We are not seeking revenge, we are seeking justice.

Saad Hariri

We're still seeking FQHC status, so next we'll be looking at pediatrics and all the other primary services that you have to do with that.

Freddie Barber

The information that they seek tells them nothing about any issue in the case.

Albert Gidari

Do not seek the because - in love there is no because, no reason, no explanation, no solutions.

Anais Nin

Our focus is to continually improve operational productivity and efficiency to best deliver the services and solutions our clients seek.

Jose Jimenez

Traditionally, news organizations are very careful about reporting bomb threats. We don't want to prompt copycats who might see the story and seek attention by duplicating the bomb threats or to give any notoriety to the person who was calling in those bomb threats.

Bob Steele

We urge people looking for a quick fix to this problem to be realistic. This process is neither quick, nor a good permanent fix. Resolving the sea lion issue and protecting Oregon's fish stocks will require an act of Congress, not an act of this commission. However, we realize this is a serious problem and seeking federal authority to manage it is an important step in the right direction.

Marla Rae

If you get knowledge, you can't keep your knowledge away from people seeking help, ... These are our people.

John Garang

I won't seek changes to the basics of the agreement.

Taro Aso

Effective cash management has again added to the earnings delivery and our share buyback program will continue while we seek value-creating acquisitions.

Gareth Davis

A number of candidates have been spoken to already and more interviews are planned for the next few days. Ideally, the board are seeking a candidate with proven managerial and coaching experience.

Jeff Bonser

There's a cat-and-mouse game going on between states that seek to control the information environment and citizens who seek to speak freely online. Filtering technologies, and the way that they are implemented, are becoming more sophisticated.

John Palfrey

I was informed by the government on Friday that Mel Weiss will not be included in any indictment that the government may seek to bring at this time.

Benjamin Brafman

Once you step down, you can do whatever you want, but the premise would be to seek nomination for the party, go back to your riding in a by-election or general election, and seek the mandate of the people. The bill also allows for an individual to sit as an independent.

Peter Stoffer

I think this is not a report that focuses on China anymore than it focuses on any other one country, ... But those who are seeking to exercise basic rights of freedom of religion in China (are being persecuted.)

John Shattuck

Some actors seek parts similar to their personalities. But, I prefer undergoing a metamorphosis that depends on the role .

Ben Gazzara

I regard as a mortal sin not only the lying of the senses in matters of love, but also the illusion which the senses seek to create where love is only partial. I say, I believe, that one must love with all of one's being, or else live, come what may, a life of complete chastity.

George Sand

The extent of the wage and benefit reductions Delphi is seeking would be difficult for any union to swallow easily.

Mark Oline

China, South Korea and Japan all have large population, all suffer from resources shortage, but all have been seeking relatively rapid economic growth.

Xie Zhenhua

Seek people who are open to change, to thinking differently about the future, and doing business differently.

Bill Read

Once you start changing factors of the use, you start altering that vestment. They're seeking to be classified as a multi-family facility, while retaining the right to rent daily.

Jorge Perez

While seeking revenge, dig two graves - one for yourself.

Doug Horton

My family and I are deeply sorry for all that Vice President Cheney and his family have had to go through this past week. We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves.

Harry Whittington

We hope that he will continue to come to Texas and seek the relaxation that he deserves.

Harry Whittington

Symmetry is a complexity-reducing concept (co-routines include subroutines); seek it everywhere.

Alan Perlis

The purpose was clearly to seek to protect the lychee crop.

Bob Pack

We may seek a fortune for no greater reason than to secure the respect and attention of people who would otherwise look straight through us.

Alain De Botton

Right now, there just aren't incentives for patients to seek care in the proper setting.

Jim Gardner

As is the case in cities from coast to coast, people are seeking to return to downtown living. Because of proactive efforts by the MDHA and the city, there has been over $1.15 billion in public and private investments downtown since 2000.

Tony Giarratana

I decry the current tendency to seek patents on algorithms. There are better ways to earn a living than to prevent other people from making use of one's contributions to computer science.

Donald Knuth

If you have, give; if you lack, seek.

Malayan Proverb

I will seek to work with those who are knowledgeable in this area, who know more than I do.

Julie Myers

She's not the type of person to ever seek out publicity. But I think she's going to do it.

Ruth Garren

I seek the presidency with no illusions.

Ted Kennedy

We're seeking to employ value engineering. We're seeing what the least amount of cost is that would still create something that is a well-built project.

Richard Wing

It is my opinion that they were seeking retaliation for previous events.

Todd Bailey

By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger, ... They could provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means to match their hatred. They could attack our allies or attempt to blackmail the United States. In any of these cases, the price of indifference would be catastrophic.

Richard Bush

But if that sum is not enough, we will seek alternative resources. I think that we will also turn to the European Union.

Jiri Paroubek

He was angry. Wanted to lash out (by starting a fire) to seek empowerment. He would then sometimes return to the scene for gratification.

Dustin Deutsch

Consumers will still feel compelled to seek out the best deal for their money.

Rosalind Wells

When we seek help, people are there to help. But you have to take the first step and ask for it.

Angie Ridings

It's a consumer-driven industry, driven by consumer demands and preferences, and obviously a lot of consumers are getting turned on to organics and seeking those products.

Todd Hultquist

To lift that pall will require a new generation of scholars and professionals who explicitly reject naturalism and consciously seek to understand the design that God has placed in the world.

William Dembski

Every living thing is a sort of imperialist, seeking to transform as much as possible of its environment into itself.

Bertrand Russell

If we seek the pleasures of love, passion should be occasional and common sense continual.

Robertson Davies

We are seeking a development that is better suited to an existing semi-rural neighborhood and in keeping with that. No one is saying there should be no development, but that development should be in keeping with the surrounding neighborhood.

Howard Wilkinson

To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is risky business, for it means that once we know we must seek it. It also means that without it life will be valueless.

Marsha Sinetar

[Gabriel points out that Jackson also appears to be a victim of the new NBA economics. With so many teams at or near the expected luxury tax threshold, there just isn't the same demand for players seeking mid-level money.] A lot of players think they can get it, ... But they find out the market just isn't there.

John Gabriel

We understand the legislation to place a bond measure before California voters in June 2006, that the community was relying upon to seek funding for the purchase, has been tabled until the next legislative session.

Ann Simpson

There are many who look to the wife of the governor to express their concerns, to seek their help or be a cheerleader for their cause. What Mrs. Guinn is saying is what a lot of people have been thinking. We all have been dancing around this issue. Those who vote also understand that they are getting a package deal in this day and age.

Fred Lokken

I hope the laws of this country favor him and give him the opportunity to seek asylum. I love him and am looking forward to seeing him once more.

Marisleysis Gonzalez

The price has risen in defiance of the broader inventory picture as investors seek out the next hot commodity.

Nick Moore

Roche is doing everything it can to speed up production. We are seeking to further collaborate with companies if they show competency in key specialized areas.

Alexander Klauser

Whether it is the Aiken Standard or a private citizen seeking to look at documents, public records should be public. We don't believe the clerk has the right or duty to decide what is public.

Scott Hunter

The commission is seeking clarification [from Moscow and Kiev] as to what the situation is.

Mireille Thom

We cannot continue doing politics that only speak to politicians ... we must open up to the people ... we are seeking a mandate from them for a political alternative and build a new majority.

Julio Borges

I think one of the things that happened after 9/11 is that the importance of community became even stronger. We and our field staff literally get overwhelmed by the number of calls and number of organizations seeking our help.

Paul Bruhn

For 'tis a truth well known to most, That whatsoever thing is lost, We seek it, ere it comes to light, In every cranny but the right.

William Cowper

The investment way means that off-budget funds would be used, and the investor would seek profits. A decision will be made before the end of this year.

Vladimir Kozhin

Those are ambush tactics. It suggests their real goal is to seek litigation.

Jeff Bentoff

We made our commitment to KT&G because we are confident in the strong potential of this company. If the CEO is not willing to consider our proposals as investors, we have no choice but to continue to seek election of our nominees.

Warren Lichtenstein

We do not seek vengeance, only to rid Palestinian society of corruption, and bring security to the streets.

Farhat Asad

More and more men are doing more child rearing during the marriage. As a result, more men are seeking significant parenting roles after divorce, sometimes asking to be primary residential parents.

Sharyn Sooho

We are seeing an incredible growth in demand for wind turbines as more countries seek to expand their renewable energy production to help reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and improve their energy security.

Robert Gleitz

We condemn this harassment of independent activists seeking to participate peacefully and constructively in an international meeting. Sadly, this type of intimidation and repression is typical of the way the Sudanese authorities often operate.

Maureen Byrnes

This is a political situation, and we're seeking remedies through legislation. We feel strongly that the rail policy in this country needs to be revisited.

Mike Eggl

I can't say it's not going to have a devastating effect on the people in Person County. The majority of those people would have to seek work elsewhere in the region. ...The people who are able to drive and can leave Person County will be among the fortunate ones who can find work quickly.

Roxie Russell

Seek on earth what you have found in heaven.

George William Russell

This home fits right into its neighborhood. It is a mainstream home. Seventy percent of the new homes that Americans buy every year are built by large home building companies that have been seeking ways to incorporate more green-built features into their products. This home offers solutions.

David Pressly

National Wear Red Day will save lives. If a woman is aware of her risks, she may seek treatment sooner.

Nancy Merrill

Supporting returnees seeking to resettle will be a top priority, and ensuring adequate materials and services to enable returnees to engage in agricultural, livestock or fisheries-based livelihoods upon their return will be central to this process.

Anne Bauer

If they don't take that, we'll seek to enforce the injunction.

Donald E. Stout

We have six people who I really think have a strong consumer focus. I am seeking actually an additional member. It's somebody, I think, who is very aware of the energy issues in Utah and has both a strong energy efficiency and consumer advocacy background.

Laura Nelson

Looking at the countries he has visited, he is not only seeking commercial ties ... but also to forge some sort of political unity.

Ludeki Chweya

Either he was unsuccessful in recruiting a sufficient number of qualified and talented people, or he is conceding he cannot gain enough support to replace the entire board and seek more modest changes. It's possible in a company that big that seeking more modest changes increases your chance of getting a result.

Greg Taxin

THIS YEAR we have a few more families seeking out help. But, donations have also been good this year. People have been very generous.

Betty Waites

It's disappointing that CSX and the feds are still playing hide-and-seek with a safety plan that affects the lives of more than a million men, women and children.

Vincent Morris

When they want to seek our vote, they know where to reach us.

Abner Louima

We are satisfied with the decision handed down [yesterday]. It fulfills what we have been seeking from the very beginning. We will continue to work with all parties for the final resolution of this matter.

Tommy Bruce

I'm not a city kind of guy. I'm happiest when I'm tromping through the woods. That's why I don't live in Los Angeles. Being physically away from Hollywood probably loses me a few jobs, but the best ones seek me out.

Aidan Quinn

When we ask for quality public schools, we seek optimism and opportunity, not pessimism and imprisonment.

Sid Dinerstein

It's exciting to see more and more students receive proficiency. But we are constantly seeking to improve the achievement gap.

Nate Mackinnon

Change is an issue for a lot of people. This is the Liberals seeking their fifth consecutive term, so a lot of people believe that it's healthy to have a periodic alteration of parties, like the Americans, so that dynamic is out there.

Nelson Wiseman

Residents often seek out our services in the winter after their heat has been shut off for not paying bills.

Anita Foster

I don't think China seeking oil in Africa is a threat to the United States' interests.

Jendayi Frazer

The US government, particularly the Pentagon, has been increasingly seeking outside PR help in its war in Iraq .

Mark Hand

While they're willing to seek subpoenas for people without associations with Apple, they failed to review laptops or e-mails.

Kurt Opsahl

We've done a great job. We just don't seek publicity and recognition for it. We hope members of the Florida Retirement System recognize it.

Coleman Stipanovich

Habits… the only reason they persist is that they are offering some satisfaction… You allow them to persist by not seeking any other, better form of satisfying the same needs. Every habit, good or bad, is acquired and learned in the same way - by finding that it is a means of satisfaction.

Juliene Berk

We're constantly seeking ways to enhance our product offerings for tribal governments and enterprise operations. We believe our Tribal Workers Compensation product addresses the needs and exposures of American Indian communities.

Jack Goodwin

When we are unable to find tranquillity within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

You cannot stop sexual experimentation. You can only stop risky behavior based on inaccurate information. When our parents won't teach us about our bodies, we seek information elsewhere.

Stephanie Bell

They are technology freaks and not the kind of guys who seek publicity, but a Vanity Fair shoot in Cannes gives them a broader appeal. We drink beer in the Electric and play pool at the Elbow Room.

Niklas Zennstrom

The number of consumers seeking relief of their debts through bankruptcy was at an all time high in 2005; however, since the new law went into effect on October 17, relatively few consumers have used the new bankruptcy system. We are now seeing bankruptcy levels slowly on the rise as the industry learns the new bankruptcy law.

Chris Lundquist

This is an earth-shattering reversal of competition policy from the agency that 21 years ago broke up the Bell monopoly and today is coddling the dominant Bell companies who seek to re-monopolize each of their regions.

Gene Kimmelman

The best poker players walk a tightrope between their business sense and their passion. As professionals, they seek out the most profitable opportunities and control as many factors as possible to create a positive result. As gamblers, however, they want the risk and excitement of having something important on the line with the outcome in the balance.

Michael Craig

While we're disappointed that the F.D.A. has not approved Plan B for over-the-counter use, we continue to seek that approval.

Carol Cox

We are seeking to add at least two more branches to the network. Our goal is to provide financial assistance to small business operators across the island.

Keisha Thomas

We disagree with the substance and characterization of the alleged violations. We'll be seeking an informal settlement conference with the agency to resolve these differences.

Ronnie Chappell

We believe that Sears Holdings will complete the value-surfacing exercise at Sears Canada by seeking a trust structure for the retail business.

Perry Caicco

He doesn't mind seeking support. He did it as a player, and he did it with Team Canada, and I imagine he'll do it with coaching. He is not afraid to put quality people around him and let them do their jobs.

Andy Moog

The data [on post-Katrina performance] isn't a factor in their assessment, but it is a factor in their improvement plans. A lot of what we seek to address through the improvement plans were some of the weaknesses that we've recognized in responsiveness to the disaster.

Robert Shea

I am not proposing to seek your votes because there is a blue sky ahead today.

Jim Callaghan

We reached a point in November where we simply determined we would no longer seek to terminate this program, but restate it.

Claudia Rapkoch

The true worth of an experimenter consists in his pursuing not only what he seeks in his experiment, but also what he did not seek.

Claude Bernard

Everybody should practice simple and virtuous living . They should never seek recourse to manipulative tendencies.

Yajur Veda

New converts feel they have to prove themselves. Those who seek more extreme ways of proving themselves can become extraordinarily easy prey to manipulation.

Magnus Ranstorp

I want to work with the top people, because only they have the courage and the confidence and the risk-seeking profile that you need.

Laurel Cutler

The attorney general's office has been in court every day this week seeking sanctions to help stop the strike.

Darren Dopp

We are proud to be opening the Hilton Garden Inn West Des Moines, our third hotel location in Iowa. Hilton Garden Inn hotels are uniquely designed to meet the needs of travelers seeking quality accommodations at affordable prices.

Adrian Kurre

There's an application and a series of steps that an individual can take to seek redress.

Mark Hatfield

Clearly the more military muscle you have the more credibility you have and the greater deterrent effect you have. That's what we are seeking.

Fred Eckhart

Moving forward, BI will become part of business innovation itself. Sharing information with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders increases loyalty and in many industries provides competitive differentiation. BI will become pervasive in operational and workplace applications as organizations seek to optimize their business.

Frank Buytendijk

Moving into New England is a reflection of Nelson Mullins' strategy to seek opportunities in the key corporate and technology centers on the East Coast.

David Dukes

None of those now on death row have ever contested their guilt. It's harder to get a death penalty in Connecticut. So it's not worthwhile for prosecutors to seek it. Connecticut juries are required to make a reasoned moral judgment on whether the prisoner should die.

Harry Weller

I seek constantly to improve my manners and graces, for they are the sugar to which all are attracted.

Og Mandino

The brain scientists are the wave of the future in the financial world. If you seek to maximize understanding, whether you're in academia or in the investment community, you'd better pay serious attention to them.

Daniel Kahneman

We always seek to strike the right balance between keeping our games as affordable as possible and generating the resources necessary to remain competitive with other NFL teams.

Ron Colangelo

Sometimes we look for those thunderous things to happen in our life for our lives to change or go in the other direction. We seek the miracle. We seek the parting of the seas, the moving of the mountains. But no, it's a quiet thing. At least for me it was.

Ben Vereen

I am now writing to seek confirmation of the provenance of the software you have developed in order to compete with Focus. Our main concern relates to the speed with which you have developed your product.

Frank Murray

I've learned that I really love a lot of the students here. I'm sure there's some teaching methods I've learned, some approaches I've learned. But what I know is I just really love the students here. They are so curious and outgoing and very seeking.

Mark Spitzer

Those whose approval you seek most give you the least.

Maurice Chevalier

This is the kind of research and development we need to be seeking and exploring. Countries like China and India know exactly what they?re going to do 10 years from now. They?re going to take things from us. The challenge for us is to figure out what we?re going to do it 10 years from now that no one else has a clue about.

Mike Beebe

Our operating cash flow was very strong this quarter. Our healthy balance sheet positions us well to seek out opportunities in the market, in order to add to our solutions portfolio and continue to increase our international reach.

Philip G. Heasley

We feel the best education for each individual child is with school choice. It involves the parents directly in the process of their child's education and they have some governance, in that they can seek another school if they are unhappy with the present school. And historically, our kids do well at whatever school they attend.

Francie Tolan

As a system of philosophy it is not like the Tower of Babel, so daring its high aim as to seek a shelter against God's anger; but it is like a pyramid poised on its apex.

Adam Sedgwick

It's a good thing for him to say because it makes it seem like he's the one seeking national harmony.

Roberto D'altimonte

There is a tendency to seek an objective account of everything before admitting its reality.

Thomas Nagel

It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes. It may even lie on the surface; but we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions— especially selfish ones.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

I suddenly saw that all the time it was not I who had been seeking God, but God who had been seeking me. I had made myself the centre of my own existence and had my back turned to God.

Bede Griffiths

Young partners who are billing above their weight may well seek to challenge the lockstep on the basis they are being penalized for their age.

Gareth Edwards

A lot of out-of-town business people seek out Starbucks.

Jeff Boone

I come back and still seek advice on my marriage and on anything else that's going on in my life.

Robert Cooper

I'm stunned that at this point they would now seek to prevent the company from recovering the monies it spent to restore power after the storms.

Michael Twomey

We cannot build until the government completes the excavation and the site preparation that is necessary for towers 2, 3, 4 and 5 to go forward, and it is unfair to seek to scapegoat Mr. Silverstein for those delays.

Janno Lieber

We looked for the places that sophisticated moviegoers seek out to find things that interest them. These are the people who are engaged with the world, who are informed about the big conspiracies going on out there.

James Schamus

In city after city, when we were talking to hospitals, we kept hearing that there were more uninsured patients seeking treatment.

Paul Ginsburg

We offered to drop the case and not seek one penny of damages against her if she would join with us in our action. As of today, she has refused.

Martin Singer

I think people are more willing to seek help these days. People are becoming more aware. I think the more the media focuses on this, the more society will be aware of it.

Sheila Thomas

We are currently seeking regulatory approval in all North American jurisdictions so that we can offer our customers these outstanding multi-station games that are rated among the best in other parts of the world. These games are completely automatic, secure, have an advanced design, but most of all, are fun to play and offer a great social experience.

Gavin Isaacs

We also had to look at the law and facts and given that in Maryland, seeking of the death penalty almost always sets up a system of false promises to victims' families.

Douglas Gansler

The matter was discussed by the Special Circumstances Committee late Wednesday and the decision to seek death was made by the chairman of the committee, Assistant Dist. Atty. Curt Hazell.

Sandi Gibbons

We have not considered all the possibilities yet, nor have we discovered all the answers, but we're committed to seeking them out with the help of the public.

Lou Tomson

Argument is what causes them to seek out more information.

Jay Rosen

I don't think any fair-minded person who looked at the facts with Baker would conclude that the decision to seek the death penalty was based on race.

Stephen Bailey

Easy access to a weapon may facilitate a bad decision on the part of an emotionally distraught person. I can imagine a significant increase in litigation seeking to hold the employer accountable if this unwise legislation passes.

Theresa M. Gallion

To seek understanding before taking action, yet to trust my instincts when action is called for. Never to avoid danger from fear, never to seek out danger for its own sake. Never to conform to fashion from fear of eccentricity, never to be eccentric from fear of conformity.

Steven Brust

We have 600 families, or about 3,000 people in total, who have been displaced and are seeking refuge in an army barracks, a police station and two churches where they are being protected by a joint police and army force.

Adamu Abubakar

These fabricated and outrageous charges come from an individual whom MSG fired because of an inability to fulfill professional responsibilities and who is now seeking a financial windfall.

Aaron Green

Her various health issues severely limit what she could do even if she was seeking employment and again we still have ongoing medical issues of other types popping up.

Jason Weiner

People are getting out of telecom equipment and seeking out more defensive areas. Chip and software stocks are seeing some interest but very, very selective buying as the recovery there is fragile.

John Hatherly

The problem is all of these approaches seek to force an industry into a one-size-fits-all solution. My members need the ability to tailor their benefits to meet that workforce.

Paul Kelly

Seek first to understand, and then to be understood.

Stephen R. Covey

We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will. I cannot believe that such a program would be rejected by the people of this country, even if it does mean the establishment of personal contact with the dictators.

Neville Chamberlain

I coached PL back in season 1997-98 and really enjoyed it. I have happy memories of my time there. We've not got our troubles to seek with injuries just now so I'm hoping there are no shocks this weekend.

Jim Hay

In light of a settlement offer made by the defendants, all parties are seeking suspension of pretrial proceedings...and in the states' lawsuits.

Richard Parker

We already know Jon Brown isn't seeking a place, ... And I know there are others who don't want to go.

Chris Carter

Our investigators were aware of the contents of the memo prior to seeking the search warrants and arrest warrant for Mr. Jackson.

Tom Sneddon

We didn't seek these out. The people running these things came to us.

Fred Skrocki

We believe that the city has been our strongest partner and we certainly are seeking their support at this point. We are dismayed that they've taken a wait-and-see attitude.

Geri Palast

If we allow this we'll have a plethora of applicants behind them seeking relief.

Jay Edwards

We have a great performance story to tell U.S. institutional investors, we have hired a very high caliber professional to build our relationships and we intend to provide a genuine alternative to those seeking a different, yet highly effective, investment style.

Helena Morrissey

One ought to seek out virtue for its own sake, without being influenced by fear or hope, or by any external influence. Moreover, that in that does happiness consist.

Diogenes Laertius

We are three days into a comprehensive investigation. We're certainly not in a position nor will we seek to preclude anyone's participation in the Olympics at this point in time.

Bill Daly

In December, what (Albertsons) meant when they said they were no longer for sale is that they are no longer actively seeking bids. That of course doesn't mean any entity is prevented from bidding.

Harry White

(The) board would protect consumers' interests and would seek to boost investments and create competitive markets.

Murli Deora

We're seeking to carry this momentum into the final. There's no question of being complacent, there's too much to play for.

Barry Dancer

It is what I expected having read the reports in the media. I didn't think there was anything in the document that would embarrass the British government. I will be seeking the disclosure of the document in court.

Neil Clark

This is not an exclusive list at all. This is to seek funding for their efforts, but other (anti-gang) groups can join under the banner of Partners.

Councilwoman Esther Sanchez

Seeking means: to have a goal; but finding means: to be free, to be receptive, to have no goal.

Herman Hesse

Today's discerning consumer is seeking the latest information and access to the things that matter most to them and Priceless.com will deliver that in a compelling way, with an engaging voice.

Amy Fuller

Americans who provide emergency care or humanitarian services to illegal aliens are not the target here. [Legislation] is focused on prosecuting individuals who purposefully seek to assist in the smuggling of illegal aliens.

William Reynolds

Christian Exodus doesn't seek to institute a theocracy, but we do want a return of our religious liberties that were once so preciously guarded in America.

Cory Burnell

Either Larry King has a knack for picking weak products to pitch, or manufacturers seek him out to lend credibility to supplements that could use some.

David Schardt

I believe that everything happens for a reason, but I think it's important to seek out that reason - that's how we learn.

Drew Barrymore

We wanted to honor grassroots movements by individuals. We were seeking ordinary people doing extraordinary things. Most of them are modest folks who believe in saving the environment for the future. They really do want to make the world a better place.

Richard Goldman

You leave home to seek your fortune and, when you get it, you go home and share it with your family.

Anita Baker

We will seek to buy the land — but only from willing owners. We're not going to condemn any property.

David Goad

We want to ensure that our facility is marketable to the general public and provides the informal learning experiences they are seeking when they travel. The interpretation plan will provide our framework for permanent and temporary exhibits, K-12 educational classes, adult lifelong learning programs, festivals and special events.

Jon Wagoner

From December 2005 the dispute between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the United States over the financial issue has posed an obstacle to the six-party talks process. We hope both countries will bear in mind the larger interest of seeking an early settlement of the financial dispute.

Li Hui

There are a growing number of AEA members who are seeking more information about what's going on.

Gretchen Wehmhoff

I look back to when I got divorced in the late 1970s. When that happened, I was so broken up. After that, I decided to seek God for my life and my next marriage.

Ricky Skaggs

We happen to be in a market that's full of change and full of pressure, and people are seeking answers. The challenges in health care are good for a firm like ours.

Kate Fenner

It is men who wait to be selected, and not those who seek, from whom we may expect the most efficient service.

Ulysses S. Grant

It raises awareness and encourages them to seek medical attention if they think they have a particular disease.

Gaile Renegar

This is the first time the prime minister has tried to seek the opinion of all leaders from Kashmir. The solution may not be found here, but this is a start.

Omar Abdullah

I hope he won't be swayed by any concern for diversity, but this time will seek the best nominee. There is no shortage of such nominees on the appellate courts.

Roger Pilon

I intend to seek bail for him but not at the moment. I'm going to wait several days to complete my inquiry so I have some basis for it to present to the court.

William Costopoulos

The phase we're in right now is kind of the research phase. We're seeking input from people who care.

Tanya Gross

There is a stigma associated with incontinence, so many people never mention it to their doctors or seek treatment. In reality, fecal incontinence is a very common and often very treatable condition.

Bradley Davis

We do not know any more than what already has been made public by the press, and there are some conflicting reports so we are seeking to gather more accurate information on this incident.

Yasuo Fukuda

This is almost assuredly a result of the increased legal action towards the once-ignored BitTorrent -- a game of P2P hide-and-seek.

Andrew Parker

They're seeking accelerated growth rates and we're trying to maintain our steady minimal growth rates. Their philosophy is having a detrimental effect on our costs for services. You have to stand up and defend your residents.

Commissioner Lee Weberman

This is going to be a very positive year for the UAG, and we are hoping to increase our presence in the property market as well as the industries that we current operate at the same time seeking further investment opportunities.

Haddis Tilahun

Old women should not seek to be perfumed.


We, on an ongoing basis, get reports on all of our tires. We seek to evaluate those as fully as we can, and as quickly as we can. This situation was also the result of a process like that.

Ken Fields

This was a calculated, evil act by people who were seeking to maim and kill. We are extremely fortunate that people were not killed here last night.

Alan Fry

We have what we seek, it is there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known to us.

Thomas Merton

The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

Marcel Proust

What we are seeking so frantically elsewhere may turn out to be the horse we have been riding all along.

Harvey Cox