Neal Pollack
FameRank: 4

"Neal Pollack" is an American satire/satirist, novelist, short story writer, and journalist. He lives in Austin, Texas. Pollack has written eight books: The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature, Never Mind the Pollacks, Beneath the Axis of Evil, Alternadad, Stretch, Jewball, Downward-Facing Death, and Open Your Heart. He is also a three-time Jeopardy! champion.

More Neal Pollack on Wikipedia.

I decided that I wanted to do my own collection about a city that I knew something about.

I wanted a 1950s, jazzy feel. Neal asked me what section of the city I wanted to do, and I totally wanted to do the Green Mill. I wanted to do that neighborhood.

I can't think of any other city that has a self-styled working class of intellectuals. Educated men who don't have college. If you hang out in bars long enough, you're gonna hear some things.

Typically, the protagonist of a noir work is an alienated loner. A Packer fan in Chicago -- who could be more alienated than that?