Auditors are in a grey area and they are more replaceable.
A number of companies are going to be looking at continuing a presence there with real reluctance. State governments are going to have to figure out incentives and guarantees to minimize departures.
Both companies are dedicated to advancing to a broader array of investment products. This merger will give them bulk and more marketing channels.
The [additional services] brokers were providing haven't changed, but the compensation they're getting has been reduced.
From the viewpoint of mass tort law firms, this is a gift from heaven: a huge number of people who have suffered terrible losses, with 24X7 media exposure.
The industry weathered Katrina, but if Rita comes ashore as a Category 4 or 5 storm, it would cast doubt on the solvency of some insurance companies and deplete the surplus capital for others.
Brokers and carriers have to make sure the right disclosures were made by the right people at the right time-and that they can document it.
The question going forward is do you trade directors with 100 percent purity but facing a steep learning curve with those that are competent and seasoned board members? I would say until proven guilty, you keep working with those you have.
Both of these individuals are 'fix-it' guys with consulting backgrounds.
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