It was actually a little nicer than what you might think, but it was very small. Windows were blacked out with curtains so that no movement or light could be seen. They did have a radio but could only listen to it at night, and they listened to BBC, not German radio. They would talk about their dreams and what they would do when the war was over.

Sandy Puccio

Think fast food restaurant and drive-through windows. We were told it was horrible. This was once a wonderful neighborhood that had gone to pot with the drugs, but it's coming back.

Mardi Street

Get your seat belt (off) first. Get your windows down as quickly as possible. If you can't get out in the first 30 seconds or so, usually, once the car fills with water, it's easier to open the door after the pressure equalizes.

Brian Mills

What I thought I would do is leave the windows open all night and let it get down to about 15 degrees for game time -- make it really cold in the gym. But with all the people that will be here it will be too warm and that probably won't work, either.

Keith Padgett

I don't see that the city would have any compelling reason to prohibit her from displaying small flags in her windows. It's a violation of her First Amendment rights.

Mathew Staver

Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life.

Angelina Jolie

We have nothing for our back yard. We're considering stepping stones. We don't need to redo our windows or anything. Mostly looking for the outside stuff.

Mary White

Overall, these new devices are really adding to the value of the Windows PC and allowing the PC to be a great creativity center.

John Frederiksen

The IPO market is all about windows opening and closing, ... These all came out when the window was open.

Sal Morreale

This is the last hurrah for the current architecture. The next version of Microsoft's consumer operating system, Windows 2000, will be based on [a Windows] NT kernel. The business user transition from Windows 95 to NT Workstation is gradually emerging.

Chris Le Tocq

We see a major increase in organizations that use the MAC OS and Linux platforms and are seeking to implement strong authentication security solutions. Aladdin sees support of the MAC OS and Linux platforms, in addition to our broad support for the Windows environment, as an important strategic initiative that will enable us to expand our business in key markets.

Shlomi Yanai

There is a potential for additional infection outside of the U.S., because any Windows 2000 system than hasn't been patched yet is vulnerable.

Joe Hartmann

Fair as the exterior may be, if you go in, you will find bare places, heaps of rubbish that can never be taken away, cold hearths, desolate altars, and windows veiled with cobwebs.

Myrtle Reed

The puppies could even be cut with glass right now, or they could even have glass in their eyes. They didn't care about the puppies at all, they just cared about damaging somebody's windows and stealing something.

Tasha Alexander

Last night I slept with my windows open, just listening for the screams to know the dam had broken.

Susan Jones

Tornado warning sirens were blaring, young kids were scared and we were wondering where we would be sleeping for the night. A (tornado warning) was issued ... and all of the kids started lining the first floor hallway (of the hotel) to get away from the windows in the lobby. We were told I-65 around Nashville was closed.

Joe Abraham

What's new here is that we now have one tool and one set of interfaces that manages Windows servers and desktops and Linux servers and desktops, and which can be configured to run in a Linux environment. That one toolset provides the customer with complete freedom of choice.

Ross Chevalier

The emerging field of mobile search is strategically important and crucial to delivering on our vision for Windows Live of providing a seamless and rich information experience for individuals and businesses across devices.

Christopher Payne

Icons are our windows into the Kingdom of Heaven, transporting us beyond our brokenness and helping us focus on praying to God for enlightenment and for glorifying God.

Cornelia Merchant

It is time to start washing the windows, picking up the garbage and painting the porch.

Judy Keller

A lot of Windows Desktop Search capabilities will be built into the visualization and organization scenarios inside Windows Vista.

Heather Friedland

Microsoft's original strategy was to protect its installed base against the onslaught of Java and maintain its Windows clientele. When they lost the court [preliminary injunction] it took their product strategy and thwarted it.

Tom Dwyer

Because this exploits particular programs on Windows, rather than Windows itself, your machine can get infected simply by visiting a Web site that's set up to exploit the flaw.

Patrick Hinojosa

This year we had to open the doors and windows to try and let in some new talent.

Thierry Fremaux

You can imagine browsing on your phone and the equivalent of pop-up windows come up. That would be bad.

Rob Hyatt

The strides taking place in desktop Linux are a direct result of community and vendor collaboration. This effort combined with delays in Microsoft?s Windows and Office packages, makes this week?s Linux desktop discussion very timely and relevant.

John Cherry

As the paradigm shifts from Windows to the Web, we will have the dominant server technology. (Microsoft) SQL Server is not Internet enabled. Oracle 8i is.

Mark Jarvis

If God lived on earth, people would break his windows.

Jewish Proverb

We're investing in a wide range of models. The new kind of applications ISVs can make (with Windows Vista) will be dramatically different from what's possible with the Web application model. I think it's clearly differentiated.

Greg Sullivan

The next move will be bringing Itanium and Integrity, and Microsoft [Windows] and Linux, into the environment.

David Grant

The goal is to be the singular workflow option for Windows.

Scott Woodgate

We have now come to the conclusion that the only way to be certain of satisfying the Commission's demands is to go beyond the 2004 Decision and offer a license to the source code of the Windows server operating system. The Windows source code is the ultimate documentation.

Brad Smith

A lot of people hung them on the walls and on their windows. In the winter it kept out the cold and in the summer it kept mosquitoes out.

Jean Tyson

Slowly but surely Linux is being chosen over Windows not only for servers, but also for desktops.

Konstantin Sapronov

We have deployed Microsoft Office Live Communications Server to a key customer. Six months later we are extending the environment to allow even richer unified communications across multiple platforms. Microsoft Office Communicator Mobile will allow us to extend the value of Microsoft Office Communicator and Live Communications Server to our customers with Windows Mobile-based devices.

Andy Kerr

Mac OS X isn't a free platform, and it runs on expensive hardware. It is not a plausible Windows alternative for our desktop customers, who are mainly large government organizations displacing Windows desktops and big enterprise corporations replacing Solaris workstations.

Nat Friedman

There are a lot of measures they can implement whether it is insulation, new windows, heating and cooling systems there are a lot of things people can do and people need to take advantage of this program they are investing into it, they should take advantage of it.

Colleen Ryan

Microsoft is really trying to push developers to .Net as fast as they can, but a lot of developers we've found have a need to continue to maintain and build new applications on the traditional, Windows 32-bit platform as well as the new .Net.

Rob Cheng

In Lithuania, Germany, England, people didn't have large windows until glass became affordable in the 1840s. So there was no need for flowerpots (or window boxes) until then.

Susan Tamulevich

This is just the first beta that we have. We have more betas coming. Our delivery timeframe hasn't changed. It will still be in beta when Windows Vista ships.

Quentin Clark

We were passing a church in the North End, and there was a wedding going on. I told her, 'Let's go in and take some photos.' We were in the back of the church, and I got a great shot of the bride illuminated by a shaft of light from one of the windows. I felt bad I couldn't get her a copy of the image.

Villager Gene Parent

They blocked me in so I couldn't get out. I couldn't escape. They started breaking the windows, then they choked me until I couldn't move. After that, they hit me in the face and knocked me out.

Jose Cano

Windows Communication Foundation dramatically reduces the amount of code that developers have to write when building service-oriented applications.

Ari Bixhorn

Avoid areas where bees are foraging and avoid disturbing them, if possible. Learn to look and listen for bee activity wherever you happen to be. And if you find yourself in a situation where bees are numerous, noisy or acting strangely, escape to safety as quickly as you can. Run and don't stop until you reach safety, such as a building with doors and windows that close.

Carol Sutherland

Along that dark gray line you can see that mosquito netting has been put against the windows but for now it doesn't allow mosquitoes in but in the future it won't allow any small birds or maybe even bugs .

Cal Sandfort

We'll support Beta 2 with security updates, either as a patch [via Windows Update] or as a new release.

Gary Schare

I am aware of no PC manufacturer that is presently shipping a second, compatible JVM on their Windows systems.

James Gosling

But since then, I have stumbled across a number of other people with very similar stories, people whose windows have been shattered not once, not twice, but several times because of car bombs and mortars.

Correspondent Charles Levinson

There were some windows broken, nothing that affected seaworthiness. The crew did an excellent job and those guys gave up. ... These guys didn't plan this too well.

Bruce Good

I am not sure there is a real market for Linux desktops. People [like Corel and other Linux distributors] with server operating systems seem to have this death wish to compete head to head with Windows. No one has ever done it successfully.

Jeff Tarter

My dad and his friends wanted to give the children something to look out their windows and see during the holiday season.

Mike Peters

We were just enthralled by the quality of the space that we could see through the storefront windows.

Paula Beall

We just wanted to make the kitchen as large as we could. We were also able to make use of all those big windows. Now the light pours in into the breakfast nook and the view now looks out toward the pool and the pretty cedar trees.

Joe Collier

It's not a question of someone crying wolf. It's just that there are so many wolves, there is a lot of crying going on. It's just one more thing in a never-ending stream of security problems for Windows.

Andrew Jaquith

Windows to the Soul.

Steve Vai

When people come to our stores to buy a new PC or new software for their PC, we want to be able to offer them a broad set of choices, immediate availability and a great retail experience. We agree with Microsoft that it's best to do this right -- and in this case it's delivering Windows Vista-based PCs with confidence in January 2007.

Ron Boire

Millions of consumers who use Windows also use Java every day. Any consumer using Windows today can easily access and use Java.

Vivek Varma

Media reports often leave the impression that Windows NT is being adopted by organizations of all sizes for every conceivable mission and that organizations are abandoning their investments in other operating environments. However, when IDC shines the light of empirical research on Windows NT usage, a different view emerges.

Dan Kuznetsky

We've made that simple and easy with Windows Me by adding wizards that set up your home network for you.

John Frederiksen

What sets Windows Live Expo apart is that people can set their own search parameters for goods and services. They can define their own marketplace universe.

Garry Wiseman

We're delivering the exact same number of offerings as in Windows XP, but the big difference is that each of those offerings are targeted differently with a different set of features.

Barry Goffe

All the other programs we are using are Windows-based, and accounting was the only area that was lagging. Now it is compatible with everything else.

Ajay Vagha

These lovely lamps, these windows of the soul.

Guillaume De Salluste

Linux is the most significant competitor to the Windows platform.

John Connors

With Windows Vista, we went back to the drawing board to create a premier platform for audio and video. Whether you are a music producer, post-production house or television studio, you will find that Windows Vista is an incredibly powerful tool for the future of content creation, delivery and playback.

Amir Majidimehr

The only thing which has kept Mac OS X relatively safe up until now is the fact that the market share is significantly lower than that of Microsoft Windows or the more common UNIX platforms. If this situation was to change, in my opinion, things could be a lot worse on Mac OS X than they currently are on other operating systems.

Neil Archibald

This is the first generation of a long string of innovations we intend to bring to small form factors that run full Windows. We are not trying to position this Ultra Mobile PC at this time to be all things to all people, so every man, woman and child should own one of these in the next three months.

Mika Krammer

When you're running Windows on a Mac, you're as vulnerable as any Windows user. An interesting question is, would a malicious Windows program affect Mac files on the same computer? It's theoretically possible but extremely difficult to pull off and would reach a very small audience in the Mac market.

Larry Seltzer

Fire was already coming through the roof and out the windows when the trucks pulled up.

Jay Gates

I'm an old Unix guy; I had enough trouble putting my data on a SAN , but then you ask me to put a Windows box in the middle ... It was a horse pill to swallow. If it went down, I'd be looking for another job.

John Parrish

You talk to a Windows user about the dangers of clicking on the wrong attachments, and they know you're talking about a virus. But there's something about the Mac community.... They don't want to admit when something bad is threatening them.

Craig Schmugar

Helping customers get the right devices designed in and right products designed in time to meet their market windows is a rising priority.

Roy Vallee

I need no dictionary of quotations to remind me that the eyes are the windows of the soul.

Max Beerbohm

[The couple wanted the new design to reflect nature, invite sunlight, and connect with the outdoors as much as possible. To accomplish that Wolf added windows throughout the house.] The old house didn't have many vistas, ... so we created them.

Gary Wolf

I don't think this is an isolated incident. After Microsoft patches this one, Windows users shouldn't be fully confidant.

Steve Sundermeier

The G2 player is not registering itself properly in the Netscape [Navigator] registry tree, which is the cause of the error message you demonstrated at the hearing -- not the interaction between the Windows Media Player and the G2 beta.

Yusuf Mehdi

It looks like they did, to some extent, what the Department of Justice couldn't. I could see where this could make it harder for Windows and Office groups to work together, and they do need to.

Michael Silver

We'd be happy to teach Microsoft how to remove Windows Media Player from Windows if they need to.

Dan Sheeran

The energy loss from a house is divided into three equal components: doors and windows; walls and the roof; and air leaks in and out.

Dick Hill

If developers don't make the transition to Apple and Intel, they'll probably be making the transition to Windows and Intel. Intel doesn't have a lot to lose.

Gordon Haff

It seems he never bothered to put it back after the most recent explosion. He says the windows will shatter again, and he'll have to measure the frames again, so why bother putting it away?

Correspondent Charles Levinson

Sunlight is important to us. I'm just thrilled with the lighting throughout the house. It's about being in nature and bringing the outdoors inside with all the windows.

Jackie Warner

It's tough to get a really cheap Mac. It's easy to get a really cheap Windows machine.

Brian Cooley

Gamers can simply unplug their controller from their Xbox 360 system and plug it into their Windows XP-based PC, ... This is a great breakthrough for the gaming industry as we make it easier for developers to create multiplatform titles.

Chris Donahue

Java Studio Creator 2 is an update to Sun's Java Studio product, which is a new generation tool attempting to simplify Java development. Java Studio Creator 2 is trying to make the Java platform more attractive to developers coming from a Microsoft Windows or 4GL tool environment.

Mark Driver

[A slight nautical theme rounds out the experience with some port hole windows and a light tower. Then there's the large balcony overlooking the lake.] It looks nothing like the old building, but you can't save some of the buildings, ... ...You can't preserve history entirely. It's impossible.

Richard Willis

People are taking 10 times the risk to get out. It's like if the door is blocked, you try the window, and if the window's blocked, you try the roof.

Ahmedou Ould Haye

The windows were blowing out, and something hit me in the head. I thought I was going to lose consciousness and began to lose my grip on Carol?s hand. All I could think of was Thurman had told me to hold on to her, so I got a firmer grip on her hand, and then it seemed our world began to spin like a top. It was just an awful feeling.

Daisy Black

The cost of migrating to Windows XP to Vista will be higher than the cost of migrating to Linux and that will push migrations to Linux.

Jack Messman

This type of problem is not unique to Microsoft, but they seem to keep making the same mistakes. The vulnerability is noteworthy because hackers could create an automated exploit that would impact the vast number of Windows users.

Andrew Jaquith

The same is true of Windows and other platforms—there are dozens of potential ways in, according to the SANS Institute, but a vulnerability does not an exploit make. These Mac security holes are a storm in a teacup. They've inspired hundreds of stories in the press and even the national network news, but if they were Windows holes, no one would have blinked.

Leander Kahney

Deep Freeze can also act as a safeguard for users who are interested in making the switch from Windows to Mac and would like to take it one step at a time. They can rest assured that both operating systems are completely protected.

Victor Gonzalez

We remain confident in our growth prospects and have an exciting product line-up, which includes major releases like Xbox 360, SQL Server 2005, Office 12 and Windows Vista.

Chris Liddell

Windows CE is interoperable with the desktop operating system, ... I think Microsoft already dominates this space. It's going to be very tough.

Chris Chaney

It's important that Microsoft continues to develop products for the Macintosh because a lot of businesses have been standardizing on (Windows) software, but a lot of them still use Apple computers as well.

Don Carnahan

Most hardware vendors are still testing their ACPI-compliant BIOS. Windows 98 is the first operating system that supports ACPI, and somebody has to lead the way, whether it's the hardware or software vendor.

Shawn Sanford

With the ability to open the windows, you can regulate temperature which leads to better comfort for the occupants and overall energy savings.

Bob Albanese

One of the central allegations in the government's case is that Microsoft was trying to prevent Netscape from developing a browser for Windows and the facts simply don't support that.

Mark Murray

Next thing I know, the both windows are getting smashed in, they're urging me to 'Swim out, swim out,' and I swam out and swam to the shore, gasping.

Henry Stern

We are seeing an emergence of growth in volume servers, particularly x86 products, with enterprises moving to smaller systems that can be tied together. The beneficiaries are Windows and Linux, both of which have a momentum in the x86 platform.

John Humphreys

We had people attending a Persony meeting with Windows XP, Mac OS, and Linux I was able to setup and run a meeting within a few minutes.

Peter Wallace

Civil Rights opened the windows. When you open the windows, it does not mean that everybody will get through. We must create our own opportunities.

Mary Frances Berry

There is no reason that any voice application will not be able to run on a Symbol device once all companies move to the standard Windows platform. From an equipment standpoint, there is audio capability in nearly all handhelds. They all can run voice or text-to-speech applications.

Mark Wheeler

It kinda scares me to death because I be scared a bullet is gonna come through the windows you never know.

Louann Hicks

Having all those windows open greatly increased their estimating productivity. While this is not unique to McCormick, the response from our customers was so enthusiastic that we think two monitors will probably be the standard from now on.

Todd Mccormick

They don't need to be down there, ... Every time one of these storms gets close, they have to put plywood on the windows and be prepared to leave.

Phyllis Cole

It's pretty routine when we have to deal with vandalism and theft, be it smashed windows or wood being stolen.

Duncan Stokes

The most important thing for Windows is being compelling to developers. Developers are the linchpin for the success of Windows.

David Treadwell

With the Turin Olympics and the World Cup coming, everyone knows that televisions are being sold by the truckload ... Windows (new operating system) Vista will debut in the later part of the year, so people will want to trade up their computers. It is not a bad situation at all.

Tsutomu Yamada

Windows XP and the Pentium 4 processor will enable [the Giga PC].

Pat Gelsinger

We're [also] eager to work with Microsoft. Forty percent of our installed base are on Windows. We want to better serve them.

Marten Mickos

And while you're up there doing the windows, you might want to get up there and re-caulk.

Cindy Sullivan

The windows (on Main Street, U.S.A.) were Walt's way to subtly recognize the people that had helped make Disneyland a reality. The way he accomplished this was by placing the name of the person or people on a themed, designated window.

Dave Smith

I saw a macabre scene as people tried to break windows in order to get out.

Franciszek Kowal

The Windows source code is the ultimate documentation of Windows server technologies. With this step our goal is to resolve all questions about the sufficiency of our technical documentation.

Brad Smith

I drive around in my car and listen to [the demo]. And if I drive by people I know, I have to roll the windows up and turn it down -- or if somebody calls, I have to turn it off.

Howie Day

We know where all the visitors are, so we can track them down and alert them if they've left their lights on or their windows down.

Jeff Leitner

It is in the wild and the damage is significant. It removes files off Windows and Windows system directories that render the computer inoperable.

April Goostree

We're going to get to ship Windows 98 with all its Internet functionality intact? and that's the key.

Charles Rule

One of the best ways to gain a new appreciation of Windows 98 is to install Linux on the client side and try running it. Linux is mostly gaining mindshare and emotional share, not commercial market share.

David Cearley

I see three strong wireless equipment companies involved, and Psion is strong in palmtop devices, ... They have lots of promise, but I'm not sure what the strength on the software side is. Why not make a product that uses Windows CE?

Chris Chaney

We are excited to work with TI to continue advancing the mobile gaming architecture. This collaboration will help enable developers to show best-of-breed implementations on an expanding range of Windows Mobile-based phones while enabling them to be more effective in their porting investments. This ultimately brings a wider range of new quality titles to consumers and mobile operator ecosystems.

Peter Bernard

Our estimation of how Windows 2000 will be adopted is fairly slow. While that trend is going on, we [also] see the growth in Web-oriented applications, and as they move in that direction, the tie to Windows 2000 is lessened.

Dan Kuznetsky

Shrinking windows is bad for business and I mean everybody's business.

Shari Redstone

The glass is not the kind to break easily. It's the same stuff that we have in the library. [The windows] make it look light and airy.

Cyndi Holm

Friends are like windows through which you see out into the world and back into yourself... If you don't have friends you see much less than you otherwise might.

Merle Shain

Hurricane Long-Term blew through our markets with such force that many were left homeless. While our house lost shingles and windows, we're still here.

Andrew Fisher

The broadest audience we can reach right now is going to be on Windows XP. What we do longer term is a function of where the market is.

Quentin Clark

This is definitely being driven by Microsoft's desire to position Windows as a home entertainment hub, and to do that they have to make some concessions. They're walking a line, trying to please both sides (content companies and consumers) at the same time.

Matt Rosoff

We'll have 60 seats, like a 'real' restaurant. We'll put in a real kitchen and keep the counter, but with a different orientation, offering a beautiful view with four windows showing the [Market] clock.

Matt Janke

Again the pressure pushes me in the chair, shuts my eyes. I notice the dark red tongues of the flame outside the windows. I'm trying to memorize, fix all the feelings, the peculiarities of this descending, to tell those, who will be conquering space after me.

Valentina Tereshkova

And not by eastern windows only, / When daylight comes, comes in the light, / In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly, / But westward, look, the land is bright.

Arthur Hugh Clough

[It was the inside, however, that really sold him on the place. The huge casement windows flooded each gumwood-trimmed, stucco-walled room with light. And the upstairs library clinched it for him, with its built-in bookshelves and brick-and-stucco fireplace.] I just went, 'Oh my God. ... I have to have this,' ... I certainly got enough bang for my buck.

Tom Larson

Windows is Microsoft's biggest business unit, and Vista is it's biggest challenge. Frankly, I think it's going to be very difficult for Microsoft to make its case to corporations.

Rob Helm

We want to show people what search-and-recovery teams go through. The windows are the floors, and the floors are the walls. Their world is literally turned upside down.

Jason Cook

Doesn't cause problems with the Windows experience.

Adam Sohn

We never said Microsoft has decided [to rebrand RSS], ... It's a year ahead of [Windows Vista] being released and we?re trying to work with the community to get some consensus.

Robert Scoble

There's some conflict there — on the one hand, you have Atlas for doing cross-platform Windows applications. On the other, you have Windows Presentation Foundation to keep developers on the (Windows) platform. It's not clear for developers, but I think the market will drive it more than Microsoft.

Paul Colton

There will be a concern if we see an increase in businesses selling PCs without Windows and piracy goes into the sky.

Michala Alexander

The Readers' Choice Award is a barometer of PerfectDisk's success in the Windows market. These two awards highlight the importance of PerfectDisk's key differentiators -- free space consolidation and complete single pass defragmentation. The overwhelming response from users is the ultimate validation of PerfectDisk. By consistently listening to their feedback we continue to break new ground.

Robert Nolan

Unless they consider themselves very savvy, Mac users should run anti-virus software just like Windows users. Mac users need to start developing a sense of cynicism about content that comes unsolicited, even if it appears to come from a user they know.

Larry Seltzer

Companies that have large population of notebook users and are experiencing pain with Windows 95 or 98 crashing are prime candidates for the adoption of Windows 2000, as are companies with a very chaotic environment that want to establish greater degree of lock down and control around the client.

David Cearley

With the windows down, we saw improvement on both vehicles but only of 1.6% with the Land Rover, and 4.1% with the Mustang.

Mike Hudson

Heated glass has some history - in supermarket freezer doors and airplane windows. That's why they don't fog up.

Laurie Williams

There are enough compatible applications at launch so that Windows 2000 will not suffer as a result. With BackOffice, there is plenty of time to resolve issues, particularly with Active Directory design.

Michael Gartenberg

Lots of people wanted to jump out of the windows, children were crying.

Oumar Cisse

Everybody's store was closed down. They wouldn't give us gas for the buses, they pulled shotguns on us. We didn't have no food. We had to hang out the windows to get water.

Debra Smith

It looks like somebody took a machine gun, shot out all the windows and put holes in the cars. All of our 110 cars sustained some kind of damage.

Marcus Miller

In the wake of the court ruling, Microsoft is clearly scrambling, but they still have a long way to go to address the anti-consumer, anti-competitive elements of Windows XP.

Kathy Mckiernan

If you do a $1,000 worth of cleaning with us, you might get more open windows for pickup and delivery than another customer.

Ceo Payam Zamani

I think one of the key features is the ability to get on the Windows network. That means you're not penalized any more for bringing a Mac into that environment. With Office, you'll even get compatibility at the document level.

Roger Kay

Keep passing the open windows.

John Irving

This is the most complete, original Frank Lloyd Wright-designed house in the world. It has more original furnishings and windows and fixtures. It's important that we have these (renovation) projects, because that will help keep these original historical materials in the best possible condition.

Dave Blanchette

The woodcut New Year pictures are usually put up on windows or walls five days before the New Year's Day to express good wishes for the coming year.

Guo Shurong

Since windows are most vulnerable to break and let wind and rain in the building, we also have window shutters on hand.

Danny Daniels

By that point, I had started taking singing lessons. And after the first session, I mean, I was surprised that the windows didn't shatter. And after the third session, I really didn't know where this voice had come from.

Gerard Butler

The rate at which this technology has been adopted is remarkable, the fastest I have ever seen in the motor sector, faster even than the airbag, automatic transmission or electric windows. From the consumer standpoint, it's wonderful, because you get flexibility and you don't have to pay for it.

Barry Engle

We are not providing a way to run Windows within OS X.

Natalie Kerris

It has some busted windows and a leaky roof, but I think it would work.

Jeff Hardin

Following the events of Sept. 11, it seems likely that the PC demand recovery will be postponed and the near-term impact of Windows XP diluted.

Terry Ragsdale

As opposed to Windows, there are over 70,000 known viruses.

Rick Levitt

I think sometimes juveniles tend to think by shooting windows with BB guns it's fun for them maybe they're bored; but it's a criminal offense.

Margie Long

It busted out all the windows two blocks down.

Henry Flores

I think Microsoft would be free to go into wireless devices and broadband access, and anything else it wants to go into, but it won't be able to abuse or leverage its monopoly position in Windows to gain a foothold in those marketplaces.

Doug Barney

The information provided with the [Oracle] patches is limited, making it more difficult for organizations to protect themselves from possible attacks. Oracle applications are typically used in environments that are more sensitive than a Windows desktop, and they are more mission-critical.

Rich Mogull

We have been thrilled with the response to our public beta and the feedback we've received from our customers. While Microsoft Windows Mobile is the first handheld and mobile phone platform that Sling Media is supporting, we are committed to expanding support for other mobile device platforms in the future.

Blake Krikorian

The changes we are making will provide a feature-complete Windows Vista to our customers sooner.

Amitabh Srivastava

I call myself a Mac person. But I'm also a realist. In my full-time job, I've tried several times to switch to Mac, but we use Windows as our back end, Windows Server and Exchange, Outlook 2003. But all the implementations on the Mac lack features [available in Windows].

Colin Nederkoorn

The old, buried station was just a simple structure in terms of construction, a steel tube with no windows. You may wonder what people would see outside in the Antarctic but, although it's bare and naked, looking outside can be comforting.

Fritz Gampe

There are a million anecdotes that show that the College hasn't given students fair warning about work that is being done to their rooms. Students have said that several times there have been two knocks on their door and it opens without warning. Others have experienced workers peering into their windows.

Matt Loesch

I guess the simplest way to make sure that you can heat your home the most effectively is to make sure that the least amount of air is getting through cracks. Make sure that everything is caulked. If windows are leaking you can put cellophane over them.

Patrick Rush

Unless Microsoft can prove that Windows 2000 is all of those things -- highly interoperable, consistent and reliable -- they can damage themselves and lock themselves out of the computer room for the next decade.

Daniel Kusnetzky

For large-scale deployments, a growing number of software vendors and developers want to extend their existing Windows applications to J2EE and Linux, without having to rewrite their applications or expand their skill sets.

Yaacov Cohen

I also saw two rainbows, driving home from Dover just before 4 p.m.. It was pretty spectacular. All of a sudden the sun was trying to break through the clouds, and then, 15 minutes later, it was another downpour. By the time I got home to Salem, we had sleet and hail. It was hitting the windows so hard, it was scaring my wife.

Kevin Hunt

Notes servers run on Windows servers, Notes clients run on Windows. There is a lot of need in the IBM community to make sure Notes is compatible with Office. So it makes sense that Microsoft capitalizes on this before IBM gets traction with Workplace.

Steve Bryant

Down the road, I can see server appliances doing well, ... If (Gateway) can build an intelligent gateway to manage all these devices, one that doesn't need Windows NT certification and one they can manage for you, then I think it's smart.

Paul Doyle

Impact resistant windows offer consumers a viable way to protect their homes. While this may mean spending a little more, they help to enhance the look of your home and are hassle-free. You get what you pay for - inexpensive solutions may save you a buck or two in the short term, but may not save you the cost of rebuilding in the long run.

Bob Maceda

People are being told to lock their windows and doors and so we're doing that.

Shelia Mallory

We understand that the availability of 64-bit applications from software vendors such as ESI is critical in helping our mainstream customers be able to easily deploy, manage, and use Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003.

Kyril Faenov

So the windows are shrinking. That works to our advantage as a premium provider, and certainly an earlier DVD window, as a burn-to-own customer of the studios, would be very good for us.

Bob Clasen

Companies already think that switching to a Mac OS from Microsoft wouldn't be worth the hassle. A large company with thousands of PCs has a huge number of applications that require Windows, so they wouldn't even think of migrating. That puts them in a very non-Apple frame of mind.

Michael Silver

There were people who came out to practices to support us, and they all had Canadian flags in their windows. It's everywhere. A little contagious energy, and I'm sure it'll only grow as more people arrive.

Jennifer Botterill

I heard it's a little bit more difficult now because of the passing vision because Peyton Manning's window is so big but all the other quarterbacks windows are not that big, ... You just got to get used to it.

Ryan Gomes

There's no way you can cram enough hardware into a $500 price point and make it run well for Windows XP, let alone Vista.

Chris Pirillo

His business died overnight. But he just shifted his focus to making power windows for those restoring the old cars. He had already started doing some of that, and it really took off.

Robby Whitehead

While there is a lot of cool stuff in the release that consumers will be excited about, Windows Vista is as much, if not more, a business focused release that will provide significant value for business customers.

Brad Goldberg

We're in a low area, so we had one or two feet of water yesterday. That has drained down now. Obviously, the area is still wet, but it's drying out. We did get some roof damage…some damage to some windows, and tree limbs hitting windows.

Harry Wadsworth

She had sheets on the windows for quite a while.

Ken Black

No application development group wants to have to learn new tools. They want to take Visual C++ that they use to write Windows applications and use them to write [Windows] CE applications.

Matthew Nordan

There's any number of things that could dissipate the carbon monoxide. I don't know why it became critical mass yesterday. Maybe the windows were not open. The doors may have been closed. I can't answer that.

Robert Edwards

We view this as positive for Apple as it opens a new market to the company and greatly expands the (potential market) for Intel-based Macs. This will be a particular benefit for business applications where users need to run Windows for certain applications.

Chris Whitmore

The only way somebody would be able to get out of that building would be to bail out of the windows.

Rob Taylor

He shot the front of the house, through the windows, through the walls, walking back and forth in front of the house more than one time, continuing to shoot multiple rounds.

Bill Schwartz

We expect seasonally normal PC demand and a richer product mix to drive a positive first quarter earnings surprise. PC demand should accelerate in the second half of 2000, (driven by) a strong economy, Windows 2000 and a sharp increase in microprocessor price performance.

Mark Edelstone

The monitors are sort of windows into the way kids are thinking. You don't want to sit down and lecture them, you want to give them time in this wonderful interactive environment.

David Dwyer

Do you really want to pay for all the excess functionality in Windows that distracts your employees and reduces their productivity?

Jack Messman

I went back around the front again and that's when you saw people stacked on top of each other trying to get out of the front door. And by then the black smoke was pouring out over their heads, out the side windows on the other side.

Brian Butler

Most people are understanding. Some people will throw things at you. You learn to drive with blinders on. You just look straight, nowhere else. Keep your windows closed and doors locked and just drive.

Jerry O'brien

Apple is a hardware company - they build software to sell the hardware. The question really is, Why not support the installation of Windows on their computers?

Ted Schadler

It's really pretty in the evening with the light coming in the windows.

Candace Smith