck

I don't remember anything about the kick except I hit it pretty good, ... But (Long) got through and he wasn't touched.

John Barker

These guys are going to be the first people that play in the Wells Fargo Arena in a game that matters. It's something they'll remember and take with them the rest of their lives.

Dave Allison

It is well, when judging a friend, to remember that he is judging you with the same godlike and superior impartiality.

Arnold Bennett

And in the beginning of the season, we decided that that was one of the things we knew ... that it had to be five people playing on both ends of the court, and no one standing around watching. So that's what we rededicated ourselves to ... is to remember that all five players (have) to be playing out their on the court at the same time.

Theresa Adams

They would either have to say, 'I can't remember,' or, you know, they'd have to tell the truth.

Dennis Keene

I remember wanting ice skates for some reason and got ice skates from the Gold Bond Stamps.

Marilyn Carlson Nelson

I remember that game. They played terrible. I didn't think there was any way they could lose.

John Maahs

I don't take anything for granted anymore and I remember each goal. I'm really enjoying every moment. When you think it's going to be gone, you learn to appreciate it even more. I took so much for granted before. I think I'm a better player because of it.

Katie Seeger

It was an intense rivalry. I remember going to matches and seeing the gym packed. We weren't getting that in Brick.

John Demarco

I still think about it - I can't believe it was that long ago. I remember going out there the day after I was released and I couldn't even pitch. So it definitely makes me appreciate what I do a lot more. I remember sitting on the bench and not being able to play, and that stunk.

Alyssa O'connell

That's the game I remember best, the game he was supposed to have been hurt.

Deshea Townsend

Next thing I know, I look up and see the back of jersey heading to the end zone. I remember getting up and chasing the play, getting ready to celebrate.

Russ Grimm

It angers me and scares me, ... I remember Vietnam. I remember how the protests started out back then. I'm here to do whatever I can.

Daniel Healy

When she finds a new spot I must remember that one, too.

Shirley Piel

I learned at a very early age, the easiest thing in the world is to tell the truth, and then you don't have to remember what you said. It has nothing to do with morality, just remembering what you said.

Robert Evans

We will remember. I promise you that.

James Halligan

He needs to remember why he came to Sacramento, which was to solve problems. He should have learned from this election that people are very angry and want to see him actually getting something done.

Barbara O'connor

Remember-you can't beam through a force field. So, don't try it.

William Shatner

I remember when this first came up a couple of years ago. It's so stupid, but it keeps getting worse.

David Kang

I remember when we played in front of about 10 people in Camden.

Matt Tong

Most people remember me for a couple of tunes.

Colin Hay

I told the players to remember how it feels (to lose). I told them, 'I'd rather feel like this now than in February,' and the kids understand that. They've got big goals, which they should. Hopefully we'll learn from the experience and recognize what we need to do better.

Scott Bowen

We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven into an age of unreason if we dig deep into our history and remember we are not descended from fearful men.

Edward R. Murrow

I'm the best and I'll thank you to remember that.

Harry Vardon

For those of you who weren't lucky enough to be real geeks, if you feel the need to tap into your inner geek, you have my blessing. Just remember, we were born this way - you just have to dress like it.

Joshua Estrin

When I was 2, my mother took me on a trip to Monticello, Virginia, ... I can't remember the trip, but I'm certain it inspired me.

Barbara Frye

What a night to remember. This victory is a big step toward a top-four finish in the CLC.

Paul Bernhard

I remember when I was a rookie and would just let it go. There's absolutely no possibility I could ever have hit it that far. Just unbelievable.

Rory Sabbatini

What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

I still get them. That's what's good about having a bad memory. Instead of lying, I just tell you that I don't remember, ... All I know is that I'm here, I made it though another training camp and I'm ready to go.

Wayne Chrebet

We're going to have to learn from losses like today. It's hard to swallow. It's something we are going to have to remember. Our corps is intact, everyone is coming back. So we can't repeat these mistakes.

Kyle Cieplicki

Defense to me was the key. I don't remember them getting too many open shots. I said we needed to play good defense and rebound and we did that.

Michael Kohs

That's the most I can remember anyone striking out in all my time here. We didn't go to the plate with a mission, and we didn't make any adjustments.

Chris Cauble

It's always been a dream of mine to be involved in the America's Cup. I remember when I was a kid sailing Optimists down in Cornwall and there was a British America's Cup challenge that was training in Falmouth.

Ben Ainslie

All of those really big hits I remember. I put one on him. I've given people a lot of those.

Bob Sanders

I was really small when jazz broke through in England and I can still remember sneaking off to the living room to listen to it on the radio - much to my parent's disapproval.

Jeff Beck

Most of my family is here - my mother and brother are the only ones still in Charlotte. When I was a little kid, I used to dream about playing in the Garden. Every kid in New York dreams about that. I saw a game there once when I was real young, but I don't remember it.

Isaiah Hunter

I don't really remember a loss where I've felt this bad afterwards.

Andy Roddick

I dream of the purple gloryOf the roseate mountain-heightAnd the sweet-to-remember storyOf a distant and clear delight.

William Wetmore Story

After that football game, we found each other, and I think Matthew and I hugged. ... I told him how much I loved him, and that no matter how big an ass I am, he's a good kid. That's what I want him to always remember.

Danny Mitchell

They remember what happened. They want to get back there and go even further.

Paul Cates

When I was a little kid, I can remember that they used to let the kids come in for free. The whole upper deck was always empty and you could hear the ball echo in there.

Chris Doering

Two guards I always looked up to were Ashley Nagel and Cari Twaddle. That's how I always wanted to play, and how I wanted people to remember me.

Mckensey Long

I know he doesn't remember me but I remember meeting Mr. Paterno in 1977, so it will be kind of a reunion. He's a fine gentleman.

Sid Monge

As far back as I can remember, I've had only one real ambition: to be an actress.

Piper Laurie

I remember rushing up and hugging him and all the laughs coming back to me.

Brian Harper

The only thing an artist has to remember is to never lose faith in his vision.

James Lee Burke

I don't ever remember seeing that many cops in a courtroom. When I came in and saw all the security, I thought they might have had a bomb scare or something like that.

Dennis Burke

I see her not dispirited, not weak, but well, remembering that she has seen dark times before, indeed with a kind of instinct that she sees a little better in a cloudy day.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I can't ever remember him not responding in a clutch situation.

Ray Evernham

Are you afraid to die? Remember that for a child of God, death is only a passing through to a wonderful new world...

Corrie Ten Boom

These kids played their hearts out, and never gave up. I hope the girls remember the whole season, and not just this game. They had a great year.

Dick Bliss

There'll be moments when I'm out in the prison yard, chatting with the cast and the crew, getting ready to shoot a scene. And then I'll remember if I were actually an inmate, I'd only be out there an hour. The other 23 hours of the day, I'd be in my cell. It's kind of a downer.

Wentworth Miller

The man who has received a benefit ought always to remember it, but he who has granted it ought to forget the fact at once.


The buildings may have changed, but the site hasn't changed much. If you were a grandparent, and you came here in the '20s, and came back here with your grandchildren, you'd remember those trees.

Mark Claussen

Not at all, because it was just little things that we know how to change and know how to deal with. It wasn't like we were getting frustrated and missing shots. We knew what the little issues were, and we were talking about them after the games and remembering them going into games. But not worried at all, because it's a long week.

Jill Officer

Remember when you're dealing with a company from out of state in a hotel room, they're going to be gone the next day and it may be difficult for you to get your money back.

Glen Loyd

Remember that we all compete for that teacher that is trained in that language, and Texas and Arizona and California are there way before us.

Stan Kerr

In this day, stores come and go. But even though the name is gone, I'll always remember Wanamaker's.

Angie Carbone

And it's whispered that soon if we all call a tune, then the Piper will lead us to reason. And a new day will dawn for those who stand long, and the forests will echo with laughter. Does anybody remember laughter?

Led Zeppelin

First-round games are some of the toughest to play. But we have to remember this and learn from it.

Kip Pulliam

I don't remember anybody in the family questioning his decision. He died doing what he wanted to do.

Jeanne Pyle

I don't remember the game but I know I was at the rink that day.

Steve Pleau

What everybody is going to remember is that the streets took on the prime minister and won, and that's a tragedy for France.

Paul Hofheinz

Of course, I played for Coach Andy Borland and I remember some 6:30 or 7 a.m. workouts. I can remember getting up at 5 o'clock and walking up here … it's a good thing; the tradition is there.

Jeff Sanders

To this day I think we just dined and ditched. I remember running down Market Street, fleeing for my life.

Bart Lally

He who would pass his declining years with honor and comfort, should, when young, consider that he may one day become old, and remember when he is old, that he has once been young.

Joseph Addison

Obviously, there's a lot of crying and a lot of hugging, a lot of solemn remembering.

Rick Kaufman

One thing I do remember, ... is that it was one of those early smog days. We said USC was trying to poison us. It was hard to breathe, although that wasn't the reason we didn't win the game.

Terry Brennan

It wasn't that he didn't deserve it. He did deserve it but we didn't have any money. I remember we raised council pay by something like $214 a year and they (some citizens) raised a stink about that, so I didn't take my raise.

Rose Angel

This was a pretty special night. As far as I can remember, this is the most we've had in the state finals.

Lewie Benitz

Some men's words I remember so well that I must often use them to express my thought. Yes, because I perceive that we have heard the same truth, but they have heard it better.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I remember they had some big country boys and just enough speed to aggravate you.

Pete Walker

It made me remember how I played and how I got my shot and how I had fun in junior college. Doing the little things. That was the main thing of Christmas break: Get back on my game.

Rekalin Sims

That's something that takes years to overcome. At least now we can say, 'Look what happened in 2005.' We want people to remember that.

Mike O'cain

Remember the test here was, will an injunction hurt the public interest.

Henry Bunsow

I remember when we sold our last 1,000 hens, Helen and I danced a victory dance! We were absolutely delighted that there were no more chickens on the place.

George Segal

We can remember minutely and precisely only the things which never really happened to us.

Eric Hoffer

If you're just remembering the big picture and you're calm and your body isn't aching, you're going to be much friendlier and looking around and enjoying yourself.

Darrin Zeer

I remember when we were doing the first Dragon's Lair, I got really involved with coming up with all the little rooms and what was the danger in the room and going into it with bats and spiders and snakes.

Don Bluth

He's really the first good horse I owned. So I'll remember every one of his races.

Bob Bone

This is something we will remember for ever.

Mark Richards

I remember the difficulty we had in the beginning replacing magnetic cores in memories and eventually we had both cost and performance advantages. But it wasn't at all clear in the beginning.

Gordon Moore

I have no idea if it's real or not, but in many ways it continues to make sense. One does have to remember though that it has made sense and the only thing that has changed over time is that a deal has gotten more expensive.

Lise Buyer

That's the most memorable one, but it's not the most fun to remember.

Dick Trickle

I remember when Satchel Paige came. Old Satchel pulled up in his Cadillac convertible.

Bill Grier

I can't remember a day where I haven't had a game coming up.

Tommy Giles

Let us ever remember that our interest is in concord, not in conflict; and that our real eminence rests in the victories of peace, not those of war.

William Mckinley

No. It's very much like a general anesthesia. They do not remember.

Dr. Gaylan Rockswold

I remember when Nelson Mandela made his first visit to Atlanta and came by the center. She made sure that not just the celebrities were able to be in his presence, but she made certain that all staff had a chance to shake hands with and meet him.

Jane Smith

I hope people remember that wonderful personality. He was never worried about himself, just about everybody else.

Bob Symonds

I remember waking up to leaks.

Jane Reed

I remember it like it was yesterday. Nine years of age, Chattanooga, Tennessee. We were entered to the National Boys Championship, and we could not get into the tournament.

Lenny Simpson

It's not to increase business that night. It makes people remember us. And that's our fourth anniversary.

Ryan Clements

I can't remember the last time this school got this far. We played them hard every game this year.

Dan Mcgowan

One of the most important things to remember about infant care is: don't change diapers in midstream.

Don Marquis

From the tip, we were just on fire. Last year, we couldn't buy a bucket (at the Coliseum); I remember that. This year, we couldn't miss a shot, everybody was rebounding - it was awesome.

Josh Cassaday

Every time I see that scene in the movie it's moving to me, not just because of the content of it, but because I remember that crew. There was a warmth and kindness and camaraderie and mutual respect. There were all the mistakes that happen on movies and then some, but just about everybody finished that film kind of grateful for the experience.

Tom Russell

(Assistant coach Johnny Kidd) put the keys to the game on the board before the game, which is important. But I said, 'You've got to remember, 90 percent of your brain has got to be filled with heart and desire.' You've got to respect the basketball and do the technical things, but you've got to play with a lot of heart.

Dave Bike

When you are kind to someone in trouble, you hope they'll remember and be kind to someone else. And it'll become like a wildfire.

Whoopi Goldberg

A good conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said, but says what someone wants to remember.

John Mason Brown

I remember the fans ... But I don't remember how I felt, because I was so excited.

Chan Ho Park

As this case makes its way through the criminal justice system I would like everyone to remember that this is actually about a girl named Jill who went for a bike ride and never came home.

Marilyn Behrman

I remember one game we played and the team was pressing us and I had him bringing the ball up the court. A fellow coach, a friend of mine called me and said, 'Either you're a genius or you're crazy. How do you have a 6-10 freshman bringing the ball up the court? Don't you realize that every NBA team will see that?

Paul Hewitt

No. If I don't remember, I don't remember.

James Doe

Tom was very helpful to me. I'm going to remember him in his good days, like 1993 when he was the toast of the country, helping fans enjoy the time of their lives.

Buck Martinez

As far as participation, this is the best showing anyone can remember since sometime in the '90s. It was fantastic.

Jerry Klein

I think there's great potential for autonomy, but we have to remember that we live in a world where people may have free will but have not invented their circumstances.

Thomas Frank

When you choose the lesser of two evils, always remember that it is still an evil.

Max Lerner

With Robinson, you have to remember his son was in Vietnam. If you have children there you want to believe the cause is noble, or you want to get them home.

Chris Lamb

I remember baseball cards I collected of Greg when I was in Little League. Now, to be in the same locker room and be catching him in a big league game is quite an honor -- and an accomplishment to have made it this far.

Dennis Anderson

We should remember that there was once a discipline called natural philosophy. Unfortunately, this discipline seems not to exist today. It has been renamed science, but science of today is in danger of losing much of the natural philosophy aspect.

Hannes Alfven

We wanted everyone to remember her for the beautiful person she was and not the circumstances that happened. It was our way to look beyond all that.

Nancy Howe

It was such stress. I remember her pain. I remember Rebecca always being so brave - braver than her mom and dad.

Cathy Lyons

I can't remember any text of mine where I said that one should fight Hitler without violence; I'm not an idiot.

Adam Michnik

Mr Johnson should remember that I am not just anyone and that he is only president of the United States by the grace of my son's action.

Marguerite Oswald

The most important thing for a man to remember is that you're buying for her and her personality, not to suit your own taste.

Jennifer Lowitz

I don't think people remember the last game that I pitched where I got hurt. I had to slow down and get myself ready to pitch. I didn't want to re-injure myself.

Pedro Astacio

We were wanting to go out with a bang, and it didn't happen that way, ... People remember you at the end.

A.j. Nicholson

That night, she told me how much she was tired of hurting her mom and her dad. I still remember her telling me how much she loved them.

Cindy Garcia

We remember those who gave their lives and lost their lives. We also remember those touched by recent tragedy.

David Meyer

We went down there to help out. It was a lot like New Orleans is now. I just remember the bayous being flooded over. There were some bodies. It wasn't pleasant. But we did what we had to do. You didn't think about it. We were down there to see how we could help.

Phil Harding

[Others warned the administration against pressing too hard.] If we go into it with the attitude of 'Okay, we've got a deal, now here are the terms of how we move forward' and push it . . . I think it may be a bit too much, ... We need to remember how tenuous this agreement really is.

Lisa Murkowski

The main thing I'll remember from this game is how hard the girls competed against a very good team. We're getting better every game.

Brian Samulski

I remember a young woman I met in Houston. She was leaving New Orleans and going to Minnesota.

Gerald Newman

I remember very vividly the last words I told him: 'I'm here, I love you, I won't let anything bad happen.' And it was kind of tough, you know?

Tim Albright

I remember we lost one game that first season something like 88-12. It's humiliating, especially for the girls who have to walk through the hallways the next day. But there are some really good life lessons that can come from going through something like that.

Walter Weller

It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.

Anne Sexton

I can remember the fans going over the scorer's table onto the court. The Calumet Region was just great in sports and Gary was a great place.

Tony Roberts

I remember that milk fondly. We were not living too high on the hog.

Jack Williamson

I moved here when my husband passed away. It was kind of lonely for me because I was remembering my husband too much and where we used to go.

Phyllis Stewart