185 quotes about explaining follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

Animation can explain whatever the mind of man can conceive.

Walt Disney

The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.

Ayn Rand

Never complain. Never explain.

Katharine Hepburn

It didn't flow. I can't really explain it.

Pat Douglass

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

Albert Einstein

They need to be called to account. They need to explain. It is not good enough to say the job is hard.

Adrian Dix

It was perfect skating to end a perfect career. I can't explain the emotions I feel right now.

Tatiana Totmianina

I'm going to use my 10 minutes to explain what's wrong with the contract.

Doug Wilcox

Even very young children need to be informed about dying. Explain the concept of death very carefully to your child. This will make threatening him with it much more effective.

P. J. O'Rourke

Love is an endless mystery, for it has nothing else to explain it.

Rabindranath Tagore

No one ever taught me and I can't teach anyone. If you can't explain it, how can you take credit for it?

Red Grange

The high number of cases is very hard to explain.

Kevin Palmer

It's been a huge challenge for us to explain where we are when the landscape keeps changing.

Jeff Warner

Very few theories in science explain everything.

Mark Norell

I can't explain it.

Andrew Gilmore

I?m at a loss to explain their attitude.

Bernard Richard

This is just ridiculous. There's no way to explain this.

Matt Parker

There's no requirement for the accused to explain why he pleaded guilty. He may do so at sentencing.

Henry Reiner

It's a constant challenge for us to draw the distinction. We're constantly trying to explain who we are, how we differ, what we do and why it's important.

Lee Fuller

It was horrific, I don't know how else to explain it.

Annie Stetler

The way people vote is the way they vote, but we feel if we explain it, they won't accept it.

New York Knicks

The recruiters needed to explain why.

Tim Mckegney

This is hard to explain, but easy to demonstrate.

Dan Gebo

There had to be something else happening that would explain this discrepancy. Rather than trying to compete, I decided join up.

Christopher Reynolds

I need clarification from the state, to get them to fully explain what their position is and why.

John Izzo

Never retract, never explain, never apologize; get things done and let them howl.

Nellie Mcclung

The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.

Vladimir Nabokov

It's wonderful. You can't explain it. We put so much effort into this. It's phenomenal. It's a dream come true.

James Hudson

It's huge. It's really wild. I don't know, I can't really explain it.

Cam Brown

It saves trouble to be conventional, for you're not always explaining things.

Myrtle Reed

I'm the one that has to go to my kid and explain to him why his father has to leave and go to the mainland.

Bill Mullins

I can't explain it, ... It's just happened for me while I'm here.

Garret Anderson

Holding him without due process is improper, and either ICE or the prosecutors should explain why.

Stephen Bernstein

[Gunn] would try to explain [the aliens], but we gave up.

Nathan Fillion

The older I get, the more I believe in what I can't explain or understand, even more than the things that are explainable and understandable.

Lillian Gish

It feels really good. It's hard to explain. There's a lot of relief for everybody.

Nate Moore

If Agate is sleeping when they arrive, we approach her and I explain that they must tap the carpet near her before petting her anywhere on her body.

Shirley Piel

The hope is you can go back as a person from the area and explain how your career path led you to where you are now.

Jeff Witherly

I don't know how to explain it but they're not losing their determination to win despite those consecutive victories.

Jong Uichico

The prime minister has a lot of explaining to do.

Sir Menzies Campbell

How do you explain this? ... She was in her 40s; it's not like she was in college and drunk at the time.

Lloyd Bentsen

I really can't explain that. You're preaching to the choir.

Rod Baker

It's tough to explain. We know we have a better offense than that.

Albert Young

This is systematic, ethnic cleansing genocide. There's no other way to explain it.

Brian Steidle

A lot of them don't know what they're doing. You have to explain to them that they can pick the numbers themselves, or they can let the computer do it.

Thomas Carter

We must believe in luck. For how else can we explain the success of those we don't like?

Jean Cocteau

We get all kinds of personal answers that explain why they can't be fair.

Ann Hill

You cannot explain failure any more than you can argue with success.

Richard Clarke

I just love having him around. I can't explain how I just try to eat up all his knowledge.

Tawnya Gamble

I can't explain it. I guess we match up well against them.

Todd Rogers

I can't explain how happy I am to be going back to school.

Terrell Nelems

You can't explain India to people. I can explain Ireland, Norway, the Alps, but I can't explain India.

Rick Steves

They wanted facts. Facts! They demanded facts from him, as if facts could explain anything.

Joseph Conrad

Chance and necessity do not explain the origins of life.

Stephen Meyer

As we were resting them, we were explaining that to them and certainly we need to use that to our advantage. And I hope it will pay off.

Kristy Curry

Somebody has to do explain why, and they have to do something about these abandoned homes. Why? They make other people suffer.

Geraldine Thiede

I'm shocked. I'm real shocked. It's just one of those I don't know how you can explain it.

Patrick Crayton

One thing about Shanksville, you don't have to explain to people where its located.

Charles Dunn

I can't explain it. It's crazy. We wore on them like they wore on us. But we could never take the lead.

Shawne Williams

You will find in politics that you are much exposed to the attribution of false motive. Never complain and never explain.

Stanley Baldwin

It was a great feeling. I can't explain it.

Dustin Byfuglien

It's the best experience I've ever had. I can't explain it.

Mike Gansey

I think in the interim we owe it to the public to go out and explain the position we're in.

Arlene Silveira

All I ask is for the prime minister to explain the meaning behind delaying our meeting.

Amir Peretz

I can't explain why the top ones go, but it's a great program, a good learning environment.

Colin Doyle

We can blame turnovers and defense and you can blame Ray Allen also. He hit shots like I can't even explain.

Sebastian Telfair

We're there so we don't have to explain to parents, 'This is what happened to your kid,'.

Doug Robinson

It's really tough that I have to always explain myself.

Wafah Dufour

This family wants some answers. I want someone to be able to clearly explain to us why my son is dead.

David Moss Sr

Character is that sum total of moments we can't explain.

George Saunders

A God that can be understood is no God. Who can explain the Infinite in words?

W. Somerset Maugham

The sole purpose of business is service. The sole purpose of advertising is explaining the service which business renders.

Leo Burnett

We looked at the dust. That would explain how it could be all around the Caribbean, even in areas with no forests around.

Gene Shinn

To have this experience with this team, words can't explain the way I feel right now.

Abraham Nunez

Small-business customers are very conservative and very cheap. We don't have to explain ourselves for the most part.

Paul Graham

That's outside of the principals I explain in my direct testimony.

Carl Shapiro

You really can't sit here and try to explain what happened. That wasn't us. They got away from us - and before you knew it, they were ahead 21-0.

Jason Witten

I will never understand, no one will be able to explain to me, how it's OK to allow this to happen.

Penny Sweet

This is one or those moments in life, that is almost too fantastic to explain.

Ken Atkins

Customers are confused. We're explaining the options and letting customers make up their own minds.

Dawn Duffy

I wish I could explain it. Everybody wishes they knew the secret.

Josh Bell

There's been administrative chaos. There's no other way to explain it other than to say the system has largely broken down.

Richard Bacon

The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement, explain American development.

Frederick Jackson Turner

I don't know how to explain it, but somehow it always feels new. A lot of that comes from the audience, too. When they're really enjoying it, you feel that.

Jessica Lavin

Especially with financial content, the questions can get pretty complicated and not easy to explain in one keyword.

Guy Creese

We're basically relying on word of mouth. I think the confusion is that the event is complicated. When you explain it [to someone else] it's clearer.

Steve Stifano

They're just trying to explain why things happen. There's no curse.

Andy Polka

If they ask, and explain what they're doing, they can solicit and do a gate collection for this cause.

Dan Macdonald

I'm at a loss to explain the conservation benefits of this.

Chris Winter

We found that personality traits did little in explaining which employees were highly cynical and which employees were not.

John Wanous

We were able to sit down and explain the proposal in detail and answer and ask questions.

Jim Caswell

I mean, that's just baseball. I can't explain the success they've had against us.

Abraham Nunez

I became the confessor. At a certain point, they weren't even talking to me, they were explaining themselves.

Suketu Mehta

This helps explain why the food industry has blocked any efforts to have hearings.

Ben Cohen

I can't really explain it; we got the ball where we wanted it to go, but people just didn't score.

Nathan Drye

There's a time when you have to explain to your children why they're born, and it's a marvelous thing if you know the reason by then.

Hazel Scott

I almost feel like this is a year I really can't explain a whole lot.

Ray Corn

He would always talk about how he would play his emotions to the keyboard. That was him coming out of it. That was the only way he could explain himself.

Paul Perez

I can't explain their decision.

David Depalma

We explain the patients' condition at the appropriate level for the student.

Kristin Williams

It's hard to explain. Both of us, we look so much different.

Billy Henning

The emotions, you can't explain them.

Shauna Rohbock

I don't know how to explain it, but the chemistry came as soon as we stepped on the court together. We complement each other.

Noelle Quinn

Archie Gemmill has started to explain something and he should complete it.

Joe Jordan

It's tough to explain to us why this isn't a good enough test. It was accurate for me.

Barbara O'brien

We counted up 22 lay-ins that were just missed. We can't explain it.

Travis Fryback

It's hard to explain what's down there.

John Rhodes

His way of explaining the queuing system was not true.

Patrik Lindén

The supervisors here don't answer to anybody, ... They come back and don't answer to the taxpayers, and they don't come back and answer to the city's administration to explain what's going on.

Don Hudson

The faith we have is hard to explain. It's as if she is the mother of all of us.

Silvino Zavaleta

Parents often turn to us for help, asking us to explain it to the children.

Qi Zhenjun

The attic offers an idea of memory. It also asks: how can we explain the past?

Anik Fournier

I can't explain. It's just bad luck, I guess.

Dion Harris

If someone wants you to visit, they will explain how to find them.

Camilla Roslind

Never excuse, never explain, never complain.


We're so excited. It's amazing. I can't even explain. It's amazing. This is huge for us. We have one more game and we're going to take it to them.

Alyssa Fressle

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.

William Ockham

We play No. 1 doubles, its up in the air still. The singles will explain some of it, but its not going to be clearer until tomorrow afternoon.

Mike Zanatian

They make it very difficult for an Independent candidate, which may explain why its been so long since we've had one.

Brad Mcclellan

We had a terrible flow on offense. I wish I could explain it better.

Brad Underwood

I can't explain my feelings, I love the run-up and the stadium here.

Yelena Isinbayeva

I can't say what's the difference. There's just something about the Yankees. There's just energy. They're the Yankees. You can't explain it.

Julio Lugo

I don't know what happened on that goal. (The officials) didn't explain it to us.

John Gamble

These numbers are much better than anticipated. It is difficult to explain from the data we already have.

Russell Jones

It's difficult for them to understand, and it's difficult for us to explain.

Jane Reynolds

They couldn?t explain it to us, either.

Anne Wallace

I had to explain that I was disappointed in myself, but they got a read that I was angry with an attitude, ... I was angry with myself.

Marlon Byrd

We talk to people and try to explain that we don't do crafts.

Denise Copeland

Some parents might say 'don't do it' without explaining why. But if you explain, children can make an assessment of whether or not it's a sensible thing to do.

Roger Vincent

How do you explain this to a kindergartner?

Tamara Bowers

From now on, this administration will find it difficult to muster support on the right without explaining why it should be forthcoming. The days of the blank check have ended.

David Keene

I couldn't even get in a defensive stance, so I told Coach I couldn't go. It's great now. It's weird. I can't even explain it.

Jason Fisher

As we explain the benefits to the financial institutions, migration will occur.

Kerry Williams

I am baffled. This is not incompetence. This is willful. That is the only way I can explain it.

Ronald Utt

I can't explain the misses. That never happens. But something was on our side and we pulled it out.

Grant Laman

Never retreat. Never explain. Get it done and let them howl.

Benjamin Jowett

I don't even have the words to explain that [win].

C'era Walkingchild

I want the police to acknowledge that what they did was wrong. They need to explain to the community why they did this to me.

Jonathan Levine

The role of the board and the community manager is to clearly explain their roles so there are clear expectations, not false expectations.

Frank Rathbun

You don't know what the difference is, and no one can explain it to you.

Geoff Crump

However, she has to explain this to the public.

Romeo Serra

It was horrible but explain-able. The whole place was a wreck.

Jim Morton

There's an old rule in politics: If you're explaining, you're losing.

Brian Robertson

I can't explain it. I'm disappointed we didn't win more league games. We were in those games, we just couldn't get the win.

Jim Crawford

The fact that this will be here long after I've died is hard to explain. It is extraordinary for me.

Tony Jacklin

There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain.

Georges Braque

If you'd have told me that before the game I would have said you were crazy. But the turnovers pretty much explain it.

Brian Snider

Nothing you can really explain.

Vince Williams

I think it's more harmful than it is good. Most defendants say, 'Put me up there, and I can explain everything away.' And that doesn't happen.

Jim Parkman

The start, seven goals to two, you just can't explain it.

Denis Pagan

That could explain why he threw so many high balls this season.

Brian Hamilton

She just rises to the occasion. She just goes all out ... you can't really explain it.

Pat Nepple

If we going to sell this to the public, we are going to have explain how these dollars are going to be used.

Dave Stephenson

It was special. I can't explain it. It felt great.

Jason Fraser

Now you've got someone admitting exactly what the motivation was and explaining all the avenues they used.

Kent Cooper

The authors of this report explain why the previous studies have been inconsistent and really make a compelling case.

Andrew Hyland

Our running backs coach just wanted to go a different route. I can't explain it to you, so I won't explain it to you.

Fred Beasley

You can't explain how some things happen.

Patrick Beilein

It is not easy to explain why this happened.

Richard Muller

You can't take things out of context. We are always reflecting back on our curriculum, and we have worked really hard to explain why the things we choose are appropriate.

Russ Kokoruda

We're explaining where cost-savings could occur.

Paul Stamm

There were a few anomalies in the spectrum that we couldn't explain.

Doug Hudgins

That's tougher to explain, those are our two best centers and two of our top point-getters. It was a big loss for us.

Jay Mcclement

How can you interpret it that way? Explain that to me, please.

David Duval

We needed to explain to him why, which we have done. As far as an apology, I believe it was necessary to prove we did the right thing.

Brian Murphy

If I could explain it to the average person, I wouldn't have been worth the Nobel Prize.

Richard Feynman

She has a cool personality. She does not easily express her emotions. That may explain why people have difficulty identifying with her.

Gerd Langguth

It is function of government to invent philosophies to explain the demands of its own convenience.

Murray Kempton

The atrocity of the atomic bombing is difficult to explain.

Satoru Konishi

We love a dress where you can't really explain the color. They're all complexion colors, they're all very flattering.

Mark Badgley

You can explain on re-direct.

Sean Berkowitz

It would be useless for any player to attempt to explain successful batting.

Tris Speaker

Photography is a major force in explaining man to man.

Edward Steichen

I never say that evolution is a fact. Evolution is a theory. It's much more important than a fact, because theories explain things.

Eugenie Scott

Belichick said. ''There were a lot of calls in that game I'd have a hard time explaining.

Eugene S. Wilson

My God. Better than I could possibly explain.

Eugene Nelson

I can't explain it, ... I guess you have to take it like a man but I'm embarrassing myself. I'd like to crawl in a hole.

Eric Milton

Coming out, I had a lot of energy. I can't even explain how good it felt.

Erin Monfre

It's been a nightmare. He now has no chance to explain his side of the story.

Eric Bjotvedt

We have a very difficult time explaining this.

Erica Smith

I can't explain how I feel today. Today is the most wonderful emotion a mother can have.

Elizabeth Brown

But, I think it is possible. I'm waiting for my aunt in Miami to explain more to us.

Elizabeth Hernandez

I think it gives us a base for explaining why we had this enormous response to Viagra.

Edward Laumann

The mission of photography is to explain man to man and each to himself. And that is the most complicated thing on earth.

Edward Steichen

It's easier to get rich than it is to explain not getting rich.

E. James Rohn