136 quotes about rita follow in order of popularity. Be sure to bookmark and share your favorites!

[Rita] could have a significant impact on supply and prices -- this really is a national disaster.

Bill Greehey

We went down there as they were winding down from Hurricane Katrina, and the day we got there, they were gearing right back up for Rita. That place was really hopping.

John Luther

Wells Fargo has been and will continue to work with our customers affected by hurricanes Katrina and Rita to determine the most reasonable repayment after the end of the deferral period.

Patrick Carey

Rita won't have anywhere near the impact of Katrina.

Alan Nevin

The initial wave of selling (in oil futures) came when the computer models showed Rita veering further to the east, which would make landfall nearer Port Arthur than Houston.

Tom Knight

It helped that Lawrence Bender and I both had access to those people. I personally knew Rita and Ralph, and Arie came to the table 100 percent wanting Rita for the role she played. Ralph is who he pictured for his role.

Bonnie Curtis

The reaction to Rita was overly positive, and we're now getting a better sense of what is shut in.

Bob Bartlett

As a result of our limited capacity to refine crude oil, we experience higher fuel prices when faced with refinery outages, such as during hurricanes Katrina and Rita, ... My legislation will encourage domestic refineries to expand their capacity so that we are less vulnerable to price fluctuations at the gasoline pump.

Todd Tiahrt

It's been all Katrina all the time, and now it's Rita, too. Except for the Supreme Court, hurricane recovery is what Congress will be up to, so we have no choice but to adapt.

J. Steven Hart

It's lovely Rita now, unlike last week, when it was not so lovely Rita.

Michael Dion

We are seeing a domino effect as our Katrina- and Rita-related financial and personnel issues impact our other seven hospitals. With immediate help, we can keep the Charity system on its feet and continue to heal. Without it, Louisiana public health care will fall.

Donald R. Smithburg

Effective immediately ... officials are issuing a general resident evacuation for all residents living from the Seven Mile Bridge through Key West due to Tropical Storm Rita, which is expected to mature into Hurricane Rita later Monday.

Irene Toner

Steel's been hard to get after (hurricanes) Katrina and Rita. They really delayed our substation projects.

Rex Garrett

What wasn't hit by Katrina is being targeted by Rita. The market is taking the storm very seriously.

Agbeli Ameko

Last week's bearish and pessimistic mood was overdone, considering that almost 900,000 barrels per day of U.S. refining capacity was still down (pre-Rita), and that global product demand is forecast to increase by 3.5 million barrels per day between September and December.

Michael Wittner

We have demonstrated that we were able to decide at very short notice. We do not know a lot about Rita, whether it will make damage or not.

Claude Mandil

Sen. Rita Days and I were committed to maintaining a safe and friendly emissions program even though the effort was to decentralize it. Decentralize did not mean the program was going away; it?s a federal mandate. Our six amendments protect the public and make the often inconvenient process of emissions testing as painless as possible.

Sen. Joan Bray

Most of the market is looking at Rita.

John Shin

The president is doing the right thing to assure people that the federal government is much better prepared for Rita than it was for Katrina.

Cal Jillson

These are serious numbers. The question is whether this is a trend or a reaction to Katrina and Rita.

Tom Cole

I think there's gong to be hurricane effect for next couple of readings. It's not just Katrina and Rita. Hurricane Wilma was causing evacuations, business closings in October.

Jeoff Hall

These storms are pretty big and broad sometimes, so you take no chances. This is standard operating procedure when storms like Rita appear.

Mickey Driver

The National Hurricane Center is telling us that there is some risk that Rita might reach category three status as it approaches the Keys.

Irene Toner

We have a long way to go in our fundraising to meet the needs of people from Katrina, let alone what we need to do for the people of Rita.

Joe Becker

Thank God we have electricity to hold Mass. Thank God we are fine. We are praying for all the people in Louisiana and Texas who were affected by Hurricane Rita.

Kevin Collins

Rita was not a normal storm.

Mark Viator

What's really driving us here is continued concern about how much damage has been done by either Rita or Katrina. It looks like things are a little worse than originally assumed, and things aren't coming back on line as quickly as thought.

Carl Neill

Markets always price for the worse, then row back when it doesn't happen, ... In this case, as soon as Rita was downgraded, the dollar jumped in a relief rally. It's as simple as that.

Robert Rennie

We're getting a little more Rita than we wanted to get.

Julie Wilson

The emotional effects after Hurricane Katrina had started to dissipate. Then along came Rita.

Jon Anderson

We are not yet able to assign a percentage to it (for Rita). It's a question we're trying to get a figure on.

Susan Weaver

We've got another 800 (adjusters) or so standing by waiting to work Hurricane Rita.

Mike Trevino

The market is looking at a really strong open as Rita didn't blow as hard.

Tom Hougaard

People who don't live in presidential-declared disaster areas get help, but not the most help or the quickest. Those in declared disaster areas but not in the Hurricane Katrina-Rita-Wilma areas get more help quicker, while those in the Katrina-Rita-Wilma disaster areas get most.

Mark Luscombe

Traders are more focused on Hurricane Rita as this weather event could have a longer-term devastation on the infrastructure of our nation's oil industry's ability to provide energy to citizens.

John Person

More and more people will be going into the Katrina-impacted area. Then, you'll see people go into the Rita-impacted area. This will go on for many, many months.

Christian Smith

We have made substantial investments in the region, and our new deficit projections will include costs of Katrina and Rita recovery. We believe that those increased outlays associated with the Katrina recovery efforts are a temporary event.

Joel Kaplan

Katrina blew a big hole in the product market. If Rita doubles that, we are in for some serious problems.

Jamal Qureshi

This is something I never dreamed I would experience. You see Katrina. You see Rita. But you never think it can happen it to you.

Mary Anderson

The extensive water damage from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita created conditions that are ripe for mold growth in homes and businesses, ... We're recommending that property owners in hurricane-affected areas take a three-phase approach to remove mold and prevent its return.

Troy Anderson

It's nice to have the Bush administration recognize the importance of a federal response to Rita, but why weren't they proactively mobilizing and organizing like this for Katrina?

Rebecca Kirszner

Had Hurricane Katrina not come through here, the Rita storm would be really the event of the decade and the event that we're all talking about.

Gil Jamieson

We were still getting some oysters from waters in Louisiana and Texas and those may stop as soon as Rita makes landfall.

Bob Jones

Based on what we have right now, it appears that drilling contractors and rig owners took a big hit from Rita, Rita came to the west where there is a lot of (exploratory) rig activity.

Tom Marsh

Stock investors have concluded that the economy was in good shape before Hurricane's Katrina and Rita, and that it has come through the storms in reasonably good shape, with the exception of oil.

James Awad

There's a lot of uncertainty about whether Rita will cause as much damage to the oil infrastructure as Katrina did.

Sal Guatieri

I'll be open through Rita. I'll do what I can.

Joseph Peters

The expected increase in issuance reflects a higher projected budget deficit for fiscal year 2006 due in part to the commitment of the Federal government to assist in the redevelopment of the Gulf region devastated by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Michael Decker

The looting was part of the ugliness of Katrina and Rita.

Skip Mcdonald

There was a shortage of capacity before Katrina, which got worse, and which is now under threat from Rita.

Justin Smirk

One picture that he didn't like was 'The Loves of Carmen' with Rita Hayworth, which (Columbia boss) Harry Cohn forced him to make.

Peter Ford

With Hurricane Rita behind us, the task at hand is to bring New Orleans back. We want everyone to assess the risks and make an informed decision about re-entry plans.

C. Ray Nagin

Hurricane Katrina was epic. It was off the charts. We understand that. By comparison, Rita was just a bad storm. But for those of us who live here, it was really, really bad.

Lee Holbert

The search for Rita was complicated by the task of determining the letters she embroidered in her last name. We had lots of possibilities.

Mary Rosza

If Katrina never happened and Rita was the only storm coming, I think a lot of people would have stayed, but they've seen reality in action.

Derrick Pope

The problem is the combined effects of the disruptions from Katrina and Rita, plus the ripple effects in the economy from higher energy prices.

Nariman Behravesh

It?s like (hurricanes) Katrina and Rita. You realize we?re not insulated against this kind of stuff. What everybody needs to do is prepare for it.

Gregg Patterson

As more people are aware when and if they need to evacuate, and are prepared to evacuate, the process will be more efficient and we can reduce the slowdowns experienced during Rita.

Randall Dillard

Even without Rita the whole idea of having a master plan was to give us a blueprint for where we go.

Mark Mcmurry

We are very disappointed in our performance this quarter as we continued to feel the effects of record-high fuel prices and a tough revenue environment, compounded by the impact of Hurricane Wilma and the residual effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

David Neeleman

A little bit of rain or a little bit of wind, and it should hold up fine. If we get a real heavy storm, if we get another Rita, that definitely will raise everybody's level of concern.

Susan Jackson

What we do costs an enormous amount of money: Iraq , Katrina, Rita. In order to pay for all that, we need to perform in the key demo. It's how we make our money. It's how the broadcasts are sold.

Jon Banner

Galveston bay area right now, that's in the path of Hurricane Rita, is the home to about 25 percent of refinery capacity of the United States, so there is definitely going to be an increase in gas for us as consumers. Now how much, it's hard to say.

Cynthia Harris

They're watching Katrina. They're watching Rita. They're watching what it's doing to the United States.

Robert Baer

I think, with Hurricane Rita coming on the heels of Katrina, people are going to realize this isn't just a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

David Cook

Rita hit on a Saturday and interrupted our pickup that day, and we lost power at our facility until that Tuesday.

Andy King

Rita is one big question mark that's been removed and it's safer to buy stocks now. Companies that do business in the U.S. are naturally going to be more relieved.

Paul Xiradis

The fear I had was Rita would be the knockout punch to a city that still had its heart and soul.

Bruce Hicks

After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, oil companies were asked to help Americans in need. We are happy to respond, by offering people here in Philadelphia help this winter, and we hope that no one has to make sacrifices to stay warm.

Felix Rodriguez

If Rita is half as devastating as what Katrina was, it could be a phenomenal effect across the country. Our business revolves around the petroleum industry. If you think about it -- all the roofing paper is made with petroleum, all the plastic and coatings and pipes -- all those kind of things tied into repairs and new home construction.

Warren Jones

On the supply side, we are about the same as after Katrina and before Rita.

Richard Cobb

I'm more interested in whether the losses we'll see on Friday are a permanent feature on the landscape or just the result of people pushed out of work due to Katrina and Rita. I think the market will look at it and shrug it off and look at what's going to happen in October.

Lincoln Anderson

This just looks like the oil and gas industry are shamelessly using the tragedy of Katrina and Rita to try and push their special-interest agenda through Congress. We need to address our energy needs, but we don't need to jeopardize our environment and economy to do it, and we shouldn't use a national tragedy as cover for bad policy.

Lois Capps

The preparation and planning that we put in place prior to the storm is paying off as we deploy recovery crews and equipment to the areas impacted by Hurricane Rita. Thanks to our advanced planning our recovery crews have the generators, fuel, and spare parts that they need to quickly restore service in areas impacted by the storm.

Katherine Greene

We tracked Rita for a little while but things got a bit hectic.

Taylor Snell

There may be more cycles of hyperventilation yet to come as Hurricane Rita blows through the Gulf of Mexico, but the DOE data for last week was a calming influence.

Tim Evans

Those changes failed to pass the legislature last year. We're hopeful they will pass this year, given our knowledge of the problems posed by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Alan Levine

What Katrina and Rita have done for emergency managers and for individuals is just create a heightened awareness of how important it is to communicate, how important it is to plan.

Gil Jamieson

All in all, developments on Rita and the G7 statement have not made me think the dollar rally will lose momentum anytime soon.

David Mozina

Some of the recent job gains in construction reflect rebuilding and clean-up efforts following hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma.

Kathleen Utgoff

My brother, Abraham Jr., went back to the grave after Rita hit. The grave was not damaged, and (he) found the bouquet about two feet away from Dad's head stone. He put the bouquet back in place and put another can of beer and a cigarette by his grave, for Dad loved his beer and cigarettes. We're so thankful our father's grave is intact.

Tim Vincent

The dollar rallied a bit in Asia, which was largely due to Rita, but there doesn't seem to be much follow-up.

Paul Mackel

Hurricane Rita is dangerous, and Houston is well-prepared.

Bill White

Just when we thought we were making progress getting the Katrina evacuees placed, along comes Rita. They started arriving today trying to get out of the path of Rita.

Alton Johnson

We'll go below two dollars again by next fall I think, if we don't have any more Katrina- or Rita-type events.

Tom Kloza

I want to tell you something, we're going to get over Hurricane Rita, and it's not going to be that long. But, it's going to be a long time before we get over Ford Park.

Byron Walker

This is the first program offering assistance to Hurricane Rita evacuees. This is a big thing. We will start accepting applications Feb. 1.

Donna Pitre

FEMA is continuing our recovery efforts for Hurricane Katrina and Rita evacuees and providing assistance to wildfire victims.

Sandy Coachman

When Katrina, Rita, and Wilma ravaged Florida and the Gulf Coast, our employees did an extraordinary job under the worst of circumstances.

Dennis Fitzsimons

[Because of Rita, Southeastern Conference Commissioner Mike Slive set kickoff for Monday at 6:30 p.m. Central.] The commissioner made a great decision, ... We've got a wonderful event here with ... a safe environment.

Skip Bertman

The National Hurricane Center is projecting Hurricane Rita to hit the Texas coast Saturday morning with 145 mile-per-hour winds. That would hit the insurance companies again and trigger reinsurance coverage too.

Peter Streit

We don't want anyone to lose sight of the things that have happened to coastal Louisiana because of Rita.

Randy Roach

After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita hit last summer, natural gas prices spiked sharply. As sources in the Gulf have come back online, national prices have dropped, although not all the way to previous levels. We hope this rate reduction will be helpful to our customers.

Fred Horne

[One concern is that Rita will hit] the general area where all these folks from New Orleans have been evacuated, ... And there is enough hardship in that area as it is without throwing another hurricane at them.

Frank Lepore

I think it's an accumulation of work over the years, culminating with our work during the Hurricane Katrina-Rita relief effort.

Greg Roberts

[But the worst of Rita missed Houston and Galveston, and officials there were cautiously optimistic early Saturday.] At least, right now, we're okay, ... The assessment so far is that Houston is weathering the storm.

Bill White

On the Monday after Rita, we were short 30 temporary laborers.

Andy King

Rita Cosby: Live and Direct.

Rita Cosby

The path of Rita really spared most of the damage to refineries that was the concern. There's still a lot of pressure on the market, particularly due to tight capacity.

Gerard Burg

This is drumming up fears that the damage to the economy from Hurricane Katrina will be exacerbated by Rita. Before concerns over Rita, the short-term fundamentals were positive for the dollar.

David Mozina

We were getting by by the skin of our teeth before Katrina and Rita. We need to make some changes in our consumption habits soon.

Robert Sinclair

The industry weathered Katrina, but if Rita comes ashore as a Category 4 or 5 storm, it would cast doubt on the solvency of some insurance companies and deplete the surplus capital for others.

Donald Light

Rita has personally been working toward this goal for 15 years and has been making critical career changes to gain the experience so she could become certified and bring this expertise to ACS. We are extremely proud of her achievement.

John Crysler

Rita is a storm to be taken seriously.

Carlos Alvarez

We need to rethink a lot of our planning. We have done a lot of preparation, but this woke us up to the fact that we need to do a lot more. Katrina in particular, but even Rita to a lesser extent, was a wake-up call for all emergency planners.

Ross Grayson

Had Hurricane Katrina not come through here, Rita would be the event of the decade.

Gil Jamieson

The only time I've seen a problem with trying to find parking there was during Hurricane Rita.

Jag Gill

We spent 14 hours just getting to Conroe, and we were going to my sister's in Denton. At that rate, Rita was going to catch up with us. We're better off in our own house.

Bridget Chastain

They didn't offer me nothing. I got my trailer back together. They just got me mad, you know? Like I tell them, I don't need them. I can do it on my own. It's bad, you know. They keep talking about Katrina, Katrina! They need to be over here for Rita, bro.

John Bourque

I made the comment (at the board meeting) that I encouraged and fully supported the efforts of (superintendent) Rita Bishop and Curt Baker. That's not against the board president.

Sandy Rosario

Doing a fabulous job on Rita doesn't undo the fact that people perceive the first few days of Katrina were mishandled.

Charles Cook

Everyone's just looking at Rita.

Tetsu Emori

Absent Rita, we should have seen gas prices continue to fall.

Justin Mcnaull

Refineries in Texas did not take a direct hit from Rita, but the energy grids in that area were effected, and power has not been restored to those refineries.

Alan Wright

If you were to go in there and take out the three hurricanes - Cindy, Katrina and Rita - then you're talking about an exceptionally dry 15 to 16 months.

Jay Grymes

The market is still very cautious about the damage caused by Hurricane Rita, and they're just digesting new information filtering in about damage to oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

Mark Pervan

We are pleased with Schneider's responsiveness, flexible capacity and consistency, and were impressed by its ability to provide critical capacity after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. We are focused on driving our business from our customers' perspective, and Schneider is helping us meet and exceed our customer service goals in a demanding, rapidly changing environment.

Don Mills

Rita chose the Brownson House because she passed the house every day going to work and when the sun was shinning on the windows it seemed to have a presence.

Mary Rosza

Rita Hayworth in Gilda... there's not a shot of her in that movie that isn't gorgeous.

Donna Mills

The main difference here is that Rita didn't affect a very populated area. If it had gone into Galveston or New Orleans, we would have seen very serious damage.

Chris Lauer

We are not going to use Hurricane Rita as an excuse. I told the girls before the game, to use Hurricane Rita as the reason why we won and not why we loss.

Ron Hebert

We believe soaring gasoline prices after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita are leading to an accelerating decline in demand for S.U.V.'s, ... disproportionate reliance on S.U.V.-related earnings.

Scott Sprinzen

Maybe it can stay 1-0 after the fifth and then it will downpour. Maybe (the remnants of Hurricane) Rita can speed up and pour on them, maybe make the game end there.

Charlie Manuel

There is a lot of refinery capacity around Houston. If (Hurricane Rita) goes further south then it could hit refineries around Corpus Christi.

Mike Wittner

During the quarter, our U.S. Gulf Coast operations were significantly impacted by Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Dennis. Despite these impacts, our overall operating performance for the quarter was good, and we continued to benefit from the strong commodity price environment.

Jim Mulva

We are expecting Rita to hurl some very bad weather toward Miami-Dade and even Broward.

Richard Knabb

Rita got the best of us, ... We took quite a beating. It's going to take a while to come back from this.

Patrick Fox

The March report presents positive information for the area unemployment. Unemployment is on a downward trend. The amount of job loss from year-ago levels is diminishing as the area rebuilds and recovers from Hurricane Rita.

Robert Crawley

The insurance market shrugged off the record hurricane losses of 2004, but the combined impact of Katrina, Rita and Wilma was clearly more than the market was ready to absorb in 2005. So far it seems only property insurance has been affected, but it remains to be seen if the rise in property rates will be the catalyst for an overall upturn in prices and a harder market.

Karen Beier

There was some rolling back after the Fed move, and then Rita came on top of that, and we started to see everyone head for the exits.

John Beerling

Rita is very interesting.

John Metz

It's mostly just celebrating that Rita didn't turn out to be as devastating to the Gulf as feared, and energy prices are down, ... Almost all sectors benefit because people have more money to spend.

Evan Olsen

Even though we closed the forest, (Rita) evacuees tried to find shelter in the campgrounds. At Caney Creek we are told there were 20 people in one of the buildings.

Ernie Murray

Until the storm hits and we get in to look at the damage, it's hard to tell how long this could last, ... Rita is pointed right at the belly of the industry.

Eric Hamilton

Considering that San Antonio out-gave itself in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the response to our drive this November was truly amazing.

Eric Cooper

[Addressing unspecified people he named as] Gebran, Avo and Rita, ... as Lebanon had been 15 years ago.

Emile Lahoud