After spending three years of my life looking into this, I am more convinced than ever that the U.S. government's responsibility for the drug problems in South Central Los Angeles and other inner cities is greater than I ever wrote in the newspaper.

Gary Webb

Just think about how much time you have and how much money you're willing to spend on toys, food and etc.

Marjolein Lemmon

There's bound to be a recovery in [capital spending] sometime soon. We have had basically no capital investment for about year. At some point, machinery wears out, and you've got to replace it.

Bruce Bartlett

The big lotto is in Connecticut, so the big money - they spend there.

Dipak Patel

I'm still trying to get my head around how spending $3 billion more constitutes cuts.

Assemblyman Richard Merkt

We?re seeing that some dealers are getting their best customer responses and better sales through the internet. Dealers are spending more on internet advertising, but they?re also getting more for their money. Internet advertising is increasingly replacing traditional newspaper advertising.

Jeff Sacks

While we saw a pick-up in spending at the beginning of the year, that was just a one-off as consumers spent on sales and on seasonal goods. Given the softness we're seeing in spending in February, there isn't evidence that rising wages are feeding into consumption.

Yasukazu Shimizu

This unique study provides a high-level view of conversion rates by acquisition source, but for much more granular information, including up-to-the-second ROI data, marketers will want to use an enterprise-class Web analytics solution to properly refine and adjust their marketing spend.

Jeff Lunsford

We are proposing to define the budget deficit excluding oil revenues, instead of immediately cutting spending, and to refrain from increasing [the deficit].

Alexei Kudrin

Buying power, we know, is one key signal of the growth and size of the vital GLBT consumer market. In our report, we cite buying power as another term for 'disposable personal income,' which is the total after-tax income available to an individual to spend on personal consumption, personal interest payments or savings. According to economists, it roughly equals 86% of income.

Don Montuori

Probably the most important thing will be spending the extra second with my family.

Aaron Williams

If you do go to a conventional ski area, you would pay for the day usually because you spend so much effort getting there -- say $50 -- whereas with a dome, you might only pay for an hour or two hours at say $15 an hour.

Patrick Thorne

The combination of stronger-than-expected consumer interest, a more profitable sales mix and tight controls on spending drove our earnings well-above expectations.

Richard Schulze

The biggest thing is what kind of strings are going to be attached to it. If it will be free money and they will let us spend it the way we want to, that will be great.

Pete Gindl

What people are looking for is confirmation from management that they believe corporate IT spending is getting better.

Bill Fearnley

Finance sites are attractive to advertisers as they tend to represent a pretty good demographic. It of course depends on the quality of the site, but it stands to reason that people who spend time reading about money and stocks, et cetera, probably have some money to invest.

Brian Mcandrews

Watching him spend the summer of his 17th year laying in bed more often than not and still keeping his attitude the way it is, is special.

Bob Britt

House price inflation has picked up in recent months; if this continues it has positive implications for consumer spending via the wealth effect it provides to homeowners.

Joseph Capurso

A solid increase in January sets the stage for a quarter where real consumer spending is expected to grew at a greater than 5% pace.

Leslie Preston

I have four young children I will be spending time with, ... I do expect to be one of the first people here and one of the last to leave.

Michael Welch

I'm trying to spend as little as possible.

David Green

It is totally about tax cuts. Our current deficits are not the result of critical spending to help low-income Americans. They are the result of tax cuts given in 2001 and 2003.

Scott Mccown

They should figure a strategy to make life more difficult for producers... It might mean China wouldn't have to spend so much.

David Zweig

There is no market to discipline the pricing in this industry. What you need to spend the next 18 months doing while you still have the authority is to establish the structural conditions that would let market forces be created.

Mark Cooper

This year I realized I've got an awful lot on my plate. We are so busy that it's an awful lot to handle and to do a good job. The No. 1 reason I'm not coming back as a coach is because of the time I had to spend away from my wife.

Dub Huckabee

I spend more time in Ball Gym because there's too many people to try working out at Irving.

Chris Hoffman

I'm trying to be prepared for that without spending more money than necessary. So far, I don't think we've set any kind of record.

Mark Nicholas

Our business is more impacted by consumer confidence than even a little spike in the interest rates or even a little spike in the energy prices. As long as the consumer confidence remains positive, which it is, you are going to see continued consumer spending.

Farooq Kathwari

It's still unclear exactly when the economy and spending will return.

Patricia Russo

I hope we can find a better location for these bear cubs than spending the rest of their days in the Calgary Zoo.

Barry Penner

Consumer spending will weaken in the months ahead.

Richard Curtin

The more you go, the more you spend, the more customer loyalty points you accrue, the less you want to go to other properties. It's not altogether different from airline frequent flier programs.

Joseph Greff

Financially, we would have to take regular jobs now to keep this thing going. We've always given 100% to this thing, and it would be an insult to our fans and to ourselves to do it less than 100% because we would be spending most of our time making a living elsewhere.

Carl Bell

I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. Now, if I only knew which half.

John Wanamaker

Our editors spend their time ... trying to figure out what new allied health-care disciplines are coming into existence. We want to be there first as a publisher of educational materials.

Randy Charles

I love what I do. People depend on me for their livelihoods. But I'm not married to the business. I spend a lot of time with my family. And the hockey thing is important to me. I may get into scouting.

Ray Jacques

I don't see any silver bullet out there that is going to alter the trajectory of our health system, which is one of spending more and more to care for fewer and fewer people.

Paul Ginsburg

My door is always open to any member who wishes to build consensus on reducing unnecessary spending. My preference is to consider any proposal in a thoughtful, deliberate manner rather than reading about it in the newspaper.

Jerry Lewis

It's a great opportunity for the young and the old to come and spend some quality time together.

Pat Terrell

They don't have to spend their money to build the schools and they obligate future homeowners for the next 20 years and obligate future school boards that they must keep those children in those seats. We can't do that.

Roger Dearing

Lots of people make resolutions to try to spend more time with their dog, to try to take them to obedience class, to take them out for sports. It's the canine equivalent of promising that we're going to go out and exercise more ourselves, lose weight and be good and moral.

Stanley Coren

U.S. consumers have been increasing their spending much faster than their incomes.

Nigel Gault

A higher oil price is like a tax on consumers. It pushes up price levels and consumers are going to spend less on everything else.

Geoff Lewis

I sort of made a deal with myself that if I was going to spend a year on a project, I wanted my kids to see it at the end so they know where Dad has been.

Johnathan Frakes

I'm spending more time this season outside. I'm not in the post as much as I was last season. We got some good scorers and I think it helps the team out if I can do my part to get them in a position to score.

Tom Radtke

We have an epidemic of credit card debt in this country, especially among 25- to 35-year-olds. So giving up the use of credit cards is one of the most effective sacrifices many people can make to contain their spending and work toward homeownership.

Sid Davis

You know you lose a lot of social skills if you're a writer. You spend too long alone. And its forced me to address that.

Anthony Minghella

Rick will now spend the holiday period recuperating and we would like to thank all the band's fans and friends who have shown such incredible support.

Simon Porter

The finance minister may announce a deficit target of about 4 percent of GDP, but spending pressures will mean that achieving such a target will be quite a challenge in fiscal 06/07.

Siddharth Mathur

Not only are people spending more time, people have a tendency to purchase more things online, just because of the richer, more seamless experience.

Charles Buchwalter

This budget is a fraud on the people of New Jersey. He promised he would reduce spending. Instead, he increased property taxes.

Alex Decroce

Rutgers students are receiving multiple job offers and negotiating higher entry-level salaries, and companies are spending more advertising dollars to recruit on campus.

Richard White

Including gifts and the whole date itself I will spend easily over $75.

Brandon Frye

This is one item where people aren't afraid to step to the plate and spend some money.

Jeanne Meyer

The U.S. is spending a lot of money getting these rigs back up and running. We could see prices pull back to $64.

Ashok Sekar

The household spending number highlights the risks facing the consumer sector.

Simon Rubinsohn

Then we're off to Chicago. You spend a lot of your time traveling, but in the NBA, it's all first class.

Dan D'antoni's

As a result, 2006 probably will see only a modest pick-up in economic growth, rising unemployment and, with public spending still growing quite rapidly, another overshoot in the fiscal deficit.

Michael Saunders

It's a personal liberty issue with regard to how you spend your money and what you see over the Internet.

Michael Bolcerek

Unless the line-up changes, I think O'Connor will not be hearing it -- Roberts will -- and some unknown draft choice to be named later. That's going to make a difference. This one depends on the composition of the court almost entirely. I hate saying that. I spend my life teaching there is law here.

Douglas W. Kmiec

The message delivered by OMB is that performance and measurement will play critical roles in the review and approval of budgeted spending, especially the close review of agency-by-agency progress reports on meeting administration goals for managing IT projects and developing effective business cases.

James Krouse

I enjoyed Michigan State, and camaraderie with my teammates was great. About halfway through the season I decided that I just didn't want to be there after the season. I didn't want to spend all of my college years there.

Tyrone Mckenzie

Because he didn't go down there, that was two extra weeks he was able to spend at home and actually rest a little bit and get his body healthy. Right now he's in amazing shape, and he's moving so well out on the court. And I think that's one of the things he's going to have to do to get back to where he wants to be, which is No. 1 in the world.

Dean Goldfine

Bottom line, the consumer is extremely healthy and sentiment is good. I believe they will be spending heavily this year, and that December retail sales will beat expectations.

Steve Neimeth

In the next five years we will most likely spend $1.5 billion to $2 billion in Brazil on development. We will be creating a footprint that is very strong.

Ali Moshiri

We check the flowers there. There's a good bit of wind here and I make sure the flowers don't blow off, and I spend some quiet time.

William Etterling

You have lower oil prices, you have a healthy employment situation and you have a consumer that is still willing to do a little bit of spending. That all adds up to a positive for the economy.

Gordon Fowler

Mopeds are means to liberation. Liberation from public transportation, from consuming gas, from spending truckloads of money to go places.

Benji Broad

The roof was leaking and half of the lights were turned off. Because the business was poor, the owner didn't want to spend more money on it.

Jiang Baoguo

That's great advertising when you can turn Chicago into a city you'd want to spend more than three hours in.

Jerry Della Femina

People will spend copious amounts of time and money working on a costume, only to have no one recognize what character they're dressed as.

Amy Lee

While capital spending has been the main driver of growth, we're going to see the consumer start to play a larger role. Growth led by consumer spending will increase the stability of the recovery.

Takahide Kiuchi

We want to get them off the streets. We want to spend time with the smaller group who don't want to be homeless and get them to another level.

Seth Crosby

People say that I'm a millionaire, but that's not true - I only spend millions.

Robert Plant

Tobacco companies wouldn't spend $4.2 million per day marketing in the U.S. if advertisements didn't change the way people viewed their product.

Katherine Klem

Robert loves to play tennis and plans to play often at the tennis courts, and we both love to spend time with our grandchildren.

Harriet Stein

Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.

Bill Watterson

I don't mind the money coming in. Just spend it properly.

Dario Marenco

I always have a hard time answering this one. There are some symbols in there that maybe be misinterpreted that way, but as far as the game itself, it's just a game. But anything that you would spend any more time on than you would reading scripture or focusing on your relationship with Christ is going to have the same effect.

Daniel Howell

If you spend less than what you earn, you're on the path to building wealth, and riches will be within reach.

Michael Fluker

Two and a half million dollars is a lot of money if you're running in any Congressional district, to have on hand, to spend.

Massie Ritsch

They spend an awful lot of money on I-don't-know-what in Hollywood movies; I certainly didn't get any of it. But they sure do love spending money.

Adam Garcia

I?d like to see the present elementary buildings stay the same and not get much bigger. I?d hate to spend that kind of money, and someday down the road when that new attendance center becomes a reality, we may have big elementary buildings with classrooms we don?t need anymore.

Superintendent David Deets

Family companies tend to be intuitive and instinctive. The business and the culture is in their blood, which means they don't have to spend a lot of time with analysis, poring through reports or making decisions.

Dan Rottenberg

The division in RTP is really the heart and soul of this announcement in terms of the creative energy. There are a lot of people who spend their waking energy focusing on IBM's continued success in this market.

Doug Balog

We are spending $250 million a year on the Northeast Corridor infrastructure. We are playing catch-up, but we are well on our way to bringing the Northeast Corridor to a state of good repair.

Cliff Black

We had problems aggregating data. From an executive viewpoint, I have to look at what I am spending on a certain product category. It was difficult to aggregate that information.

Jeff Loewer

Budgets are not necessarily just about cutting back or saving money but just monitoring your money is important. This shouldn't stop him going out or buying clothes, say, but if Justin can put by a set amount each month to spend on these luxuries, he will be much less likely to overspend.

Susan Hannums

Management will need to carefully monitor operating results and capital spending over the next two years in order to maintain the rating. Failure to meet projections could result in a rating or outlook change.

Liz Sweeney

Our advertisers keep coming back and spending more money with us.

Tim Koogle

I'm trying to get my message out without spending a lot of money.

Dave Lewis

He's already shown that he can appeal to Republicans. They'll try to paint him as a liberal, tax-and-spend guy, but they are going to find out the old labels just won't fly anymore.

Dave Lane

There has been a modest pickup in spending but it's still pretty tough out there. It's definitely growth initiatives that are driving sales since the switch and router market is pretty tepid.

William Becklean

In this very moment, it is not the best time to spend money. But we are trying to offer this to encourage the desire of the skaters and the necessity of some skaters (who) need the money to practice and train. So this is in that spirit.

Ottavio Cinquanta

There has been a lot of M&A news and that makes stocks more attractive. It shows companies are still finding value and there is a lot of money to spend.

Geoff Langham

If you look at how much money we're spending in Iraq and the increase in the defense budget, surely a small portion of that could be used to take care of these kids coming back from Iraq.

Martin Meehan

'If I had all the money I'd spent on drink, I'd spend it on drink.'

Vivian Stanshall

We realize that the consumer has less discretionary money to spend right now, and we don't want to make it any harder for them to do something as easy as ordering a pizza. You might lose it on your tips.

Joseph Rocco

If the money were there, I think we'd be closer than we are. I don't want to spend all our money on salaries and the find out our roof leaks.

Jerry Frament

This whole scheme that the governor's coming up with is going to make everybody pay more taxes we're gonna save five hundred dollars on our property tax and we're going to spend two thousand dollars a year on other taxes.

Dan Curtis

This was a disappointing number relative to expectations and certainly consistent with the idea that consumer spending is going to be a much smaller contributor to economic growth in the fourth quarter.

Chris Probyn

We spend a lot of time saving the lives of inmates who, quite frankly, don't want to be saved.

John Fougere

We're always looking for ways to give consumers more value so that everything they spend, they'll get something in return.

Monica Beaupre

I'd say I spend 90 percent of my time in the Terrain Park.

Pat Griffin

I get to see them a lot now, and that's good. We eat lunch, hang out, whatever. It's nice to get to spend time with them because we've been separated a lot.

Tyerus Washington

The retail establishment in Onslow County has figured out that Marines and sailors today have a lot more discretionary income than they did 10 or 20 years ago. In addition to discretionary income, our Marines have a lot more mobility today. They are coming into town and they are not shy about spending their money.

Bruce Gombar

It is in spending oneself that one becomes rich.

Sarah Bernhardt

Spend every minute of the rest of his natural life in prison without seeing the light of day.

Keith Henderson

You may be able to cut some of your driving, but you are probably going to see some impact in terms of spending in other areas.

Adrienne Warren

We're in the process of making a bottom but probably not at the bottom. After the damage done to people's psyches, my guess is we'll get a bounce, but then spend a month backing and filling in this general area.

Alfred Goldman

We're interested in knowing, ... how much each one of you uses the Internet. How much time do you spend on it?

Judy Woodruff

Unfortunately, Wal-Mart doesn't know nearly as much as bout their own employees as they do about the inventory and felt this is an area they need to spend time on. The place to start is to understand who their employees are and their career plan.

Harry Debes

Agriculture came in better and remittances continued to be good. These two factors reduced the impact of higher oil prices on spending.

Joey Cuyegkeng

We try to accommodate people's wishes if possible, but it depends on the overall effect on the project and how much money we can afford to spend on properties.

Joe Condit

You can't spend 110 percent on something if you don't have that same hunger and drive. I have achieved all my goals -- my mission is complete.

Lennox Lewis

This governor is spending $80 million of taxpayer money on an election that voters resoundingly have said is unnecessary. That is the most important figure. The rest is campaign rhetoric.

Gale Kaufman

I'm glad it's over; it's a long season. It was definitely well worth it, but now it's time to rest and spend time with my family.

Chris Gardocki

It appears that the threshold has been reached where consumers are feeling the pinch of higher gas prices and are beginning to reduce their restaurant spending, ... We are also seeing softness in restaurant same-store sales, which we track monthly, further validating a reduction in consumer spending.

Byron Paulson

It's the way our clients choose to spend their entertainment dollars.

Mike Foreman

It's phenomenally important to me that, if I'm going to be spending years on a project, I need to be interested in the whole thing. I'm not there to be on my own. And if I'm going to be with these people, I'd best be interested in their work.

Mary Mcdonnell

Absolutely committed to spending the rest of my life as a spokesman for the rights of European Americans.

David Duke

From Gregoire and the Democrats' perspective, it's 'are we going to spend it now or are we going to spend it later?' There's no hint of giving it back to the taxpayers. The $1.4 billion tax surplus is not the government's money, it's the taxpayers' money.

Tim Eyman

Could this drop in confidence affect spending? It seems unlikely due to the notable disconnect between changes in confidence and spending.

Olivier Gasnier

If I was going to spend thousands of dollars on a home, I'd certainly spend a couple more to make sure of the home's condition. It will not only show you what you need to be concerned about, it will also give you peace of mind.

Scott Johnston

You're not supposed to spend the money. You're supposed to hold on to it for a year so that it brings good luck.

David Wojciechowski

People are willing to spend money on things that make their lives easier.

Art Spinella

What's striking is that we are clearly a world leader in how much we spend on health care. We should be expecting to be the best. Clearly, we should be doing better.

Cathy Schoen

Your typical economic recovery is a virtuous cycle of spending, job creation, investments and more spending. Each one fuels the other.

Chris Low

People are buying animals who are not aware of the circumstances, ... You spend a lot of money, $400 or $500, the animal dies shortly thereafter, and you have no recourse.

Lloyd Levine

These data suggest that retail spending this holiday season will not be depressed and may exceed normal seasonal patterns, despite what some consider a negative economic climate.

Frank Newport

Intel will be a key beneficiary of any kind of recovery in information technology [IT] spending in 2004 and 2005.

Krishna Shankar

This is a tricky thing to puzzle out. I'm going to try to talk to businesses that are likely to supply boats directly and people on boats and ask them how much they typically spend. Out of that I can make some reasonable estimates.

Gunnar Knapp

Basically, it's your philosophy on what a preview is, what it's for, and what people should spend for it. And I try to err on the side of the consumer.

Randy Weeks

(W)hat we are likely to see in Germany is the best year for consumer spending in a half decade. As a measure of how much pent-up demand there is in Germany, the average age of the auto fleet is at a record eight years.

David Rosenberg

My daughters really enjoy the projects, and I like that we spend quality time together.

Jennifer Rieger

I don't think these low-income people are ready to adopt this purchasing style yet, ... It's different in the major cities where people don't mind spending 10,000 renminbi (US$1,234) to buy a computer.

Helen Lau

Historically, we know that when customers have access to additional cash, many homeowners choose to spend a portion of that money on projects that improve their largest asset -- their homes.

Larry Stone

The homework is good. You're spending a lot of time to get it right.

Dennis Bee

Just because people were extremely concerned in the first days after Katrina hit does not mean that spending has fallen apart. Indeed, the weekly chain store sales results suggest that the impact so far has been surprisingly modest.

Steve Stanley

These yearly and quarterly ad spending gains point to a sea of change in media usage among marketers, reflecting how the Internet has become an essential element of daily life for more and more individuals.

David Hallerman

We are not interested in looking at those revenues as new, additional spending for the state of Iowa.

Rep. Scott Raecker

We're not having to spend any money to do this, and I'm proud of that.

Joe Snell

I hate the industry even more now, no bands get nurtured anymore. Labels only spend money promoting acts they know will be Top Ten. I find it offensive spending $2 million on a video.

Siouxsie Sioux

We do think you're going to see a drop off in consumer spending in coming months. Part of the reason is workers are experiencing pain in their take-home pay. You're still seeing other areas of the economy kicking in. These will offset some of the negatives from lower consumer spending.

John Shin

Legislative leaders are passing up a chance to reduce New York State's excessive debt burden - already one of the highest in the nation - and to achieve structural balance between revenues and spending.

Diana Fortuna

We want the business people to know there are a lot of people like us, who are very worried about the negative impact of illegal immigration and who spend money at their business.

Greg Serbon

If just a few of the promised technologies come on line, then Medicare and the entire society could face substantially increased health-care spending. We need to worry not only about the demographic risk [posed by the aging of the baby boomers], but also the risk of developing new technologies that appear to break the bank.

Dana Goldman

I had one man tell me that fantasy had taught him to be a grownup fan rather than a child fan. The St. Louis Cardinals don't care about me. Why should I care about them? But I do care about whether or not I win my rotisserie league. Because I spend time almost 12 months out of the year researching, planning, managing, negotiating.

Don Levy

Dire times call for dire measures. We're going to cut in-service days. We're not spending more on teacher housing.

Chris Simon

People are increasingly concerned, given what Wal-Mart said, that higher gas prices are going to hurt the spending power of the consumer.

Alan Rifkin

Most clients we meet every month and redo the cash flow if anything changes in their lives that will affect their spending.

Debra Seefeld

Obviously we didn't guess it'd go quite that high, ... This year, we may be looking at [spending] an additional $25,000 to $30,000.

John Donner

When we asked participants which vendors would be considered in 2006 for their ERP purchases, Microsoft Business Solutions led the pack. Our research indicates that there will be a huge surge in ERP spending in 2006. With companies of all sizes growing their ERP budgets, this is bound to be a banner year for top vendors in this space.

Jim Shepherd

Despite the recent pickup, total investment spending in the economy is still lower than the level of 2001 and, as a share of GDP...below the 1997-2000 average.

Alberto Ramos

We were (previously) working regular jobs in San Diego, but we wanted to spend more time locally. This is part of what went into the name ---- we wanted to be 'Grounded' in the community.

Juli Risner

The fall in retail sector profits reflects the inability of many retailers to pass on cost increases in an environment of weak consumer spending.

Stephen Walters

I think the Budget is going to be positive. The last government numbers up until December point to a small deficit and, pushing it out to the full year, the deficit should be less than 1% of GDP. There is scope for government to spend more and provide more tax relief at the low end of the scale.

Craig Pheiffer

Being in love was like China: you knew it was there, and no doubt it was very interesting, and some people went there, but I never would. I'd spend all my life without ever going to China, but it wouldn't matter, because there was all the rest of the world to visit.

Philip Pullman

This is going to be so much fun for everyone especially the kids and parents, ... We wanted to have this day so kids and their families can get involved with one another and become active playing and having fun outside. It's an opportunity for families to spend fun time together while improving their health.

Susan Sullivan

People have accepted the fact they'll be spending $2.25 a gallon for gas but they realize, too, that they'll probably put, on average, only about 2,000 miles a year on their vehicle.

Chuck Nelson

Mike Pence has done a fabulous job leading the Republican Study Committee. They have put out a realistic and credible and specific budget proposal to get spending under control when virtually no one else is talking about it.

Brian M. Riedl

Many people are choosing this winter to replace their older furnace and invest in a high-efficiency furnace. Some of today's furnaces have an efficiency rating of 94.2 percent. That means, for every dollar you spend on gas, nearly 95 cents worth is heating your home. If you furnace is15 to 20 years old, the efficiency could be as low as 65 to 70 percent.

Mark Dalmrymple

There could be a lot less spending. Most of the network build-out for larger telecom players is already done.

Timm Bechter

People can spend the whole day in the beautiful park with its fountains and sculptures. It's like an oasis in downtown Scottsdale.

Janice Bartczak

It's not like direct mail, where you spend $2 per piece and you send out 50,000 pieces and most never get read or opened, just thrown away. In our business, every single ad we play gets heard.

Tom Latinovich

It brings entertainment and a respite from the stress of the hospital experience to patients who for the most part can't get out. Many of the patients we visit are quite ill and have to spend all of the time in the room. We bring to them for five minutes something that can take them away. It helps them relax.

Michael Hill

The results were impressive to say the least. The outlook for consumer spending is a bit brighter than it was a week or so ago.

Joe Lavorgna

Sometimes you have to step out and spend some money to win a project.

Neal Wade

Tax cuts would probably flow directly into corporate profits. Companies are lean and mean today, compared with where they were ten years ago and if the economy is going to be stimulated by either tax cuts or new spending, I would prefer tax cuts. I would prefer the approach that is more profit friendly so I guess that means I don't prefer Al Gore's approach.

Christine Callies

I arrived at ILM during the final push to finish Episode I, and it was like going to heaven. A shop full of some of the best people I've ever had the honor to work with. I was lucky enough to spend a few weeks at Skywalker Ranch working on pre-production models for Episode II. Given that it was one of the first jobs I ever wanted to have, it was pretty cool to get a chance to participate.

Adam Savage

If you can spend the money now, and dedicate the money now, you will get a return, you will reduce the number of unwanted animals, you will reduce the cost.

Don Dobesh

You don't have to spend time fixing the old broken system. You've got to spend time building and developing a performing system from scratch.

Sajan George

I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in prison for somebody else's act.

Derek King

Life is not a spectator sport. If you're going to spend your whole life in the grandstand just watching what goes on, in my opinion you're wasting your life.

Jackie Robinson

Black Monday was only the 12th highest online spending day of the 2004 holiday season. Last year, peak sales days actually occurred in mid-December as consumers scrambled to take advantage of late-season discounts and free-shipping offers.

Gian Fulgoni

The same is true of monetary policymakers. They're just a bunch of technicians, cleaning teeth, fixing fillings. You don't spend every day obsessing about what your dentist is up to.

Stephen Cecchetti

We continue to believe that there will be no end-of-year 'catch-up' scenario in spending, given enterprise focus on cost savings. The latest earnings conference calls by the contract manufacturers and server makers confirm this view.

Ariane Mahler

Last year we focused on placing one or more of our flagship products at the top semiconductor manufacturers in the world as ranked by spending. Capacity expansion plans announced by several of these customers are contributing to our more optimistic outlook, and we are also experiencing increasing demand for our legacy products.

Don Mitchell

The level of China's military spending is low when compared to some other countries, not only in terms of absolute value, but also in terms of the proportions defense budgets occupy in the nations' gross domestic product and the entire budget.

Jiang Enzhu

Less stressful, believe me. Less time to be spending on the freeway in traffic.

Roger Batshon

Despite increasing ad spend and year-to-year growth in the value of search engine marketing, we are likely nearing a pricing plateau as advertisers near their maximum efficiency.

Gord Hotchkiss

I have a handful of active lobbying clients, but my business is not lobbying. My business is public affairs and public relations. That's the vast majority of what I spend my time on.

Doug Scofield

However, for ISPs especially, the spam problem is not fully solved by any means. They still spend a lot of money on R&D in a cat-and-mouse game with spammers, as well as the infrastructure investment to deal with the inbound volume that gets rejected at or near the gateway.

Jonathan Penn

It is very important for the Hinckleys to spend time with each other - not at a Holiday Inn but in their residence.

Robert Phillips

The market was overly optimistic about the strength of a recovery in technology spending. The recovery is quite subdued. Things are improving but it is extremely gradual.

Trip Chowdhry

Greenspan and the Fed are trying to slow down consumer spending. It's hitting the retail sector across the board, the big multiples especially.

Alan Mak

We probably are going to become a little bit less of a department store, with less emphasis on apparel, ... I think the exit from cosmetics is an example of this. We are very much in the process of reworking our business model and how we go to market and how we spend money.

Alan Lacy

If it's a choice between spending $25 for tickets to a movie and almost that much again for drinks and popcorn, it's understandable people are opting instead to buy a movie on DVD for $15, even if it's no-frills.

Tim Lucas

We've actually begun to edge up on the four-week moving average ... from [about] 380,000 to [about] 420,000, which brings into question the future sustainability of spending, particularly in the retail sector.

Lawrence Goodman

Our growth will come in through our existing clients with increased IT spending. We are also looking at better data mining and increased cross-selling.

Atul Nishar

Part of our adoption program is letting the prospective owner come here and spend time with the horse so we can see how he reacts with and treats the animal.

John Roberson

The Social Security surplus is always being spent. Now it's going to defense and rebuilding rather than paying down debt. From a psychological standpoint, spending it may even be good for privatization. Opponents might use that surplus as a hedge, saying we've got money in a lock-box and don't need to privatize.

Michael Tanner

Conservation payments are discretionary spending that Congress can either appropriate or not or spend it for anything they want to. We have to be very careful to protect mandatory spending.

David Senter

Most people don't know that the Middle East has one of the highest growth in consumer spending in the world.

Fadi Farra

This will allow us maintain research and development spend, and have the potential to offer the market new products from one year to another.

Wendelin Wiedeking

Getting more diverse patients means making yourself more attractive to commercial insurance payers. Price is part of it and quality of services is another part. But to consumers, it may mean a beautiful new building where they will be treated well and will be closer to their home. They may be happy to spend 4 percent more.

Mike Cohill

They are spending lots of money on players who are past their prime but who can still play. The main thing is that this must benefit local players.

Peter Velappan

We're not going to spend the next ten years debating what should happen here.

Randy Daniels

I feel strongly that people should be able to choose how they spend their entertainment dollars. It's none of the government's business.

Jesse Ventura

Buying momentum for domestic-demand related stocks still exists on a recovery in consumer spending and capital investment.

Hideyuki Ookoshi