I don't remember the details (of the presentation), ... but I know I was impressed.

Robert Mccarthy

Those who do remember it (the past) will find new ways to screw up.

Charles Wolfe

Phil Strickland helped Texas Baptists to remember and be faithful to their heritage, and he consistently declared the high ethical calling of the Christian life.

Charles Wade

I just remember them lobbing it to No. 50. But you can't base the whole game on that play. It all came down to our defense again. And that last play was a blur.

Liz Shimek

It's a Democratic town, remember that. Things happen.

Mickey Carroll

Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.

Christina G. Rossetti

I remember not wanting to be rude, but I would aim to miss.

Paul Moriarty

That was the most points I can remember scoring in girls basketball.

Luke Vail

The other thing you have to remember is that we have a lot of new coaching staff this year.

Ron Hassey

He's the guy we're really worried about. I just remember him as a very explosive jumper, quick to leave the floor with a very quick arm.

Al Scates

I tried to give everything I had in this building. I hope people will remember me for that.

Billy Campbell

Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.

Lewis B. Smedes

Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.

George Carlin

We're much faster, much cleaner off the ground. I can't remember in a long time when the whole [freshman] class brought so much. They're refreshing. They have no bad memories. We'll see what happens when a little adversity comes.

Bill Tierney

I can remember driving by the park on the bus in high school and making fun of those guys out in the woods. I came back from college and my dad had started playing. I went out with him and the next thing you know, I'm buying my own discs.

Matt Thomas

The rivalry means a lot. I've been watching it ever since I can remember. I can't say I hate them. I dislike them a lot, let's put it that way. It feels good to know that since I've been in school, we haven't lost to them.

Frostee Rucker

It's a more intimate setting. We wanted our brides to have a good selection but be able to remember everything they saw. Some of the larger shows are just so overwhelming.

Florence Belcher

I remember that day; we were all crazy.

Joyce Bradbury

It's so much better than walking around the nursing circle trying to locate someone all the time. They're so efficient, it's hard to remember what it was like when we didn't have them.

Karen Nelson

That's what you get when you put all your eggs in a two-building complex in a bad neighborhood. I want you to remember, though, I'm a friend. You're new to this business and I want to help.

Billy Procida

We hope that, when the insects take over the world, they will remember with gratitude how we took them along on all our picnics.

Bill Vaughn

At this point, I'm kind of shocked. He's not remembering what I'm remembering. I'm like, 'What's happening?' I don't know what he's going to blurt out next.

Susan Polk

It's just been an amazing two weeks and I'm going to remember this forever.

Joannie Rochette

That's definitely the biggest home run of my life. For five minutes afterward, I didn't know what I was doing. I was on a high for five minutes. I barely remember running around the bases. When I got in the dugout, I was being a maniac. Everybody probably thinks I'm crazy.

Bobby Kielty

They're coming a long faster lately. They need to remember techniques and get frustrated but they're doing a fine job.

Greg Burns

But we've got to remember the economics have to be there to support it.

George Shinn

We of course remember the days when the leader of the house was the bovver boy, stand over man of Australian politics, now he's just pathetic and this is just a pathetic resolution moved to try and guillotine this debate through this House from a minister who only yesterday ... was complaining about debate being guillotined.

Julia Gillard

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

George Santayana

Everybody's got to have some growth. I remember Golden before everything, it was cool ? but I'm a history buff. You can still go down to the creek and imagine nobody's here.

Kay Davis

It was a great run. My team was behind me the entire season, and they put it all on the line every night. We just kept going and look how far we came. That is something I will always remember about my final season.

Cheron Taylor

We all remember the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise won the race, but the hare didn't keep the same schedule.

James Rayner

I try to remember, as I hear about friends getting engaged, that it's not about the ring. It's a grave thing, getting married.

Gwyneth Paltrow

For as long as anyone can remember, Lex has occupied this real estate on the back page.

Andrew Gowers

I remember days I would wake up saying, 'Today's the day we're going to find him,'.

Kevin Bardsley

I never thought that someone who had achieved what Keith has achieved since we first met would find the time to remember a simple handshake promise.

Phil Stevens

I don't remember anybody saying how much money we've just spent to upgrade the physical facilities at our schools, which would be part of that complex of issues.

Paul Brewbaker

I remember her eyes with joy -- you will [remember] with fear.

David Graham

We have a lot of kids and they're dreamers. It's just a real opportunity for them that they will remember for a long time.

Jim O'day

To people who remember JFK's assassination, JFK Jr. will probably always be that boy saluting his father's coffin.

Michael Beschloss

Pat did a heck of a job. It went off without a hitch and Pat is to be commended for showing high school bowling in the most positive light and for making a day (the bowlers will) remember the rest of their lives.

Julie Wells

Jewelry wears thin. Flowers die. But cards get kept and gestures remembered. Ultimately, what is important, what people remember isn't the expense but the expression, and it's meaningfulness.

Gilda Carle

To tell you the truth, I didn't really care. After that semifinal loss, I figured that I just wanted to go out and have people remember me.

Tim Long

I can remember some pictures that he brought back of children having the freedom you know, that we don't see here. My nephew and all the other Marines and contractors, did not give their life just for us to pull out of Iraq.

Bob Mccoy

I don't remember what he said. I've got a short-term memory.

Adam Loewen

But I remember in college when I sprained my MCL a couple of times, but it was never anything serious. It's going to be fine.

Albert Haynesworth

It was what sealed our love for the cultures of my children's homelands. But remember to celebrate your own heritage, too. This is what makes our lives so rich and so fun.

Deb Sumiec

While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation.

Maya Angelou

Adversity makes men remember God.

Titus Livy

We're creating those memories that will last. You remember the things that you did, not the things that you learned.

Susan Hilyer

I remember standing on that podium, ... and for the first time probably before or since, wishing our national anthem had more verses.

Dan Jansen

This leave has been in existence for as long as I can remember. This is not anything new.

Rick Costa

That was a great time, the summer of '71 - I can't remember it, but I'll never forget it!

Lemmy Kilmister

He called from Nashville right during David's party. They probably talked for a half-hour on the phone. He said he would record some of his concert, and we'll send it to my son in a care package. For this Marine to call David, it's something we will always remember.

Bud Somerville

That was big. Last year I remember he hit three in a game where (Garner) was ill. ... Maybe I should manage a few more times, because every time he hits a homer.

Cecil Cooper

We understand there are conflicts that sometimes leave people feeling hurt by others in the church, or other situations which have left people feeling isolated. Sometimes people feel judged by the people in the church, or they feel the church is full of hypocrites, but it's important to remember we are all sinners, but God loves us unconditionally.

Kelly Sloan

That's as good a half as I can remember in a long time.

Lindsay Shearer

We waited too long to remember to match their intensity.

Rod Baker

People were asking where things were. You've got to remember, back in those days, Hopkins was a lifetime away.

Chuck Hall

I remember very clearly at the first budget review having a pretty direct conversation with the head of manufacturing... We began to get huge improvements in productivity and responsiveness. I got a chance to see that firsthand.

Rick Wagoner

I remember that game like it was yesterday, ... That S.O.B beat us but Dave and I have been big fans of each other over the years.

Calvin Murphy

He didn't look like it was his first time facing hitters. His breaking ball was better than what I remember.

Adam Melhuse

I hope, sitting in the marble palace, you'll remember that I have great pride in the success of the False Claims Act.

Charles E. Grassley

I've never known anyone with as much capacity to remember, care about and minister to other people.

Forrest Bell

[But opponents contend there are other avenues of engagement.] Remember 1936 -- the Olympics held in Berlin, ... a wonderful Games and opportunity over there, but actually encouraged Hitler [and] Nazi Germany. We don't want to repeat that mistake.

Harry Wu

Remember Good is the Enemy of Great? This year, we need to say that Great is the Enemy of Excellent.

John Tortorella

I won't remember the wins and losses. That's great and all, but I think I'll remember friendships and my teammates.

Melissa Nafzger

I have the worst memory ever so no matter who comes up to me - they're just, like, 'I can't believe you don't remember me!' I'm like, 'Oh Dad I'm sorry!'

Ellen DeGeneres

Once a year we have to take time out of too busy schedules to remember how we got here and to honor those who got us here.

Betty Montgomery

What I remember was just how big the head was ? it seemed enormous.

Gary Paterna

That was as good as the offense has looked since I can remember. That was just about perfect.

Charlie Coe

There will always be those who remember. Our most precious gift is each other.

Daniel Rodriguez

Somebody finally had the intelligent idea to remember that Harper isn't elected yet. That seemed to secure everybody. They quieted down and the subject hasn't come up again. Just that one shot.

Michael Hendricks

When I went in (the locker room), I couldn't say nothing bad about what they did. I said, 'Hold you heads up, guys. Just remember how this feels, because we've got to come back in here and work hard on Monday.

Tony Davenport

I remember people saying that they brought cousins or people to the set and they had no idea that was me. So, that was really cool. I was proud that we fooled people.

Amanda Bynes

That'll be something they remember the rest of their lives. It may not be all good, but it'll be good.

Norris Ashley

I remember a lot of chaos. I knew I had been bit by something. I just felt something grab my leg and squeeze real tight.

Bill Barnes

The thing I'll remember the most is how tough those practices were when I first got here. With Coach (Bob) Huggins pushing me for three hours. It was different than what I was used to back home. It was the hardest thing, but it was also the most fun thing.

Armein Kirkland

[No trial, no judge, no defense. Iraqis would remember it as] the night of the long knives, ... The Reckoning.

Sandra Mackey

[HOLLYWOOD --] I remember thinking when I was such a little girl that 18 was like so old and cool, ... And now I'm like, it's just normal.

Hilary Duff

As a kid, I can't remember having anything to play with except a loose tooth. And that wasn't mine. It was my brother's.

Truett Cathy

We are at their side as they suffer. One cannot forget what happened and one must remember to ensure it does not happen again.

Felix Herrero

We're calling it the weekend to remember. Or to forget.

Spencer Edelman

I can only remember the ones where I got beat deep. They stick with you longer. Sometimes the only way to erase those is to come up with a big play.

Bob Cirko

It doesn't have to be a trip to the moon. Children will remember (parents' stories) far beyond that fancy toy you worked overtime to buy them.

Bev Twillmann

What you have to remember is that Starbucks is in the coffee business.

Melinda Newman

That loss provided me motivation, I had to remember what it was like to lose to get even more focused here.

Gabe Hale

I don't know what it was, maybe the net looked a little bit bigger for me. For whatever reason, sometimes you get one and you kind of keep rolling. I can't remember anything like this.

Brad Boyes

I did not use my position on P&Z to better my company. And the only money I can ever remember receiving from Smith County was for jury duty. I think we all know there are very strict regulations on conflicts of interest. I don't intend to become county judge just so I can bid on county work.

Gene Shull

It's a good game to look back on. When we talk about it, it's, 'Remember what happened. Don't let it happen again.

Melissa Richardson

I can't remember someone being so unknown.

Douglas Schwartz

We must remember that Satan has his miracles, too.

John Calvin

This is best team I've had a in a long time. We have more numbers than I can I remember. We have 53 girls; the depth is great.

Jeff Lee

You know, people really have not been buying into these stocks lately, ... They're extremely undervalued. Remember one thing: they own the first mile to every customer that's out there. When they get into long distance, which they will eventually late this year and early next year, they're going to be powerhouse stocks.

Bruce Roberts

[His family, his friends, Bridgette, they all want him to play one more Grand Slam event.] I want it to be up to him, but, just personally, I'm going to miss watching him play, ... And I'd love for Christian to be there once, even if he'd never remember.

Bridgette Wilson

I want them to remember the feeling they had when they completed something--some for the first time in their life--not only completed it, but successfully completed it. It will help them the rest of their lives.

Pat Davis

I hope people will remember that I shot 67 to come roaring back.

Nick Faldo

We know you're running out to the gas station to fill up and fill up your cans for your generators. Please just remember your neighbor needs this just as well, ... Let's not overdo it. You need to do what you need to do, but there's no panic necessary here.

Toni Jennings

The thing I remember about my dad was everybody wanted to play for him. It's the same way now.

Dick Whitten

I have that vision in my head of her being hoisted up by the cadets, just so happy. That's a night we'll always remember. That was just a great game, a great atmosphere, 1,600 cadets wearing full camouflage.

Bill Gibbons

Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Remember, the Democratic Party used to be a coalition of Northern liberals and Southern conservatives - and we lost that. I think here's a chance to start to win that back.

Lowell Feld

I can't remember anybody who's ever felt like they were more in the right place than A.J. right now. He knows he's in exactly the right place.

Keith Hawk

I remember when my mom used to bring me here when I was younger.

Nicki Baker

I remember when we did the Tchaikovsky (concerto), he just flew. We weren't used to that. But when we do things like that, it makes the orchestra grow.

Mark Thielen

Be the green grass above me, with showers and dewdrops wet; and if thou wilt, remember, and if thou wilt, forget.

Christina G. Rossetti

I can remember several times where kids had to be hospitalized for weeks and had medical problems that lasted close to a year.

Capt. Chuck Moad

What's important to remember is this is a treatment they're receiving after all other methods have failed. We truly believe that we're giving patients a new lease on life.

Marc Schlosser

I can't remember a week ever starting and ending with that type of excitement before. It was a great week.

Jeff Sanders

That's something I'm going to remember. It'll just push me to get better and better. I just tried to throw strikes and keep it away from them, that's for sure.

Iain Sebastian

I remember his Marathon of Hope and when he ran through Sudbury. I was 17. At the time I didn't realize the impact he would have on our society. When I saw his shoes it gave me a chance to reflect on what he did.

Mark Burgess

We're excited about it and now we're going to try our best to win a championship. But you've got to remember, 10 of our 14 kids are either freshmen or sophomores.

Buzz Peterson

When I came here in November 2002, DTAC was in a quite challenging situation. I remember the marketing research companies told us the DTAC brand looked like an old sick lady.

Sigve Brekke

I try to get through each day just by remembering that what we're doing is a minor sacrifice compared to what workers are going through. We're just doing a little to help them a lot.

Virginia Cutshall

She's bounced back pretty well and very immediately from all her surgeries. But that's her personality. She doesn't like the idea of being in pain. I don't remember the last time I saw her relax, because she's so high energy, so full of spirit and happiness.

Julie Williams

Remember that happiness is a way of travel - not a destination.

Roy M. Goodman

We remember with tears Tom Fox. We had longed for the day when all four men would be released together. Our gladness today is bittersweet by the fact that Tom is not alive to join his colleagues in the celebration.

Doug Pritchard

It's amazing, but I really don't remember much of anything about it. Maybe that's because it was so long ago.

Bob Hansen

I remember cheering guys like Eddie George, (Andy) Katzenmoyer and Joe Germaine, ... I remember the excitement, how many people there were and how loud it got.

Josh Betts

I love politics -- it's in my blood. My dad was involved in politics with Joe Garrahy when he was lieutenant governor. I can remember going to the State House.

Kristen Connors

I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken - and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

Margaret Mitchell

I don't remember any of it but as a kid I grew up watching World Cups and unfortunately never got the chance to watch Australia playing.

Mark Schwarzer

The important thing is to remember what most impressed you and to put it on canvas as fast as possible.

Pierre Bonnard

I can remember back in the 70s all you had to do, basically, was go to class and not be failing. Long as you were not on probation by your university, you were eligible.

Richard Giannini

Remember, in January 2005, we were in the midst of a buying frenzy. Homes were selling very quickly. Thus, at that time, the inventory of available resale listings was very low.

Paul Olson

He was very important and it's important to remember that. He had a very strong testimony.

Kelly Eisenhour

I don't have to try to remember him. He's always with me, every day.

Thomas Pope

However, before we make the mistake of patting ourselves on the back, let's remember: government does not create jobs. It only helps create the conditions that make jobs more or less likely. The real credit for our economic renewal belongs to the people of Alabama .

Bob Riley

The jury is still out on that and will be, ... Ask me at the end of the season [if the fans have forgiven the league]. I do know that people in Boston remember the game and what it has always meant to them.

Jeremy Jacobs

People are done shopping, the pressure's off, and they'll be looking for leisure activities. But certainly, there's competition. This is as crowded a field as I can remember in a long time.

Marc Shmuger

I remember Hallie became the second town in Wisconsin to become a five-person board, and that's something Zeal fought real hard for.

Chuck Alexander

When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.

Thomas Paine

In comparing men and books, one must always remember this important distinction,-that one can put the books down at anytime.

Nathaniel Parker Willis

It's just such a great event. For people who have not participated before, it's a time to remember those we've lost (to cancer) as well as a time to be with loved ones and friends.

Ramona Cruz

For the business-minded, ICC WI Cricket World Cup 2007 also represents an opportunity to provide goods and services, from food and entertainment to transportation and accommodation. However you become involved, remember, each of us is an ambassador for our country and our region and our actions matter.

Chris Dehring

I'm excited to go to college, but it's bittersweet because I'm going to miss all of these girls. It's more special because you remember this is your last game. You want to win for yourself and your fellow seniors as well as the girls who are going to follow in your footsteps.

Kelly Reilly

Be prepared, be sharp, be careful, and use the King's English well. And you can forget all the [other rules] unless you remember one more: Get paid.

Robert N. C. Nix

It is a world of difference. They gave Tabb something I don't ever remember Tabb having. They were more physical than a lot of teams.

Scott Joyner

Anytime you go from one extreme to the next, you develop aches and pains. I am pretty broken, but luckily I can take the pain, especially when I remember why I'm doing all of this.

David Goggins

You hope to have capable backups, but the comfort level or familiarity of the team with each other is usually just not there. I remember telling Lindsay 'Just do your best.' I had no idea that she would be the kind of kid that would lead us to a title.

Lori Kerans

I remember when the school needed a goalie, I was a winger at the time, so I offered to try it.

Rachel Mcconnell

Tell me, I forget, show me, I remember, Involve me, I understand.

Carl Orff

Preston wanted to be the dad he didn't know. So when we first found out [we were pregnant], I remember it was late, he ran outside, he was just screaming, because he was just so happy.

Riquena Farmer

You try to forget the loss, but you try to remember that feeling at the end as long as you can. We were right there.

Tim Martin

This year it changed more than any other time that I've seen or can remember.

Andy Evans

Far better to think historically, to remember the lessons of the past. Thus, far better to conceive of power as consisting in part of the knowledge of when not to use all the power you have. Far better to be one who knows that if you reserve the power not to use all your power, you will lead others far more successfully and well.

A. Bartlett Giamatti

Being scared is part of growing up. That's what Doctor Who has done since 1963 and I'm glad to see it continue. The show has had horror for as long as I can remember.

David Tennant

I absolutely remember where I was when I first heard it. It got me through adolescence.

Patti Smith

I put a heart next to my signature on every piece to remember him.

Jim Wilson

This is really interesting. When I was in the 9th grade, I flunked 9th grade algebra. I couldn't cope with 9th grade algebra. And then I remember taking an aptitude test when I was a sophomore in high school, and they said, "You should probably consider not going to college." Then they said, "Well, what would you like to do?"

John Warnock

I remember it, but it's not quite as vivid. I'd like to go back and see just where I was during that horrific battle.

Gordon Schnulle

We did a lot of things wrong last year. Really, we didn't know what we were doing. We're on the bus to go to the tournament and remembering something that we didn't do, a detail we forgot to take care of.

Royce Huseman

The process of learning requires not only hearing and applying but also forgetting and then remembering again.

John Gray

I can remember knowing that I had to block Willie Lanier, or I had Buck Buchanan and Curley Culp right over my nose, beating on me, ... I'd get done blocking one Hall of Famer and there would be another one. It was a battle, no two ways about it.

Jim Otto

One night I remember just watching this sunset. It looked just like the Japanese flag. It was a beautiful thing to see. I don't know why, but it was just beautiful.

Frank Pepe

Remember that time - the insane mistrust, not just for people but between countries.

Alexei Leonov

I can remember a reporter asking me for a quote, and I didn't know what a quote was. I thought it was some kind of soft drink.

Joe Dimaggio

I am a global light entertainment phenomena, so how can I remember everything?

Rik Mayall

I don't remember saying that, but I've heard it on more than one occasion, so I guess I did say it.

Ted Jeffries

Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labor of love.


Remember, it is better to light one little candle than to curse the darkness.

Frank Gorshin

If I was going to get it, I was going get it. If not, I wasn't going to jeopardize the game to do it. I don't think people are going to remember me as the leading scorer at my school, I don't think that's going to define my career really. Being a team player ... that means a lot to me.

Gerald Henderson

I will remember that modern business etiquette is gender-neutral. Whoever gets to a door first should open it.

Marjorie Brody

I remember it felt like we never had a chance to win that game. This year it's a chance to get a win in Memorial Stadium, which not many people get a chance to do.

Nick Leaders

We've had a great year with only one loss. The players and fans were going to remember this game because it was the last, and a loss would've been disappointing.

Chad Mckelvey

I remember very clearly what Mr. Huang had to say; it woke one up.

Karl Jackson

It's been a special two years and a special week. It's something I'll always remember. It's too bad we couldn't have went a little further.

Kevin Lynch

Well, remember what you said, because in a day or two, I'll have a witty and blistering retort! You'll be devastated THEN!

Calvin and Hobbes

This is a hard working group, ... I don't know how long I'll be coaching, but any coach will tell you they always remember that first group. Win or lose this season, they will always be the first ones.

Terry Baxter

We've had cameras. But their biggest weakness is being proactive. 'Hey, this guy's been here before, stop him.' And that's because we've had to be 100 percent reliant on the operators. You can't expect a guard to remember a face months after the fact. But put a little intelligence into the recording box, and it can remember for months at a time.

Gilman Louie

I can remember the last two series vividly - South Africa's home series here and the one in the West Indies.

Brian Lara

Some of the original members of the agency said they can't remember anything as big as this all the way back to 1951. Even though this weather pattern is normal for Tennessee, it's just not this intense normally.

Donnie Smith

This will be something Joe will remember forever.

Richard Plyler

I remember feeling so wonderful and food tasted so good. Being able to do things – it was just a very happy time. A very happy time.

Christine Eckstein

I clearly remember my first experiences in this country without speaking a word of English, ... I certainly will try to help him. ... At times, it is a very lonely world.

Sergei Fedorov

I never remember feeling tired by work, though idleness exhausts me completely.

Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr.

It was me, David and one phone line. David was up here on Labor Day answering phones. People would call up and say, 'This sounds like David' and he'd say, 'Uh, yes sir.' Then they'd say, 'I remember that 5-wood you hit in Atlanta.

Adam Young

FORCE, n. 'Force is but might,' the teacher said -- 'That definition's just.' The boy said naught but through instead, Remembering his pounded head: 'Force is not might but must!'

Ambrose Bierce

I divide all readers into two classes: Those who read to remember and those who read to forget.

William Lyon Phelps

But I don't remember getting $200.

Bob Hansen

'The room service is what saved us,' I remember him really going on about that. We were kind of shocked he was giving us so much information.

Margarita Chaves

Old ladies think we're cute. People our age think we're interesting and we have something new to say. People in their middle ages remember the folk revival of the '60s.

Ketch Secor

There must be people who remember World War II and the Holocaust who can help us get out of this rut.

Martin Scorsese

I think back to classes and see if I can remember anything from them. Some classes I don't remember anything that really lit up my mind, but this class has so many of those moments, I'm sure I'll look back and draw upon it after I graduate.

Jenna Berk

It may involve switching carriers. You may have to remember a whole lot of new numbers -- special access numbers, 800 numbers. It might be kind of a turnoff to some.

Chris Mcginnis

I remember with Baltimore, you hoped you either don't get the trip to Jupiter or it's cloudy. I couldn't see a thing out there.

Larry Bigbie

What you have to remember is he's shown he can raise the money when he needs to.

Sam Marchio

That's the way I play. I never remember my last shot.

Quentin Richardson

What you remember most is the friendships and the camaraderie you had with the players.

Paul Lohmeyer

It was a day to remember. There was plenty of cheering from the committee room that's for sure.

Christine Daws

You're not going to outwork Kevin Colbert. I remember seeing him out in the field, and he always asked the right questions and paid close attention to details. That's why he is where he is today. And it's why he's so highly regarded around the league.

Dan Shonka

I pretty much just went with my instincts. I took notes and didn't really read them. The people were good enough that you could remember them.

Travis Tucker

Look to the past and remember no empire rises that sooner or later won't fall.

Al Stewart

Since Derrick arrived, he's kind of been a prodigy. He was the most recruited athlete in this part of California that we can remember.

Scott Larson

I remember when you could drive Galveston Island, from end to end, on the natural beach. I don't think there will ever be any hope of doing that again.

Lorraine Brown

To feel today what one felt yesterday isn't to feel - it's to remember today what was felt yesterday, to be today's living corpse of what yesterday was lived and lost.

Fernando Pessoa

Remember, this process is only beginning Nov. 15. Its a long process and it's time for beneficiaries to get up to speed and get familiar with things, take their time -- and make the selection that's best for them.

George Keleman

I remember running the race in the snow, then getting sunburn after the race. It's typical for it to be pretty chilly in the morning, but we're not overly concerned.

Mike Coulter

We're going to learn from this. We're going to remember what happened in the Final Four and never let it happen again.

Glen Davis

It is all wrong in its symbolism. I look up to the sky to remember him. I will never go down.

Rosaleen Tallon

Showing the Marvel comics is a good way to hook kids into scientific learning. They will remember it and be inspired to learn about the science involved.

Diane Perlov