If you bring the baby to us within 72 hours of birth and if there is no harm deliberately inflicted after the birth, then we take the baby, we ask no questions, and we're grateful that the baby's life has been saved.

George Ward

The strength of the product saved this company.

Ceo Charles Fust

They've been rewriting the show and revamping it, but I would think it would need a massive overhaul of historic and miraculous proportions to be saved at this time.

Michael Riedel

He saved our lives. He woke up because he couldn't breathe.

Sheri Mowles

If life were just, we would be born old and achieve youth about the time we'd saved enough to enjoy it.

Jim Fiebig

I thought it was a little odd at the time, so I saved the letter. Then I see the letter on television and it really worried me.

Tom Lee

The steel tariff cost more jobs than it saved and I'm sure this Chinese bra ban will also contribute to net job losses.

Paul Kasriel

We didn't want them to have to recreate the wheel, ... In our eyes, Garrett saved Brennan's life because of the things that we've learned.

Kevin Bardsley

Danny's the last of that generation of players that saved baseball in Seattle. Of the 34 postseason games this team has played, Dan Wilson started 30 of them.

Chuck Armstrong

I don't think I got a bargain. I think it is a bargain to have saved it. If it was gone, you wouldn't have anything.

John Noel

He had a couple days' leave for the races; that is what he saved his leave for.

Sandy Nelson

Defense has been our strength this season, and it saved us tonight.

Fred Watson

There is a law in Japan where people can be prosecuted for discussing how to commit suicide over the internet and if there was something like that in this country, lives could be saved.

Liz Taylor

Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime; therefore, we must be saved by hope.

Reinhold Niebuhr

We saved his life. And we probably saved other people's lives.

Clay Ginglen

I've been with these guys for four years and I love them to death. But every day is a new surprise with these guys. I thought it was all behind us, but they still saved one for the end.

Jeff Ruland

This was a blessing. The doctor said to go over and give (Lopez) a big hug because he saved your life.

Dick Whitten

They could serve slop. They saved my son's life.

Linda Brown

[Lewis] viewed the book as a suppositional representation — 'What might happen if animals and mythological creatures lived in harmony with God and saved the world from evil?'

Douglas Gresham

He saved lives and was a great doctor to thousands of people but saved more untold lives through his programs in mammography and computer research to help save people through early detection.

Tom Smart

Are you going to make your money back in saved fuel? And the answer to the question is determined by how much you drive and the price of gas.

Jim Kliesch

Saved by the weather is the story.

Jonathan Cogan

I'd just like to thank everyone involved. They saved my dog's life. You don't find many police officers or fire departments that are going to go to that much work for a dog.

Jason Fletcher

It's like losing weight. It's about behavior. In weight loss, it's eating less and exercising. In investing, it's taking advantage of opportunities to invest dollars that are saved from taxes.

Jan Holman

One of their guys took a ball (with his body) at the goal line, so that saved the tie. Their whole defense played really well. They deserve credit for taking care of it.

Mark Kalat

I could have saved the stroke by playing it safe. I must admit I was greedy and hence went for the green.

Vijay Kumar

This aircraft signifies many rescues. Many men were saved because this aircraft was able to get to them.

Ivan Allen

This crew has a history of working as a team, but the teamwork they showed Aug. 17 was extraordinary and probably saved a deputy's life.

Frank Roberts

If they mean something to you, incorporate them into your environment. She realized that if she saved just the crests and his name off the uniforms, she could keep the memories without taking up a lot of space.

Katherine Gibson

With Express Software Manager Professional, we've saved $30,000 to $40,000 just by not having to buy software we didn't need. The investment paid for itself within a year with the reduction of software costs.

Keith Phillips

They deserve to be recorded and their music saved for posterity. And if they can make a few bucks out of this, fine. But the urgency of doing this is pressing. Many of them are dying and old age is preventing others from coming to Salina.

Chad Kassem

It was a complete stretch to get it to do that, which saved the mission.

Claudia Alexander

This technical innovation will greatly speed up genetic research for plants since it saved us time and money, yet delivered accurate results.

Tao Sang

Partisan politics never saved a city, never built a house, never provided food and never created a job. Now is the time for state and local leaders to be unified in our efforts to help these victims.

Nick Ryan

What is saved in the cinema when it achieves art is a spontaneous continuity with all mankind. It is not an art of the princes or the bourgeoisie. It is popular and vagrant. In the sky of the cinema people learn what they might have been and discover what belongs to them apart from their single lives.

John Berger

I saved the cardboard because I thought I would forget their names. Every year I pull it out and make sure we have their telephone number.

Laura Schultz

I was adopted when I was about a year old. My adopted parents tried, but their marriage was doomed. Music saved my life. I couldn't relate to things in Baton Rouge, but I found songs that spoke to me.

Mary Gauthier

More or less we've saved our season. We've also made a statement that we're not dead yet.

Jamie Rodriguez

It was almost too late. We had a lot of heart. We are in awfully good shape. I think those are the only things that saved us.

Howard Copeland

That cat definitely saved his life. It was persistent. He kept at him until he finally decided to get up.

Dan Young

The most amazing feeling in the world is the one you get right after you have just saved someone's life, ... And you have either the person or their family thanking you.

Dr. Jim Graham

Antibiotics are truly miracle drugs that have saved countless millions of lives. But antibiotic resistance is a critical public health issue that is eroding the effectiveness of antibiotics and may affect the health of each and every one of us.

Betsy Bauman

Thank God for my neighbors. They saved us.

Doreen Catalani

The whole window crashed in. I was saved because I was covered with a blanket.

Tan Kim

I've spent $50 and probably saved hundreds of dollars.

Nancy Kerrigan

It's a little like a marriage. It's never just one side as to why it breaks up. The question is, can this marriage be saved?

Scott Palmer

We weren't going to give up our trip, so we saved up the cost of gas prices over time. It's pretty much doubled our (driving) cost. We have one more major trip across the U.S. in November. We're still taking that. Other than that, I don't know. We've cut down to one car. We let the other one sit.

Paul O'grady

Our miners followed these procedures to the letter, and that's what saved them. They sealed themselves in (underground refuges) so they'd have clean air to breathe.

Fritz Corrigan

He who hesitates is sometimes saved.

James Thurber

Some of our kids don't have the basic necessities. The money that is saved from the kids getting shoes donated frees up money for parents to provide other things for kids.

Tim Tuten

Being able to walk under their own power saved the day. If it had been an injury situation, we would have been up there all night.

Butch Knowlton

[Norco City Councilman Frank Hall said the base saved itself.] We took the approach that it was imperative to our country, not just the city of Norco, that the base remain open and remain independent, ... The citizens of the U.S. are the big winners.

Frank Hall

For instance, someone's china set. That can be saved. that means something to people that have lost everything.

Brandon Darby

But they saved almost all of that.

Chris Cordaro

If helicopters had been used in emergency rescue operations, more than 10,000 people could have been saved.

Liu Daxiang

Officer Lamb's training and experience allowed him to react without hesitation, and possibly saved the lives of his fellow officers.

Joe Durkin

She saved our butts. Everybody respects her. She and (goalkeeper) Carly Hamilton are the best captains you can have.

Holly Christensen

To conquer [our enemies] we must dare, and dare again, and dare for ever; and thus will France be saved.

Georges Jacques Danton

Until we really know the effects of Wilma, we won't know if there even is a disease-free area. But if there is something to be saved, people want to do that.

Barbara Carlton

Mr. Allen saved this franchise. I was on the team in 1996 when we had basically packed our bags and moved down to Anaheim [California]. He stepped in when approached by city officials to put a bid up to purchase the team and take us in a different direction. That's exactly what he has done.

Mack Strong

We are acknowledging that end users who merely open and read government documents that are saved as Office XML files within software programs will not violate the license.

Jean Paoli

Every marketer?s dream is to have their own company, We yearned to be free. We saved up and saved up and saved up, and gained experience.

Laurence Molloy

These are serious athletes. I think a lot of players will say that this sport saved them, that it gave them a focus and a purpose. Especially if they were athletes before and saw that they could still compete at that same level.

Marco Dispaltro

This is beyond the ability of any former city employee to pay for, no matter how much she's saved up over a lifetime.

Nick Hanna

I needed to feel like I've done something different for this community. I'm a very intense woman and I'm very competitive. I saved my money and opened (Ma's) without any loans.

Denise Hakim

He's at peace right now with the Lord. One day being saved, being Christians, we will be able to see him again. It's the hope we do have.

Rahchae Hill

He saved $187 by spending $50.

David Meredith

They have been so good to us, just like so many people. The firefighters were there when we needed them and they saved our lives.

Robin Sorrentino

You knew she was going to. She made up her mind she was going to get to the basket. She's a coach's dream. She saved the best for last. I'm just glad she got to play in a district tournament.

Kyle Fenner

It was a big win. From the start, Ozzie helped us out a lot. He had a lot of good saves, three and four in a row. We couldn't get the puck out and he saved us.

Henrik Zetterberg

The people I represent do not want medals. They just want to get on with their lives I mean these guys saved people's lives, hundreds and hundreds of lives. A few lives might have been lost, but then there was a war on here.

Willy Carlin

The Social Democrats, by turning their attention to Merkel, objectively saved her.

Karsten Voigt

Writing saved me from the sin and inconvenience of violence.

Alice Walker

We would've put 10 guys in the box if we had to. ... We saved a few goals by chopping and whacking, and the ones that got through Nick was there to stop.

Perry Florio

Our defense saved us, no doubt. Our offense was not very good but Kate hit those two 3-pointers and that seemed to get us going.

Buster Brown

Always be civil to the girls, you never know who they may marry' is a aphorism which has saved many an English spinster from being treated like an Indian widow.

Nancy Mitford

The police officer was protecting himself and the customers in the shop, ... His actions could very well have saved lives today.

Pat Camden

A lot of people think it can happen overnight. That's not realistic. You also always should include savings, because even though rates are not great right now, if something does happen, you're going to revert right back to credit cards if you don't have something saved.

Patricia Hasson

It doesn't look like much in the beginning. The power comes in the last ten years from compounding the money saved in the previous 20.

Duane Meek

If we can convince millions of calm, mature motorists not to get sucked into encounters with angry drivers, many lives can be saved and injuries reduced.

David Willis

Either the facts are proved, and in that case there will be disciplinary action, or these are lies and in that case I reserve the right to protect the honor of men whose work allowed lives to be saved. I will publish all elements of this inquiry.

Nicolas Sarkozy

I think that's what saved me from further burns because as you see here, I'm intact. I have only a second degree burn on my left hand, which was operated on yesterday evening.

Monica Glenn

If leaders in the space program had at its beginning in the 1940s, pointed out the benefits to people on earth rather than emphasizing the search for proof of evolution in space, the program would have saved $100 billion in tax money and achieved greater results.

Walter Lang

It was just him and me. He fought with honor. If it weren't for his honor, he and the others would have beaten me together. They might have killed me, then. His sense of honor saved my life. I didn't fight with honor... I fought to win.

Orson Scott Card

I have never been a fan of the BRAC process because of the impact it has on communities with military installations, and I question how much money has been saved over the years.

Roger Wicker

Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul.

Coretta Scott King

Pete and his crew saved the Skylab. He was one hell of a guy.

Tom Stafford

I think most of the defense was Tom McCarthy working with the kids on their defensive heading. I think that saved us the game. (The Pumas) are dangerous with their tall guys getting the back head tips, and they didn't get any of those.

Tom Frank

She completely laid out. She saved us three runs.

Scott Winfrey

That's probably what saved his life.

Brenda Eagles

They started out more energized than we were, and our pride is probably what saved us for a while. We tried to match their intensity and make it a game, but we didn't have enough to get over the top.

Donnie Quinn

It wouldn't have saved any money to fire him. Having Bob retire as he did, the issue got resolved more quickly, immediately.

George Twigg

Our defense saved us. After the first quarter, we weren't scoring, but we weren't allowing them to score either.

James Forni

There are many examples of Cuban professionals who saved lives thanks to their rapid collaboration with affected populations in the countries where they have been giving their services.

Roberto Gonzalez

By consensus decision, all governments have re-affirmed the moratorium on a genetic engineering technology that threatens the lives and livelihoods of 1.4 billion people who depend on farmer-saved seed.

Pat Mooney

From a job point of view, it was a very good thing that they saved the base.

Robert Hatcher

I decided I wanted to optimize the vitality of my immune system and minimize my dependence on medication. Exercise was the thing I hadn't tried. I saved it for last.

Bob O'connor

You've got the baby-booming generation and they are using the money they have saved up through their lifetime to buy these motorcycles. They are bigger, and far more powerful than when they used to ride them back in high school.

Peter Thomson

Many a person has been saved from summer alcoholism, not to mention hypertoxicity, by Dostoyevsky.

Roy Blount, Jr.

That probably saved the game.

David Bentrott

Daimler is being saved by Chrysler and financing, especially with all the restructuring costs at Mercedes.

Michael Raab

Reducing the pheasant propagation program saved the agency nearly $650,000 over the [2004-05 and 2005-06] fiscal years. Without a hunting license fee increase, we expect to continue producing at the 100,000-bird level for 2006-07. At the reduced level, the agency will realize a savings of nearly $1.1 million over three fiscal years.

Vern Ross

Because he has ordered that mosques be reopened and this in fact saved his life.

Shamil Basayev

If we hadn't saved the $2 million we would have gone through the entire working cash fund of the district.

Don Hahn

Blake Payne. He saved us today.

Mark Boyd

Tabor saved Colorado's fiscal fanny.

Jon Caldara

They haven't had a chance to see everything that I've saved.

Bobby Unser

The fight that we have for hyperbaric therapy is well worth it because it saved her life. And now she's walking.

Shannon Kenitz

My career has been saved.

Howie Long

We've been fighting for a long time to strengthen the levees and get full funding for these. Hopefully, it will no longer fall on deaf ears, ... Would the money have saved us? Unfortunately, we'll never know.

Brian Richardson

To us Americans much has been given; of us much is required. With all our faults and mistakes, it is our strength in support of the freedom our forefathers loved which has saved mankind from subjection to totalitarian power.

Norman Thomas

. . . we got our lungs from Daddy, and we exercised them early and often during those years up in the hills gathering cattle and becoming lost, when that famous McEntire yell saved our hides more than once.

Reba Mcentire

There were no medicines or treatments then. But 20 years later when I had it, the medical advances made saved my life.

Chuck Sahlberg

I'm so proud, because he applied his own tourniquet in the field and saved his own life.

Audra Franklin

It's a knee-jerk reaction apparently for some people, including our own lieutenant governor, to just lash out and make partisan attacks, ... Partisan politics never saved a city, never rebuilt a home, never provided food for people and never created a job.

Nick Ryan

The art of measurement, by showing us the truth would have brought our soul into the repose of abiding by the truth, and so would have saved our life.


He has an almost puritanical view of the world: You're either a sinner or you're saved.

David Ruhnke

Maggie literally saved my life that semester.

Sumi Mccabe

We could operate that facility in the future for the good of aviation. We're taking a look at it to see if it can be saved for aviation.

Fred Piccolo

I was blessed. I called upon the Lord and he saved me. He put the right people in the right place to save me, and nobody can tell me no different.

Douglass Young

And they saved my life. And I've been here ever since.

Pam Wohlert

Our goal is to enhance the save rate for cardiac arrest victims by 25 percent. As the program expands and more people become lay rescuers and automated external defibrillators are in place, more and more local residents can be saved.

Kay Hazen

We have saved the county millions since its inception.

Paul Tesi

He often said that my mother saved his soul. They would have celebrated their 50th anniversary this year. They loved and respected each other every day they were together.

Patrick Helfrich

This place saved my life. I was always on drugs, living the fast life. That's why she left me [mother of his children]. I know it sounds like jailhouse religion, but he [God] wants you to come to him in your hour of need.

Norman Fehr

They worked day and night. They were the guiding forces, the heart and soul of making the Humane Society of Manatee a first-class organization. They've done wonders and have saved so many animals.

Cindy Morton

They should have closed the garage. Lives would have been saved, and 1,000 people would not have been hurt.

David J. Dean

It looked a little scary there for a while. But Josie came through with that fifth place. She kind of saved the day for us.

Jim Duarte

Every day we try to smile, ... Everything's over and God saved my life. We can do something. God gave to us and God taketh from us.

Van Nguyen

I was lucky that the United Nations saved my life.

Chanratanak Keo

We should so work as if we were to be saved by our works; and so rely on Jesus Christ, as if we did no works.

Francis Asbury

They nearly saved my sanity.

Jeff Orr

They (prosecutors) made the deal and they're going to live with it. It's something that would benefit him in the long run. If nothing else, it keeps him out of the public eye, from being scrutinized by all who know he could have saved all those lives in Oklahoma City.

Irven Box

But Jesus protected me and saved me from the storm, brought me here and found me shelter, food and clothes to wear. I feel truly blessed.

Walter Woods

The whole process should have been filled with excitement and anticipation, ... but the whole process has been push, push, push because we wanted to make sure we saved these elephants. The bottom line is the [U.S. Department of Agriculture] and Hawthorn Corporation are completely responsible for the outcome and future of those elephants. We have no control or influence on them coming here.

Carol Buckley

The Ameriprise Financial Lifetime OptimizerSM quickly and accurately formulates a complete investment strategy that recommends where clients' existing assets should be held, saved, spent and invested over a period of time.

Bill Elliott

We believe many of them were not killed by the explosion. They might have saved their own lives had they been able to flee the fire scene.

Frank Lu

I didn't know when (a goal) was going to come for me. I guess I saved it up for the right time. Hopefully, there's more to come down the road in this tournament.

Jon Gleed

What Must I Do to Be Saved? It is impossible to ask a more weighty Question! It is deplorable that we hear it asked with no more Frequency, with nor more Agony.

Cotton Mather

Cigarette tax increases are proven to save lives. The higher the tax, the more lives saved.

Renee Martin

When I found Doc May, he saved my life.

Robert Moran

No one was ever saved because his sins were small; no one was ever rejected on account of the greatness of his sins. Where sin abounded, grace shall much more abound.

Archibald Alexander

Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime; therefore we must be saved by hope. Nothing true or beautiful makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore we must be saved by faith. Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore, we are saved by love.

Reinhold Niebuhr

You can see what's left, ... Not much could be saved.

Linda Hogan

I had a large bulldog which saved my life three times, when they came slyly near the house in the night: he got hold of and marked them most severely.

John Sutter

I think our ski patrol, I think they're heroes ... getting there as fast as they did absolutely saved her.

Pam Murphy

If money can be saved without impacting student achievement and while still maintaining services to our community then it bears looking into.

Linda Mora

If you had four houses share one porta-potty ... you saved $2,000 right there.

Steve Hudson

I?m going to hang them on my wall beside my guitar. I've been saved and been through a lot but this is definitely the icing on the top of the cake. I?m definitely going to be looking up and looking around.

Jade Stone

There has never been any country at every moment so virtuous and so wise that it has not sometimes needed to be saved from itself.

Henry Ellis

I'm tired of this place. I want to be outside, you know? But this was worth it because it saved my life.

Ahilan Nadarajah

Thanks to the AFI, who saved my life. I'm happy to be alive.

Ruben Omar Romano

When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out.

Elizabeth Bowen

My dream is to see it used. That's what we saved it for.

Marilyn Coker

If I were really astute, ... I'd go out tonight and seed the clouds, and when the winds drop I'd claim, `I saved Houston! For $50 million, I'll do it again.

Hugh Willoughby

Thank goodness for Ron Robinson. We came out and lollygagged around in the first half. Quay Holloway went on a little run of his own and saved us, and then Ron put us on his back there for a while in the second half. I am glad to get out of here with a win.

Herbert Greene

We saved our best for last. That match didn't start until 11 p.m., so it was a long day and it was pretty late when we got out of there. The kids did a nice job with focus. It was late, they played three times, we played for 11 hours and they had prom the next day, so there were a lot of distractions there and we didn't let them bother us. That was good to see.

Dave Lipe

Hopefully by doing what we've done, we've saved some children because it's fully our belief that were this a real 11-year-old that was at the motel, he would have engaged in the sexual relations with her.

Tod Goodyear

[This is what he said in The Washington Post about our attorney general and his actions:] The heat of this battle certainly matured this young man, ... His actions behind the scenes to orchestrate the state officials handling these things saved Alabama from constitutional crisis.

Morris Dees

It's saved many a guy from wives, girlfriends, whatever.

Ethel Shatford

Once you are registered, anything that you have saved, the SEC has the right to review it. It is going to take people who have never had to deal with a SEC regulatory environment and force them to comply with a variety of rules and regulations.

Eric Rosenberg

Recipients of InfoWorld's highest honor are a sure bet if you're looking for shining examples of IT projects that have saved companies money and have helped with the day-to-day task of making things run smoothly. The InfoWorld 100 provides a forum for IT managers to get the recognition they deserve for smart projects from an audience of their peers.

Eric Knorr

Our seniors saved the best for last. We fought hard and played a good game. Nikki (Castagna) had a great night in the net with 16 saves. Episcopal was just the better team.

Erin Hirsh

A lot of good was done, but it just wasn't finished. I don't know if it would have saved more lives. It would have made the response faster. You might say it would have saved lives.

Eric Tolbert

This is a huge loss for all of Israel. He saved many with his prayers.

Eli Yishai

Your powers are dead or dedicated. If they are dedicated, they are alive with God and tingle with surprising power. If they are saved up, taken care of for their own ends, they are dead.

Eli Stanley Jones

First-time home buyers are the ones who are most interested in the 100 percent financing because they want to use any money that they've saved up for trying to furnish their new home.

Ellen Bitton

If five babies have been saved, then that law has been a success.

Elizabeth Patterson

The Asian rhino will only be saved from extinction if we can reduce the pervasive ongoing demand for traditional Asian medicine and restore its shrinking and fragmented habitat.

Elizabeth Kemf

It would seem like a bad weekend, but we all got out, we're all safe and my son's my hero. He saved our lives.

Elizabeth Israel

With political resolve and strong public health partnerships, Maine has set an example for all states. The result will be lives saved from the death and disease caused by tobacco use and addiction.

Edward Miller

The love received is the love that is saved.

Eddie Vedder

That's a lot of people's lives you've touched or perhaps even saved.

Ed Downey

It's an automated process using a smaller needle. It takes the blood out of the body and puts it in a machine where the red cells are separated and saved in a bag. Then the plasma and platelets are put back into the body with a little bit of saline.

Ed Downey

That is the frustrating thing about golf, every guy could think of a way they could have saved a stroke or two.

Ed Carlson

Range Rover Saved Me from Injury.

Eartha Kitt

Chipping and putting is what saved me. I only hit six greens in regulation.

Zach Keller