The use of the existing rockets will help reduce the program's costs and lower risks.

Nikolai Sevastyanov

If I had that much lower risk of getting breast cancer, that would be significant to me.

Michelle Schuppe

Say you're going to close your account unless I get a better deal. In most cases, they will lower the rate on the spot.

David Bach

There is a huge amount of consolidation in the industry, and that consolidation is smaller companies all becoming larger through mergers or acquisitions or any kind of arrangement. So what's really going on is there's a huge pressure to lower their costs.

David Manning

If someone finds a lower price, we'll match it.

Randy Le

I don't think they're cost-effective at this point. But a program like this -- this learning by doing -- can lower the costs in the long run.

James Sweeney

The lower that rate goes, the higher our valuation goes. The Legislature put a floor on it of 8.3 percent; otherwise, it would be 7.4 percent.

Don Siebert

There is definitely a trend among employers to provide lower ill-health benefits.

Kevin Newman

Helping to increase lung capacity, possibly lowering one's blood pressure, heart rate.

Jackie Herbach

Registration will be lower than it was in the fall. We will also have T-shirts instead of jerseys for the uniforms, and that will make them not as expensive.

Scott Goslin

Prices are much lower in other countries. You can't help but feel as an American that you're getting gouged with the prices here.

Dee Mahan

We cannot have these lower wages dragging everyone else down. We've got to bring Connecticut workers up.

John Dugan

We know that people who participate in the programs actually do have lower health care costs.

Jack Mahoney

Lower elevation habitat has always been a part of the grizzly bear's breadbox. That is where their year begins when they come out of their dens. The more bears you have and the greater diversity and distribution, the better off they are genetically.

Brian Horejsi

Most of the upside came from areas like a lower tax rate, which accounted for 26 cents of (earnings per share) upside and lower than expected (compensation) ratio.

Michael Hecht

The lower the humidity, the less moisture there is in any part of the fuel. That causes fire to ignite quicker, burn hotter and spread faster.

Michelle Barret

An available labor pool translates to lower costs.

Brad Martin

Our findings suggest that for men with cardiovascular disease, there is apparently no 'normal' blood sugar level. For these men, across the normal range, the lower their blood sugar, the better.

Sidney Port

We have to wait for more monthly figures, but there is no reason for a drastic change since China still boasts [far] lower costs and [a] big market.

Jin Bosheng

The whole lower village flooded.

Sharon Clark

It's also very encouraging to find the dental health of children in lower-income areas improved.

William Maas

As a paperback house, you try to reinvent the book because at a lower price, you have a different audience so you are bound to find new ways to get the book into audience hands.

Tanya Farrell

When you get a large disturbance like this, then the whole of that ring expands so that brings the aurora and the magnetic activity down to lower latitudes.

David Boteler

Instead, it was driven by the core business and a lower tax rate.

David Risinger

I personally think that we should lower the flags on the provincial legislatures and Parliament.

Aaron Russell

It is my hope that this agreement will encourage the development of new markets, new services, lower prices and greater competition.

Jean Lapierre

Security for the last leg of the elections has been stepped up, although incidents have been significantly lower than expected.

Peter Urban

Given the relatively low inventory levels, we expect an elevated likelihood of materially higher prices rather than a lower correction.

Tom Meyer

I don't believe in elitism. I don't think the audience is this dumb person lower than me. I am the audience.

Quentin Tarantino

Those five guys are really, really carrying us. Our other guys are a little bit lower, and others have to pick up the pace.

Jim Boehne

You'll probably see lower fares on competing routes, even on competing routes that involve a change of planes.

David Field

The voters deserve an opportunity to hear our differences on the critical issues facing our state, especially the issues of economic development, education, health care, and lowering taxes.

Oscar Lovelace

Obviously with a higher gold price lower grade gold dumps become more viable (to recycle).

Ilja Graulich

But having said that, it probably is a good thing to have an independent Kraft, though there won't be that many changes. Perhaps their tax rate will be lower.

Tim Ramey

I don't know, lower half.

Sam Hollenbach

I like where we're at. It could have gone either way. We could have been higher. We could have been lower. But it's a little better knowing we were already in and not having to worry.

Matt Shaw

With income from grain crops, farmers will have about a normal income. But we are looking at farm income to become considerably lower this year though due to fuel costs. There has been a $4.8 billion fuel increase for agriculture this year.

Bob Wells

We're learning now there are things that people can do to lower their risk.

Marilyn Albert

Feeder-calf prices could hold in the mid-$90s at the lows if exports are back to 2.5 billion lbs. — and corn prices remain in check. If exports fail to grow, prices will trend lower.

Randy Blach

I don't think there's a holy grail in chasing the lower end for its own sake.

Miles Flint

I would expect our volume to be a little lower in 2006. However, our current pipeline would belie that statement.

Andrew Stewart

People think she stays because she likes it and it only happens in a lower-income area. But, it happens across all socioeconomic areas.

Tonia Cunningham

And on closer analysis, the lower the level of leader, the more people are questioning whether the pressure is worth it.

Jocelyn Bérard

The fact that the housing numbers were lower than expected, that is a red flag. The U.S. economy may begin to slow.

Matthew Lifson

You have two conflicting forces. People might be concerned about what the attacks will do to Europe's economies and if that will mean lower demand.

Dan Pickering

The higher the buildings, the lower the morals.

Noel Coward

The good news is that poverty is a lot lower than it was in 1993, but we went through a hell of an economic boom.

Sheldon Danziger

The money supply dynamics are conducive for lower inflation in 2006.

Sergei Ignatyev

Lower than what we consider optimal.

Andy Bryant

You become an explainer of certain things. You begin to lower barriers of ignorance for people who were genuinely curious.

Hugh Williams

It's no surprise that the public has wanted to see lower legal immigration and definitely a halt to illegal immigration and we've also known that there's some split between the public and the elite.

Roy Beck

The prices are lower than in many parts of the state, even though the incomes are fairly average.

Glenn Crellin

Employees are anxious and concerned about losing their jobs and benefits and lowering wages.

Jon Lewis

The government should take measures to lower house prices.

Xiao Zhuoji

It was time to raise the bar higher, or lower if you're doing limbo.

Tre Cool

I like the idea of taking a true classic written by a true genius and destroying it essentially! I like the idea of bringing it down to earth a bit - and even a bit lower than that.

Randy Newman

Was that I was a person with dignity and self-respect, and I should not set my sights lower than anybody else just because I was black.

Rosa Parks

These are great conditions for companies to guide lower in.

Ozan Akcin

We had this feeling going into the show that the lower-middle class and below have less discretionary money this year.

Leroy Shafer

Our cost of debt will be lower than the return we expect from this business.

Dianne Neal

They are certainly a lower fare (airline) than many airlines, ... But Southwest is the real thing when it comes to low fares.

Gary Kelly

One of the advantages of owning commodities is that they have a low correlation to equities and bonds. By adding a low correlative asset to a portfolio, you lower the overall risk.

Kevin Rich

Shoes are high; they are pretty high. We have some sort of t-straps that are a little bit lower, but the higher heel seems to look better with longer lengths.

Bob Mackie

I placed the [bottom edge of the] cornice board at the very top of the window. It allowed the swags to drop 8 inches lower and balance with the green paint.

Janet Plitt

Things can only go uphill from here. They can't go any lower than that.

Joe Mays

For example, a restaurant would have a much lower bid than, say, a mortgage company....

Robyn Rose

The guys in the lower weights did a lot to help the cause. It's the kind of efforts you hope carries into the Section 9 championships.

Scott Wickham

The men are standing facing this direction, most of the wounds are going to be in the upper extremities, occasionally in the lower extremities.

David Colley

The U.S. result was disappointing. We expect a bit lower stock price due to the lower U.S. result.

Carlo Ponfoort

It is certainly tough competition. There may be some teams in the 4A that are as good as the 5A, but there are more teams in the 5A at that level. Night in, night out, it is tough. You don't get an easy game here or there like you do sometimes at the lower levels.

John Gregory

Low octane can make an older engine knock or ping, ... But today's computerized engines adjust for lower octane. They don't knock.

John Shanahan

Why anybody would want them to be able to shed plans and lower their costs is beyond me.

Duane Woerth

If you're a healthy 25-year-old male, why wouldn't you get a lower premium plan?

Drew Cassidy

Both drugs lower the risk of developing breast cancer by 50%.

Dr. Lora Weiselberg

We have one of the lower financial aid budgets in state.

Jay Joseph

The insurance margin was at the lower end of expectations.

Peter Vann

An awful lot of people who are walking around, seemingly healthy, drop dead of heart attack at 45 or 50. If we were better at identifying who those people are ahead of time, we could act aggressively to, for example, lower their cholesterol.

Daniel Rader

He fired the shots across the bow of Congress, and he has gotten the lower courts to pay attention to these things.

Michael Dorf

A lot of our systems customers are telling us they need to find ways to lower the cost of a link. This is one way.

Bob Salem

Although less certain, screening indeed appears to be effective at lowering mortality.

Donald Berry

We believe the announcement is an implicit acknowledgment of lower performance expectations for fiscal 2007. The upside from Eckerd stores is well into the future.

Jim Durran

We are higher than we were last year. We are higher than we were in June, but we are lower than a few weeks ago.

Jo Anne Sanford

I'd like to have bail set lower than that. It's a high bail and I understand the judge's concerns.

John Moran

The leadership has been searching for a new, more sustainable model for growth for some time. With innovation, the hope is that the environmental cost will be much lower.

Richard Zhang

Non-gamers thought the price should be lower but gamers thought it should be higher.

Jim Merrick

Despite the speeds, it will have a lower power density than in some chips found in today's desktops.

Bernard Meyerson

While we believe that $50 may have been above what the market was expecting, the ability to use it on three PCs effectively makes it lower.

John Difucci

The interest rates are about to be increased. [Durbin] is trying to lock them in at a lower rate than what is about to happen in July...he's really trying to cut in half the interest rate that would be locked in.

Christina Angarola

We can lower costs if we invest heavily in mitigation in this state and that's really the most important thing.

Rade Musulin

When stocks are attractive, you buy them. Sure, they can go lower. I've bought stocks at $12 that went to $2, but then they later went to $30. You just don't know when you can find the bottom.

Peter Lynch

We will include in the budget submission an estimated 70 billion dollars. The actual figure, when we finalize, may be slightly higher or slightly lower than that.

Joel Kaplan

I'm pushing hard for affordable housing. I'm encouraging developers to bring in projects at a lower cost to locals.

Mayor Michael Amabile

More power to you as the consumer if we can help you negotiate a lower rate.

Brian Reed

The index is likely to move lower in the afternoon on the court news.

Somchai Anektaweepon

It will help people to understand that the weight gain we're seeing in this country is not caused by the lower-fat diets.

Barbara V. Howard

If you detect this at any distance that means whatever causes this is incredibly violent. I'm getting some even lower than that.

Mark Stanley

They never lower the tax rate sufficiently to get rid of the windfall profit that falls to the government.

Tim Wise

At first blush, lower-than-expected tax rates were a major contributor to the earnings-per-share upside.

Quintin Lai

I have everything now I had 20 years ago except now, it's all lower.

Gypsy Rose Lee

Size does not carry anything like the momentum that it used to. With the lowering of barriers to entry, big companies have to earn their continued success every day.

Peter Alexander

The quality of the bauxite is lower than the top grades in Australia, but it's much better than those in China.

Xiao Yaqing

Lower-income housing has been a problem, and it's only getting worse.

David Church

We will end the year with a comfortably lower deficit, ... We'll pursue sound approaches to sustain all these gains.

Omar Cruz

You have this every couple years. You have a 10 or 11 percent decline. We've had it. It will probably go a little bit lower but this is not the beginning of the end.

Harvey Eisen

People were evacuated from areas that now have dose levels lower than where I live in New Mexico.

Fred Mettler

I see a good deal of talk from Washington about lowering taxes. I hope they do get 'em lowered enough so people can afford to pay 'em.

Will Rogers

Certainly I think the lower-income consumer is feeling pinched.

Quincy Krosby

Lower your expectations of earth. This isn't heaven, so don't expect it to be.

Max Lucado

Consolidation in the skiing equipment industry cannot be allowed to lead to higher prices, lower quality or less innovative products.

Neelie Kroes

The only way I could justify it to myself was to do everything in our power to encourage fans to stay off the roads if they don't live in Bryan-College Station. Frankly, as far as I'm concerned, the lower the attendance the better.

Robert Gates

I don't know how much lower someone can go than to make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Nancy Hunter

We believe PC demand in the last two weeks of December was terrible, leading to lower expectations for 2001.

Daniel Niles

After we make our assessments, it's entirely possible the lake will need to go even lower than that. We just don't know.

John Jadrosich

I'm trying to get the word out about high gas prices, ... Honk 4 lower gas prices.

Mike Holt

Fragmentation is not what's going on. We have no intention now of lowering the pressure. Just because the campaign is ending, it's not the end of the game.

Richard Bennett

My dark side, my shadow, my lower companion is now in the back room blowing up balloons for kids' parties.

Gary Busey

That is what the market has really looked at and I think that's a lot lower than they thought.

John Buonaccorsi

After all, all the great strategists have failed. The feeling was, 'Let's lower our sights and settle for a tactician.

Shlomo Avineri

I don't think that by any stretch of the imagination you can say that the cap has contributed to lower prices. In fact, it has led to higher prices.

Jack Suyderhoud

I just know what kind of competition we go through, and I don't think it could be much better than that. Lower State has always been a dogfight, and it always helps you to be battle-tested.

Anne Long

We're going with about three to six inches for the area, maybe more on the lower end of that range.

John Gresiak

Some areas could hit the freezing mark for an hour or so. Maybe a degree lower.

Dan Gregoria

There are a lot of banks that show a good capital base according to RAS but have a capital base lower than their declared charter capital according to IAS.

Tatyana Paramonova

It's the first monument to the events in lower Manhattan, and it's about time.

Steve Tobin

I'm still concerned with what's going on in the Lower Yellowstone. That's an area for one that hasn't been improving like other areas, and also the area down around Red Lodge.

Roy Kaiser

We have hired some young people. If you hire somebody without experience, it's going to be lower.

Cynthia Lowery

There was some talk that GM yields here would be 20 percent lower than conventional yields in the first season.

Helmute Augusto Lawisch

It's not a good deal for them. The impact of the bill is going to be higher phone rates and lower quality of service.

June Lyle

With telecoms, it's either everything goes lower or everything goes up.

Julio Mora

I examined the gate and saw droplets of blood on the lower portion ... that was about 7:15 that morning (June 13).

Donald Thompson

Its going to lower the deaths. They will actually have to stop.

Sabrina Estes

We've found that people in the lower income brackets are seeking help and accessing funds.

Jeff Dockter

It's a tremendous opportunity, ... There's no lower cost, high bandwidth way to reach consumers.

Richard Doherty

Call your credit-card company and see if they'll lower your interest rate on your debts.

Jane Bryant Quinn

Thinking in its lower grades, is comparable to paper money, and in its higher forms it is a kind of poetry.

Havelock Ellis

Towns at the lower end are receiving less than they should, and towns at the upper end are receiving more than they should.

Wayne Villemez

The Koreans have always had lower costs but with the won doing what it's doing, it's been exacerbated. The Japanese and the Koreans are very focused on North American business.

Rajeev Gupta

There are patients at higher risk for coronary heart disease who aren't getting aspirin therapy who could benefit, and there are also those at lower risk who are taking aspirin but shouldn't be.

Michael Pignone

The more violent the body contact of the sports you watch, the lower your class.

Paul Fussell

It's got similar characteristics, except it's just a little lower in latitude. The issue is what happens when it gets out over the very warm waters of the central Gulf.

Frank Lepore

I don't know why you want more of a evaporating business that will slow your revenue growth and lower your margins.

Greg Gorbatenko

Gasoline prices are one of the most regressive costs on lower-income people.

Michael Shames

Lower crude oil prices are giving the equity markets a lift this morning after Friday's attack.

Harry Michas

China has a long way to go. The government has yet to bring Chinese refined product prices up to international levels. They are about 40 percent lower than the U.S..

Jing Ulrich

This year, we're a lot lower to the ground. Our technique is great this year, ten times better than it was last year.

Ray Mcdonald

Overall, it's a good plan. But I would like to see significantly lower density.

Henry Leger

We lost our best 400 man last year and I'll have to try to take his place, which is not going to be easy. My time last year was :57, so I'd like to lower that a bit. Also, the high jump is new to me so I have set some goals to accomplish there.

Art Linares

I walked over, and you could feel the floor was lower than it should be.

Brenda Anderson

We would map out all the people, the clients and management and lower down in the company, find out who was for us and who was against us.

David Craig

It is a way to manage demand and capacity. The earlier you book, the more likely you are getting the lower fare.

Tracy Connell

The whole situation with the election is definitely weighing very heavily on the market. It didn't help with Dell lowering guidance going forward.

Mark Donahoe

Certainly, 700 is a very high number. The DNA estimates are considerably lower than anybody ever expected.

Mark Boyce

The lower caste people were killed as part of a conspiracy to dismiss my party's government.

Laloo Prasad Yadav

Between now and then, we hope to see lower prices.

Clay Ingram

The lower demand at the five-year auction may continue in auctions in the coming weeks. This will lead investors to adopt a wait-and-see attitude for the time being.

Ryohei Muramatsu

And then they started lowering it, and they got it down five or six feet and it started tilting.

John Baxley

I would expect (demand) to be lower ... than what we were saying before.

Doug Macintyre

The hockey world is getting bigger, no doubt about it. The so-called lower countries are getting close to the big ones. Right behind the seven or eight big countries are countries that can beat anybody on any given day if you're not playing 100 per cent.

Bengt Gustafsson

They give us a discount, which is how come we can adopt out animals at a much lower rate than other groups. If they didn't do that we wouldn't be able to do what we do.

Sheila Blalock

When Song was created, it had a lot lower costs and more productivity, ... That gap has closed between Song and Delta.

Paul Matsen

The data from Japan was universally softer than expected. It is conspiring to take the yen lower.

Richard Franulovich

The benefit primarily is that they are easy to set up. They are also much lower-cost [than the 401(k) plans offered by many larger corporations].

Todd Mccracken

Kate ran her best time, you couldn't ask for anything more than that. She was really disappointed she didn't go lower than that, but she ran well.

Scott Baird

The likelihood is that this election will not be like 1996, when every state had lower turnout.

Curtis Gans

They would like to see people more sheltered at home to lower risk of transmission.

Deb Steffen

We're lowering costs in our East Coast shuttle markets.

Phil Gee

Uncertainty creates lower markets.

Arthur Gray

Our best defense against a flood is to lower the pool (the lake). If we can take the pressure off the lake levels, we lower the potential for something happening.

Miles Waldron

It's one of the toughest in the nation, ... First, just look in the ACC. Then we have non-conference games against Auburn and Georgia, too. But if we were not expecting to win every game, something would be wrong with that. We're not going to lower our standards.

Kenny Scott

I don't know whom they'll be playing, but I'd be shocked to see them finish any lower than third.

Crystal Spackman

The effect will be a fivefold lowering of the current level.

Michael Kashtock

I think we're really committed to looking at a more efficient way to administer the program with lower overhead expenses, so more dollars can go into insuring kids.

Joan Miles

The oil and gas complex has come down and that brought gold lower.

Marty Mcneill

I would have thought they would have been a little lower given that General Mills seems to have gotten their act together a bit.

Tim Ramey

The screenings just provide an opportunity to do it at a lower cost.

Ann Kjera

A good number of Caucasians find matches but minorities have a lower chance of finding matches.

Kevin Meyer

We believe the decrease in backlog at fiscal 2005 year end is due to lower consumer confidence levels, driven primarily by the volatility of fuel costs.

Bruce Hertzke

If AT&T's stock drifts lower, it is a factor, but not a deal killer. These stocks have really jumped in terms of where they were.

Daniel Morgan

It brings in lower level, negative energy. These entities could be murderers and you're inviting them into your home.

Nancy Umstead

If they wanted to broaden it, then give a tax refund or lower the state taxes.

Jack Mckay

I think they're looking down on me as being some type of lower-class business that breeds criminal activity, and that isn't so.

Tom Dugan

This is it. We can't fall any lower than we are now. If we fall any lower than we do now, our seeding is going to be horrible.

Kamela Gissendanner

All we do is change our goal now. It was to win region; now it's going to be to get some individuals through the region meet and maybe Lower State.

Adam Schneider

Stocks now become more attractive than bonds and companies will have easier and cheaper access to funds. Corporate valuations also become more attractive with the use of lower discount rates.

Yarek Aranowicz

Reduce the doubt in relation to our economy and create the conditions to lower interest rates.

Fernando Henrique Cardoso

The company faces the dual challenge of lower power system orders and a likely hiatus in jet production.

Doug Kass

Now everybody is wondering whether ours will lower as well.

John Carioba

We've got to get better in a hurry. That lower lineup (has) got to start hitting the baseball.

Bryan Huie

To lower consumer confidence levels, driven primarily by the volatility of fuel costs. We anticipate these factors, along with a continued shift in product mix, to continue into fiscal 2006.

Bruce Hertzke

It would make it very complicated for Brazil to lower rates in the mid term.

Isabel Lemos

You just don't bargain in rural Iowa because to bargain or dicker for a lower price would mean that the initial price offered was set artificially high.

Stephen Bloom

There are three social classes in America: upper middle class, middle class, and lower middle class.

Judith S. Marin

We planned on lower revenues because we are in the midst of transforming the business in Europe, and in the U.S. some of our retail customers are consolidating.

Phil Marineau

It doesn't get much lower than that.

Jim Shelhorse

The word about the lower age requirement got out kind of late.

Mark Malone

Yields will probably edge lower as a slowdown in the U.S. economy may fuel concern about Japanese exporters.

Jun Ishii

If we get a better interest rate, great. If we get a lower interest rate or a worse interest rate, we will have to cut back on the number a little bit but we've got some flexibility built in with that.

James Kunke

When the factories are in the red, their workers will get even lower pay.

Li Wei

We've taken a lot of applications, ... Since then, out of the 80 applications, we've interviewed six of those. We do not plan to lower our standards for being an officer.

Ricky Boren

The proposed airspace change would primarily be used for lower altitude air-to-air training by F-16 fighter jets.

Jerry Angus