116 quotes about senators follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not guilty.'

Theodore Roosevelt

The premier didn't mean to say that there would be national elections for senators this fall. He clarified (to me) that there would be discussions this fall on Senate elections.

Marisa Etmanski

Sen. Burns feels that a minority of U.S. senators used a parliamentary trick to keep a bill from going to the Senate floor. This vote does not affect the federal budget.

Matt Mackowiak

Really, life is complicated enough without having a bunch of Senators deciding what we should do in the privacy of our own homes.

Barbara Boxer

It's not going to be easy, but it's great for the fans. We get to see the Leafs, Canadiens, Bruins and Senators more often. It's better for travelling as well. There's a lot of positives, but emotion will be a big factor.

Daniel Briere

The mayor has a great working relationship with both senators, ... They're a great team in Washington, and he looks forward to continuing to work with them.

Stu Loeser

I feel happy that I was chosen to attend the program. I am very excited about traveling to Washington, DC and hope that I will get to meet one of our Senators or Representatives.

Lawrence Henry

The next few days could be a productive cooling off period, when senators work out their differences and commit to getting something done on immigration reform, but we will see. We hope that they will come back to Washington committed to reform, because we need it this year.

Austin Perez

When the so-called 'Gang of Fourteen' saved the filibuster last spring, senators from both sides of the aisle agreed that it would be used only in extraordinary circumstances and this certainly qualifies.

Vicki Saporta

There is some indication that the Mississippi senators are interested in doing what's right.

Bill Chandler

Very, very disappointed with the governor's decision. I am going to contact the senator's office and the assemblyman's office and see if there are enough votes out there to override the veto.

John Burns

I was real surprised how much we were able to disrupt them with our defense. That's (the Senators) a real good team over there.

Shane Foster

We came here to tell our story. And we knew that before we came we would have the support of the senators. We hope this does produce results on the ground for this family.

Catherine Mccartney

We are launching a campaign to fully educate the senators about the decision that is before them.

Adam Snyder

He's one of the most interesting senators of our time. The fact that the right was so concerned about him as head of the Judiciary Committee made many people think he'd be very careful in scrutinizing Bush's appointees. But I guess he has proved unpredictable once again.

Cass R. Sunstein

Call your senators and representatives and ask them if they're willing to support having that program cut or -- failing that -- what else they're willing to cut in order to fund Katrina relief.

Glenn Reynolds

If its lowered for for senators, why not for fallen soldiers?

Dawn Black

From our perspective, it should have never been put in the budget. They're only doing it to prevent a filibuster. We're asking senators to stand up to these tactics and vote against the entire bill.

Kristen Cummings

When the senators return to D.C., they'll feel some pressure to move again on a comprehensive bill.

Rich Stolz

Max has been a champion for the people of Libby ever since this first came about. He realizes this takes both senators pulling in the same direction, and that's what we're doing.

Barrett Kaiser

This vote is painful proof that a majority of senators will not stand up for women's rights, civil rights and our right to privacy when it counts the most.

Debra L. Ness

Senators have wanted to have it both ways.

Jamie Court

In no way do I feel the senator's office has been grossly inappropriate.

Michael Dahilig

My goal is to seek a pattern -- a groundswell -- of Democratic town committee motions in Connecticut that will really get the senator's attention.

Len Swade

I thought Carson came out well and made it very difficult for us to what we wanted to do. They are well-coached and play extremely hard. (Senators coach) Bruce (Barnes) gets a lot out of them.

Kyle Schellin

The strength of the Ottawa Senators is and always will be its full-season ticket package base. More and more of our games are selling out in advance of game days, making each season ticket that much more valuable with scarcity.

Roy Mlakar

We didn't have time to talk to the senators.

Robert Fischer

In confirming recent nominees like [Ruth Bader] Ginsburg, [Stephen G.] Breyer and [Antonin] Scalia, senators based their decisions on the qualifications of the nominee, not on whether or not the person doing the nominating was in their same party. The public does not want to see the Supreme Court become an extension of partisan politics.

Dana Perino

We have all these senators and members of the House who say the president hasn't made his case yet.

James Inhofe

It's time for people to demand that their senators and congressmen start voting in favor of lower gas prices instead of just talking about them.

Myron Ebell

There are only two United States senators who have a truly national constituency. One's name is Ted Kennedy and one's name is John McCain.

Ken Duberstein

There were some representatives and senators not very pleased with the issue when they found out what it was, even though they had voted to pass it.

Jerry Windham

That's not the Ottawa Senators there, they're missing a lot of guys on the blue line. So you take it and you move on.

Brian Campbell

We are pleased that senators from both parties understand the hurricane did not discriminate between public and private schools, and neither should our public leaders.

Scott Jensen

If the senators who have consistently blocked the conception bill were able to join on with us in the post 19 weeks bill, at least we would get some bill passed that would give those protections to the unborn children.

Mike O'dell

The bill which I filed along with 10 other senators last month, will help cushion the impact of the e-VAT law on power consumers, especially the common households. I believe ordinary consumers should be spared from the negative effects of higher electricity bills.

Franklin Drilon

The purpose of our policy is to respect the senators and the confirmation process.

Dana Perino

That's one thing I could help with ? bring jobs to the forefront. We need to continue to go to Washington, D.C., talk to our senators there that represent us. I want to continue to hold discussions with groups of people interested in bringing jobs in.

Garry Thomas

I think (sportsmen) have had a huge impact on those senators and congressmen. They're the mainstream part of the environmental movement.

Tom France

I'm going to be definitely talking to my senators and representatives at the federal level.

Dennis Wittig

Cheating is cheating. Enforce the rules or don't have them. It's up to (Selig), I guess. He's getting a lot of pressure from the senators.

Jack Morris

Our constitution protects aliens, drunks and U.S. Senators.

Will Rogers

I think Colorado is sort of a microcosm of the country because our senators and representatives are on both ends of the political spectrum.

Jeff Joseph

[The EPA approach] combines significant reductions in emissions with protection for energy security and consumers, ... But these senators now seek to disrupt the program.

Scott Segal

President Bush was dealt a good hand that included 55 Republican senators.

Scott Moss

Maybe some representatives or senators are connected to that in some way, but I wouldn't know and can't speculate on that.

Lisa Jennings

After checking the petition by the senators, the court deemed it appropriate to accept it and to consider a ruling.

Paiboon Varahapaitoon

If I knew that I wasn't going to be able to watch high school football games or City Council meetings, I'd be upset. Do these senators actually sit down and watch public access TV?

Bob Kelly

Going to pass up an opportunity this Saturday to parade congressman and senators in front of hundreds of thousands of men. So there is no evidence of this political connection.

Promise Keepers

We have asked the people in the diocese to contact the governor's office, state senators (and) Assembly members to voice their objection to the legislation, both on moral and fiscal grounds.

Andrew Walton

To let the senators know how we feel about the legislation in Congress ... It's a peaceful assembly.

Larry Meyers

Senator Proxmire leaves behind an unparalleled legacy as a defender of the American taxpayer and one of the hardest working senators in U.S. history.

Russ Feingold

From what we've heard, what happened in Savannah had an impact on the bill's passage. Unfortunately, it took a serious incident like this, but we are grateful senators opened their eyes.

Chuck Bowen

I didn't want any senators to vote based on his assertion that I'd approved his speech.

Thomas Hubbard

The senators who want to serve on (the Judiciary Committee) tend to be very ideologically driven and know their own minds. They are either very strong progressives or very deep conservatives.

Jamin Raskin

For the scrapbook, I put a lot of pictures in, along with postcards and pamphlets from the offices of different senators and congressmen and the Supreme Court. I also had one page where I stuck a lot of pins I collected from delegates from other states.

Marla Sacks

For Democratic senators this is a vote of conscience, not a chess game, ... That's why Democratic senators are not voting in lockstep, unlike some partisans who cheerlead for anyone the White House picks, even before hearings are held.

David Carle

Bill Gates comes up to the Hill not just to testify, but to visit his senators, Slade Gorton [R-Wash.] and Patty Murray [D-Wash.], or other key senators.

Marc Pearl

We have a representative democracy and the way senators vote on legislation or other matters is the most-fundamental act in representing people.

Andrew Bartlett

Senators Kennedy and McCain have said they're open to their fellow senators on comprehensive reform. … I think we're just interested in moving forward. The president campaigned on this in 2000 and nothing has happened.

Laura Capps

The senator believes we live in a country where no one is above the law -- and that includes senators and presidents. He believes that it is appropriate that the matter be looked into by the appropriate people.

John Ullyot

Call and write your senators. Tell them how you feel about this before it happens again, and hopefully it won't. You just don't know; don't let it be your child. Stop it now.

Jenny Slight

A couple of (state senators) have concerns that we're overly influenced by the forest industry, and that (that influence) causes us to do work that has findings in their favor.

Hal Salwasser

The difference in the game was the pressure our guards put on their guards. It looked like (the Senators) were having trouble getting into their offense.

Shane Foster

The bill ended up stalling on the Senate desk after senators closed their session early last week.

Richard Stapler

Forget the governors and senators. He sups at that front table where it's decided who the governors and senators will be.

Larry Forgy

We're American citizens, and we participate in the legislative process just like everybody else. All 100 senators are our senators. We rely on the entire Senate as our super Legislature.

Kevin Callwood

No one complained about the [NSA] spying during that administration. Now suddenly these Senators and a federal judge are shocked.

Sid Francis

The agency's budget is critically dependent on pleasing these senators. We found that there was some favoritism on the states that were represented.

Russell Sobel

Justices are not politicians, ... They don't run on a political platform, and senators should not ask them to do so.

John Cornyn

The leaders of this Congress need to figure out a way to change this (legislation) to address the important civil liberties issues that I and other Senators from both sides of the aisle have discussed over the past three days.

Russ Feingold

Democrats can't find anyone to run against him because he's universally applauded in the state as a sensible, effective, knowledgeable public servant. On anybody's list of distinguished senators, you're going to find Dick Lugar near the top.

Robert Dion

We have to do something to convince our senators that we need a good immigration reform.

Carlos Avila

We might organize another rally when the revote occurs. If students care about this issue, they should contact their senators and voice their opinions. The legislature will respond to voter concerns, and hopefully HOPE will be protected.

Chris Dempsey

I cannot blame certain senators if they are so determined to use all of their time and energy to block this genuine outpouring of support from the people because they will already become irrelevant once the People's Initiative succeeds in paving the way for a parliamentary system of government.

Raul Lambino

We commend Senators [Michael] Enzi and [Edward] Kennedy and their colleagues for their leadership in the Senate and ensuring that this much-needed relief (ensuring the equitable and religiously sensitive treatment of parochial schools) was contained in the appropriations package.

Nathan Diament

It's a fabulous idea because right now the House is not on an equal playing field with the Senate, as almost all the senators are former House members. There is a lack of experience in the House.

Barney Bishop

The senators came up with really good ideas. In the end, we decided to donate money to them because we understand that they needed to commute back and forth a whole lot. So they needed money for gas and food.

William Wang

The Pew Commission endorses this important legislation, and we thank Senators DeWine and Rockefeller for their leadership.

Bill Frenzel

The senator's childish need for attention masks his stark inability to get things done in the Legislature for his constituents.

Pahl Shipley

I would not call it a very close contact. I'm occasionally in touch with his office. Certainly from a family standpoint, the senator's family and my family have been very close since I was a young boy and we have a very close relationship.

Marty Durbin

The senators couldn't park for about a week.

Arnold Friberg

Overall I didn't think it was successful. The senators worked hard for it. It just did not come together right.

Ryan Rourke

Right now it seems like the uncertainty would make senators more circumspect with Roberts.

Carl W. Tobias

The nation is in a culture war, and there's no need to hide that fact. Some senators will oppose any change on the court that would threaten so-called abortion rights. But the American people are already deciding that their Constitution does not permit dismembering children. It is inevitable that the court will catch up.

Frank Pavone

There ought to be one day - just one - where there is open season on senators.

Will Rogers

I must say I am not pleased to have to arrange the Senate schedule around the availability of Senators who are running for President.

Arlen Specter

Certain senators advocated very strongly for special treatment of the airlines, and the end result is a compromise between those senators and others.

Jill Gerber

We are part of the fabric of America, from U.S. senators to your schoolteacher to your local banker.

George Takei

We have asked Indian Americans to approach their respective Senators and Congressmen with appeals to support the bill.

Thomas Abraham

They wanted to meet with the senators and they had all of their people together in one location and so they got him out there to meet with him. I don't think they get any more access than anyone else does.

James Pendleton

All of the students in the M.S. in Accountancy class are sending Dan's proposal to their Senators and Representatives.

James Wittenbach

This is the highest form of _expression. This is the ultimate form of expression when the people manifest their desire for a change of governance by becoming constitutional warriors. Senators can no longer stop this.

Raul Lambino

There are only two ways that she loses. One is if some GOP Senators go see Karl Rove, and then President Bush, and say she's just too much weight to carry. The other is if safe Democratic senators embarrass her by asking tough questions that stump her.

Fred Barnes

The Democratic senators are taking out a competent Democratic civil-service director because they wanted to focus on the driver's license bill. They've put their political considerations before the fact that she has led an organization that has been consumer-friendly.

Margita Thompson

The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be the designated driver.

Jay Leno

Feingold has always been a strong advocate for reform, but he's had a lot of things on his plate lately. We understand that Senators McCain and Feingold wouldn't always be in sync about things. They're both running for president. Whether that plays into this, I don't know.

Celia Wexler

(We need) a broad-ranging inquiry, one that travels around the country, so that working people can talk to the senators about what it means for them.

Sharan Burrow

Right now our two U.S. Senators and our U.S. Congressman are all over the place in terms of what they're thinking and how they're voting on this issue. So, I would really like to see our Federal Government representation get on the same page.

Jessica Thill

You've got U.S. senators involved, you've got questions about how much the Australian government knew, and I think when it gets to those sorts of levels it spooks investors quite a bit.

Greg Canavan

On the basis of public statements and my consultations with my colleagues, I cannot see 18 senators voting to propose amendments to the Constitution through a constituent assembly.

Franklin Drilon

If I hadn't thought to get the senators involved, those people that were in the hospital today would probably be dead, some of them. They wouldn't have electricity and water to survive.

Carl Griffith

The thing that moves members of Congress and senators to act faster than anything else is when they hear from their own constituents.

Tom Kiley

We're putting that data together to go to the Hill to show congressmen and senators exactly what is happening on individual farms. What they want to do is show how these energy costs are hitting the bottom line.

Bob Dickey

I think it's about time we voted for senators with breasts. After all, we've been voting for boobs long enough.

Claire Sargent

It was pretty interesting; we actually had enough time to go see both the House and the Senate in session. We also had a chance to go see the representatives and senators that we wanted to see; of course none of them were in their offices, but we did get to talk to their aides.

Joshua Simmons

The senators will want to ask about views on presidential powers, women's rights and minorities, because Roberts expressed views during Reagan's term that need to be cleared up.

James Mccann

We're talking about revitalizing the rural economy through jobs and cash flow drastically needed in these states, obviously leading to votes for these senators and congressmen. It seems like a win-win situation, and something Democrats and Republicans can get behind.

Nate Glasko

Senators want to know, `Does she have an overarching theory of jurisprudence? How would she approach cases?'

Carl W. Tobias

All the senators were very willing to make it happen so they were very positive and understood how many hispanics we have and the impact the have in the U.S..

Elizabeth Gallagher

We started off the second period and the Senators looked like they were really moving out. They came out strong; the second period was a really tough period.

Eric Peltzer

At least five senators called in and several are very active in Christian organizations on campus.

Eric Norris

We all talked about it this (yesterday) morning, ... A 4-2 lead for the Senators going into the third? We all changed the channel. Now, it's 'don't touch that remote.'

Eric Desjardins

Choosing somebody who is not a judge would put that much more of a premium on straight answers to questions because there would be that much less for senators and the public to go on when looking at such a nominee's judicial philosophy.

Elliot Mincberg

A lot of these Republicans have never been in the minority and a lot of them have come up through the House and not started as senators, so they don't give it quite the same respect that has been there in the past.

Ed Rollins

Now is the time. This is our time. Call and write our senators and organize and tell your friends to do the same. Cover this process in a blanket of prayer. ... This is our chance to be doers of the word and not hearers only.

Zell Miller