God came down on His day of Resurrection and took His angel. Before he was mine, he was His.

He screamed out and I stopped the car. I saw the bullet hole \[in the door\] and I looked in the seat. I saw the blood on him.

My tragedy is not going to be the last.

He gave me two minutes more with my son. He's an angel. He breathed life into him.

I want him to wake up every day and see my face and hear my voice and see my son's picture every day.

My son has given me the strength to continue. I wish I could retrace my steps.

My son was an angel from the sky - he'll always be with us. This is what he left us with. And this is nothing because I don't have him to hold on to anymore.

I want justice for my son.

I saw a bullet hole and I lifted up his shirt. He was trying to breathe and then I saw the blood.