Mark Adler
FameRank: 4

"Mark Adler" may be best known for his work in the field of data compression. Adler is the author of the Adler-32 checksum function, a co-author of the zlib compression Library (computing)/library and gzip, has contributed to Info-ZIP, and has participated in developing the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format.

Adler was also the Spirit rover/Spirit Mission Manager for the Mars Exploration Rover mission.

More Mark Adler on Wikipedia.

We always hope. So far we've been OK.

New Orleans is the soul of the country. We feel it's important to support the city, and it's music.

The samples of Martian rock and soil would be in a container designed to withstand the impact and maintain its integrity as well as the integrity of the samples.

It is clear, though, that the Genesis experience bolsters the previous conclusion that an MSR entry vehicle must be designed to maintain containment of the samples in the event that a parachute or any other entry, descent, and landing deployment or actuation fails.

We'll have to wait and see what the results and lessons learned from the Genesis mishap reviews are to see how they will affect Mars Sample Return designs.