David Yost
FameRank: 6

"David Harold Yost" is an American actor and producer. He is best known for portraying Billy Cranston in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie, and Power Rangers Zeo.

More David Yost on Wikipedia.

That's the most important thing in my wrestling. The first takedown in a match is mostly what wins the match.

Although we are disappointed we did not win this contract, we will quickly move to remove costs associated with the VA contract, and will remain disciplined in the marketplace.

Look, these people are not street-level dealers. This is not the bottom of the food chain.

They have to go to school. It's required. They play on the playground. They walk to school and parents aren't there to supervise and say, 'Hey, stay away from that guy over there.' We think that deserves a zone of protection.

We don't want the jury to hear anything less than the full case.

I don't know how many people in this program will want to wear 16 again. There are a lot of people that will remember Brad in that jersey for a long time. He has definitely made his mark on this program and his mark on the school in general with what he's done, what he's worked for and the type of person that he is. No one will ever forget that.

To the best of my knowledge, that's the highest bond that's ever been set in Delaware County Municipal Court.

It's bigger than Delaware County. It's probably most of Central Ohio.