If we get normal investment returns then we would expect to be able to maintain bonus rates at their current levels.

Brian Harrison

It is essential that donors respond accordingly by maintaining an emergency culture in their decision-making and response.

Kuntoro Mangkusubroto

You want to maintain a balanced, diversified portfolio.

Tom Grzymala

Maintaining those 12 districts was important.

Sen Hob Bryan

Lion Beer needs to increase its export business to maintain viable growth.

Channa Amaratunga

We had the game firmly in our control. Hopefully, we can maintain our form and avoid making any mistakes.

Danny Blind

[Maintaining that India is going to be] critical ... great addition to that.

John Wookey

Consideration of alternative uses so that we would maintain that facility in some scientific capacity and maintain the jobs.

Tim Bishop

This one the players get the credit. They were the ones making plays on the floor and maintaining their energy.

Brooke Svendsen

Defensively, I thought we were fine. We just weren't maintaining possession of the ball.

Robert Elkins

I hadn't seen the spin move in a long time, and he brought that out. He looked really good. I hope he can maintain it.

Robert Horry

After much thought and discussion, it was decided that this new strategy would be the best way to maintain the LIFE brand.

Norman Pearlstine

China's primary objective is to maintain North Korea as a buffer zone.

John Tkacik

This part of the house is about 150 years old, so we tried to do as little as possible to maintain its authenticity.

Joe Hutton

If we maintain our level of play, the sky is the limit. Now, they have a taste of winning.

Wells Gulledge

There is no question of an alliance with the BJP. We would like to maintain equal distance from both Congress and BJP.

Brindaban Goswami

Supporting me for chair was the test of whether you still intended to broaden your coalition and maintain the party's commitment to left/center/right alliances.

Lenora Fulani

It's fantastic he could maintain his composure and fight like that.

Frank Castano

We made some adjustments and put more pressure on the ball. The big thing was to maintain what we were doing and we did.

Randy Mcclure

We were kind of being cautious. We didn't want anything to interfere with the process. It's a little frustrating that it takes so long. The events are a couple years old already, and we had to maintain the employees until the arrests.

Warden Ramon Rustin

Our first objective is to try to maintain the 0-0. That's all we need to eliminate Liverpool and that is what we are going to play for.

Laurent Robert

I'm charged with maintaining order. I have to do what's right.

Larry Hazzard

Most businesses seem to have some type of grease trap. But some of them don't maintain them properly.

Paul Leary

It was hard for us to maintain our focus. We didn't have the killer instinct today and we played like it. We were not aggressive like normal, but Joe coaches that team very well and I was impressed with some of what I saw from those guys.

Calvin Saunders

This was a good effort both offensively and defensively. Ohio was very patient, and we were able to be disciplined and maintain our poise.

Cindy Timchal

This could be an interesting product in the context of funding acquisitions ... to maintain ratings.

James Esposito

I was trying to maintain my ethical compass and do what was right. But in pursuit of what was right for the group, I fell into a trap.

Cathy Schulman

It was a debate, but it's over now, and we're working together to maintain this key element of economic development. For the most part, everybody's looking at going forward now.

Gene Cisewski

The government estimates that security has improved. There is no more reason to maintain the curfew.

Philippe Nzobonariba

This will ensure the district will maintain its balanced budget if the referendum fails March 21.

Tom Hay

This is company that had ample liquidity but it didn't have all that liquidity in the United States. They wanted to maintain huge financial flexibility.

Bruce Hyman

In order to maintain the integrity of the investigation, those implicated should step aside while the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC) investigates the allegations against them.

Maina Kiai

We were making some defensive stops at the beginning and getting some pretty good shots off, but we've got to maintain that.

Patrick Fields

The background (checks) will let me know whether we're down to two. But we'll at least maintain our posture of definitely being down to three.

Terry Roberts

We are on track, maintaining our obligations, working with the city, and continuing to move forward.

Larry Fishman

Our goal is to try to maintain flows at a level that the flood control system should perform adequately.

Gary Bardini

I think he wants to maintain [Greenspan's] inflation-fighting credentials.

Stuart Schweitzer

They were maintaining their temperatures in open cribs, which is ... one of the big things they have to do.

Patti Savrick

We must maintain the pace and pressure at both ends.

Allan Donald

We've been in business for almost 70 years, yet nearly one quarter of our customers have been added since our last rate case eight years ago. We must be able to recover costs associated with growing and maintaining our infrastructure.

Rusty Harris

The American Red Cross is a nonprofit organization, and we greatly appreciate all of the financial assistance we can get from the community. But it must continue so that we can maintain the level of assistance that we are able to provide.

Travis Strack

We have tried to restore things that had been cut to the bone. We maintain what we think we need.

Cynthia Gray

It was old and it was costing a lot of money to maintain it. So we sold it and put the money toward the Bobtail.

Cindy Zamora

Maintaining dialogue is more important than the substance of this current round of talks. It does help the two to move forward. They have finished an interim round of talks instead of a final one.

Jin Xide

We knew we had to maintain our composure, which is something we haven't always done in the past, and the baskets would fall for us. Being this was our first time here, we responded well.

Brian Metcalf

The days leading up to the holiday pose a huge challenge for online retailers, who haven't yet figured out how to maintain high customer satisfaction during this critical juncture.

Larry Freed

I think we have to maintain some areas that are more rural in nature.

Bob Dewitt

Rich means you have to stay there to maintain it.

Nell Carter

We encourage parents and guardians to maintain open and frequent communication with their children.

Nancy Mcbride

Ecuador's fundamental economic policy has not changed with the (economic) minister. There will be differences in some areas, but the government ratified its commitment to maintain a very prudent fiscal policy.

Trevor Alleyne

I think the market is comfortable [that] the Chinese are not looking to derail growth, but maintain it at a sustainable level.

Glyn Lawcock

The emphasis is shifting from maintaining existing weapons to replacing all of them.

Greg Mello

A slightly higher number of companies are maintaining rather than growing compared to one year ago.

Sara Hart

Democracy may seem an attractive idea. But it is impossible to maintain in real life. An experiment in democracy would take us on the road to disaster. Look at what happened to the Athenians.

Paul Woodruff

Storing documents off-site in an electronic format means we'll be able to maintain business continuity if our offices are damaged.

Carrie Peters

Families die off, there's no city or state money to maintain them, and they get overgrown or become a trash dump.

Dale Flatt

A lot of people reject being in a place where they're physically confronted. We try to maintain an intense confrontational edge.

Aaron Warren

Not providing a defense would impact our ability to recruit and maintain the ability to run this system.

William Sheffler

Our ultimate goal is to have all landlords maintain their properties in a safe and sanitary fashion.

Bill Burgess

What we can clearly see is that the coalition will maintain power.

Antal Rogan

A win like this helps a lot, especially since we came from behind. It really helps us maintain our confidence.

Ravi Moss

We made some great plays and enough free throws down the stretch to maintain the gap.

Marty Bell

Telstra has been able to maintain very high margins in its traditional market.

Paul Budde

This was a great way for us to start our division. We just have to maintain our good defense.

Kyle Mcduffee

We do not know how long it will maintain this Category 5 state.

Trisha Wallace

Education in this country is about how to maintain the status quo and to perpetuate racism.

Jane Elliot

We are now beginning to see the fruits of the sacrifice it has taken to maintain discipline and achieve sustained economic growth.

Alejandro Toledo

It was agony. It was hard to maintain my composure, I almost even broke my salute to wave.

Leslie Brown

A rash of broken machines is not expected. The board is doing a better job of training poll watchers and they're maintaining the machines better.

Gene Russianoff

We need to be spending about $50,000 a year out there to maintain the course.

Mike Heffernan

There is some self-interest in Europe maintaining good relations with China.

Ben Simpfendorfer

The committee did not hear any advantage to maintaining a separate FPD&R system.

Jeff Furnish

We're maintaining in our database 200 million credit files that are constantly being changed and updated. We do it for the integrity of the system, one language keeps everything as consistent as possible.

David Rubinger

We maintain that we can do a better job of accurately portraying what's going on in a courtroom if we can use the best tools available to us.

Steve Scott

HP has to execute to maintain credibility and it's an open question if the company can deliver to shareholders.

Michael Shulman

As a general principle, and at this sensitive time, we believe that dialogue is important and we encourage Egypt and Israel to maintain the closest possible contacts.

Susan Pittman

One of the problems that we found with the Web was that it gave people so much innovative capability at a local level that maintaining control became a problem for awhile.

Colum Joyce

The whole story this week has been about boosting and maintaining confidence.

Barry Hyman

This is our festival and on this day we are all Indians. We celebrate the festival by maintaining the spirit of brotherhood.

Brinda Karat

He learned the industry and learned the right way to do things and how to maintain your integrity in a business that can sometimes steal it away.

Cindie Bloom

They couldn't afford to maintain two factories doing the same thing. It was a difficult thing . . . (but) employees were very appreciative because we gave them a fair severance or retention package to get them to stay with the company until the end.

Chuck Griffin

Try to maintain the holiday spirit and remember the ultimate purpose of the holiday isn't the food, it's being with family and friends.

Anita F. Fernander

We talked about it today as far as neutralizing their bench. We've got to go out there - me, Mo, Joe, Dan and Toni - and maintain the intensity.

Charlie Bell

We tried to as best we could to maintain affiliations in close proximity, ... We certainly are not going to get every necessary tie between an NBA D-League team and an NBA team.

Stu Jackson

We try and care for (the cemetery), maintain, restore and research it.

Larry Blair

We needed to maintain a separate voice.

Bob Parker

For me personally, maintain the weight I lost over the summer.

Joe Papin

In the interest of maintaining good relations, we said we would help. Any time we can extend the olive branch, we do.

Maj. Matt Good

They are the difference between (local) care and going for a lengthy drive, ... The challenge is how you maintain this to be the preferred health care provider for people in this area.

Richard Burr

It's sad when you do everything you can possibly do to try to maintain the quality and try to maintain your ability to . . . and nothing you do works.

James Crawford

We have qualified, but the games are going to get more difficult now. We have to keep our feet on the ground and maintain our concentration.

Striker Adriano

We maintain constant vigil to keep poachers at bay.

Dharanidhar Boro

Our requirement would be that the tobacco firms in the U.S. maintain a high level of liquidity.

Wesley Moultrie

GE Capital might be able to declare certain defaults. Delta believes that maintaining the GECC agreements would be of substantial assistance in managing its business.

Marshall Huebner

He's like anyone who will fall back on old habits when he struggles. He just has to maintain the same things that have gotten him to this point.

Ty Van Burkleo

Sure. Talk to your doctor about what you can be doing right now to change your lifestyle habits and to be more healthy. Maintain your weight, exercise and eat right -- that's the key.

Cecil Wilson

We maintain that it doesn't belong on the site, ... It doesn't belong on sacred ground. Politics do not belong on this sacred place.

Anthony Gardner

We are planning on maintaining a 5-foot boulevard and a 5-foot sidewalk throughout this project.

John Rittershaus

God sent Jesus as an example to see if we could retain and maintain the Holy Spirit in human flesh.

Benny Hinn

All week we stressed the importance of maintaining gaps and attacking downhill and controlling the line of scrimmage.

Keith Bulluck

If you intend to deliver a community, you need to pay attention to maintaining the trust and enthusiasm. Don't overlook that.

Mike Olson

But this is your last railroad and our goal is to work with you and with our existing customers, to attract new customers and look for sources of funding that we can use to maintain and rehabilitate the line.

William Strawn Ii

We got a lead early on and we were able to maintain that lead. It was a good team win.

Matt Mccarthy

It was important for us to get that early lead then maintain it throughout the game.

Joe Balogh

There are people who maintain that ... an oil peak will be forthcoming soon. I don't believe it.

Helmut Langanger

The department has spent more than $300,000 since 2004 maintaining the site and treating the discharge.

Helen Humphreys

By joining our group of privately held companies, Georgia-Pacific will be able to maintain a long-term focus on growth and a commitment to delivering value for all of its constituents.

Charles G. Koch

It's a plus for the farmer and plus for construction people, and there are people employed in maintaining it. It decreases fossil fuel and increases the tax base . . . to me, they're a plus all the way around.

Jesse Crouch

If we wish to maintain peace, then we cannot accept that impunity be provided to these international criminals and drug dealers.

Jean bertrand Aristide

That was what we were going to try to do, control the tempo a little bit, and we knew we were going to have to make shots and get the ball inside. The boys executed the best they could, we just couldn't maintain it.

Danny Himes

If I am confirmed to this position, my first priority will be to maintain consistency and continuity with the policies established during the Greenspan years.

Ben S. Bernanke

If we could put everybody in a brand new building we would. What we need to do is maintain the buildings we have. We would not put students in a school we felt was unhealthy.

Russ Oaks

There still is an interest. ... It's still the world's largest single-event bonspiel by far. It's still a unique historical event, and we'd like to maintain that.

Ian Staniloff

Jesse did make very good decisions. He was in the engineering program at CU, which was very difficult, but he was able to maintain it.

Jennifer Rivera

La Fiesta really pays attention to the customer experience. We try to train our employees well, buy the best products, maintain a clean restaurant and hopefully keep a good atmosphere for the client.

Jason Thomas

We're all for increasing opportunities for 3- and 4-year-olds. The concern would be: Is there going to be enough funding to do that and maintain what you already have?

Matt Klosterman

I had always envisioned maintaining 400 to 425 spaces down there.

David Onorato

The reason we feel those things are important is because we care about maintaining the science excellence at the laboratory.

Joe Ladish

It's really critical that we maintain this cash hoard to keep our forward momentum going into the latter half of this decade and beyond.

Stephen Howard

A very large number of GP practices are both maintaining urgent access and flexible bookings.

Lord Warner

I'm in the health care business and I know I see the effects that it has on people - not exercising and not maintaining their weight - so I mean I know how important that is.

Lisa Strickland

We still do believe . . . that maintaining an adequate calcium intake will lay the foundation for bone health.

Rebecca Jackson

[Winning district games] helps us maintain our two goals ? to get better every day and to put ourselves in position to win the district.

George Porcha

Everyone is asking how long they're going to maintain it. Will it be the same in the playoffs? My opinion is it will be consistent from now until the last game of the playoffs.

Kevin Mcdonald

Everybody wants to buy growth markets. Maintaining your franchise and your readership and advertising base is much harder in a declining or flat market than it is in a growth market.

Miles Groves

But to maintain such a large network with good performance, we need funding.

Bill Xia

The FAA is maintaining safety by determining that aircraft are properly equipped and authorized before they're allowed to fly at these high altitudes.

Marion Blakey

It will allow us to stay just about at a level where we are right now, it will allow us to maintain our current level of service, ... It would plug the hole.

John Elam

The ruling by the attorney general will allow the board to maintain a level playing field for all members.

Thomas Taylor

I maintain that two and two would continue to make four, in spite of the whine of the amateur for three, or the cry of the critic for five.

James Whistler

She has helped the agency maintain a zero-growth budget, and has been instrumental in finding ways to cut spending to maintain our core services.

Carl Roe

We maintain our autonomy -- our board stays in existence, our name stays the same. It's a seamless transaction as far as employees and customers are concerned.

Robert Smedley

We maintain that our rates are competitive and reasonable and appropriate for the risk in Texas.

Joe Mccormick

If they quit helping us, we'll have a hard row to hoe. We think that we're doing the right thing by maintaining the building, making it available for the city and honoring our ancestors.

Clarke Maughan

The place will be jammed. You can cheer, but you have to really maintain your sanity. You can't say something derogatory. There's no place in a gymnasium for that.

Joe Mucci

Make no mistake _ the status quo in Sacramento is corporate control and the governor's agenda is not only to maintain corporate control but increase the grip of corporate special interests.

Sarah Leonard

If she can maintain a healthy back, she would be one of my top choices. She has the length to compete, a wonderful short game and the desire to be on top.

Dottie Pepper

You do whatever you can either to maintain an edge or to get an edge and for men now, it's not like you can just rest on your laurels.

Michael Atkinson

I think they're digging in and maintaining their solvency going forward.

Micaela Brown

These measures will help us become a more effective global competitor and maintain our leadership in innovation and customer satisfaction.

William Amelio

We must maintain our competitive advantage on commerce traffic.

Anthony Adams

You can say right now that we intend to maintain our ticket prices. But we won't announce it until this spring.

Heather Smith

It's hard when you're ahead by a lot. It's hard to maintain intensity. But that's something I've always taught and we did a good job of that tonight.

Ray Funk

We'll work with air carriers to ensure they maintain good surveillance of the mechanics who work for them.

Laura Brown

It's basically the governors' way of encouraging progress and trying to maintain as much momentum as possible.

Carolyn Sime

Because I lack faith in the ability of the Palestinians to maintain peace or return anything for what I see as a gift to them — an unsolicited gift.

Richard Rosen

Clearly their overriding priority is to maintain control of the dollar/China exchange rate.

David Simmonds

We learned once you get up in a game, you've got to be able to maintain that lead. You've got to be able to keep your composure. You can't let the other team get back into the game. Basically, we just gave the game away.

Pryce Underwood

I think for the time being, it would be important to ask NATO to maintain security.

Sadako Ogata

It's just amazing how important GE Power Systems has become to this company. It really has allowed GE to maintain its earning growth.

William Fiala

Our goal is to maintain the diversity we have achieved and to expand that if we can.

Patrick Rocks

We've tried to maintain a little bit of flexibility with respect to that decision because we don't know how NBA teams are going to use it.

Phil Evans

We want to work with landowners to encourage them to maintain the habitat.

Jim Ozier

We realized each studio had to be locally owned. We fell into franchising as the only way to maintain our standards.

Jim Evanger

It's one thing to buy an S.U.V. when gasoline prices are at $1.80, it's an entirely different matter to buy them when they are over $ 2.70. G.M. and Ford have no alternative but to boost the discounts to maintain their sales.

Sean Egan

If they are able to maintain margins at anywhere near a historical level, they are going to shoot the lights out with a cracking result.

Matt Hoult

It's easy to get into business, ... It's much harder to stay and maintain.

James Worthy

We should follow our own development model, not the ones adopted by others to keep maintain steady growth of the economy.

Saifur Rahman

It's very important for me to maintain contact with the reader, because I'm writing to someone, and I'm desperately eager to achieve believability.

Will Eisner

We are not in the business of maintaining our own set of contacts around the world, ... We can't do that ? not at all.

Peter Hoekstra

We would rather not maintain the new stadium if we didn't have to.

Tim Mckee

If after two years we decide we can't afford to maintain another property, we will wash our hands of it.

Jesse Teitelbaum

This is entirely maintained and funded with private funds. ... The ones that live here paid for and maintain it, so they ought to be the ones to enjoy it.

Stephen Walker

We're maintaining a positive attitude and like I said we're looking. We're out every day busy looking. We're not waiting for something to fall because it's not.

Cynthia Long

The toughest thing for us to measure is how fair is it to close a trail that we can't maintain.

Rick Maddalena

It?s an opportunity to provide data for those operators so they don't have to try to maintain their own separate collections.

Charles Mankin

With some parcels being sold, we knew it would be hard to maintain a horse show.

John Eickman

It's a different way of maintaining data, but I think it's a lot easier to see data visually.

Kay Anderson

Historically, whether it is owned or not, (the university) assists in repairing and maintaining the home because it is used so regularly for TSU functions.

Ron Franklin

However, we maintain a data bank of all groups including group chairmen and secretaries... these are not fixed persons, but we have good information.

Jennifer Edwards

The species have gotten limited areas to live in because of changes in climate and changes of habitat over time. And all humans have encroached upon it further. It's important to maintain that diversity of species.

Lennie Roberts

Most of these accusations by the Ethics Commission are a direct result of failing to maintain proper record keeping.

Jack Cardetti

When you get to the playoffs, you know you're the only game going on and you know everybody is watching and you know the ramifications. You have to maintain an even keel. You can be down 10 or up 10, you can't let that affect you.

Jon Kitna

It's also my understanding that the materials proposed for the exterior of the building would be ... about the easiest and lowest cost to maintain.

Sharon Alexander

Most of the companies at this table compete outside San Joaquin County. We can do two things - stay and die or move to a low-cost environment. The thing we're concerned with is, how can we even maintain our business, let alone grow it.

Terry Knutson

It's a lot of work for the owner ? maintain it, keep it in pristine condition.

Cheryl Cook

One of the most important parts of the job is maintaining the longevity of the organization which we cannot do without funds.

Nadene Stein

We still maintain the advantage, but the gap is closing.

Jack Pelton

We did not communicate anything (regarding the sampling) with the companies to maintain absolute confidentiality and the objectivity of the exercise.

Clark Bruner

We have a message to suggest there are ways to maintain these costs.

James Mchugh

Finally, and most important, is maintaining the public's confidence in the integrity of Bowie County's fiscal processes. I will handle your tax dollars with the utmost care.

Donna Burns

They beat us, but we also beat them (earlier this season). I like to call us the hub of junior girls golf. I think the fact we have St. Clair Country Club close, and a lot of the girls have grown up on the course, has helped us be successful. There is tradition here, and we have to maintain that tradition.

Ashley Young

Today's data confirmed the continued upsurge in Chinese demand, which had slowed during late 2004 and early 2005, as well as firm demand in the US, so Japanese exports are most likely to maintain brisk gains in the near term.

Osamu Katano

It was the consensus of the board that we maintain our position about the time zone to be the same as Indianapolis.

George Nicholas

He went out of business at that location (Old Baltimore Pike). He couldn't maintain conditions as required by law.

Rick Burd

It's been easing up the last three or four days. The market's been showing some kind of downside... I don't know if it's going to maintain, though.

Tom Williams

Despite the drop in house fire deaths, there has been no improvement in getting homeowners to maintain working smoke alarms. We know that smoke alarms save lives, but there has been a very lax attitude about maintaining them.

Gary Mitchell

We've been going out of our way to maintain a good flow of traffic.

Jim Proce

They were all heavy smokers. Looking back, I would have loved to be able to maintain friendships with those guys.

Jim Palmer

We need to maintain her speed and explosion. It's very important for us to keep what she's got without losing anything that she had ... We want to keep adding to what she has without limiting her performance.

Justin White

We were trying to maintain everybody's composure.

Mike Reynolds

If the Americans maintain their position, you could ask yourself questions about their intentions.

Peter Power

We must maintain our steady progress on improving the financial health of the city. We're not out of the woods yet.

Charles Crowley

Mack always is looking to get better, not just maintain.

Stump Mitchell

To build the park you have to have revenue coming in from someplace else. They cost a lot to build and a heck of lot to maintain.

Irene Mccormack

We all have our different interests and needs, and we're trying to maintain a balance between the health of the creek and the people who depend upon it for water.

Lennie Roberts

We came to a point that if we were to keep maintaining the building, we would have to dump a lot of money into it.

Gayla Harkin

We as a Navy and a nation cannot maintain a workforce that is configured for a world that no longer exists.

Donald Winter

Some things we can yield on, and some we can't. We have to build everywhere, and we have to maintain equity.

Pat Herron

I work to maintain contact with each chapter, stay in touch with the presidents of each of the chapters [six and growing] and keep them abreast of information as well as hearing their concerns.

Janet Young