It's hard. There's not long to prepare, and there are things you wish you had later.

Megan Edwards

Our recent legislative sessions had everything a good reporter could wish for: A willful governor, an angry and divided legislature, citizens who know how to use their car horns. Plenty of conflict. Plenty of personalities. As journalists, I'm sure it was a fascinating scene to watch unfold.

Phil Bredesen

I love 'em. I wish we could have more.

Shawn Burns

No matter what side of an argument you're on, you always find some people on your side that wish you were on the other side.

Jascha Heifetz

Look, we understand that every club has got a wish-list and some years it is fulfilled and other years it isn't. You can't have it all all of the time so we are not complaining about it.

Greg Miller

I want to thank Chris on behalf of our entire organization for his eight seasons in Kansas City. He is a very talented player and an even better person. We wish he and his family all the best.

Curt Johnson

I wish that I could keep them in my back pocket for the next six months, but they assure me they're only a phone call away.

Jenifer Keach

I wish I could take all of them back.

Micah Andrews

Institutional aid is not guaranteed. Students wishing to be considered for this form of aid must position themselves correctly to be recruited by private colleges.

Brian C. Greenberg

She's just so sweet, and we all wish we could keep her, but we all have cats already. We just want to find a loving home that will appreciate her as much as we do.

Barksdale Thompson

That kid plays so hard. I wish his work ethic would rub off on some of my players.

Jeff Ackerman

World unity is the wish of the hopeful, the goal of the idealist and the dream of the romantic. Yet it is folly to the realist and a lie to the innocent.

Don Williams, Jr

I wish his concert was, like, Saturday, ... I like the song Nothing To Lose by Josh. That's my favorite song by him, besides the fact that he used to be my babysitter.

David Somerville

It was a pretty costly mistake. It happens sometimes, but I wish it didn't happen today.

Michelle Gorgone

If you wish in this world to advance, your merits you're bound to enhance; You must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, or trust me, you haven't a chance.

W. S. Gilbert

I just want to take this opportunity to wish a Happy Birthday to all of you out there celebrating your 100th birthday today.

Willard Scott

I wish they would just do away with the spring break. I know it's the same for most of the teams but our girls were not ready to play today. Maybe that's my fault. We picked a very bad time to play our worst game of the season.

Sandi Grulke

Ellie had a wish list.

Peter Russell

No country in the world can draft their constitution in three months. They themselves took 10 years. Why do they wish to impose a silly constitution on us?

Salih Mutlak

If you wish to study what the solar system is made of you study comets.

Donald Yeomans

It's a shame one of them was going to have to get a loss today. It's one of those games you wish was a tie. If there's anybody better out there than those two kids, I would like to see them.

Lou Urbano

What I want for Christmas? What my wish would be? To spend a whole day with my mom and sisters, and just have them pretend to like my company.

Johnny Jessop

I definitely appreciate the crowd for supporting us. I just wish we could put on a better show for them.

Jordan Garvin

I watch him every Saturday on TV, and I get so nervous for him, ... He calls me before and after games to see how I do and to wish me luck. We both pray for each other and send each other Bible verses.

Kelly Quinn

They kept it from flowing down stream. I wish the rest of the industry behaved that way.

Ben Stout

It kind of talks about, when you come into school as a freshmen, you don't take it seriously. But by the end, you wish you had.

Nathan Parent

One of our main keys tonight was that if we limited their second shots, we would have a chance. In the first half, I thought we did a great job of that. ... We wish at times that we were 6-(foot)-4, 6-5, but you've got to play with what you're dealt.

Ryan Badour

He's a young man who has never missed a practice and he did whatever you asked of him all year. You wish you could have a team full of those guys.

Chris Kujawa

What can I wish to the youth of my country who devote themselves to science? ...Thirdly, passion. Remember that science demands from a man all his life. If you had two lives that would not be enough for you. Be passionate in your work and in your searching.

Ivan Pavlov

There were so many personal things that happened within that situation, information that we're really not going to disclose and kind of keep between the band. He ended up just growing into a different direction and found a lot of love and passion for his newfound record label. That's kind of the direction he wanted to go. Yeah, we wish him all the best of luck.

Sean Mackin

Obviously, Shannon James is the best defensive player in the league. I wish he'd hurry up and go off to the NFL.

Tim Stowers

I've said a lot of times that I wish I had all the power people think I have.

Jim Haslam

Many non-homeland-security missions are likely to be integrated into a Cabinet department overwhelmingly dedicated to protecting the nation from terrorism, ... Congress may wish to consider whether the new department, as proposed, will dedicate sufficient management capacity and accountability to ensure the execution of non-homeland-security missions.

David Walker

It's a good venue. I wish they had more shows each month.

Bryan Turner

I wish we could have been there a week before.

Tom Chambers

We will respect their wish.

Paul Andrews

Despite goodwill on all sides, and a shared wish that a purchase for the nation should take place, it has not been possible to reach an agreement that the two galleries could finance.

National Gallery

It's tough to come so close and lose by a point. You almost wish you were beaten by 30.

Patti Moore

The only defense is offense, which means that you have to kill more women and children more quickly than the enemy if you wish to save yourselves.

Stanley Baldwin

This is why we play basketball in college. I just wish we could have gone a little farther.

Nicole Jules

I wish I could blame it on the choreography, but it's not a musical. I just had a clumsy moment.

Delta Burke

I don't think it's worth it. We invested so much money, and all of a sudden, we met the opposition at the public hearing. I wish we had a public hearing first.

Sam Varano

It's too bad. You hate to end up this way. Sometimes you get frustrated and in the heat of the moment you say some things sometimes you wish you didn't say. But he made a decision and said what he had to say. He has to live with it.

Carlos Delgado

I wish I could blink my eyes and deliver physician order entry to every physician in a month.

Mary Buckley

I wish you hadn't said it, but I think you're right.

Walter Gray

Riding turns 'I wish' into 'I can'.

Pam Brown

I wish I would have knocked him out but I'll take the win. I feel like I'm definitely at the top now. I'll fight anybody, (Antonio) Margarito (Zab) Judah.

Shane Mosley

My weaknesses... I wish I could come up with something. I'd probably have the same pause if you asked me what my strengths are. Maybe they're the same thing.

Al Pacino

I wish every game was like this. It's a great environment.

Dan Spellman

(Former coach Mike Golden) gave me the opportunity to play as a junior, and I ran with it to have a great high school career. I wish I could actually stay and play another year.

Mark Childs

I often wish . . . that I could rid the world of the tyranny of facts. What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease.

William Bliss Carman

You wish you could go back and get those plays. But it's over with now. All we can do is push forward.

Na'shan Goddard

Simon has given this club great service but he was ready for a new challenge and we wish him all the best.

Frank Arnesen

I know this was a difficult decision for Dave, ... From day one, Dave has been an invaluable and integral member of the Rox organization. He improved our business on a daily basis with his boundless energy and sense of humor. We wish Dave tremendous success in all his future endeavors.

Jim Lucas

We absolutely respect our customers' right to choose what they wish to read and buy and we support the First Amendment. And we absolutely support the rights of Free Inquiry to publish the cartoons. We've just chosen not to carry this particular issue in our stores.

Beth Bingham

And a nameless longing filled her breast, - A wish, that she hardly dared to own, For something better than she had known.

John Greenleaf Whittier

I know we wanted it, but we just didn't come out and do the things we needed to do. We gave up a bunch of big offensive boards, there were things we didn't do that we wish we could take back. They (Marlboro) threw a press at us a couple times that tripped us up.

Naomi Martin

I wish people would turn off their computers, go outside, talk to people, touch people, lick people, enjoy each other's company and smell each other on the rump.

Tre Cool

Neither one of us had swept a chimney, but we became August West Registered Certified Chimney Sweeps. With the demand for wood appliances going through the roof, we maximize the performance of the system. Now we wish we could keep up with the demand. We're now scheduling out three weeks.

Rich Mcveigh

I wish we could replace a family pet. That can't be done, but, short of that, we want to do everything we can to make that as bearable as possible for the customer.

Mark Brinkmann

I am just very disappointed that it had to come to this. I wish she would have stayed in. I don't think she deserved this.

Roberta Combs

We've gotten a great effort every single night. They say coaches lose the close games. I must be missing something; I wish I knew what it was.

Scott Hull

I wish I were with some of the wild people that run in the woods, and know nothing about accomplishments!

Joanna Baillie

He's an extraordinary kid. I wish we could have an athletic department full of him.

Jeff Johnston

I wish I could get that one back.

Patrick Turner

I wish we could have played better defense. We talked about that after the game, that offense isn't something were you can always control whether the shots are going in or not, but that defense is something you can always control.

Kodi Waite

I do not have the desire or wish to nominate (myself).

Gamal Mubarak

I wish I could give you an answer.

Brian Boyle

Coach has had a great career, a great run. Whatever he does, we wish him the best.

Willie Roaf

It's just sad and I wish he would sort it out. I would really like to work with him again some day.

Carl Barat

The cap situation was do or die. We were convinced that we had to have it, and I think, in the end, it will make for a better league. I wish we could have resolved it earlier, but we couldn't. That's just the way it was. I'm glad that it's over and we're back playing hockey, and I hope we're going to give the fans in Boston a special season.

Jeremy Jacobs

Much as we may wish to make a new beginning, some part of us resists doing so as though we were making the first step toward disaster.

William Bridges

I thought the first half defense was very good. I wish we could have scored some points there to get a lead. We missed our first 10 shots to start the game, we had good shots that we have to be able to make. We didn't make them and kept them in the game.

Kris Kleeman

I wish we could push a button and find a way to engage the private sector and make this free.

James Williams

Patrick had a very productive career here at BC and we wish him all the best as he begins his professional career.

Jerry York

It's pretty unprecedented. No government has really done that before. I wish my grandma was alive to see this. Wow.

Sid Tan

We don't have the funds right now to support a staff. I want to recruit a staff and be operational once we move in, so I am waiting until this summer. I am very focused on the investment campaign now and we have commitments for a significant portion of the $6.5 million that we wish to raise over five years.

John Sampson

He was just a sweet kid. I just wish I had an answer.

Larry Mullen

It is our wish to see them fend for themselves, much more be accepted by 'normal' people. This is the best way to start that journey.

Gilbert Y. Leonor

It's unfortunate. Jose clearly got fouled, and the guy threw an elbow. I wish Jose could have kept his temper, but he retaliated.

Paul Retherford

I've seen it and you expect better. You wish it would be picture perfect. ... It was just a little disappointing because the sand made it a little different. Bounces were weird. It was just one of those awkward things.

Jack Stewart

It is disappointing for Daniel and we certainly have nothing against him but it has been unfortunate that he has had injuries that have restricted him to virtually being a passenger. We wish him all the best for the future.

Alan Vest

He kept working and working and he makes plays because of his hard work. He contributed last season in the goal scoring department and I hope he keeps it going. I wish that he scores three goals every game.

Chris O'brien

Furthermore, the stakeholders in this issue have been most upset by the procedures used in the original survey and wish to underscore the fact that the matter may be life threatening.

Sir Roy Trotman

We missed that, and I'm sorry we did. The TV, everybody saw it but us. I wish we had the opportunity to talk to (Vick) because that was complete (expletive). ... You bet I would have thrown his ass out.

Steve Usecheck

We wish to thank all of those who took the time to come out on a snowy day and make their voices heard. We put in much effort to get out information so that the voters could make an informed decision and we appreciate the support for our group's position on the referendum.

Mike Firsching

If the church wants to survive, it will change. If we have a death wish, it will stay with its blinders on and people will vote with their feet, ... Bishops and cardinals have to listen more to the people, for the Holy Spirit is operating there, as well.

Pat Brennan

We scored twice on defense and I am real pleased with that. We wish good luck to Spencerville and our kids now look forward to meeting Columbus Grove.

Jerry Cooper

Ormsby has long been recognized as one of the finest ballet conductors anywhere and we wish him every success in New York City. We are thrilled that he has agreed to continue to work with us as guest conductor.

Karen Kain

If you wish success in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother and hope your guardian genius.

Joseph Addison

With grief and outrage, I have heard of the terrible attacks in Madrid this morning. I am horrified at the high number of deaths and injured. I ask you to convey our sympathy to the victims' families and the Spanish nation. Those who were injured, I wish a speedy and complete recovery.

Gerhard Schroeder

We take the concept of corporate responsibility seriously and think it deserves more than lip service. For Audubon Condominium at Feather Sound we chose to align with the Make-A-Wish-Foundation because they do such a remarkable job in making wishes come true for children with life-threatening medical conditions.

Adam Schlesinger

All the guys are dedicated to getting better and learning the game. This team is a nice bunch of guys to be around and coach. My biggest wish if for them to improve each time out and enjoy the game.

Joe Birkhauser

It's frustrating because sometimes you have items that don't sell the first few times around or buyers that back out and you end up with the item in storage for months, taking up space! ... I found myself wishing there was a way to have items in my inventory that only existed after they were purchased and paid for so I didn't have to waste the real estate on them.

Hillary Depiano

I also wish to place on record my gratitude to our shareholders and investors for the trust they have vested in us which gives us the confidence to pursue our growth-oriented investment strategy.

Rashad Janahi

He's in a room, he has a lot of energy and his color is good. A lot of people were calling to wish him well.

Stan Robbs

I wish ethanol were everything that advocates say it is, but it is terrible that this has been latched on to and proposed to be a solution to our liquid fuels problem.

David Pimentel

I still have a desire to undertake some coaching role within the AFL-VFL system, but my primary time commitments will be to my position at Cricket Victoria. I have thoroughly enjoyed my stint as Box Hill Hawks coach and I wish them well for season 2006.

Andy Collins

I'm going to be brainstorming what to do for next year. I have no doubt (the students who won) can fulfill the position, but I wish they would have gotten a chance to prove themselves. I'm really disappointed.

Nick Petrone

I just wish we had better movies. Some of these movies I've seen about six times.

Dave Urick

Being here [at Clive Davis' annual Grammy party] again right now is great, of course, but I wish we were in the studio right now. I feel like we have a lot to prove right now and that we should be working instead of out here partying.

James Valentine

I love that guy! I wish he didn't have a girlfriend. Did I say that out loud? I did, didn't I? There's no other guy you want in that position. Hands down.

Christian Fauria

They didn't sign their name, but I wish they did. We'll look into it.

Jay Frank

The countries of this region do not wish to live through yet another war and all its devastating consequences. War should not become an option to resolve this crisis.

Yasar Yakis

I wish I would've heard him say it.

Rod Coleman

With these Olympics, I kind of miss it. Any kind of winter sport like that you wish you were good at, but I can't complain where I am today.

Adam Stern

He is known to be an honest person who loves his country. I wish we could have worked together.

Kemal Dervis

I'm leaving Morgan State to pursue other opportunities and wish Morgan State and its basketball program success in the future.

Butch Beard

A lot of people would say, 'Man, I wish I could be like Brittany Rayburn and get all this attention,' but don't realize there's that other part that goes with it.

David Baxter

Thomas and Ryan decided to go in a different direction. We appreciate the contribution they made to the team while they were here and we wish them well.

Kyle Whittingham

Work will win when wishy washy wishing won t.

Thomas S. Monson

I wish I was about 15 years younger.

Bryant Stith

I think students have made their choices already. People will most likely continue to play basketball in the east wing, and there will be an increase at CRCE. Those who wish to swim laps in pools will go to Freer or Kenney.

Jayne Deluce

I really haven't had that exciting of a life. There are a lot of things I wish I would have done, instead of just sitting around and complaining about having a boring life. So I pretty much like to make it up. I'd rather tell a story about somebody else.

Kurt Cobain

I always wish I had more space to put my equipment and tools, but that is the nature of living in the residence halls. You need to optimize your space, and I still have no trouble with keeping two guitars, two amps and tons of tools in my room now.

Shivan Barwari

We would have liked that the wish for appeasement had prevailed.

Fouad Alaoui

I have always liked it, it is still my favorite book. I do not like my writing, but I like this book. . . . I wish I liked my own writing more, but like all of us, I am trapped inside my own skin.

William Goldman

We wish the new, democratically elected government success. The United States is going to support the new government.

Thomas Shannon

I wish there was some magic formula. I didn't tell (the players) anything different (at the half) than I have at our other ball games -- they just needed to play smarter.

Joe Barcellos

It's a great fit for him. We wish him nothing but the best.

Allen Ward

I wish I could drink like a lady / I can take one or two at the most / Three and I'm under the table / Four and I'm under the host.

Dorothy Parker

I'm disappointed but at the same time I recognize these things happen in athletics. We thank them for their past contributions to the program and wish them the best.

Mike Divilbiss

Charlotte has a great history with NASCAR and a great nexus there with all the teams. We wish them well and look forward to being there at the opening.

Josh Lief

Tim Burton... as an actor you wait and wish and hope and pray you'll work with him.

Casper Van Dien

His decision is his, and we wish him all the best.

Sarah Feinberg

Like I always tell my girls, a lot of people always wish they could go do something but they never get the chance of doing it. I may never get rich, but it's like getting on the back of a stallion with no saddle. You get on and hang on and see where it's going to take you.

Scott Sickau

I just wish there were more labor workers here. With the way conditions are, we don't have more labor. Hopefully, Toronto will have us back here next year and more people will come for the entertainment.

Mel Clark

Who knows? I wish them both the best of luck.

Martin Brown

There's an old story about the person who wished his computer was as easy to use as his telephone. That wish has come true, since I no longer know how to use my telephone.

Bjarne Stroustrup

Given our relationship with the Student Cooperative Association, and in anticipation of receiving lots of requests of this nature, we've chosen simply to decline them all. The Student Cooperative Association has long run the Co-op Store, a critical element within the Co-op association, and so we did not wish to create a divisive element for the student-owned and operated Co-op Store.

Terry Appolonia

Your vote is not going to bring Mr. Byrd back. I wish it could. ... Regardless of whether you vote life or death, John William King is a dead man walking.

Brack Jones

I wish you well and I hope it will be a huge hit, because that would be very good for me. And if, God forbid, it's a terrible flop, well that would be very good for me.

Jonathan Harris

Having a long-term care policy helps the person maintain their independence and it allows them to stay in a familiar environment a lot longer if they wish.

Holly Hanson

I wouldn't wish the eighties on anyone, it was the time when all that was rotten bubbled to the surface. If you were not at the receiving end of this mayhem you could be unaware of it.

Derek Jarman

This is a really big deal. Philippe doesn't want to be remembered for it, but I wish I had done it. It atones for their miserable work — for my miserable work.

Tom Hoving

We were looking forward to welcoming him here for the first time. For Rafael, his health and fitness is the priority and we wish him the best for a speedy recovery.

Craig Watson

I am very much against weapons in space. And I wish we could be spearheading that program to come to some kind of international agreement so that doesn't happen. That is my only - fear - in further space exploration like always, we hope it doesn't get abused.

Scott Bakula

I wish I could be in two places at once. But the girls are really excited. Nothing could get them down at this point. So they'll play, and I'll just keep up with them from here.

Laura Peter

There are so many things that we wish we had done yesterday, so few that we feel like doing today.

Mignon McLaughlin

I appreciate everything they've done for me. They had a decision they had to make. But I want to wish good luck to the team and thank the fans. They supported me. Now I have to turn the page.

Tomas Perez

If you wish in this world to advance your merits you're bound to enhance; you must stir it and stump it, and blow your own trumpet, or, trust me, you haven't a chance.

William S. Gilbert

She can run the floor. You just wish she'd played before. She's athletic enough to cover for her inexperience.

Nadine Villarmia

Dion was a big part of the organization and we thank him for all he did for us. We wish him the best of luck in Fort Worth.

Terry Ruskowski

Dog racing and the Henry family go way back. It's in my blood ... I've been in it all my life. I wish grandpa was still here. I know he's smiling down on us.

Marcy Henry

We just wanted to do a thank you to him and bring members out to wish him well on the PGA Tour.

Ron Horton

I wish I could have made a better example years ago. But she knows right from wrong, and I know she forgives me.

Tammy Johnson

It's almost a death wish in a way. What (the Tories) should be doing is trying to attract the best and the brightest to Ottawa.

Lloyd Axworthy

We are so used to making empty promises on a daily basis, ... Here's a guy who makes a promise to a kid and risks his own life to keep that word. So I think people think, 'Oh, I wish I could be that good.'

Jason Statham

Even though I make those movies, I find myself wishing that more of those magic moments could happen in real life.

Jane Seymour

Pride does not wish to owe and vanity does not wish to pay.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

For me, man, it was disappointing to see him go, but at the same time, I wish him all the best in what he does. I know he'll be successful in what he does.

Jonathan Papelbon

We could certainly do more. You can never do enough. I'm not going to say we're perfect on that; I wish we did more on missing minorities. But I'm not going to be bothered by the critics.

Greta Van Susteren

The spirit of what Kirby Puckett had indicated with his wish to be an organ donor was consistent with who he was and his zest for life. What's encouraging to us is that his statement might encourage others to think about that choice for themselves.

Susan Gunderson

It's confusing because there are multiple ways to do high def and there's no industry standard. I wish it were a clearer, more user- friendly situation. There are so many options and creative ways.

Alex Coletti

I wish he'd hit that free throw, because that would have been perfect.

Nick Nurse

We wish Arn the best in his new endeavor. We look forward to continued positive interactions.

Michael Rapino

At times of scarcity, Spring Festival for kids was a great occasion to fulfill their simple wish for new clothes and best foods. That is why adults are often nostalgic about their good old times in celebration of the festival.

Song Zhaolin

It's a remote area, and there were always people wishing to take advantage of other people.

David Dixon

I wish we could have kept some of the players that we ended up losing to other teams, but we're still one of the teams closest to the cap right now, so we will have one of the most expensive teams in the league.

Jeremy Jacobs

She's great. I wish I had 14 of her. She's perhaps our most consistently hard worker. She has struggled with her offense, but she had a breakout game with 15 at USF last week. She is always one of our best defenders; she always draws a tough assignment on the perimeter. What gets lost is she's a great team defender, and we're the best defensive team in the league.

Kelly Graves

This one hurts significantly. I wish there was one thing [we need to improve on]. I've got a priority list and it is pretty long.

Pat Mcmahon

Karl joined Carlton direct from Wangaratta in the 2002 National Draft and we wish him all the best for the future.

Grant Williams

A serious impediment to the kind of smooth transition that we would ideally wish.

Malcolm Rifkind

The vote may have been taken to wish the questions away, but it doesn't wish the answers away.

Andy Kelly

It's good for both the school and CBSE. We wish the students good luck.

Dharampal Singh

I wish it never happened. I wish he would have never done what he did. He (Sale) wrecked a lot of lives.

Michael Elliott

I wish it had been a unanimous vote but we had some outstanding candidates.

Cooter Failla

There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about it and wish it would have turned out differently.

Adam Kidan

I figured it meant a lot to her. I wish I could do more but it's all I got at this point.

Joe Grippo

If you wish to see the truth, then hold no opinion for or against.

Bo Oshoniyi

I just wish there were more of them, ... I don't have to use them if I don't want to, and I'm thrilled to pay a guy to tote my bags -- or help me cut in line at check-in.

Joe Brancatelli

We are grateful to Judy for her significant personal sacrifice to defend an important journalistic principle. I respect her decision to retire from The Times and wish her well.

Arthur Sulzberger Jr

I would not support a McDonald's, a Burger King or a Dunkin' Donuts at that site, but this is a restaurant, really. I wish they had waiters and waitresses so it would be a little easier for us to classify it, but for lack of a better term, they're calling it fast food.

Alderman Scott Galvin

We arrive at a worrying moment but our position is one of solidarity with President Clinton, ... I do not wish to offend U.S. parliamentarians but it seems to me this goes against what the people want, and that is serious.

Carlos Menem

Sunday: A day given over by Americans to wishing they were dead and in heaven, and that their neighbors were dead and in hell.

H. L. Mencken

People who wish to be creative can express themselves through these fibers. It's not going to be your grandma's knit shop. It's going to be a fiber art gallery.

Mary Chown

I personally don't think anybody should be allowed to write a screenplay UNTIL they are over 40. It used to be don't trust anyone over 30; now it is don't hire anyone over 30. I wish I were joking.

Dirk Benedict

It was exciting to get in there. I just wish I could have gotten us that first down.

Mark Clayton

He's the one who put together the basic plan (of Neighborhood Councils). I wish him well. He will be missed.

Steve Knight

My hands are bloody; so are Hollywood's. My cancer has caused me to attempt to cleanse mine. I don't wish my fate upon anyone in Hollywood, but I beg that Hollywood stop imposing it upon millions of others.

Joe Eszterhas

When we recall the past, we can wish for a brighter future of relations between the two countries.

Vo Nguyen Giap

When you say something to the mother, she wants to fist-fight you, ... I just wish something could be done.

Sir Richard Francis Burton

Look, their [banner] was already up here. We wish they had taken it down. Please give me your flag.

Rulon Gardner

We hereby wish to appeal to our friends in the various districts to remove the barriers.

Charles Ble Goude

It was not intentional that they be harmed in any way. They were not responsible. We love them, wish them well.

John Dollar

We wish Cedric the best. He is a young man who put in a tremendous amount of hard work and effort in representing St. John's basketball.

Norm Roberts

We hope he's OK. You don't wish this on anybody. ... The athletes are very unlucky and this is not funny for Austria. It's very sad that this happened.

Raimund Fabi

My son has given me the strength to continue. I wish I could retrace my steps.

Joanne Sanabria

The views of the Earth are really beautiful. If you've ever seen a space IMAX movie, that's really what it looks like. I wish I'd had more time just to sit and look out the window with a map, but our science program kept us very busy in the lab most of the time.

Dorothy Brown

Marriage is like a besieged castle; those who are on the outside wish to get in; and those who are on the inside wish to get out.

Arabian Proverb

We are poor people who were abducted, up to now we don't know where we are. We wish a representative from our government to be availed for us.

Hassan Mohamed

I wish I could explain it. Everybody wishes they knew the secret.

Josh Bell

The social factor is the one thing students usually say they wish they'd paid more attention to.

Nataly Kogan

The specifics are going to be dependent on our ability to raise money. Our wish list is much bigger than our pocketbook right now.

Gail Becker

When he came up with the infield in, I wish I had some money on that one. I figured we'd score a couple of runs.

Gary Parlin

We do not have any paperwork on file from Delphi indicating they wish to terminate their pension plan.

Jeffrey Speicher

What do you mean? Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good on this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?

J. R. R. Tolkien

Our top four gives us probably the best top four runners that have ever been at Cowley for women. We are so excited about our top four, we just wish we had three more to go with them.

Mark Phillips

When [Harris] gets hot, you wish you could get back on offense quickly so he can shoot it again. When he gets going, he's really fun to watch from where I'm sitting.

Lance Huber

Those who wish well to the State ought to choose to places of trust men of inward principle, justified by exemplary conversation.

John Witherspoon