We foresee limited political risks over the next six to nine months and remain bullish on the Philippines.

Sailesh Jha

I think we're beginning to do it in a way that's convincing our audience that we're going to remain serious. It's beginning to jell with people and it's beginning to jell with us, too.

Terry Moran

The market will remain volatile as we get through this results period. The problem is that investors are not believing the earnings element of that ratio. They don't trust it at the moment. That reason is going to contribute to this choppy market.

Tamzin Hobday

I interpret that the citizens want to go out on their own, they don't want to remain in shelters, people are looking for opportunities.

David Wade

Comparisons to a very strong year-ago November are difficult. However, our sales remain generally healthy.

Bill Lovejoy

Although this business has recently been in decline, we believe the brand equities remain strong, and the business can be revitalized through additional focus and support.

Robert Davies

Inflationary pressures should also remain under control, thanks to slowing earnings growth which should avoid the need for any rate hike by the end of 2006.

Asmara Jamaleh

Although we are disappointed we did not win this contract, we will quickly move to remove costs associated with the VA contract, and will remain disciplined in the marketplace.

David Yost

Demand for the dollar will likely remain strong through December, particularly with the bonus season bolstering Japanese retail buying.

Hideki Hayashi

It is an entry-level wage. It's not a wage you're expected to raise a family on. It is not one that you should be expected to remain on for a long time.

Paul Bukowski

I remain opposed to the use of the BRAC process for what amounts to programmatic actions.

Anthony J. Principi

We call on him to represent and respect his constituents, not further his own ego, as he is by remaining totally out of touch in the Big Brother house.

Hilary Armstrong

Sometimes there are bad surprises like Swiss Re. There's been some locking in of profits but company results remain good.

Karim Bertoni

The western portion of our development between our property and Grandview (subdivision) will remain untouched.

Jamie Henderson

Canadians continue to embrace e-commerce and the convenience that it offers, but there remain a few barriers for consumers to shift more of their buying to retail websites.

Richard Jenkins

This is a strong start to the year. We remain confident in our ability to continue delivering profitable growth.

Tim Breedon

It's not really a conundrum because earnings have been terrific for financials and they are likely to remain solid this year.

Ken Hackel

Revenue and net income trends remain below our expectations.

George Schaefer

We remain committed to accelerating our business plan. We'll have more to say about our plan on Jan. 23 and can't comment further at this time.

Becky Sanch

That will enhance the pricing power of remaining producers.

John Lonski

All in all, medical team members are delighted with the progress, ... all of us remain vigilant to possible complications.

James Thomas

The remaining crews will now be conducting mop up operations and making sure that there are no burning embers or hot spots.

Bridget Bohnet

We're seeing reduced price appreciation in the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska although population growth and job growth there remain strong.

Alexis Mcgee

They've been in a slump and they remain so.

Herman Saftlas

He will take a look at the report and begin deciding where we go from there. He fully endorses this fund drive. The bishop's wish is that the school would remain.

Mark Dupont

We remain of the view that the PO inquiry is policyholders' best hope for government compensation, and whatever the outcome, the inquiry should bring independence and some finality to the question of regulatory maladministration.

Charles Thomson

Major urban centers like Sacramento, like Los Angeles, remain protected only at the margin. Engineers and scientists have got to be fully involved in this decision process, this political process.

Gerald Galloway

Rear-projection technologies will undoubtedly dominate from 50 in. onward. The incremental cost of making them bigger is much less and profit margins remain higher.

Paul O'donovan

We'll be ready to hit the ground running as soon as we receive the remaining regulatory approval.

Steve Sanger

You will be pleased to know I stand obediently for the national anthem, though of course I would defend your right to remain seated should you so decide.

Ira Glasser

The mental outlook of a patient has a huge effect on their immune system and their illnesses. Studies have shown that, ... So being committed about remaining healthy and being hands-on about your health care can make all the difference in the world.

Mark Green

He's faced with tough choices to remain relevant in this race.

Ben Mitchell

We are looking for people to step up to purchase the remaining ducks we have.

Dave Pasqualicchio

We're remaining optimistic on the market as we see it staying pretty much where it has been, with possibly some stabilization of some prices.

Scott Morris

We are pleased that Pat will pass on any further NFL overtures and will remain as our head football coach. The extension of his contract period underscores our appreciation of his past accomplishments as well as our keen confidence that he is best positioned to lead the continuing progressive evolution of the Bulldog football program.

Thomas Boeh

[Even with the changes in the market, many economists remain optimistic that the housing market is not a bubble waiting to burst.] We may see a flattening of the increase, but not much of a drop, ... The fundamentals remain strong: Employment is robust, and interest rates remain low.

Bob Walters

It is quite clear that our current global efforts remain inadequate for an epidemic that is continuing to spiral out of control.

Peter Piot

I thought it was really fun to laugh about it - it kind of just melted away remaining feelings in laughter. It gave us a little closure.

Teresa Garland

Even the last quarter of 2005 was a little bit better than we anticipated, and that was due in part to interest rates remaining in the affordable range.

Ron Croushore

We will devote additional resources and further enhance the merchandise offerings at the remaining Rockford area stores.

Bud Bergren

Leaders must pick causes they won't abandon easily, remain committed despite setbacks, and communicate their big ideas over and over again in every encounter.

Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Nigeria isn't enough to continue to push crude oil prices higher due to current ample supplies in the U.S.. Gasoline inventories remain above the upper end of the five-year range since early February.

Makoto Takeda

The threat of a smoking ban is clouding the issue, and it is wise to remain cautious.

Greg Feehely

The trade deficit will gradually narrow, but you'll still see a reasonably firm clip continue in imports as investment is going to remain strong.

Anthony Thompson

For those employees who want to remain with Radio Shack, (the company) will do its best to transfer them to a higher performing store in the same area.

Wendy Dominguez

Given the tiny amount of good quality tropical forest remaining on Mauritius, this development can only be viewed as catastrophic to the native biodiversity.

Achim Steiner

I remain hopeful they will (implement the agreement) but I am not yet confident.

Phil Goff

I believe his work in Black Psychology will influence future generations. His contribution to building the Department of African American Studies will remain and inspire as long as the department exists.

Charles Henry

True, the fuel for faster recovery is amassing. But that prospect does not materially alter chances that inflation will also remain well anchored.

Robert Diclemente

We believe momentum for SAP is set to continue. News flow will remain strong...well into 2007.

John Segrich

Trevor's first choice has always been to remain a Padre. But it's looking more and more like it won't happen. Put it this way -- their offer made Trevor upset enough to have his locker cleaned out at the stadium.

Rick Thurman

Chaucer is incredibly present. He has an extraordinary capacity to remain modern and contemporary. The language is different, but it only takes a bit of work to be able to read it.

James Simpson

All issues remaining have been discussed before. There is a chance we could reach a tentative agreement, but the final pieces of the puzzle need to be put in place.

Will Holman

I think he'll (remain) here. I'm pretty confident about that.

Jeff Fried

We remain long dollar/yen from 116.70 heading into the new year.

Ashley Davies

We are moving strategically and decisively to remain a leader in an industry that is undergoing fundamental changes.

Aseem Mital

While companies have bigger stacks of chips to play with, they still remain hesitant to put many of them into the pot.

Carl Tannenbaum

It's very easy (to remain focused) because every game the rest of the way is a battle. We can't look past anyone. We know if we lose ahead of time, then the Classical game will mean so much less.

Tommy Doyle

We will never become what we could be by remaining as we are.

Robert Anthony

When they started, their long-term plan wasn't for it to continue to be free, but now the board is adamant that it remain free. Now, it's something we really tout.

Dana Cañedo

All other things being equal, we should remain in that 100,000 range, or slightly above.

Guy Tauer

With this important decision, US Airways is taking a huge step towards building its position as a leading world airline and to remain globally competitive.

Stephen Wolf

The key to our past and future success is our ability to adapt to change and remain client focused. There are few industries that have gone through as much growth and transformation as Search, and if you want to consistently perform for your clients you need be at the head of that curve.

Andrew Wetzler

That race is like a 1400m anyway and it will tell me if she can go on to the Guineas or remain against older horses in sprint races.

Bruce Mclachlan

If the issues remain clouded because of the IFC, I find it very difficult to understand how fundraising is to continue.

Lee Ielpi

The ongoing peace process is a historical step. People of Assam would remain grateful to you and your government.

Indira Goswami

This property is a very high priority. We remain open to further discussions.

David N. Leff

Minorities have to remain vigilant that Abercrombie is doing what it promised to do. Not only should minorities apply to Abercrombie, we need to monitor if Abercrombie is treating Asian Americans and other minorities fairly in the hiring process and when they are working. We need to hold Abercrombie's feet to the fire.

Jack Lee

It's an extremely complex issue. It's a delicate topic and it's going to remain sensitive in Germany where it can't be handled as it might in a normal country.

Norbert Walter

Single family starts will likely remain elevated until we see a significant increase in long term interest rates.

Gina Martin

In the last period, we saw almost a 50 percent increase. We're going to watch the sales of the remaining gift cards and make a decision about what we're going to do.

Jamie Miller

HPV cannot be cured. The virus can remain dormant in the body forever and be the cause of recurrent outbreaks of genital warts and abnormal Pap smears.

Jeffrey Hines

We don't allow people to keep wild animals as 'pets' in any situation. There are plenty of animals that can be kept easily and legally as pets. It's best to let the wild animals remain wild.

Todd Nims

Although going into the event as a defending champion will be something new to me, naturally coming back to the place where I won my maiden Tour victory will remain close to my heart until the day I die.

Stephen Dodd

The major sponsors have decided not to release the letter and it will remain between us and CCA executive director Dave Parkes.

Stephen Blythe

Charles Royce has promised preservation of the historic iconic image of the Ocean House with modern amenities and life safety features, but has cautioned that the final product has to remain economically viable.

Thomas Liguori

Canadians have real mixed feelings. They love Americans. They like trade. They like traveling in the U.S. On the other hand, Canadians want to remain a distinct country, and they want their government to stand up for Canadian interests.

Tim Woolstencroft

Those are the things that we are looking at - how do you continue to provide the best benefits to employees and remain competitive? There's a genuine desire to do just that at Wal-Mart, but we feel like we can certainly improve our offerings today.

Sarah Clark

As long as there's unrest in the Middle East and troops in Iraq, commodity prices will remain high. Oil and gas companies are spending greater amounts of capital investing in exploration and development, which is our particular niche, and that's going to generate a lot of projects in the coming years.

Alexander Kinzler

The power to command has never meant the power to remain mysterious.

Marshal Ferdinand Foch

Given the prospect that the Japanese economy will remain on a path of expansion, we believe that Japanese investors will continue to take advantage of higher yields abroad, particularly in the United States.

Paul Chertkow

We do everything we can to bridge the remaining differences, and try to find a solution to this. And we are very much getting the ending.

Christopher Hill

We remain confident that we will be able to determine a probable cause to this terrible tragedy.

Peter Goelz

Let us face it: in the world today, money and economic strength remain more powerful arguments than the number of people you represent.

Guy Verhofstadt

The bottom line is that the Fed is the stock market's friend and is likely to remain friendly for quite some time.

Jim Griffin

If we want everything to remain as it is, it will be necessary for everything to change.

Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa

I think that his memory will remain etched in history and everything he did for his country and for his people, resisting separatism and terrorism, and outside interference.

Borislav Milosevic

The hardest part has been maintaining a small head and remaining down to earth. So many people try to make you more than you are.

Brandy Norwood

The real estate becomes so horrendously expensive that, from an economic standpoint, it doesn't make sense to farm it anymore. We're still losing over a farm a day, but the remaining farms are getting larger.

Bill Bruins

We remain confident a deal will be completed in the near future.

Boeing Co

I have not been sacked and I remain in charge of the national team.

Stephen Keshi

It would still remain for the player to decide whether he felt Plymouth was the right place for his career.

Michael Dunford

Martha in jail would be fairly disastrous for the company. She cannot remain on the board of directors as a convicted felon.

Henry Mazurek

Cruising is and has been one of the most safe vacations that you can engage in and will remain so.

Michael Crye

This does not necessarily mean that such items could not exist. They might. There remain a long list of items unaccounted for, ... But it is not justified to jump to the conclusion that something exists just because it was unaccounted for.

Hans Blix

For the sake of the remaining two years of his administration, Roh should seize the occasion to find a replacement for the man.

Chosun Ilbo

That leaves you with little or no organic growth. Coming up with true organic growth is always a challenge for a company of IBM's size and that's likely to remain a concern in the future.

Robert Cihra

Once you build out the system your remaining (spending) is based only on growth. The big expense is a one-time lump expense.

Christopher Taylor

But no more than that — we'd like to remain small.

Sue Wesselkamper

I have no doubt that Oprah will remain committed to bringing life-expanding novels -- their themes and their authors -- to the attention of the huge audience that she inspires. It seems the frequency and format of her book recommendations will now change but not Oprah's underlying mission of getting people to read to enrich themselves and to better understand others.

Anne Messitte

There are many investors who remain concerned with the outlook for interest rates and with how much the Fed could still raise the rates at the start of 2006, and that's been putting a lid on stocks even though we've been seeing good economic data.

Joseph Stocke

I feel that our Tucson market is healthy, and will remain so for both buyers and sellers.

Paul Olson

There [are] absolutely no plans to file for bankruptcy. This is a $4 billion enterprise in the United States and it will remain in business serving clients despite defections.

Charlie Leonard

We are happy as long as the conditions of use under which a work was purchased remain respected. Alternate software players are fine as they include the original conditions of use.

Olivia Regnier

As this problem is unlikely to resolve itself quickly, we remain concerned that 2006 forecasts could be too aggressive.

Guy Moszkowski

Our marching orders remain the same.

Sheley Secrest

During our last negotiations, we gave back some of our summer hours and we remain the lowest paid employees in the district. It would cost the district approximately $70,000 a year in total to give us what we are asking.

Kathy Paul

My guess is they (the president and first lady) are discussing tradeoffs between SMU and Baylor but that they remain open, officially and personally, if there's something striking enough to catch their fancy.

Bruce Buchanan

A lot of these policies will also pay for home improvements to help people remain independent.

Rick Schwarck

Oil is a double-edged sword. From one aspect, it lifts overall inflation but from the other side of the same coin it places a constraint on growth. So if oil prices remain high, the implications for the Fed get a little dicey.

Keith Hembre

My guess is that in the clear majority of cases, perhaps the overwhelming majority of cases, after everything is shook out, abortion will remain legal at least in the earlier stages.

Stuart Taylor

India will remain long on oil products. We need to look into developing our own overseas network or trading desk to sell our products.

Ashok Sinha

[This will remain so after Hurricane Katrina disappears from the front pages of our newspapers.] Long ago, ... it was said that 'one half of the world does not know how the other half lives.' ... It did not know because it did not care ... until some flagrant outrage on decency and the health of the community aroused it to noisy but ephemeral indignation.

Jacob Riis

While many of the challenges facing gay, bisexual, and trans men are daunting, it's important to recognize that many gay men, both HIV-positive and -negative, remain healthy and make important changes to further improve their health, individually and in the communities where they live.

David Ferguson

This ... will boost hopes that activity in the first half of 2006 will remain robust. It will also increase talk of the Fed raising rates again in May, to 5%.

James Knightley

I think we are likely to remain in a trading range for some time.

Ben Halliburton

As a football team, we're not looking for any handouts, ... We know it's going to be difficult, we know it's going to be hard. We're going to be fine and we're not going to use this as a crutch and say, 'Feel sorry for us and let us win this football game.' We're going to remain true to ourselves, stay as one as a football team.

Aaron Brooks

We've been told on a couple of occasions that Tom DeLay is not a target. We are very confident that when the Justice Department completes its investigation he will remain not a target and will in fact be vindicated.

Richard Cullen

We remain steadfast in our commitment to be recognized as the consumer-friendly company. We couldn't think of a better goodwill ambassador than Courtney to represent us.

Greg Alves

Though we remain positive on the long-term business model and outlook, we expect concerns over pricing pressure, the back-end-loaded nature of full-year guidance and new product wins to overhang the shares medium term.

William Power

Under the law, no private person may possess classified documents that were illegally provided to them. There is no legal basis under which a third party could retain them as part of an estate. The documents remain the property of the U.S. government.

Richard Kolko

There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and to shame the devil - remain detached from the great.

Walter Lippmann

The high oil price can't be ignored and it is starting to have a negative impact on consumption in the U.S.. Oil will remain the biggest risk for the stock market.

Choi Chang Hoon

I was forced to live far beyond my years when just a child, now I have reversed the order and I intend to remain young indefinitely.

Mary Pickford

Until they search each and every remaining house and remove all the fallen materials ... they will not know how many people are there.

Dan Buckner

The effect of course is not only in losing some good people, but also in what it says to our key scientists and researchers who remain.

Bob Noun

We hope that the commitments we have undertaken will not remain mere empty words.

Levy Mwanawasa

The settlements must be evacuated; the settlers cannot remain.

Shimon Peres

We've tried very hard to be neutral. And we've tried not to let the hotel become some 'Disney Oriental' and remain rather traditional.

Valentine Vester

Friends made fast seldom remain fast.

Austin O'Malley

All of our kitchen, bath and flooring staff, and their displays, will be relocated to the first floor. The millwork, paint, tool and hardware departments will remain on the first floor to provide easy and convenient one-stop shopping.

Michael Hammond

The character of this park will not change. It is a natural area and will remain that way.

Walt Dabney

I think it's pathetic our taxpayer dollars are being used to fund a campaign of fear. English will remain our national language, and not even the clicking of Pat Buchanan's heels will stop that.

Art Torres

However, the index should remain in strongly positive terrain.

Rudolf Gouws

The one remaining option was an order to shoot, but I was not prepared to order the troops to shoot Lebanese citizens.

Hassan Sabei

Developing a more diversified income base, whether it is fee-based or from trading, is always a good strategy. Interest rates will remain low in China and Bank of Communications needs to develop more retail products.

Kent Yau

North Korea has exhausted most of its diplomatic cards available. A remaining card is not returning to the negotiating table ... A nuclear test is unlikely as it would provoke China and other neighboring countries too much.

Koh Yu Hwan

He is very involved in the community and the hospital. He is so committed, when he moved to Lexington (Ky.) from here, he asked to remain on the (Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital) board. He still attends the meetings. We meet every two months.

John Mcginnis

Our party is alive and will remain alive, and will know how to recover, with the unity of all its members, the trust of the majority.

Francisco Labastida

Spending should remain strong in the days following the holidays as consumers look for post-holiday sales, and begin using their gift cards.

Wayne Best

With this merger, PacifiCare members will have the benefit of this technology years ahead of when we would have had it were to remain.

James Frey

At some stage the fundamentals will become influential again, but while the funds are willing and able to buy commodities, you have to accept that their patronage is the most influential aspect in the market and will remain so until something knocks them from their current thinking.

William Adams

The market has been choppy because it's trying to figure out where oil prices are going to go, how fast interest rates will rise, and what these two things mean for corporate profits. It's going to remain choppy until it gets more clarity.

Vince Farrell

It's almost certain that China's trade surplus will remain at a high level in 2006. Obviously, there will be further pressure from trade protectionists in the United States.

Mei Xinyu

We cannot forget the little things we take for granted in America that remain the disdain of dictators and terrorists throughout the world.

Trent Lott

We continue to have full faith and confidence in the near and long-term prospects o the company and remain committed to the goal of providing value to all shareholders.

James Dolan

To remain static is to lose ground.

David Packard

We remain confident about Guidant's ability to rebuild ... market share. But that rebuilding will involve time, resolve and resources.

James Cornelius

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Abraham Lincoln

We remain in a bull market in Canada. Commodity prices have stopped sliding and in some cases rebounded. From an international perspective, Canada is still very attractive for investors.

Marc Lalonde

Notwithstanding the positive announcement ... our sense is that business conditions remain difficult for Sun thus far in the summer quarter.

Laura Conigliaro

One needs to curtail something like this after getting a collection. But mysteries remain out there.

Dale Niewoehner

I want to remain in sport but I need some different challenges to those I have dealt with for much of my time in football.

Robert Shaw

U S West was dealt some bad cards with geography (a sparsely populated region), and from 1984-2000 it took a bad hand and made it worse. That's the reason why Qwest is the orphan Bell and is likely to remain so.

Tom Friedberg

Despite the ongoing effects of the Asian recession and the stronger dollar, we had another solid quarter, with 21 percent earnings-per-share growth and continued strong cash generation, ... We remain comfortable with the consensus earnings estimate for 1998 and expect to see earnings per share increase by a further 15 percent in 1999.

David George

The numbers are strong. Both internal and external demand remain solid.

Ryutaro Kono

If he had gone to the board, they could have decided to continue his probation or reinstate the remaining two years on his original sentence for armed robbery.

Russ Marlan

Pricing should remain intact, ... Times are relatively good for the drive industry and everybody seems to be behaving themselves in terms of not overproducing.

Harry Blount

We expect to be able to accommodate all of the residents who want to remain in Palmer and any women who want to move there. If no one [from Somerville] is interested in moving to Palmer, then we would not open it up to the general [female] population.

Alicia Browne

We assume that in some segments (rural communications) and regional markets (remote districts) we remain monopolists. But there are markets where competition with mobile and alternative fixed-line operators is very high. And these are firstly major Russian cities.

Valery Yashin

There are also expectations that oil prices will remain high for some time, and that also could be boosting its popularity.

Shigemi Nonaka

The market (has) a slightly lower bias. Production curtailments in the Gulf remain supportive, while demand factors must now be considered.

Kyle Cooper

If one is forever cautious, can one remain a human being?

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

John and Joe bring more than a capital investment to UCC. They bring proven business acumen and experience that ranges from founding a company to a successful public offering, while remaining excellent corporate citizens.

Jim Mcglothlin

Of any stopping place in life, it is good to ask whether it will be a good place from which to go on as well as a good place to remain.

Mary Catherine Bateson

Willamette is a very proud company and wants to remain independent.

Mark Connelly

Imports remain a concern with the currency holding at $US0.75 cents and cost pressures persist, in particular for power and transport.

Chris Drew

The fourth month of gains in core prices could certainly push the central bank a step further toward raising interest rates. Debt maturing in five-years or less will remain weak.

Norihisa Takao

[M]emory cannot exist without endurance of the things perceived, and the thing perceived cannot remain where it has never been.

William Harvey

We're continuing to examine our operations and reducing our expenses to remain competitive.

Michael Trevino

When we have the person on the line, we will ask for more information of the vehicle, what does it look like, what direction is it moving, how many suspects are in the car. They can remain Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous and at no point will we identify the person that called. We may ask for a name and phone number to get more follow-up information.

Bob Wilkins

Whatever the remaining results in this series, it is clear that the period of Australian domination is over.

Peter Roebuck

It is our goal to try to get the remaining issues in this case resolved as quickly as possible.

Jim Desler

We expect export growth to moderate in coming months but not too much as trade flows from China will remain healthy and the U.S. economy is performing quite well.

Daniel Chan

It definitely was exciting to be the first one chosen, and I think an honor to have the farm preserved. To me it's kind of an honor to know it's going to be preserved for generations to come, and I don't regret putting it in the program at all. I look forward to seeing it remain a farm forever.

Tim Norris

Arthur has always inspired us with his dedication to work and his loyalty to the agency. Arthur -- the man a legend -- will always remain in our hearts and memories.

Dana Coffey

A combination of growth in the areas of high market activity and consolidation of our position in the remaining markets present exciting prospects for the group.

Brian Quinn

The company is highly encouraged by the geographical extent of the gold values encountered so far and we remain confident that further drilling will enhance and expand the mineral potential that we have already identified.

John Deane

In matters of politics and government, the church maintains a policy of remaining neutral institutionally. Latter-day Saints are taught to support their local and national governments, but the church does not endorse candidates, parties or platforms.

Dale Bills

We remain confident about the group's prospects.

Richard Segal

We don't see any reason for panic despite election time. If anything, the coming elections are proving to be a positive catalyst for the market based on preliminary indications of a broad centrist coalition forming - Prime Minister Ariel Sharon will remain in power, but in charge of a broader, more stable coalition.

Joseph Wolf

Obviously, we are disappointed that there might be any further delay. However, we remain committed to working with the state of Florida and Palm Beach County to make Scripps Florida an even greater success that it already is.

Richard Lerner

It was the last game of the tournament and we only needed to double out. I needed a double 16 and hit a single 16 double 8 with one dart remaining. Damn that felt good!

Michelle Samarel

We have simplified our operations and we are harvesting the benefits of completing the integration of all remaining HBC functions.

George Heller

Despite the governor's ongoing concerns that the legislative budget spends too much and reforms too little, we look forward to productive discussion with the Legislature over the next two weeks and remain hopeful that we can negotiate an on-time budget ...

John Cape

Business spending is evidently strong and will remain so for the rest of the year, driving overall economic growth.

Hiroaki Muto

We expect interest rates to remain at 4.5 percent until the end of the year, but another rate cut cannot be ruled out.

Peter Spencer

The Europeans had a head start in establishing pilot schemes but they remain academically focused and have been slow to commercialize a resource that can economically compete with fossil fuels as a means of electricity generation.

Peter Reid

Habit is necessary; it is the habit of having habits, of turning a trail into a rut, that must be incessantly fought against if one is to remain alive.

Edith Wharton

Cheney has been in descent for some time. There is kind of a drip, drip, drip of negative things going on. Cheney himself has said absolutely nothing, I am sure he will try not to. But how long can he remain quiet?

Bill Ballenger

It will free man from the remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet.

Werner Von Braun

Our solid first-quarter performance is in line with our expectations for the quarter and demonstrates progress towards achieving our financial goals for the year. We continue to remain focused on preparing for potential new product launches in 2003.

Arthur D. Levinson

Several high-quality bidders remain in the race for the Marina Bay integrated resort.

Jonathan Galaviz

To me it looks like a seamless business transaction. What goes on in the port is controlled by us and will remain controlled by us.

Kevin Mccabe

The third-quarter Employment Cost Index is ... reassuring in the sense that labor costs as measured on this index remain very contained, in contrast to some other labor cost indexes.

Pierre Ellis

I sent him word I was a captain in the United States Army and I intend to remain one.

John Buford

This deal with BT underlines our commitment to remaining at the forefront of digital media and developing new ways of entertaining people.

Peter Cowley

The contract offer that we made to the IAM is respectful, balanced and well above market. We remain willing to discuss reasonable proposals around that offer.

Jerry Calhoun

Some people may be forced to remain at home at exactly the time they can't fend for themselves anymore.

Barbara Lyons

Our demands remain the same and if they're not met in two days we'll give the full fireworks.

Brutus Etikpaden