African American Studies majors and minors have diverse interests. It's great as a teacher to invent classes that meet those needs.

Tracey Salisbury

I owe very, very much to Mozart; and if one studies, for instance, the way in which I write for string quartet, then one cannot deny that I have learned this directly from Mozart. And I am proud of it!

Arnold Schoenberg

We've said it all along that we think St. Louis is a great market for a Major League Soccer team. The good news is we have a number of individuals that have come to us in recent months with interest in the St. Louis area and looked at feasibility studies and potential sites and have come to meet with us.

Dan Courtemanche

Studies suggest that more needs to be known about the risks and benefits of this treatment before we recommend it to patients with localized disease.

Tomasz Beer

Studies have shown that regulatory burden and compliance is one of the most significant costs to a small bank, substantially more than anything other than your payroll.

Bill Dana

Several longitudinal studies show these undiagnosed children don't fare as well as adults. They get stuck in low-paying jobs and experience difficult marriages.

Ronald Brown

Anybody who hears the word about the movie, ... should talk to their pastor and ask to do it at their church. If they have a DVD player and a screen, they can do it. There is curriculum that can be downloaded from the website that pastors can give to their people for studies and outreaches to their community. Everything is there. We just need to get the word out.

Kirk Cameron

[Several events have been planned on the sidelines of the exhibition; in a 3-day conference held from 29 September-1October, 250 people participated, among whom 40 presented essays and 5 to 6 were Iranians.] The seminar, I hope, reveals some results of studies on Achaemenid religions, administration, and military affairs, ... though there is not any speech on the languages of the era.

John Curtis

Before beginning any human trials, the sponsor must perform extensive animal toxicity studies. Animal studies provide guidance on initial dosing and point to areas of safety needing special attention during human studies.

Dr. Steven Galson

These studies strongly support the need to educate people to make sensible choices when they eat and that they need to exercise and walk more, instead of going by car everywhere.

Dr. Luigi Fontana

We are taking a second look at the ore processing. We are still looking at new (mine) leases and whether it would help if we could produce more ore so the mill process would be more efficient. We also have done a couple of engineering studies on the mill process itself.

Jerry Powers

We have over 50 studies, and there is no clear-cut answer, ... We have positive studies. We have negative studies. I think the state of the art was beautifully illustrated in 1995 when we had reports from (two) respected teams of epidemiologists with opposite conclusions, two weeks apart.

Leon Speroff

In general, it's been found -- both in this study and other studies -- that it's really (women who are) current or recent users of hormones who have an increased risk of breast cancer.

Walter Willett

The impacts of new development to the community need to be borne by the new community, whether with impact fees or special development districts. Let's say there's 10,000 dwelling units and I'm 1,000 of those. I should pay 10 percent of what road studies say is going to be impacted.

Josh Freeman

We are all looking forward to seeing the results from these studies. That's what everyone wants to know: if we do this, what kind of benefit can we count on?

Lauri Kemper

This is good news, because many of the past studies of the effect of aspirin in preventing cardiovascular events looked only at men, so physicians were reluctant to prescribe aspirin for women because there was little data.

Dr. Jeffrey Berger

If you look at those people who have had same-sex sexual experiences, the numbers just expand, and you get up to 40 percent of people, in some studies, reporting that they have had same-sex experiences.

Patrick Mulick

They had more vocational classes, like jewelry making and horticulture studies. We don't have an automotive program, but theirs went to state competition last year. They don't have an FFA, though.

Andrew Stuckey

Keynote measures the customer experience because ultimately all business success is driven by the customer experience. Our studies have consistently shown a strong correlation between a positive online experience and increases in brand equity and customer acquisition and retention.

Lance Jones

This favoritism, while poorly understood, seems to be innate and cross-cultural. Studies suggest that even infants prefer pretty faces.

Ingrid Olson

You have to test the birds and test the water. If you find it in a lake, influenzas can hang around for a month. Some studies have shown it staying over 200 days.

Jeanne Fair

The circumstances regarding this study raise troubling questions about the ability of the government to effectively issue rules protecting public health when studies are conducted, controlled and selectively published.

Peter Lurie

Women are getting more physical activity, they're eating better, and the really positive benefit they're seeing is that they're not only doing this for themselves but our research studies showed they are taking action for family members, so there really seems to be a domino affect of all this effort to educate women.

Dr. Lori Mosca

They know what they're doing, but their observations need to be born out in larger studies, and the therapies they're proposing need to be tested.

Stephen Straus

His studies of macroeconomic and asset market behavior are notable for their methodological innovations, combining economic theory and frontier econometric methods.

Robert Porter

Having been around older brothers, he will not be bothered by the distractions that first-year kids have. He understands what is expected. Jimmy can fit into most college systems right away. He is very smart and studies what he doesn't know.

Mark Bates

Its absolutely safe. We've conducted studies in the past, and studies very clearly show that air on airplanes is good. It poses no health risk.

David Fuscus

What one would have expected is that large studies of high quality would have shown an effect, which wasn't the case for homeopathy. This means that clinical effects of homeopathy are placebo effects.

Matthias Egger

The missions currently at Mars have each advanced what we know about the presence and history of water on Mars, and one of the main goals for Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is to decipher when water was on the surface and where it is now. Water is essential for life, so that will help focus future studies of whether Mars has ever supported life.

Rich Zurek

National studies are showing that early decay is on the increase, and that's shocking, actually. It's really a silent epidemic.

Mary Hayes

Do people contribute to that implementation plan and do those waters become attaining, or do we just have a lot of nice studies and implementation plans gathering dust? You spend all that money and you're left 10, 15 or 20 years later with some improvement, but still an impaired water body.

Bruce Nelson

Results from the studies conducted to date are very promising.

Peter Steiner

We're just saying that those studies don't exist that these products work.

Dr. Peter Dicpinigaitis

Dairy has the greatest multiplier effect for economic benefit to a community. Studies show dairy is well suited to our agriculture community and our geographic location.

John Hartford

It's no mystery to doctors that the over-the-counter preparations may not do much for the cough but the guidelines are stating the fact that there are very few well-done scientific studies to support their use. That's not to say that some of these products may not be helpful for some people to some degree, but those studies just aren't out there.

Dr. Peter Dicpinigaitis

We've been doing studies since 1995 and it still doesn't meet the criteria. It's not in the tool box as an option.

Fred Droes

Historical studies would probably show you could get a 10-to-15 percent boost in revenue for the top film of the year, and it drops off precipitously from there.

Jeffrey Logsdon

These studies show many more patients can benefit from taking these two drugs, ... Even though the FDA expanded the indications for their use earlier this year to include patients with moderate to severe disease, many patients are not using them.

John Klippel

Our Phase 1 program has indicated that oral RSD1235 can be administered safely at clinically relevant dose levels. ... We have seen in our intravenous (IV) trials that RSD1235 appears to be effective in converting atrial arrhythmia. Since repeat-dose safety is the major barrier to chronic use of anti-arrhythmic drugs, the strong performance of RSD1235 in these safety studies is very encouraging.

Charles Fisher

We know that there are different paths to competence, and we believe there are fundamental differences in how male and female brains end up getting organized. Our next studies will give us some insight into where these processing differences are occurring.

Stephen Camarata

We're happy to offer healthier beverage choices to students. Studies have shown the new packaging especially appeals to middle and high school students, and as a result milk consumption will increase.

Chris Olsen

However, the effect is moderate, and further studies in younger people and over longer periods of time are needed in order to demonstrate clinical usefulness.

Dr. Stevo Julius

That immediately brought some very interesting results in comparison to previous studies.

Victor Pasko

Laotian students are treated equally to other Chinese students - we pay the same tuition fees as the Chinese and can also be granted scholarships if we outperform others in our studies.

Dongling Yang

While we do not know for sure, we speculate that Viagra's recent use as a 'drug of abuse' may have caused the FDA to request broader studies in (non-erectile dysfunction) patients.

Todd Nelson

Obviously, we're pleased. I think the council made a very informed decision based on reams and reams of studies and data.

Chuck Madison

Their situation is like cell phones. Studies have been batted back and forth for years. But there's no definitive scientific evidence that would demand concern.

John Drengenberg

It's absolutely worth it. There's a lot of promise for this vaccine, not just because of our study, but also because of other studies.

Dorothy K. Hatsukami

International Studies is a burgeoning major in a lot of campuses across the country. Believe it or not, some places that offer an International Studies emphasis don't require a language study. You sort of miss something there in terms of the language; you miss the nuances relying on second-hand information and translations.

James Wong

The prop scarring is heavy, and studies have shown that it takes seven years for a bottom to heal.

Dorn Whitmore

Several studies found lower survival among those retiring early and attributed this to poor health status forcing early retirement.

Shan Tsai

By dramatically changing the landscape, we are tipping the balance in a way that is increasing the risk of malaria transmission. This is one of the most detailed quantitative field studies in the Amazon that directly addresses the potential link between deforestation and malaria.

Jonathan Patz

Studies have shown just the domestic market for third-party administration services for just the Fortune 500 to be in excess of $2.5 billion.

Bill Foley

[Marketers subscribing to this idea believe that people give more honest responses in their natural environment than during traditional focus group studies.] There's often a gross disconnect between the public persona that people present and what their values actually are, ... The person that shows up for a focus group is often at variance from who people are in their private life.

Ross Goldstein

A very tough guy, hard working guy, loves the game, studies the game. He's very, very into football. It's important to him.

Dick Jauron

That's an investment that assures the highest return. If you don't return a juvenile criminal to his studies or the workplace, you can be assured that in a few years you'll have a high-level criminal.

Yossi Sedbon

In much of the policy debates about fatherhood and marriage, it has been assumed that two-parent families are better for children than one-parent families, ... But a number of studies now suggest that the well-being of children in mother-stepfather families is no greater, on average, than in single-parent families.

Johns Hopkins

I thought it was a known fact that anger increases injury risk. But when researchers look at people in the real world, studies are conflicting.

Dan Vinson

In animal studies ... exercise has been found to increase dopamine levels and to raise the number of dopamine receptors.

Nora Volkow

I think a lot of the [tag] studies that have been done prior [to the introduction of near-field tags] are invalid, and they need to be done again. The whole [playing] field has been changed now.

Simon Langford

Thirteen of the 14 past graduates came back for graduation this year to accept their scholarship certificate. And as they came up to accept their certificate, I told the crowd where they were at in their studies, what their grade point was and what their college goals were. I'm tickled about these past graduates who come back.

Dean Chase

You will not only be taught how to fish, but you will also do aquatic studies and some aquatic research projects down at the lake. And that's a great benefit for us having Lake Raleigh close by because a lot kids at these schools never have a chance to get outdoors and see that part of it.

Randy Cotten

The decision to put him on a blood thinner is a little questionable. I don't know the details of this case, but the use of blood thinners to prevent ischemic strokes [those caused by clots] has been challenged by several studies. It is a curious decision.

Dr. Stephan A. Mayer

The pupils have been carrying out research in the Archive and Record office. It fits in with their A-level studies because half the paper is about looking at documents.

Robin Powell

Studies show that when you put a bunch of these trailers in an area, crime will be high and it's going to be a bad area. You put one on your property and your property value starts going down immediately; they can't hold the land value.

Jason Spellings

We get not only a lot of money for the state to build roads, but when studies show new lanes need to be added (to the Toll Road) they must build them.

Chuck Schalliol

Both studies clearly show no increased risk of coronary heart disease with estrogen-alone therapy.

Ginger Constantine

A preponderance of evidence, from the best observational studies the medical world has to offer, gathered over 25 years, has led to the conclusion that public health action is needed.

Cedric F. Garland

This is one of the first studies to look at dosing issues in a real-world population.

Dr. Karen Alexander

If the studies that are supposed to be done are done, then there will never be a casino in this community because it will never make sense.

Joseph Finnerty

There are no comparative studies on avian flu. We're not saying drugs shouldn't be given. We just don't know. The jury is out.

Dr. Tom Jefferson

His credentials and background fits what we are trying to do. He has taken the studies and broke them down to look at the kinds of resolutions that would help in the short term. His efforts will move us forward by great leaps and bounds.

Hans Prell

The FDA should have required far larger studies. You are combining five live viruses into one vaccine, which has never been done before.

Barbara Loe Fisher

In today's schools, 'religious studies' has almost entirely replaced theology.

Avery Dulles

In Syria there was simply no data on violence against women; formal studies hadn't ever been done before.

Shirin Shukri

What this and other studies like it are showing is that the protection we get from proper diet or supplements often comes from combinations of nutrients working together. This has implications not only for smokers but also for many other people.

Maret Traber

There's no real justification for public financing of stadiums. They don't generate economic benefits. They don't help revitalize neighborhoods. The economic research on this is pretty solid. The only studies that show positive effects are the ones commissioned by baseball and people who want a stadium built.

Scott Wallsten

We want to protect the rights of all workers and patrons. Economically speaking, studies have shown that smoke-free environments are also good for the bottom line of business.

Kathryn Molnar

The risks in L.A. are actually two to three times greater to what was observed in earlier studies.

Michael Jerrett

If there is a single fact which anyone who seriously studies the history of Christianity cannot help but be struck by, it is the almost complete absence of documents regarding the man whose name this great international religion bears -- Jesus Christ. We know of him only what is told to us in the New Testament gospels, that is, practically nothing.

Savitri Devi

There have been studies showing that gay couples, because of their role in society and because they are often seen as second-class citizens, are more open to adopting children with special needs. Also, gay couples are not seen as the ideal family, so it's easier for them to foster kids with special needs, then later adopt them.

Brad Luna

Our studies clearly indicate that this country has the technical capability to launch this mission and place a satellite in the lunar orbit for carrying out scientific studies.

George Joseph

The company has said it will extend its contract. So until now we have yet received the feasibility studies.

Kardaya Warnika

Most of the feasibility studies are based on unrealistic assumptions and generate forecast numbers that are not likely to be realized.

Heywood Sanders

We are waiting for abstracts to be updated and for the phase one and two EPA studies to be completed. We will probably close sometime in early March.

Brent Trout

Studies show that people who learn to save early in life usually make smarter financial decisions later. National Teach Children to Save Day starts kids off in the right path to saving for their future.

Dana Hurst

The $2.0 million less the cost of the studies might leave $1.5, $1.3 million. You might get the ramps for that, but if you get into reconstruction of that bridge and the approaches to bring them to standards for the next 30 to 40 years, that would could easily double the cost of construction.

Tom Beekman

Harvard studies have proven that wrestlers are the smartest of all athletes, they just hide it. Well Devan isn't hiding it.

Jack Maughan

There is a strong record by studies that have been done for the last five or so years by FDA, Prevention magazine, Harvard University, and others that have shown DTC advertising is effective at raising awareness of medical conditions and motivating people to go and talk to their doctor and to getting appropriately treated.

Michal Fishman

I'm very excited to be working with these people. Washington University has an incredibly strong program in memory studies. It can make a real claim to having the strongest memory group in North America, if not the world. This is as good as it gets.

Larry Jacoby

If I were a gambling person I would bet a nickel that there would be a relationship between how much coffee is consumed and gambling. The studies have not been done on coffee, although they should be.

Marvin Steinberg

The safety issues involved in transplantation studies are really going to require a significant amount of effort.

Fred Gage

Unequal funding resources also results in unequal educational opportunity when you consider studies that show that one half of low income students who are qualified to attend college do not attend because they can't afford to.

Bobby Scott

There also have been studies done that showed people recover faster and are discharged earlier in green buildings.

Taryn Holowka

Phase 2 studies are typically well controlled and closely monitored and may involve up to several hundred patients. At the conclusion of these studies, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the sponsor usually meet to determine how the drug's development should be studied in Phase 3 and how to design and conduct further trials.

Dr. Steven Galson

It is not FDA approved to skip periods on the ring, ... but this study and other studies using the oral contraceptive are finding that for many women this might be an option.

Leslie Miller

Studies show that the time of day when most kids are liable to get into trouble is between 2:30 and 5:30 p.m. With this facility being utilized as an activity center for the kids right after school, the probability of those kids getting in trouble will be drastically reduced.

Tony Guerra

These studies each quantify, in a variety of ways, the risks we are already dealing with in the global warming that is clearly well under way.

Gary Yohe

I'm an academic and an applied mathematician who studies the control of movement. I've used the mechanical engineering techniques to alter the dynamics of the bikes.

Richard Klein

If there are roles that come my way after this, I might just do it part-time. But for me, studies come first. I want to be a heart surgeon ultimately.

Jasmine Trias

Today, for the first time, medical researchers are getting specific advice from the FDA about how to safely prepare products for exploratory studies.

Dr. Janet Woodcock

Around 2000 or so, we began to see more of this type of cruise, focused around bands and music that, for lack of a better term, is more contemporary music. It reflects the growing diversity of cruise passengers. We do have studies that show that cruise passengers are getting younger.

Brian Major

Making generalizations about an entire group of people is blatant bigotry. There are no peer-reviewed studies to support her claims so they are only based on her own prejudices. Her comments ought to be a wake up call not only for our rights but for anyone's rights who may be attacked. Our rights specifically are at risk and we need to be talking to our legislators about this issue.

Randy Cox

This is particularly concerning, because studies have shown that babies who are used to sleeping on their backs are placed at a much higher risk for SIDS when they are subsequently placed on their stomachs.

John Kattwinkel

There are some studies going on now in Missouri on penned birds where they were fed a certain number of lead shot. They've found that if they ingest even a small number of shot, they have a very low survival rate.

Jay Roberson

This is a standard tactic of alarmists -- to search a huge literature to find a small number of studies that, due to small sample sizes, poor methodology or just random chance, arrive at findings contradicting the rest of the literature.

Jay Lehr

You've got to take into account the studies were done before 9/11, before the dot-com industry went bust. There are fewer employees now in the U.S. 36 corridor than 2001, so there are a whole host of reasons to consider.

Steve Hogan

The subjects are math, phonics, language arts, science, art, music and physical education, and history instead of social studies, which I really like.

Candace Crandall

It was not so long ago that infants routinely underwent painful procedures without the benefits of analgesia. Our previous studies showed that infants do feel extreme pain, that they remember this pain and that it affects their future pain responses.

Anna Taddio

Jewish studies has now moved from its traditional place in Catholic institutions, which is a minor place in the theology department where courses on the Hebrew Scripture have been taught, to a program that is much more expansive.

Dwayne Carpenter

A truce to your volumes, your studies, give o'er: for books cannot teach you love's marvelous lore.

Hafiz Of Persia

These automatic influences of memory can mislead the elderly person and make them mistakenly think that they remember something that actually didn't happen. What's more, our studies show that older adults often are extremely confident about the accuracy of things they think they remember. They're more likely to make mistakes, and more difficult to convince they're wrong.

Larry Jacoby

There's been about a 50 percent increase since the early 1990s. We're not exactly sure why it's increasing, but there's been some information that's come out recently from studies on campuses in the Midwest.

James Turner

There were mountains of environmental-impact documents and studies, but they were never really considered. The answer is always, 'This project is strategic. Technology will solve these problems.

Nilo Durbiano

My country has a lot of snow and it's about zero degrees right now. I like Texas and Midland. By coming here I think this is good for my future. I'm in general studies right now but by my second year I hope to pick my major, maybe in computers or in business. I hope to keep improving, play more college ball and maybe move on to the NBA.

Nemanja Calasan

We've got all these different ages, but we don't have one cohesive notion as to when a young person achieves an adult level of responsibility. Anyone who has a teenager knows they don't possess an adult's responsibility, and there are now studies that say their brains are wired differently than adults.

Scott Chamberlain

Regulators have picked out two points this year: encouraging fund inflow to the market and revving up studies of new derivative products. The index has a good chance to test 1,300 this week.

Li Zhi

These studies don't pick up on implicit, unconscious bias.

Kelly Brownell

Mental tensions, frustrations, insecurity, aimlessness are among the most damaging stressors, and psychosomatic studies have shown how often they cause migraine headache, peptic ulcers, heart attacks, hypertension, mental disease, suicide, or just hopeless unhappiness.

Dr. Hans Selye

Florida stands ready to lend a helping hand to ensure students can carry on with their studies, ... We want these students to have the ability to stay in school and we want their families to have the peace of mind of knowing that their son or daughter will continue their education, regardless of the tragedy that surrounds them now.

John Winn

Because there wasn't any agreement on the immediate way to fix the problem, some of the studies that were done and sounds very workable will be presented. And we hope now that they will be either confirmed or thrown out by the scientists.

Wayne Cummings

We'll be looking into traffic studies and the planning of the roadway. This was a horrific incident.

Sean Greene

I was 22 years old. But I'm still here. And one reason I'm still here is that I've got lots of ionizing radiation. That's what's good for you, for your immune system. There have been a lot of studies that show that a low level of it is good for you. The problem is they don't know what the level should be.

Peter Sellars

A lack of evidence doesn't mean there isn't a problem. We've never done the studies necessary to find a problem.

Jane Rissler

It fit in well with our social studies lesson.

Wendy Smith

Water-based activities and studies are too much a part of our academic and leisure lives to allow a little thing like location to deter us. Penn State wants to make sure our faculty and students are exposed to and can participate in cutting-edge research and activities, so we use our creativity and innovation to get us there.

Lee Kump

We are also planning further studies to better estimate the population of these objects and whether their existence challenges current supernova rate estimates.

Maura Mclaughlin

I recommend the deletion of any numerical standards (goals) until further studies can be made.

Jennifer Merchant

It is intuitive that higher corn yields will result in greater nitrogen demand from the soil, but does that translate into higher nitrogen demand? Investigation of nitrogen rate studies conducted over several years reveals that there is not a strong relationship between maximum yield potential and the amount of nitrogen needed to achieve maximum yield.

Robert Mullen

It's all about the sacrifices people have given up to make it in the world and be successful. When I first started I went to the library and went to the women's studies section. I didn't just attack the play from a male perspective.

Kevin Mccarty

But there are no studies that have followed women long enough to solidify this.

Bruce Trock

Studies show that one of every four people reads an ethnic newspaper. This shows that ethnic newspapers have a place and purpose in serving our diverse population.

Sandy Close

Our studies have shown that good house keeping practices in industries can reduce 30 percent of waste and thereby 30 percent of the cost of waste management.

Sumith Pilapitiya

Studies have projected deficiencies in all services this budget year. We've been able to hold the line for a long time.

Reese Goad

The global burden of obesity has been substantially underestimated by the reliance of BMI in previous studies.

Salim Yusuf

She's voiced her interest in returning for the last tryout and I've kept that open for her and we wish her luck in her studies.

Varanisese Maraiwai

Dr. Livingston's studies helped us identify the problems.

Dan Simmons

One of the most important things right now in environmental studies is the decline of amphibians.

Catesby Jones

Studies have shown that while there were reduction in sales at snack bars and vending machines, kids actually purchased more and better meals at school.

Harold Goldstein

Boating is a healthy family activity that builds skills and fosters team buildings. Studies show that kids benefit from boating -- and beside, the Spring Boating Expo is a fun alternative to these cold winter days.

Van Snider

Our new facility enables us to meet the increasing demand for flexible scheduling of large, innovative early phase studies while improving our operational efficiencies. We expect our design to support Northwest Kinetics' leadership role in meeting clients' changing needs as well as increasing the comfort of our volunteer study participants.

Jane Taylor

I think we have to look at studies that have been replicated, and there hasn't been one yet. This issue should be guided by science.

Joe Farren

While the importance of cigarette smoking in the progression of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis remains controversial, case control studies among patients with the disease support the current findings in the familial form of the disease as well as sporadic forms, and consistently indicate that cigarette smoking is a risk factor for the development of the disease.

Mark Steele

This map is truly a new window on the Antarctic continent, providing new beginnings in our Earth science studies there.

Ghassem Asrar

The only thing that retards aging is calorie restriction, ... As genetic studies go forward, we'll find out why.

Roy Walford

But there were too many people for me and the cultural shock was too much. Since the school in New Mexico was affiliated with them, I went back down to there to continue my studies.

John Kailukiak

Our studies consistently show that long-term durability is a tremendously important factor for consumers.

Chance Parker

Panama City Beach was the smart guys - they have an engineered beach. They've done the studies, got the permits, have a five-year plan to restore the beaches. We tried to get that done, but, unfortunately, we didn't. I just hired a beach project manager.

Darrel Jones

Numerical modeling studies show that similar changes can be triggered by warming associated with human emissions as well.

Scott Lehman

The best piece of evidence that's been published was actually quite a large, 2004 Oxford study that is a re-analysis from 53 studies, including 83,000 women from 16 countries, ... And they concluded abortion did not increase a woman's risk.

Jim Hudson

They did not interview or take tests from health care providers, despite the presence of studies, and the child's numerous hospitalizations, that he could have acquired this disease at those hospitals.

Joseph Murphy

The reason I play studies is to brush up my technique and style after a tour.

James Galway

That was one of the first studies to show the complex relationship between socioeconomic status and obesity.

Patricia Crawford

All the studies show that parents underestimate their own kid's risk behaviors versus what kids report they're actually doing. There's a big gap.

Anthony Wolf

Jeff Ulbrich understands the game. He works hard. He studies film. Coverage is not just speed, it's technique. Jeff understands that. Not everybody does.

Mike Singletary

Based on the results of these studies, as well as clinical observations, we hypothesized that many injuries experienced by the pro pitcher may be related to pitch mechanics that are promoted at a young age.

Mike Torry

Beans are an excellent source of fiber and previous studies have shown that high-fiber diets may help reduce body weight, so this makes sense. They are naturally low in fat and cholesterol-free.

Victor Fulgoni

Most studies on acid rain have looked at the soil from one to 10 years or less, ... where we couldn't reliably quantify the chemical changes in the soil exchange complex.

Daniel Markewitz

There have been studies that show the benefits for a middle-aged population. Ours is the first study that shows the relationship between eating whole grains and the health benefits for older people, whose metabolic characteristics are different from younger adults.

Nadine Sahyoun

It is an immoral technology. It's anti-farmer. We don't need any more studies. It must be banned.

Hope Shand

We have been studying how to increase the commercial space for passengers and give them the opportunity to purchase things. Our studies have shown that you need to reduce stress to make people linger and shop.

Jérôme Dutrieux

With all research studies, the goal is to create better medical care in the long run. We definitely hope once we discover the cause of the Chiari and give medical professionals more information, hopefully they can more accurately diagnose the condition and diagnose it sooner so patients don't have to wait to begin treatment or experience severe symptoms.

Debbie Siegel

We're always open to listen. We have yet to receive anything formally requesting studies or information about any of the properties.

Louie Fernandez

We don't need additional studies to show us what we already know. Instead of supporting conferences, it should focus on its core problems and failures that it knows already exists.

Chris Kofinis

Studies have shown that children who eat breakfast, perform better in school, perform better on tests and are less likely to miss school. Also children who have breakfast have a lower incidence of obesity.

Diane Sylvester

This remains one of the most interesting major retailing case studies in the past 20 years.

Richard Hastings

Even though there are many women with breast cancer participating in online support groups, this is among the first research studies to demonstrate measurable benefits from participation in such groups.

Bret Shaw

A number of small studies have shown that CTC with CAD is effective at finding polyps, so my goal was to do a large study to show a true expected performance of CAD, to get a better sense of whether this was near to clinical utility.

Ronald M. Summers

I think it does. At that point, you can concentrate on your studies and your season and not have to worry about impressing whatever coach is in the gym watching you.

John Jordan

We felt that all major forms of entertainment media have studies that carefully deconstruct them, allowing a better understanding of how they are designed and created but video games have been ignored, ... As a relatively new and emerging form of entertainment, it is crucial that we start to explore just what makes games work.

David Giles

The time for people to make judgments is when the studies are complete. It's only then when we know what the potential impacts will be.

David Sinclair

The only way that I could figure they could improve upon Coca-Cola, one of life's most delightful elixirs, which studies prove will heal the sick and occasionally raise the dead, is to put rum or bourbon in it.

Lewis Grizzard

At the time most of these studies were done, few Western women were eating tofu, but many were getting soy without noticing it.

Bruce Trock

It's still important to eat a high-fiber diet. Even though our study didn't find a reduction for colorectal cancer, other studies show that high-fiber diets reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Yikyung Park

There have been studies showing seat-belt use rates increase with primary laws.

Melissa Savage

In the professional societies to which we both belong (American Studies Association, American Folklore Society, Western States Folklore Society), Jay enjoys the complete respect of our colleagues as a razor-sharp scholar and a superb teacher.

Patricia Turner

Our studies indicate that the trend that is the defining characteristic of human evolution -- the growth of brain size and complexity -- is likely still going on. If our species survives for another million years or so, I would imagine that the brain by then would show significant structural differences from the human brain of today.

Bruce T. Lahn

It's the basics presented in a pretty powerful way. It lays out the problem of global warming. They have some of the leading scientists describing the situation. They have some good case studies of businesses that have acted on it and provide some inspiration.

Dan Richardson

With these stronger studies suggesting no benefit, that's pretty much the end of the road. People need to really focus in on using something else.

C. Michael White

Traffic studies show half (of the fans) will come from the west and half from the east. Many people come in their RVs two days before the event and stay two days after.

Steve Brucker

I will be sure to retire after the 2006 Games, and the first thing I will do then is to finish my studies. For the future, I haven't thought too much about it yet, but I won't leave sports.

Yang Yang

The authors of this report explain why the previous studies have been inconsistent and really make a compelling case.

Andrew Hyland

While it's understood that partner violence often leads to depression in women, few studies have looked at the reverse relationship.

Jocelyn Lehrer

First was the establishment of a curved thumb on the bow, for without the thumb being capable of flexing, the bow arm must be faulty. Second, was a good left hand setting on the fingerboard in the lower positions. Third, were the early scales, exercises, and finger independence studies.

Dr. Leonard Rosenman

When it's many days gloomy and rainy like this, we don't get out and do the things that keep us active. And there are hundreds of studies that show how exercise combats depression, especially when you're talking about moderate depression.

Thomas Cummings

The department will likely require studies over a season or more. Based on the information presented by Erie Boulevard, we weren't sure they were ready to do that.

Maureen Wren

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) should commission rapid studies to examine the impact of formulary restrictions and changes in cost sharing on the use of essential medication and health outcomes.

Stephen Soumerai

This is not a single technique, but really a research approach which takes the individual processes that are often studied in isolation and links them together in a model. This is an approach for making full use of the fundamental research in field-scale studies.

Carl Steefel

This is truly a synthetic work. Our detection of global patterns required the simultaneous analysis of many studies conducted independently by plant ecologists all over the world.

Susan Mazer

It's tougher than people think. The perception is often that it's a vacation, but the studies are hard, and you still have to swim, ... It's not for everyone, but it was right for me and Roland. We wouldn't have won the relay if we hadn't gone overseas. I don't think coaches here would have believed we could do it, but the US can-do spirit helped us.

Ryk Neethling

There are studies that show there are actual biological changes, and some of them create adverse consequences. The vast majority of people out there have no clue. Our position is simple. As a public health and safety issue, [headsets] should have been supplied, like using a seat belt.

Michael Allweiss

It's generally my belief and those of others in this field of cultural studies that popular culture has a big effect on the people who consume it.

Michael Asimow

Building on the results of two in-depth studies by Next Energy and the S.C. hydrogen coalition, we are ready to build on the hydrogen and fuel cell foundations which already exist in our state.

Fred Humes

Many adults who set aside time for Jewish studies choose to study texts or other subjects, rather than learning Hebrew.

Rachel Miller

DBS is one of the most promising areas of OCD research because early studies show it may help many within the approximately 20 percent of OCD patients for whom neither psychological nor drug therapy works.

Suzanne Haber

People have this sense that as 21st-century humans we've gotten as high as we're going to go. But we're not played out as a species. We're still evolving, and these studies are a pretty good example of that.

Greg Wray

It was a very positive and energetic gathering that produced new ideas and shared case studies with those across the country. It is in our mission statement to grow the game, and we're very focused on both growth and retention.

Dave Ogrean

Although the Internet is responsible for its share of identity theft, studies have shown that use of the Web and other electronic means such as ATMs can actually help consumers remain vigilant against theft because they can monitor their accounts multiple times over the course of month.

Noah Elkin

I'm really enthusiastic about the colleagues that I'll gain in [history and American studies], and film studies, gender and lesbian and gay studies, and around the University. And then, of course, there are amazing students at Yale, and I look forward to working with them.

George Chauncey

Right now it is our plan to have four subject areas integrated -- math, science, English and social studies.

Kip Greenhill