Spending on a gift typically is directly related to feeling and emotions, ... Why People Buy Things They Don't Need.

Pam Danziger

Do you mind? Excuse me if I don't offer you any. This marijuana's often too strong for my visitors. I had to resuscitate one guy for almost an hour once. You know, a higher percentage of people here grow their own marijuana than probably anywhere. It's typically Czech: a do-it-yourself nation.

J.x. Dolezal

I tried something different ? I didn't look at the last two there at the end. There are a lot of worries, because sometimes it just doesn't happen and you're doing things you rely on. You know, we just always make free throws, and typically in a game like that, we're gonna win by 10 or 12 points because we're gonna make the one-on-one's down the stretch.

Frank Allocco

Most other qualities considered typically American tend to be about behavior, things you can change.

Jeremy Straughn

There's no substitute for working with someone year after year, in terms of consistency and planning. The things that may cost you the most on your taxes are things that typically aren't included on the forms, like setting up retirement accounts.

Keith Hall

With those types of projects, what we typically like to do is jump around a lot. Overwhelmingly, we were asked to get in and get out. If we put these things back to back, we would have 15 years of construction.

Paul Degges

What consumers want is a physical presence, and typically it's just to deposit their checks. What we have found in our own research is that consumers like online banking, but they just don't like mailing checks.

Scott Appleby

Low interest in this service among the grey-power generation and the baby boomers stems from multiple reasons, including the fact that the service is a novelty to many senior citizens, who are typically slow to adopt new technologies in the first place. The seemingly complex applications inhibit adoption.

Harry Wang

I was certainly surprised to see a third hat come into the ring. It's not often you see these bidding wars play out in the public domain. Typically, a company would have gone through an auction process and worked it through the private market and then announced a deal.

Craig Leupold

March is typically a time of year when prices start to go back up. Spring break really makes people want to get on the roads, and everybody in the country has a spring break at some point in March or April. There's a spike in demand, and prices start to go up in anticipation of it.

Clay Ingram

I thank them for doing that. Typically we don't like to win that way, but we'll take it.

Dave Reel

There are typically 70 fires each year, so we're way ahead of pace (for one month). We were behind. We should have known it was too good to be true.

Amy Gabriel

I think our league matches up very well. Typically the teams coming out of here have been fairly successful ... I think our league has a nice combination of teams this year.

Dan Rucker

They're used to playing for 32 minutes. We aren't typically very deep at Timberlake and we have I think the most talented five we've ever had. They showed tonight when we hung with the No. 2 team in the state for the duration of the game.

Jason Spear

Typically, people who manage finances well manage their lives well and are less stressed, likely to be more honest and more in control of their workday and their home life. A credit report is not only reflective of your financial position but your character.

Maxine Sweet

Fires may behave differently because homes today typically contain larger quantities and different types of materials than before. This means you need as much early warning as possible to evacuate safely. Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms remain the most effective way to protect you and your family from the risk of fire.

John Drengenberg

People who came through the door and became customers typically say, 'I don't want to go buy a $100 ready-to-assemble desk that comes with a bottle of glue.' They want something of decent quality that's going to hold up.

Tim Triplett

Typically people start coming in the first week of March.

Nancy Lewis

Because the people of New Hampshire take their responsibilities as citizens of the Republic seriously, they keep it interesting for candidates who, believe it or not, can get a little tired of the mannered, predictable, and unimaginative qualities that typically afflict modern political campaigns.

John Mccain

The CIA has released more than 26m pages to the national archives since 1998 - a huge amount of work by a small number of people. Other agencies also released CIA documents. Though the process typically works well, there will always be the anomaly.

Paul Gimigliano

Typically, they are high-level witnesses who can give direct evidence of what he was doing.

Geoffrey Nice

We typically try to do a couple or three layers. If you do a gentle sweeping bed, you may have some areas that have three layers, but other areas that only have one layer in the curve.

Lee Quillen

For those consumers planning to travel, surcharges could total an additional $75 per person on average. Typically, when one major airline implements a fuel surcharge, other airlines promptly adjust their fares as a result. ... We want to keep consumers up to date and give them the tools to make the informed choices.

Jonathan Carroll

Based on talking to other schools, it typically takes two to three years to get the numbers up.

Howard Taylor

We don't do, like, a clean slate and take everybody off and put new people on. We add people to it as we get more people but unless somebody says, 'Please remove my name,' we don't remove them. Typically when people endorse her they kind of always endorse her.

Sabrina L. Garcia

They add a lot of value to the crops that are typically sold in through the fall and actually bring in a higher income for the farmer.

Tony Ends

She is typically a long program skater. I think she got over a big hurdle mentally in the short program, and she's going to be very ready.

Pam Gregory

Typically the rule with respect to publicizing information is that if it's information that a person could obtain by sitting in the courtroom, then release of that information through the media is allowed.

Scott Horne

I have been around this tournament for 13 years and I can't remember it ever being cut short. But typically, one tournament a year will be cut short.

Chris Parker

We do see voter turnout in some school districts reach higher levels. Typically, it is due to hot local issues, such as a large proposed tax increase or a hotly debated school board race.

Mike Yaple

Large enterprise networks are typically exposed to hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities and other security risks. The problem for IT teams is identifying the most critical high-priority risks and taking the necessary steps for remediation, ... Integrated vulnerability management and topology analysis should help organizations identify and appropriately prioritize remediation efforts.

Paul Proctor

It's no surprise that national Republicans want to see Republicans across the country keep their seats, especially those in a place like Connecticut, where voters typically embrace progressive values. We expect the national Republican Party to play a significant role in this campaign, sending money and support for a governor who will fight for their values.

Derek Slap

We're seeing the kind of hearing loss in younger people that's typically found in aging adults.

Dean Garstecki

Rising interest rates would typically increase the costs of your home equity line and that's also one of the things that causes the market to implode. You've got borrowing costs that are increasing and secured by your most valuable resource potentially at a time when stocks aren't doing what they could do.

Ross Levin

Men typically don't go in and have prostrate screening done. It's especially important for people over 50, but it's even important for people that are younger than that.

Ann Kjera

Rebalancing forces the investor to do what is typically emotionally uncomfortable but financially productive. Emotional biases tempt us to chase performance. An advisor can bring an objective third party perspective that's more rational.

John Nersesian

Typically, in the cities there can be resistance to the gospel or just to Americans, or anybody that's Western. When you get back into the villages, the people are very welcoming. Then when you get into Muslim areas, it definitely gets a little more difficult.

Michael Scott

It certainly provides them a simple opportunity to draw customers that do not typically go to the mall in January. It helps build that traffic. It is a great tie-in. They also are celebrating that Detroit has it. You all are going to be the highlight.

Patrice Duker

We haven't been in that situation very often. Typically we come out strong and make shots early. I think we settled for some shots that this year we haven't. We got the ball inside but I thought we settled for jump shots early on.

Alan Buss

Customers who score high propensity are typically approximately two-and-a-half times more likely to buy a product than the average customer.

Tim Barnes

Under the state's grandfathering statute, you can only avoid current regulations and fall under older, and typically weaker regulations, if you're building the same project that was started at the on-set.

Bill Bunch

I felt that I really connected with people. People saw a side of me they don't typically see.

Mark Dobson

Right now we're working without our safety net. Fall and winter precipitation typically recharges the soil profile and increase pond, stream and river levels. Without that precipitation, it becomes imperative that spring rains come and give us the collateral we need as we enter the summer season.

Pat Guinan

Their kids came out and executed better. We got all of our players involved, which is something we don't typically do. When it came to pressure situations, we reverted back to old habits and relied on a couple of kids.

Jason Grubb

The riverbank is in terrible shape this year. Golly, it's trashy. Typically if it weren't so bad we could clean 5 to 10 miles, but it's so bad I bet we spend the bulk of our day over the span of only a couple of miles.

Mary Shinkle

They have indicated they will preserve the Albertson's banner. Typically, they look for assets they can acquire and help grow.

Shannon Bennett

My rule of thumb is that the national average pump price will typically be 65 cents higher than the NYMEX price, ... Most of that will get passed to consumers within three weeks.

Mark Routt

Large retailers and national computer manufacturers will typically look to point fingers at problems that are outside their control. Smart consumers will recognize that a technology consultant, the same kind that helps small businesses in the area, has a lot more skin in the game with building 'relationship equity' than a large national retailer or computer manufacturer.

Joshua Feinberg

We hope that this gives (the team) a broader exposure to emergency management that they typically wouldn't have had time to get.

Bill O'callahan

Typically we try to make 100,000 versions of next year.

Robert Muir

Across the board, the times we've seen dissatisfaction and disappointment in any outsourcing scenario typically has to do with the client organization being unclear as to what exactly they are hoping to have done and how they will measure their success. If you outsource any particular department within your company and it's a mess, you'll just end up with an outsourced mess.

Frank Casale

Typically cities have core competencies that include things like sweeping streets and keeping neighborhoods safe, ... But building, running and maintaining a wireless network is a whole different ball game. We think that municipalities that are looking at offering wireless service to their citizens underscore the value proposition that we have in the marketplace.

Jeffrey Nelson

He was going to plead guilty. This was a white collar case and typically in white collar cases, we don't see these type of tragic results.

Philip Russell

The procedure is typically completed while the small intestine and large intestine are still attached [to the carcass], so there's no chance that personnel would measure and cut from the wrong end.

Amanda Eamich

We scientists typically are good at doing our research, but we're not so good at communicating it to the public -- its relevance and why we should spend taxpayer dollars to fund it.

George Watson

Typically, an investigation like this takes anywhere from weeks to months.

Robin Chapman

Our defense is very strong. That's typically not us.

Ward Mullins

I think there seems to be precedence for putting in place an acting mayor, who is typically the president of the City Council, and it seems like a prudent move to make certain that the charter is followed.

Jass Stewart

A small transaction fee is embedded with the price of each transaction at the point of purchase. A portion goes to Caremark, typically less than a dollar. The other portion of the fee goes to the pharmacies. We make revenue by accepting this small transaction fee.

Dale Thomas

Writers are typically self-conscious at the time of their first publication. But once they are continually published, their confidence continues to grow.

Jennifer Armstrong

You'll just have to tune in. They typically turn around an episode in six days.

Tony Fox

Laparoscopy requires a different skill set than open surgery. Surgeons typically view patients from the outside in. When a laparoscopic camera is inserted, they see patients from the inside out. Hand/eye coordination is difficult to master (so) practice on a simulator would allow surgeons to perfect their technique with no risk to patients.

M. Cenk Cavusoglu

Our quilts typically go to really sick babies. Sometimes the moms don't go home with their babies. This (quilt) is all they have to remember their baby.

George Butler

I would be extremely surprised if what the unions came up with was enough to keep United out of bankruptcy. Typically these unions have a lot of animosity with each other. I don't hold out a lot of hope.

Jim Corridore

The energy savings are typically 50 percent -- the products pay for themselves in two or three years. We've calculated that our products are currently saving (users) more than $1 billion a year.

Mike Brennan

(Judges) will typically remove them until they agree to behave properly and have them watch proceedings on closed-circuit television.

Barry Feld

Prices have gone up this summer, instead of declining as they typically have done during the warmer months; they are at levels twice as high as a year ago.

David Goss

It's field footage, so it's not really a typically structured film. It's just people with a camera.

Steve Leggett

It was kind of a back-and-forth game. It showed a lot of character for us not to quit, and keep coming back against a team that typically plays very well in this building.

Todd Marchant

Direct sellers tend to be globally diverse. They aren't typically leveraged to the U.S. consumer, which has been spotty lately.

Douglas Lane

Typically you guys are always higher over there. That's because you're in the mountains.

Alexa Gromko

Typically, infection occurs only after hours of tick attachment, so people can reduce their risk by removing ticks quickly.

Lon Kightlinger

We typically don't share a lot of fishing information, but maybe a little bit if one of the guys is struggling.

Stacey King

Typically, a supplier would come back to us four or five months later with some mock-ups. The Lear folks took 30 days, and it was as if they had taken the ideas right out of our brains.

Linda Cook

We just generally look to the higher education units in Omaha as sources of people who would attend Darwin Day. Generally, it's a fairly small audience. Typically, it is 25 to 40 people. We are hoping for a larger audience.

Charles Lane

At this point, my department is awaiting the completion of the inspector general's investigation before we can begin disciplinary proceedings. However, in this type of case involving this type of criminal conduct, termination would typically be the discipline we would impose.

Jennifer Hoyle

Small- to medium-sized transactions are typically not affected in a downturn.

John Mack

Everything is going up, food is going up and gas is going up, it really doesn't bother me, ... I typically fill up once a week and that is usually about $100.

George Prince

In the School of Allied Medical Professions, we typically communicate with students about staying in contact with their adviser, notify them about the classes that they need to take, and ask them to apply for graduation two quarters in advance.

Andy Zircher

The stronger the identification with the team, typically the stronger emotional reaction to the losses. So the higher the highs, and the lower the lows.

Christian End

The beginning of the year is typically a slower time for us. When it warms up like this, it's encouraging to see that people are choosing to spend their leisure time with us.

Rick Schwartz

We typically arrive at the track on the Thursday before the race and leave on the following Monday. The race weekend does, though, effectively start long before that.

John Probst

I'm disappointed that [the Marijuana Party] is, in fact, running candidates. Unfortunately, they're all eccentrics, typically, and they're all doing it for alternative reasons- and can't possibly provide any benefit to the marijuana community by running.

Marc Emery

We've looked at some studies from out West, and typically schools that fall below 100 students don't stay open.

Kris Mckoin

Typically, a couple will come in with unequal assets, ... They've lived together for 12 or 15 years and both of them have children from their first marriage and want their assets to go to kids (of the first marriage).

Roger Levine

She incorporates comedy and funny songs - it's not the kind of thing you'd typically see at a folk concert, but it's really unique and fun.

Scott Cullen

These events typically address platform strategy, loyalty structures, development-related plans and other details that aren't as interesting to us, but the fact that they opened the meeting up raises the possibility that there might be more.

Yuta Sakurai

Our game wardens do collect information on hunting accidents as a matter of routine procedures. There typically is no formal investigation, if it's just a straightforward accident.

Tom Harvey

You know quickly, typically, if you're having an allergic reaction -- you get an immediate sensation in your mouth that you've been exposed to something, ... So I knew it within seconds, literally.

Dr. Robert Wood

Typically, the goal is to avoid someone as ideological as [Earl] Warren or as power-hungry and pretentious as [Warren] Burger. Roberts' relatively mild-mannered demeanor may serve him well.

Scott Moss

The majority of the players are getting $7,500 for these appearances. But typically, the range is $2,500 to $10,000.

Robert Tuchman

We love the location. It's probably not typically what the hotel guys are out looking for. We believe the downtown area did need some new rooms for the corporate traveler.

Tom Hunt

Typically, the protagonist of a noir work is an alienated loner. A Packer fan in Chicago -- who could be more alienated than that?

Neal Pollack

Like doctors with specialties, professional appraisers and home inspectors can see things that their customer typically cannot. It's vital that both professionals be involved in the process.

Thomas Byrne

Typically Virginia ranks among the 10 most affordable states to buy gas in.

Martha Rowe Mitchell

I really don't think about it too much because I'm already prepared and I know what I have to do. I know my assignments, so typically, I just try to relax and get some good rest in. As the game approaches, I start thinking about things.

Brad Honeycutt

In a perfect world, we'd be doing a Stones concert with tons of smoke. Yeah. But typically it's just us and a few music stands and a wire or two for our instruments. It's not about having a big sound or knocking people out of the room. It's more about bringing it to your face.

Mary Rowell

Rental fleets typically cycle their entire fleet at least once a year. We're pleased to be working with Fox Rent A Car to streamline this process.

John Possumato

The goal is to reach a point with BI where people can make choices with an understanding of the impact their choice has beyond themselves. Typically, they're making a decision that could have consequences for the rest of McKesson, so the more information they have, the better the decision McKesson gets.

Stephen Zander

We've typically started games slowly and methodically stuck to our game. Everybody is pretty excited to play us. We've been resilient.

Garrick Phillips

After the New Year, pump prices in the state typically turn down due to a decrease in demand.

Rose Rougeau

Typically, our prices are higher. But the effects of the hurricane were much more extreme in other parts of the country. So as bad as it was here, it was worse there.

Sean Comey

Typically, a good A-level game is going to cost $2 million to $10 million, $25 million if it's a massive multiplayer game.

Erick Wujcik

Our lion numbers have been stable. They aren't increasing as much as they were a few years ago, and our prey base has recovered. That's certainly a big key .... When there's abundant deer, we typically have fewer problems with lions.

Eric Wenum

Each class will begin with fun, physical activities, such as circuit workouts, a 'Mission Possible' exercise challenge, or maybe even a new variation of a game like tag. Kids typically have so much fun with these activities that they don't even think of it as exercise.

Emily Baker

These falls are typically always frozen, but they're getting shorter as the snow pack increases.

Elton Adams

Through her re-enactments of the stereotypical ways in which women and the female body have typically been depicted, she drew attention to the power of media images to shape ideas of female identity.

Elizabeth Armstrong

Typically, the president is on a very tight schedule.

Elaine Sanchez

Humans living alone typically have lots of other social contact -- at work, shopping, on the phone, social outings.

Elizabeth Gould

Typically, they are faster to generate revenue and, hopefully, faster to profitability.

Edward Tenthoff

Images of Hong Kong from about 1900 to the 1950s typically have a limited range of subjects. The colony's heart was so compact that few photographers went farther than the center.

Edward Stokes

If you can figure out the right methods to match with the governance, you have an advantage. Fifty-one percent of the problem is on the government side, but dealing with the great small ideas slows things down. I love hearing about innovation, but typically that won't solve the issues.

Ed Meagher

We do see human body parts come in, but typically they're used for research purposes.

Zachary Mann

Typically when we have property like this we'll sell if for less to get it back on the tax rolls.

Joe Euclide

We are going through kind of a start of what is typically a tough month. We are again going to be focusing more on earnings.

Evan Olsen

Your family typically is where you draw your energy from and you can't forget that.

Eric Schaefer

Ninety percent of our tickets are sold at convenience stores with gas. If you live close to the border, your buying habits will typically be to buy where gasoline is cheap. If you smoke cigarettes, you're probably going to be going to a South Carolina location.

Ernie Passailaigue

Newer software typically doesn't have equivalent reliability, performance or quality-of-service capabilities.

Eric Newcomer