"Lori Wallach" is the Director and Founder of Global Trade Watch, a division of Public Citizen. She is an expert and activist in global trade issues. Wallach has testified before Congress about the effect NAFTA, WTO, and other free trade agreements have on global citizens. She has played a significant role in the negotiations of many free trade agreements by acting as a consumer watch dog.

More Lori Wallach on Wikipedia.

It didn't have any of the actively anti-environmental provisions of this [CAFTA] agreement.

History has been made in Seattle, as the allegedly irresistible forces of corporate economic globalization were stopped in their tracks.

None of Congressman Fitzpatrick's statements about why he voted to support CAFTA make sense. His constituents deserve a straight answer even if it is an admission that he does not have the backbone to stand up to what everyone knows was extreme pressure by the Republican leadership to do as they ordered rather than what Fitzpatrick believed or promised.

That a member of Congress who is supposed to represent one of the U.S. states hardest hit by NAFTA job loss, and whose constituents care deeply about poverty in Central America, would become a deciding vote to expand NAFTA to six more nations is unimaginable, given the damage the NAFTA model has proven to cause to U.S. working people and Mexico's poor.

There's nothing to it, ... The actual text of the [CAFTA] agreement is what's binding and the text of the agreement is a catastrophe.

They need to go back into the existing agreement and repair the rules that limit a country's ability to have environmental safety and human rights laws.

By acquiring Costa Rican gaming operations, giant European firms now have a platform from which to launch attacks on federal, state and local gambling restrictions in an effort to secure an even greater share of the diverse and lucrative U.S. gambling market. This is a threat that was brought to the attention of all three Utah congressmen.

It is very clear that if this document is going to determine the future course of the WTO, the majority of people in the world would be worse off.