(The volunteers) don't want the lack of tools or lack of transportation to hold them back -- or we hear (about) it.

Kevin King

We have to look at our agreements with Metro -- any kind of universal pass would involve them. It's kind of encouraging to hear that the students are interested in public transportation -- whatever happens, it's nice to know they want to be involved.

Sj Morrison

All experts, including those from Boeing, TWA, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and foreign officials... agree that there is no sign of a missile attack.

Peter Goelz

Obviously we're disappointed with the way things went. The court ignored the fact that ID is required on almost every major form of transportation.

Bill Scannell

If we got connected to Indianapolis with a commuter rail, that transportation would provide job opportunities for people.

John Norquist

When (members of the city's vehicle committee) took into account officer and prisoner safety, officer and prisoner comfort, equipment storage and transportation needs, assistance to citizens, as well as the diverse driving demands we are confronted with, the Tahoe seemed like a viable option.

Kathy Ralph

The increasing transportation costs that are being faced nationwide are severely impacting our budget and somehow we're going to have to make up for those increased costs.

Jerry Williams

Renewable transportation is desperately needed for many reasons. Fuel security is one reason and it makes us less dependent on imported oil.

Larry Baxter

We're at the point now where the next recommendation looks like it will have to be a transportation reduction. I honestly don't think I can bring a recommendation before the board for another reduction in staff.

Bill Wise

It's simply a lack of rail transportation of coal to Laramie River Station. We are concerned about a decline in service and efficiency.

Ron Harper

Is an eyesore, and (the New Jersey Department of Transportation) finally realized it.

Bruce Hill

The folks are getting the (prescription) care they need through Medicare, and there are local resources for transportation.

Jonathan Burns

Transportation has been the backbone of the Chicago economy ever since the city was founded, ... First it was water, then railroads, then highways and then aviation.

Richard M. Daley

It is one of the worst things that a transportation employee can do.

Pascual Gonzalez

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet understands how important the Goddard Bridge project is to the public. We are working closely with the contractor to ensure this project is a success.

Phil Mauney

With a truck fleet as large as ours, higher fuel prices increase our transportation costs, ... The bigger impact is on our customer, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck. So higher gas prices means less disposable income for Wal-Mart shoppers.

Tom Schoewe

The biggest problem is the transportation of gasoline out of Gulf of Mexico. There are major pipelines that, with the power, have shut down. Without power they can't move the gas out.

Rita Johnson

Eliminating state income taxes on working families with poverty-level incomes gives a boost in take-home pay that helps offset higher child care and transportation costs that families incur as they strive to become economically self-sufficient. In other words, relieving state income taxes on poor families can make a meaningful contribution toward making work pay.

Nicholas Johnson

I think the UP earnings are probably a good foreshadowing of what the U.S. transportation sector will experience in the second half as bottlenecks develop and the system comes under stress, ... Their earnings were pretty brutal.

Jim Winchester

The maintenance staff, nutrition services, transportation department, and AJJH staff worked hard to provide services and accommodate the students and staff of Harvey Brown.

Stephanie Schraeder

Their ideological argument that government shouldn't do anything the private sector does makes about as much sense as saying there should be no public transportation because we have taxis. It's a community decision.

Adina Levin

Take softball, for instance. They have to fund-raise for softballs. We don't give them any softballs. All the maintenance is done by one of the parents. Even the chalk, we don't pay for that. We don't pay for anything except the salaries, transportation and officials and we don't have enough to cover that.

Craig Ellingson

We get hit both ways now because all markets are distant. I buy diesel - 4,000 to 5,000 gallons a year - for our operations, then I have to pay for transportation to market.

Trent Taylor

It will still be the safest aviation transportation that this country has ever known.

Mike Bolles

The procedure that's outlined in our transportation manual is that bus drivers may drop off students, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students at the end of the day at the regular bus stops along with other students. They are not required to stay and wait for parents or guardians before dropping off their students.

Charles Herndon

We're just so dependent on the automobile for everything we do we can't go the to store if we don't get in the car and drive and it certainly makes sense to me that we start incorporating some other modes of transportation.

Wendell Coleman

We tried half-day kindergarten classes and that didn't work. We tried cutting back on bus transportation costs and that didn't work.

Gene Duffy

We need to get off the oil dependence treadmill, we need to do it fast, and we need to start now. The single most important step we can take is to boost fuel economy standards significantly. Unfortunately, the Transportation Department's weak proposal shows that Washington lacks the will to face up to the problem and help solve it.

Jim Dipeso

I think if you look at most polling, Californians want their taxes on gas to go toward improving the transportation system, not toward something that might marginally improve carbon emissions.

Allan Zaremberg

It's a different equation for poor people. There's a certain ease of transportation and funds that the middle class in this country takes for granted.

Dan Carter

We saw great value in having the loop moved farther north. We were certainly on the same page with the developer to encourage (Arizona Department of Transportation) and (Maricopa Association of Governments) to ultimately move the corridor and they did.

George Renner

The more volunteers we have, the better service we can provide to all our veterans who need transportation to the Indianapolis VA for appointments and treatment.

Dennis Taylor

Due to their exposure to ample transportation and fulfillment challenges, 3PLs have developed creative ways to get product to the shelf.

Bill Read

The speaker says we walked away from cash on the table. We don't need cash on the table. We need transportation improvements on the ground.

Kevin Hall

I'm worried. My job is in the transportation industry, and fuel costs have a huge impact on my line of work. But on a personal note, it seems silly and selfish to complain about gas prices when the southern part of the country is like a third-world nation right now. I'll get by.

Kevin Murphy

When we travel, we have to plan our schedule, meetings, transportation and clothes ahead of time, and we really have to do the same with our fitness regimen.

Lisa Wheeler

According to the Tennessee Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations on which I have served during the period in question, the largest increase in need during this time, from $8.3 billion to $9.1 billion, has been in transportation and utilities. Transportation needs alone represent $8.1 billion (about 38 percent) of Tennessee's total infrastructure needs.

Mark Norris

It's something that we don't want to do. I know how that hits the schools. I was a principal for 25-years and I know that was always tough to send that check every month for transportation, but its just something that we have to do.

Butch Williams

The public ultimately decides on a level of investment that should go into roads and bridges. We're saying that, with the current levels of investment, here's the transportation system you have. It's up to the people of Michigan how they want to respond.

Frank Moretti

It's not perfect and should be closer to $2 billion, but the five-year program satisfies the federal government, which won't threaten to withhold $1.4 billion of federal transportation funding. Projects held up for years without funding will get done.

Martin Robins

People need to use public transportation because our roadways are overloaded with cars. Roads appear to be like parking lots.

Dorothy Kelly

At one point we were going to charge based on kilobit usage, but our chief information officer intervened and said no. We didn't want to provide an incentive for Department of Transportation agencies to step away from using our systems because they thought they could find a cheaper way.

George Ramick

That action was a DOT (Department of Transportation) aeronautics board action, and I really can't speak to that.

Mark Johnston

We are seeing continued growth in precision civilian applications such surveying, precision agriculture, infrastructure monitoring, geodesy, as well as volcano and earthquake research. More specifically at the Department of Transportation where I work, we are expanding our applications across the entire U.S. transportation infrastructure.

Michael Shaw

Short-term benefits from a surge in demand and higher selling prices are likely to be offset by higher raw material, energy, and transportation costs.

Lisa Wright

A long time ago, the major mode of transportation was the horse. But when Apache were walking in the hills or mountains, this would protect their toes from rocks and cactus.

Lisa Perry

I don't think we ever envisioned transportation being solely a budgetary item.

Sen. Charles Hawkins

People are trying to avoid the high cost of gasoline by using public transportation.

William Millar

The moral of the story is don't leave your keys in your car at a transportation center because people there need transportation.

Rob Lohman

It basically covers the supplies to keep our program going. (Fourth District Juvenile Court provides) all of the transportation, we provide all of the equipment and we provide the supervision.

Shelly Waite

We are excited to have such a seasoned executive with a history of helping businesses develop and grow join Descartes. On behalf of the board of directors and management, I welcome him to our team and look forward to seeing the impact his industry leadership in mobile asset, transportation, warehouse and event management technology has on our progress.

Arthur Mesher

We're not disputing the fact that it is power intensive, but you get a transportation fuel which is needed in our economy. So for what you give up you get a lot out.

Jill Davis

This is the most disastrous effect on transportation I've seen, even more than the hurricane (Alicia) in the '80s, ... I-10 looks like a swimming pool for four-wheelers.

Kaylee Brown

The state's Transportation Improvement Plan had an amendment to it. What it means is, the intersections will be funded for improvements in FY06 and will most likely go to construction in spring or summer of this year.

John Carlisle

We cannot be certain right now how the events of last week will ultimately impact the U.S. and global economies, the air transportation industry and FedEx, ... Nonetheless, we see our company well positioned to significantly increase growth, profitability, returns and cash flow as the global economies improve and trading activities increase.

Frederick Smith

Cornet Technology has an impressive depth of understanding in transportation surveillance solutions and working with state and local agencies. We are excited about how Cornet Technology will now apply intelligent video to improve safety and security for their customers in this market.

Brian Eckert

Finally, transportation is a big challenge for those seniors who are forced to give up their keys. Communities can offer the best programs in the world, but if you can't get the individual there, what good are they?

Mary Hujer

It's not just about terrorism. We have Interstate 81 and rail lines which make transportation disasters a possibility. People shouldn't think because we live in a smaller town we don't have to worry about civil preparedness.

Cheryl Weaver

In years past, shippers did whatever they wanted, yet could always find a carrier. But now transportation is often very difficult. We understand we need to develop collaborative relationships with our carriers.

Masao Nishi

We always talk about how important public transportation is in this city, and when you look at the numbers of people who are using it every day, it really tells you just where it's at.

Beverly Dolinsky

This is a good sign for us. We're looking to broker an agreement about the size of the interchange, while allowing the (state) Department of Transportation to proceed with the project.

Andrea Ferster

It would be a failure if we don't come up with something and do something, ... The governor and I are committed to taking the information received here (at the summit) and putting together some sort of transportation initiative.

Gary Herbert

The market is there for marine transportation.

David Ray

We need to dedicate the transportation dollars we have to our highest priorities - places where congestion is an impediment to job creation.

Allan Zaremberg

HOV lanes and public transportation is social engineering. You know it is. They want to get people out of their cars, ... Maybe that's a necessity in King County, but it's not a necessity in Pacific County.

Bob Ryan

We need to get cancer patients near treatment and keep them near their families at the same time. These three mobile homes are only the beginning. With the help of others in the mobile home and transportation industries, we hope to make a significant impact on the lives of people with cancer in the Gulf Region.

Leroy Jones

The people in the community have talked more about athletics than losing 7-12 busing. I've had more people in contact with me about soccer and football than about transportation.

Jeffrey Grodi

We realize that this may inconvenience certain user groups, but Parking and Transportation Services is exploring parking alternatives for those displaced by the construction.

Don Thornton

So many people throw out old shoes. After I sent out the emails, the whole thing snowballed. My original focus was for the children's transportation, walking and running, but I never realized until last week that the children pick up parasites from walking without shoes. There is also no place to buy shoes there.

Larissa Figari

It is fitting that the TTI study on traffic congestion is being released the same day that the federal surface transportation program known as TEA 21 expires.

William Millar

Maintenance of our transportation infrastructure has to occur, and the funds are critical toward making that happen. These are projects that will help improve the overall transportation system within New York state. It will attract new business. We view this as very important for New York state and its communities.

Peter Graves

I have confidence the transportation issues are going to be worked out.

Jim Norman

After the sharp rise in gasoline prices, we believe that crude and transportation fuel prices will remain at historically high levels for a prolonged period of time, reflecting a tighter global balance.

Francisco Blanch

It was the main transportation system for years, but the automobile put it out of business. It was the way you traveled. You could travel from Sebastopol to Santa Rosa in far less time than it now takes.

Harold Mentzer

Since you became governor, more than $217 million generated from user fees for transportation have been diverted for other state needs which you have addressed.

Mark Norris

We'll do it when it will have the least impact on transportation.

Joe Donzelli

For transportation, we don't have that to rely on. We really need to establish that ahead of time.

Dave Parkinson

Our hope is that we can educate them and continue dialogue throughout the year. We've made significant progress on transportation issues over the years, especially Railroad Relocation.

Lisa Decker

GEMs provide clean, quiet, efficient and affordable transportation. As a zero-emission alternative to petrol and diesel-powered vehicles, they can have a significant impact on air quality. And best of all, GEMs are fun to drive.

Rick Kasper

The proceeds are used for the operation of the Bedouin Shrine Temple and to support our transportation department.

Howard Thompson

I actually caught her eye as I was walking into the transportation center.

Rob Lohman

As ground transportation becomes increasingly challenging due to congestion and higher costs, we're offering a strong logistical alternative with cost, reliability and environmental benefits.

Craig Lawrence

The good thing for us is that everybody's in town, so we lucked out, ... At least one bus stays at each school anyway and that helps out. When you're talking about football that's a lot of transportation with the cheerleaders, band and pep squad. We're fortunate to have enough.

James Simmons

This is just one more piece in the New Tampa transportation puzzle. This coupled with the road improvements scheduled in the coming year should be a step in the right direction.

Shawn Harrison

Increasing oil prices directly affects consumers. There are increases in transportation and in the cost of all other goods and services that use oil for production -- from heating a factory to building a road.

John Felmy

We have a massive transportation system, there's one area to look in. Health care is another area, it's massive. We spend over $55 million in health care.

Bob Chilmonik

Jackson's trip stands at the cusp of major change in the United States for transportation, ... To a great extent, he was still traveling through a 19th-century America that hadn't changed much since the 1860s or so.

Dayton Duncan

The trick is to find a dependable source of revenue for transportation. If not, you get education competing with transportation and that just doesn't work.

Sen. Charles Hawkins

We're talking days not weeks to address these problems. We're going to be asking parents to prepare for alternative transportation so these drivers can be heard.

Jesse Case

Its first policy is to avoid interruptions to rail and air transportation.

Jack Gallagher

There were a lot of expenses that we incurred from playing matches outside of Collie Smith Drive. These included the rental of other grounds, providing security and transportation. So we were in a critical situation.

Andrew Price

You are talking about what 15 to 20 hotels can do for the tournament, not just the ones downtown. You are talking about providing easy transportation and entertainment in all parts of the community. It has to be that kind of effort.

Dave Blank

We'd need proof of financial status, but making sure they have transportation is such a priority for the Council on Aging board of directors that this isn't going to be a problem.

Marsha Koet

We have to be a little more mindful and a little more resourceful, ... For example, we were going to Gig Harbor, and Capital was playing at South Kitsap, so we decided to take both squads on one bus. You cut your transportation in half. Those are the things you have to be aware of.

Eric Rowe

Iowa's leisure and hospitality industry and manufacturing, both durable and nondurable, ended 2005 on a very strong economic note. On the other hand, Iowa's transportation sector and construction industry are beginning 2006 on a lackluster path.

Ernie Goss

Transportation firms reported continuing economic weakness. While 2006 is likely to be a positive year for the Oklahoma economy due to an improving telecommunications sector and expansions in business service firms, the closing of GM operations in Oklahoma City will produce some fairly negative economic consequences.

Ernie Goss

The construction industry and transportation sector in Kansas have pushed 2005 growth into the very strong range. However, higher interest rates will slow growth for both industries in the first half of 2006. The rate at which our Asian trading partners open their borders to U.S. beef will be an important factor affecting growth for the state in 2006.

Ernie Goss

The idea is to try to determine the best transportation network for the region.

Ernie Cox

I couldn't ask for better access to transportation.

Elecia Hackley

Considering the usual Thanksgiving traffic, public transportation may be the quickest way to get where you are going, while minimizing pollution. If you take the car, carpooling is the best way to go, and a good way to spend time with family and friends.

Elizabeth Sturcken

GM is pursuing gasoline-savings solutions on many fronts on the way to our ultimate vision of hydrogen fuel cell-powered transportation. E85 ethanol burns cleaner than gasoline and is a renewable, domestic fuel that can enhance the nation's economy and energy security.

Elizabeth Lowery

It's so easy to say they should have just left, but it's not that easy. Many of the people who live there are actually dirt-poor people who don't own automobiles. A lot of them don't own homes. They're surviving day by day. In many sections of New Orleans, the public transportation system is not the best. How were they supposed to get out?

Edward Myers

The idea is certainly in line with smart-growth initiatives in Harwich Center because people could walk to work and would have easier access to transportation and nearby businesses. It just pushes every button.

Eileen Brady

We got gear from Nike, food from Super Plus, transportation and accommodation for the girls ... I don't know what more he expected.

Edward Hector

Maine is just coming out of a severe budget crisis, and government services remain below their levels before the 2001 recession. Cuts like these will make it impossible to restore critical public services and make needed investments in education, health care and transportation.

Ed Cervone

We reject user fees. The size and scope and complexity and cost of the air transportation system today is directly dictated by the commercial carriers.

Ed Bolen

We've never seen a beast like UPS, ... It's best in class, six times bigger than its next largest competitor. They set pricing. They have best returns in the integrated (freight transportation) sector.

Ed Wolfe

Our conclusion is that despite some of the positive remarks from Roadway, actual performance and guidance lead us to believe that it is still too early to own ground transportation names and that we may continue to see additional signs of slowing and operating ratio deterioration before the economy begins to turn.

Ed Wolfe

It is still too early to own ground transportation names.

Ed Wolfe

You have a lack of housing in the New Orleans area, utilities out in a good portion of the city, people looking for schools for their children, you don't have day care or transportation. Those are just some of the reasons why people are staying put where they are and not going home.

Ed Pratt

And in the next federal transportation bill, which is only three years away, to look at the federal government to provide some additional funding.

Ed Paesel

Some see the widespread weakness outside transportation as discouraging. But orders are still running far above average given the last few months of increases.

Zoltan Pozsar

These transportation projects, especially the metro lines, will further spur the real estate market, which has already shown signs of life this year as commercial banks show more interest in providing home loans.

Zhang Jun

For the Cambridge citizens, it's a big love-fest. We think it's great that [they] extol good use of public transportation and walking ... that's fantastic.

Evan Feinman

These patterns combined with poor fuel economy in our cars makes transportation the biggest and fastest-growing contributor to global warming. Any meaningful effort to address global warming must include forward-thinking transportation and smart growth solutions.

Evan Feinman

We have to be a little more mindful and a little more resourceful. For example, we were going to Gig Harbor, and Capital was playing at South Kitsap, so we decided to take both squads on one bus. You cut your transportation in half. Those are the things you have to be aware of.

Eric Rowe