I'll help out any way I can after I spend some time with my family.

Stan Van Gundy

Seeing the students want to help was really cool. FACS students are committed to the human condition.

Brooke Rogers

We are determined to do all that we can to help the victims of this disaster.

Richard Syron

His mentality is very strong. That will help him adjust to MLB and the American life.

Kaz Matsui

We have some folks who are leery of the computer, but we have a full day of training and then we will have additional help as needed.

Steve O'brien

There's a lot of military programs that help families. But there's a lot of stuff (that wouldn't be covered) by the military.

Tom Brass

She said she'd help us out for a year, and that's made a world of difference. That has been a blessing to have her.

April Six

They defended us well. We got frustrated and couldn't see anyone open. With double teams, there has to be someone open and we couldn't find them. We also didn't help on the double teams.

Amy Hunsaker

It's a demonstration of our interest, our commitment to helping people in the region. It's going to areas where the assistance is needed.

Adm. Gary Roughead

I can't wait to help those performers gain outside attention.

Ronnie King

Sure I'm for helping the elderly. I'm going to be old myself some day.

Lillian Carter

Everyone got to play and that's always good. We're going to reward everybody, because everybody is helping us win games.

Patrick Cunningham

Will amount to little if it is not backed-up with real action, and I will work hard to help ensure that happens.

Bob Ney

All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them.

Magic Johnson

With this meeting they could notice that Brazil has financial instruments to help in the business between both countries.

Rodrigo De Azeredo Santos

Proven that they are committed to helping us.

Alan G. Hevesi

My mother doesn't drive, and I hope that someone would be there to help her if I couldn't.

Michelle Haney

My goal is to help people get off of reliance on government and move them to self-reliance.

Bill Brady

Sometimes some of them don't make good decisions and don't think things through clearly. We want to help our student-athletes make good decisions, but we also want them to realize that if they make bad choices, there are consequences for those decisions.

Mark Labarbera

The defense is a big help. I think the defense is really strong, but Peninsula came out really strong the second half.

Megan Saraceno

A more open Chinese market will help create the world's largest market.

Hu Angang

Dave is very athletic and has lots of potential. He should really help the program.

Trinity Morgan

Several of you will be asked to help.

Carolyn Turner

It's an exciting place to be. Development will put pressure on the community, especially the schools and taxes, but hopefully, it will also help balance out taxes.

Nick Monroe

I am grateful for the help but it was a little too late to speed up my preparation for the Commonwealth Games .

Sheena Gooding

I was glad I could lend a helping hand.

Andy Lee

I hope the athletes know we're not going away and we will persevere. I hope Canadians get behind us more than ever and give us the funding to help our athletes who are training for Beijing.

Jane Roos

A low jobless rate should help boost consumption in the first half.

Vickie Hsieh

You need to talk about it, because in my daughter's case, everyone was silent. No one spoke up, so there was no help for her.

Vicki Crompton

They should expect no more help from the White House.

Lawrence Lindsey

It was pretty bad in the beginning. We couldn't get a bucket. It wasn't a good feeling. I was just anxious to get in and help things go better.

Rekalin Sims

Speed is going to help us out because if someone breaks one, we're going to have to catch them.

Tristan Davis

I know it's a big game for Coe. So I am going to try to help the team get this win for him. We are going to play real hard for him.

Kasey Kiker

It'll just help make the prom more easy and fun.

Sarah Campbell

Bird enthusiasts are encouraged to help Audubon generate a snapshot of the birds seen or heard on this day during spring migration.

Mark Lasalle

He said he had a thought and all he wanted to do was get help.

Sharen Gravelle

With the electronic age, we wanted a way to help keep our members informed on what is going on.

Mike Gonzales

It's going to be a great thing. It's going to raise a lot of money. It's going to raise a lot of awareness about how badly help is needed. And all in all it's gonna be a great show.

Brad Arnold

It's double duty. But that's why you play the game. It's fun to go out there and help our defense out while at the same time preparing myself to play.

Seneca Wallace

He said financial teaching. Since I asked him, I felt obligated to help him out with it.

Dave Anthony

We'd like to know what is causing this and whether we can do something to help manage for more consistent and better recruitment.

Kevin Kayle

The biggest thing is helping other people, we've got the opportunity to do it.

Brian Thompson

That's not what we do. We are just trying to help the kids.

Jerry Dunbar

I am so fascinated with this century it will help keep me alive. I'll be there until the last minute, fighting.

Berenice Abbott

There are medical people chomping at the bit to help out.

David Reilly

The window of opportunity to help is very short.

Simon Pluess

We have played four games in that gym, so hopefully that'll help. Hopefully we'll make a game of it and if we can, we'll see if we can hold on at the end.

Kodi Waite

I think it would help if we enforced the rules we've got.

David Bain

He wanted to do something, but he needed a little help.

Rhonda Miller

We want to get these cleaned up, help the counties out.

William Fannin

These steps are being taken to help us handle future growth, extend our brand and operate more efficiently.

Scott Bauer

We really appreciate their help.

John Mckee

We're optimistic that hopefully we can finalize a new agreement with them soon. It was a very strong event, and that should help.

Ian Staniloff

It's important to help out. Every penny counts.

Matthew Killion

We are gathered here tonight not out of any bitterness. We believe this visit is important. Unless there is dialogue between the U.S. and China, the U.S. cannot help us.

Lodi Gyari

They both offer a lot to one another. They can help one another. Our greatest challenge will also be our reward.

Jan Gonzales

This is real work for real people. We just help them achieve as much as they can.

Larry Hellman

I'm ready to do whatever I can do to help.

Victor Zambrano

We?re happy to have Tyler back. He?s definitely going to help us.

Kacey Mcnulty

It all feels the same when you're helping people. It's very intense.

Lee Slattery

We are not going any place, we are going to continue to help.

Tony Hall

Our fiscal year ends June 30, and the art auction is to help us finish out our operating expenses for the fiscal year.

John Starnes

My mentor is more than willing to help me.

Amanda Baker

We will even help them prepare a resume. We are very sensitive to the needs of the employees.

Shirley Brown

There's a new look to it. We often get the question 'where do our tax dollars go' and this should help answer that question.

Gary Hutchison

It's going to come down to the dollar, ... That's what it's going to come down to to help these people.

Larry Rogers

It's an honor and a privilege to come back to speak about our culture and how we can help our kids achieve.

Joe Kapp

Only if we understand, will we care. Only if we care, will we help. Only if we help shall all be saved.

Jane Goodall

A lot of states wanted to help, but there was no place to turn.

Mark Warner

We help students to test-drive their career.

Katie Riley

It really does help. Games like Athens are important for us to play.

Victor Snyder

There's nothing that can help you understand your beliefs more than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child.

Frank A. Clark

One temporary agency was up 9 percent and one up about 17 percent. But I don?t know what companies were using their help.

Guy Tauer

We really need some help from OPEC and the Saudis to help control inflation.

Peter Morici

It's an extremely competitive team. Also, we are a feeder team for the big league club. There are a lot of guys that can pack their bags, get to Kansas City and really help them out.

Aaron Guiel

We're always there to help them along. We try to be a good support to them.

Pam Arnold

I can't be there to help them with their houses, but there had to be something I could do. This is very personal to us, but it's also much larger than us.

Nancy Cooper

This is really the first -- as far as I'm concerned -- the first true attempt on the part of the U.S. government to help farmers get into the world market.

Tony Anderson

We came up with plans to implement at our own universities to help the student-athletes.

Jonathan Orr

It's like getting drunk and going to the police and saying, 'Lock me up, I can't help myself!'

James Shannon

We figured out how to play them. Step out a little bit and get our guards to help out.

Lindsay Shearer

They help me out when I need help at planting or harvest.

Bill Kremlacek

It's kind of an all-hands-on-deck call. A lot of them have called in every employee to help assist in the clean-up effort.

Scott Creel

We get their expertise and their connections in the community, and they get to help.

Tom Starling

On the outside edge, we felt we weren't putting enough pressure on their fullbacks. I took a chance. A tie doesn't help you now.

Bob Clague

They need all the help they can get in the situation they are in. It's the least we could do.

Larry Templeton

I try to help everybody. We are in the same situation, and we don't have anywhere else to go.

Phillip Thomas

It is no big deal. I like to help kids. I like traditions.

Dennis Roberts

It was better than I thought it would be with all the snow we've had. The cold temperatures help firm things up.

Don Galloway

For me to have my aspirations in film probably way after my boxing career is over, you know, he's said he's there to help me out if I need him.

Brian Villoria

It's going to help the entire county. It's not just going to help downtown.

Jim Host

I don't have any personal plans except to try and help the process and anything the city is going to do to make things better.

Barbara Lewis

One of doctors is very conversant in Japanese. He will be working to help them if there are any problems.

Marc Ratner

H-E-B embodies an incredible level of dedication in helping end hunger. This is demonstrated through its generous donations of food, funds and volunteers.

Robert Forney

It's a great investment for the community. They don't make any more historic districts. We have to do the best we can with the one we got. I think we can't help but get some good results out of it.

Tom Keating

We can't do it alone. We're going to have to have some help.

Todd Bogenschutz

What we're doing here is completely in line with the principles of fair use. We think this will help more users discover their books, and buy their books.

Adam M. Smith

I'm hopeful some good folks will step forward and help us here. But I don't think there's enough time.

Tom Ferguson

This is really the most we can do from where we are. All of us that came here today felt like we should do something. We just wanted to help.

Amanda Brown

Unfortunately we have such a situation in Europe, ... Demonstrations do help.

Louis Michel

They talk to me a lot of God and I feel good here. It's a good help. It's a lot of help.

Monica Ramos

AARP does not have the right to expect taxpayers to foot the bill to help advance its political agenda.

John Carlisle

We're always encouraging our schools to do anything they can to help families keep the costs down. We're always encouraging them to market themselves. It's a benefit.

Donna Farrell

We are in to help for the long haul. This is our hometown.

Peyton Manning

There was somewhat of a perfect storm helping GM today.

Gregg Klein

We are more than happy. We're blessed. Your city has provided us with a lot of help, and we appreciate it.

Vina Boudion

He loved to help people. He had a pride in what he did.

Roberta Stewart

I have wonderful support from my friends. They help me a lot.

Mary Phillips

When people ask, 'So what do you do in Charlotte?' the hall of fame will help us answer that question.

Tim Newman

Plus, Las Vegas will be the beneficiary of displaced convention business (from New Orleans), which will help stimulate demand.

Marc Falcone

We don't make money on this thing. That's not why we're doing it. It's just trying to help out.

Bob Peckham

The money from the foundation, is not only giving us money for the extras - it's helping us with the necessities.

Debbie Murry

We just feel terrible, ... Hopefully, what we've done will help others see this and contribute, too.

Jimmie Johnson

We all love to see each other do well. We all love to help each other.

Deon Butler

I'm glad we would have the vehicle to allow parents to call in and help us.

Bob Chilmonik

We really hope that everyone in our community will come out and help support this wonderful event.

Catherine Woods

If people can help just one night a month.

Jeff Wells

The awards season attention that Crash has been getting continues to help drive DVD sales.

Tom Ortenberg

It's great that they're coming, but it doesn't help much now. Hopefully it will stimulate the rest of the team.

Danny Blind

We are more concerned with getting the kids who needed help, not so much with the ethnicity of the students.

David Rossi

The friendships developed over the years should help. Coaches out there still know who I am.

Harry Jenkins

We have given of ourselves financially to help our community.

Denise Mathis

We didn't check the other districts. But based on these 18 cases, Yan is not a common consumer turning to the court for help when a store cheated him.

Hu Hairong

He sees some things that really help me.

Martin Biron

There are times I feel so guilty for not being down there, helping those people who are still dealing with no electricity and all that water.

T'anne Samson

It was amazing. All I wanted was to help (the seniors) beat Mac. It's a great feeling.

Lewis Jackson

Anything that can help the game, I'm for. Provided it doesn't make the game significantly longer.

Ted Roof

He's got the total package. Knowing the game will help him a whole lot more.

Deandre Jackson

It's a dangerous offense. They force a defense to be assignment oriented. You can't slide off and help because then you will get hurt.

Rocky Hager

It's only baby if you present it that way. If you say the color and texture will help them learn, they're eager.

Debra Conner

If I were in that situation, I would appreciate someone in a big red van showing up to help out, you know? I would appreciate someone being attentive.

Brian Spears

The show is so much fun doing and I am glad we get the chance to help people out.

Leslie Kearby

This will help accelerate the concerted development of cities and rural areas.

Cui Gonghao

Helping other communities is a really big thing for me right now because it's a horrible thing to feel so helpless.

Lynn Upson

I've got a lot of people helping me.

Scott Warren

We are going to ask for help for the sector, support measures.

Dominique Bussereau

I'm sure it will help him in the polls. But, whatever. He gets my vote.

Ryan Clark

You can't just Google help, ... There will be links and information for anyone who needs it.

Angela Shelton

If a student failed a course and couldn't graduate with their friends, they often opt not to come back and complete the course they failed. We should have three students graduate with their class, so it's helping our dropout rate.

Robert Carroll

The guides are a huge help.

Roy Sandoval

Dig deep in those pockets and help those kids.

Anthony Wayne

I'm very grateful for the program. Without the help, we couldn't buy this.

John Donovan

She needed more help than what she got at the emergency room.

Herb Tietel

Anytime you see a turtle up on top of a fence post, you know he had some help.

Alex Haley

Time passed and they did not move a finger to help him.

Borislav Milosevic

It will help more evenly distribute the east-west traffic in that area.

Craig Bryson

You can get very specialized help from people that live and breathe these particular things.

Dick Porter

The shock, looking at all the devastation... he couldn't do anything. He wasn't able to help.

Tommy Taylor

We believe that TalkNStocks.com will help to increase the awareness of our company to the investment community.

Jim Holmes

Some of our members heard about Nathaniel's situation and we decided to do what we could to help.

Deborah Pierce

The only reason they are doing it is to help taxpayers. It's not to raise money.

Joseph Bankman

I've been personally involved and committed to helping because of its impact on students.

Keith Nagata

(The expansion) is going to help. But it won't solve the situation.

Ronaldo Myers

He's playing extremely well. His confidence has come full circle. It does help our team offense now that we have another scorer.

Charles Ramsey

I want to play. I definitely want to play because I'm a competitor. I want to help my team win, but that's coach's decision. I can't do anything about it.

Trevor Ariza

It's a lot of planning. We've all pitched in to help.

Scott Archer

This is what I trained for. I'm here to help people.

Brandon Wright

The United Way's slogan of Help Us Help Others is certainly being put to good use.

Patty Moore

We have to be visible and no longer silent if we are going to expect change and help end the war.

Bill Marion

It was a matter of everyone coming together to do whatever we could to help those who really needed it the most.

Michael Francis

Staying out of the penalty box will really help.

Bobby Orr

With a fast-spreading fire, sometimes the fire department won't be able to help, so it's really up to people to protect their homes.

Michael Drake

If we had waited for the government to get us out of there, we would have died. It took the citizens there to get us help.

James Mitchell

Help! Someone help me! Is someone there? Hey! Oh sh*t, I'm probably dead.

Leigh Whannell

When we have a child infected we are giving the virus more chance to adapt to human beings, and giving it this chance could help create conditions for the emergence of a new virus.

Dr. Guenael Rodier

It feels good being a role model for these kids, being able to help them and have the impact that I have on them.

Creighton Boyd

This is new growth. This is a strong company. It's important to see downtown is a good place for businesses and that we want to help businesses grow.

Gwen Eberly

A kleptomaniac is a person who helps himself because he can't help himself.

Henry Morgan

No, absolutely not. What I'm hoping is that they can find information to help them become better thinkers.

Becky Keene

(Borowski) played a great game. She did an outstanding job, and we had good help-defense, too.

Jeff Chew

It all hinges on getting a little bit of financing. If the funding doesn't come through, the I'll be looking for sponsors to help us out the first years.

Sheila Mcgregor

We need lots of schools. It will help generations of children.

Julie Escobar

Participation would help promote a balance of viewpoints.

Christine Varney

This is just going to help him get better and better as far as his progression as a football player. It helps with his confidence. Until you do it, there's always some uncertainty.

Guy Croy

We are honored to have Ford Dealers help us to create a call to action to Georgians during the Tour, which is to win the race to defeat cancer.

Bill Todd

From a preparation standpoint, the fact that we've been there is going to help us this year.

Matt Fine

We came down here not to stay at a hotel or work a job. We came to help.

Shane Lea

My family is a huge help. They help in any way they can. ... We do the same for each other.

Heather Grisham

They (FFA members) have been a great help to us, and it's good to see them in their blue jackets.

Carol Cox

With the help of users, we've closed a lot of the redundant roads in the area.

Rick Maddalena

Frelinghuysen basically said Murtha was helping the terrorists, ... The debate that day was about repudiating John Murtha.

Tom Matzzie

Whole grains help digestion, and vitamins should prevent sickness.

Xu Yalin

If it's going to help someone else from getting abused or beat up or anything like that, then let's let it be known.

Jack Beaudoin

It was very rewarding to help others, and we got to have a lot of new experiences.

Katyana Eleson

What you pay for in one business can help you make money in another business. They clearly do have their hands in everything.

Richard Read

I don't know if it's a day or 30 days. Whatever it is, I'll be ready and help this team win.

Garth Snow

It's not the same as before. But I say to people from all the world, come here (for your) holiday. That's the best help for the people of Thailand.

Sigi Gsteu

It would make us a bigger county in the states eyes. It could possibly help with funding we receive and so on and so forth.

Greg Stewart

We stick together and help each other's businesses grow.

Paul Lam

That does help our confidence and make us feel better about our performances.

Corey Hartung

He loved his people, but he couldn't pay for his education. He felt he could help (black people) more from the inside.

Kathy Thomas

It will help our program out a lot. We should get at least two to state.

George Leon

If they pass a law, I cannot help them because they are going to treat me like someone helping a criminal.

Saul Garcia

Eat a Prime Rib Dinner here to help Feed The Children who are victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Ron Oliver

We hope these things will help.

Don Morton

I know Earl Barron. He'll help out tremendously.

Jeff Malone

We're hoping that this will help with communication with staff, students and very much so with the parents.

Tracy Smith

The association earns money by helping to sell them and working at the store on the day of the event.

Jan Wilson

I don't have any regrets in what I've done. I've tried to work hard every day and do what I can to help the team.

Chris Huber

Our goal is always to win state, so those goals will stay the same. Bringing him in here with 500 wins, that alone will help us greatly.

Chris Heaney