He told me to put on a suit and go downtown to the old Bowery Bank - because it has neo-Roman architecture - where they'd like to interview me on tape about Rome.

There was a general awareness in the countries affected that there would be problems, but the magnitude has caught everyone unawares.

Julius Caesar built that bridge over the Rhine in 10 days. Ten days! They've been trying to fix the Van Wyck since I moved to New York City in 1971. Twenty years and $20 billion later and we still don't have a subway to JFK.

The movie is really a grandiose and full of life rock-and-rolling adventure story, but it's really about peace and love. It's also about a guy trying to find peace.

I have nothing to do with sci-fi. I've done a couple of sci-fi movies. I never approach them as that genre. You know, they're all dramas. Sci-fi, the idiom of sci-fi has created a context into which you can pour all sorts of great human dilemmas. So that's what I'm directing. I'm directing a modern-day humanist drama with comic elements.

My fascination with ancient Rome started as a kid back in Texas when my father turned me on to Robert Graves, who wrote 'I, Claudius,'.