There is also a huge network overhead. For every message that comes in, there is a challenge going out. You are doubling your message load.

Companies could lose their legal protection if they use DRM in such a way. Then, if you don't make your e-book accessible and someone hacks it, he wouldn't go to jail.

The Chief Constable was very mindful of our history. We have been allowed to take over as we have separate premises.

Parliament could revisit the Unfair Contracts Act . Consumers are finding that they can't get digital content without signing an end user agreement whose terms and conditions are ridiculous.

In the past, if I only licensed my bread-making patent to a miller if he also bought his wheat from my brother then I was liable to lose that patent. That provision was lost in the Competition Act of 2000.

We want to open up Napa to new business.

It's such a unique facet to bring to our property.

DRM doesn't just affect music. It also locks your printer cartridge, and eventually it will lock your spare car parts to your car. Governments and courts will need a wide-ranging approach to this issue, and can't just rely on fudges created for individual cases.

Something that goes on the desktop has to be a simpler and more structured tool with fewer configuration options. It has to be running in the background.