The majority of the houses were built during her tenure, and she did nothing to improve the infrastructure. Now we have a plan. These new houses are going to make up for decades of neglect down there.

Jim Reeve

The hope is that we'll be encouraging users to upgrade to broadband because a majority of them will be able to get high-speed connections.

Anne Bentley

I'm pretty confident that the majority of shareholders agrees with us.

Barry Rosen

The majority of people who directly benefited were pensioners.

Mandy Jean Woods

I would be honored to be speaker if I am fortunate enough to be re-elected and we are fortunate enough to retain the majority. I believe I will be the only nomination from our (Democratic) caucus.

Barbara Buckley

There are a few employees who are exempted, but for the vast majority of employees, Internet radio and TV is blocked.

Meg Olberding

There can be no minority and majority in armed forces. These ideas are working to weaken the forces and break their morale.

George Fernandes

It does not meet the interests of all Iraqis, ... We need something to be amended. The majority of the Iraqis don't accept it.

Abdul Aziz Hakim

The majority of couples we talk with who have done their estate planning have also done their domestic partnership agreements.

Timothy Mahoney

Stinging rebuke of the incumbent. What it tells you is that the majority of Brooklyn prefer a change.

Hank Sheinkopf

The majority of those benefits remain in-country.

Robert Holleyman

The majority of the people that have contacted us in the last six months has been to the point that 'yes', you're doing the right thing.

Craig Jones

We call them the silent majority.

Ted Ludwig

Obviously it's not the majority of the crowd. It's the guys who have had too much liquor. So we understand it's difficult to control. But we've made our point.

Mark Boucher

My curveball wasn't great tonight. I got a majority of my outs on my fastball, but I kept them off-balance with my changeup.

Shawn Estes

Looking around I would say a good majority of it.

Nina Rioja

It's a clear majority headed toward the League of Taxpayers.

Richard Zuercher

The big issue is how this country can be governed by such a slim majority.

Roberto D'alimonte

It's an excellent, excellent move for this area, ... What's really exciting is we know from our database the majority go back into their communities.

Mary Hill

We have a couple of cranky neighbors but the vast majority are fabulous.

Robin Kramer

The majority of these parents may have houses but they had the houses before they had kids. When somebody from Disability Affairs goes to our home, they think that we are too rich.

Sonia Black

We will now seek to build a ruling majority with the parties in this parliament.

Przemyslaw Gosiewski

We created the ads specifically to address the large majority of marketplace laggards out there hesitating about making the leap.

Patricia Foster

This is the first opportunity that we've had in three decades to have a white mayor in a majority African American city.

Brian Brox

The majority of everything was construction equipment and tools.

Detective Dawn Neer

I'm most definitely a believer in the system. The way the Federation is set up, you're talking about bass club guys, for the majority, who are trying to get to this level. It's hard for a guy to get a shot to go to the Classic.

James Kennedy

The majority of the people are glad they don't have to travel. Their friends and their neighbors are here to help.

Susan Litchford

My decision not to run for the U.S. Senate is based on my commitment to achieve a Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives, and my desire to become the next chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.

Robert Menendez

Schroeder was in office; he no longer has a majority, ... He must go.

Roland Koch

That's how [Democrats] would like this election defined. It is hard for me to believe that a congressional majority would be so flat-footed as to allow that to happen.

Bill Mcinturff

Human Dignity has gleamed only now and then and here and there, in lonely splendor, throughout the ages, a hope of the better men, never an achievement of the majority.

James Thurber

It is not worth an intelligent man's time to be in the majority. By definition, there are already enough people to do that.

G. H. Hardy

The majority of people will never see those medications. The least expensive are about $700 to $800 per year per person.

Bruce Sonnenberg

There must be a party in the center which reflects the views of the majority of Israelis.

Chaim Ramon

The threat of terrorism was not front of mind for the majority of people.

James Bidwell

Some students are still bothered by it, ... I don't think it's a large majority one way or another.

Chris Dunshee

The vast majority of those we are assisting do not abuse this gift of the American people.

Melissa George

It's not dangerous to the vast majority of dogs, just like flu infection of people is not dangerous to the large majority of people.

Cynda Crawford

Sometimes the vocal minority is heard over the silent majority.

Craig Sher

We've really made an effort to look at the historical aspects of the region and put together a plan that the majority of citizens will be pleased with.

Donald Jernigan

There are a lot of people who are really panicked. All things being equal, it is better for the majority of people to file now, although it's not going to be the end of the world if they file later.

Jeffrey Freedman

A majority would be for guilty but quite a few would be for not guilty on the first votes on each of the counts.

Steve Struss

Bush won and got re-elected, and the Senate got more Republicans. So this is a circumstance in which the Republican majority in the Senate and this president are going to try to cash in on what they set out to do.

Michael Gerhardt

A majority of our members have voted to reject the tentative agreement.

Bruce Bell

We have been fortunate in that the majority of our policyholders have not shifted into higher risk operations.

David Bondy

I don't think you're going to have the majority of the board's approval, so whether it's fiscally feasible or not, it's politically DOA (dead on arrival) and you're going to have to go back to the drawing board and start over.

Chris Daly

Things were just obliterated, so the majority of the money is going to be used to rebuild.

Pete Smith

Even my close friends worked on it with me. We tried to find something that related to the majority of college kids. Most of them are dirty, and every college kid has a mascot.

Ryan Alovis

The majority of the Cabinet members will be from outside parliament, and some independents and technocrats.

Salah Bardawil

The majority of images and videos we believe came through the Internet.

Sheriff Walker

I'm wrestling with it. My position has always been to have a one-vote majority, but we'll make this work. We're going to accept it and make it work.

Don Nickles

I think the majority of people in Homer (Glen) want to see what the boundary is going to be before they commit to voting for (the bond issue).

Ann Holtz

We are comfortable that the majority of ours are taken care of.

Dana Conklin

Because of the economic crisis, Kirchner ruled by decree for two and a half years, and basically because of the crisis, everyone went along with that. Now he's trying to generate his own majority in Congress.

Felipe Noguera

We're gratified with the judge's order but clearly disappointed it has come to this. A majority of our pilots are doing their jobs and we hope the rest come back real soon.

Chris Chiames

We promised an absolute majority and that's what we're going to give the country.

Jens Stoltenberg

We have deployed in over 350 Starbucks locations. The majority of them are installed in Seattle, San Francisco, San Jose, Dallas, New York and Houston.

Ali Tabassi

It's highly unlikely that the kind of majority we will see can pass the necessary reforms.

Susana Garcia

The starters get you there, and then the bullpen determines the outcome. The majority of the games are very close. It seems like it doesn't matter how good your offense is.

Mark Wiley

This confirmed my worst fears. We can see that the majority are out of form and after this game I'm just left with headaches.

Pawel Janas

I would say the majority of astronomers believe there is life elsewhere, and the best place to find it would be on a planet that has conditions like the Earth.

Jaymie Matthews

The truth is not always the same as the majority decision.

Pope John Paul Ii

Freedom of the press also exists for viewpoints that shock the majority of the population.

Robert Menard

The majority of Fidelity growth and growth & income funds remained underweight technology - some by inches, and some by miles.

Jim Lowell

Once it was determined that she had a majority of support, we all backed the decision. I think the county ought to know.

Joe Owens

We believe the vast majority of the early vote ballots were processed and counted.

Scott Burnham

Top to bottom we had a real solid effort in a majority of the events. Overall I was pretty happy.

Don Schwartz

Given that by far the majority of those involved in the debate have not had the opportunity to view the episode, we feel it is important to give the public of New Zealand that chance.

Rick Friesen

It's not a real big deal for a majority of the people of Florida, but it is a big deal for those 350 households.

Clay Shaw

The majority of people say they have lost everything. I've seen kids with no shoes.

Karen Stewart

Having entered this process after the majority of decisions have been about moving this thing forward, we're probably going to have to do that.

Tom Mcdaniel

The major human rights concern that we continue to have is the endemic human rights problems at the level of the state, ... That is the level at which the majority of the population come into contact with abuses by authorities.

Irene Khan

The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.

Marcus Aurelius

Within the majority there are grave and serious divisions. It will be very difficult to govern this coalition.

Stefano Folli

The overwhelming majority of people are over 40.

Stacey Hallahan

A man with God is always in the majority.

John Knox

The majority of team had a lot of experience from last year. They are a good enthusiastic group which works hard all the time.

Jeff Hickok

It's clear that Columbia doesn't want to grow. In the end, the council wouldn't listen to a vast majority of their residents and businesses.

Jerry Rombach

We looked at unaccompanied minors, and the majority are on direct flights. When you look at the potential for these instances, all of that is tied directly to connecting flights.

Jim Sabourin

We are happy for [the majority of states] that are clearly not threatened by this ruling, but are concerned about the remaining [ones].

Kris Mineau

The vast majority of them are things that riders have done and they were warned not to do.

Bill Carlson

Both are very key in helping also to address a large majority of the other risk factors relating to heart disease.

Tammy Cornman

The criminal indictment of Tom DeLay is the first chink in the armor of corruption that has so clouded, consumed and controlled the Republican majority over the past few years.

Louise Slaughter

And my new focus is in acting. That's where I'm putting the majority of my energy.

Ll Cool J

That's where the majority of the growth is, so it's no surprise.

Dave Loveland

Rules are made for the majority and you can't legislate for the exceptions.

Graham Fox

This is the first election in New York City history where the majority is minority.

Hank Sheinkopf

I'm convinced there's something going on, and I'm pretty sure that the majority of it isn't naturally caused.

Andrew Laird

The perception of bias isn't there, that's what I told Ken Tomlinson, ... The majority of Americans do not perceive a bias.

Pat Mitchell

The trend has certainly been the majority of first-degree murder cases you will hold defendants without bail pending trial.

Mark Lancaster

Like the vast majority of French, I am shocked. I just hope that the French come to their senses and vote against him.

Marcel Desailly

What we have is low snow in the majority of the snowmobiling regions of the province.

Chris Brewer

And even in the hatred of the majority, there's a kind of triumph because I know that, although they'd never admit it, they secretly respect me.

John Osborne

There's a solid majority in favor of reporting.

Gregory Schulte

It would be a big surprise if the ruling coalition didn't get a majority.

Masaaki Kanno

The vast majority of them were found hidden up in the trees.

Detective Scott Coody

I would have expected that, among journalists, it would have been the vast majority who would have been able to identify freedom of press as one of the rights of the First Amendment.

Ken Dautrich

The majority of enterprises we see now aren't looking for low costs in routers. They're looking for added features like security.

Rob Whiteley

This is unprecedented. The majority of the accused crimes are going to be serious offenses.

Laurie White

We own the vast majority of rights in the borough. But a survey has to be completed before anything can move forward.

Larry Loperfito

A government that does not have a majority in parliament does not really hold power and that should be changed.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski

The General Assembly did what the majority of the people in this stated wanted and that was to pass an education lottery.

William Wainwright

Certainly they would be able to eliminate the vast majority of the headquarters employees.

Paul Adornato

There is a growing backlash against compliance. While the big boys may be able to afford it, the majority can't. To them, the risk of deleting it is far less than the price of complying.

Fred Moore

An issue like prescription drugs is an opportunity for Democrats to regain their advantage with seniors and to regain their majority in the House.

Geoff Garin

We believe we are at a tipping point whereby the anti-war sentiment has now become the majority sentiment.

Brian Becker

Republicans, not surprisingly, have more confidence in Giuliani's chances of becoming president than do Democrats, but a majority of groups actually think that Giuliani has a fairly good chance.

Mickey Blum

Not a majority of those.

Susan Gray

The majority of information I gave police was about my wife and her family, which is what they wanted.

Robert Blake

The alliance is leaning toward changing (the nomination). The majority opinion is in favor of this.

Bassem Sharif

The majority of these hiring managers say most of their recruitment activity will take place during the first half of the year.

Matt Ferguson

The majority of the plays, he really didn't know. He'd run past us when we were trying to block for him.

Davin Joseph

The majority of people will be happy with this.

Simon Clark

The majority of our work is done.

Larry Miller

Given the fact the majority of council had not anticipated I would be elected, there has been a lot of good things that have happened.

Mary Reeves

Well, I will quickly correct the record that they are not anti-war extremists. The majority of people I saw in Crawford were actually veterans' groups.

Coleen Rowley

Never be afraid to stand with the minority when the minority is right, for the minority which is right will one day be the majority.

William Jennings Bryan

The majority of alcohol consumed in Canada, as self-reported in the survey ... the great majority is not consumed in a way that's consistent with health and safety guidelines.

Tim Stockwell

By far, the majority were wrong.

Brian Niceswanger

We're still hopeful a majority (of ELL students) will get through, but at the end of the day, we may have 50 kids or 100 kids who don't make it.

Craig Pletenik

The great majority were detained for non-violent expression of their political and religious beliefs.

John Kamm

If you can't manage to get you own troops behind you when you have a majority of 66 in the House of Commons in the United Kingdom then there is something fundamentally wrong about his authority or his judgement about this case.

Simon Hughes

Well, to some degree, of course. You don't want to routinely be bringing bills to the floor that a majority of your own party is opposed to.

Tom Foley

The majority are surviving their illnesses and going on into adulthood.

Brent Goodrich

This is inside baseball here, ... The vast majority of people here never pay attention to the caucuses.

Hugh Winebrenner

Most people would say, 'they're a bunch of drunk drivers, screw them. That's exactly why we have constitutional rights -- because the majority does want to go after people.

Sam Fields

They played very well. They have a lot of experience on the floor with the majority of their top seven or eight players being seniors.

Tim Peterson

This is a killer for customers of Office 97. They have had this policy for their operating systems, but I would say it was never clearly documented to the majority of their Office customers.

Neil Macdonald

The majority of natural resources are in indigenous territories. We are asking that the government consult indigenous leaders about laws that affect our territory.

Juan Gabriel

We have eleven seniors, so it was a nice day to celebrate, the last game at home that a lot of us will have. It's nice to celebrate the girls who make up a lot of the experience of our team, as well as the majority of our numbers.

Brooke Julicher

January, February and March are the months we get the majority of our customers.

Bernie Vanmiddlesworth

We now know that [this issue] is very important to them and we know a large majority of them want to gradually reduce the number of troops that we have in Iraq.

Krister Anderson

The silent majority distrusts people who believe in causes.

Brian Moore

The majority of work I do is in independent films, where you're lucky if you have five takes.

Patricia Clarkson

You can't say that the leftist Union has a majority to govern. We are neck and neck in the Senate, and it's a great result.

Andrea Ronchi

Will it be flawless? No. Will there be some customers that slip through the cracks? Yes. But for the majority of orders, they will be ready. The only way to get to 100 percent is on the fly.

Jeffrey Kagan

Some of the agencies were concerned that a five-eighths majority wasn't enough.

Mike Ban

A lot of people don't know there's a nonprofit conservation group that's responsible for the majority of Catalina ... and has to generate its own revenues.

Ann Muscat

We intend on acquiring at least the majority of the shares of Enron, selling off all divisions of the business except for the energy-related companies and putting this company back on its feet.

Richard Ryan

The majority of our kids don't get through the door unless we can go and convince the employer to give them a go.

Tariana Turia

It is a measure of the framers' fear that a passing majority might find it expedient to compromise 4th Amendment values that these values were embodied in the Constitution itself.

Sandra Day O'conner

The constitution places fairly weak checks on the majority.

Jonathan Brown

Check 21 is not a big bang. It will probably take till 2008 for a majority of checks to be presented electronically.

Robert Hunt

A majority of the kids have just done something stupid — they carried a pocket knife to school or got into a fight.

Sharon Gillies

This is the beginning of the unraveling of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

Anna Eshoo

The majority of students don't see color. I see alliances and friendships every day. I also see the ones who are aware of color differences, and those are the ones whose families hold on to that, who remind them of that.

Pat Cravins

The more you love, the more you can love--and the more intensely you love. Nor is there any limit on how many you can love. If a person had time enough, he could love all of that majority who are decent and just.

Robert A. Heinlein

The South is the only part of the country where the majority of the people say they don't know someone who is gay or lesbian.

Ken Baker

The extent to which there is greater clarity in terms of one party clearly being able to form a coalition that has a majority in both houses would be helpful from a policy perspective.

Brian Coulton

With MS, the majority of the nervous system doesn't heal.

Maureen Howard

The majority of the crime going on down there is from outside the housing (complex). We've tried just about everything.

Sam Jones

We feel if we can get the information out to the people, a majority of them will care for their animals.

Marilyn Marinelli

The vast majority didn't know much.

Charlotte Cipparone

It's always the minorities who aren't a part of the mainstream who define what the limits . . . of the majority are going to be.

Rose Elizabeth Bird

Everyone in the pool business is very busy, ... People are refinancing and adding pools to existing homes, and the majority of new homes have pools installed on new construction.

Terry Turner

Something was wrong. Everybody could feel it. The majority of us figured we were going to be at war with the (Japanese) soon. We didn't figure they were going to hit us.

Christopher Harame

The majority of them (the performers) are teenagers.

David Kinley

The kick-off event is just a single component of the fund drive. [The drive] will last until around Feb. 14. Faculty and staff can participate, and the majority contribute through payroll deduction.

Bill Mulso

The majority of gynecologists in private practice use the liquid technology. I'm not sure about government clinics.

Karen Zink

It's a big step forward, and shows that a majority of the legislators support this. We expect it will ultimately become law.

Charles Schalliol

We had confidence that when we were able to show what the facts were in this election that there would be no doubt who was really chosen by the majority of Greensboro voters.

Walter Braswell

Essentially Mel and Bill complained that I wasn't doing what the majority of the committee wanted. To claim that I'm not doing what the majority is asking is incorrect. It was obvious by the [no confidence] vote that I was.

Donald Defedele

It was tough playing in Kansas City, ... You play to win. When you go out there and lose the majority of your ballgames, it's tough every day. Obviously, this has been exciting.

Tony Graffanino

We wanted to be close to our campus since the majority of activity in the business office is generated here.

Paul J. Meyer

It was in good fun, ... They got to gloat but we're still in the majority.

Joe Baca

We have decided that the best way for us to create value is by selling the majority of the European Frozen Food businesses.

Patrick Cescau

The market is really starting to get unhinged. The majority can be attributed to the storm, and some geopolitical concerns as well.

John Brady

The majority of the people living in these two areas have become homeless.

Vijay Bakaya

We lease the majority of our centers prior to breaking ground.

Laura Baker

You can't overreact to the vocal few. You can find out if how they feel is reflective of the majority. It's a balancing act.

Dave Tomsky

It is very clear that if this document is going to determine the future course of the WTO, the majority of people in the world would be worse off.

Lori Wallach

At the moment, the chances of passing this package in one go look slim. Efforts are being invested to try and garner a majority but let's not have any illusions.

Lior Horev

I think the majority of the people who voted for them are with us. But I'm not taking anything for granted.

Anthony Cobos

In regular cells, like in bone and blood, the cells divide. But brain cells do not normally divide. The great majority will not divide. The neurons you're born with are pretty much what you have at end of life.

Danilo Tagle

Doesn't sound like a veto-proof majority to me.

Jake Siewert

I can say with absolute confidence that the vast majority of those corporations do not know that they have been breached.

Simon Perry

The majority of Americans, the ones who never elected you, are not fooled by your weapons of mass distraction.

Michael Moore

People found out they aren't as aggressive as they thought. For the majority of investors, they should be tweaking their portfolios more conservatively.

Bud Kasper

It's about half blue-collar and half white-collar, but the majority of our clientele is just the normal person next door.

Seth Parker

R-P is the county's zoning tool . . . of choice for the vast majority of the county.

Don Charles

The focus has been terrorism, terrorism, terrorism, ... You're forgetting that a majority of threats come from natural disasters.

Jeff Brown

The majority of the [players], I like, ... I questioned the effort of a select, few guys, and they know who they are. I wasn't happy here and I owe it to myself to be happy. They didn't deserve to have me here, so I took myself elsewhere.

Chike Okeafor

Giving the public the confidence that the majority has considered the full range of arguments and has had to answer them.

Paul Gewirtz

Rescuers are hoping that the majority of people trapped in the ruins can be brought out alive.

Yuri Akimov

A majority opinion is not necessarily a majority of Israeli voters.

Yaron Ezrahi

Marches will only get you so far. There has to be an electoral component to get the Republicans out of the majority.

Armando Navarro

I would say that the majority of people who express an interest don't get very far at all. They lose interest when they see what's involved.

Parke Burgess

The majority of ours are good, and the majority of them are good, ... I can't really say (the fights) are because they are here.

Anthony Morris

The majority of people in this league are totally new to the sport.

Becky Reitmeyer

The majority of the players are getting $7,500 for these appearances. But typically, the range is $2,500 to $10,000.

Robert Tuchman

We just worked the ball inside and made some good shots. With the majority of playing time on the bench, the bench came in and did well.

Alan Kirk

The first two months, in April and May, the majority of the time was spent doing interviews to complete the hiring for 36 new faculty who are here with us this fall.

William Andrews

The majority of people aren't going to be in danger of getting this.

William Jarvis

The fact of life is, the majority of customers pay bills by mail, through automatic withdrawal or by electronic banking.

Larry Christie

When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong.

Eugene Debs

The majority of fans, quite rightly, are only interested in the team being successful and challenging for honors.

David Gill

I think it's an example to people around the country. A majority of Americans support impeachment. They're looking for leadership, and San Francisco's providing it.

Bob Fertik

Any attempts to turn back the clock such as this one are out of step with the values of the majority of Americans.

Brad Luna

A vast majority of my customers are using eBay as their primary business platform.

Dave Cotter

Doubts raced through my mind as I considered the feasibility of enforcing a law which the majority of honest citizens didn't seem to want.

Eliot Ness