This has been a goal for a number of years, and I?m glad the plan has now become reality. Making the employees part owners is a big benefit to our customers, as well as the employees?. When a customer calls, they can speak with an owner.

Britney went into early labor contractions over the weekend and she was in a lot of discomfort and pain, so I think it was a big relief when she finally had the baby.

Some of our largest customers host almost exclusively in DC-related environments.

The unrelenting power increase ... is forcing [users] to look at new ways to cool the hardware, ... Real-estate constraints will drive this.

Approximately 26 percent of the surrounding property owners within 200 feet of the property have officially registered opposition to the request. Because of this, a super majority vote (six of seven council members) is needed to approve the requested zoning change.

Celebrity has become the most powerful marketing tool. Teens identify with them and maybe aspire to look like them. The celebrities are brought down to a human level now, and it almost makes them more powerful.

The employees? jobs are part of an investment in their future,and that?s reflected in their communications with customers and suppliers, and with each other, now more than ever.

The South is the only part of the country where the majority of the people say they don't know someone who is gay or lesbian.

Angelina shocked everyone when she stole Brad Pitt from Jen Aniston.