When it comes to someone who wants to try and compete in everything, she is someone that is capable of doing that. She might even be as good if not a better athlete than some of our boys.

Wade Taylor

There is nothing unique or unusual in what we are doing.

Aldin Arnautovic

This is a place to make decisions and a place for people to decide what they are going to do, ... We are doing an injustice to people if we don't make them confront decisions.

Michael Lincoln

It shows us what we're capable of doing for our upcoming games.

Natalie Jones

It is a shining example of what 99% of PFI-funded buildings are not doing.

George Ferguson

We are considering doing virus scanning on all incoming e-mail.

Ron Krantz

You have to have good communication with the person that's doing the massage. Massage is very personal.

Brian Curran

What they're doing is wonderful.

Louise Johnson

Always very professional. ... If we thought there was any kind of a conflict she would recuse herself. She's not doing anything but her job.

Patrick Flood

He's been doing it since the '80s.

Carnell Williams

I think what we're doing is going back to the way things were before Independence Air.

James Bennett

We were shocked, but hey, it's great to be honored for doing something we love.

James Nelson

They are proud of what they are doing. They thank me for coming over here when it really should be me who is thanking them.

Marine Genpeter Pace

We'll just show up and keep doing what we're doing.

Amanda Rickhoff

We wouldn't think of doing anything different.

Betty Connell

He's got to be doing it somehow. If it's not overwhelming size and strength, what is it?

Tim Ruskell

We hope to begin the program soon. We have been doing it on a limited basis, and it's been successful.

Matt Vanover

It's certainly heartbreaking. He seemed like he was on his way and he was doing really, really well.

James Gallagher

But other than that, the airlines are doing this on a volunteer basis. The crews on board are all volunteers.

Jack Evans

A lot of people will be like, 'Man, I can't believe they're doing this song. They're gonna try to pull this song off.' That's what I like.

Bill Hawkins

It not knowing what to do, it's doing what you know.

Anthony Robbins

You never know when you are doing something that is affecting someone.

Martin Sheen

I think we're doing exactly what the City Council has asked us to do.

Lesli Andrews

We are declining to discuss the details of the bargaining. We're doing our bargaining at the table.

Marjorie Anders

The only way, in turn, for us to assert our own humanity is to stand up to it, and that is precisely what I'm afraid we are not doing now.

Nicholas Kristof

Everyone this spring would ask how Tom was doing.

Jerry Howarth

He's a bigger kid who can shoot inside and out and he was doing both (Tuesday) night.

Dave Newton

This is another example of the jury ignoring the law and doing what they are not supposed to do.

William Ohlemeyer

We're operating as usual. We are very determined. Robin is very organized and is doing the job well.

Helen Randall

With the machine doing the driving, it's repeatable. With a human doing the driving, it's not.

Bob Recker

Courage is saying, 'Maybe what I'm doing isn't working; maybe I should try something else.'

Anna Lappe

The only group in America that deserves to scrutinize what we are doing ... are parents.

Jack Valenti

Most of these guys aren't used to doing that (the singing). But it would be nice to have to get used to.

Kody Asmus

This just adds to the argument of what global warming is doing to the climate.

Ron Curry

We feel like we should do something and we're doing what we can.

Marc Brown

He never even charged for it, he enjoyed doing it so much.

Stephen Kauppi

There is a lot that we already know how to do. Unfortunately, there's a big gap between what we know and what we're doing.

Lee Schwamm

They executed better than we had all night. They came in and did an excellent job of doing what we needed to do.

Lloyd Church

I like doing work now and I actually like being inside the school building.

Pedro Rodriguez

That was fantastic. It seems like every game Cam is doing something spectacular.

Ilian Evtimov

They all know what they're doing, ... It's time for him to pay. It's time for the church to pay.

Gary Wolf

It's always been about the betterment of the department and through the course of this, we've learned the department is doing really well, that they've instituted virtually all the changes (Ashby) was bringing to their attention.

Bob Butler

A level of oversight I've never seen before, and I've been doing this 12 years.

Mark Merritt

Many beneficiaries are asking what they can be doing right now to prepare.

Barbara Gordon

We don't have them doing it on the sofa.

Jennie Levine

So I can continue doing what God has called me to do.

Patrick Riley

Just before consumers stop doing something, they do it with a vengeance.

Faith Popcorn

I am really concerned about the integrity of the board — doing things for the right reasons, doing things the right way, being consistent, being fair.

Nathan Moss

They've been doing little sneaky things around the edges.

Alan Reynolds

I'm doing a film now with a lot of guys as well, so at the end of that I will be growing a beard.

Keira Knightley

This is the best job, the best business. If I had it to do all over again, this is what I would be doing.

Craig Mathews

All of the hospitals, we think, are doing well, ... And of course that's our job, to determine that they do well -- but not too well. That's what this whole process is about.

John Crowley

They're doing it to appeal to the younger workers.

Gary Chaison

I started out doing social anthropology, not dealing with material culture, not dealing with things.

Marion Oettinger

It's great not only talking about community service in theory but actually doing it.

Adam Gardner

We know that we can do what men can do, but we still don't know that men can do what women can do. That's absolutely crucial. We can't go on doing two jobs.

Gertrude Stein

I've been doing this for 33 years. This is the first one I've lost.

Paul Armstrong

I didn't think I'd be able to out-throw girls that have been doing it longer.

Kristin Turk

We were scared and we were worried, but we knew he was doing a good thing.

Thomas Hall

We're doing the work, we're not just talking about it.

Karen Finney

Doing it as well as we did is the legacy.

Michael Warren

I'm not doing this alone. It's going to take a lot of cooperation from a lot of guys.

Jack Barber

Even though it's difficult, we like doing business there.

Jim Bradbury

Committed to doing what is legally necessary. ... If necessary, he will support a constitutional amendment.

Scott Mcclellan

Simply doing my job.

William Henry Hudson

They had actually been at Cornell the week before doing the exact same thing they were doing at our house.

Jason Kassoy

We believe what we're doing is fully consistent with copyright law.

Susan Wojcicki

When you focus on the behavioral aspects of Internet users on dial-up, they're not doing as much as Internet users who have adopted.

John Horrigan

Saying you're going to put your bonus against the balance is one thing. Actually doing it is another. The temptation is always going to be there to find another way to spend it.

Jim Kelly

He's holding his own, but he's not doing any better than he was yesterday.

Chuck Heckert

I've been doing (NAC) for two years. Why should I switch to something that just came out?

Mike Hawkins

We've been doing this as long as I can remember.

Dan Miller

There's the possibility of someone doing it before me, but I personally didn't know it; then or now. So, as far as I am concerned, I originated it.

Boris Vallejo

We knew what we, and the people (of Payson), were doing was the right thing.

Butch Klein

It points out which states are improving, and we can look to see if there's something they are doing that we can do as well.

Mark Willis

We are doing this to give back to the community and give these soldiers who gave their lives credit.

Tony Anderson

The things that one most wants to do are the things that are probably most worth doing.

Winifred Holtby

The children should never be excluded from what I am doing and should never have the feeling of being part of an audience.

Bob Keeshan

He was big for his age so they put him on the line, ... All he was doing was blocking and rushing the quarterback on defense.

Lorenzo Lynch

I think we're doing well going in.

Paul Beebe

We're doing a lot of things because they're expedient.

Jean Kelly

What we want to create with SSF is doing it the sportsmanship way.

Mike O'cain

I've been criticizing them for 20 years for doing it that way. It's not good government.

Tony Oppegard

He's doing something with his in-laws.

Richard Colless

This is when boys turn into men. It's just so much fun seeing them doing that.

Bill Law

Should I use this opportunity to start doing daily headstands?

Hideo Kojima

We know what we're doing now. But we were awhile getting to that place. I couldn't have said that five months ago.

Diane Hyatt

If you're just doing what you're supposed to do, make a compact swing, you're going to get a hit.

Shamalene Broner

You have to be careful with the clitoris, because if the piercer doesn't know what he's doing, it can be numbed for good.

Janet Jackson

When she gets her confidence she is tough. She works at it. She is doing a good job.

Wendy Hedberg

One step, one rep. That's the key, doing everything right.

Jonathan Lewis

Palmdale is doing it right. And I believe that Palmdale is doing it right.

Stephen Knight

A lot of guys got a chance to mature and start to understand what it is they're doing.

Tom Dexter

Washington is a specialist in doing things that benefit Chavez.

Michael Shifter

The automation and what we're doing now will make future testing go that much more efficiently.

Jeff Orr

It might build hostility and anger among groups, too. It has just as much of a chance of doing that.

Chester Finn

The credit bureaus ceded the market space to us and have finally realized that they should have been doing this all along.

Ron Totaro

I gave him a big hug and kiss and he asked how I was doing.

Terry Novak

All wrong-doing is done in the sincere belief that it is the best thing to do.

Arnold Bennett

All the companies that have home-grown systems are doing everything they can to ditch them.

Carrie Johnson

I'm doing every last thing I can.

Harry Withers

We are looking forward to doing a little better. We have to recharge our batteries.

Van Sweet

We don't even look at what our competitors are doing.

Tim Preston

There's no reason to run against an incumbent who is doing a good job.

John Mills

Everybody knew we were here for a reason, so that's what we were doing.

Andy Neary

We're doing it with more feeling this time.

Barbara Bell

'Arachnophobia' was what kept him from doing it.


I really enjoy doing them. It's creative and every gift is unique.

Heather Sinclair

New developers really have to do something special to get people to see what they're doing. It doesn't surprise me at all.

Michael Reed

I've never written anything else like `The Boy Friend.' And I have no intention of doing so.

Sandy Wilson

He continues to feel this is not the time to be doing this.

George Twigg

She is doing as well as can be expected for someone who is serving a life sentence.

Tara Knight

They're not actually doing anything worthwhile or productive. It just doesn't interest me.

Jodie Marsh

I expect a lot of them, and they are doing well.

Nancy Long

Charlie's not doing so well.

Mark Duda

The last time I heard booing like that was when I was doing my act.

Red Buttons

It's more exposure for our kids. It's fun for them. I like doing stuff like that with the kids.

Jason Robinson

We have to correct it. And that's what they (district staffers and Russell) are doing.

Jim Malcolm

If people make fun of you, it probably means you're doing something right.

Amy Lee

We're doing as best as we can. We're going to get the kids into counseling. They are really shook up.

Wayne Flynn

We're not buying outright like Plato's. We're doing a 60/40 split.

Jill Nelson

Our goal was to get it inside. I think we did a good job of doing that.

Paul Marsh

Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.

Mick Jagger

That saves money in attorney's fees, doing things like that.

Susan Holliday

That's it. That left hand ... Watch what you're doing!

Hector Vinent

I'm certain the exam will show that he's more than capable of doing the job and that he's fit to serve in office.

Brian Einhorn

We're just doing it verbally.

Mike Weir

We all know what we're doing when we go out there.

Buddy Rice

I am one of those people who are blessed, or cursed, with a nature which has to interfere. If I see a thing that needs doing I do it.

Margery Allingham

Their pharmacies are closed. We're doing our best to make sure they're getting medication.

Jack Murphy

We're committed to doing this in a thorough manner.

Brian Turmail

There was no pressure, ... I've been doing this for eight years as a pro.

Joe Jurevicius

I think the commission did a good job of doing what we asked them to do.

Linda Mauger

With them having 4 checkbooks and 6 IDs, they may have a long history of doing this.

Jon Johnston

The state as a whole is doing well. Unfortunately, a couple of areas, the Danville area probably being the largest, aren't doing well.

William Mezger

I could see what God was doing. I had a captive audience.

Anne Angelelli

If we were to leave that out we'd only be doing half our job.

Rep. David Hogue

At state, we can't be doing that. We got to come out early.

Chris Gasseling

Instead of the smaller billboards and ads we'd been doing, we decided to go big and bold. People can ignore the smaller ads.

Rob Grady

Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.

Arthur Ashe

We've got to do a lot better job at the free-throw line than what we've been doing.

Tim Reuter

If you would have asked me at the beginning of the year we'd be doing what we're doing today, I'd have said you're crazy. This team has come a long, long way.

Jim Sharp

It's not one guy out there doing it himself. We have to clean up a lot of things in a lot of different areas. I feel it is a team effort out there. We didn't play well as a team.

Ricky Ray

As far as I know I'm doing a book with him on the Jackson trial.

Larry Garrison

The greatest award is doing something you're proud of.

Louis Sachar

Unless a car comes in banged up, we probably won't be doing much during the race.

John Townsend

Crime is low, because the police are doing their jobs, but recruiting is high.

Daniel Perez

We're not doing as good a job recycling as we want to.

Chuck Reed

We're pretty much used to that. We've been doing it all year.

Terry White

Spending time with another woman in her 20s and doing age-appropriate things is a lot more fun than spending time with your parents.

Mary Scott

I am doing this because I think a strong case can be made for either set and because I think it is constructive to try something new.

Byron Wien

If you're doing MotoGP you get to spend a lot of time at Sepang.

Colin Edwards

I told these guys go out and have fun and do the same thing you've been doing from San Bernardino to now. That's all I can tell them is have fun because we came far and I can't believe we're even in the championship of the U.S.

Layton Aliviado

There's nothing the government's been doing that's remotely unsustainable.

Mark Weisbrot

If you're doing any charitable giving do it with appreciated securities.

Christopher Cordaro

Dancing is something I've been doing for so long that it has become a part of me. Dance is in my heart.

Jaimie Knittle

We are going to try and maintain what we are doing but add a sports bar and some dinner items.

Todd Pickett

He was sitting up in bed. They were doing tests. They weren't allowing him to walk around.

James Grant

How can they sell something that isn't doing well? ... They'll get nothing for it.

Stanley Nabi

Lately, I've been doing that a lot. I don't want to hit anybody. If I do, I'll give them a bat.

Chairon Isenia

Play: Work that you enjoy doing for nothing.

Evan Esar

I've been doing silly voices since I was a child.

Hank Azaria

We don't feel good at all about doing this.

Bob Hicks

Some of the most exciting stuff in the country we're doing right here in Texarkana.

Matt Dozier

They were freaked out, they were rude, they were hostile. They were doing what they were asked not to do.

Tom Crosby

We're doing this for Christine.

Franklin Lambert

I came by on my skateboard, and I met him, doing what he does now. I became obsessed with him and I started coming here every night.

Michael Santos

It was the week Bob Carr resigned. I had a few drinks and let off some steam, and in doing so acted foolishly.

John Brogden

We don't know if this guy is capable of doing this again. It was actually very easy for him to commit this offense.

Officer Heidi Ruiz

We're doing what we like to do. We love what we're doing. I might not do it forever, but for now it's where I'm called to be.

Philip Kilpatrick

Joel has been wonderful. I hope I'm doing things the way he wants.

Jack Powell

He had been doing better the last year.

Michele Jackson

This (the proposal) validates what we're doing.

Clint Moore

There's no use doing a kindness if you do it a day too late.

Charles Kingsley

We weren't going to let the storm keep us from doing this. It took us awhile.

Susie Bounds

Take vacations in those places that appear to be doing very well in the things that are important to you.

Andrew Schiller

That's Susan. She's always doing stuff like that.

Krista Rappahahn

The SEC is doing the job it needs to do.

Dan Michaelis

We are just going to keep doing what we do.

Lazarus Sims

Of course, we really don't know what we're doing, since this is so new, ... But we think we've put something together that's pretty cool.

David Hill

It's awesome to make it here again; it really is. But not when we planned on doing a lot more.

Tara Grier

I was doing the Carson show.

Burt Reynolds

Happiness is not in having being; it is in doing.

Lilian Eichler Watson

Don't try to do it all on your own. Tell someone about what you're doing.

Rene Britt

She's a four-sport athlete and she's been doing this non-stop since August. With her job, she's always on her feet.

Curtis Jones

The euro is doing fine, ... It is consolidating, but in general will continue to strengthen.

Bob Lynch

The Show Goes On: Terrorists Still Doing Business in Canada.

Robert Klein

It is gonna revolutionize what we're doing from a ticket standpoint.

John Mcnamara

I think he's doing great running against all these older boys.

Bill Pacheco

It is doing its work and those who are committing these crimes will in the end be brought to account.

Hilary Benn

A lot of it was duplicating what we were doing in the market. We weren't delighted with that.

Dot Chenevert

She is much better. She is on her way home with her family. She is doing great.

Leslie Sloane

It's every bit as difficult as what he's doing now. He simply doesn't know.

Fred Mcnair

Orson Welles was an actor, so he believed in it while he was doing it.

John Didonna

They're all going to end up doing this. (Banks) are going to want to keep up with the Joneses.

Jim Bruene

I think every time out, no matter what you're doing, you learn a little something.

Lone Star

I like doing things the tough way.

Dusty Mcanich

Blueberries are growing in acreage and doing extremely well. That is our biggest success story.

Stacy Strickland

You're in the side to score goals, so just concentrate on doing it.

Kenny Dalglish

What we're doing is trying to get all of the money together as rapidly as we can.

Gayle Wheeler