The smart bands aren't the ones that just go out and add a bunch of friends. They're more personal about it, they go to people's pages and see what they have listed and then they can tell if their music might appeal to them.

Tom Anderson

It's definitely something that we hold near and dear to our heart. It makes a difference in so many people's lives, and it made a difference in our life.

Brenna Moser

I don't check people's documentation, ... That's the employer's job.

Daniel Kane

It is peoples' fantasies of what is true that is so extraordinary. That that we were born and that we face eternal extinction after death is an extraordinary fantasy.

Brian Perkins

The response was unbelievable. People's nerves are still on edge.

Peter Anastos

The issue of the logo mark ... that depicts a Native American in feathered headdress, adds to the use of Native American imagery that the broadest range of indigenous tribes and peoples find offensive and insulting.

Bernard Franklin

There is so much hate among people, so much contempt inside people who'd like you to think they're moral, that they have to hire prizefighters to do their hating for them. And we do. We get into a ring and act out other people's hates.

Floyd Patterson

I think she said I should seek help. Something like that, but it was in much cruder terms. And that I had a fascination with things coming out of people's mouths.

Sam Raimi

The order of June 13 did not get in the proper people's hands because of the chaos in Michael Jackson's life.

Charles F. Gay Jr

Mr. Koizumi looked at George Bush and the Japanese people's food safety and he chose the US president. It is outrageous.

Yukio Hatoyama

People like that we give good service, and we can come to the home or to the office. I have another job also, but I really enjoy seeing the look on people's faces after I've finished detailing their car.

Ronnie Davis

This has a tremendous impact on people's ability to hold these companies accountable.

Chris Mather

This involves mere amendments, which are perfectly legal and allowed under a People's Initiative as prescribed under the Constitution.

Raul Lambino

I would shovel snow from people's driveways. I helped ladies carry their bags.

Omar Tyree

It (2006) will be an interesting year in respect to the leadership race in the People's National Party.

Beverly Lopez

(The attack ads) are starting to have a little bit of an effect on peoples' impression of Stephen Harper's vision but they haven't transformed into changing the momentum of the campaign.

Nik Nanos

People learn from each other, ... You hear students all the time comparing their experiences in India, Amsterdam and Spain . It opens people's eyes to the world and fosters conversation and dialogue.

Dan Phillips

A lot of people's rage came out ... he was being ganged up on inside in there. We were just filled with so much grief when we entered that room.

Lisa Lyons

The true musician is to bring light into people's hearts.

Bobby Mcferrin

We respect people's beliefs, and conversion is not necessarily our goal. We hope that every visitor will have a clearer idea of what Darwin did and, for that matter, what science means.

Michael Novacek

It was eye-opening for the students because they were literally picking up bits and pieces of people's lives.

Jonathan Moore

The ball rolled through two or three people's legs and right to Betsy. That was just huge.

Troy Gaston

These devices are in people's garages and closets. The idea is to keep those bulk materials and hazardous materials out of landfills and give people options for what to do with these machines.

Richard Mcintire

No agreement is visible. No agreement is possible. No future is there in the life of the two peoples as long as Sharon is in office.

Mahdi Abdel Hadi

These pets are members of people's families and so we treat them as such.

Nikki Hackendahl

We don't think this is the definitive answer on this issue, but I do hope that it would put the brakes on -- at least in people's minds -- about this rush to privately run schools.

Chris Lubienski

My nightmare fear is some congressman is going to seize on this and they're going to pass some laws, ... I can just see people overreacting and doing things that would invade people's privacy or tie up the Internet with so much security nonsense that innovation slows down.

Paul Saffo

People's knowledge on PE fund has been widened over the past decade and the environment to run PE fund in China is getting mature.

Cheng Siwei

If he was out there hugging kids and feeling people's pain, he'd become a huge and important symbol.

Christopher Sands

Everyone in Gary and Lake County is getting extremely high bills and, in some cases, they exceed people's monthly income.

Dwight Taylor

The experience wasn't just about volunteering and being amidst devastation and sadness and depression. You were really able to become a part of these people's lives.

Marissa Davis

Young people's schedules are challenging. We're taking it to the customers instead of having them come to the servants.

Brian Black

I laugh every day, ... Him having a daughter? Three daughters? Him actually being (formerly) married? He cracks me up. He always has something to say. He has that attitude where he feels that even though he's a short person, he has a big ego. And he's always doing stuff, getting people fined, eating other people's food ...

Yolanda Griffith

We have people coming from Atlanta and other cities every week to buy goats to take home to eat. Most of them are from Mexico or India or somewhere where goats are a regular part of people's diets.

Curtis Barfield

The more (the government) can figure out who the surfers are, the more peoples' First Amendment rights are in jeopardy.

Peter Swire

I just stopped playing bitches on wheels and peoples' mothers. I have only a few more years to kick up my heels!

Angela Lansbury

It's the people's business and the people clearly have a right to know.

Peter Deutsch

I think the Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic church have done a lot to change people's interest in Judaism. They're hearing from churches that it's a way to enhance their own faith.

Robert Wexler

We, of course, want to raise awareness, but we also want to raise funds so we can help find a cure for this disease and improve people's quality of life.

Randy Taylor

When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensible of duties.

Marquis De Lafayette

It's going to reduce blood pressure. It's going to lengthen lifespan. It's going to make people more alert. It can completely change people's lives.

Jerome Siegel

Being in front of all these people staring at you and it helps you to dig down and become more emotional and get lost in it as you're feeding on people's energy.

Fred Durst

I've been really touched by these people's sentiments, ... Complete strangers.

Jim Defede

Maybe we're not in people's radar. Maybe we're not able to reach them.

Lillian Casillas

The euro has clearly accelerated some people's focus on cost-saving synergies.

Ian Harnett

He was saying bears are breaking into people's homes and it's a significant problem.

Sherry Sylvester

Our commitment is to try to keep people's out-of-pocket costs no more than what it was under DEL.

Jude Walsh

It could increase people's anxiety, ... Extending the trading hours is going to keep them focusing on the market.

Richard Geist

When they run out of food, then they start breaking into people's homes and moving into urban areas.

Carl Lackey

They killed children. They killed innocent people and destroyed poor people's houses, ... It's the world's most discredited guerrilla movement.

Jose Serrano

The Catholic faith never changes. But the language and mode of manifesting this one faith can change according to peoples, times and places.

Francis Arinze

But times were harsh and people were glad of the opportunity to celebrate anything. It made me proud to know I had been able to bring joy into people's lives.

Fanny Blankers koen

So we found out what else they were interested in, ... sound tracks for people's lifestyles.

Stephen Murphy

The governor has been consistent in saying he's fine with same-sex marriage if the courts and the people rule, he will support it. The legislature is the people's body, and so hopefully he will sign it.

Geoffrey Kors

I've done over 150 different things since "Different Strokes," but that role will always be prevalent in people's minds because I haven't done anything to overshadow it yet.

Gary Coleman

That is why it?s called people?s initiative ? because such moves emanate from the people.

Raul Lambino

It will continue to be a guide for our future policy-making to treat people's homes differently from investment housing and speculation.

Wang Li

There are some significant gaps in people's knowledge.

Michael Greco

The biggest change we made in June was we asked for peoples' information before we gave them the car-pricing information. After we made that change, a lot more of our visitors stuck around on the site.

Jon Christensen

They never announced this outbreak. I would guess there are a number of cases of this that could have been avoided. It ran from August to October, so this was in people's refrigerators and in their freezers.

Donna Rosenbaum

We saved his life. And we probably saved other people's lives.

Clay Ginglen

Once she grabbed the bottle of Jack and started pouring it down people's throats, we knew she was a keeper.

Abby Gennet

Within this are one hundred people's stories. It's humbling to be part of this.

Aaron Kramer

I don't think you should make a quick buck off of other people's pain and suffering.

Chris Rowe

I feel I have a lot of people's support. Everyone read what happened to me and have been real nice to me.

Rickie Crews

The dollar-yen relationship is still the forefront issue in most people's minds. There's a fear for both stocks and bonds that if the depreciation continues there will be less appeal for U.S. dollar-denominated assets.

Michael Gregory

You said what are on other people's minds. We are hearing what we expected to hear.

John Howell

A lot of people know my face. It's funny being from New Jersey. Out here in Ohio, football is a lot of peoples' lives.

Malcolm Jenkins

Doing a topic like this, we have really good debate and discussion and it kind of opens people's eyes. I've learned a lot from it ... a whole new perspective.

Adam Trusner

The overall direction this is moving is to develop a gene therapy for arthritis in which therapeutic genes are put into people's joints to treat the disease.

Christopher Evans

Over the last five or 10 years, I think we've seen a sea change in people's consumption of alcohol.

Cary Cooper

That is the challenge we know we have. We have to translate peoples' dissatisfaction into action.

Michael Mcpherson

It's amazing where you find sand inside people's reels.

Andy White

I believe that's excessive. The idea is to ensure people's safety. Salmonella dies at 165 degrees, so that extra 15 degrees we're throwing on top of there, one has to ask why.

David Kamen

You know, no one steered people's careers in those days, I don't think, like they do today.

Wanda Jackson

I think striving for bipartisanship is a good idea because it not only helps to make things happen, but it also satisfies more people's needs.

Katie Hickson

Things change in people's lives. This way we can make sure people are still interested.

Dana Peacock

People's opinions have moved up and down on the project over time. That's to be expected.

David Oman

None of these devices address that women keep track of many people's lives, not just their own.

Anita Borg

That's what these people's recklessness did, caused that kind of death.

Jim Hammer

As Administrator Johnson indicated yesterday, there are a number of uncertainties remaining, and we, as well as the administration, do not want those uncertainties to delay actions that affect people's health.

Bill Holbrook

It's probably in many peoples' minds well overdue.

John Mendoza

I think it's only going to help and, hopefully, stimulate people's interest in Superman.

Alfred Gough

There is certainly more going on than just hurricanes and a resulting spike in gasoline prices, ... could weigh on people's attitudes.

Patrick Fearon

That air show is taking huge resources of the community. That's just too much on people's backs in the middle of summer.

Jane Sullivan

We hope that large government institutions will come to our aid during times of need. The truth is ... it is individuals helping on a local level who make a real difference in people's lives.

David Goodman

Although we don't expect the MPC to cut rates this month, it is likely that we will see a cut to 4.25 per cent by the end of the year which will put more money into people's pockets and please UK businesses.

Chris Grove

After much deliberation, we settled on this distribution method, thinking it would be the most equitable, most efficient way to get this meat into as many people's hands as possible around the state.

Jeff Obrecht

This is something that has opened a lot of people's eyes. There should be Red Cross resources right there in those communities. But it goes both ways. This is a great lesson that should be learned by everyone, not just the Red Cross.

Bill Reynolds

With Guard and Reserve units, you can end up with a lot of people from one part of the country dying in one day, and that gets people's attention.

Lawrence Korb

We will be offering many classes at many times to accommodate people's schedules.

Trey Thibodeaux

The fact that it was a school holiday -- there were children on holidays and there could be more discoveries of dead children. It is really horrifying -- people's lives are nothing.

Colin Travertz

People's records are fair game. Let's just have a healthy debate about who is best.

Terri Hickey

The cost of health care is going up much faster than people's wages. Families are paying about (on average) $1,000 more now just for health care premiums than they were five years ago.

Andrew Altman

He snuffed out 10 people's lives who had done nothing.

Kevin Bright

How can we have an educated electorate if people aren't reading. This is a drive to get literature back in people's lives and have a public discussion on issues that are in this particular book.

Jeanne Johnson

Peace is a battle. Peace is never given freely, never acquired. Its conquest is the result of courage and of respect for others. It demands awareness and commitment from everyone. Peace is not the law imposed by the mighty, but that which is founded on equality and dignity of all peoples.

Chandrika Kumaratunga

We have seen, in just the brief time we have been doing this, positive results in people's lives.

John Hardy

This is more of a library thing. We're the people's university. The senior center is the recreation.

Jay Johnston

There is an institutional interest and ultimately a public interest in having these decisions documented. You can't have a government where everything is sort of done in people's heads.

Ronald Lee

We need to do what we can to spoil people's October plans.

Mark Hendrickson

The first question was a laundry list explanation of peoples' activities.

Jenni Allen

They use these games to create a fun atmosphere, but also to reach a consensus on people's wishes and needs.

Jim Pryor

The Iranian government's plan to create a global Islamic state is destroying our people's culture and values. So we fight back. But our aim is not just to bring freedom to Kurds, but to liberate all the peoples of Iran.

Akif Zagros

Democracy doesn't recognize east or west; democracy is simply people's will. Therefore, I do not acknowledge that there are various models of democracy; there is just democracy itself.

Shirin Ebadi

I do the people's work, and this is a democracy.

Bill Dwyer

We're looking to expand people's financial literacy. There's lots more people can do, if they only know about it.

Wally Donnelly

One means of sanity is to retain a hold on the natural world, ... Americans still have that chance, more than many peoples.

Wallace Stegner

Today, the biggest force everyone is dealing with is celebrity magazines. You're not competing with other people's numbers, you're competing with Brad and Angelina and babies.

Kate White

We're seeing some cases where people's homes are going for a lot cheaper than they thought that they would at auction.

Lauren Young

I see it as asking students to step out of their world and into another, not just to change these people's lives, but also to be affected by their lives.

Anna Ballan

The opportunity to have a day-to-day impact on people's lives. It's great having more control of my schedule, but I miss the opportunity to engage in making policies that affect people's lives.

David Magnani

Censor: A self-appointed snoop hound who sticks his nose in other people's business.

Bennett Cerf

Rather than justifying the use of excessive force, the government should be ensuring that the police and army act within the law to protect people's lives.

Purna Sen

We are deeply touched and thankful to all those who came to pay their respects. It was a true people's funeral, the funeral of a national leader.

Marko Milosevic

This is just an act of solidarity between two peoples who are brothers.

Ruben Aguilar

Just as philosophy is the study of other people's misconceptions, so history is the study of other people's mistakes.

Phillip Guedala

Instead of just anecdotes and stories that raise people's anxieties, I think it's best to have real numbers. And now we have those.

William Mosher

She was luminous, and it brought the house down. She broke peoples' hearts. And it was all about a women of strength and courage.

Bonnie Monte

Someone should be ashamed and it is not us. I'm very bitter, I really didn't believe (this would happen) with two peoples who are proud of their spirit of fair play.

Gianluigi Buffon

It's a hard day for me. But it's good to get her story back into the public and refresh people's memories. Maybe it'll make a difference.

Christine Kullorn

It's neutral in people's mind. Every person I've ever met from Iowa had this neutral attitude toward it.

Dale Maharidge

The expression on people's faces, that's how they react, that's what they both thought was funny.

Charlene Summers

He has an uncanny way to close out the world. His modus operandi is probably going to help him get through this better than most people's capabilities.

Phil Mcnichol

If you write music that is touching enough, you will win people's admiration despite your limitation in technical respects.

Peter Kam

The Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army see no reason to declare a ceasefire this Christmas and New Year.

Gregorio Rosal

It's well worth people's time to spend a few hours and see the latest -- for today or ideas for the future.

Dan Eiken

Our army is the people's army that is under the absolute leadership of the party.

Jiang Zemin

We're not only competing for people's money, we're competing for share of pocket. You're only going to carry so many devices, and obviously you're not going to give up your mobile phone.

Jim Merrick

It gives us a symbol of credibility that they had not really given us. It pushed us up a notch in a lot of people's thinking.

Deborah Harry

We will join people from around the world in fighting the ownership of peoples.

Vicky Holt Takamine

The mutual-beneficial cooperation between China and Brazil and their joint efforts in seeking common prosperity will not only benefit the interests of the two peoples but also have a profound impact on the development of Asia and the Latin America.

Li Changchun

I think it is important to emphasize that Montana's economy has been growing at an above-average rate compared to the rest of the nation for most of the last decade, so people's perception of the Montana economy as failing is distorted.

Thomas Power

I understand it's my role to realize people's dreams.

Ayumi Hamasaki

As the cost of gasoline continues to remain high, you're going to get pressure on people's choices...and the retail numbers that we saw after Thanksgiving weren't bad, but they weren't good.

Bernie Myszkowski

It's great to have other people's help. Then the music gets heard. There's a lot more commercial support for that now.

Madeleine Peyroux

I guess it's just a cycle in people's lives. They just gotta prove they can do something.

Larry Beckwith

You could see he had an edge to his game. I liked his grit, the way he got in people's faces. Nothing has changed. We could see this kid was a bit of a mean bastard. He makes you pay a price.

Chris Mccarthy

People's thoughts should never be the subject of a criminal prosecution.

Paul Gianelli

It's about seeing him, touching him, touching the hem of his garment. In those documentaries, [for some people] Elvis brings more meaning into people's lives than Jesus [does].

Stephan Prock

I'd rather have happiness than money. People ask for it. Sometimes when I don't have it. I make other people's problems my problem because they want me to; they ask me to.

Brenda Fassie

There is an awareness of the program. We think it is human nature. In the month of March, it's probably not on people's minds yet.

Warren May

Some observers have said they found irregularities on election day -- like the electoral centers being based in people's homes, in chiefs' homes rather than in neutral places like schools or fields.

Jeff Koinange

We are advocating for people to return, but we are walking a tightrope. We're concerned for people's safety.

Sakura Kone

Peoples' reactions were great.

Brian Dawkins

It's a gift to be able to see what goes on in other people's lives. It's wonderful to be a part of this. We're just a vehicle.

Donna Lajoie

If we all tried to make other people's paths easy, our own feet would have a smooth even place to walk on.

Myrtle Reed

We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us.

Virginia Satir

Friday afternoon is usually not the best time to get people's attention.

Michael Arcuri

Only Wali can do this, touching peoples lives. I see the body's gone, but the spirit lives on. Every day, he was a hero.

Johnny Williams

I actually think we made it better without succumbing to other people's idea about what would make it better. Everybody's happy now. We're a big happy family.

Terry Gilliam

She just talked to you, always encouraging you. She always worried about other people's problems.

Shelley Johnson

The general view of the factions of the People's Consultative Assembly can be said to reflect the aspirations of the people.

Amien Rais

As restoration projects go, this one has gotten a lot of people's attention internationally.

Kevin Erwin

My mom is the most famous thing about my video blog. Everyone likes moms. People enjoy watching people's family.

Schlomo Rabinowitz

And to be here as the man I am now is just a testimony to what God can do in people's lives.

Travis Todd

We refer to them as the heart of the hospice. They all make a difference in people's lives.

John Grady

The key to the Four-Step Process is in changing people's perceptions.

Gary Coxe

People's reaction to opera the first time they hear it is extreme, ... They either love it or they hate it. If they love it, they will always love it. If they don't, they may learn to love it, but it will never become part of their soul.

Richard Gere

I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine.

Fritz Perls

People's prayers are being answered.

Alma O'neill

It's a beginner grade and is definitely in some people's budget.

Randy Hall

Tourism dollars over people's safety. We all work on an island that thrives on tourism dollars. I'm in the tourism industry myself, but at what cost?

Lisa Kennedy

We don't charge to come here because we want it to be a people's place.

Charlie Mars

The numbers are pretty staggering. The implications for the country are huge in terms of the financial cost and the toll on people's health.

Michael Earls

I'm OK with my own emotions, but other people's emotions just put me on the floor.

Ron Reagan

We're a people's band. We like to drink beer, chase members of the opposite sex and enjoy rock and roll. Just the same as our audience!

Lee Stone

I haven't made it to be a celebrity dancer, but I am touching people's lives.

Haleema Ford

It kind of opened up people's minds to different things. People are learning what different materials do and are experimenting more.

James Richardson

This is the time of year finances are on people's mind. And this is the time to think about that and make small changes.

Kathy Anderson

Fundamentally the kiwi dollar is in a lot of trouble and when you get comments like that, it just sparks people's interest again.

Geoff Kendrick

That (score) wasn't any indication of the game. We did a good job of getting the ball in the right people's hands in the end. Then they did what they do (best). Marquis had a heck of a game.

Murray Johnson

The reforms proposal of the 14-party opposition alliance has turned into people's demand. Hopefully we will force the government to meet the demands.

Sheikh Hasina

The final measure of the greatness of all peoples is the amount and standard of the literature and all they have produced. The world does not know that a people is great until that people produces great literature and art.

James Weldon Johnson

It's been on people's minds that it might be a red October, which would be fairly typical.

Som Dasgupta

[This history alone might cause concern, but not necessarily disqualify Padilla.] I personally don't know anyone who has not been in counseling, ... Plus, taking care of other people's children can be very stressful.

Janet Cook

All I'm trying to do is make people aware because most don't even think of this. And it does affect people's health, no doubt about it.

Gene Shinn

Now we have decided to go back (to parliament) for presenting people's demands as we don't want to give the government and ruling BNP a chance to ignore them any more.

Sheikh Hasina

If the ministers fail to act on what is an unmistakable demand from the world's peoples, they could well this week have set in train the beginning of the end of the WTO.

Bill Jordan

The family is definitely overwhelmed, not just by people's generosity, but by their caring.

Noreen Chrysler

The cry of the Little Peoples goes up to God in vain, / For the world is given over to the cruel sons of Cain.

Richard Le Gallienne

It's gotten into people's minds they should give back.

John Moffitt

A lot of these people's families have disowned them because of the mental illness. The centers are their families.

Lee Woodland

People's emotions are very frayed, ... And returning citizens will often be more irritable dealing with their own issues. People coming back will be under more pressure more stress.

Howard Osofsky

Weather makes a huge impact on people's daily lives, so it's important for us to provide Accuweather information around the clock.

Rebecca Campbell

If some peoples pretend that history or geography gives them the right to subjugate other races, nations, or peoples, there can be no peace.

Ludwig Von Mises

Film is fragmented and gets into lots of other people's hands. There are a lot of pleasures that theatre gives me. You get to perform uninterrupted.

Willem Dafoe

People's lives are freer and happier.

Liu Qi

We hope the confusion doesn't discourage people's faith in the University Board of elections.

Sara Anderson

People's attitudes about sex aren't healthy anywhere, except maybe in those tribes where they go around naked.

Asia Argento

The response has been incredible. The idea just seems to have caught people's imagination.

Alex Tew

The people I represent do not want medals. They just want to get on with their lives I mean these guys saved people's lives, hundreds and hundreds of lives. A few lives might have been lost, but then there was a war on here.

Willy Carlin

I'm just glad we had the chance to go down there and be a part of this. Day to day we impact people's lives but we're not as sure of the impact as we were down there. The smallest things we could do had such a dramatic impact in their lives. It's not too often you have the opportunity to affect people like that.

Justin Matesic

We celebrate people's memories here. We acknowledge death through the celebration of people's lives.

Ben Jaffe

We're going to make progress on the people's business, and if [Republicans] choose to marry themselves up with Ken Starr, that's their business.

Rahm Emanuel

It really points out to government and hospital administrators that it's not all about financing. It's about people's lives, and it's the right thing to do.

Dr. Maurizio Miglietta

There is such a fear in people's minds.

Imad Lefta

Let us have no care, but be glad of the approaching springtime of the peoples. Let us have no fear of the movement into the open.

Ludwig Borne

With this letter, the government has bowed to the people's demand for holding fair elections.

Abdul Jalil

We're really behind the curve on this. I think there's merit to these ideas. The whole thing is drawing people's attention to money and politics.

Rich Robinson