The jury is still out on what's going on at the networks.

It's a non-story. Steve is a big picture thinker and Jerry is a detailed guy and they are both very, very intelligent. There is every expectation that they are going to be able to work very well together.

This is a complicated transaction. It's in response to the Justice Department's concerns.

The challenge for any new network from Eye on People to the Food channel is to continue to get broad-based distribution.

One picture is not going to make a significant difference.

Based on the fact that (the network has) a highly targeted demographic, that's not an unreasonable price...from an investment point of view, I think the rational approach is to maximize shareholder value.

On the face of it, Fox [Entertainment Group's] ownership of the Los Angeles Dodgers is not an enormous success economically. But when you take into account their broadcast of baseball games, it gives them a seat at the league's table, which is invaluable.

It's very difficult to figure out all the economic issues right now.

There is a 60-percent likelihood of this scenario.