The Beatles changed music forever. They took rock 'n' roll from a medium that was about cars and girls and gave it context, interesting chord changes and true musicianship.

Bob Spitz

It's not a million miles away from rock and roll.

Adrian Anderson

They made orders for him to put the rock down and surrender and he raised the rock up over his head as if to strike the child again. At that point, officers opened fire and struck the suspect.

Wayne Delk

Marshall played pretty well; they've only lost to Rock Bridge since we beat them at their place.

Jim Mcewen

Don't dismiss anything out of hand because far more bizarre things have happened than a recording rock. It could be a KGB staged story ... or it could be completely true.

Alex Standish

Considering they had a show the night before and then another the night after, it's a testament to how awesome a rock band they are and how much this cause means to them.

Chester Bennington

The failure to find DNA in the Martian rock is assumed to argue against Martian life. But this logic is coherent only if Martian life must use the same type of DNA as Earth life uses.

Steven Benner

[The group's involvement with Rock the Vote, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization founded in 1990, is an indirect result of the Bush uproar.] We never had intentions to become a political band but like it or not we have been placed on a unique political platform in the past months, ... We feel it would be irresponsible not to make something positive come out of that.

Natalie Maines

Yucca Mountain isn't tunnels - it's a mine. Mines fall apart. It's damp. It's rock. There's nothing they can do to support it forever. And they're going to put this hot stuff in there - are they nuts?

Sally Devlin

Obviously, we hope to attract some of the top professional players. Some of these poker professionals have become rock stars, so we hope they come and check out our room.

Kathy Raymond

Daniel is really positive. In the past I've worked with a lot of negative individuals and it puts a lot of strain on you. Hard rock can be fun. It doesn't have to be all death. People miss the idea that rock is based on rhythm and having that move you rather than having someone shaking their fist and piercing their eyebrows.

Rich Mullins

We're trying to represent all the native things in Alabama, including rocks. The biggest costs is shipping, so if everyone who visits brings a rock, we cut down on that.

Patrick Thomas

[Events] like this rock, they're a lot of fun. It's nice to see the fans. I get to meet people all the time and I get to meet a bunch of cool kids. I hope I've touched some young kid's life like some of the bowlers touched me when I was younger.

Ritchie Allen

One of the things that we have going for us is that 'I'm kind of an old-fashioned singer-songwriter in a really hard rock band.' There haven't been too many combinations of that that really worked. We make good albums with good singles that appeal to a mass audience.

Art Alexakis

Style has always been very important to us, ... We grew up in the '70s. Music was glam rock, punk rock and a very stylish movement.

Nick Rhodes

My younger son is a rock archivist practically; I'm sure things have filtered out of that - it's in the air in this house.

George Crumb

That increases as miners go down due to rock temperature -- guess you're getting closer to hell.

Harry Anderson

We know both Steve and Rock have lots of fans in the area and we hope plenty of them will turn out to enjoy a great performance this Thursday night.

Nancy Idland

I've seen it happen when the first rock bands played in the 60s, and they played simple music, and got more complicated and complex as they moved on.

Billy Sheehan

You move the rock, it's going to change the entire atmosphere of this river. Then it's going to push it to something else, like a cave. When you mess with mother nature, it can get very dangerous.

Ray Bender

I always wanted to be a rock star. That was my childhood dream. That's what i told everybody i was going to be when i grew up.

Chester Bennington

It's an experiment year for us too. We had a young rock band last night, more of a kid's or college age and the night before that we had Loggins and Messina , and it was a little older group. So this is a trial for us. We'll see if people enjoy it, if they come, if they don't we won't do it again.

Susan Hayward

The interiors will be sheet-rock with skin plaster walls, like normal buildings, just like Bloomberg.

Jon Hlafter

In big games like this, you have to have someone to step up, and Trey pitched with a lot of heart and guts. We gave him the rock, and he pitched us a gem.

Jay Lasley

It's Chris Rock. He separates our show from all the other shows that use that device.

Ali Leroi

People thought we were rock stars, ... We might wear them out tonight, maybe we'll make an appearance at a rock concert.

Rheal Cormier

We love rock 'n' roll. Being able to do what we do every night ? seeing the country and, hopefully, the world ? that's success to us.

Augie Visocchi

Rock isn't art, it's the way ordinary people talk.

Billy Idol

When he was a workmate for Rock Hard Ten, he never gave up. I think that impressed Richard.

Jerry Moss

Pluto has always been a problem because it's less massive than the moon...[and] it's only about one 500th as massive as the Earth. So is it just a rock or is it a real planet?

Donald Schneider

It encompasses the area from the rock cut to the Cherry Creek Road intersection. The project will involve the expansion of the existing bike path and will allow bicycles on both sides of the street.

Tom Murray

It will be a kick-ass rock 'n' roll show. We like to rock out.

Ben Brewer

Once we have more rock samples and soil samples, we will have a lot more to go on. Nothing is better than having a person on the ground.

Laramie Potts

Frank [Sebastiano] is a real writer, ... He has two Emmys, one from 'SNL' and the other from 'The Chris Rock Show'. The only award I have is an FM-mmy.

Artie Lange

Hopefully we'll be ready to rock and roll. This is all part of business, man. We had the money but didn't want to turn it loose until we had to. That's how you run a business.

Ron Hargrave

Like coach said, that was rock bottom last night. I think everybody was a little winded last night, whether they're saying it or not. I'm going to say it: I was tired.

Shawn Marion

We wanted to bring a little more rock 'n' roll to Rock the Block.

Brandon Brown

The movie is really a grandiose and full of life rock-and-rolling adventure story, but it's really about peace and love. It's also about a guy trying to find peace.

Peter Weller

He's one of us. He'll be the first rock and roll president in American history.

Jann Wenner

Sometimes there could be a rock sitting there, and say, oh gee it was resting on that rock, but really we didn't see any of that kind of situation, so right now we're just looking at the pipe.

Greg Wyatt

I don't think there are too many rock bands in history that can look at the beginning and middle and ending of themselves and see what I see when I think of Soundgarden. I think from the beginning through the middle and the end it was such a perfect ride and such a perfect legacy to leave.

Chris Cornell

We're going to make better and better records as we get older, especially considering this one kind of rocks harder. Why should we be rocking harder now? Isn't this when we're supposed to ease into the whole Pink Floyd groove?

Stone Gossard

It's pretty tricky because the rock itself has a lot of oil in it. So when the water comes down, it separates and slides and can be pretty dynamic.

Donald Putnam

Don't be fooled by the dumb blonde routine. This woman is as smart as a rock.

Jimmy Kimmel

The samples of Martian rock and soil would be in a container designed to withstand the impact and maintain its integrity as well as the integrity of the samples.

Mark Adler

We didn't have a big lead, and we knew Rock Island would fight to the end. I didn't want to let up just because we had an early lead.

Jenna Howard

When I was a youngster, we could go up to the fire lookouts and see 100 miles into New Mexico. Ship Rock always stood out.

Bill Wade

Anthony was rock-solid all day long, consistently riding the best of the big waves. He'll definitely be a contender again this year.

Jeff Clark

It is a progression overall, a moving from say a (short) rock song to an eight-minute epic, just basically not creating a wall where you can only do one thing.

Claudio Sanchez

The biggest misconception about us is that we're just a rock band. We think our music is a cross-section of many genres; a hybrid of what the six of us have grown up on.

Brad Delson

What she has done is perhaps given the future Republican nominee a rock to throw at her in the upcoming general election. Republicans are looking for rocks to throw at her.

Stan Barnes

We do not use cyanide or mercury in our process. Our mine tailings are simply finely ground natural rock and are non-toxic.

Siddharta Moersjid

It was just overwhelming. The key to the Hard Rock is authenticity. There are no copies of anything.

Joe Billhimer

I think the evidence is going to be very clear that he has an absolutely rock solid alibi. And I think you can expect similar evidence with respect to the other individual.

Bill Thomas

I'm bored with music between 1955 and 1980. I'm completely bored. I can't listen to a rock and roll record. I can't do it. I would rather listen to hogs screwing.

Adam Hastings

Sports is like rock 'n' roll. Both are dominant cultural forces, both speak an international language, and both are all about emotions.

Phil Knight

There is not a single radio station in the U.S. that just plays Spanish rock. It's really hard for it to reach the masses.

Gabriel Meza

Everybody remembers Ironton in its heyday in the '40s and '50s, that's when Ironton was booming and we've gone downhill, and we have, we've hit rock bottom, ... But if we all don't stand together, we're not going to stand back up. It's going to take all of us to put it back on track.

Cindy Anderson

This is about as dumb of a place to put a rock quarry as you could put one.

Chris Lisle

We believe bringing Hard Rock to Copper will help in creating the most exciting destination in the U.S. ski market.

Trevor Horwell

Originally this was all bare rock, and the first time I walked through this tunnel, there was water up to our knees.

Charles Ingoglia

And in music, it's the great aphrodisiac that says that even though I'm short, fat, ugly, bald, and... and I'm hung like a second-grader, but if I'm in a rock band, I've got a better than average chance of bedding you down than if I was a dentist.

Gene Simmons

You don't want to go too low if it's your first go-around because some of the systems' resources - once they hit rock bottom require constant maintenance.

Steve Reidy

There's been an outpouring of support and concern and a desire to help from the artist community, our audiences and our employees. Many of the artists across our channels are from the affected areas and have a strong connection to the south. We are looking to activate every hip-hop, rock, country, R&B, and pop music fan out there to get involved and help support the relief efforts.

Van Toffler

They say you have to hit rock bottom before you get better. Unfortunately, I hit it on TV.

Danny Bonaduce

I've got too many of my friends that retired and went home and got on a rocking chair, and about a year and a half later, I'm always going to the cemetery.

Red Adair

There's an absence of things to do for adult singles in the area. There aren't places like there used to be 15 or 20 years ago with piano bars. As you're over 30, you grow out of rock places.

Art Wurster

It's important for the public to understand that Coffin Rock was gone before Weyerhaeuser bought it.

Jackie Lang

He's not going to be sitting in a rocking chair. I can't wait to see what he's going to be doing.

Howard Stark

That's something that not only us and the coaching staff, but the fans want to see, too. Back in '95 and '96 when Warrick Dunn and Rock Preston did it, it was real effective.

Lorenzo Booker

Rock and roll is the hamburger that ate the world.

Peter York

I have been doing mornings on Lite Rock 105 for 22 years. It's been a fabulous run but 5:30 [a.m.] is my show so [waking up at] 3:30 in the morning for 22 years, is enough to kill somebody. That's not really the reason though why I have decided to retire.

Gary Degraide

NYCO is a band comprised of NIU music alumni. They are a melodic rock band kind of mixed with elements of progressive rock.

John Ugolini

We realized, rather than go to the next level of garage rock, there was a whole other world out there.

Great Britain

Home sales will remain strong because all the fundamentals remain rock solid. Long-term rates are falling, inflation is falling and employment remains strong.

Bob Walters

As I define it, rock and roll is dead. The attitude isn't dead, but the music is no longer vital. It doesn't have the same meaning. The attitude, though, is still very much alive -- and it still informs other kinds of music.

David Byrne

In the audio and video archives, there are 7,000 taped concerts alone. I'm a rock fan who wanted to get into the music business and own intellectual property.

Bill Sagan

It is like pushing a big rock down a hill. It takes a little time to get it moving, but once it gets moving, it moves very fast. And that is where we are getting right now.

Brad Gair

I have always loved rock music. But I have played country music since my senior year in high school. That's where my heart is. I try to keep up with the rock world as much as I can.

Tracy Byrd

It's Creed meets Zeppelin meets Doors with 7's (influence). So it's going to have some thump in the back and rock over the top of it -- but I'm not going to rap. I'm going to sing.

Scott Stapp

Marlon Leone has been a rock. He has improved greatly from a year ago. He is our best player and our leader. You can count on him to do his job day in and day out.

Brennan Brown

Raptor cutters provide our customers with the highest level of rock cutting technology, reducing cost-per-foot in their most challenging drilling applications.

Steve Berkman

The rock specialist said there is a huge potential for more rocks falling down.

Kamika Smith

We're turning over every rock, so to speak.

Jack Olsen

The people are great and rock solid in their beliefs. It's something you're not going to find to this extent in the big cities.

Bill Weaver

Is your opponent leaning toward you, acting aggressive? They are probably going to throw a rock.

Doug Walker

I don't know that's it's maybe as well known now as it was in past years, but it really has passed into folk culture. The truth is that Rock City's advertising has overshadowed Rock City itself.

David Jenkins

What I get in rock 'n' roll that I don't get in movies is that connection with people. With music it's instantaneous, and just to watch people light up, it's really amazing. I love that connection.

Juliette Lewis

There was a band called the National Youth of Orchestra who did a version of Queen's 'We Will Rock You,' ... They were good. It was different.

Sean Cummings

This album is the same balance we've always had with melodic, riff-based rock songs, but we brought in the programming aspect on this one. We worked with a string quartet on two different songs. We always approach each song individually, try to make the most of each song and bring it to life as much as possible.

Dean Roland

This man is so underrated. People talked about Miles Davis as the harbinger of jazz rock, but Paul Butterfield was doing this fusion between jazz and blues in a different way. Butterfield had a Detroit rhythm section: Teddy Harris, Rod Hicks and George Davidson. They recorded a couple albums with Butterfield.

Jim Gallert

So it's a little R&B, a little rock 'n' roll, a little blues, a little folk, a little salsa, everything.

Pat Simmons

Look! Don't be deceived by appearances -- men and things are not what they seem. All who are not on the rock are in the sea!

William Booth

There are more old-school influences, without it sounding like garage rock. It might attract some new fans to the band, but the old ones also appreciate it.

Matt Toka

Mama is my chance to be Chris Rock. She says things I would never say. I let her push the envelope.

Vicki Lawrence

It was a really rock star thing to do.

Simon Lebon

Rock 'n' roll doesn't always pay the bills, and I've been interested in bars - obviously - for a long time.

Greg Dulli

You don't hear inmates rocking and rolling.

Robert Aguirri

Our immediate plan is to take the creek from the mouth and work our way up to (Roger Creek) park. We'll do some riparian planting and some rock placement.

Dave Chitty

Rock music -- however that might be defined -- seems like it might actually be losing ground to rap ... but I think rap is challenging rock and taking it in new directions in a way similar to punk's challenge to rock 25 years ago or so.

Arved Ashby

J.D. ... you are right for our band, INXS ... you are the rock star.

Tim Farriss

They're the rock stars.

Judy Kennedy

I played, like, a year of piano until I learned the Pink Panther theme. That was my goal. Once I was good enough, I quit. Now my music has to have some rock.

Jack Black

For example, a rancher can use tech cloth and rock to create a hardened crossing or feeding area in what had been wet spots. OSU Extension has materials available to explain how to stabilize those areas.

Shelby Filley

You could throw this rock from the ninth floor, it can survive a long period in water.

Sergei Ignatchenko

Someone asked me the other day if it was easier breaking into rap or rock, ... I don't know, I haven't broken in on either one, you know.

Citizen Cope

We need to be able to convey to people who don't live here ...what Little Rock is and what the Little Rock experience is all about, so they can anticipate what they're going to get.

Dan O'byrne

I'm always trying to find where things fall correctly. I'll go through 50 or 60 records, trying to blend it with one rock or '80s track before I'll even decide which one I'm going to use.

Danny Phillips

Logan is kind of like our rock. Sometimes, I think he's overlooked. All he does is win.

Patrick Darby

We want the program to get better and better and better. We don't want to have any excuses anymore as to why Council Rock isn't what it used to be.

Hollie Woodard

Sure, we've had our fair share of ups and downs, but I don't know if we've had more than any other rock band... we just have a way of getting ourselves into hot water.

Carl Wilson

Adrian Cronauer: Goooooooood morning, Vietnam! Hey, this is not a test! This is rock and roll! Time to rock it from the Delta to the D.M.Z.!

Good Morning Vietnam

The movie Spinal Tap rocked my world. It's for rock what The Sound of Music was for hills. They really nailed how dumb rock can be.

Jack Black

Every piece has its own identity which we develop by the rule 'We know no limits.' We follow the inspiration of the moment and don't worry if what we're playing is alternative, progressive or fusion rock.

Page Mcconnell

I was faced with no job, my marriage had just ended, I had two children I had to take care of, my schooling wasn't finished. I was just kind of at rock bottom and I thought, you know, what am I gonna do?

Adrienne Gonzalez

The scandals that are rocking his administration almost daily will definitely diminish his popularity. This state is becoming more and more Republican, so he knows he has a race on his hands if any Republican gets into the race with any name recognition and any money.

Bill Dunn

I'm an old rock and roll buff. I love Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty.

Nick Carter

We tried to recognize mismatches. We did a better job on (Jesse) Brave Rock. We had to try to double him and keep the ball out of his hands.

Charlie Ereaux

He didn't have the aura of a rock icon. He was just a regular guy. To have the bass player walk in the room with a mandolin over his shoulder is kind of a bizarre experience.

Chris Shiflett

Taylor ushered in the poisonous concept of soft rock.

Joe Queenan

The Champions Tour would like to thank Jimmy Lee III and everyone associated with Buffalo Rock Corporation for their outstanding support of this event over the years. Jimmy laid the groundwork for the very bright future of professional golf in northwest Florida.

Rick George

We grew up in Nashville, but my brothers and I and my friends — we weren't steeped in country music by any means, ... We liked what everybody else liked at the time. It was like Journey and classic rock. We listened to rock when we were kids and we loved it. That's what we did. Getting older is when you got introduced to country music.

Deana Carter

An agent was assaulted by an individual who threw a large size rock.

Raul Martinez

Those were two hard losses. Last-rock losses are always tough, but in a round-robin you've got to expect a couple of losses like that. You just have to find a way to bounce back. Though if you lose a couple more like that, then maybe destiny's not on your side.

Colleen Jones

Rock layers are the barcode of Mars history. Every time we encounter new layers, it's another piece of the puzzle.

John Grotzinger

When you vaporize rock, there is very little hydrogen -- whereas 50 percent of the atoms in a rock are oxygen.

Lawrence Grossman

I'm a big rock star, I got a beautiful girl, and they still call me a fag. Its' like high school never ends - the jocks are always on top.

Jonathan Davis

I think of it like, if I am surviving in the wild, how do I get around? Like a mountain lion, jumping rock to rock.

Matt Perry

I wanted to be a rock-and-roller, ... Not even a star, but one of the back -ups, like a Pip in Gladys Knight and the Pips.

Walter Dellinger

We're excited about it. It's going to bring recognition to this area and the local talent we have here. We've had gospel writers, rock writers, blues, country, contemporary. It's really been an eclectic group.

Janet Miller

It sounds to me like he's hit rock bottom and he's asking to be disciplined.

Tony Banks

[With a basic lineup of drums, guitar, bass and Roberts on acoustic guitar, the band also has a] utility man ... a rock band with an Irish overtone.

Keith Roberts

This is a form of tunnel boring. It turns the rock in front of a machine into dirt.

Bill Shorten

Castle Rock always plays us tough. They play hard-nosed defense. But I told the girls coming in, if we make our free throws we'll be alright.

Herm Vanweerdhuizen

Most of the polls and rankings are generated out of Little Rock and those people never bother to go see the West play. That's a lack of respect for our conference more than anything else.

Barry Gebhart

He's been a rock back there for us.

Chris Blight

I think we'd played three pretty good games in a row. Everyone's going to have a bad game, and I thought we might have one after how well we played against Pilot Rock. But at least it was now and not next week.

Michelle Alexander

In Providence, the noise scene is very anti-rock, ... But we don't want to outright reject rock clubs. There's a different set of influences in New York. (DFA) is a pop music label, and we're kind of an anomaly on the label (but) ... we can take advantage of the different resources available here.

Aaron Warren

When I was 6 years old, I was in a rock band that was horrible called "Dead End." The name kind of described us. People liked us; we would go and perform at coffee houses and stuff.

Aaron Carter

We will probably focus on some of the Southern rock musicians throughout. And then focus on some of the acts too.

Joe Billhimer

We're going to have a really cool bunge wall, a rock wall, a clown – something for all the kids.

Brandee Bryant

They've had trouble deciding on a name. But they're good. They play a lot of rock from the late '70s and '80s. They're trying to play music that other bands in the valley don't.

Lonnie Sandoval

I flat out see no evidence for any fossils in our data. If a trilobite, for example, evolved on Mars and we came across a rock with it, we could resolve it.

Jim Rice

The last two games, Charles has been our rock. He was a big key.

Pat Flannery

We grow 15,000 pounds of tomatoes. We have an ample supply of each of the vegetables we grow. There are 300 active seniors who maintain the garden, and we really enjoy it. It beats the heck out of a rocking chair.

Wilson Archer

I thought we were going to win best rock video, but you just can't beat those Green Day people.

Brandon Flowers

Biron played great. He was rock solid.

Stu Barnes

She saw a big boat coming close and she said, 'Whoop-dee-doo. I love a rocking boat.' .

Dorothy Warren

When I left I just played in rock bands, and started playing acoustic, washed dishes, but pretty much supported myself with music.

Jon Anderson

We're a people's band. We like to drink beer, chase members of the opposite sex and enjoy rock and roll. Just the same as our audience!

Lee Stone

Preval is between a rock and a hard place... He seeks to establish himself as an autonomous political actor in Haitian politics, though his (Feb. 7) election victory was in part based on his links with Aristide.

Dan Erikson

Even rock stars are entitled to privacy.

Michael Novak

We were just side-by-side. It was as good as racing gets. As Mike said, he could've played rock-paper-scissors with Doug, we were so close.

Gary Ballough

We're ready to rock, if Steamboat is.

Jamie Varley

I like those acoustic, intimate shows - as well as ear-bleeding rock.

Sheri Giordano

You're stiff as a rock but you roll with soul baby.

Farley Flex

We're definitely excited to be playing the Jager tour. It's a huge deal for serious hard rock fans and we're looking forward to giving them a show to remember.

Aaron Lewis

The irony is Santana used outside vocalists before, but now older artists need certain celebrities to increase their chances to get on radio. Stunt casting is the only way you'd expect Herbie Hancock to get on rock radio now.

Sean Ross

It's unlike anything I've ever seen, except for hosting events for rock stars. There were 500 people.

Carolyn Hughes

The water around Castle Rock is not high but turbid, and it's hard to say what is going to happen to smelt in there.

Joe Hymer

I love Montreal, I'm looking forward to getting there. I'm looking forward to play, I can't wait to get on the ice. That place is going to be rocking. It's going to be a lot of fun. We've definitely got our work cut out for us, but we're not out of this by a long way. We're just going to have to play better.

Mike Commodore

It is straight out of its time, from the rock music to the anti-Vietnam War sentiment.

Oskar Eustis

It's like jazz, rock 'n' roll and classical music. They're all different disciplines under the umbrella of art.

Matt Witt

During the feminist seventies men were caught between a rock and a hard-on; in the fathering eighties they are caught between good hugs and bad hugs.

Florence King

They said, 'To be honest with you, Little Rock would not be our first choice, but we appreciate it,' ... They told me they had been contacted by over 30 cities.

David Russell

I just think it's that we bring a lot to the table. There's the concept idea, which is very interesting and, again, I don't think has been done. Concepts have been done over a standard record, but not like this. And the songwriting is different. There are classic rock influences, and I think they come out more because the band has gotten better.

Claudio Sanchez

A small rock holds back a great wave.


It's sort of like hearing a rock star is coming. He's not just talking about traditional ecological knowledge. He's actually doing it.

Pat Hurley

Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.


This is where the rock stuff comes through, ... If something's happening or about to happen, it's gonna come through Smith's. That's probably one of the reasons I gravitate to hanging out around here, just to kind of keep my ear to the ground. There's that rock energy here.

Alan Yates

He's a tough kid, ... He's rock solid. I don't want my QB to play scared and play cautious.

Glen Mason

Which plays a lot of the same '80s rock.

Joel Hollander

The X Factor? Who knows? It's a dynamic rock spirit like there is in The Who. The record is edgy pop, but the live show is out-and-out rock.

Keith Wilson

Rock never really dies. It just goes underground.

Bret Michaels

The signs of movement may be falling rock or running water.

Colonel Raul Farnacio

[That kicked off quite a run for Los Lonely Boys. Their accessible, earthy brand of Latin-tinged rock earned rave reviews, with Henry Garza drawing favorable comparisons to Carlos Santana.] Heaven ... a dream come true.

Henry Garza

Bang! Bang! is an incredible rock band. They have a fun, edgy theme.

John Ugolini

We expect our local presence in Rock Hill to enable us to work closely with our local architects, developers and contractors to ensure that we execute the design and construction of our new facility on time and on budget.

Abe Reichental

It's like the Yankee Stadium of rock 'n' roll. It's where you come to in New York if you're interested in rock 'n' roll music.

John Holmstrom

I'd usually go to Jack if Brendan was busy. There was also a series of paper, rock, scissors, drawing lots and, ultimately, a duel.

Patrick Keeler

I grew up listening to a lot of classic rock, everything from the Grateful Dead and Led Zeppelin to Deep Purple and the Beatles.

Josh Nielsen

To be honest, sometimes a rock worm feels like cheating because it's fishing a worm. It is a fantastic pattern that I've done really well on this winter.

Adam Grant

People that have heard it compare it to early Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. It's some of the best songs David's ever written - really dark and beautiful rock.

Johnny Hickman

You have to let them go if you know they're going to be able to handle the bad day; handle the life, handle the pressure, the intensity. If he gets things rocking and rolling the right way, I'm not going to stand in his way.

Grady Fuson

We're just having fun. We're rocking and rolling in practice. Yesterday was probably the best practice we've had. We're just flying. I'm not doing anything.

Jim Gresh

There will be many interruptions (in the fabric panels) for boulders, rock formations, vegetation, ... The fabric panels' width will be the same width as the water.

Christopher Lasch

On Long Island, rock radio is an important part of people's lives. K-Rock, to a lot of people, was Howard. He was such an indelible part of it. We're entirely different. Here you know you'll get music.

John Olsen

If I go back to when I was 18 years old, here was this group writing songs and playing rock 'n' roll songs like nobody else. It was amazing.

Curtis Remington

We make no use of Rock Creek right now as an asset for our tourism and economy in general.

Rod Proffitt

I was listening to music long before rock 'n roll.

Bill Wyman

The rock is very hard. The equipment breaks down, so it is difficult for them to estimate.

Tom Pizza

If we close the doors of the store, we lose our homes. We?re really between a rock and a hard place.

Anna Laplume

Gary Fears had absolutely nothing to do with Hard Rock.

Robert Saunooke

Well, Gibraltar is a place which you either love or hate. I quite like it. It's a rock, that is essentially what it is. It's a British colony.

Nigel Short

His dad was a real confidant. He was a real Rock of Gibraltar. I think part of their conversation was (the bar) could be his destiny. But he was devoted to football. He has a passion for it. I'm glad he stuck with it.

Brendan Harris

You will recognize different pieces of Chris Rock material that you've heard before.

Ali Leroi

That original casino would fit into one of the lounges at Red Rock.

Frank Schreck

We are still drifting toward a rock. There is a genuine effort to get the engine restarted but I haven't heard any engines restarted yet.

Crawford Falconer

There aren't a lot of great bands out there that can put on a great rock show, ... They didn't come up in that environment, in that era before MTV where you really had to be a good live band.

Joe Perry

Master Chief has captured the imagination of young people just like rock stars or actors have in previous generations. There is no question that there's an enormous amount of interest around this movie.

Carlos De Leon