423 quotes about networking follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Dealing with network executives is like being nibbled to death by ducks.

Eric Sevareid

All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.

Martin Luther King Jr.

PeopleSoft is in the market to provide the infrastructure for companies to build a collaborative network between their customers, suppliers and employees via the Internet.

Craig Conway

The local BT network is one of the U.K.'s most important assets and my role is to ensure everyone has equal access to it.

Steve Robertson

On December 26, we didn't have any network that would allow us the confirmation of the presence of the tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

Patricio Bernal

The overseas network operations will bring Chinese firms experience and make them more reliable. It will be easier for them to get deals in the domestic market.

Li Xuefang

We would also like to emphasize that Motorola is building several strong businesses independent of its handset business, including network infrastructure, semis, and broadband, all of which have both healthy revenue and high margins.

Brian Modoff

Consumers no longer have to pick amongst the competing alphabet soup of home network standards.

Jim Allen

We'll finally, maybe, start to see the extinction of wires in the home entertainment network.

John Hull

It was a great run and it's great that the network didn't cancel us outright, and they're letting us do five more where we can wrap up a lot of story arcs.

Jason Bateman

This ensures that the information arrives instantly, compared to an SMS message which can take minutes or even hours to arrive depending on network traffic.

Stefan Lilischkis

Content providers make money by taking advantage of the broadband that is available. They need a modern, healthy network to provide services just as much as we need them.

Michael Balmoris

After Murrow, CBS made news much more corporate. They found a new type of journalist who defined the networks. It was now about the anchorman. From '62 to the present, the anchor was the key figure for network news.

Ron Simon

Build the best and highest quality network of Little Italy Districts across this state that will draw millions of paying visitors.

Fred Miller

In today's world, a national broadband network is basic infrastructure and a source of competitive advantage.

Lee Hsien Loong

I don't know when network executives will get out of the Dark Ages.

Connie Chung

The government has agreed to give us a free hand in managing the network, and this will mean that we will have full control on determining capacity, frequency and pricing. Managing yields will be a key factor to ensure profitability and it's important for us to be able to manage this.

Idris Jala

One of our goals always has been to be one of the best chambers in the country. We strive to give someone a non-chamber-like experience when they come to one of our events. There's a feeling out there that chambers are like a good-old-boys' network, but we really try to offer a lot more.

Mike Skarr

There is also a huge network overhead. For every message that comes in, there is a challenge going out. You are doubling your message load.

Ross Anderson

Given they're bearing the entire cost of building out the network, and they're the ones taking on the risk, we think it's only fair for them to try to make it work first.

George Twigg

This is a manager of managers for security. It lets you create one policy set for security and networking topology, which is important since they are so intertwined.

Rob Whiteley

There was no network administrator so I became the unofficial network administrator.

Steve Marmon

I also hope you understand why you need to give his laptop back - you could get in a lot of trouble if anyone finds out that you have access to the network.

Linda Attarian

This shows that we are actively going after the network. We've taken down the number two in the network and that is going to have an impact.

Steve Boylan

We view the NFL Scouting Combine as one of the hidden gems still left in the NFL. This is an event NFL Network believes in and will look to grow to NFL Draft-like status.

Charles Coplin

It really starts to extend what we call the intelligent information network.

Charles Giancarlo

United already has a significant network in the New York metropolitan area, and this would add to that.

Tom Billet

Now, all these facilities will be readily available to us as an integral part of our own network.

Don Mardak

(The new board members) will be able to bring their own network of people we have not been able to reach out to.

Juanita Hayes

Because it's deleting files from network drives, it doesn't do anything to the client machine, ... If the infected machine is linked to another machine's C: drive, it could delete that machines root directory and prevent the other machine from booting up, but won't do anything to that machine itself.

Jimmy Kuo

We aligned with Co-Op Network because we wanted to increase our organizational and financial strength.

Tom Reed

If I'm going to be a member of Rivals, they want the message boards. If I pulled the message boards, then I would be lopped off the network.

Gorden Blain

It shows other network guys and studios that this is a viable market and is a great way to distribute their content.

Ben Bajarin

Voice is a very important element in the bigger whole of network traffic. But, there is different behavior and a different set of needs between voice and data.

Jim Frey

In the days of Caesar, kings had fools and jesters. Now network presidents have anchormen.

Ted Koppel

There's a financial network underlying proliferation just as there is for terrorism, ... This is something the world needs to look at.

Stuart Levey

My life was played out on any network with a 'C' in it.

Charisse Strawberry

Prices on networking products have really gone down because of wide availability. It's certainly affordable for small businesses.

Sanjeev Aggarwal

We're able to leverage a lot of that experience about how to take social networking and put it on a device.

Sky Dayton

This agreement is a milestone for Current as well as for BPL and illustrates the economic advantages of driving multiple applications across a single large-scale network deployment.

William Berkman

I would say for Disney and ABC, Monday Night Football is the only thing that hasn't gone down significant in ratings and profitability. It's one of the things holding the network up.

Paul Kim

That's one of the reasons why we're continuing to expand the amount of fiber network in the system.

Donna Chatman

[The new initiative is] a technology that [will] actually improve the security of a network with every node you put on it, ... the way security [will be] done in the future.

Srivats Sampath

There is a big network of businesses that are specifically serving the immigrant community.

Luis Polar

There could be a lot less spending. Most of the network build-out for larger telecom players is already done.

Timm Bechter

It becomes an octopus. There are more and more applications, there are and more components to the network infrastructure.

Lance Smith

It comes down to checking the endpoints with a client to see if they are compliant with a policy that says they are safe to be admitted to the network.

Chris Christiansen

Reputation is based on network parameters that are almost impossible to obfuscate.

Pat Peterson

We understand that 20 years ago, a businessperson could carve out two hours easily. We're trying to still get in the aspect of networking and getting a good message in the meeting.

Pat Jenkins

You could say that the American network news divisions actually look more progressive than the Canadian companies do.

John Doyle

It's still very much about price, coverage, quality of the network ... then very far down the list are these kinds of added services.

Linda Barrabee

Will connect to a control server to ask for instructions. It scans network neighborhoods and tries to infect them, as well.

Johannes Ullrich

We had a two- to three-year lead in technology and building out our network.

Saul Klein

On the Food Network cooking shows they have an entire staff to make all of this happen and it's great to know we're doing the same thing with just a few of us.

Lynne Joyce

No one should put IPv6 on a network without testing. No one should put IPv6 on a network without additional security. But all U.S. industry -- whether you're Wal-Mart or General Motors -- should be moving to IPv6.

Jim Bound

If we make [identity management] too hard, users will choose less security every time. We have to get to a place where we've created one network and all of this just works.

Stratton Sclavos

We intend to create a nationwide casino network, not unlike that of some of our larger competitors.

Daniel R. Lee

This is the best networking event of the year for anyone looking for investors or to invest in start-up companies. Companies that attended last year met some great contacts and fostered relationships that resulted in millions of dollars in funding.

Mike Ballard

We're sending stuff to Katrina through America's Second Harvest. We're supporting the network.

Ron Hays

When you look at the United Kingdom, we needed a network that helped us span the United Kingdom; we needed the people to help us grow the network. So now we have both. It's going to help address the pan-European network as we have built it.

Robert Annunziata

Making a network faster has never made it more secure or easier to use.

David Clark

When it comes to more advanced applications, like sending video or audio over a home network, it's still very early in the game.

Jonathan Gaw

BT is just the last straw to the network and it is a good excuse for telecom operators to avoid their responsibility.

Alan Wang

We're piecing together a basic network so people can feel comfortable driving around ... knowing they won't run out of fuel.

Chung Liu

Bob Johnson had the vision to create a network for us when nobody else was.

Queen Latifah

Our network will also be able to cater to the surging call traffic.

Vikrom Sriprataks

In 3-D navigation, the driver won't just be seeing a road network, but the experience will be more like driving through a photograph.

Mark Peters

The addition of Max and Claudio to the Boyden network enhances our capabilities to meet the expanding needs of our clients in identifying and retaining top leaders in this important market.

Chris Clarke

We don't want any wireless access points connected to the state network.

Mindy Chambers

We need a national network of case management to help families in their search for work or to help them move from one place to another.

Natalie Rule

We forecast 1 million customers by the end of 2007. The main feature (of the new network) will be television and video services.

Mark Nierwetberg

These products introduce something onto a network that cannot be monitored or controlled in a centralized manner. End users may not see the importance of this, but some level of control is critical for running a network.

Richard Edwards

Just because the hospital is in-network doesn't mean the [specialist] doctors are. This can mean a savings of $20,000 to $30,000.

Nora Johnson

You have all these people that are connected with the industry in one way or another, and they want good-quality heifers, and it gives them a chance to network with people who are also connected with it.

Marsha Daughenbaugh

In our case, we monitor both our internal and external traffic, and found that if we installed it on one of our internal network switches, we could monitor the traffic from both.

Rich Ackermann

The IETF is interested in building something like a Swiss Army knife. We give you the tools and you can go build your network. If you don't have the right tools, then you can come back and identify the tools you need and we'll build them.

Fred Baker

Iranian levers of influence include a broad network of informants, military and logistical support of armed groups, and social welfare campaigns.

Nawaf Obaid

By any name, our VTX Communications and VTX Broadband companies are the best choice for South Texas business. We're both local companies with decades of experience in South Texas business, and we've got an astounding network to help meet any challenge.

Dave Osborn

Michigan food banks are linked to the national food bank network, and we share with other food banks when there is a disaster. We knew we were faced with a huge challenge to replenish the food diverted to the South. Our donors met that challenge and contributed generously.

Jane Marshall

It's good for business to business networking, and also lets businesses get to know other members of the chamber.

Sherry Trainer

Anything you do over a [network] line does not feel real.

Steve Brady

To look around and realize that other people are grieving, it helps them cope. They learn how to network and fellowship with each other, and that helps them heal.

Jennifer Garraway

This is our new network for broadband and we'll apply in the next couple of weeks.

Rich Young

As a network abandons a niche, somebody else will come in who's very hungry and at the back of the pack to try to fill that niche. I'd predict that there will be more cultural channels bubbling up.

Tim Brooks

We envision a world of personal networking where Jini is the infrastructure.

Bill Joy

It is really a players' network, ... It is player friendly.

Mark Campbell

Many of them find work. Some of them develop little shops and companies on their own. Eventually they get together and expand from the family network of immigrants and work together to build viable businesses.

Fariborz Ghadar

The challenge for any new network from Eye on People to the Food channel is to continue to get broad-based distribution.

Christopher Dixon

Our efforts are very much to advance the design and development of RFID networks and have them seamlessly integrated into existing [network] infrastructure.

Tom Grant

If you can bypass the wireless network, then you can make phone calls almost for free.

Hugh Thomas

Depending on the size of the organization and their bandwidth, the network could slow down considerably.

Ronnie Manning

We recognize this feature might go against corporate information policies about not moving any information outside of the corporate network or PCs.

Matt Glotzbach

You could definitely link complex event processing into a service-oriented network.

Shawn Willett

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.

Jane Howard

We would love to see these sites nominated to the Network to Freedom. I'm sure there are valid sites in Connecticut.

Diane Miller

The network shouldn't have to make much difference. It's going to happen.

Bruce Kasrel

They were just smart business moves to make. This network is a bit more agile and competitive when it is a smaller group.

Garth Ancier

There's a need to expand branch network and not shrink them in the name of mergers.

Dr Kamal Hossain

There's so much going on, and some of it is stuff you don't normally see on network television.

Flody Suarez

Look at [data and network security] as a selling point, not only a cost to the business. It's an investment in your customers that they will appreciate.

Tom Vaughan

It really generates a lot of network traffic. It's really just going to slow down Internet performance.

Oliver Friedrichs

How an individual granted a show on your network could utter such a statement in 21st century America.

John Conyers

There are a lot of people interested in our network. We could have something by the end of 2006.

David Neeleman

The safety of our people is always foremost and paramount. The colors were chosen because they are the network logo colors.

Megan Mahoney

Customers are looking for someone who can import a physical-security component to their network and include it in their standard data correlation and reporting.

Steve Hunt

That's almost unheard of for a network that's only been on-air for a few months. The bottom line is that we're getting good ratings, which means people are watching.

Jaime Nelson

He can't outspend us, he doesn't have a grass-roots network like ours, and he's got no credibility on the issues. So how does that make him a front-runner?

Gene Pierce

It seems to me the efforts of [the network] met several agencies' -- at the federal, state and local levels -- needs in an emergent situation. They were delivering messages that were needed.

Brendan Hurley

We've gotten a lot of good feedback. We're the only network to allow people to get their voices out there. Normally the only access they have is local public access.

Anthony Marshall

If you're looking at network television to see a good cross-section of our community, you're not going to find it. What you will find is primarily gay white males.

Damon Romine

I guess there were a couple days when Melissa came out when both of these stocks jumped up a little bit. But then Network Associates announced their poor quarterly results.

Brian Goodstadt

The key for us is to build the (Unwired) network in line with how it is going to be used in the future with the WiMAX standard.

David Spence

It was a way to do something that seemed to be needed journalistically and yet was different from what the commercial network news (programs) were doing.

Robert Macneil

People got to network. People got to view some of the books that we have, which is our intent - for them to know what we have that will help them in their assessments and appraisals of their items.

Sheila Henderson

Dave has done a tremendous job of developing a very extensive recruiting network and that has helped us to be successful.

Luke Reigel

Given his extensive background in network planning and strategy formulation, he probably would be a good choice for a carrier like Virgin looking to launch U.S. operations.

Bill Warlick

In the network business, where economies of scale are very important, we now have that scale.

Klaus Zumwinkel

It's about command and control. We can't, in a wireless environment, ever expect to compete in speeds with [wired networks]. The customer these days doesn't care what network they are on.

Richard Lynch

This approach will deliver high speed broadband services to more Australians, more quickly, than if the new network was a Telstra monopoly.

David Tudehope

Security is becoming integrated into a lot of operating systems and network infrastructure.

Michael Rasmussen

These three ingredients bring the best of computing to the world of networking and the best of networking to the world of computing.

John Miner

He's not asking for the church to become involved, he's asking for Pastor Johnson to disseminate this through his personal network. Certainly, the pastor does not lose his right to free speech.

Carlo Loparo

AOL wants to be the CBS network of the Internet, ... They want to be a broadcaster. Two critical issues to them are offering compelling media content in an extremely convenient way.

Gerry Kaufhold

We're a media company. It's not just about network television.

Alana Russo

We're trying to make this a little bit of a hotter network, a little bit of a younger network.

Garth Ancier

You're talking about a democratically elected Islamic government that is part of the wider Muslim Brotherhood network in the region.

Mouin Rabbani

I don't pay too much attention to the media. I watch cartoons. I don't see [USC] on the Cartoon Network.

Billy Pittman

On Sirius network, we're replayed nights and on the weekends.

Heidi Hanzel

[The network is great because] we feel that we are a cooperative industry. We have always shown others' listings when talking with buyers, so [the network] is really in the best interest of our members and our buyers.

Kristi Graning

What we found is someone had tried to break into the network. Our responsibility is to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

Tim Lockwood

CBS was the only broadcast network to enjoy increased ratings across the board. We could not have enjoyed a more successful sweeps.

Dana Mcclintock

It is a massive improvement from analogue. We can give an IP phone to a member of staff and they plug it into their laptop that connects to the network over the internet and it becomes their desk phone.

Aj Meade

Sprint PCS' wireless network is one of the last keys filling one of the last holes in MCI's network.

Mel Marten

We will be able to keep the network fresh and able to meet the latest standards. Our intent and goal is to keep it state-of-the-art.

Dianah Neff

We are moving our distribution network closer to our clients.

Mark Ernst

It's very difficult to offer high-definition TV on a handset through existing networks. You have to offload that through a separate network.

Andrew Cole

It's very difficult unless you're a major network. With the Internet ... all that's required is a camera, editing software and an Internet connection.

Peter Marra

People tend to work in teams, in a collaborative way, in an informal network. If you create an environment like that, it's much more effective and much more efficient.

Jim Mitchell

The combining of our respective customers will allow us to significantly accelerate adoption of a common platform for carriers and their distributors to collaborate and exchange data. The value of this network will grow quickly as more companies and distributors flock to join it.

David Kenney

We came into the season [having completed] a shopping readiness analysis [of everything] from network infrastructure and capacity to communications lines.

Bill Graham

We need more proactive companies like Bank Windhoek that are willing to satisfy the needs of all Namibian citizens. I would like to congratulate Bank Windhoek for a job well done in expanding its branch network to all corners of the country.

Katrina Hanse

This is where you can get a large boost in network performance for a modest investment.

Joshua Feinberg

Instead of having lots of boxes stacked up, you have one chassis in which you put in many CPU blades. To tie together what are essentially computers, you need some kind of network backplane. That's what you get out of having an integrated Ethernet switch.

Dan Golding

Many of you have one leg in ECUSA and one leg in the network. You must let us know exactly where you stand _ are you ECUSA or are you network?

Peter Akinola

Sony has got a solid distribution network, ... It's got a great library and it's got a lot in the hopper ... Realistically, there are some significant buyers.

Porter Bibb

I can't in good conscience ever again say to a dive shop or to an individual, 'You should go out and hold a fund-raiser for the Divers Alert Network,'.

Bill Lovin

We have to make sure they don't sit on our network and chew up our capacity.

Ivan Seidenberg

This exciting and groundbreaking combination allows our audiences to be able to do a 'deep-dive' into a vast array of compelling topics that keep them interested and entertained on our network of properties, day after day.

Jim Bankoff

Unfortunately, users may not know a network does not support 911 services until they make those calls.

Bob Egan

There's a tremendous amount of support, a network of support, for this kind of thing.

Tom Hudson

I think it is really important that there is a network around the country. You are not a voice crying alone in the wilderness.

Vicki Kramer

We work like a network here in the community.

Anne Pollard

The changes to make Linux accessible on the desktop will be in the user interfaces of things like Gnome (Gnu Network Object Model Environment) and KDE (K Desktop Environment), rather than in anything we do.

Lance Davis

Keeping the Internet open and inter-connected is the right thing to do. All network carriers should be expected to live with the rules that have allowed the Internet to succeed.

John Sumpter

It's very complex, very capital-intensive to put in place a large network.

Chad Braafladt

We control all access points to the network. That means secure authentication to dial in to the network and firewalls around all the Internet servers.

Jerry Heinl

I'm fortunate. The NFL Network is on Channel 25, ESPN is Channel 26 and ESPN2 is Channel 27, ... I get the trifecta right there.

Mark Campbell

It is astounding how she broke free from her network. It was a big risk, but she came out winning.

Ulla Bock

By joining forces with Cablevision, Home Network gains access to a significant concentration of homes in key major metropolitan markets in the Northeast corridor.

Tom Jermoluk

It's a two-network race between CBS and NBC.

Marc Berman

We really like LSI Logic as one of the semiconductor picks. They have a broad exposure to consumer electronics, to digital cameras, to networking, to a lot of real important growth themes in the economy.

Drew Cupps

It's the best access to people that are knowledgeable of any forum. You get information on how to do it right, how to do it better and you meet people to network with in the industry.

Brian Levy

The things that limit the continued extensibility of the fiber-optic network are cost and performance of future lasers. Lower cost could drive much more fiber into metropolitan areas.

Malcolm Thompson

We don't want to be strictly a teen network. We don't think there's a good business for us in that.

Doug Herzog

Our investigation has shown that this was not a result of any breach of our corporate network or internal security.

Stacy Drake

This is a perfect opportunity for people to network with potential employers and generate a competitive edge against their competition.

Chris Cimino

It's for almost anybody who has simply a large network or they have in one location a lot of different segment connectivity coming in.

Andy Salo

Technology in optical networking space is moving incredibly quickly.

Cisco Systems

That definitely can have an affect on a corporate network.

Rob Ayoub

It's bigger than a show. It's more like a network.

Harvey Levin

The expected increase in network investment is in response to higher demand for cell phone usage.

Vikrom Sriprataks

A VPN really is a new environment, and an agency needs someone with networking expertise to drive the project in the right direction.

Ron Rohrer

I can imagine an operating system that some day does a better job storing your data, using (a) network.

Marissa Mayer

When I think about Great American Country's decision to come to Nashville, I see a much bigger picture, ... I see the picture this network paints of the country music industry, our industry, and of Nashville in 40 million homes across America. Great America Country is a great addition to Nashville.

Bill Purcell

It's a huge networking hub. Anything you want you can get there. From a business connection, to a couple tickets to a basketball game ... you just have to know and ask the right people.

Dominique Villela

For the first time, a Spanish-language television network will be included in the national sample.

Sara Erichson

We are always exploring new ways to drive tune-in from AETV.com to the network. BlueStream's technology allows us to do just that by interacting with our viewers in a fun, new way.

Jim Turner

The carriers we're using for our private corporate network are the same ones doing the Internet. It's the same infrastructure. There is no distinction between the Internet and the carrier services we're talking about.

Doug Hill

China is part of our global supplier network. These are business decisions made based on cost, quality and the capability of the supplier.

Rob Laird

We are confident that our network is solid.

John Britton

We plan to cooperate with China Network Communications Corporation (CNC) and China Telecom to build a national geographic name network. Another 15 cities are expected to launch way-asking hotline service by the end of this year.

Dai Junliang

Research shows only 12% of home network users received home networking equipment from their broadband carrier.

Kurt Scherf

By introducing double daily services, we are building on that advantage by offering our customers a choice of flights that provide even more connections to our rapidly expanding network.

Peter Hill

You wouldn't be able to watch the Cartoon Network if you didn't have satellites.

Keith Brown

With the SSM enabled... we make their transmissions invisible to anyone on the network by corrupting [the rogue's] packets.

Joel Vincent

The transportation network can't handle these schools.

Welton Cadwell

I see 2006 as a year of integration and improvement of our network.

Andrei Kostin

We are now part of a bass community. You came here today by yourself, now you're part of a family, a network. The bass circle works as a metaphor for that.

Gerald Veasley

Network computers and set-top boxes will make a lot of noise. But for the most part, the market is still putting its feelers out.

James Staten

This annual event has become the one place in Maryland that the state's leaders in technology, education and government come to meet, network and honor the industry's best. We are one of the fastest growing Tech Councils in the country -- largely due to our members enormous influence in the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond.

Julie Coons

We're certainly not holding up our network plans. These are actually things that help morale a lot.

Jim Whitehurst

I understand the manufacturers don't want the supplier network, and I can understand why.

Jim Roddey

We have dramatically improved our network.

Mark Siegel

That's where a lot of the networking in Vietnam goes on -- the golf course.

Thinh Nguyen

Local companies must merge with international names because they have established a worldwide network. We could leverage on that platform.

William Lim

This will be of great help for building India's infrastructure. Speedy implementation is essential because economic growth is saturating the existing network.

Viswanathan Vasudevan

The lack of an extensive transportation network is enough to deter most large manufacturers.

Andrew Barbour

If we got hit, it would be gone in a day. Our plan would be to utilize our network.

Ron Hays

I think training is the key ... of the conference, ... One of the biggest things is being able to network with people from all over.

Robert Pearson

There were lots of projects coming to a close, so we didn't have time to switch the network off and play.

Jason Hamlett